The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, September 16, 1809, Image 3

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NON-INTERGOURSfc VROK TKC MERCANTILE ADVERTm. ■’ Ship uttoer*, ^cD't and shipp'is oi goods, be on your guard. as many people entertain in- - coi rcct opinions of the- extent ot the present no>••iiitcicourse law. The conditions of the . . buttd required at ■ bo^custom-house under the . March law and June law are very different. Tlit 1 cMiliww^ot tbe bonds under the March 1.i\v. were, thtt the ship should not. when lea*-, ini' ii.e port, proceed to4i prohibited port, nor be concerned during the voyage with a prohi bited pint ; that the cargo should not be put on * any a. her vessel, but to be landed at a 4m ■SAVANNAH, Saturday Evening, Sept. 16, 1809. The mail cf last night has brought accounts contradicting all the rumours of battlrs which have been propagated for near a month past, and turned the tables completely. Instead of the French, it is now said that the Austrians are defeated. According to these, a battle commenced on the banks of the Danube, on the 2d of July, which lasted four days success ively, and terminated in the loss of60,000 men to the Austrians. The archduke Charles,' with p.,-i milted |xwt, and a certificate thereof return- j only 40,000 i f hisarmy, had fled into Bohemia; of Mr. Jefferson be cod- mothy Pickering vJ wit hin a limited time. The efore, a vessel j a cessation of hostilities, for four -weeks, had vertediuTo drum-sticks, stripped of its hide proceeding to a permitted poit, la»di>-g her ; been agrfeed upon; and Bonaparte had poi- ctqgo,and procuring a certificaieteatisfie* the ! scssed himself of ali the strong holds in Au- conditions of those bonds ; as *tbe United S’a'es courts have often decided, in caves for sailors* wages, kc. that a voyage was, from the loading a cargo at one port,- until it was dis- j . charged at another. But the conditions of the - bonds required under the June law- are, that the ves cl shall riot proceed to, or trade with a pro- . hiiiiied po<t (without any limitation.-) So that *. landing. a cargo is not necessary. Our vessels may sail from the United States, deliver their cargoes on board other ships, or proceed-to pc. mined ports, and there land their cargoes, and •eiuro home, or proceed to other permit* '.ted ports, without violating the bonds ; but the - •'|a weasels cannot proceed >o ;« prohibited port,, doting the continuance of the iron-intercourse - law, without violating the bond required at .the custom-house under the -June law. Should any . vessel that cleared for a-port in the United S; a'cs.proceed fur a p ohibited port, the vessel . and caigo would be forfeited, and the.dune; . and agent (as well as each'Shipper), would in cur the penalty .of double the value of-vessel arid cargo; sol hat ship merchants oqght to bi . careful how they ship by vessels intending to g- , oil in that way wi nout bonds, and not rely bo the.false idea that the ship and cargo, together j .with her owiie, and commander, are only liable: £ Xor, ,1 repeat it, that each ship, would incur u penalty of double the vttlue of vessel and cat go. whether-the vessel be seizetlor not. A FRIEND TO COMMERCE. , FROM THE HARTFOROMERCURT. The following historical extract, from the European Magazine, for. June. 1798,- is entitled to me attention of our government and may furnish a useful precedent for the honorable. D. >1. .Crskinc. . , . . , . EXTRACT. . “In the time of James the first, a match was proposed by the Spanish ambassador for. one of the daughters of-his court- with prince H.nry. Salisbury, who was a most accurate statesman, , .saw, some kind of juggle in this business, and w, t liout applying to i he ambassador on t he spot .fui an explanation, wrote-to the duke of Farnia, prime minister pf Spain, in such a manner as d ew front him a confession that theie never was any stjrious intention in the business. Salisbury, ’riot satisfied with this, and judging that the am- b tssadoi was only made, a tool of by his court, summoned him to full council,- and there to.d biur, *- Hshud abused the knig-undsttrtc about . «treaty lor marriage'which he had no commis sion for, and that,, therefor, he was liable to be pytished by the laws of-our kingdom ; for,** vud ac, when an ambassador ■ doth abuse a stute by