Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 20, 1865, Image 4

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JVffT RECEIVE:) By C. W. DENNIS A CO , And will be ©old Hi VERY LOW I RJ lES !!! 1C(>00 Lbe. Better, Kurd w a e, of every u©- 10.000 Cheese scrii two, UOOGM Oigartc Yankee Notions of every ,0,000 Lbs. Cakes and kind, » Crackers, M at dies, "00 Bbia Potatoes, Canned Peaches, Toma -100 “ Flour, toes, Peas, Gwen: .1,000 Pra Gloves Meats—Beeil Yea 506 Camp Stoves, Chickens, Tarkeyi* Stationery, in variety. Nnte, Raisins, Figs, Fig Past*;. Confectionery Flank Books. Ledgers. Day Books, Skirt*. Draw ers, Collars, Handkerchiefs. N's-k-Ties, Foots and M»oes, Army Ranges, Cooking Stoves, stove Pipe, Herring’s Sales. Abbot's History of die War, Fish Lines, Cutlery, Metallic Coffins. 7m Ware, Wooden Ware, &c., Ac. Call and t-A aicine. Kii.TON Hkar, S. C., Not 14, 1664 C'TORE FOR KALE. Cj The stow of the lav* E. N. Thayer, at St. Helena, 8. C., is offered tor sale, with the ©lock and fix twres. ».r terms. appfv to RIDDELL A kil KDO.’K. 6 Merenants’ Row. ’anlO —Iw Hilton Head. S. C. Roberts a lewis, WBOUFHVIJC AND BETAU. |»*.*.M i ßfc ;N SUTLERS’ GOOD* AM- LUMBER, AvKNTe, Hilton Hmu IS. C. a s. BOfiKRTS, {jandO —w&fctivrj emu*, w. lewis. New bakery and confectionery ESTABLISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We have the honor to inform the residents ot this Department that we Lave just opened & Con ectionery Establishment and first-class Bakery in Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Boaivfcit. at which *e are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be forward©*! to ns. Spi»cial attention is paid to the manufacture ©i Ornamental Pieces Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. McMANUS A KUNE. HC. FOSTER. PHOTOGRAPHER. MORRIS • ISLAND near FORT SHAW. CARTES J)E VISITES, AMBROTYFES, Ac., rn .de m tire O s: possible rotainer by experienced artiste. OERSONAL.—INFORMATION W ANTED OF 1 the whereabout* oi Mr. deary, of Killen t.nle, eor.ntv Tipperary, Ireland. Address D. C\, Savannah Berald Office. |T S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. C • 147 Bay street, Free Writing Table for Soldiei-e. i cm*, Ink, 17 per and Envelopes ire**. All letters written at our rooms stamp'd w hen requested, and stamps car be had, and ii* not, for: > arded always as “So-diers’ Letters,' ’ A supply of religions reading v,t\\fV.y on hand IVr gratuitous distribution. Religions wins every» at <*» 1-2 c’* lock at WesJey OVvpel f comer or Lincoln and .south Broad streets;, '.ondurted bv the As.-©dated Chaplains. Chaplain'*’Meeting at tli; hapei on MONDAY J'.E. 10th. at 10 a. m W. A. LAWRENCE, ’arl4 ts Agent L. S. *'. C. ]HK*.S AND STATIONERY. Ii Just received at the Palm* Wo Herald Stor* a large shipment of gixx.s fts'in New York and Boston, embra ..-mgr POEMS. LengMlow. Bryant. Whittier, Tennyson, Mrs taring, in Hue and goal. STANDARD NOVELS. Coofs r, Pickens. Thackeray. Pi mr.*. Chas P« a(,e, Wilkie OoFler Mrs, Grey, Trollopt-, and t c 2 POPULAR NOVELS. : i P li t;«=, niiiiiy Clutter, Down in Ter xesece, &c., 4fcc.—cloth. MISCELLANEOUS. EiighCr, Bib-es, Letter Writers, Song Bocks. Cookery Be eke, Focke; rictiomries, {©event eryie#;, Leva's Carnes. «t<\ MILITARY WORKS. Fatter.’« and Hardee's Infantry Tactics krandt’s Gunnery : Field and Heavy Artillery > «-•. tics. bCH<R k L BOOKS. Geographies and .Atlases, Crammers. Ib aders A: iihroeircs, Spelling Books: also, Bin e Novels Beadle's and and a lull supply o ndtre! and y< o V in paper covers. STATIONERY. ' “ Medallion,” •• Agawam,” • Crystal,” ••Man hattan.” and•• Dove” Mi lin Note, ’•Fran < iva.” •‘Ag-awnm.” *• Winthrop,” ‘‘Manhattan, hud ‘-Crystal ” Quarto, *• Manhattan” and ” Franconia *J Cap; Eli! and Legal Cap : Mtrsk Paper. i .wet. Note, Letter, and Official Envelopes— aborted styles—white, buff, cream, Ir-mon and opaque. Per.CJs in great variety. I*et»B.