The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, November 21, 1815, Image 1

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V*.. HFTTTT TltrmTOT Tn A jtf* LEDGER. H 5 l dumber 134—Volume XIIL i *- •irWHirr- ■ ■ - ■ ".™ r TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1815. Whole Number 2594 4fP The welt known substantial d^ppcred SStCablp THOMAS.GIBBONS. Charles Rockwell, mester, now ready to receive ■ car ar.d. still meet with all possible dispatch 4 For freight or passage, apply to captain Rflcjt’ ■* Hell, on board, at Taylor’* wharf, or'.'j James Dickson & Co. •o« li—iso. 4- For Liverpool K Tb* touch and East sailing ship JHKREBESC !1. John Brown, master. sa aow ready to- take in, and basing great part ot her cargo ready, wilt sees* with imroed'a'r disoa ch .- hat excellent accommodation tor ppS’engcts. . For freight or passage, apply a’ flowsrd’a wbaif to Robert Mackay. CCt 26.t39 For Liverpool The fine coppered Ph ladelphia ship JjANE, Tier, ma«'er, is row ready fo> a cargo, .and will meet wvh early d : «patch.— $or tre’gbt or passage, having handsome ac- dnmmcdaticos, apply 'o *hrca r >'a»r' nn tv-ird, jar to BARNA M’KINNE. BOS 0 126 Fnr Liverpool jRy The fine coppered ship POWHAT- JP *^TAN, will be teady to receive a cargo i*n freight, in a week, > '« , . at,so, 200 hales of C-tton are wanted to fill *ap the ship RESOLUTION. captain Davies, to sail in ten davs. which will As taken at a reduced rate. Apply to C amoeban & Mitchel. •os 14——131 For Liverpool The fast sailing ship Admit* Aiic*. _ , eappin Paikar'L of 250 tons burthen, haring greeter part of her cargo engaged, wiM he dispatched without delay. For freight of •na hundred and fifty bales. Applv to_ TVrry ft' Wright, FFho hav* far, sale, KTiilaffclpln* Gin an«! Wlnakey Do Flour, juit received ^rim<» C offee ISO coils ofbale Rope tVin.dow Glass, ^by 10, 7 by *, and 18 by 12 v A few nteee, of blue Plains Cotton llagging, &c. A *ew half quarter casks sery old Malmoley Madeira Wine Rrafts en Philadelphia, short sight - Bov IS 133 tin For Freight or Charter To any port in Europe . . The fast sailing new brig Sari*, A. R. Smith, master, 2i6 tonsbut- tben. H. W. HILLS.. FFho has for sale, just landing It pipe* Cognac Brandy,’purd ;v •• 5 ions Cordage, assorted ICO reams wYiting Paper crates wine Bottles - nov 11 s- 138 The subscribers Butter, Cheese, Arc. Hare taken the STORES on the Bay, for- • f firkins first quality Goshen Butter t 'For l.tvervool *"' The brig BELISE, Kenursrd, irurtcr. She is a remarkable strut® well tmiltVessel, androper- ed to the bends, and his Ihe’great- e»t part of her cargo engaged. For freight of the remainder, apply on board; or to Huzcn Kimball, nov 18 m 133 Frr Norfolk Or any other port in the Chesapeake, The fast sailing schooner VIR GINIA ANN, captain Solonun Morel’s wharf, or to Wiliiains. is ready to take, in a cargo. Apply to the captain at merly occupied by J. Hakmrr &. Co. where they offer for sale an assortment «f DRY-GOODS, t Consist’tig tj Superfine,Casrimerss Low priced Cloths , Black BombazeUs Colored -r do . ,y 2 1-2 andB point Blankets Red, noire ami yellow FlacUfl* i ; Cr. ! .toa Shirtings. Cambric Musti $ Figured do Olive and Drab Cord* Buff and purple Shawls Imitation <ie. Pocket Handkerchiefs Aiadras da. Fancy Calicoes Cotton Hosiery r also, ox oonetaKBWip S cases cotton Snirinigs 1 case do Ginghams 1 do Huts, and 21 oa f s C..rks CHARLt S W. GARPEKTBR & C©. HOT il iwt) ^11 casks do do Cheshire Cheese 30 bis winter Apples suitable for family UiCe~r For sale on board ship Woodbine , - nov 14 131 ' • w The subscribers Have ^received. Her brigs F.Hxa and BalUeJ end Vjffer tor ia’e at 7>//irr’« nhazg, 3t kega very tnpevior BUTTER -• 2Ct fl.