The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, April 12, 1814, Image 1

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SS# TWKEPUliLKAN, And SA VANN AH.EVENING LEDGER. Number 43—Volume XIL TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1814, Whole Number 2247. The subscriptr offers far ct the (store lately occupied hv Mr. Joseph Eve’etlt, (o,:pf>* site Mr. Gibbons’, Bni'ding) West Teas, old Li f\ Madeira Wine, Port do. Cognac Bratirty, old Jamaica Rem, Antigua do. West India ditto. Whiskey. Molasses, green Coffee, old white do. brown sod whits Sugars, yellow Soap, Candle*, Black Pepper, Pimento, Nutmegs, real Havana Segars. cut Nails ot all sues. Handsaws, Cast ings, German Steel, Frying-Pans, cotton Cards (No. 10) Jtc. ALSO, * • Superfine FLOUR, from Grimes's Mills Roderick M'Leod. tnorch ;J—31 . ?•: ■* Ligbtboom. For freight or S apply to the master on Jona. Battelle. Just received An additional supply of BOOTS and SHOES j CIMlsUtfog of Elegant fair top Boots Ditto Suwarrow do Black, white and coloured kid Slips Black. and coloured inorrocco do Nankeen Bootees Nankeen and Jean do foxed '.A**.-, Coik seal, and walking Shoes ; Misses morocco aiid kid Slips and Ties _ Gentlemens morrocco Shoes and Pumps Leather do da. s Youth Shoes Womens leather Bootees and roan Slips Childrens Buskins and Dickers dooc Cord and Webbing, shoe Thread, p>*ted Moulding. Vquid Blacking, and tJOO pair NE GRO SHOES ALSO, • : 16 mill Saws 110 kegs Virginia manufactur ed Tobacco, of excellent quality. For sale by John Dourfass. t<y on ° Jonathan Battelle Offert for tale Sugar, in barrels Molasses in hltds. suitable far rc Train Oil, in barrels Salt, of superior quality. Coffee, in bags German Steel, Swedes Iron Cat Nails, asserted sixes Ho. Brads, 10 sad 30d Boxes Soap, equal to Doolittlt’a Di to Candles r Ditto Codfish < Ditto smoaked Herrings Ditto Cheese, one in each box Mess-Beet, in half barrels Rounds do. in, kids Glauber Saits, in barrels Wrapping, aud blue medium Pa] Writing, and letter Paper Demi Printing Paper, Printing I Map shales sales.' -• By virtue of a decree of tbe-circnit court of the United States, for the. state of Georgia, or. > the foreclosure of a mortgage from Edw in Gairdner, to William Blackloek end others,- in the year 1801, will be sold at public ruV, at the cruet houre, on the 21th day of May next, at eleven o’clock. One moiety ot that Lot r.f Land, Houses, and Wharves, in the city of Savannah, which was generally known by the name if Gairdoer’s wharf. Conditions, cash. John Eppinger, maren 22—34 marshal GRO MAN, who says bis name is SAMBO, !®d that he belongs to Mr. Martin, but speak* English so badly as not to be well understood. He is about forty-fire years of age and fire teet ten inches high. He says bis master lived near Louisville. He has an iron on his left leg and has lost the middle toe of bis foot. . H. M'Call, nor 4n itr sla Georgia—M‘Intosh County. By John Baifiie, clerk of the non of ordinary for the coan-y of M’lntoih and state aforesaid. Whereas, George Street, of Darien, mer<Wnt,^L plies for letters of adminiatratioa oo the eraie and effects of John White, L.e of uid coanty, deceased, in behalf of the heirs and creditors of the Mid dec* These are therefore, to cite and admonish all aod singular the kindred sad credrora of the said deces«M to lie their objections (if any they have) in my of fice, oh or before the first Monday, in May aest, otherwise letters ofadmini tratieo will be granted Given under my hand ind seat, this add y of April, i Christ Church. The Wardens and Vestry of Chritt Church having assessed the PEWS held in fee simple, twelve dollars each for five months (from Dec. 1,1819, to May 1 next) the holders are to pay the same previous to the ISth instant, in defaalt of which, the pews w01 be sold, in con formity With the term* of sale. Payment will be received, a Bank, by , The schooner PRUDENCE, v burthen about fifty tops, suitable If for inland coasting | requires no •repairs to be employed, and will be sold very low. ALSO, The well known sloop SQAM- ,CGT, of similar manage. rebuilt faboo* two years ago, and wants no • repairs. Apply to Jonathan Battelle, Who has jut! received, end offert for tale, on lov> ter mi, 2 cases Webster’s Spelling Books 2 do seaman’s or negro’s cotton Shirts , * do blue Jackets 12 dozen Frying Pans S7* Demands against the schooner Kotusoff most be presented to morrow, as they will not be'paid after that date april 2—39 Francis Rouvier i ■ vr Offert for tale 54 barrels brown Sugar .28 hds. Molasses SO bzgs Coffee 16 bales leaf Havana Tobacco opril 