The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, August 14, 1810, Image 2

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■ » • ‘4- lodge. The Members «of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, and the respective'Lodg- fS^.by their prefer rep resentatives, .are. hereby notified to attend at the Lodge dioom tn the Fila ture, he first Satur day in SepteTjfl>er jiext, at VO o’clock a. M. be ing the Grand Quarterly Communication. By order of the rt. ivorehififul G. M. D. D. Williams, grand, scc'ry. ' - August 14——97 m *rom THE RICHMOND ENquiBER. Wait YAZOO FRAUD. “The present ca-se presents a monstrous anomaly, to which' the ordii a y and narrow maxims of municipal jurisprudence ought net, arid canngt, be applied. It is from great first principles!, ro which the patriots of Georgia so gloriously appealed, that. we must look for aid in such extiemiy. Yds," extreme cases, like this, call for extreme remedies. r' White Flint Corn. ^ -ft srnafbquantitv of White Flint Corn, for Xftle by . WILLIAMSON & COWLING August 142$*—97 fiance j knife, pies, which arecornmea to ottr Free institntions, or by the particular provisions of the consti tution of the United States, from passing a law, •whereby the estat'eof the plant iff in the premi. sesfso purchased, could be constitutionally and legally impaired and rendered null and void.” In fact, (says Mr, Peck) it will appear from the opinion of the court, that u all the /joints in controversy have been decided in favor of the Georgia grants* it tan scarcely then remain a question with those gentlemen who wish to make purchases, whether it will hot be prudent to withhold such purchases until they . ; , "f , shaH more fully understand the mem of a case, ce to palliatives, and it-is only from the - J . . ,. , • A .. .. 3 in which so much oretudice and mtsreDresen- (h ;, y ,uc 'in which so much prejudice and n.isrepresen- or tne rt-ual cautery, that you can ex- : • , Drei , ai J d : J or uutil circU(T1 s,ances ; , V Z’r " w 'if i tation have prevailed ; or until circumstances i *f m j ed States to give those good titles which they at ft TH required by law: (ton. Attomics and.judges do net decide the fate of empires ” ** •' j, Such were the word3 of Mr. Joip Randolph on the fl for of the house of repreimtaiives the 29th -January, 1805— and mosi wondeefu tell,'(if aught could be wohdei fnl in the re- olutions of such ‘a genius) the sujttbme court. lti/ensi of Chatham County, • ipy»elf a.Candidate for CLEKK O : **£*££% August 14—— w — -97. Clerk of the Market. cisions, and yet the thunders of Mn Randolph’s indignation sleep 1 On one occasion only, (as far-as my memory extends) has hi ventured to touch on this subject, in congress-f-end certain The' Subscriber., respectfully informs his’ ly there were then no marks/of iiSignation or friends arid the public, that he will be : f ear . He Can shoot hia arrows at the president ensuing didate for. clcrk-oliho mark-t ax iho election, and solicitsitheir suffrages. • John P. Oates. August 9-—.95 . % To the Public. - offer as a Candidate for CLERK OF THE RKET. If elected, will endeavor to dis- ;harge the duty thereof. John Dillon. August 9—9J me. To be Let, Until the first-of January next, The LOT and BUILDINGS in West. •Broad-street, lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Jffoncs, carpenter, deceased. The,lot is a dou ble one, and very pleasantly situated. On the. premises are a very good Dwelling House, of three rooms on the first floor, and a garret f room above ; a Ki'chen, with the necessary qut-houses; a carpenter’s shop, a range of Stables, and a Garden and comfortable yard. It will be either let or sold, the lease of the ipresebt proprietor expiring on the first of Jan uary next. For further particulars apply to the printer. August 14—97 ** 1 ' " IB—"--* \ " of the United States—but^the.cKlei justice of the Unfced States, it seems, Is an object too sa- • cred to attack. What is really astonishitj^is, that so little notice has been publicly taken of the decision ■ of the supreme court. «Tlie press seems to have slept, amidst the ‘perils .ofrttttr country. But those perils are no danger speculative or distant—events are now Rapidly apptoaching ; when ignorance ceases be innoct' ce and apathy becomes a crime. &Mark the Iqssotfs