Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 17, 1865, Image 4

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A JJVER'riSXNG, JnL We wapeclftiVy eftiJ the attention of hue: acfeo ja&cr.-t© the value of the SAVANNAH DAILY jtERALB as an Advertising Medlnaa. 0*? eowmctions are inek that we are anre of large editions each diy. We have agents at all important points, and ail arrangements eoaapieted ror an extensive general circulation. The limited space we aeaord to advert»ine»ts renders its nee especially valuable, and we V* Kfflw JWr terms to he very jeaswxabJe, compared WsSuS* r " le in oiher lik«s of xovmmfiß a the tr»e policy of hnsbiess men, and we be- Jeve that tfcey aaanot find a better mo£nm for "tlyitlfcvaßd army, or the Department of the South, than the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. TMST RBOKTBD a a „5l W .*»NNIS&%©., And will Ht sold at .J' T . : TBBT LOW PRICE. 61i • H *lS^ fcve ' y *• S-aphtai... * f evwy Crackers, Hatches, 1H shie. Potaloos, Canaea Peachea, Tama. - *‘ JTour, toes, Peas, Green; ******’ Meats—Beet Yea 6W Camp Stoves, fiMickens, Turkeys Stationery, in variety. Faisink Figs, Fig Paste, Confectionery B i a^.? ook8 * kedgers. Day Book a Shirts, Draw tm woil&ra, HandSarchiefa, Neek-Tie& Boots and fcnpes, Army Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Stove Derrlift’s Sales, Abbot’s History of the Wf, Pieh Line*, Cutlery, Metallic Coffins, Tin Wbrfc Wooden Ware, <fic,, Jfcc. 9kU and ex amine. EhcxoN H bab, S. C., Nov H 1664. l^SLife^£X«. AND CONFECTIONERY XWTftSmBLISIHIMN'p AT BEAUFORT. £ kaTe honor to inform the residents of thin Department that we have just opened a €on etponery Establishment and fitet-olfes Bakery in 6am. A. Cooley’s Bailing at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which mav he forwarded to us. Special attention 5s io&J 0 tfte of Ornamental Pieces £ffl3L* Bl^2S 0 f w 36v aßd B '^ act Pastry, for h€3Wa> or festival tables. MsMANES A KLINE. 'pATLOR’S ALBANY ALE. * By th© Barrel, at Peabody & Morgan's, Fresh Goads of all kinds now being landed, from Bry Mao Cobb, No. 1 Breadway, Hilton Bead, Drug 8 and medicines?! dost landed from New York, a large &£»ort- Drugs, Chemicals, and Perfumery, viz. Labia's Extracts, RdrihPa, do.; Colognes, Pom ades, Hair tomes of the finest quality, Tooth Pow der, Pastes and Washes. aiid oXimen?^ 7 ° f * > * teM Medicines Pills A ni«c Jot of Bathing, Carnage and Velvet Sponges, Flea Powder, producing instant death Pure Soda Water fr om stone Fountains, with the choicest syrups. All orders will receive prompt attention W M. WALSH. M. D„ 13 Merchants’ Row. Hilton Head, 8. C. Photographs, cartes be visite &C. Uvf* ’ , De Visite, Ambrotypes, Melainotypeg. • Frames, for Pborocr-rb’?, Lr.i-gc Albums, Pocket Albums. Ib Good Style, At it 4 ManciiAKTS' Row. II a.TON Hkai>, S. C. J. T. READING & Cos. tb / I OOD LIVING,” . V reasonable prices, can be Lad at the EAGLE OYSTER end REFRESHMENT SA LOON, sc the rear of the New Post Office- lliriwc llleafl, S. C. I have ’.be very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked 10 o-der tocmfiA. M. to S P. Ml PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. 8 —One trial is respectfully solicit-|'d. CTORfi FOR SALE. La The store of the late E. N. Thayer, at St. Helena, S. C., isofiered for gale, with the stock and fixtures. For terms, apply to RIDDELL & MURDOCK, j Mercnants’ Row. T anlß—lw Hilton Head, i>. C. 5 000 IBS ‘ CINCLNrNATT BACON ; M' Bbls. Freeh PILOT BREAD ; t,OCO Gallons KEROSENE OIL, in Five-Gallon Cti;»; Lor Sale. Cheap, bv C. N. BELLOWS, No *> Mkeojan jb' Row.* Hiun, S. C. PAUL & PITTS, „ OFAI/ICES II? ARMY -AND NAYY SUPPLIES. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, &C,, &c., &Q„ No. 3 MEkeuAUTC’ Row. Hilton Huai*. Aan Bay Point, S. C. IhJ'BWSPApERS, MAGAZINES, STATION -LAI ERY, Aa, Ac. rn 1 a | G I repared to sopj% N. Y. Newspapers. j iim ; UAiaTTO IlKßAurt, Literary Papers, Maga- Re>r> J t<CK4 '' &C- at "Wbolesale or DANH 8. MORRISON, %. Hiltox- Heftd. P. Q, phaABOSABTEBS C?TT 0» SAVANNAH, Dec. 24th, 1864. Genjcm l .Oramxt* 1 No. ‘A J IFOR CONVENIENCE pi ISIIJJAJRY 60Y • eminent, all that portion of the City lying Oast of Bull street, is designated us the Eastern District; that lying west of Bull street, as the Western District. Cot. Wna. B. Woods, 76th .Ohio Yols., is an jounced as Provost Marshal of th? Eastern Dis , trici Hia Headquarters will he in the C. 8. Barracks, on Bull street. Col. H. A Bamom, 140th New York Vola., is ; announced as Provost Marshal Os the estera ' District. His Headquarters will he near the aor ner of Barnard and South Broad streets. AD applications for protection of persons ax-d private property, or for redress of grievances, will be madfe to the Frovost Marshal of ithe Dis trict, or to the nearest officer of the guard. H. Bach Regiment on Provost doty will ho i held responsible* imp the peace and good order of i- its section. The Provost Marshals of Districts will number the sections assigned to these begi foenta HY All public and private property wil he pretexted; and whenever decenary tor such pra i pose, special guards prill be assigned. , No private property will be taken or Used , against the oonsent of the owners, except upon Yn order from proper authority. * JY. Offioors and others* hniraei to quarters for private or public use, wSI make appilchticn to Brig. Gem Easton, Chief Quartermaster. V. All persons within the City, who have bsen to any way uonnected with the rebel army, will report without delay to Captain Ira B. Seymibur, Provost Marshal (office’m Exchange building.) pnd then© register their names, TL No uidzen will be except fgr mig domoanor or upon written orders from these Headquarters or from a Provost Marshal. YH. The Fire Department of this city has been represented by the civil authorities m highly es detent. Mr. Casey, acting Chief of the Fire De partment, is authorized lo continue operations and will be held responsible for tbofaftfeftu per formance of his duties. All members of the aif ferent Fire- Companies will eontfarue trebject to his orders, and neglect of duty on their part vri be duly punished. In case of fire, the Provost Marshal of the District will send immediately strong detachments of guards to preserve order m the vicinity. ? VIIL Those prisons connected with the Water Works and ©as Works of the City, will contfame to perform their duties as uroal: * The Manager pf these Works will apply to the Provost Mar shal of the District in which thev are located for sufficient guards for the protection of the Works, together with the fuel and other material per tafnieg to them. ’ IX. All soldiers found within the city limits, absent from their camps without passes from their respective commanders, wiil be arrested and sent to their commands. X. C’apt. Silas Spicer is announced ae Harbor Master of this Port, and Invested With full au thority for the transaction of business in his De partment. OiSce on Bay, opposite Drayton fcreet. XI. Citizen? desirous of leaving the city to go within the Rebel lines, will make application at these Headquarters. They will be transported to our extenor picket line. XII. Citizen 4 destitute of provieions, cam make application at ibe City Store, v here th-v will be supplied 'or<‘U the order of lb. Arnold, Mavor ci the Cirir, XHI Reveille will be beaten at OA, M. T\u tor at BP. M. Tape at 9. After Tape, ail en listed men^ found on the streets who are r.ot on duty, and who have net proper passes, will be arrested by the Patrol. Suspicious or disorderly charaeters wil! also be arrested after that hour Care must