The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 01, 1815, Image 1

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<5! &■ ’ i|i pf^l V •&# £& sa Vann ah evening ledger. mM : .TVr'--, .-g*-. «? v Wtfc ■ ■***• .kul «£• LIM Ndmiu 73—Volume XIIL SATURDAY, JULY 1,1815. Whole Ntmsjsa 2533; s= (t 6T 100 bales of Cotton are want ed to fin up the British ship ABERDEEN, bapiMa Fraser, for Liverpool, to sail in eight day*. Apply to Carnochan & Mitchell. 1 June 29—68 For Liverpool The coppered British brig AJAX, caps. Scott. For freight apply to juoe 13-6* Wkr R. & J. Habersham, Passage for Liverpool. Tu<* fast iftiltLf packet ship iRISING STATES, Ibma Paine, ►commander, will sail from Char- sleston, (s. C.) about the 10th of July next, provided a sufficient number ot pas sengers cen be engaged, having extensive and superior accommodations. For let ms apply t to T. Tuffes, Charleston, or to Henry W. Hills, ■ June 6—62 Savannah » ■&' F or Liverpool The elegant coppered ship aPOWHATTAlJf) V. A. Stcokes, ►commander, borthen 375 tons, > will be despatched as soon as and will take cotton on freight at a Also a few passengers can be well :ommutlatcd. Apply lo the captain on ardor to Carnochan & Mitchell, [jane 6—62 Letters on England. I Factorage and Commission Business. | . .. . . . . . - . L . . I Josts* Bacon having taken Jaax Htsvsv 8ae ! The aobsenber has it in view to publish to a . int o cojarmerftip, tlx bsfoxf. wilt in future be few months, or as soon as the whole' manuscript can ba transcribed ; a Seriea of Letters on England, in which will be embraced general observations on the face of the country ; with remarks on the habits, domestic economy ; state of society t literary institutions! condition ot the manufacturing classes! aod on the manufactures generally, with descriptions of towns and particular edifices.! interspersed with various observations and reflections, ori ginating from the diversified objects which were presented. * If suitable arrangements can be made, the publication will contain from eight to ten cw conducted under the firm of mcom A uaocu John bacon, J. H. Bruen. i=hoa*« Buildings, No. 3), Exchange wharf. For sale A very Eght four wheel Carriage jsae 21—tt—70 The subscriber *1 \ uas JUST BKCtivra Jbfe-sR invoice of *ooo 7 CHAIRS, which ho P-bu.h.dir, ton vnlnmM • f fintaininff f?nm 2SQ to 300 ... , ,. . .. Victory, will aHortment compute. two volumes; cacb containing from 250 to 300 pages octavo. boi'Scriptions will be received for this work although it is not intended to delay its publica tion for any definite number of subscribers, or that it shall solely depend upon the patronage which may be thus offered. No money will be required until the books are delivered i and the price to subscribers wilt be Four Dollars Fifty Ceats in boards without engravings, with the addition of such a charge as will merely defray the expence thereof. J. E. WHITE June 17—fr—67 For Liverpool The .obirantia! eofprrtd British ‘ship OCEAN, captain Arravunith, ' burthen 263 ton* will receive cocoa -on freight for Liverpool, at a low Apply to 1 Carnochan Sc Mitchell. may 30—59 For New-York The ship DXYADE, Henry Bacon, master, will meet with immediate dispatch, having the greatest part ol her cargo engag. ft^.vFor freight of ISO bales cotton, or pas •age, apply to the master or to Charles Howard. June 27—w—71 For Netv-York. The brig NEW YORK, captain ltd _____ gar. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply on board at Rice's Wharf, or to P. SCHENK 8c Co. june 27—*1—71 For New-York The brig 5AMO SET, eaptai Bartlett', will sail on the 27th inst For freight or passage apply to Sturges & Burroughs. june 22—69 , 14; Passage for Philadelphia. Thr packet brig OLYNTHUS, cap ,’uin John llaily, daily expected from Fit.-ulelphiz—will return without delay. A ply to PERRY & WRIGHT. Smith’s stores. WHO HAVE FOR SALE B'llr Or. I'hilurtelphia Pus' Note* of Philadelphia Bank “jfw 1 June 24—70 fi " Auction. On Monday next, 3d July, .mU be told before our store without any reserve The HULL ot the bug hi'Doueugh, as It •ow lies at Bolton's ship yard, can bo repaired at a small cxpence. ALSO A quantity of standing and running RIGG- ' 1NG, Spars, Sails, Blocks, Cables, Aociiois, Ac. Conditions, cash. • Sale to commence at It o'clock, M. Herbert Ec Co. auct’r. june S9-A-72 Whale Oil •beads tierces and barrel., on ac ating terms. For sale by Stanton & Byrd. jane 29— m— 72 Just received lVhb8s Philadelphia rye Whiskey . ' 30 . do’ .best resting M'lajie;. For ss’e by Charles Maurel. ». .