The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, October 13, 1812, Image 1

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LEDGER. Notuer 122—Volume TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13* 1812. < Whocs NuMiE* 2015. B ^ - PUBLISHED . tltlt TVXSBAT, THURSDAY 4»» SATURDAY ,1 BY JOHN J.EVANS* f O* THX BAT, 3ATAflWAHj (<JXOmGIA) AT fIX DOLLARS FEE ASKVH, PAT ABLE HALT TEABLT, IK ADVANCE* For Ncw-York. | The fast sailing sloop "WIL- iLIAM ALFRED, George War- ►ner, master, will sail in eight idays. For freight or passage, ap ply onboard at the exchange wharf. A 5 bis. prime Beef v ^ Y ^ W ^ • ; 28 do. Naryjftnd Pilot ffread 100 bushels Irish Potatoes 1000 bandies Onions. get MU For sale, One 16a9 and 7 inch Cables 120 fathoms each* with two small sized Anchors. The whole of which, having been a little used* will be sold remarkably cheap. ALSO, OK HAWS, Assorted sizes new Cables, Hawsers, Shrouding* Spun-yarn, Rantling stuff and small Cordage ; a few coils bale white Nope ; red, white and blue Buntings, Paints and Oil; with a general assortment of Chandlery and Groce ries, choice, Liquors, HibbertV best Brown Stout, old Bordeaux Clafet, two pipes very superior Gustily seven *ycsrs old, Mil&cii Wme, prime Bork. sep 20—108 WpodrufF& Brant. For sale, At the store lately occupied by John Uigur, in Broughtonttrect, A variety of articles in the Grocery line* all eif the first quality, viz. f Brandy, cogtdac ; do. Peach . Geneva; Rum, Jamaica >' Rum, N. E.; Madeira Wine •, Old Tenerifle; Spgar,Muscovade < • ! Sugar Loaf; ditto Havanna, white Molasses; Coffee Tea ; Butter; Crackers Cheese, Ac. may *6—63 ■■-"Jii-r ihum- Saft^LoafiSugar, NaBs;Paric, &c, &c. , pox+froft jfevfrYortu _ sloop £dv>_ard j, iOOO bushels ground Salt •AO bbls. prime JPork ' 30 cas^s cut Kails,.‘20d. 12 bbls. Potatoes ; 10 boxes Chocolate 19 boxes Cheese ; 2 cases Sweet Oil 40 do. Scap ; 1000 strings Qnickis. ■ Dunning Sf* Clay, ; sep 22—113 , r ••■■ ■ b:: iM 'i .1 I Subscribers, . yrmr- - ' 1 ■ ' ' , . iye just received an assortment of Military Goods, which they offer for cash only, viz. G\lt and plated mounted Swords and Dirks Duelling, holster and pocket Pistols Gold, silver, gilt shd plated Epiutetjr? Swbrdknots, hat Tassels , : Gold and silver vellum Lace and Cord' Silk and wbrted Sashes; white and red Flumes Morocco and common sword Belts. The subscribers Have on hand, and arewow opening, (at their new store, south side of Johnston’^ square) an extensive assortment of .European, India and Domestic GOODS; well calculated for the £ resent and approaching season, which will e disposed of at their usual low prices for cash, cotton, or undoubted town Acceptances. Andrew Low fc? Co. jah 23 -10 2000 bushels ed from St. Mary's. aug 13—-f—9F For sale. Tm LA--4»" /ohn Carnochan. Hunter & Glen, Home just received by late arrivals from JTcvb York, and jar tab, 160 bon* Soap 40 do. Candle* A few lbs. heft Raffia Brifttes ALSO, . 'hale and linaesd Oil NaiJ Factory. A good assortment o! Kails, Brads and Ticks A few tons of Iron „ Copper Stills, &c. For tale by Stephen Hall. aug15—98 The subscriber * Having declined the FACTORAGE and COMMIS SION BUSINESS,in Aogufla, and having fold bis es tablishment to Meflra. La Roacb. & Van SiNncaan, leave to recommend thofc gentlemen to his cu*- receive, alluring his friends that any bufin efs in that line that may be ea- trnflod to their care,will be to promptly attended to, aa will sot fail to give general falitfa&ion, Andrew G. Setniiies. f. refpcAfolly to tender their fervicet to their friends and the public ii |dff ends and die public is*r STORAGE A COM MISSION BUSINESS, which they will commence at the well knownfland of Mr. Andrew G. Semmes, on the firft day of O(Sober next. Thole who may Avar them with