The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, April 09, 1814, Image 1

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'SRFVlf^ :;m*r ■ ! ’ 4;j|« r ' t ; pStfeS And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. Ncjfasit 42—Volume XII. SATURDAY, APRIL 9, IC14. Whole Number 2246. vry {Atfreight may The sloop PRESIDENT, cap; .tain L’.ghitxmrn. lor freight or passage, apply to the muter on Iona. Eattelle. ■ march 15—Si ► For sale booner •harthen about fifty tors, suitable ►for inland coasting i requires no •repairs to be employed, and will »sold very low. ALSO, * The well known sloop SQAM >COT, of similar tonnage, rebuilt ►about two years ago, and wants no • repairs. Apply to Jonathan Battellc, Who hat jutt received, and offers for talc, oh loro term, 2 esses Webster‘3 Spelling Books 2 do seaman’s or negro’s cotton Shirts 1 do blue Jackets 12 d' sen Frying Pans 27* Demands against the schooner Rutuioff tnust be presented to morrow, as they will not be paid after that date april 2—59 Savannah SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY; The subscribers give notice, that they have on hand and for sale, at the above Manufactory No 1 SOAP, equal to Do little's, and mould CANDLES, equal to any. The above articles will be delivered at any place the purchaser may wish in this city. L. Baldwin 8c Co. april 7 co* it Prime Green Coffee, AND . COGNAC BRANDY. 1JOOO pounds prime green COFFEE, in bigs af 100 to 175 lbs. S pipes old Cognac BRANDY. For file on accommodating terms by Benjamin B. Norris, Hunter’s nets itores. The Subscriber Offers for sale the following Goods, via— Superfine blue, black, green and mixed Cloths do blue, black, drab and mixed Cassimeres do scarlet, buff and white Cassimeres Blue, black, brown, green and corbeau second Cloths Blue, black, brown and green second Cassi meres Bine, black, white and drab Stockingnets Black and mixed homespun Stockingnets Elegant assortment of fancy silk Vesting Do. assortment of Marseilles tnd toiltnet Vest- ing Plain and corded Florentine Black silk Velvet and moleskin Vesting Black Bombasine and Cambrics Bed, yellow, and white Flannels Mixed Home 5 pun, twilled White, plaid, and striped Homespun A good assortment of homespun bed Ticking Block and blue hunting Cord. John S. Alley. June 8—67 Gold and Silver Epaulets . A Tew pair scry elegant, jttst received, .and lor sale by thb subscribers. Minis & Henry, Ao. 7, Commerce Ron march 10—cc—39 • For sale. 4 bales Oznahurgs 60 pieces Cotton Bagging, first quality SO tons Swedish Iren, Axe bar, square, and as- sorted sizes 20 boxes do. Allum 20 boxes do. Window Glass, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12 byl SO barrels prime brown Sugar march 29—37 Peter Mitchel. For sale A number of good HOUSES and MULES, on a liberal'credit, for approved paper, if ap plied for toon, either at the livery staoles kept by Mr- RemstUrt, or at my office, D. Polock. N. B. The above horses and mules will be sold, on Wednesday next; before the auction store of T. A. Schoedde; on a credit of six months, for approved paper. ALSO, A few Field Hinds and House Servants. April 5—L—40 Just received From New- York, over land, the following ready i made Cloathing, r an anted of the best work- manshift, and of a su/ttrtor qua’ity, to toil : Gentlemens lino stockinged Pantaloons, as sorted colovs Do Princes’ cord Pantuloons Do Greens’do do Do Bedford do do Gentlemens fine sourtout Coats D.i 3d quality do Do 3d dodo Do fancy Vest3, different patrons Do Costsees do Seamens’fine blue Jackets and Trowscts Do