their master’s comnii-siun, ibeu ihe servant is fiee; but without commission, wtis . culpable aad liable to ue punished by the law| pf that state, as being disavowed to bV a servant . to the king lus masie<The ambassador, thunderstruck at ius discoui se, alter some pause '< said,** As he did not understand he cause of fits being sumiuoned, lie was therefore.unprepa- . ied to give any answci ; but on Monday he . would come again, and give in his answer.” * % « On Monday he came and thus delivered himself—-“ My soul is n»y -Gun's ; my life my . master’s; ray reputation my own—1 will no. fijirfeit the first and last to preset vc the second.” , |(j then laid down his commission,.and letters A pf instruction,.under the king’s own Iwrid.j'uus preserving the dignity of his character, though . afterwards,disgi-uctd by bis own courts” General S*i TB--*-In the city of-Bahimore and gcnerally.ihtoughoui the state of Maryland, the enemies of general Smith have* put in roo- ’ . tfon every Ungenerous tale and every fidsebbod ; which can be hatched-up by the pool-blooded malignity of.the most rancorous hate; it is due to tlus worthy gentienian-w-tathei ‘flexible f patriotism of the soldier and statesman—«o the T , fbe of domestic traitors and foreign incendiaries Messrs. Everitt Ic Evans—I observed in yoiir paper of Thursday, two tickets Jor members of the state legislature, and though both are good neither of them exactly suit me ; but out of the two 1*11 make one, which, with defisrebce to public opinion, I beg leave to submit : ' Senator, Francis Courvoisie, Representatives, Mosks Si: eft all. Two- mas Telfair, and Alfred Cuthbeht. ii Should this ticket succeed, It will gratify, be side many republicans, A Citizen. A PAIR OF TOASTS. /ire, fed. demo. ro» “* May the shin-bones May the back of Ti- stna. * ", - —- , This inte’ligencc has been received at Bal timore, by a vessel wbicb brings much the latest accounts from the continent of Europe ;! but, ’ resting on verbal authority, it requires * confirmation. It is to be -regretted^ however, that the informant did nofbring the paper con taining the bulletin which mentioned it. Should it prove true, , and Miv Jackson is possessed of a double set of instructions, as Is supposed by. many since his dispatches by way of Halifax have been beard of, fee will now have to resort to the mildest of theiri. - • >• VERY LATE AWlMP.ORTAm’;' [% Baltimore, September 5, Last evening arrived at this poit the brig In ca, Meztck, in 33 days from the island of *ylt, Denmark, which place he left bn the' 36th July, ive have been favored with a file of Copenha gen papers down to th e I Sib July, from which we shall give translations to-morrow Captain Mczick informs that he had read the French bulletin' giving an account of a very se vere engagement between the emperor Napo leon and the archduke Charles. The French Crossed rbe Da ube on three bridges which were pi eviousiy completed, and commenced the engagement on the second cf Juty. The battle continued four days successively. The arch duke Charles was badly wounded, and fled with 40.000 men into Bohemia, leaving 60.000 Ads- trians on the field of battle. The French stated their own loss to be com paratively trifling. On tlie-8th July, an armistice was concluded for four weeks, and Bonaparte was in possession of all the strongholds of Austria. It was not known where the emperor of Austria was. The Russians occupied a greati part ot Gallacia, but bad not formed a junction with the French. A few English ships of war with 300 troops- on board, took possession of Cuxhaven the same day the battle commenced between the French and Austrians, and as there was no French troops in the neighborhood, were still, in possession, from Whence they carried on a great smuggling trade withthe continent. The captain had-not heard any thing of the grand English expedition sailing, or its destina tion. The Danish government appears very friend ly towards American vessels arriving safely in to Danish ports, btn •tlwfepriyat6ePs'''taSJ' e»$ •y American vessel they come across, Whether bound to Danish ports or not. Their priva teersmen, in conjunction with corrupt judges, are complete pirates, over whom the go vein- men t exercises very little control. These pri vateers generally mount from one to four guns, and with a small force are