Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 02, 1865, Image 3

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)W<:a * \ ’ ’ V *V‘*; general their assaults were handsomel y repulsed with heavy loss until 6.30 P. M., when a portion of our line to the left of the cen tre suddenly gave way, causing our lines to give way at all points, our troops re treating rapidly. Fifty pieces of artil lery and several ordnance wagons were lost by us on that day. Our loss iu killed land wounded heretofore is small—iu pris oners not ascertained. Major Gen. Ed ward Jackson, and Brig. Gens. T. B, Smith and H. R. Jackson are captured. G. T- Beauregard, General. A dispatch received at the War De partment from Gen. Beauregard dated at Macon, Ga., says : “ Hood reports from Tupelo, Jan. 6, that Thomas appeared to be moving up the Tennessee River until 9 A. It., on the 4th. Six gunboats and sixty transports had passed Savannah, Tenn., going toward JBastport loaded with troops and sup plies. # -v, Charleston, Friday, Jan. 0. The enemy, in unknown force, crossed New River on the road to Grahamviile, -this morning. Our forces burned the bridge across New River. The main body of the enemy is still believed to be in the neighborhood. Gen. Wiieeler is watching his movements, which are not yet fully developed. Grahamville is seventy miles from Charleston and thirty-four from Savan nah, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. XL S. SANITARY COMMISSION, 'Courier of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah’ Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened store 'Tooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeons in •charge of Hospitals will vjoase.sqpfl in, their re quisitions for stores. J. C. HOBLIT, jan 21—ts Agent l. S. S. C. WAR DEPARTMENT. Otriox ok Director and Gsn'eui Manager Military Railroad, U. S. Savannah, Jaa, 21. ISGS. Col. J. Co:srmT Smith : Colonel—You are hereby appointed Superin tendent in charge of United States Miltary Rail roads, terminating at Savannah, Ga.- Respect fully, Your obedient servant, D. C. M’OALLUM, Brevet Brie:. Gen. Director and General Manager M S. R., U. S. Official: v ,J. Ofvvnir Smith, . Superintendent U. S. Military R. R. 'HPHEATRE. This (SATURDAY) Evening, Jin. 21. 1855. THE WESTERN DRAMATIC COMPANY, Will give a entertainment, at the Thea tre, coiisiting of dramatic performanc as, GYMNASTIC RUTS, SONGS. DANCES, &c., &c. Miss FANNY RAY will make her first apear anc:; here as a vocalist and ftHi’^nsc. The “ UNION SPY” and the -STORMING OP LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN” will be performed ■with good casts. Professor SAN DIN will exhibit his wonderful Gymnastic Feats. The CITY BAND, Prof. G*o hue Wiggin, . Leader, will act as Orchestra. at half-past <t. Performance to jan 21 —1 _ * GOOD PRBSSMAN CA/J Employment at this ollii y * -DOAEDAND ROOMS \V;'™ Bt POUT{ gentlemen. Apply at U* jan 11 TJMIE SAVANNAH DAILY [ULD 01 11 * Is at No. 11l Bay street. TXOUSS WANTED-WlTj a ?°thS XI rooms, at reasonable rs jau II office. ,ii - station- MAG A" r JL3 ERY, &c., &o. Y. Newspapers, I am prepared to fiapph papers, Maga- Tnit Palmetto Herald. LJ-C wholesale or zjaEp. Books. Stationery, & iW&H c o PRISON, ua^^b^p.o advance S. W. MASON & CO PORT ROYAL HOUSE, UNION SQUARE Hilton Head, S. C. E. S. RIDDELL, Proprietor. CS AVILLE & C0., - • WHOLESALE AND ReTATL STATIONERS. Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, S. C. A Liberal Discount to Purchasers at Wholesale. Cash Orders by mail or express promptly filled. Boots and shoes made and repaired At No. 2 Broadway, Hilton Head, S. C. Choice Segars and Tobacco. > Beer, that cannot be beat. Apples, prime Butter. Also, Shoe-findings for Sale at the above place. WM. M. WILLIAMS, Proprietor., HC. FOSTER. PHOTOGRAPHER, MORRIS • ISLAND near FORT SHAW. CARTES DE VISILES, AMBROTYPES, &c.. made in the best possible manner by experienced artists. “ —— jj PERSONAL.— INFORMATION WANTED OF the whereabouts ot Mr. Cleary, of Killen aule, countv Tipperary, Ireland. Address D. C., Savannah Herald Office. C> IN. BELLOWS, '* No. S Merchants* Row, Hilton Head. S. C. Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. And SUTLERS’ GOODS Os every description. WHOLESALE AND RET AHi WANTED— A NICE STORE, ON A PROMI NENT STREET, suitable for a retail busi ness. One with a counter and fixtures preferred, dddress J. S. S., Savannah P. 0., stating terms and location. * *jl7-2t A STORE WANTED—ONE SITUATED IN A business location and adapted to a xeta trade. Address, giving situation and terms, BoxM Savannah Herald Office, jan 12 t IOST OR STOLEN.—A small SATCHEL or J RETICULE, containing Surgical Pocket 'Case’Slid Surgical Instruments. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to this office. S. M. BRIGGS. Jau 1!) 4t " Express.— I will thank the man who kindly took a pair of FIELD GLASSES from my private of fice* January 18th, to return them, or call for the case, as I do not wish them spoiled. A. A. RICE, Agent Adam3 Express. Jan 19 PURCHASING BUREAU OK DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, &c. Office, 161 Fulton St., Nkw York. The undersigned having been chief assistant examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the New York Custom House for the past four years, of fers his services to Druggists throughout the country. All purchases will be made in the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacture*, and all articles thus purchased are warranted to be reliable. H. N.; AVERY. (Hon. Hiram Barney', Refers to-! Hon. Roscob Con rung, tProf. Tueo. W. Dwight. Notice. OFFICE OF THE SOUTHERN INSUR ANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Jan. 18,1865. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their office on Saturday, the 21st instant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing five (r>) Directors, to fill vacancies in the Board for the current year. Jan IS 3t IT. BRIGHAM, President. U OUR HOUSE,” \J By W. T. HOUSE & CO., No. 165 Bay Strxkt, Up Stairs. Meals at all hours of the day. Oysters con stantly on hand. Freeh Shad, Wild Duck, and other game, whenever procurable, and the best the market affords at all times. jan 18 Hradquartrrs U. S. Forces, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 19, 1565. General Order.) No. 1. / Pursuant to General Orders from the Head quarters of the Department of the South, the un dersigned hereby assumes command of the Dis trict and Post of Savannah. Existing orders will continue in force until fur ther orders. Or GROVER, Brevet Mhjor General, Commanding. RY~WOOD WANTED-IN ANY quanti- TY from ons to fifty cord*. Highest prices will be paid. Apply at this office* , Vi HO HAVE NOT PAID / * for water up to the Ist May next, are no tified that they are required to make immediate payment at this office, or the water will be shut off from their premises forthwith. The rates for water will be the same as that charged last year. T. J. LAMBERT, Lt. and A. A. Q. M.. M. D. M., in charge of Water Works. janl7 ts Wanted; ONE HUNDRED MEN ! Capable of handling Cotton and stowing it on board ship. Also, TEN STEVEDORES To direct the same. For the former ONE DOLLAR PER DAY AND RATIONS Will be paid. For the latter TWO DOLLARS PER DAY AND RATIONS. Those meu are desired to report to LIEUT.-COL. RANDOM, A. Q. M., Immediately at White’s Cotton Press. ALBERT G. BROWNE, Sup. Special Agent of the Treasury Dep’t. sth Special Agency. STEELE & BURBANkT 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Matches. Clocks Fancy Goods Jewelry, and Plated Ware. Swords Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &C„ &c., &C. ) DRUgIT AND MEDICINES!! Just landed from New York, a large assort ment of Drugs Chemicals and Perfumery, viz. Lubin’s Extracts, Edrihi’s do.; Colognes Pom ades Hair tonics of the finest quality, Tooth Pow der, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Medicines Pills and Ointments. A nice lot of Bathing, Carriage and Velvet Sponges. Flea Powder, producing instant death. Pure Soda Water from Stone Fountains with the choicest syrups. Ail orders will receive prompt attention. W. M. WALSH, M. D., 13 Merchants’ Row. Hilton Head, S. C. HesADQ’HSMiL, DIV. OF THE MtSHISfiIPW, In the Field, Savannah. Ga., Jan. 8, 18*35. Special Field Orders) No. <5. f The General Commanding announces to the troops composing the Military Division of the Mississippi that he has received from the Presi dent of the United States and