check Shirts do Do White muslin do The above oriicles will be sold lewfor cash dtmly,by P. TORPY. jan 27 11 Telfair’s wharf Jonathan Battelle ' „ . Offers lor sale Sugar, in barrels 'Molasses fn hhds. suitable for retailing 'Train.Oil, in barrel* Salt, of stradcr quality Coffee. inW* Germ*" Steel. Swedes Iron Cut Nails, asserted sizes Do. Bnds.tlQ.and 20d Boxes Soap, equal to Doolit.le’j Ditto Candles JJittp Codfish Ditto smeaked Herr mgs Ditto Cheese, one in each box Mess Beef, in half barrels Bound! do. on kids Glauber Saits, in barrels Wrapping, aud blue medium Paper Writing, and Utter Paper D-ani Priming Paper. Printing Ink Cotton and Wool Cards PlvmgCardy, Twine, Hessians ■Northern Heme»pun, Hair Combs Cases Straw Bonnets „Ditto Wool Hats .'Boxes Roan Slippers 'Hhds. Negro Stoes- * also, .Whiskey. Peach Brandy, and ficur * The subscriber Offers for sale on consignment, Beef, Pork and Mackerel, in barrels and half barrels Clear spermaceti Oil, in kegs of i5 gallons 6, 8,10,12,16 and 20d wrought and cut Nails, Binds and Sprigs Window Glass, 8 by 10 and iO by t2 Soap, Candles and Cheese Colton Baids, in small boxes Superior quality Gunpowder, F FF FFF One box elegant French silk Hats and Ben nets . O ’-e set elegant tea China And at the grocery establishment, OM London par’icului M» Wine Do Ten> rieffe do. Cognac Brandy, ve- y superior Old Jamaica Spirits ’ Gin Fiesh gunpowder Tea - • - Loaf, whiie. powdered and Muscovado Sugars At reduced prices R. Watts. march 34—35 Received, Per brig Phanix, from Havtmna, Muscovado Sttgat, in hogsherds Prime green Coffee, in hags and birds Spanish Bum, in pipes OH I1AND. Brown and whi’e Havanna Sugar, in boxes and in barrels. Coffee, Molasses, West Iml : a Rum, black Pepper, Flour, Whisky and peach Brandy, Snap and Candles, Powder, Shtf and Lead, writing and wopp'ng Paper, cut Nail-, White Lead, S-antsh Btnwo a nd Lintsecd Oil, N. Hipes, window Glass, Src. For sale by Charles Maurel. april 3—t—S9 Factorage, No. 17, Holtona* IV/iarf. The subscriber having returned to this place for the purpose of recommencing the above bu siness. respectfully tenders his services to plan ters. of South Carolina and Georgia, with as\ur- ances of ur.remitted exertions to promote \b+. interest ot nil who favor hiui with their confi dence, as well in the execution of Orders t*s the. disposal of any specie* of Property commit ted to his care- JOSEPH A. SCOTT, nov 27 141 Auction AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. The snr*5criber having entered i r t->the above line of business, tenders his services to the pub; lie gene ral'v, and hopes by bis aitent.on ami pun.unlitv. to receive ushareof the public pat. ronafr. Hr* has t'.ken the fire proof building, between Dr. Haberaltam’s r.rtl Messrs. D .nning Sc Clay, under theTJus<*»m .Printing office. T. A. Schoedde. march 22—S4 Salt. ICO bagifioe table Salt* suitable for fmrtfflf u 1 #. rot Calc by GEORGE LOW. april 5—a—40 Hyson skiiYTea. A few Chert fresh Hyson skin Tea, orsuoe rior quality, ju.-t received and for aale on rea. aonahle terms, by J. MOORHEAD, april S—at—40 Nj S, Comme, cc iloxo. Storage Can be had At Anciaoif. wharf, on terms. Apply to .• R. WATT Si april 2—39 Marshal’s sales. By virtue of a decree of the circuit court of the United States, for the s'at^of.