-roU^lciUM: VORtL 20 dr dn Bfc'.KF (new) together vitk- auudry other aitirKs. - < Spooner 8e Tube*. * no, u 1 iso * ' ' - 'v w — nov 11- fharles Maurel. -133 For Phi/ad< Ipkia The staunch brig THOMAS & EDWARD, Hall, master, now ly ing k' Howard's wha'f, will sail on the 22d For freight or passage, apply on board. bov 16—132 For FliiLidelpWa The pa. ke sch'Miner Sf-PHIA, esp* Spa k- «r ; ii ba r •-> iretVate dis i cb F t f.egh o; pasa,p fj a.ii ,y ;o h :rpi?.tn on boaid. ai Re'’-, w- .or M. Perbrrt ?t fo, nov 7-I2S For Phikidclphia Sice Lll iLE JANE-, (ScaejjJmas'e'. s ready co lakes cargo. Fci For I.ivcrpool The fine copper bottomed brig V* ALBION, Wm. Proctor, master ■' will meet with immmediate dis patch. For freight 0 ^ 0 ^*°3 , y. a P (to BARNA M KINNE tT'h has tanding, from said brig, Is Liverpool ground SALT, which Will be sold low if taken from onboard, nov 16 132 '"ilk For Liverpool The copper hnttomed ship LORD WHITWORTH. Joseph Yord, mai-ter, has half of her car go engoged and will be dispatchrd Without delay. For remainder of freight, ap jly to the master on board, or to S. C i^tinnine, : •ov 16—132 A’o. 2, Commerce Jtovo, % For Liverpool Tho el"i»nnt and suh-motial coppered yf 01 -- - YAMACRAW. John Smith, erm Biantltr, «vjil sail on or before the middle ' next tne->th, having part of her cargo airead- Wgnged. For freight of the remainder, nppl ft captain Sin;th onbo-nl AN Di-IEVV LO’-V & CO, or WILLIAM TAYLOR. net i2—itf Tor freight or chara'er to Liverpool ' ... O' e'tetohere in Eun.fie The s .iu .ch ship AOMII TANCF. Jbur bm 260 tons ; dr.'.y expec ed w ■Tn*c at. »h:s port, Iron .Pnilede nhia. App'y K, PERRY & WUlGHf. ’ oet 28 124 r-fc #F or Border.UK The brig ELIZA, Adams, master, ^.earrvs nlniut 500 bales cotton, wiit lake firefght for Bordeaux, having a part of her car- fjo engaged. Apply to the capt or on board, or to nor 16—132 B. M KINNE. For Havre-i!e-Or.m-t* The elegant <iiip ELIZA BAR KER, captain Smith wit' He dis- patchid by H eillth D cember — For freight or psssege. applv to Hi, ivi'rd Dentiis. WhOahas^landing from said ship and for sale. <kn thousand bushels Turk’s Island SaLT nor 16—=—132 '■& For Havre-cIe-Grace ***• The fine new pseke- bu^ CASXE 1 tngs^afor passage, hav- eigM o r passage, havng handsome aocorR- niodatiof.J, apply io til - rap ain on hoard, or to Charles MzureJ, Wka h.ns received■ fier said veeotl, F»e»h Hame’s Beer Cm Na'ls 120 d gen 'cw price 1 Shawls nov i3 v -131 For New-York The packet ship WOODBINE, Burnham, master. For passage, having handsome accommodations tor freight er passage. Arolv to the captain or to 15. M'KIN^E. nov 11—130 Factorage & Commission BUSINESS. Th“ subscriber has established himself in the eity of Savannah, in the above line, and from attention to the same, hopes to merit a share of the public support. He embraces this oppor tunity of informing the planters generally who may lavor him with their business, that he in tends importing for them from Liverpool Woolens, Blankets Cotion Bagging, Summer Cloathing, &c. Which will be furnished them at sterling costs and charges Liberal advances will be made on Produce and articles of Merchandize, winch may be consigned him, until a sale of the same can be effected. gir” iiis counting-room is on Howard’s wharf, where the subscriber has commodious fire proof stores for the reception of