easily resisted: Out of 100 American vessels, so called, ar- Vivtng in Russia, 98 had been condemned. The Inca Sidled from this port immediately after the raising of the embargo and arrived at Tonntngeo the begining oi May, from whence she proceeded to Sy Ic. In consequence of raising ihi buoys only two Americans arrived safe at Tonningen without getting ashore, and severat were lost. The Evening before last. the. British frigate I.'Africaine, with Mr. Jackson on boat'd, lying a lutle below the mouth of the Severn hailed the Inca, to know if she was a privateer, and iietng answered in the negative, made no iur- ther inquiry. Copenhagen, and indeed the whole island of Zenlai>d. is blickaded by the British. - A fleet of about 250 sail (among them 1 i sail of Americans With cargoes, from Riga) were waiting wind at Gottenburgh the 17 ih June, to sail under convoy. Hemp and-other goods have lately advanced in price, in Russia. be . stripped of its hide, to tai>eat the triumph of furnish a drum-head federalism throughout for the purpose of the United States.” drumming all tones ,3 • out of the republic, to the tune of thei?o,£ar*4- ' ' . : . ■ {march. ' •'This toast was lately drank at a federal dirnier j n a western, state; ami 1 will thank you to publish my sentiment along with it, by wajr.of a set-off. -• An Old Republican. WSSanDpTiON. On MONDAY NEXT, 18th inst. Will be told before our Store, near tie JLxdmtge, 25 bags and four hogsheads Coffee 20 barrels Muscovado Sugar ,r» * i PORT OF SAVANNAH, i The cutter Gallatin and sloop Republican, Brown, both for Charleston, returned last eve ning after having put to sea. The former with the loas of her foretop-mast; , JFhfcehip Elixa-Aun, Edgar, for New-York, #e!flt dut toe day before yesterday, atid in at tempting to make in again, Is supposed to have dropped southwardly. J j s . New-York, September 4. ; Arrived, ship Susan, Stephens, 51 days froth Dubliti’. Left at Dublin, July 12ih,brigTritbn, Dcflliver, For New-York the 16th; ship Mi- tveiva, Stevens, Wtscasset, for do. July 18*b ; bri^ Orient, Hunter, for do! ships Geoige, Phelps ; William, Marshall.; and Margaret, Collins, sail for New-York ; schooner Eunice, Wallis, of Boston ; ship Olive Branch, Was son, of Kennebunk ; brig Shepperdess, Hay, of WiScasset, foi* New-York ; ship Aiiantic, Smithwick, from Damlescotta. , , spoke ship Mercury/of Wiscasset, bound to Dublin. * . Also, ship Vermont, Nicholi, in 53 days from Rotterdam? Left theie JbK 6ih. the ship Go vernor S^rfifig, of Boston, and brig Moses-Gill, of New-York. The Verrnotilcleaied previous .to the first Of July. Markets low for Ameri can produce July 14 lat. 47. 27. long. 19 2 hogsheads loaf dp. - 10 barrels do. do. 5 chests Hytoo Tea ' 25 Boxes Soap sf 25 do. Candles 5 do. white Sugar 10 kegs Gunpowder 20 boxes negro Pipe! ' 2 cases Hats 14 kegs Nails . 1500 lbs. Bacon 40 Barrels Flour 20 pieces Colton Bagging Rum in hogsheads a? With a variety of DRY GOODS* MlHftffiffr bi Calicoes, Madrass Handkerchiefs* Cotton Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs, Cotto*lfc*e from No. 1 to 5, Ginghams, Flannels, Checks, Black Cambrics, fcc. . ■' w*».' ,v.. Also, four HORSES.. ; Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. . • - n ‘ 1 Minis fi? ^enrj' attct'rs.. Notice. Since advertising Fire-Wood fdt* Sale at four dollars and seventy-five cents per cord, deliver ed, I have been debarred from taping it oh the public wharf,bvthe City-Marshal, aiid obliged to pay wharfage; frnn which circum stance, wood cannot be expected at less than Five Dollars per cord; delivered. : . v - H. Tucker.- • September iG—ill Cordrieh h The citizens of Chatham county are inform ed that the subscriber is a candidate for the Coroner’s Office at the ensuing tlection. Hd solicits their suffrages, and, if,elected, will per form the duties thereof with strictness, punc- % ****■»&« September 16^101 Citizens/, ,The duties of Clerk of the Superior & Inferior Courts of Chatham county, having devolved, in a considerable degree, on the underwritten* IK _ for seven months past, and trading, from appro- 28.'spoke khoOtrar Darid. GelsiJn, of New-1 bation too flattering for him to mention, that lie York, from Lisbon for Russia r 28ih. lat.43 10. f i' ^i i • » * 1 ]% I* j . if i find correct (Iiscliiu cc* lie is cmoolQFnEu to sup* l? n S* ^ s P°ke ship Ad> tana, Polland; of ■ | >ress the diffidence -which be feels iu appt oafch- Danbury, 24 davs from Charleston ; 30th, lat.i ing the public cyfe, and announces himself A cail- 44 30. long. - 44. 