-Georgri, on the foreclosure of a nioitgag* from Edwin Gairdner, tn William Blackiock ard others, in the year 1801, will be sold at public «r:v at the court hoii r o. on the 2 ?th day ot May next, at eleven oVIrck, One r .oicty ot that Lot cf Land, Hcases, and Wharves, in the city of Savannah, which wm* generally known by the name of's wharf. Conditions, cash. * John Eppinger, marcn 22 — 34 marshal The Firm Of Schosdde & Hess is this day dissolved jy mutual consent; all demands against the said firm are requested to be presented, rod all persons indebted to the same, are required to make immediate p .vment to either of th^ sub*. ncxibers. THEO A. SCHOEDDE. EBENEc.ER S. KEES. fly* The subscriber will cortinw the F AC* TOWAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, ?*t capt. Rice’s yellow store, near the Ex change, where he will be thankful fr.r the sup. port of his friends, and the public generally Storage will be rcceiv* d on reasonable terms. Ebenezer S. Rees. feb 22 22 Loaf Sugar. A few barrels of an ex; el'ent quality, fog sale by J. E. WHITE k CO. april L—39 Factorage AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. . WHITE, GUBRAKD & Co. Having formed a connection to transact the above business alone, and having 'taken *.ht fire proof store lately occupied by J. K. Whit 8cCo. on the werhange dock, tender their *er vices to their friends and the public.' Thei* undivided and constant attention to the interest of those who may entrust the disposal of pro perty with them, they hope will ensure con ft dence and support* dec 18—150 Teas, Wines, &c. The subscriber effort for sale, at the stor lately occupied by Mr. Joseph Eveleth, (oppo site Mr. Gibbons's Building) best Teas, old L. P. Madeira Wine, Port do Cognac Brandy, ole Jamaica Rum, Ami gnu do. West India ditto, Whiskey, Molasses, green Coffee, old white do. irown and white Sugars, yellow Soap. Ctmlie^ Black Pepper, Pimento. Nutmegs, real Havana Scgars. cut Nails of all sizes, Handsaws, Ca t ings, G »rman Steel, Frying-Pans, cotton Cards (No. 10) &c. ALSO, Superfine FLOUR, from Grimes’s Mills Roderick M’Leod. morch .5 ■-—!>! Christ Church. The Wardens v.n*’ V*»«rry of Christ Church having as*S£ssed the PEWS held in fee simple twelve dollars each for five months (from I)ec. 1, 1813, to May 1 next) the holders are to pay the same previous ro the 15th instant, »r <t. fault of which, the ptw* will be sold, in'con* f.*rmity with the t'-r»os of sitle. Payment will be received, at Bank, hy James Marshall. apt'ii 4 p—— .10 Notice. Found, in the camp of runaway negroe- some blankets and pieces of flannel, tf then are any claimants tor the same, they will b pleased to apply fb me. There were two boar and three guns taken from the said negroes which will be restored to the owners by prov ing their property and pa-, ing • harass. Lems Turner. april 4 m 40 Fresh Supply, OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Just received from New-York; by tray ef Au- gust*, ao addition to the former large supply tf Bools and Shuns, a' OLIVER Hi TAYLOR’S, Ma: ket-square. Siisvatrovr Bools Gentlemen’s dress Pumps Do. Morocco and leathe Jefferson* Do. do. do dress Shoes Do. Sufrarrow lace Boots . Ladles wbiie and colored kid Slippers Do. heeled kid and motneco Slippe'rs Do. Velvet and Jean Slippers Do. motocco walking Shoes Du. cork-soled do Do. undressed moroeqoSlips and Buskins Do. color ed and black morcco Slips Misses Slips and Buskin* Boys coat sc ar.d fine Shoes Cbi'drens lace Boots ard Buskins Servants Shoes and Shoe Brushes Which will be soiJ at low price* for cash, only. B. J. SCRIBNER, dec 33 - — fS2 Just received An additional supply of BOOTS and SHOES; consisting of Elegant fair top Boots Ditto Suwai row do Black, white and coloured kid Slip, la-, k ami coloured morrucco do Nankeen Bootee* n and Jean do foxed