The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, November 14, 1811, Image 4

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. v - IdPSSS ‘ -f Marshal’s Sales. On the firxr Tur*day in December next, Vi'iU be >-id at toVcourt |u»we, in the city cf bar--rrif$b. between the u>ual hours, The -fellow lag jifeGHGESt viz. January, Dick, icrtrf. Jack, AfFy. /J eggy, young J' l.tia- 5 y, Mi 'a. Belt.', Adam, Charlotte, Matty and r>41d. Cupid, Chic:. Jacob, / J ope, andt wo r.hil- rre»i. Grant and chi d, Simon, '/arah, Sam and •IViil. Amonglhcm are 13 workers - levied on as the property of Stephen El hot, to satisfy art execution, in the Federal Court, in favor o£ Joseph Clay. JOHN' EPPINGEK. nov 2—:—132 Marshal. Marshal’s Sales. On Chefirst Tuesday in December vex', s<3& at the market-house, in the town cl Darien, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. ' The following Negroes, viz : Dick, Caroline, Clarissa and two children and Sargb —levied on as the property of J ires Pelot, to satisfy an execution in favor of Archibald M'CuUam, pointed out by tlie defendant. John Eppinger, nov 2- —132 Mm shell Marshal’s sales continued. On the first luesday in December next, Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, between the hours of u l and three o’clock, Dots Koa. 2aml 3, with theImprovements, thereon, Warren ward. Also, half of a Lot and Improvements in the village oi lit. Gaul—levied >n as the property of Stephen Elliott, at the suit oi Joseph Clay. /Dsn, the following NEGRO MS, viz.—Yur- ro, Sally, Polly, little Y nro, Judy and child, Phoebe, Pussy, Uo3e, Juno, Anthony, Afteba, Jfcn, Pleasant, Sarah, C'lmrles, Polladore, May, Snncho and Jcunv—levied on as tin* property of George Mi lien, to satisfy an execution in •the sixth circuit court of the Georgia district, in favor of Hie Bank of the United States. Also, all that undivided moiety of the Distil lery, at SpJ'ing-Ilili, with a lease of one acre of ground ,* with the worms, cappers, stills, yats and other things thereunto attache:’— tne for mer pun-bassr not having complied with the terms of sale. . - Aiso, a large quantity of elegant Furniture, Plate, Bedding* Saddles, Bridles, &u. 'Piie abm'o levied'on as the property of Ben iamin Maurice, to satisfy f ondry executions in favor of tiie United States. John Eppiugcr, m. d. g. nov 5—133 , , -. h Shetijj’s Salei. t Or. the first Tuesday in Dr ember next* Will be sold at the court house jit Savannah between the usu 1 hours One mahogany Secretary-—.Harasses, and a parcel of Hooks, surrendered 6y Henry T M-unger, an insolvent debtor, iof the benefit of his creditors. Greene R. Duke, s. c. c. nov 5—1J3 Sheriffs Sales. ! J. T. Lawrence,") vs. > Attachment. lVra. Winkler, j Or, che first Tuesday in December next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, A Negro mat. named sold hy order of tlie honorable the Justices of the inferior court. Greene R. Duke, s. c. c. nov 5 15.3 City Sheriff’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in December next, Will be sold, at the Court-house, at tlie usu al hours. The Eastern half of the Lot, adjoining Francis' Roma’s, situate in Tyronnel tything, Percival v/ard— levied on to satisfy John Grimes, and Gle-n c?" Grimes. Pointed cut by the defendants. Also, a Bay Horse—levied on as the property of John Grimes, to satisfy sundry executions. Wm- Maxwell, s. c Washington Monument Lottery 1 , Now Drawing. Warranted undrawn Tickets from Waite’s Fortunate Office, for sale by the subscriber:. The foui th days drawing over. Tickets till the first of November, are 1C dollars, ai d the follow- ■ag Capital Prices in the wheel :— 1 Prize of 50,000 dolls. | 2 Prizes of 10,000 dolls. I 1 do. do. of 30,000 do. of 20.000 do. n:-v X>- City Sheriff’s Sales. •» On the first Tuesday in December next. Will be sntd at the -court-house in Savannah, between the hours often and three o’clock, TwoN ECHOES, named Jack, and Hannah— levied mi as the property of Peter O’Connor. *>. satisfy sundry executions iu favor of James Meter ier, and others. W. Maxtrell, oct 23—127 City Sheriff 6. 