9—•* 43 ^ v For sale v >£ well toned PIANO FOR TE. Apply ■if, Mars & Falun. april 9—at -42 Marshal’s sale. * United States—District of Georgia. By virtue of an order from the hon. Wm. Stephens judge of the district court of the Unit ed States, for the district aforesaid, will be sold at St. Mary’s on Friday, 29th inst. at ten oVIock in the forenoon. Tlieschon.irr ISABEL, her tac tkle, apparel. Sec. > And immediately after will »commence the sale of the CAR. GO of said vessel, consisting of __ 19 hogsheads RUM, and other articles Conditions, Cash, John Eppinger < april 9—42 marshal. Savannah SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. The subscribers give notice, that they have on hand and for sale, at the above Manufactory No 1 SOAP, equal to Do little’*, and mould CANDLES, equal to any. The above articles will be delivered at any place the purchaser to ay wish in this city. L. Baldwin &. Co. april J——co*——41 Cotton and Wool Cards Playing Cards, Twine, Hessians Northern Homespun, Hair Combs Cases Straw Bonnets Ditto Wool Hats Boxes Roan Slippers Hhds. Negro Seoes- ALSO, Whiskey, Peach Brandy, and Flour feb 15 19 Just received * From Aew- Tori, over land, the fallowing ready made Cloathing, warranted of the test work- manshift, and of a superior quality, to wit : Gentlemens fine stockingnet Pantaloons, as. sorted colors Do Princes'-cord Pantaloons Do Greens’do do Do Bedford do do Gentlemens fine sourtout Coats Du 2d qual"y do Do 3d do do Do fancy Vests, different patrons Do Cos i sees do Seamens’ fine blue Jackets and Trowsers Do check Shirts do Do While muslin do , . The abore articles will be sold lowfor cash only, by P. TORPY jan 37—11 Telfair's wharf Prime Green Coffee, AND COGNAC BRANDY. 15000 pound, prime pin COFFEE,in bags af 100 to 175 Iba. S pipe, old Cognac BRANDY. Foe foie on Kcommodulng term, by Benjamin B. Norris, march 15 —31 ' Hunter's new storet. The Subscriber Offera for sale the following Goods, viz— Superfine blue, black, green and mixed Clothe i blue, black, drab and mixed Cassimcres do scarlet, buff and white Cassimercs Blue, black, brown, grden and corbeau second Cloths Blue, black, brown and green second Casai- meres Blue, black, white and drab Stockingnets Black and mixed homespun Stockingnets Elegant assortment of fancy silk Vesiiog Do, assortment of Marseilles and toibnet Vest- mg Plain and corded Florentine Blacksilk Velvet and moleskin Vesting Black Bombazine and Cambrics Red, yellow, and white Flannels Mixed Homespun, twilled White, plaid, and striped Homespun A good assortment of hrmespun bed Ticking Black and blue hunting Cord. John S. Alley. jane S—67 Received, Per brig Phanix, from Havanna, Muscovado Sugar, m hogsheads Prime green Coffee, in bags and barrels Spanish Rum, in pipes OH band. fi Brown and while Havaons Sugar, in boxes And in barrels, Coffee, Molasses, West India Rom, black Pepper, Flour, Whisky and peach Brandy, Soap and Candles, Powder, Shot and Lead, writing and wrapping Paper, cut Nails, White Dead, Spanish Brawn and Lmtseed Oil, N.Hipes, window Glass, Stc. For sale by Charles MauicL For sale. 4 bales Oznabuvgs SO pieces cotton Bagging, firit quality SO tons Swedish Iren, axe bar, square, and as sorted sizes 20 boxes do. Allum 20 boxes do. Window Glass, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12 SO barrels prime brown Sugar Peter Mitchel. march 29—37 For sale A number of good HORSES and MULES, on a liberal credit, for approved paper, if ap plied for toon, either at the livery stables kept by Mr. Rtmshart, or at my ofli e. D. Polock. N. B. The above horses and mules will be sold, on Wednesday next, before the auction store of T. A. Schoedde, on a credit of six months, tor approved paper. ALSO, A few Field Hands and House Servants. april 5 l—40 F actor age, No. 17, '• Boltons' Wharf. The subscriber having returned to this place for the purpose of recommencing the above bu siness, respectfully tenders his services to plcn. tera, of South Carolina and Georgia, with assur ances of tmrcmiltcd ekertions to promote dis interest ot all who favor him with their confi dence, as well in tire execution of Orders as the disposal of any species of Property commit ted to his care- JOSEPH A. SCOTT, nov 27—141 Auction AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber having entered into the above line of business, tenders his services to the pub lic generally, and hopes by his attention and pnntuality, to receive a share of the public pat- ronagv. He has taken the fire proof building, between Dr. Habersham’s and Messrs. Dunning 8c Clay, under the Museum Printing