of experience. f Onthe very Instant (h|t the opirnoa > o£;(he supreme court was proclaimed in Boslon&tbe Yaz io speculators were on tip-toe. Notice was given in the papers, that a ing was to be held on^a cenain day and in 5 ton, by all the Yazoo.clatmants, with tie ■ of taking advantage of the opinion of the c The divan assembled—and a committee 'appointed to draft oat.the best course of pro-' ceeding. The report was riot published—be cause prudence, of course, suggested its con cealment. But from that moment to this,-the subject has been wrapt op in darkness—-one so- The Southern Stage Office, litary ray, however, for the firifttiihe, riaw^hoots from the gloom—and even this glimmers in such a medium, as is not very likely to attract much of the public attention. "It is not touch- _ I f 1 • — SAVANNAH, ed in the form of a proctemati to against the United State atjoh, of a manifes- a resolution -cf the Y'axrio ofa ’law, ! or eyetr hoaid—I ■but' in Ahe Is now kept at the Bar-Room of Mr. GpnnV more modest guise of an advet risementy and Tavern,,on the Buy, where those interesied from a private indivrdual. This advertisemetit, will please to apply; j 13, however, a real maoiiestqagainsHhe rights fQ^ No Seats can be secured uhtil the fare . of ‘he United States. And that individual, is Mr. John Peck, the dough'j dsfendantlti the suit before the supreme court. 'be first paid. Those travelling farthest on the line, to have, a preference.' Sams .in the Nati The freight of parcels and packages of Goods ! This advertisement g inust tie patfl previous to tnelr being forn-tnclca. f _»r,U Tam cni-ry 't»i see Letters cannot be received nor delivered at • apnears in such a resp'eSeiabie' paper, the Stage-t)ffice, nor by the Stage Drive' - , with- , one qualm of conscience, one watting So two miles of any.Post-Office, according, td ““ law. DUNHAM & SHEARER, August 7—tA—94 Contractors- Stolen DM’ Last night, from on board the sloop Delight, lfelf a dozen silver TABLE SPOONS, mark ed W. -F. in cypher ; and half a dozen silver TE A SPOONS, marked J. C. Should the said articles be offered for sale, it is requested they will be stopped, and information given to the subscriber, or to the printer here f. A reasonable reward will be given for re turning them. ' Jonathan Cooper. July 28- 90 .- Stolen, On or about the 12th instant, a SILVER "WATCH,capped and jewelled, with.a hand some Gold’Seal and Key'attached to it by a black, ribbon, London made ; makers name, Clarke, No.*725. She has a bruise in the case, ^.occasioned by a fall, that prevents her from going. Should the same be offered for sale, all persons are requested to stop the same, and by delivering her at this office shall be hadsomely rewarded. A further reward of ten dollars for the detection of the thief Joseph Mecomb. July 24-88 m Lost,. A day or fwo since, in or near Broughtmr- street, the first volume of YOUNG’S WORKS. The finder will He suitably rewarded by leav ing it at this office’, or he may call for the re maining volumes at the same place, as, with out it the set is broke. August 11—96 03* Lost, i On Wednesday evening last; between John- ston’s-square and the Bay, a Pearl BREAST PIN, engraved on the back C H. The finder, to' reuse us, or one protest agajqst urs pcKict- ples. From this paper, the printer* of certain papers in Georgia, Tennessee; . Kemijeky, North and Souib-Carolina, the MississipjjtWi^d O leans territories, are req'-’ested to copytifc “ Their bills shall be paid to their order by j^m Peck.” „ . 1... Friends of the country ! is it not awaken from the slumbers,in which you afe entranced i The ene uy is at your gates. >. A band of greedy speculate's, with corrupt, lion in their front, and (he semblance of juslicq. in their rear, are marching in triumph over the prostrate ruins of public virtue. They pro claim tons, that the supreme court of the Uni ted States is their friend and ally; that she United States are usurpers^ who are striving to rob them of their righ'ful possessions. Mil lions of acres are the prize of the Victors. Frignds of the United Sta'es—friends of pub lic virtue—will you sleep on—-and will you suf fer almost an empire—the whole Yazoo coun try—to recompense the fraud of rapacious spe culators ? This advertisement speaks for itself. It is addressed as a Cautionary