be taken in carrying out this order not to maka arrests cf uem ns v ho may be attending to their lawful bueinees in an orderly meaner. By Command of Brig. Gen. John W. Ghaut, Comictcding, W. T. Foksky. A. A. C. HvAIMfWVUTBRS Cl TV CK SaVANNAB, January 10tb, ISOo. Gii>iKvu Giinu&s, 1 No. 4. f TRB streets, sidewalks, alleys and premises within this city must be kept clear and well policed. The Provost Marshal of each District will ap point an efficient officer to superintend this m at ter. and will detail such assistants as may be ue ceseary. AH persons occupying buildings or grounds. © whatever description, will be required to keep the sidewalks and alleys bordering upon them thoroughly policed at all tim-'R, having the sweepings piled up at the sides of the streets. The offal or sweepings from camps must be removed beyond the city limits by the troops oc cupying the camps. The Post Quartermaster will' assign a certain number of teams to each district to haul the other sweepings out of the city. These teams will to* under control of the offit its appointed to superintend the work in each district, who wil be held responsible that the work ig promptly and thoroughly done. J By Command of Brig,-Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding W. T. Foams, A. A. C„ Hjuikjgabteks City ok JSayants'Ab,’ ’ January lOth, JSCS. / briwi 1 l Onuiin. > No. S. I r COL. ARIO PARDEE, 147T11 PENN. V V 1 • is hereby announced as Provost Marshal o the Eastern Distrut, in the place of Col." Wna Wood, 76th Ohio V, V. reiieved. By comrrmidof “ Brig. Gen. JOHN W. GEARY. Com*g. - , W, T. Forbes. A.\ HC. FOSTER. PHOTOGRAPHER, MORRIS . IBLAND near FORT SHAW CARTES DF YIBITES, AMBROTYPES, &u. made >he Be‘.t possible »-.a* X y erperienced ajtbte T .LIST OF PRICES FOR THE REQffIbATICN J-J OF THE ftALES OF THE W/hU/VtING ARTICLES IN THE CITY <JF BAY \NNAH : Appies.... sl2 tt Blacking, bottles or bciea, large, ; .50 *' 4 ** small 25 Boots, Cavalry; best $s to 25 ©0 Brushes. Tooth, best. ’ j to “ Hair, best l GO Butter...... 75 Cheese per pound 50 : Combs, with mirror.. ri ..... 75 •* plain 1 5# “ indi*: rubber 50 i “ Horn .; 15, “ “ %nsu r bo 1 Dandles, Adamentlbe, per pound 4©< . BKfitARS AM* TOBACCO. ", Smoking Tobacc©, **C. H. Lfflisntbjil, ” 'per pound.. $2 «0 Navy Tobacco, “Le Nevim.” per lb 1 75 Tin Foil, * ( LUlentlLa3, v per package 2ft Havana Sugars, Noi TANARUS, berhfe- ' is %8 *» «< *i v. u .... 1# bo Concha’s Tobac'o, “ 7 5© Ibbacco, bags 5© 14 bindobtp so Pipes, Brierwcod 1 00 “ Itoee *SO “ Apple go Potatoes, per barrel 0 00 Pickles, in glass fqnarts) 1 00 „ “ “ Chaif gallon) 175 Mscfeerel, in eafis . 1 180 Whifcefisb, in cans 2 00 Haddock, in Cs,ss \ 75 Pwohes, 1 lb. cans... i 00 Peaches* 2 lb. cans 1 75 Egg Plbm, 2 lb. cans , 1.76 Peas, 2 175 .Tom.Vocß, 2 “ ’ 100 tlan Meftta y «© Can Poultry, 150 Lobsters, can, 100 Oysters, '» 10© Mustard, half pints * 5© Chow Chow, ] >SO , Cranberiy Bailee, 1 50.' Lemons, per box 40 00 Owngpft, .. ~ -40 08; Milk, cocdenaei per cau, >00; Soap, tbiFetf, box if 4 pieces ■ 2 00 - At isHvtfie, 40; Mirrors potkfcL, best,.. j ee ; Mirrors, p&Wi, 2d das*, ; 75 \ BUSUBR OOOUM. Coats 20 00 Talmiis, with ulebteo, ’* ’ bo 80 Poaches ... 20 00 Cape, 4 ©8 Boots. 15 00 Woolen Bhirrn 5 00 to 7 00 White linen Shirts, 5 00 Suspenders, Ist clas#, ’ 050 44 2d class, * JSO Gloves, Back, ;; 00 Qaußtleita, j> 50 Cotton Gloves. • ’‘ ‘ jqq Books and stationery. dust received at the Palmetto Herald store a largo shipment of goods front New YOl k "and Boston, embracing POEMS. Longfellow. Dryant. Whittier, Tenuvson.' Mrs Wtirg, in blue and gold. STANDARD NOVR^ Cooper, E kite vs, Ihackerav, Dvmss CV* Reade. W Ccllhiv, Mr- Grey, Troßo’pc. and 1 f—C c-% POPULAR XCYFXV I .lEiX 'ert, fcu!y Chester, Down in Ten nessee. Ar,, Ac.