The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 11, 1815, Image 1

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aamaasKBBm Mpjtazn 77-^Votxmz XIII. For Liverpool Th« coppered Briti*b bi kJAXj apt. Scot!. For frcig By* I. Habersham, Piy Goods. f Just received fur big Maryland t trank cotton Cambric* . Vj&jJXiij X. bale Boinbaxeta 1 case figured and plain Lenofe A new series erf the ^SAamrpcId' u now In forwardness far publication, {subscribers de sirens of receiving the first number; will please w send their names s as the publication will he Confined to the Dumber of copies that may be actually subscribed for. On recciptot the ■first number, the advance wOt be expected, tuless the subscriber, on viewing the execu- jtesrning the terms, should choose to airous of receiving the first number; will please to send their names; as the publication will he Confined t- ±± be actatlb subscribed for. On recciptot the ■first number, t' i nnless the subscriber, on viewing the execn- Lineas The fast sa ■RISING STA' wi^rawhisname, which ho will beat liberty *S*' the P*P«rs “ the edi* 5* of *he Shamrock'’ still be carefully attend* WtO* .Sditorm who. have .heretofore exchanged *"&*** 40 **« « be Aev Tort, June 2S J]| , . , (»} j cotton^ Shirtings Henry W. Hills, A. Debross, £ ■ Bar Dree ter and. Perfumer, Bryan street} next door to Mr, I Ga •hoe store. Has jast opened the following nrttcli PERFUMERY AND ESSENCI Ban de Lace :•/ Cologne, rose and lavender Water /. Odoriferous honey Water Milk of Roses Antique and Russia Oil For Liverpool ' . Just received* ~ Per trig Superior from Aetv Tort Wove Wire, suitable far dbaniog rice, when Indian Meal bolts iPOWHATTAN.V. A. Stookes, ►commander, burthen 375 tons, swill be despatched ss soon s* d still take cotton on freight at a Also a few passengers can be weB ted. Apply to the Captain on Campchan & Mitchell. 1 Wove Wire [Riddles and Screens far fsnnmg Mills Lime Semens for mason* Seives do do for cleaning rice; wheat, Jaiian ntd{ I flaxseed; Ac. iwireSale* Windoiwahat Hinge* Harness Buckles Cotton and. wool Cards L ■» FreshJj&oes* Boots, TRUNKS AND BRUSHES. JUST nscuvso, ■And far tale at the lowest prices, by . JOHN DOUGLASS, Best Philadelphia and New York made Boots Gentlemen’s superior morocco sod waxed For Liverpool The tubmantial coppcrad British ip OCEAN, explain Amvsmhh ■rtkwj 449 uns, will receive cotton ► freight tee Liverpool, at m low Camochan Sc Mitchell. Tortoise shell Cpibs, of evrrjr pattern da and horn pocket Combs Tooth Brushes, sllvar wired and common Hair, shaving, coat aod shoe Brashes Hair Powder, plain and tented Powder PciF Comb Brashes £ Fine Rasors,In cases Rasor Straps, of every kind Suspenders and cravat Pads Moroccnpocket Books Pocket and other small Glasses Shaving Baxes, with do Pot and stick Pomatum, &c. july 6 -ca 75 New Ypfk Coluxn The subscriber being Jeffersons Morocco Pomps Passage for Philadelphia. Finest teal skin Shoes Boy’s Shoes Ladles* most fashionable Perry Laces ■Full trlocd black and colored mordcco Slip- pare, from Peck's manufactory, New* York ■ * Ladies kid Slipper* and Sandals Children’s morocco and leather Bootees, Slip* per; and Buskins Trunks, of various descriptions Floor, counter, paint, whitewash, clothes, shoe, - horse and scrubbing Brushes Waxed calf Skins, shoe Thread; See. the foundry, (reputed tbe best in States) will recetyn orders for Ute of rice, cotton, mid other Mills; e The packet brig OLYNTHUS, cap. tain John Baity, daily expected from tphia—will return without delay. Ap. * nnrsrsVT rwnvArvW WHO XAVB VO* SACK Bills on Philadelphia _ _ Post Notes of Philadelphia Bank jtmeS*—70 Ffstorage and Commission Business. JeSxrar Bacon hxving taken Joan Hssvsv Bsv- at* iotacapactnsriUp, the bofiseft will in futures* cosdtetsd Rader tbe torn ef sac on & nosn. Joseph Bacon, J. H. Bruen. Xbltwili i«3diagt,No- S3, Biehwga wharf. For sale ^ Amy Cghtiims wfcearcsrfiaga' . ' iune24-.Ea-.70 For Philadelphia jbgltr The. fine new ship WILLIAM, jBftggcaptain Jogler, will have Immediate despatch, hiving two thirds other cargo ready. For freight of cotton apply to June 10—64 Lunflber Yard. \ nhseriber. having entbied Into ■ the LUMBER BUSINESS, at tli* wharf ibrmerty occupied by Bacon It Malone, will have con stantly on hand, a supply of all descriptions of j LUMBER. Orders executed in the above line si the shortest notice. j Elias Wallen, pom j - 3-* ’ *P ;: ' ' ! R. RICHARDSON, 200 erates Esrthenware, assorted 100 firkins Irish Butter of superior q 100 jars boiled linseed Oil ?S casks Copperas 200 boxes window Glass, assorted- 20 cased Pins. 3 cases Needle* 100 boxes Mustard 33 casks Brdwn Stoat . £4 do Burton Ale 48 baskets Glauther Cheese >90 boxes Irish Soap From the trit For side Spanish brig SALVADORS, n flrsi Leonard Bartow & Co. Market Square, Have this day received, by the schooner Lrura, from New York,, a fresh supply of DRUGS and MEDICINES. ALSO Medicine Cheats far ship use i fresh Olive O l, pa ent Windsor Soap, wash Balls, Evans’ Town Lancets, amputating Instruments, cpaDingda, cuppingdo. large pewter Syringes Anion hand, fug nnuv nvunEif » nisi SStSSrate vessel, burthen 264 tons, can be Aeui to Sea without any expence, being ready to reegve a cargo—-if not sold by the 7th, wit' „;!