Cork so*l, and walking Shoes Misses morocco and kid Slips and Ties Geutleihrns niorrocco Shoes and Pumpi Leather do do Youth Shoes Womens leather Bootees and roan Slips Childrens Buskins aud Dickees Boot Cord and Webbing, shoe Thread, plated Moulding,.liquid Blacking, and 1500 pair NS- GKO SHOES v ALSO, Id mill Saw, ; 10 kegs Virginia manufactur ed Touacco, of excelleut quality. For sale by John Douglass. feb 17 20 Ma -slial’s sale. United htates of America—District of j the United States as the applicants may wish gy The public will please to be inf irmed that H' >RSES and CHAIR’S may bt h’d of trie subscriber on hire, for anj journc) that their convenience mu> require < that Ex presses will be aLo furnished to such parts of and at any notice required. Daniel Hotchkiss. f-b 12—tS Georgia. By virtne of an interlocutory order from tht hono- ble William Stephen-, judge of the diltrict coart of e United S: tet. lot the dts-riti cfalore iid, wi.l be j , . . , datSt. Mary,, on Frtday, 8* April next, at -0 Mai'Shal S SaleS COntillUeCI. deck in the forenoon. » , , - . -■ . r u. . T _ ut -r, : By Yinue of fardry execution! issued out of the lix , n The CARGO of the uhooncr Lomk, consifnng y circui , Cocrt J . hc UnIted Srate9 ?or the diftri< a •50 bushe t Lisbon Salt 95 bag blown dof S trunk! Cambric! Muslim, Table Ciotht and Print* S cafe* Ca.icoei 8‘ bale» bro>d Clo h* *C of Georgia will be told at the Courr Houfe in Sa varrah, on the FIRST TUESDAY in May nek , between the bu«r! of ten nd three o’clock, 9 One Negro Man, n med 3en—levied onto fatitfy an execution ; Janie* Pat en and James Dyke! *>• George O. Nowland, adm ini ft rat or Wfliiam L- Hall, moitions. nffc None hat vpocie. or hill s of -he J decoMed. , pSk ore and Aucuna Tank* or Chari.aoa A w,oneNrgro man.oamed London—letiedMis* ' Baidu, wiU be reutvrd in paymett. j the property of John Fraser, tu taffy Henry lngtesby Joint x^ppb.ger, j John Eppinger, r»_8t <-'• ‘ e - | april J—41 ■arftah Lost or Stolen. A letter was put into the Post Office at Wasb- ing'on* (s. c.) on the 14 h January last, 8y ait'ucl Ralston of that place, addressed to the ubscriher, containing (he halves of five notes f the Planters’ Bank, Savannah, of one hun dred dollars each. This le'ter by some means or other has never reached the undersigned.— The following are the marks, numbers and dares of said half bills : No. 6, letter A nlanters’ bank, dated Savan- ah 2d March, 1813. No. 80 : le'ter A planters* bank, dated Sayan* nah, 2d March, 1812. Do, 33, do. A do. do. do. 18'h Jan. i812. Do. 90. do. B do. do. do. 18 n Jan. 1812. Do. 176, do A dn. do. do. 18th D.-c. 1812. As these half bills have beeo stopped at tbe P'aniers* Bank, and the half in possession of 'he undersigned thy can be of no use to those who may have them. Any intelligence which may lead to adi*. covery of the half bills will be henkfully re- eivedby JOHN RALSTON, march 15—31 Savannah To Rent or Lease, A valuable Plantation, a few miles from this ci y, nearly unrounded by salt Water ; there s an excellent dwelling house and out houses, which Would render it a icy desirable retreat in the suinme' months. Apnlfto Alexander S. Hoc. April 5 40 Revenue Office. " Phyffdani who only difpofe of the Medkinaa ufed by brm in their practice, are requested to t b Hcenrei* The foregoing is re extract fir m imtreetinns re- ces'ly received, to which immediate a"*ction mast be given by the retpectivc phyiictan, in tb« firet coL lective diffract. Joha Stevens,a. Liberty coAnty, April 1—41 CpUee^r. Blank Manifests, For sole at this office.