—doth. MISCELLANEOUS. Engjifcb L?h}ee, Lt.ti-c.r M'jitcis, Sou- 7 Looks Cookery Eccke, Pocket B'ctiomaricA(severa’ .styles), iiey'iev- Games, &?. MILITARY WORKS. Patten’s &j.u Hardee’s Infantrv Taai<“ i BranJt’t Ginnery ; Field and Heavy Artillery I Tactics. SCHOOL BOOKS. Geographies and Aliases, Grammars, Readers • Ar.thmetica, Spelling Books; also, Dime Novtls j Beadle’s unu Munroe’sy. ;,nd a toll a apply o j standard and other Novels, in pappr covers. STATIONERY, 44 Medallion,” “ Agawam,” ‘ Crystal; ’’ “Man- . hattan.” and “Dove” Mills Note, “Fran conia,” “Agawam,” ‘yWintbrop,” ‘‘Manbattin. ! acd 44 Crystal” Quarto* ” Manhattan” and? “ Franconia ‘ Cap; Bill and Legal Cap ; Music Paper. Billet, Note, Letter, and Official Envelopes— assorted .styles—white, buffi cream, lemon, salmon, and opaque. Pencils in great, variety. Pens.—Oidott’s eOd, yO4, 2&1, and ‘‘Swan 9/ailI Washington Medallion, Quill, Renob hcan, Falcon, Index, Commercial and Eagle Gold Pens, various sizes, with and without case?. Ruling Pens, in Ivory and Ebony. Arnold’s Writing Fluid, qta. and ptt.; Maynard & Noyes do., qts. and pH, ttnd t iands: Blue and Carmine Ink. Rubber and Ebony Rulers—round, square and fiat. Paper Foldere, wood and ivory. Seal ing Wax, assorted colors. - Ink Stands, every style. Pea Racks ; C'liljbag'*, Backgammon and and Chess Boards ; Chess,' wood arid ivory; Dice and Dice Cups: Dominoes; Playing Cards• Scissors; Knives : Match Safes: Pocket Books • Eyelets; Tooth, Nall and Hair Brushes: C<imb«- Pencil Sharpeners; Split Rings; Cork Screws ’ Portfolios of every style. assorted sizes. Account Books, t.l. *2, 3 , 4 and 5 quires) octavo ' quarto and cap. Photograph Albums (of best manufacture)- 100 : 50, 40, 30, 20, 12 Pictures : Pocket and Extension i Alnprr.H. A toll assortment of Plain ami Colored Card ! Photographs, &e„ <fcc., &c., to which we invite j attention of Dealers and the Public generally 1 C. 6AYILLE & CO i __ .Hilton Head, S. C. ! TV7NBARS & FRANZ, 10 SUTLER’S ROW, ! AA Deals re us S ’.tiers’ Goode, Wholesale and rvet&iJ. SAVANNAH DAILY H®RAL» GFFIGE ] Js t\ No. ID Ulj el**-:. Hv-Ane’it’b Mr>.. Di\. pv rnz In the Field. Savainuh, Ga.. Jan. 14. Sfeoiaw Fuajj Ouiml No. 12. ./ IT being represented that the Confederal.' army and armed bands of robbers, 'aetto | professedly Tinder the authority of the Cenfe§£ rate are hari-assing the people '©s Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate in the efforts they are making to secure to them selves provisions, -clothing, security to life and ; property, and the restoration of law and goon • ! government im the State, it is hereby ordered and made Public: Ist. That the farmers of Georgia may brim into Savannah. Fernandina or Jacksonville Florida, marketing, such as beef, pork, naittoxJ vegetables of any kind, fish, &c„ as well as cor ton in small quantities, and sell the same in open i miw ket, except the cotton, which must be sola by 'or through the Treasury Agents, and may jm , : the proceeds in family stores, snch as b&fcbn and Hour, in any reasonable quantities, groce ries, shoes and clothing, and articles not, contra band of war, and carry the same back to their families. No trade store will be attempted in the interior, or stocks of goods sold? for them, but families may club together fer mutual assist ance and proteotion in coming and going. 