office. T. A. Schoedde. march 22—34 Of Schoedde 6c Kbits is this day dissolved by mutual consent; all demands against the said firm are requested to be presented, and all' persons indebted to the same, are required to make immediate payment to either of the sub. scribers. THRO. A. SCHOEDDE. EBEXEZER S. REES. jy The subscriber will continue the FAC TORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at capt. Rice’s yellow store, near the Ex change, where he will be thankful for the sup port ot his friends, and the public generally Storage will be received on reasonable terms. Ebenezer S. Rees. feb 22 22 Factorage AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. WHITE, GUERARD 8c Co. Having formed a connection to transact the above business alone, and having taken the fire proof store lately occupied by J. E. Whit- 8cCo. on the exchange dock, tender their ser vices to their friends and the public. Their undivided and constant attention to the interest of those who may encrirst the disposal ot pro perty with them, they hope will ensure confi deuce and sunport. dec 18—150 Fresh Supply, OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Salt. 160 bags fine table Salt, suitable for family u<e, For fale by GEORGE LOW april 5— r—SO Loaf Sugar. A few barrels of an excellent quality, fo 1 ale by J. E. WHITE & CO. april 2—L—39 Marshal’s sales continued. By virtue of fundry execution! issued out of the fixth Circuit Court of the United Si ates for the diftrid of Georgia, will be sold at the Court Houfe in Sa vsnnah, on the FIRST TUESDAY in May nex between the hours of ten t*nd three o'clock, One Negro Man, named fieu—levied on to fatisfy an execution ; James Pat en and James Dyke* vs. George G. Nowland, admimfirator William L. Hall, decealed. Also, one Negro man. named London—levied on s« the property of John Fraser, to tbcisfy Henry Ingletby. John Eppinger, april 7—41 maiflial. To Rent or Lease, Fora term of yean, a commodious small HOUSE, in market square, fuitable for a complete ftore, a» well as dwelling house, next door to Mr. Gindrat** saddler*! shop. For terms, apply to Moses Sheftall. april 7—42 Notice. AU persons are fi»b’d ttusting any of ihi crew of the Spanish brig PlitE iix, as no pay ments will be made oo tfteuaccount, unles the sanction of the subscr ter it previously cb lained. FRANCISCO DE HITA, wcvr.l 9—m—42 Cafinin N otice. The Digest of City Taxes for thr year l8»4, being compleated the subscriber will receiv, the taxes until Tuesday, the 10th day of May next, after which day executions will issui agtiustall those who may be iu default. J. Pettibone, c. T. spril 9 42 Just received from New-Ywk, by way of Au- gusta, :«n addition to the former large supply of Boots and Shoe*, at OLIVER H. TAYLOR’S, Mat kcttquarc. Suwarrow Boots Gentlemen’s dress Pumps Do. Morocco and leather Jcffersons , Do. do. do dress Shoes -1 Do. Suwarrow lace Boots Ladies white and colored kid Slippers . Do. heeled kid and motocco Slippers Do. Velvet end jean Slippers — Do. morocco walking Shoes Do. cork-solsd do Do. undressed morocco Slips and Buskins Do. colored and black morcco Slips Misses Slips and Buskins Boys coarse and fine Shoes Childrens lace Boots and Buskins Servants Shoes and Shoe Brushes Which will be sold at low price* for cazhj only. D. J. SCRIBNER, dec 23—153 Lost or Stolen. A letter was pot into the Post Office at Wash ington, (n. c.) on tbo I4ih January last, tfy bamuel Ralston of that place, addressed to the subscriber, containing the halves of five notes of the Planters’ Bank, Savannah, of ono hun dred dollars each. This letter by some means or other has never reached the undersigned—, The following are the marks, numbers and dates o( said half bills : No. 6, letter A planters' bank, dated Satan- nah, 2d March, 1813. No. 80, letter A planters’bank, dated Sayan* nah, 2d March, 1812. Do. 33, do. A do. do. do. 18'h Jan. i813. Do. 90, do. B do. do. do. 18 h Jan. 1813. Do. 176, do A do. do. do. 18tb Dec. itl2. As these half bills have been stopped at the Planters* Bank, and the half in possesuon of he undersigned they can be of no use to those is ho may have them. Any intelligence which may lead to adis- covery of the half bills fvill be thankfully re eived by JOHN RALSTON, march 15—31 Savannah To Rent or Leas^ A valuable Plantation, a few miles from tjlie city, nearly surrooeded by salt water ; there is an excellent dwelling house and out houses, which would render it a very desirable retreat in the summer months. Apply to Alexander S. Roe. april 03* Brought to the goal of Chatham COUP*" — * u - ««**- -* “ «•" GR< , : • \ , t►* -