The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, August 01, 1815, Image 3

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^'."rTv BAVXaiA* Count'Recbbeig, DENMARK. C. DarnJtorff, I. Uernstr ff, HANOVER Coupt Munster, SARDINIA TbeMsr. do St. Marsan, Count Rossi, SAXONY 5 Coni.t Schuferaburg, j TWO SICILIES »* The commander Roffo, Count Haideoburgb. WURIEMBERG ’ NETHERLANDS. Cuuot Wirzingeiode, Baron Sp£n, Baron' Linden. * Buron Gsgem. , . r: SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. Tuesday Evening* August 1,1315. For want of root Ftsv&te Liter* from Purls, eUte. tbattbeljSid-r A letter fmia lord Bd'gbersi} states, rfSfiVi K of the CAo>rafts leaders in La Vendee^' with Ri»Ml has jpaptured (be French frigatotWel- JM, jf Ijg .. . • •> • • « the supply of English arms, has cnabli m government, without gealooiv, to issue the most rigorous orders for the arreit of all the sus pected partisans of the Bourbon family throng,h- out France; and it is said, that if the allies shall defer the commencement of hostilities but ten days more, they will find every one of their confederates In custody. In Pans the most free circulation is givento pamphlets against the government. One, en titled “ Motif do Vote negatif de Loots Floy- tAts de Kekoelaz sot 1’Acte additions 1I, : ’ is sold without restraint. It contains this pas sage—“ I am obliged to protest against this article (67) because l am convinced, that the reestablishment of'this dynasty (the Bour bon) on the throne, is the only means of giv ing happiness to Frenchmen.” Afriend of our’s >ntf he resolutions of City Coun- “ w 200 copies of this pamphlet bought by one icLe...* Pa, '.W ! p e . r !° n ‘ • v ««r ed, .y d»lnbute gratSs. 1 he til respecting the late Great Petersburg are un avoidably laid over till Thursday. 1 kidnapped negroes. It Appears, by an article in the New Vorlt Colombian,*«f the 20th nltirao, that the English government are about giving up the slaves kid napped, inveigled or forcibly taken from the soothetm states during the late war ; and that the United Slates’ schooner Nonsuch is shortly to proceed to Halifax and Jamaica* for the pur pose of bringing them home. Were a full restoration made, it would not only be rein stating many respectable families, now bofder- ingjwa indigence, in a state of plenty and hap piness, but be a solemn renunciation, on the Meronire Juslificatif” of the duke’of Ragu- | Os, selling in all the shops ofthe Palais Roysle, contains expressions against Bo.yapar.te, such as if in England were directed against the sove reign, would condemn tauthor to a prison for years. There are also Journals, as free in their remarks on the government as in Eng land. ' It ii said that the correspondence with Vien na still goes on. and that Napoleon is in the constant habit, uf receiving dispatches from the empress. The gazette de France of May 23. estimates the troops of the allies at from 4 to 300,000. >i?5y,C k ?•’ pOmcne. iattdr e. of« gunsf in the Mediterranean, the having ~5 killed and SO wounded. 9^—The English nack- et-boat Marshal Blucher is just arrived from Ostend. The letters* ' “ uo.itivdy, X commended to all the Engli«h families to quit Brussels and Ghent, and that bn the I3ih inst. they nave raised, by six inches of w*ter,the in- .... .. l!ie Cenilftutibn, an.1 her {p-eat snpencrjiytft sslliug, whmh enabled her, tbreugbrot the tionifo keep at sneh^a dislanWMbat the> ronadcs Were of little efie. t.while *|te was < slant'y keeping up a steady Gri"frbm seven! codr , ... ,, — sermteest tong twenty-four pounders The court further stated, that the whole of the sueri were confine# in. the hold of tho C onstitution, in a ■ warm climate^with their .legs in chains, and hanfl cufliad for thr e weeks ; daring which tim<tf • repeal'd at’.emufrs were wade by the rffieeid &nd crew of the. Ament-an ship to shake their ges and Glienl, they'are (sacking up their most able nTccU, fearing to receive a vj»t from the french. Many other families adopt these measures of precaution.— S Brussels, Matt I t—The count fie NoaliieS, to be a f>ct, that the opposing ships were with in musket shot of each other duriug the prin cipal part, if rot the whole of the action ; r# that the marines in the tops, and from llie gangway, were constantly engaged, and sever- after having had s-vc-al conferences with the j “l of them wounded by musket balls ; that _ count de Lille, at Ghent, has returned to Vieti- t ,ar fioni any allurements being held out, to in duce the enlistment of V single The French have left the environs of Ldie i fca| ? Uin Stewart uniformly resisted the soiic ' . it- 1 . . . ... 