Notice, “ to settlers a'nd alf persons contemplate g making purchas es of lands in the Mississippi territory, granted by the legislature of he sta e of Geo'gia,^by their act passed the 7th day of Jmua:y 1795 ” It 'ells them that the secretary of the treasury laid a report before congress on the 15th De cember last, comprising a letter from John Brahan, receiver of the public monies, in which •“he has endeavored to : diffu3e - the most erro neous impressions, relative to the title of those individuals, who claim uridertJiS.aforesaid act.” In this letter Mr. B- “thinks it expedient to have the authority of the secretary of the trea sury, to inform the settlers who may purchase present, under the judgment of the supreme judicial court, are-utterly unable to grant." Mr. P. winds up -this curious “ cautionary otice,” with subscribing himself “ one of the principal owners of lapd in the Mississippi ter ritory, under the grants of the state of Georgia, recorded in the office of the secretary of state of the Uniied States, and whose title has been adjudged Valid in the case aforesaid.” Reader 1 Such arejhe facts submitted to your notice—meditate their consequences More of this subject anon. well. 7R0M THE BOSTON PATRIOT- THE REMEMBRANCER. Nothing is more frail than the memory, es pecially when one is determined to forget.— That We may not forget out oldfriends, in the fervor of our recent gratitude to France, it may ,ot be amiss to republish the following. EXTRACT FROM THE MEMORIAL OP the MERCHANTS OF BOSTON. '\fCotdiePresiden\ of the United States, and the ffSengtnqnd the House of. Representatives of the Unit*jB%S!tate8 oj America, in Congress as- scmbleM^ -V “ 'nie autescrjbers, a committee of the mer chants of the lownof Boston, duly empowered for the purpose, rilspectfufiy ask leave to ad dress government cm.a subject highly interest ing to ihe'commet'ce arid prosperiry of the Uni ted States, and involving in its results^ a great pecuniary property, acquired, as they believe, by honest exertions in the prosecution of an open, fair and authorised trade. While your ■memoifalisl have witnessed. ,with mingled feelings of indignation towards the ptepetrators, and of commisseraiion for their unfortunate cburatymen> the insults and barbarities which the commerce of these states have sustained ftom the citizens 'of France and Spain, it is their object, in the present memo rial, to ‘Confi te their animadversions to the more alarming, because more numerous and extensive detensions and condemnations, - of American vessels by Grea 1 -Britain ; and to ad-ert to the prinafiles recently avowed, and •adofited by her courts relative to neutral trade, _in'ar ticlesofcql on i al J)r od u r in cl files, which 'iradmit^b or firaiiised ujioh in all the la which' may fairly be inferred to be intended. would ce destructive of the navigation, and \radically impair the most lucrative commerce of our country.(*) Your memorialists have the honor to re- Vftain, in behalf of their constituents and them selves, most respectfully, James LloyO JunV. John Coffin Jones, David Greene. Geohge Cabot, Arnold, Thomas H. Perxins, David Sf,ars, WINSLOW, jun. sec’ru. *• ■ # - \ • Attest—' ’{*) The only possible reason which can be assigned, why we slinuld mt at this day feel inti acknowledge oat,gratitude for the friend shift, and firotection Of jBtt^/and. attestecl and coifijnemorated in the mfiriiQjrial above, is, the’ the V firincifiles adofited by her 'courts," and so hjg’nlj complimefft-ed by the memorialists, have^ince been “practised ufionin all their ^on leaving it at this office,’ will be handsomely rewarded. August 11 ■ —96 j Mrs. Briere, ■Respectfvillv informs the public, that she _ . . _ commenced SCHOOL, ON MONDAY the tracts from the opinion r.f the supreme court ot 18th instant, in a house of,Mr. -John Shick’s, [ the United Sta es; in which, the merits of the (under the United States), 'hat if the lands they purchase should be taken from them by a better claim (than that of the United States) that government will remunerate the purchase mortev, together with Interes', and also com- pensa ion for improving the land.” “ Presum- ! ing that this error may be general with all the individuals around him - ; for his and their infor mation.” Mr. Peck most generously comes forward *• to communicate the following ex- News.