17. spoke brig Hunter,, off didate, tor those offices, most' respectfully sd- Portsmouth, 22 days from Norfolk, for Fal-| licitTng your suffrage^ at the ensuing election, month ; August 2d, lat. 45.17. loi g 45 spoke j ship six Sisters, Hill, of New-Yo:k- 16 days • from Norfolk for Loudon; 6.h, lat. 44. 4*7. • long. 49 spoke ship Marsh and Abigail,- of Portsmouth, 13 days from Charleston fiir Greenock ; 10th, lat. 42 30. long. 54 Spoke ship Caroline, Brown, 10 days from New-Ymk for Liverpool'; next day, spoke brig Stephen, from New-York, for St. Sebasti&na; 16th, lat. . -j. ;qciWlto»iwg, tom SSvahntfYToFTLondor^ feavThg bu- rie$ one man the day before and one sick ; 21, lat ’30^45. long. 75 spoke schooner Nancy Frances, of Georgetown, 3 days from Kenne bunk for Antigua. Ship Alknoniac, Brom,, In^l .dajs from . ^ LaLft a, «, United St« M 'if Cork. Left there, July 12, ship Mana, Davis, of doubts exist as to these facts, .the offices^ are iflen. of public* and at all times open for the instift f \ti New-York, just arrived, ship Rose, Gr New-I-ondon ; tjnd others before reported. On Saturday last was boarded by the Pompey, of 74 guns, lord Cochrane, in company with a sloop' of war, from Martinique, for Halifax--- August 34, lat. 41 34. long. 65. 12. spoke brig Manchester, White, 64 hours from Boston for Africa. Savannah Musical Society. The members are requested to meet THIS EVENING, at half past seven o’clock, at the Court-house. By order of the President, Henry W. Oukman, sec’ry. September 16. Stopped From a negro boy, a BANK NOTE, suppo sed to be stolen. Whoever may give the des cription ot it will get it by applying to -• < . J. J. & F. Blanchard. September 16—-111 Just received, jSy the ship Charles, and for sale at. ; X. J. &F. BLANCHARD’S, ; Netting needles, long lawn^ brown linen j.Turkey red yam, white flax thread, No. 6 to 22 ( Ii will be seen by ihe ship news given this —to repel, even a; this distance, the i istdious ‘ day* from a New-York piiper pf the 4>h instant, calumnies with which he is assailed in his na- that several vessels with valuable cargoes, have live sta’e. The prints of this city who act w th ’ returned from Holland. This substantiates the the British Pickering Party, industriously sieee fact that our vessels are weU received there. •n,und publish these daily slanders which are o ; , issued agairist the fame and iiuegrity of the J Washinotoh Citr, September 6. : \ P-Uto ««•»?« c—.bo - 1 confidence oF his cauntrymen-^tbe barbed the Treasury have retunied to the raty. PiBk Cambric andsarsiiet S shafts of their rnafice fall harmless at his feet* Mr. Esktne, British minister, arrived herb Half embroidered handkerchiefs end in proportion to hi? persecution, he is the on Monday morning. A handsome assortment of thread laces more exalted in the opinion of the true Amen- Mr. Jackson, the British envoy, has arrived: Black and colored sewing silk man. May his life and useful services be long at A mapolis. i c Spider net, white tiffany fans continued to his country, atd Ws greaicst pride The shin Resource captain Nicholas, sailed WJntesilk ribbons, curtain fringes he, ro deserve the roalevoleuce of its enemies, from the Eastern Branch yesterday, with naval Hairbrushes, bonnet-paper m^Lostox ficficr. stories, far Alters. And many otiier articles. ‘ September 16. p- -111 Meters Evfritt & Evaxs, On perusiog tbe comments of votir corres- JRkto?t Courteous-—Last St. Patrick’s day a number of jicoplc being assembled after pravers in a srnall viilage in the couu'y of Sli go,'(Ireland) a. British recruiting officer be- gan to harangUe to the countiy lads, and c d in among other fine things to! listed in his majesty’s service, Utey woottMtsve j tectiftr. Hutchinson who laiely took biggadf live hipnifiess of going to Portugal, and thence I off, after having hadihe lenity of gaoi-fimits -■'* extended not the owner of ihe brig Eliz. & -Mary. He was' only a shipper, in company with Grimshaw and Mus'grove ; i-t-f-v.-. —eni in the brig'ro Liyerpo°l For sale, John G; Holcombe. September 16.