a {hare of their bu&nefs in the above line, may rely upon unremitted exertions to promote their intereft, and afford Coll fatisfa Aion. Their ware-houfes are new and in complete or der. / aep29— cm—116 P. Morin, resh ®Obts Just received from New-Yurh and Philadcl* phis, by the lute arrivals, a fresh supply cf Boots aud Shoes, 'Consisting of Ladies colored and white Kid Slippets do. black and colored Morocco do, do. elegant do. Silk. do. Gentlemens fine Shoes and Pomps Womens leather Sjippera end Bootees Misses ado. dfa: do7 ; - " ChikfrenS'MorocCo and leather Buskins 1 trunk first chop Suwarrow Boots • also, A quantity of Dawson's L ; tjnkl Blacking - Shoe-Brushes, Calfrskms; Writing Paper hhd a few hundred bushels Salt ih sacks * o'. All which will be sold low, tor cash, by r * John Douglass* sep 1 104 -— '■i 1 - 1 — 1 :■ 1 ■*— 1 - 1 Bonds and Notes, Bought and sold, by William Bclchcr, aug 6—mo—94 broker. Hollands Gin in cases. 50 cases real Holland Gin, just. redeived from New-York via Charleston.. For sale by • William Gaston, aug 95—101 i . •' ; - t V«? ALSO, 5 Telescopes, of good qiialtiy, with day and night glasses. Macquand* Paulding 8c Penfield. l0-r*—$^—dp 8 . 3 Salt, Hides, &c. 750 bushels Ground Salt. ,299 Spanish Hides i t ,12 Green Turtle. Just_received, andfor sale- July 25—89 Hat just received fier the tloofi Ataianta from Jfev- York, Fresh Tamarinds; fresh milch and water Crackers; gold and silver Leaves.; Isinglass; Copperas; Castile Soap; Scotch Barley ; bas kets Salt; Salt Petre ; double distilled rose and orange Water. ON HANS, White Havana Sugar; superfine sweet Oil* in large'bottles; Florence, do; soft shelled Al- monds; two pipes good Spanish Brandy ; Span ish Segars; double refined Loaf Sugar Ma- couba and Scotch Snuff; .Brushes of all kinds white.and red.Wine Vinegar With every ar tide in the gocery line. sep 22—fl—113 DUKKIKG & CLAY. Received on Consignment, Per„ te/tr. Perseverance, vafit. Griffin, from Philadelphia, [ Sugar of superior quality And Sugar Candy, in small boxes . ON HAND, Liverpool Ground Salt, clean and heavy, Will be sold from' 10 bushels and upwards Cotton.Bagging,in exchange for Cotton' Ticklenburghi, Oznaburghs and German Rolls mime Champaign Wine A few tierces Rice, and bales Sea-Island Cot- ton. HAVENST& BILBO, sep 12—109 , For sale, ; 1000 bushels Liverpool GROUND SALT. R. Richardson 8c Co. aug 35—101 •• Just Iteccived —- £y the schooner Atlantic. 25 bbts. Loaf Sugar, best quality 35 ■ bbls. Pork 50 large and small boxes DoolittlcYSqap 95 casks assoited cut Nails, 6d. 8d. lOd. 20d. 10 chests Hysou Tea '• '. ' ^ 10 pipes Gin 4 hhds. W. r. Rum. For sale by Dunning & Clay. sug 89-103 • Cheese, Butter and Soap. Juft received by she floop William Alfred frqm New- . ; : . York. JO tares prime old Cheera 50 do. Soap ? : 2^ firKns choice Butter for family Use. For Ale by 'Peter Schenk 8c Co. bet 9—118 • • Notice. In confequenceof one ol the fabfcribeip intending to leave Savannah, fhortly, the firm of HARRAL and COPPEE is this day dissolved, by mutual content All persona indebted to them, will pleafe make early arrangement, to the fentlement of their respective ac counts, to GKoBoa Haasal', who is duly authorifed to fettle the same. GEORGE HARRAL. EDWARD COPPEE. P - . Important To Druggists and Physicians: JELLING OFF. The fabferiber intending to remove next fprfng, to the horthward, ofiers for fale his valuable and well as sorted flock of Drugs, Medicine, Shop Purnimre, Sur geon’s Inftr aments, Painter’s Colon, Ac. with all his in tereft in the faid bufin efs. The retail (lore and medical ware-honfe, are both handfomely fitted np, and the eftabiiihment, one of the belt in the fouthern Sates. Should an application net be made foon for the whole flock and flands, the flock will be difpofed of fepaaately, in-parcels, to fua pur chasers. V * Terms of fale, for all fums over one and under five hundred dollars, a negociable note at 4 and 6 months; for a larger fum, the time will be extended, and a liber, aidedudion made for prompt payment. : ? Fresh Boots & Shoes. 