2d. The people are encouraged to meet to getherin peaceful assemblages to disms inea* ures looking to their safety and good govenitnri>’- and the restoration of State and National W’ tbority. and will be protected by the Nations) army when so doing ; and all peaceable inhabi tants who earisiy the commanding officers dia they are earnestly laboring to that end, must not only be left undisturbed In property and person but must be protected as far as possible, cwtmi*;. enr with the military operations. If any farm* •r peaceable inhabitant is molested by the Cue my, viz: the Confederate army or goerrillfik be . cause of his friendship to the National Govern - meat, the perpetrator, if caught, will be sumrua ly punished, or his family made to suffer for life outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the actual party, then retaliation Trill be made 0 » the adherents to the cause of the Rebellion- 1 ghoiuG a Union map be murdered, then a Hebe/ selected by lot will be shot—or if a Union Luotly" be persecuted on account of the cause, a Rebel tamJy wil. be banished to a foreign land, 'hi aggravated cases retaliation will extend as hfcii as live for one. All commanding officers will af. prom jSiy in such _ cases, and feport their acitbr. alter the retaliation is done. By order of T , Major-General W. T. Suwuian. L. Jl. Dayton, A. A. Qf. H>>i»ovap.tfj:s City ok Sataxxah, 0 ' January 14,1505. ©KNEKAt. Oanrai No. 5. j I. Any person found injuring or clefficin r fcuildmg-, fences, shrubbery, <Src., within the city limits, will he arrested and placed at he-fi lalmr. r The special attention of Provost Marshals, Officers and Guards, Is hereby again eaUed to this cubject. with special reference to the Parks Squares and Burying grounds. The Provo? 1 Marshal’s Department will beheld responsible ter tne strictest enforcement of this order. IT. It has been officially reported that cert&’e persons owning buildings in this city are chaf ing exorbitant rents for the same, 'and that in many instances they have increase*? the reir* much beyond what they charged in Confederate currency, pnor to our occupation of the city. Such acts oppress tin-* poor, and i re without ex cuse. J he»*e being no '/.her source of redress a: present except the military authority, Provost Marshale ol districts will take cognizance of ail such cases which maybe brought before then.' and will interfere to prevent injustice of the character specified. By order of Brevet' Mai. Gen. JOHN W. GEARY. ' • Commanding. « . T. boEBEs, A. A. G. janfT llEAitQVAJi’l'Etis, City of Sav/snaii. Ga. .) January sth, i*&>. j GSNEBAL OuPEKS, > No 3 f I ALL DEALERS IN GOODS FOR GENERA. - • SALE in this city, must hat e permits from these Headquarters. 11, Extortion in prices will be severely pur ished. Dealers will conform in prices to the list established by the Provost Marshak at these Headquarters. This list will be published in the daily newspapers. 111. A tax for Post fund will be assessed upon authorized dealers, also upon persons opening places of amusement. IV, Those persons who violate the foregoing rules will be arrested, tbeir establishments wiH be closed, and their goods cenliscated and sold at reasonable prices, and the proceed* appro priated to the Post Fund. Y. Sutlers or purveyors belonging toanypo: tion of the army, are required by the military law to coniine their sales to their own commands.- As lODg as they do this, they will not beintet fered with by office) sos the Post. But if any such are found offering goods for general sale, without Laving been duly author ized from these Headquarters, they will be dead with in the same manner as other rhauthorizc dealers. VI. Cnpt. Ira B„ Seymour, Provost Marsbal, ar, these Headquarters, will see that these rules, and any that may hereafter be announced iv spec ting trade in this city, are duly enforced. If officers or others who And any dealers violat ing the regulations on the subject, will report the same at Captain Seymour’s office, the offender will be promptly punished and the public bent fitted. By command of Brig. Gea. wNO, W. GEARY. Commanding. W. T. Forms, A. A. G. PERSONAL.—INFORMATION WANTED OF X she whereabouts of Hr. Cleavy, of Eille* - aule county. Tipperary Irclaiti. Add*ess B. 0 > ■Sava mu ah Err ald office.