Produce and Goods. Samuel G. Pelot. nov 11 130 The subscriber.: i’or freight or chart' r The Br-tsa b g ELIZA, cap'ain, 86 .ons bui'ben. l'V: oai'icu ly :n R. RICHARDSON. » f 128 For Boston The br g HERO, esptain B'ysn, ^iL&iFor ficigh; «r p^tsage, »pp!y 'o the captain or. board, or to Jena. Battelle. nov 14—. is l For New-York rhe fin ' b ' R PR1 N( K F.VGENE, r mtfl n Dsris, bur'.he;> 140 tons, n >w •'any io t ke a freight; for which nr passage, •pply to cap aio Davis, on board, at Howard's wharf, or to Robert Mackay. nov 16 139 For New-York The fast sailing sclmoner COLUM* »SuBlA. captain Stilln-an. For freight, apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to Olmatead & Battelle. nov 14 131 William Robarts fBV*- WO! I ®5,»—SlW Hat just received from JVcw York, And i- now i.pening, opposite (north end) Low, Wat lice & Co. the following articles : which are < ff red tor cash, or approved town accep tancr-r, London duffil and rose Blankets iaip C.-sting*, blue Plains White, red 3r,dyelinw Fia inal U. cking Baize and Flushings Fine and c.narse Clothes issim .. ind Regent’s Cords Fi.ilone; .nd pwarsdown Burlin C irds and Stekinett Tabby Velvets and Dimities licoes and G'i.yhvms fli .ck Levantine sad ligaved ffilks mb’* v/ocl and wersted Hosiery t\nn Ditto Slack B mbr.s ; ne ar.d Crape Men’* and women’s li srtr Gloves vlalaHar an-’ Madrr.s Handkerchiefs Pocket Handkerchiefs and Snawls V etc and ('.laid muslin H-r.kerchiefs 'otov <1 a”d black fi..(H. Arett F-ing it rnt.itR ant - . Lustring Ribbons S wa, ( - Slk'asv.-rtcd . RiitUn- and i k lisp Handkerchiefs mH’ii.i jeek-n- ! # bo. k *nd Luo Muslins , IrLh I.iren a- lorgLowos Handkerchiefs, black colored Pesnectfuliy inform ths inhabitants of Sa vann^h end th? public in gsnertl, that by late arrivals from Europe and t'is northward, they F .re |ecei.ved a very general ayeffuttensive as- .soitmcn! of DRY-GOCDS, iilcnlited princi pally for the present and approaching seasons ; which they offer for suie on the most easy and reasonable term* ; amongst which are London snpcrline black, blue, green, snuff and mixed Cloths Superune black, blue, white, yellow and sear- leu Cassinieres Double end single rose Blankets, from f-4 to 16-4 London Duffil Blankets, from 6-4 to 8-4 Blue print do 3 1-3, 3 und 9 1-2 point Bristol Blankets Salisbury Flannels, green, brown, scarlet, crimson, and vanous oilier colors Welch and Yorkshire Plains, white and blue Fine Bombazettes, various colors Ditto Bombazines Elegant winter Vesting, imitation of Marseilles Marseilles, various patterns VVciting and stair Carpeting Elegant hearth Ruggs, numerous patterns Superfine white and scarlet Welch Flannels Ladies’ and gentlemen’s lamb’s wool and worst ed Hosiery Ladies’ and gentlemen’s fine white and colored cotton Hosiery Ladies’ and gentlemen’s white and blaek silk Hosiery Irish Linens, 7-8 and 4-4 Long Lawns and linen Cambrics An elegant assortment of pearl-edged Ribbons Ladies’ white and black silk habit Gloves Do extra long kid do Superfine plaided Ginghams, 4-4 and 6 4 Apron Checks, 6-4 and 7-4 Leno, Japan, taped and laced Muslins India mull and soft'book sprigged do Ladies’ eiegant worked Robes Cotton Cambrics and cambric Muslins Black, blue, pink nod green Cambrics Cotton and linen Platilfas And is now opening, Anelcgant assortment of FRENCH 60033 consisting of Florence, and other Silks, different colors Silk Hoisery, of all sizes Elegant damask and embroidered Shawls Ditto do. whole and half Handkerchiefs White, blue, pink and yellow Satins Soft satin and Mantau Ribbons, besides many other fancy Articles. And have also on hand, 150 pieces first quality cotton Bagging 100 do. Scotch Oznaburgs. Samuel & Isaac Russel. nov 4 12f Now landing From the British brig Robert Quayle, and Jo sale by the subscriber 24 puncheons ltuia ^ 50 crates Crockery a 17 pieces Cotton Sagging, of superior quality 8 bis Arrow-Root * * 1 bale York Stripes • ,■ 1 R. Richardson, nov II 150 * Fall Goods. By tbs Tamacraw, just arrived from &!