1 clo. of 5,000 do. j 4 do. 1 5 do. of 500 do 1 do. of 2,500 do. of 200 do 'XX i ■» 1 Marshal s sales. On the firft Tuesday in recember next, Y.'il! be PA! at die Market-Houfe, in rhe townHf St. Ma»yV. between the ufua! hours. ■The following NEGROES, v z. Btiialt. Ned, rick, Nelly and Cook—levied on to fati-fy an execution ir. favor of ltdediah OU*ott,vs- Edward Sheavinan. A fo Dei ry and S.'.rr.fon—levied on a? the property of 3 .menSmith, to iiitihy an t/.ecuticn iu favor execu- J torii 1 hu Caliaghanv 1 Conditions, Cadi. JOHN EQOG, ». m- CCt 3) 131 Marshals On the first Tuesday in December next., \Vdil be sold at the Market-house, in tV of-Saint Mary’s, That part of said town, beer; thence west twi thence one hunt! dred let-t east hundred Icr.t so place of heginn thereon—lev iec in favor e4 the United S’ Williamson a sale C9 nl’d. town between the usual hours, Have just received front JVew- York cir.d Phi- ludelfihia, A large end general assortment of BOOT/ and SHOES, of the first qua:Av. The above will be sold low f r cash, v. N. 13. All persons iudebl —.id have taken longer time than per agree ment, are requested to make inimedi ite pay- ment. as’furiher delay will not be grunted. may 2b—62 2 do. of 5,000 do. 2 do. of 2,000 do. 20 Prizes of 100 Tickets each. Besides a vast number of 1,000, 500, 200, 100, See. This Lottery to those who purchase with an eye to gain, offers advantages equal to any ever projected in America ; but the managers know that the feelings of e\try lrienii to his country, will prompt him to contribute his aid in raiding A MONUMENT of gratitude, independent of • 11 pecuniary consideration. They solicit gentlemen in every section ot the Uuion, generously to aid them In the disposal of Tickets. Tlie public are informed, that all prize Tickets from G. & R. Waites’ offices, will be paid as soon as drawn. Schemes ut full length, can be had by applying to the subscriber. AL O. Warranted undrawn Tickets in the Susquehanna Canal Lottery, NOW DRAWING. Sixteen Says drawing over. Tickets 10 dollars, till the 1st November, and the following prizes are in the wheel:— . ‘ 1 Prize of 20.000 dolls, j 1 Pi*ize of 1,000 dolls. Besides a large proportion of inferior, ones. . * Union College Lottery. No. 3. Commences drawing in April next. -Present price of iickrts gd SO cts. Schemes at full length can be had, hy applying to the subscriber. G & R- Waite, will guarantee the payment of all Frizes fmm their office ; which are only to he had in this city, of A. Wkyman Adven turers inclosing the Cash, in letters post paid, will be nunctually attended to j\ regular account of the above drawings, received twice a week. Brize Tickets received in payment. , - October 26—t—129 Abner Wevman, On tiie Bav. ~m——L Received, Per brig Savannah Packet, 30 barrels prime Fork 12 do. do. Beef, new S A s S S s 7 ciiests Hyson For by of a mperior nev Woodrulf &. Brant. -134 Removal.. C. PAPET & S. MARTEL, ’Respectfully inform the public, that they r quality. £ have removed to tlie stores, formerly occupied ^ l>y Messrs. Andrew Low ik Co. where they are hole*salt - and retail, d toisvid concern. Lot No. twenty-three, (26 ) in o’lbig <iu the southeast COl* ne in .Hundred 1-cet on Krynot - street, .red feel north, thence v VO 1 mu- , to Whcv cr-street, tliencc one ] ith cr. YVheelf.r-srrcet, to the ug, with all the unpr-v t;n. outs on lo s: tisfv three c/.l C U i ions P. Morin, Informs his customers and the public, tha + he is just returned from Charleston, where, he has made clmicc of rhe ’follow ing gs»:»ds, which are wan inted of rhe first quality. Mad ira l\ ine, 6 years old, wholesale and re tail I .. P. TeneriiTe do. Sicily do. S. & C. Howard, Offer for salty The schoi.ner t kvall’s cargo., of SALT, very similar, and quite equal in quality, to Li verpooi Ground nov 5 l- i-tU. -153 Col] and Fustic. 55,000 IDs. prime Green C'rifce 26 tons Fustic, fw sale by j. sept 1( ■Jait -‘ l: b v" R. Mitchel. S now-opening, .