*i—111 - -'— - • ■ a , " 1 . ~ - Clerk’s Office, Chatham County, SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR COURTS.' to THE ELECTORS OF SAID fa.OUXTY, . Gentlemen—On the second day of Ma^efi; 1807, you intrusted to my care and manage ment the above offices; since which time I aril conscious of having discharged the ’ duties thereof most sacredly, ahS with unabated as siduity. Neither labor nor funds have been spared to place the said offices in the most res pectable and correct situation possible; nor do 1 fear a comparison with ally others of thd public* and at all times open for the insjfc of any man, or set of tnen, to examine atA, > port thereon. And altho’ I have doubts wh'tftR- er the alteration and amendment of the tenth, section of the third article of the constitution can (in justice arid good faith) affect an officer elected under the constitution as it formerly was, (during good behavior) yet, as it seems to be so considered, and a» other gentlemen have offered as candidates, longer silence on part might operate to my prejudice. I there fore declare myself a candidate for continu ance in the offices, aforesaid, and solicit your votes in my favor on the 17th day of Octdbbri ensuing, the day appointed by law for election of sheriff and other county officers. Your obliged friend and servant, . . Job T. Bolles, c. s. St i. c. c. c> September 14—-110 To the Electors of Chatbsuh county; J7* Tlte subscriber respectfully informs hiri friends, and the electors of.Chatham couhty iri general, that he intends to bri a candidate ;at tite ensuing election in October next, for th'e office of clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts. Should be be elected, he hopes his assiduity and punctuality in performing the du ties assigned him, will meet with their warm* est approbation. _ .... G; F. Triebnen - September 12.—^109 ' - - The subscriber informs the electors of Chatham County, that he is a candi date at the ensuing election for CLERK of the SUPERIOR and INFERIOR COURTS. John Habersham. - September 12^-169 ^ r Pendent upon the affidavit of Henry Thomas i respecting the bfig S?Hy-Atm, which appear- ! tc country jaUs, and c d in yonr last paper, aa error has crept inr nair-e °tthei told them, ii they en-j'which you will please have the goodness to Sf "hl° w » 011 a credit rvics, they would have rectify. Hutchinsoj who lately wXtmnself “dorsers. A GOLD TUBE; containing a pan and st. pencil-holder of the same metal. The finder I by delivering the same at this office, will re ceive a suitable reward. Goldsmiths are re quested te stop it, if it should be . offered for ™ “ u,,ocw i sate by any suspicious-person; whereby they be ^ ro, ^ 8 /r°”! ava f na i’ will be entitled to the same * to Soairi, to assist in building the churches and erecting the abacs, that had been -demolished by tite shocking, abominable Frenchmen. An cU man stepped Up to hiri and said. *« upon ... own soul, Mr..officer, -I wish you*d give us iearc tc rebuild cun own churches firs*, lha’ were demolished by the English, and ty- liave u« bearing rotes ibis way under the rah svtlh no 01 her covering over the .priest at th; •itar thjn that old winnow .sheet.” The se gepaii walUd vff whbaut a reesait.^Jnshpaf county, by the name of the Kirkland tract. It will be of twelve months for notes Apply on the premises, to James Williams^ September 16. —*c • For sale, A valuable TR A.CT of LAND, in the cotlri- ihe last of whom _ Otie Charles- o? New-York, was the owi>e r of - ty of Bryan, situated near Hardwick, ‘cbnt^in- • heb-ig ; at least he was so considered, andving Awn -tfiunrired and seventy acres.'^ The "f Savannah in said kig under this impres- above is calculated for the cultivation of Rfce en. NO TORY- - jot Cotton, and will be disposed ot upoh liberal ■UMHij .terms. Apply to a g -ai's No. IV. is -eceived, and shall be ov uutwted u» as curly us in our power. C July 29—20 Mciiris Millefi September 9——l—-;J08 Administrator^ sale. Oh the 26fh flay of September next, Will be sold at the usual time and plate, in this city, under an order of the honorable Inferi or Court of Chatham coiuity, tiie follovrihg pro perty, belonging to the Me John Habersham, deceased :—Three FARM LOTS, Nos. 6, 9 and 20, in the firet ^Tything, Anson \\ r ard, in the county aforesaid, for the benefit of thefceirst of said estate. Joseph Habersham, '• v' »Administrator of John Hubcreham, det JulyT8—j—85