—Jac'ribn left town on Sunday morn, ing. and arrived at Sehenedtady. the fame day. On entering ScheneSady, he feat his fervant ahead to announce at_:he hotel tHi^t-.fijlr Jatk- fon was coming! We have this'^ftft from a gen lemm of the firll refpefkabilitjr in this city, who was prefent when Jacsfon arrived a the Sehenedtady hotel. It was lately remarked in a London minifterial print, while vindicating Jackfon’s conduft, that there was fcarcely fuch a thing as a real_gentleman to be found in the United States; and this London editor did not even except his friends, “the Sritifh party in . a merica.” But le*. us 'eft Jacfcfon by the above faft, and then taking him for a model, i- may eafily be decided how many men there are in England who poffefs the modeft, unaffuraing dignity of real gentlemen.—Albany Register. - THE TRAUOH WELCOME. PARIS. May 23. Re flirt of the Alinister of IVar to hi$ fdnjestythc Jiaifieror and King. Paris, .April 29. H I have the honor to inform his majesty, in consequencex»f the orders I received; that the English prisoners who distinguished them* selves ai the fire that broke out at the town of Auxoune, is Iwenty-one ; to wit, twelve of the first class, of captains of merchant vessels ; bree of the second class ; four merchant pas sengers ; one merchant detained as an hostage; . and a sailor. ‘ a “ Ten of them received htyts ; viz. Messrs. West, Humble, D jbbios, Hurst, Fenil, and ^ Topping, (rather severe ones ;) and Messrs. Mcseley; Welch, (who had before saved k child from the Rimes at A.-ras)’R.jbtnson, and, - Davis, less severely—they are all recovered. - “ Those who appear to h&e exposed;: them selves to danger the longest,’ without having received any injury, at e Messrs. Atkinson, (Ro bot) Macju’ries, Pemberton, Delivet, and Smatlc. Great prabe is due to Messrs. Torn- htll, Molsby, Millet-, A’kmson (Th. mas) find I They-also gave proofs of zeal, ana af- ■ ♦ "•fir Collins. IROU THE IRISH. ’SHALL a fon of O’Dpnnel becheerlefs and cold, While M'Kenna’s wide hearth has a faggot to (pare ? While O’Dtranel is poor (hall M’Kenna have gold, Or be doth’d while a limb of O’Donnel is bare? Franklin ward, Montgomery street, near the ; Georgia grants have been fully d scussed ; rh® Baptist and Roman Church, between the two, j title to the fiurchasers, under the act of 1795,ad- While firknefs and hunger thy finews aCail, Shall M'Kenna unmov’d quaff Jiib madder of mead; Where she will tfeach Drawing, Embroidery, ; j u( jjrs^ vahd;a r '.i the rescinding act of the stale j Oa thehaunch of a deer {ball M'Kenna regale, Marking and Sewing; also, Reading, Writing and Cyphering, in English and French; and pledges herself to use every endeavor to give satisfaction to the parents of such children as may be entrusted to her care. June 16—-At 72 Caution. AU persons, are hereby cautioned e gainst crediting any one, on my account, without an Order fcomjunder rny hand. ; ,... Christopher Gufin, l r i.-,ss • • . is- 4 •%f» f it of Georgia of 1796 decided null and void; FLETCHER VS. FEOK. In the Supreme Court, held at Washington, Feb uary term, 1810, honorable John-Mar shall, Chief Jusrice, delivered ihe oprninn of the court, from Which the following is an extract t “ ft is then the uraoimaus opinion of the court, tha'3 in this case, the estate havingpassec into the •hands of a purchaser for a valuabl conside a ion, without notice, the state of Geor gia wax restraioct^ either by general prioci* While a chief of Tyrconnel i* fainting for bfead ? No I ester my dwelling, my feaft thou (halt fhare; On my pillow of ru(he* thy head (hall recline, And bold u the heart or the hand that will dare . To harm but one hair of a ringlet oi thine. Then come tettny home, ’tis die home cf a friend, In the green woods of Traugh thpu’rt Life from thy g iix fans of M'Kenna dry ftepsfliall attend, And their fix fheathlcfs blades (hall proteA thy re- pefr.'-' - .iV foi ded great assistance. 4 . “ Th« accotint itan*n»iued by the prefect of the Cotie d’O- will put your majesty in pos» session, if you will de'gn to look at it, of fuller pardculars respecting the conduct bfihe prison ers, and-tfie nature of the reward which your majesty seems inclined to besiotv on them. “ Duke of Feltrk.” The minister of war will express to them niy satisfaction ; will order be . paid a reward*amounting to six months pay* and will send thsm to their own country, under iheif promise not to seive'until they are exchaug* g J ' U lVJ-e zirxif Anttoerfi,. May 3, 1810. “ Napoleon. TWO WEEKS LATER. (vu EEW-rOHK.) New-York, August 1. Latest froth Europe.