4 Justx.etri.vedfrom JVev)-York,via Charleston, per schr. John, at G. H. Taylor'n\ Market square, <" • , A IjSJge and.elegant assortment of Boots, Shoes and Slips, fresh from the manufactory; viz ;— ■ ' , . V • ^ Fair-top Boots, Sswarrow do. Gentlemens lace Boots, do. Morocco Pumps Do. morning Slips, do. dress Shoes Do. fine ditto, do. Jeffersonians Ladies Morocco'Bootees, do. Russian and.Gre cian tie? Do. Kid dif . <lo. do: Colored and black Moroc co Slips •<* / Do. and do. walking Shoes, do. and do, undres sed Morocco Slips White Kid Slips, black colored do. do. Misses lace Boots and. Slips',-childrens Leather and Morocco Buskin3 1 j -Boys fine and course Shoes, do. Jefifersons and lace Boots , Womens Leatlier S’ips, mens coarse. Shoes, Brushes, Blacking, See.. All which will be sold low, for cash only. B. J. Scribner. july 28—90 ' Notice. The copartnership existing between the sub scribers. under the firm of 'Shick & Watt. is this day dissolved by its own limitanon ; per sons having a wdema.uls a-ainst the same, or either of the subscribers, will please to render them for settlement, and those indebted, will make payment without de’ay to Peter Shick* •V •: William Way. sep 29- 116 (Cj° The subscriber Informs the public generally* (hat he will continue the Dry Goods Business, in the store lately occupied by Sbick 8c Way, three’ doors east ot Messrs. N. and R. M*Leod’s grocery store* and solicits a share oF the'r custom* Wx. WAY. sep 29—116 Bark. A conftant Apply ef Sanford’s superfine YELLOW BARK, is kept by the fnbfcriben—alio, Sanford’s es- feutial SALTS of BARK, a very valuable medicine, tigbly recommended by the faculty in varions parts of the United States, g-This medicine is particnlarly'de- cribed in Sanford? treatife on the. properties and nfe bich may be had gratis, on appfioa tion. MARQUAKD, PAULDING APENflELD. jnly 11— 63 United States of America* ' District Georgia. v- 'Ik Admiualtv, err. The President qf United States, t? tki Alurshdtof tftiniid district, Greeting: [L S.1 STIPES, ekric. W he reus* a libel bath this (lay been filed, in tbe admiralty court of said district, by Joshua Barney, commander of the American private aimed schr. tbe'ttossie, on behalf 83 well of himself, as of his ewoers, officers, and crew* against the British ship Princess Amelia, her tackle, apparel aMlmauturc, by which said libe*'* >he said IlilAM doth allege, propound ai d declare, asfoHotoo, io wit. “ . That war and a state of hostilities exist tie- twedn the united kingdom of Grea -Bi itaia ■rd Ireland, gq£gpe dependencies thc eot, flini the United StatefTof America and their tenitoy Ties, and captures asd . seizures of enemies* property, authorised and enjoined on all officers vf the United Slates; that the libellant, tbetc- fure* in und with the said schooner, duly com-' missioned #nd au’horiscd, agreeably to law; and hcrr ffiscrs and cteW, on tbe fifteenth day of September last past,, did subdue, seize and tal^e upon the high seas, the said ship Princess Amelia, of the buithon of about tons, with her tackle, apparel and furniture, and hath brought her into the poi t of Savannah, and within the jurisdiction of this honorable court, where she now is. ' * That tire said ship Princess Amelia, hi the time of the said .capture tbetcof* was under the command of one Isaac Moorson, and had on board besides the said commander thereof; twenty-eight English mariners, and three Eng lish passengers; that the said ship Prinresfl Amelia at the time of the time of the said