(received by die brig Hetty, and £ other late arrivals) part of their q Fa! i and Win tev G oods. v White anti blue Elains V Red, yellov. earl white Flannel £ Brown and black superfine Cloth v Fine Long-lawn and Linen S 4 4 jaccnet Muslin £ Muslin Sfiawls and TJussian Diaper i( >d Cloth and bed Lace V Dowlas and ni-Kik Madras Handkerchiefs Jj Greet! and colored Silks v Gentlemens fine Hats and superfine beaver 5 Gloves £ Silk and cotton Umbrellas <1 /II ick anil scarlet Bom.bazet S Farnitirre Calicoes and cambric Dimity ^ Fine Gurrahs and Suspenders COiton-B aO* &C S Terms—Cash, produce, or undoubted towa , august 15—98 400 Lmskv Florence s- Salt, vill be retailed very lew : Ji. 1 in boxes to of superior Oil, in extra large bottles i'otton bagging, of s su- James others. John i (.omliticns cash, you.'. LI. M. J 4 bos.-s .a ! Fresh preserved Limes • Lemons r: • .s nticrrie ard nov 5—12 Sheriff’s sales continue '1 Al» On the firft Tti^sd.iy in December next, •Will be fold at the Court-hottse, in Savannah, between tht usual hours, Four Negroes, named Simon, Phoebe, U'M and Monday—levied on as the property of liluni Onaies, under a foreclosure of a mortgage in i.pvor of Samuel RutTel. GREBNE R. DUKE. s. c. c. —'.S3 C ' Pepper 40 boxez Havana Segars, warranted Preserved Strawberries, anti a general assort ment of Sweetmeats, with a number of other articles. 'File subscriber takes this opportunity to rc turn his thanks to his customers, for the liberal encouragement he has received, them, that lie will be able to redo sale and retail prices consider* nv and informs e his whole this winter. . Morin. , 30bp V-ushels Salt 1U0 pieces Inverness perior quality 20 kegs FF (iun Powder, and A few hiids. Tennessee Whiskey. For sale by Thomas Gardner. oct 31—131 Prime g’l’ccn Coiiee, In barrels ar.d bags, for sale by Peter Mitchel. oct 29 —130 , S acceptances. S s Peter Romaio, S Barber, Jl'ir maker and Ludirs hair Dresser, c ° t i, Bryan-street, opposite Low 6t Wallace’s. J* Respectfully informs hi cu-tomers. and the ^ public in general, that he has returned from th© S Northward, with a handsome assortment cf >1 ERFU V1ERY, of all kinds. :iov 1 ‘ Slier ill’s sales. continued. ! On the first Tuesday, in December next, > Will be 4o!d at the muit-hoose in b’avannaii 1 between the hours o‘ ten and ;hree o’clock. All that Lot No, 9, Percival ward, with the improvements thereon—levied on t>> satis , iv an execution, cx’or VV dliam \ > ii=nn '3. Da vid F. /jctirquii), Hehvv Bourquin and William j L ' Als^I Lot No, ten, (1C) Darby ward, with the | improvements thereon ; levied on to satisty executions, the Bank v Also. 1 negro vouu Cordage for sale. 1 Cable 71 inches I do 61 do. 1 <!J f» T do. 5 colls of Coidsge, from S’ lo 5 inches, ply at Messrs, i k Scaubuough’: Ap- <aiso, atul improvements- ri. Hewitt Sc Ansley. i-named Lucy—levied on as the property of Charles E iniy d, under the ; lVredo.sure of a mortgage from the said C. L. iJoyd. to Samuel M'illiums. *31 that Lot No. 3, Oglethorpe ward, it’d on as the property o Jacob Flo-.scbem, dec. to satisfy executions in t.ivov of J. Idler & Co. and Merrill & Park- hurst. • . Also, all the estate, right and title of Janies Cuthhert, dec. nt the time of his death, to one j undivided haft part cf those Tracts at Land, j -called Richmond ?c Cue. containing one thou- - vmd acres, mare or less, adjamuig 1 .ands ot 6. Wilkins, on Savannah river—sold as the pro- j perry of Janies Cuthbert, dec. r.t the sui: of'Tho mas Polliiil. _ , _ ., , „ , . Also, all that L -. No- 5. liolfand i ythmg, Percival ward, and impreveinents—levied tn r-s the ■ico iertv of Samuel \> il,iams, to saUs- jy execatums th favor «t Jas. Dickson cc Co. and J.’Idter Sc Co.’ .. _ i throe Lois in \ rm^ci.nv, Nos. -» o ar /(j 35 levUd to satisfy an execution, tne governor vs. Beq. \'2riL ° Alfo. ill that plantation or tract r-f Lard, about 13 miles from Savannah, mar or rhe Augufta road, contiguous to land ot Kobfc’s elUte, cotitaiumg ’ * seres' levied on as the property of Seth G. Thrvadcssft, at the fuit of ItV.e Frank- ard others. Abo, ad that Plantation or tract cf U-r.d called Bellvue, fituate on the Salts cwtaining acres— levied op at die prope 5 cf Iffiam Ordes. to toisfy •an etecution in favor cl the Prefident ot ictnesoa College. Greene R. Duke, 3, c. c. i 133 For sal !50 bags cf Black PEPPER. J. Caur- if R. I^Iitchel. t J -lli /Russia Diapers ; brown Linnens tndana J■Jundkerchir.fs Just received from Boston, s s s s s s s k s s , . u .... u,.