«&£ pool, end other recent arrivalstrom Britain, Ok subscribers have received an estensive supply uf DRY GOODS, well calculated for the pro, sent and approaching season ; among then are the following, vie. White and colored Plaint Superior cotton Bagging , White and colored Flannels Ca'peiing, rose Blankets G< een Baize and Flannel VVosiced and lamb wool Hmfff Silk, cotton and Angola do Black Bnnibazeen ar.d C ants Black and cdorud Bcmbazett Printed and :wiled do Stipe fi..e i;: todclmhs Do Ca spineres Fu-tiiiure and other Dimities Do Ft .rge and T «ie!s Cutton Canbv .o and cambric MusKdt Mull rouh and Jaconet - do A variety of fancy Movlins Cambric Trimmings, ar.d Dresses Cotton Shiftirgi ar.d long Clothi Printed Cambrics and Calicoes Irish Flemish end Russia Sheeting Do Linens, and long Law s French Camdrir, Uunb ellas Tablecloths and tea Napkins Win.*, black and colored Msntut Plain and twhed whhe Satin Colored and black Barcelona Harke'cMsM A variety of Shawl*, fce. with a numbe. of tber arv.cte*too tedious to enumerate, wilt be old s' a mi.dera'e advance for cotton or uns doubted town accep'*. Andrew Low & Co. apt. 3 100 Exchange Stores to rent. The Starrs und»r the Exchange, at the rlj*. posal of the Corporation, will be rented to ths highest bidders, by the city-marthel, for one year, on the 27th day of November next Ren# payable quarterly. E HARDEN; Y „ , " C. HARRIS, l Exchange G. V. PROCTOR, i “•■““W do? 14—131 For sale Forty kegs first quality Goshen Butter. Eiw quire at Mr P. Schenk’s store, Rice’s wharf, nov 14—131 p««d* l*v Factorage & Commission. JAMES S. BULLOCH Having commenced the Factorage ar.d Commission Business, tenders bis services to his friends and the public, acd solicits their patronage. His Counting Room is on Dr. Hunter’s wharf, where convenient fire proof stores tre engaged for ths reception of all kinds of prodnes. oct 26—123 For sale 5# tons waggen tire IRON 15 nhds. Sugar 79 pieces prime Inverness Bagging SO do do narrow do do SO do .German Lin«n ^•dtae -i w tfafi&gC. a .>'* lsS:-0!ad£d 1* For sale 10 quarter casks Tenei iffe Win* 4 clu«ts Hyson Tea 50 kegs Butter 24 do Nails. By R. RICHARDSON* oci 28 124 Gun Flints ^ ■w A few thousand jest received, and for sale hi the subscribers. B. & G. LATHROP. nov 11 l —139 M‘Ewen & Richmond Ml'’ Hereby inform their friends and the. public generally, that they are in complete readiness to attend to Storage and Commission Business. By indefatigable endeavors to benefit and pleas* their enifflnyers, they hope to receive a part of the public patronage. Whenever storage is wanting, good fire proof building will be pro. cured. They also offer; at their store, west end of the Market, a cumber of Artistes, so roo4 terms, among which are Muscovado Sugar,'in barrels Good Coffee, in bags Fine and coarse Shoes, assorted sites Curry Combs and cotton Sards, by Aw— box Whiskey and Rum by keg or barrels. Up Country Homespun, oy the bolt ' Bcmbazett, Callico, Powder, fee. • ’ A1.SO. " A good onisge HOUSE, GIGG sod HAUL ^4 , .> ... jft' ■1* \. *) J ,# i- . JH '■*L- ft.