—Early this morning Jr this our bpat boarded, off Rikers-Island, about 4 miles above Hellgate, the fast sailing brig Ta- M a.hmaah, captain Story, in 3Q days from Ltv* erpool. This vessel sailed from this city with a number others, the beginning of M»y, im mediately after the non-intercourse was raised, arid arrived at Liverpool on the 5th of June,be* mg the fi st vessel which arrived from- the United States after that event took place! The Pacific from this port arrived 24 hours after^ and the Hercules in a short time after the Pa cific. Trie Tamaahmaah sailed from Liver pool on i he 1st of July, and left there the ship Pacific, for New-York in 7 days 4 ship Hercu* lesj in a few days ; ship Fanny, for. do.; an other ship Fanny, fordo ; ship Moniicello, tor do-, in three or fodr days; brig Erizr sailed tjie day before for Philadelphia ; ship Reward, sail* ed 7 days before for NeW-York. The captain informs that there were upwards of 150 . sail of American vessels at Liverpool—the New-York fleet ail arrived safe. Papers have been brought by this arrival of near a month later dale than before received on this continent ; but we.have not yet been so fortunate asto pioctiid a sight of them. Since the above was put in type we have been politely furnished l>y the; owner of the ramaahmaah, with the following list of vessels copied from a Liverpool paper of the 20ih of Junei Ship Amsterdam, Williams, from Philadel phia ; Prosperity, do.; Fanny, Alicock, New-York ; Eliza, Crandell, Philadelphia; Ami y, —, do. -; Robert Burns, Parsons, New-Yi k; Resolution, Perry,—; Manlius, Wasson, New-York ; Amazon, Turner, do. i Otis, Thomas, do; Enterprise, Stenmand, do.; H. B-Triest, Fowler, do ; Monticello, Schuyler, do. ; Ann, Robinson, do.; Herq^ Bernard, do.; Elizabeth, Forsyth, do. ; Fan* ny, Osgood, do.; Union, Betts, do.; Scrota, F aokliri, Baltimore; Columbus, Hill, Charles ton ; Aurora, Poiter, do. ; Caroline, Luckless^ do , Louisiana, Shepherd, Nsw-Qrleans; Eli za Am Forman, New-Jersey; Nancy, Chace t Savannah ; Caledonia, Sleveiis, do g Susan, Child, Georgia ; Retrieve, Jardon, Portland ; Three Sisters, Boynton, Wiscasset; Lothario, Glover, Massachusetts; Hope, Hail, do , AL bet, Books, do. ; Jane, do.; Ciro, White, do.; Maids, Marshall, Amelia-Island y Zaluno, Scholes, do.; Uuico Hijo, M'Clury, do.; Aurora, M’Ever, do.—At Cork, Gener ous Friend, Hervey, New-York; Reward, Keese. for New-Y >rk, 17th June. Onthe I9.hof June parliament was proro, gued- Sir Francis Burdett was on that day li- : berated from the Tower. There were great icjnicings among bis partizans, and it is said a mot e numerous assemblage of people in the streets of London, than took place when be was committed. Mr. Ervine, late charge des affairs for (he United States in Spain, has arrived in the Ta maahmaah, and is the bearer of dispatches from Mr. Pinkney in London to our govern ment. There was no alteration in the aspect of our affairs on the continent of Europe SO late as the first of June.—Evening Post. By a gentleman who arrived; in town the .ughit before last, from England ; we are in formed that the news of raising the non-inter course arrived in England on the 6th of June ; hat the circumstance .made a great noise iajfc hat country. The gentleman was landed from"" a vessel on the enast/bound to some port at the southward—fd. S3*. Letters from Liverpool, feted thefith June, state, bush- via Boston, by this day’s eastern mi hat wheat was from 16s. arid 6d. to ;1 of 70 lbs.; and that it must rate higb for s "insiderable time, and that the crops were ben receiving great damage from the dryness f the season which had prevailed. Cotton, 14 . d a half to 15d. Tar 30s. Turpentine 20s.— ■id. . ' . . « ' • .'V i Arrived, yesterda7, the brig Tafnaahniaah, •ptain Story, from Liverpool; from which port * g “e sailed the 24th of June. This vessel sailed in ballast, with Geoige W. Irving, esq (late c’ a'ge ties affairs of the Uni ted States in Spa n) as jasserger, who Lasim- * ■$(- ■m y v wf