■ ■■* Bills on New York, For sr.’e by R. tc J. HABERSHAM. «nay 30-55 New Goods Jutt received Jr om London, Nassau, 17c. Printed Calicoes and Cambrics 4-4 aud 6-4 cotton Cambrics Cambric and Jaconet Muslias Silk and cotton Stockings Reaver and kid Gloves Black and colored Bombasetta Irish Linen, Freoch Cambric Russia Sheeting and Diaper Marseilles Quilting, silk Florentine Broadclothes and Cassitnures York Stripes, India Nankeens •Striped and plaid Ginghams Furniture and Common Dimitiea Table Cloths, tea Napkins Cotton and thread Laces Superior flax Osnaburghs P2ra*ols. chintz Shawls Neddies, Tape, Thread, 8re. For sale at re duced prices. ANDREW LOW 8s CO april 18—— 41 June «5—66 Silas C ooper, OppoCte A.Low & Co* Just received Per schooner Dart, from Havana, Muscovado Sugar, in tierce* Green Ccffee, in bag* Molavif*, of Bguod quality, in hcgrii-*d»— for *aleby CHARLES MAUREL. june 20——L—68 Just received id kegs beft Englifh White Lead, ground in oil, for blc low by the ftbfcribu* VIO BAS ON BAND Bed EngliOi MagniSa, in phial.—Eaude Luce— Charcoal Tooth Powder—Lavender Water— Berga muse—L'Orilltfd'sMacabau and Scotch Snuff &c. John F. Pouyat. June 20—-t— 68 Copartnership. Charles Ferry, of the late house of Gaston and Ferry, dissolved ou the im ins 1 , and Tho mas Wright, jun. have entered into copartner- ship in the COMMERCIAL AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, in ibis city, under the firm of Peer* (7 Wright, to be conduced by Thomas IVright, jun. The business of the hotus in Philadelphia will be transacted by Charles Perry, residing there. CHARLES PERRY, 1 THOMAS WRIGHT, jui*. june 3—61 Smith's stores Andrew Low 6c Co. Have just received by the shift Wellington, and other arrivalsjrom England, FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY Two”PACKAGES of welt assorted DRY GOODS, selected bv one of thcnuelves there—which they offer for sale, by the piece or package on reasonable term?* june 27—71 Lumber Yard. The subscriber having entered into the LUMBER BU--INE"33, si the wharf formerly occupied by Bacon & Malone, will have con- antly on hard, a supply of ail descriptions of LUMBER. Oiders esteemed in the above 'ine at the shot test notice. Elias Wallen, may 18—54 Corn. For sale, in stor -. a few hundred bushel of prime Georgia CORN William A. Moore. june 27—M 71 New-Ark Cider. 35 bis of the first quality for ssle by. R. Morrel, june ,7-67 AtKinne's etshar New York Columbian Foundry. The subset iber being appointed agent the foundry, (reputed the best in the United Sta'e,) will receive orders for the Machinery ai rice, cotton, and other Mills; cotton Billies and Jennies ; cotton compressing screws; ms. chines for grinding bark ; cast rollers ; wrought and cast g. dgeons ; mill stones and spindles ; naebinery lor steam engines ; cast iron sega: Bailers ; band mills ; domestic utensils, and every other description of iron castings and •nachmery. Orders containing an exact des cription of the articles wanted, will be executed s». h accuracy and dispatch. Apply at the of fice of Mr. Elias Walien, to Charles Davies. june 10—64 "For sale, On board tkcbrzg .ptyntH* from PltHadej/ihia, r ' . the fwiotJUiy arutUs, 9 dozen Windsor Chairs 1 cask or Glauber Sal's . 2 bales oi damostic Dry Qco J s | 4 sod a half dozen Port, fi: for immediate US* 3 dozen market Baskets .I •do*' wishingTubs june 27-71^ V •.!? li. %»&?' I if liHS ■m Marshal's sale cont’d. On the first Tuesday in July next. Will be s id at the ct.ur; boose in . the city of SsvsomS, between the hoarse of ten and three o’clock,. A'l that nact of land on Ogeebse river, '<so*n by the name of Vdlembross, containing 3,500 acres, more or less, levied on as the prc. erty of Stephan EUiot. esq. at the, suit of Jo- sow 5PPINGB Fresh bhoes, Boots, TRUNKS AND BRUSHES. JUST RECEIVED, Jind for sale at the lowest /triers, by JOHN DOUGLASS, Best Philadelphia and New Yoik m»de Boots Gen lemen*« superior mcce&co and waxed Jeffersons Morccco Pumps Fines' seal skin Shoes Boy's Shoes Lt'dte** most fashionable Perry Laces Full trimed black and eo'orcd morocco Slip pets, from Peck’s manufactory, New- York Ladies kid Slippers and Sandals Children’s morocco and leather Bootees, Slip pers and Buskins Trunk*, of various descriptions Floor, counter, paint, white wash, clothes, shoe, horse end scrubbing Brushes Waxed calf Skins, shoe Thread, 8cc. june 1*— 60 — Non-Existence of Partnership The