from Lientenant General Grant, letters conveying the ? r high sense and appreciation of he campaign just closed, re sulting in the capture of Savannah and the de feat of Hood’s army in Tennessee. In order that all may understand the import ance of events, it is proper to revert to the situa tion of affairs in September last. We held At lanta, a city of little value ton® but so impor tant to the enemy that Mr. Davis, the head of the rebellious faction in the South, visited the army near Palmetto, and commanded it to re gain it, as well as to rnin’and destroy us by a series Os measures which he thought would be effectual. That army by a rapid march gained our railroad at Big Shanty, and afterwards about Dalton. We pursued it. but it moved so rapidly that we could not overtake it, and General Hood led his army successfully far over towards Mis sissippi, in hopes to decoy ns out of Georgia.— But we were not thus to be led sway by him, and preferred to lead and control events our selves. Generals Thomas and Schofield, com manding Departments in our rear, returned to their posts and prepared to decoy General Hood into their meshes, whilst we came on to com- plete the original journey. We quietly and de liberately destroyed Atlanta and all the railroads which the enemy had used to carry on war against us. occupied his State Capital, and then captured his commercial capital, which had been so strongly fortified from the sea as to defy ap proach from that quarter, Almost at the moment of our victorious entry into Savannah, came the welcome and expected news that our comrades in Tennessee had also fulfilled nobly and well their part, had decoyed General Hood to Nashville, and then turned on him, defeating his army thoroughly, capturing nearly all his artillery, great numbers of prison ers, and were still pursuing the fragments down into Alabama. So complete a success in milita ry operations, extending over half a continentris an achievement that entitles it to a place in tile military history of the world. The armies serv ing in Georgia and Tennessee, as well as the lo cal garrisons of Decatur, Bridgeport, Chattanoo ga, and Murfreesboro, are alike entitled to the common honors, and each regiment may in scribe on its colors at pleasure the words “Sa vannah’ ’ or “Nashville.* The General-in Chief embraces m the same general success the operations of the cavalry column under Generals Stoneman and Burbndge, and Gillem, that penetrates into South-west Vir ginia and paraiized the efforts of the enemy to disturb the peace and safety of East Tennessee. Instead of being put on the defensive, we have at all points assumed the bold offensive, and completely thwarted the designs oi the enemies of our country. By order of Major General W. T. SHERMAN. L. M. Dayton, Major and Assistant Adjutant General. V„. TV-. <>'/ nnt MiHSisoim. Field. Savannah, (*«., Jan. 1\ 1>J65 % Field Obdki:k,> ■r No. 13. / Df*n»r!mcnt of the South hiring bee® r.aced within the sphere of this command, and u being highly desirably that au uniform policy prevail touching commerce and intercourse with the inhabitants of the South, the following gen eral rules and principles will be adhered to un less modified by law or the orders of the War Department: I. Commerce with foreign nations cannot be permitted or undertaken until the national au thority is established to an extent that will give the necessary courts and officers to control and manage such matters. Trade will be confined to a mere barter and sale proportioned to the Mo netary wants of the army, and of the inhabi tants dependant on it for the necessities of life, and even that trade must be kept subject to strict military pentrol or surveillance. IL Trade stores will be permitted at Beaufort, Ililton Head. Savannah, Femandina, St. Augns tine and Jacksonville, in all the article* of food and clothing, groceries, ladies and rhildm good* generally, and articles not contraband of war. 111. To trade is a privilege, and no person will be allowed to buy and sell for profit unless he be a citizen of the United States, end sub scribe to any legal oath or obligation that is or may be prescribed by law? and at points threat ened by an enemy, the officer commanding may further exact as a condition, that the trader shall himself engage to serve. In some military ca paeity, to aid in the defence of the place. IV. Persons desiring to trade will apply to the commanding officer of the Post and obtain his written consent, specifying the kind, nature and extent of the trade, and when he require* importation* from northern cities ho will in like manner apply for his eiatMrr. The commanding officer of the Post may appoint some good officer to supervise these matters, who will frequently inspect the stores, and when there is not suffi cient competition will fix the prices of sale.