1 1 Inlmnr nf u errs* of Am..*, a, nf sL.i a a . 1 prisoner, - ^ Arias and Cambrai, and nmW'uwi' Valeo- I Uli ° ns “ *«*! «f the*. to enter the cienne*. After that moveiuent, almost ali the * emce °* J' 1 ® United States ; and that with re- Prussian troops on the right of,rhe Meuse have *P ecl to their * rt ‘ alll ' eRt while on board the crossed that river in order to abroach J!on», ot which they have inundated the” en virons.— They have assembled in the plains of Fleurus, a a partt of ariiiiery of about 30 ‘ pieces of can ing rendered uneasy by the armament of Tur key,'has determined to form a large corps of ob servation on the frontiers of that empire. The head quarters of the army of tha Rhine nartof Britain, of-having sanctioned, or connived ' have left Strasburgh for Niederbmna *. *L. nfher naval offieera I All the troops winch were at Oi 4 t, the predat^py conduct of her naval officers “fa tM* conntsff But we feel no diffidence in as serting, that the slaves to be returned will in- m clade but a small portion of those whom onr ci ticeni have been robbed of. The numerous inlets In the larger West India Islands, where no officer of customs resides, and the facilities of -which British vessels of war are in possession to snuggle negroes on shore, present effectn. el obstacles to any tiling like en adequate re covery ever happening. Had even half of - those stolen from our shores been intended to aelorn home, instead of one solitary schooner, we would have seen seven or eight vessel* of * leavy burthen dispatched for their conveyance We hear 6f only about three hundred and seventy-five blacks in Nova Scotia—the slaves to Georgia suffered , a diminution of upwards of -seven hundred souls ; including these with what have been taken from North Carolina and the Chesapeake”* ihorej, our loss must have smoiiiric’I to some thousands.^ All that we way justly calculate on is* that such ot them ■srh.0, -from age, infirmity or some bodily de fect, as were found unmarketable, will be re turned to their masters—thus aggravating per sonal loss by additional expense. Paris, May 26 It is said that Austria, be- ? on . , T,, e k« aJ quarters of general Biueher it _ a__.i—j •— l - , 1— .ern... • is said will be liaiistered to Namur, und those of the duke of Wellington to Mods. The French have assembled forces to dafemi the passage of the Ardennes, as also the en trenched camp Givbt. They have put in requisition several thousand more to work in the camp of Fumars. The Saxon troops will he taken away from the command of prince Blue hr, on account of thrir antipathy against the Pru siuns, and to the duke of Wellington’s cunv Orleans are troops gone to Bri tany. The authority of the mayor of Orleans has been suspended. A train df artillery set out last night for La Vendee. Letters received yesterday from Italy, stale, that the king of Naples is besieged in Ancona. THE NEWS FROM EUROPE. Since Saturday last several reports have been received, differing from one another in appear ance as much as a number of streams at their confluence, each retaining the-quality of t-e cource through which it flowed. One of them has Napoleon assassinated aed the Bourbons restored—anoLher declares Austria neutral a third places France in a stale of insurrection —and the fourth (the only one that carries -along with it an air of probability) leaves Bona parte emperer of France, backed by the good disposition of the nation, and his armies so for midable a. to move for Lille, Arras and Cam- bWfiupon Valencienness, and threatening Mons; which caused considerable uneasiness among the allies. The Prussians bad been ordered from the right bank of the Muese, to reinforce the garrison of Mons, and for its greater secu* rity the adjacent country waa inundated. The French accounts say that the treasury contain ed more than a supply for the wants of govern- .8r' .ut'V . ■ . . ta at 1 ■ ment-apeople were volunteering their services to jobor upon the fortifications—invalids, sol diers of all descriptions, and men of all condi tions, were joining the army—even women, in Bodies from two to three hundred, were march- Jns to the frontiers, to repel the invaders of Ihtfir country. There is no foundation what ever for that part ofihe summary of yesterday's JMustum which states “ that the young-mtn of /ranee have declare against Napoleon.” The printer of that pa^er misunderstood the intelli gence from Jircmtn, which says an “ extraordi