fobferiber* effnre tbe public that bo partser- fbip hat ever et any time, any occafion or in any trans action exifted between them, if, therefore any trans action ot the party employed (Lndewig Shults) hat borne femblance thereof h arofe from inattention and was incorrect and ought not. in j office or equity, at tribute nny b'ame or operate any legal or focia. injury to tbe employer (Anothony Goldenbnrg) who hereby make* known, that he will not recognize any trans action ot any perfon whatever calling himftlf his partner in trade, as binding on him ufclefs, until fueh is regularly entered into by written agreement, and pubhlbed in one or more of tbe public gazettes A.COLDEN8ERG, L SHULTZ. A. Goldenberg continues to tranb& bnfinett as Wood Factor, and has on hand a quantity of fire wood at former price (four dollzrs and a fcaif per cord) on his wharf, known hy the came ol Fooler**. june S4—70 Fresh Arrow Root. The fubferiber often for (ale the above article o ' a moff eeceUeot qnali y, either hy the qnanHtyorid packages to fait Unities JOHN F. POUYAT, At his Medical Shop, oppofita the E xchange, may SO—J9j For sale An eyjiBi four wheeled CARRIAGE of •he newest »r*binn, wi’h .full pia'ed^PAR* NESS. Price g850 on a credit till hq' first day ofjauuary oex , with an app.oVcd Lndorser. ' Two likely, gerMVr,'MtSHfjr RCiRSETtA’i iaR.e >e*nit' as «>b'>vd. Pumops wishing to bny the hors** can. have them for a week. ' Price j$l50 each. Ap. ply to the printer. ' W9*- : . june 17-67 , Leonard Bartow & Co* Market Square, Have this day lereived, by tbe schooner Lrura, from New York, a fresh supply Q| DRUGS and MEDICINES. Medicine Chests ior ship use / flesh Oliva Oil, patent Windsor Soap, wash Balls, Esana* crown Loneeis, amputating Instruments* repaoingdo. clipping do..large pewter Syringe* And oh hand, American Castor Oil, superior quality* camomile Flowers, &c. may 20——mo 35 * ♦ The Copartnership Of Doxxiiro fit Clay is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. C. DUNNING, RALPH CLAY. march 16——21 Executors 9 sales. Will be told on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, at the court bouse in this city be tween the hours of 11 and 1 o’clock, severs negro slave*, belonging to the estrte of the leidt Joseph Hill, dee. viz. Toby, Peter, Bob, Gtog Kitty, Louie*. Terms, cash; By order of the executors. Moses Herbert 6? Co. atictVs. may 27—58 ’ . ■ For sale An exeellmt femily chair HORSE, with at GIG and plated HARNESS. Apply to >h» printer. june 20—43 Landing Prom brig Tybeefrom Ncw-jfork, iO bis loat sugar 6 chests Hysoa Tee* latest imponaliojt 2 esses Cassia r 4 casks Cheese v »: iO bis Coffee, real green 20 hall Ma Cracker* ox Blunt 40 tons Swedes* Iron, assorted, from j§ to f inche* wide iO hhds 3d proof W. I. Rom lOO bit Philadelphia ship Bread 50 do do pilot do 20 boxes clarified Soap, very fiap 20 do common do 35 bla New York prime Beef 16 do do Pt>;k A tow bis cider Ylnegar xO bis Philadelphia Beer sO boxes Augusta Candle* june fi—«2 Bolton’s wharf Just received set of large dining Tables bandsdme dressing ditto portable writing Desks piano Stools large easy Chair first rate Piano Forte. For ssle cheap fra Elias Wallen. Olay 30 — Sfr Froth Boston 21 trunks women’s, misses’ and children’s vt& tocco SHOES 2 casee ladies’ square end hart horn Combi 3 do wool Hats, good finality 12 boxes No. 16 cotton Card*. For sale by R. Richardson. april 11—38 Just Landing From the brig Salvador, from Liverpool, and fir sale by R. RICHARDSON, 200 crates Earthen waie, assorted 100 firkins Irish Butter of superior quality 100 jars boiled linseed Oil S6 casks Copperas 200 boxes window Glass., assorted 20 casee Pins, 3 cases Needles 100 boxes Mustard 33 casks Brown Stout 24 do Barton Ale 48 baskets Glaother Cheese ' . . ... 190 boxes Irish Scap 50 barrels Irish mess Beef 40 casks Shot, assorted size* ALSO, A handsome assortment of Hurdwii* janer-62 ’ Arrow Rodt* Ofa feperiorquality, at 1 doUerp*ftand, wtt^ and m quantity, per fiik by Charles C. Dunn. o Fr *»asti*i’.r Ua » The subscribers Rave entered into copartnership ondsr thfi firm of Nichols at huntir, ** shif chandlers* grocers and fac tors, and respectfully tender their service* to their friends sod the psblif. They have now on hand, aod intend constantly to keep as sortments offfhip Chandlery end Groceries, of the best quality. Orders ia either branch of their basin*** will be thankfully received nnj punctually attended te. j .-jg ABRAHAM NICHOL3# fASBtiUKTM, r-9, % jjr ~