— These stores will in like manner be subject to the supervision of the Commanding General of the Department of the South by lumselt or an inspector General V. In order that purchases may be made with economy, the commanding officer of each Post will make reports of his action in regard to trade, with the names of traders, nniountaof goods desired for sale, &c., to the commanding general of the department, who wHI, in like manner, make full reports to the Secretary 'rf the United States Treasury, to the end that be may instruct the collectors of ports from which shipments are expected as to the necessary per mits and clearances. It being utterly Impracti cable tba a general commanding military oper ations eh'uld give his personal attention to su ? ii matters, it i* desirable that as much power m y possible should be delegated to Post command ers, and they should be held to the strictest ac count that no trade Is permitted tujnrions to the military interests of the United States. VI. Salos of cotton will be restricted absolutely to the United States Treasury agents, and no title in cotton or bill of sale will be respected until after the cotton is sold at New York - Conntry people having small lots of cotton are permitted to bring the same in to be exchanged ror food and clothing for their families. Ihe Quartermaster will set aside a store or ware house, to which each wagon bearing cotton will, after entering the military lines, proceed direct, w here an of the Treasury Department vvilf receive and weigh the same, and pay for it tho price fixed iu the Bth section of the Act of < on gress, approved July 2, 1804. vir.: three-fourth* the value of cottou as qnoted in the New 3 one market; and the Secretary of the Treasury i* hereby requested to make appointments of agents to carry out the provisions of said act at the posts of Ililton Head, Savannah, Fernandi na and Jacksonville. VTI. In order that the duties hereby imposed on commanding officers of Posts may not be neglected or slighted by the changes incident u> rank and chauges of troops, the Commanding General of the Department of the South will ap point a special officer to command at each or said Posts, with a small garrison, not to bo changed without his order; and when other troops, commanded by a senior, are added or ar rive, the command of the po*t will not change, but the additional troops wiH lie encamped near by and act according to special instructions. By ordfr ot M „. oeu wT . SHRItMA!f . L. M. Dayton, Major and Asst. Adj’t Gcu. XT 0 T l C E . Office Cm kit Q. M. Deih>t, Savannah, G*., Jan. 17, 1985. All persons in this city having in their posses sion Horses, Males, Wagon* Carts and Drays not already in the employ of the Quartermaster’s Department, will forthwith report them at tho office of the Chief Depot Quartermaster, 84 Bajr Street. By order of 7 Brig.-Gen. L. C. EABTON, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Capt. and A. Q. M., I Chief Q. M. Depot. OPECTAL NOTICE. O Owiob Chief QcABTKRMASTKit’H Dbtot, Savannah, Oa., Jan. 9, 1836. All officers of the Quartermaster’s Department having me an 8 of transposition whiah they dtv sire to tarn in at tins Depot, are notified that Lieut. P. Hope, A. A. Q. M., is now ready to re ceive the same. His office is at Bay Street, north side. By order of oacoww Brg.-Gcn. L, C. EASTON, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Captain and A. Q. Bff.* Chief Quartermaster's Depot. POST OFFICE.—COL. A. 11. MARKLAND- Spedai Agent Post Office -Department anests all Citizens now hoi ling the keys to LoA to return .hem foruwitl,in lfc.t boxe. may be assigned. ® j***