nary spirit of enthuriasm prevails //.ere among the young men to oppose Bonaparte.” From the Boston r Centinel, July 19. FROM ENGLAND. Last evening arrived, the brig Shakespeare. of London, a cartel* with about Alt released American prisoners, in 41 days from Plymouth, England. She was originally bound to the Southward, but the prisoners being principally Nolhernmen, her course was altered. Plymouth papers to the 3d June, have been brought in her ; they contain some :nlcrcsiin ( intelligence. Hostilities had not commenced: but nrghty preparations continued with augmented uciivi tv ; and a general and vindictive war against France was inevitable. The United States ship Neptune, Captain Jones, was at Plymouth, getting ready for sea with Messrs. Gsllatin and CaAWroitO, pas sengcr*. Another brig, Cartel, sailed from Plymouth 3 days before the Shakespeare, bound to Boston. Plymouth, (Eng.) June 3. - London pepfers of the 1st say, that Bonaparte remained in Pa ri* Nothing was said of his departure for the army; and the ceremony for the Cliamp de Ai ai, had been furlher postponed. Two frigates -were prepared in France With secret orders, ready to take off Bonaparte and his family, in case of extremity. Insurrections continue "in the Western and Interior French Departments. The mails between EnglanJ and France con tinue fonr limes a week. All Bonaparte’s anxiety appears to be to for tify Pars; and some of the batteries were cal culated to batter down, as well as to defend the city. » Admiral Hotham has sailed with s. squadron to take possession of Martinique and Guada loupe. Troops are continually embarking and rail ing for tn»Nelherlanus The British Parliament had rejected the peti tion from W stminster, for peace, on account of its indecorous language. The motion for an address to the Prince Re gent, promising the concurrence of the House in effective measures to carry on the war against Bonaparte, was carried in the House of Commons May 31st, by a majority of dot to 92. The largest Dumber of members present which has been known a long lime. Lordcastlereigh officially informed the House that the troops which the Allies would bring in to the would exceed Une Million.' Dunkirk and Lisle had been declared by Bo naparte m a state of rebellion. Constitution, they were no further manacle# than is usual on such occasion!, oY than wss imperiously demanded, as a-mnasure of safety, the prisoners oil board actually outnumbered the crew of the Constitution. These remark* we make with confidence, having oar .informa tion from an officer who was in the action.” Last Strasbuig, May 20.—The partisan troops and Lower lfhiue «rt- forming with extteme rapiJi- Ficnna, May 13.—We expect every moment to receive the news of the entrance of our troops into Naples, and the surrender of Anco- From the Boston Patriot of the 19th ult, LATEST FROM ENGLAND. ived at this port, last evening, British, through Nuremberg on cavtei Shakespeare, captain Liddille, 43 day s thousand men will pass l from Plymouth, with 146 American prisoners, " ”' released from Dartmoor. Left at Ply mouth, skip Neptune, Jones, and ship Agawam, of New- {pjyport. arrived two days before^ She brought V Londc Arri cartel Dusselderf May Above 200.000 Prus sians ave arrived ou the Banks of the Rhine, and we wait only for the Russian army of 250,000 men, which is .rapidly advancing, in order to begin operations. Tue events that may be expecti <1 will surpass every thing that has yet been seen. Brussels, May 26.—The allied forces on the Upper Rhine are already respectable ; the Ba varians have 52,000 men, Wertemberg 20,000, Baden 12,000, Hesse 5,000, &c. The first co- 1 luinn of the itussian army began to pass n the 19th. A hunured thiough that place. (ilo-jcesier. (trig.) May 28 —Arrived, the Ann, from Ostend. She brings advice, that par.icuiar news from the frontiers was daily expected, and it is rumored that more than ondon paper of the 50th Alay, and Ply-j jne‘division of llie French army ofthe north mouth to the 3d Jane was expected in a bo-iy to join the ki g of War had not commenced, but preparations Fra. ce. An extraordinary movement of a part vere making in every quarter. It is staled: of the Freuch forces rendered it probable that that 200,000 Prussians had already assembled hostilities would almost immediately- com-1 ly. From all parts pcii.iuns come to obiain p ermission 10 raise volunteer corps. There are already a great number organised. The most part of the men composing them are old soldiers ami mountaineers. Permanent