$»» freight for Havann Henry W. Hills. July 6-^-w—75 <Now landing From the brig Commerce, 82 puncheons West India Rom 10 hogsheads Molasses 1 barrel Arrow Root 2 bags do Nails 6 cases shearing paper 14 kegs Sd Nails 6 cases 38 os, sheathing Copper 8 8 do 6 crates assorted Earthenware And a small assortment of DRY'GOODS, consisting of Hosiery, Diapers, Broadcloths, Irish Linen, long Lawns, cotton Shirtings. Cal- ] licoes, Check,. Russia Sheeting, Romal Hand- i kerchiefs and Flannels. For sale by - R; Richardson, j may 18—54 ^ Bills on Boston, ■v New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Per sale by HENRY W HILLS jolyfi—X 75 American Castor Oil, superior quality) amonjile Flowers, Ccc. may 20—wo—-55 Bills on New York, For safe by R. 8c J. HABERSHAM, may 20-55 The subscribers ' Have enteied into copartner ship under the Srmof NICHOLS & HUNTER, as SHIP CHANDLERS, GROCERS AND FAC TORS, and respectfully tender their services Landing From the schooner Money, from Havana ■ ■ '\ . for tale on Accommodating terma, 43 hhds prime muscovado Sugar *6 .begs ef Coffee flfi hhds Molasses - Camochan & Mitchel. july 8-—76 r o their friends and the public. They have now on hand, aod inter.d constantly to keep as- '•irtments of Ship Chandlery and Gtocories,of he best quality. Orders in either branch of ■heir business will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. New Goods Just received from Ltndon, AIumv, Wc] For sale An elegant lour wheeled CARRIAGE of fashion, with full plated HAR.i the newest fashion, with full plated HAR. NESS.; Price £850 on ■ credit till the firtt day of January next, with so approved ABRAHAM NICHOLS, James hunter, Way & Baker Hove juft received per trig Tm Sitters, from Ac* Tork, the fallowing article*, vis : % ease assorted cotton Hose 1 do black and white Levantine Silks and Sa fi do white and black silk Laces X doelegant cordrd Ginghams 5 do 6-4 seeded Cambrics J flo fwHJrMi Sheeting fi bale Humhnnts Bwues.CM^^md’idkdros Handkerchief black silk Stockings and black silk Gloves. . t7“ They likewise expect hourly per ship June 15-66 endorser. LIKEWISE Two likely, gentle, family HORSES 08 the same terms us above. Persons wishing to buy tbe bones can have them for a week. Price 8150 etch. Ap. Landing From Brig Tybee from, *0 bis loaf Sugar -6 chests Hyson Tea, latest importation S cases Cassia 4 casks Cheese lO bis Coffee, real green Copartnership. Charles Perry, of the late house of Gaston and Peny, dissolved on the tat insl. and Tho rn” Wright, jun. have eotered into co-partner ship in the COMMERCIAL AND COM- MISSION BUSINESS, in this city, under tbe firm «f Pxrbt W Weight, conducted by Thomas Wright, juo.. The business of the house in Philadelphia will be transacted by Charles Perry, residing there. CHARLES PERRY, THOMAS WRIGHT, juo. jane S—51 Smith'* store*. Ccfttoa sodthreedLncx* Superior flax Osoaburghs Parasols, chiota Shawls Needles, Tape, Thread. Re. Fof sate at dneed prices. ANDREW LOW ft CO assarted, from x£ to 5 40 tons Swedesf inches wide iO hhds 3d proof W. I. Rom tOO bis Philadelphia ship Bread 50 do do pilot do 20 boats clarified Soap, very fine 20 do common do 33 bis New York prime Beef 16 do do Pork, r A few bis cider Vinegar lO bis Philadelphia Beer 1 xO boxes Augusta Candles . pw Iiw niev V<S|»VWV ey |wa auiK Ottlet, ;> cate of weB assorted 4 « Lir ea*. and X case of tong Lawns, with other choice goqfisi which they will sell on a moderate profit. Francis Rovier Sfftrt far tale, Gibbons’. Building*, SS barrels Havana brawn Sugar on HAND , ’« tranks assorted'Calicoes * 2 bales Handkerchiefs SO bag* green Ctffee . •00 IbySpanish leaf Tobacco, and other art elet te tedious to enumerate N. B. Bills on Charleston, at sight. jclytUx—76 B. Brooks, Bolton'* wharf Fresh Arrow Root. The fabferiber efim Car file ths abort artida • moft excellent quality, either by the easstityor M» ickages to fait famSiw. JOHN F. PODTAT, • At his Medical 8h»p, oppofite the Bxduuige. Just received .Per *hifi WeUingtm^frem Liverpool, end 25 casks Glnisware 42 do arjorted Nails UO tons Liverpool coarse Skit r ■ -.vx; ; ' ’rom Boston »<n’s, misses’ and children’s mn square and hart horn Combs ftaw, good quality V IS cotton Cwds. For sale by ie subscriber siijviT aaeatvasK^ lea af fancy CHAIR#, « Bests to obtain a ccnSam tbe Windfor Chain of his >• ■, rl Just received |6 hhds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 30 do best reiailine Molasses. F< T//if/. i A ^ ly ^-"W-