-...-, superior lo any ij in this cit>, and too numerous to describe. He S has resumed his profession as formerly, ami £ will be happy for a share of public patronage, t, He lias selected a variety of /’rints, for the S amusement of his customers. ^ nov 7—134 - black silk do. ; 4°- Borabazett Black Sattins ; do. Sarsnet .Sewing Silk and Thread vVhite Jeans, fine ; Dimities 5GU vaids Crash, for towels. Mervvin, Platt & Co. rougir-t 10 96 30,000, 25,000 20,000, 10,000 5,000 Dollars ! 1 'he subscribers, Have just received, fier shifts Superior, ’ and Gcdet, HIGHEST PRIZES In the New-Vark Union College Lottery, No. S 3, which commences drawing, early in ths S Spring. e 't he subscribers have received Tickets, in k (he above Lotterr, which will be sold at Eight Nancy v, i) 0 ti ar;; and fifty cents, during the present 32 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar 80 bis. bes 1 L ist', do. (which will be sold at <, ^ month ; after which, the price will advance.- sept ci- Drop Shot and Bar Lead, received, Just r,aie by nov ! — I. UU from Philadelphia, and for A. RICHARDS & Co. 5 Telfair’s ’wharf. Yankey Notions, just opened, Potatoes, Unions arul Cheese ALSO, Ilysnn and Imperial Gunpowder Teas, of a superior quality, fer sale by E. YarneH. - sept 24—115 20 hhds prime re sale, by oct 26- Sl'g’HT. SUGAk, just received, and GRAY ife PiNDER. -129 Lu andiinr, Freni the shift. Superior, 5 3 barrels prime Beef 6 do. mess do. 9 half do. do. P«fk 2-S iv kins and lufcs fresh Batter SO si-.all boxes Chilian Tea 40 boxes Doolittle’s Soap 3 casks Limseed OIL For sale by Woodruff & Brant. oct 29—o—l-'J the New-York price) 15,000 lbs. superior quality Coffee 200 • earns be-u quality writing Paper Bcs! Hyson ai d Imperial Teas Jamaica and -S-. Cicix Rum Holland and American Anchor Gin S Prize Pickets, received in payment; Murcjuand, Paulding £t Penfield. sept 10—109 - Bonnets. Mrs. Battf.y having returned from the S Northward, with a large and beautiful assort ment of Dunstable. Bonnets, Trimmings, &c. T<- Rj Mudcira, Malmsey and i.eneriffe ^ D f the newest fashions, has taken her former YVincs c s .and, Whitaker-street, opposite U. Tobler esq Ees- cogr.iae Brandy, See. where she requests her customers to call and coroniotia'.ing terms. Jolia Moorhead Co. They- will sell on leascnable and ac- s examine f rthemselves. S N. B. Bonnets and dresses of all kinds made ^ at the shortest notice OK COKSIGNMKNT, ^ C? 1 1 6 boxes Irish Linens, well assorted for this S oCilOOL. markc ! — wo ol which are very fine. s Miss POTTER’S Sen col, fer the instructioa cc. 29— ci—133 Removal. £ of young ladies, in .the arts of Painting, Em- s broidery. Needle work on Munltn, Reading and S Writing, will commence on Monday the lGtii b uist. d Mrs. Bauey’s. The subscriber informs his customer- and the > nov 2 132 public, that he has removed his Saddle ’s shop, S —— to the south-east corner cf market-squ ire next ^ Oil Consignment, • inor to Mr. M. Clelanti, and near Mr. nomab S , . n Miller, where he has tor sale, a large tn<3 e e- ^ f® iihos. best Boston Run. asstTtment cf articles in his line of >vofcs ^ i>ls - Sumatra I \j*zr—~v.P.!ch^^:il bc scld ion. He aisotnkes this early methodcf i tforin- ^ Iovv.^by^ M'k .N.,>AlvN»aT 1 >x Co. ing those indebted to him. (those v.h -c ac- S 001 d 1^1 ■ants have been standing for years pas par- ^ To Rent, The STORE on Tel‘aii’s wharf, at present uculariy} that he is compelled to press torpav- q nner.t, the first of the present crop. He, it live S same* time, feels grateful to those who have re- ^ _ gularlv paid their accounts, and that k-j will be \ occupied by A. Kicuabds 6c Co. Possession iiappy to serve them as before. s given the 1st January next. John Gind at, .Yicxanflcr Telfair. tbv 9—i; J _ Market-square. S nov 12—135 S nov 5