court marti-ls are attached io each of them to maintain the most severe discipline . Ail the recruiting par ties for the army of Ihc'Uhine will be sent here. Every day numerous detachments are inarched out, composed almost wholly of old soldiers, to reinforce the army. The superb 7lh regiment oflight infanLry, re ceived last week 5iH) recruits, the youngest ot whom had 5 years service. AlOI'E INDIAN MURDER. ”% S? Louis, June )0. Slimier ?..'r Alexander Speocer waa etr 1, slid bed and tccl;ed wiihin t.,ree mihs of the town 01 b . CiiuiltS. on the road to Cuivre. I v iairi arc seen ilalljr in the vicinity of Po -l .ge and ether vili ges on the Missouri • *.c v-iiii int-ivi a 1 Gipiiux Grc was burnt to h yroun ! on Trr-oay last, and every thing in it di iiioy< d by the Indians I This place had been .v-i uatcd s.uae mile in constqucccc efinunda- tinil, Fch * : re ento tained for the safe's of Saint 'Charles no t Portege des Sioux. The Indian* aefe in great numbers in the neighborhood *£ these vili .ges. JKarmc J)cte-S. Port of Savannah, August 1. ARRIVED. LATE FROM BREMEN. IUltiuokb, July 21. Arrived schooner bwit’t, Reeves, 43 days from Bremen. Lett there the 51st fvlay, the ship WlUUB, yoliius, (rum Charleston. I’rivafe letters are received in this city, from Bremen, by tue tvwiit ot as. lave a date as the 2Sth of May* Several of those letters, mention, the extraordinary spirit of enthusiasm which pre. vails /Aw e cuiuug the young men to oppnst linnaparte tor wiiicii purpose, lacy nave very (j-tiefady volunteered their* services, ivimon ali silo letters state very c •ohaeuti.iliy, that chr downfall o! tae usurper is certain ; as the wivii t * accomplish it is, cut ot France, very generally.--Federal Gazette. Philadelphia. July 21. FRttM GIBRALTAR. A letter from tsibraitar, uated Rl-ty 29, to a g ntleniait 111 tins ci.y, says— 41 this is to auvis- Ship Silcnus, Barstow, New- York. Lrig Commerce, Bishop, do Olynthus, Baily, Philadelphia Schooner Sophia, Spark, Philadelphia 'ah-Ann, Lombard, Newbufyport —.—— Yariation, Ripley, Newbcru s For New-York The fast sailing brig COMMERCE, Lishcp, master, will positively sttl in six days, wind and weather permitting. For pa-sage o ily'apply to the tr.bster on board at Rxe’u wharf, or to aug I—86 Peter Schenk & Co t iractoiaire AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. The undei signed have, this oay cmc ed in to copai i crship, under the firm ot W iltiam- sop & De Viliers, for the purpose of tiansict pg y-ju ol the arrival ot the shq> Hope, in 21 days the factorage and CLsmr.ivsion business ; and passrg- i'uilaue.ptiia, having fartunat^iy sc-ptd a visit tr. in iii« Aigerme >quaJrun, lu. h. d e.c.i cruising • ut of the straits to thi N ihwurd, ami passing her a tew miles to the Sou.liwird when off the itork... The was a “i^it oi the '.qnadi'nn alt day, igaa.uniot iJhat nation they wen."—.Gqzeitc, Colonel James It. Mullany is appointed, by the President, to be Consul of the United States to St.- Croix and its dependencies. IVe understand tnat the emperor of France has appointed M. Skruxiisr Envoy Extraordi nary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Unit ed States.—Sal, intelligencer. Boston, Juiy 19. Captain Hall, we learn has resigned nis seat as one cf the Navy Commissioners, and has ne.n appointed to the su.isiiatendance ot the Navy Yard in Chatiestown. Captain Stewart, of tlie Costitutiuh, is said to be nominated to cue vacant seat at the Navy Board. We have jir-t conversed, says the New-York Columbian, with ao inleli gent officer 01 tne army from Sackett’s Ilaiboi , who informs us that a British rffiuer' lately trom Kingston stated the tU.teiruination ot General Kohmson, hold Michillimuckinac. Two battalions were orderd up tognrison the Fort. We understood, that the excuse alledged tor holviing Michiihmackmaccoutrary to the treaty is, that we hold sonic post in the Florida* to which Great British lays claim. We are gratified to be able an authority, to say that “ intimation ” of an intention in the SucfctLYv of the Now to resign, has no founda- i.ooiu truth.