cap- tore was a British vessel, sailing under the flagoi Great'Britaio, and owned and navigat ed by subject of Great-Briiain. Tb^ all and singular the premises are and were true, public and notorious, and that by the laws of the United Staigs^of Atnerfca, as well/as by the-law of nations, thesattl ship Princess Amelia, with hcr talkle, apparel, fur- uiture and guns, became, and was, and is for feited. ' - ! And. the libellant prays that the said ship; her tackle &c. may, by warrant under the seal of this court, be attached, and the. usual process and. monition of this coon* hr this behalf, bo made* and that the same may be Condemned as forfeited. Now, therefore, you, the said marshal,. ard here^.ccramauded, to cite a:id admonish all and cverjr petsoo ai^ persons having, or cbim- irg any interest io the said ship Princess Amelia* her tackle, apparel; furniture and guns, or any part thereof, to he and appear at a special court of admiralty, to be held at thd court-house, in the city of Savannah, in saiddis- trict, on the niheieenth day' of October inst. to answer in the premises, and to shew cause, any they can, why the prayer of the libel should not be granted ; and whatsoever yott sfoffl do herein certify to the judge of the said court, at the time and?place. a.foresuid, and have yott there this writ.- Witness, thehonorable William Stephens, judge of the district churt of the United States, for the district of aforesiad, this fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord* one thousand bight bundled and twelve, and ID the thirty-seventh year of the Independence of the United Statds of America. W; B. Bulloch, Proctor for Hbedanttii All persons interested in the foregoing moni tion, will take dae notice. 7V • John Eppinger, Marshal. Late Office of Discount and Deposit, Savannah, April 13, 1812. NOTICE*—All Notes of the late Bank \ of most be presented for p^tment within six - months from this date. A ftet that period they will be paid at the late Bank of the United States, in Philadelphia, only. By order of the Tgustecs of the late bank of the United States. T. Mendenhall, cashier.' N. B. The ^ Augusta Chronicle, American Standard. Louisville, (Geo:) and Georgia Jour nal, are requested to insert the above once a week for six months. april 14——45 Evening School, . ^ BROUGHTON STREET. The subscriber will reeoNHnence his Evening School on Monday, the 5th of October next at his School- •rim- Itemoval. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has temoved his shop firm* Market-square, to the Bay, next door east of Gunn’s tavern, where he will - sep 24—114 George HarraL m \ j atronage received since hi* commencement in this city, and assures them, that »it shall ever he his constant study to merit a continuance of those tavors. LESLIE THOMPSON, o=t6—119 Taylor. Penmanlhip Vo.gar add Decimal Arithmetic, Book keeping, by fingle and doable entry, See. Young mailers who wish to revise former ftc- dieXr will pleaie apply as.above. Hours of attendance from 6 » 9 o’clock, Peter Hynes. •ep 26—Lf—115 Removal. "be happy to receive and execute all orders he a 'Wk 'rimm- - The Subscriber; respectfully infonnx bis friends and tbe public, that be has icfroved his Medical Shop, to that heretofore occupied by may be favored with, on the shortest possible notice, and with t'»e utmost elegance and taste. Grateful for past favors, he tenders his most humble and hearty thanks.eohisfriends and the Let*,. k M*Conky, nearly ^opposite 'Mess* public, for the very liberal share of public r V w-ii,--*. 7 »t «hi*>h X. «... iu ‘ :if rnn^ ^reived »inrp hi, rnmmencement in * Wallace s, at which place, or at the house ot Mr. David Douglass, he will be con stantly found, to attend to (be various duties of his profession. M. W. HUGHES, sep 10—lOll