—Dem. Press. From the Boston Patriot 19th ult. IMPORTANT TO FISHERMEN. On Sunday lust ai rived at this port the sloop Margaret, captain Bowden, S days from Hali fax. ,YVe find by the newspapers of that place. they solicit a contmu»i.ce cf the confidence shewn them lieieiotwt by their respective iriends, assuring them* as well as those who may feel disposed to comom any transactioc* 10 their cart, that they will exert, with the most sciupulous and umeniiucd atiemion, their best endeavours to improve the iateresta w.tb which tney shall be intrusted. As the underaigi ed do not mcaa to speculate on pro duce on tccount of then firm, they will be able and disposed, at all im.os, to make libera! ad vances on the deposite in their hands of either country or foreign pi oduce. They will trans act their business at the commodious stores an# wriaii belonging to J. P. Williamson, whero they will keep in constant at:endance a suffi cient number ot intelligent and faithful negroes* by meaoaof which tho produce deposited ther* shell never remain exposed 10 the injuries of ihe weather. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON* PETIT DE VILLERS. aug l-CLf-86 v Received Per brig Olynthus f t om Philadelphia. Supe fine Fiour Rye Whiskey, io bhds and in bit Fairview Gin Gun-powder, of Dupon de Ne/mour Buck and small Bbat Butier and Lard ■ Yellow Soap aog l—L—83 CHARLES MAUREfc cn the-Rhine ; that 250.000 Russians were ra pidly advancing, and that Wirlcmbuig. Uava Yian nnd Baden troops, 90,000 strong, were on the Upper Rhine. AD expedition from Messina Was said to be on the point of sailing against, consisting of 60tUi British, 15 000 Si- eilian*. and a body of Calabrians A British .•quad'on was to convev the troops and cover the landing Bsehcng* t+§ee-HuU'e Books. yr* have been politely favored with the Lon don paper, and have ihada the following ex tracts. ■' LoI'Dox, May SO—The French papers of _ . , Friday-!*> l slate, that the Champ de Mai is that several ships haTe sailed Vvith vrilh the ut- postponed, became all tbe returns are not re- most dir/atch, with 01Jers. it is believed, to ••ived. 11 is now expepted to beheld on Mon- watch a squadron of french frigates, that in- d»y the 6th June. The mdst active exertions _ tended to carry out arms tp the West Indies, Ire making Jo stifle theft) sprrettion in La Yen- ■ at the first opportunity. ' Report states, that dee ; and they already boast of having seized | the ships have received directions to detain all 10,000 of the muskets sent thither from this' French' vessels, wither nfidey. the white or V, i.' . toircftor*##l)gi.<■ : - w . ,1 mence, if the junction reported did not ube that on U)e 29tli June his majesty’s brig Jasseur, pj lce< * r arrived there Irom a cruise, bringing in eight tien-a, Mtry I4. The Anglo-Sicillian expe ditto., which was to sail from Messina about this time, is about 9000 Eqglishtroops', 15,Q00 bici.a aiis, and a legion of orave talahrians.-r The Xing at the head of this army, barns with impatience to combat Murat and his satellities. A squadron of ships wifi protect the operations and the landing. It is .considered-as certain that the restoration of Ferdinand to the throne of Naples will take place before the 1st of June. London, May 30.—A Plymouth letter states American vessels alledged to have been taken fshi-g on the western shores of the province. Gentlemen who came passengers in the Mar garet infor in, that alter a detention of 48 hours these vessels were n leased, having their pa- tiers indorsed, forb.ddin? their -Sishm*- nn th» per*, indorsed, forbidding their fishing on the western shores of that p:oviqce. They also state, that two gun bri^s had sailed for the protection of their fishh-g gwund, and were ordered to capture and bring in every Ame rican vessel found within three miles of the shore. §3“ A large amount of Treasury Notes 00 hand, which map be had a; par, br applying at Mrs. Wilson’s Botrdiog House; Baptist Ghurch square. Any person wishing to obta n them will do well to apply soon, ft the didder will leave this place iu a fawdsys. Bi..s on Virginia, N-orth Carolina, bomb Caro lina or Georgu will be rocaived io exchange, oopr 1-86 * ~w-*- City Diarshal’s saio. On Saturday t the 6 A inst. Will be sold at :h e ccert hbesc^ in the dtp- Naval Court Martial.—One of the papers contains an account of the proceedings of a court martial held on board his majesty’s ship Akbar, for the trial of the captain and officers of the Cyant and L&sant, lately taken by the Constitution. - They wcre' ,c 'horiorably acquitt ed,” on the ground of the “ superior force oi 0/ Ssvannsb, between the bow* of 10 and , c ; !cck > should the osrer nor come forward bcxre that lime ai d pay costs. A black HORSE, sbju-' 14 hands high, sold to pay nablig*. • F. M. STONE, o. ffc. •«g 1-86 Nurses. WanteJ s: thfc Poor .House and -Hosplig^ <wo smart o WOMEN, as nurses j-for generous wages will bogiiaa. aug Uja-86 mmi; WukMiii': r ^.' ; >;4.1: It :; Tfi, sk .’n * '4'*^.