—Giilotl’s yolk 7>04. ctt‘4 and **>bv«n Washington MedalHcu, On UR J'epub. i.ear, Falcon, Index, Commercial aad Eagle •(■ited Pr os, varione sues, with and without cages. Ruling, in Ivory and Ebony. Arnold's Writing Fhiidj ots and pte.; Maynard & Noyes oo , qts. and pts.. and stands: Blue ant! Carmine Ink. Rubber and Ebony Rulers—ron&d, squ>uv ,\nd flat. Paper Fold-'-e, wood and ivorv. Se?i]- •i g W so*, assorted colors. Ink Stands, every siyire. Pen Racks; Cribbage, Backgammon and * ’-d Ctiess fk>:ir<tg ; Chess, wood and ivory: IMce and Dice Caps; Domino**; Plaving 'Cards; SCOOTS : Hnhes : Mateb Safes: Pocket Books: Eyelets : Tooth, Null and Hair Brushes : Combt. IN nci; Sharpeners ; Split Rings; Oorl- Screws. *f'.rfefeLos ot every style. Slates, assorted sizes. Account Books, (1, 3, 4 and 5 quires) octavo, quarto and cap. 1 Pkot.oin\,ph Alhntae le-t mAjftiihUurcfiwg SO, 4L io, i- Fixt»res ; Pocket and Albums. • A fad, v,s enn.ent < f Plain iVdore 1 Cfcrd •» boropaptsK Ac. Av.. A . , u> whl.h y., ; (,\Lr P® *Det ' i i-d ibe Ixn , g« n- iy, C. HAVILLL A ' O ■ « i -.Kt: Ecuc.C. ( 1 GOD LIVING,” • ’ V reasonable prices, an be Lvd at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, m tbo rear of the New Poet Office. Hi.soa Read, S. C. I have the- verv best facilities lor furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS. MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and other places ic this vicinity. Cooked to order from o A. M. to 8 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S —One trial io respectfully solicited. I LIST OF PRiOES FOR ’THF REGULATION > OF THE SALES OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICULS IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH : Apffeg .lil2 Blackrcg. bottles or boxes, large Mi “ “ small 2^ Bools. Cavalry, besb. $8 to 25 00 Brashes, Tooth, best .' 5 (>p “ Hair, best....- i («) Butter 75 Cbeeee pei por.nd .so Combs, w ;th mirror. * 7r, s * pi*iin 50 “ Irufia rubber 50 ** Horn , 15 V, ‘\fine !!!!!!!!!!” ao Actfujaentine, per pound 40 6W»AKB AXTi TUUACO-S Smoking Tobacco, “0. H. LiUenthai, ” per pound ,$ 2 00 Navy Tobacco, "Le Nevin,” per lb 1 75 Tin Foil, •■LiUenthai,” per package...... 25 Havana Segars, No. 1, per box 15 (*• *' Id 00 Concha’s Tobacco, “ •> 750 Tobacco, bags 50 ** bladders * 50 Pipes. Brierwood * ....... *. . *..... 1 «x “ Rose 5»» “ Apple 50 Potatoes, per barrel 0 00 Fcklea, in glass fquarte) 1 00 “ fha.ll gallon) i75 Mackerel, in cans.*. 1 00 White-fish, in can* g on Haddock, in cans..;.. l 75 Peaches, lib. cans i (Ki Peaches, 2 lb. cans 1 75 Egg Plum, 2 :b. cans ...!.... . 175 Foaa. 2 •• 175 Tomatoes, 2 “ 1. 00 Can Meats, * 1 00 Car. Poultry, 7 u* Lobster's, can, * 1 (,*f Oysters, *• 100 Mr.sta.rd. half pints 50 Chow Chow, ’ 150 Cranberry Sauce, [' ’ 1 50 Lemons, per box : Mi 00 Changes, 40 Ob Milk, ccmdeused, per can, 1- 00 Soap, tolk;, fine, per box of 4 pieces, 1 b< ; Atlantic, 1 4C Mirrors, pucker, best, 1 (H Mirrors, pocket, 2d class, 75 mania; ooore. < Cents 20 Talmas, with sleeves ..0 00 Pouches.... 20 r*o Catis, 4 CO Pails, 5 to .Boots. ; 5 Of’ WooYr "shirts 5 00 to 7 Cmi White Linen Shirts, 5 o< Snspei-ders, Ist class 2 r-o 2cl class 1 50 Gloves Buck, ’ 3 tf a Gant t .-tte. 3 50 < 'otton Groves, 1 t Hr./ i\h‘v Mn.. D;v. or ruv. Mner»..n ;. In the Field, Savamudi, Ga.. Jhb. 14. Sum ial Ftrun Oanras. } v . , . } TANARUS». being represei tr-ci tbr.t ;h«- Confederate A y.rmy ana armed bands of robb--rs, acth.:- professedly under the ar/horty of the j ate Governmert. uri hariassitig the people of* f Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate them in the eftorts they are m?tkir;g to secure to them- provisions, clothing, Wcnrity UMifi ar.d I rojx rty, r.nd the mstoration of law n:d .»ood govonimert in the State, it is hereby orce made public*: * Ist. Tliat the farmers of Georgia rnay bring lJ; to ..bavannal), Femandiim or" Jacksonville' Fiorina, Tj;arket*Egc such as beef, pork, misitcc. vegetables of auv kind, fifth, &(., as well as cot tor: in ‘mall quantities, and sell the s&me in open marker, except the cotton, which inns b<> «o>d by or through the Treasury Agents, and may invest the proceeds in family stores, such as ba<jr» n anc. flour, in anv reasc»nnb.e Cjtuintities, r*^*oce nos, shoes sncl clothing*, and articles cot contra band oi war, and carry the same bank to their fnmtlies. No trade store will be atteror.te.l in the interior, or stocks oi goods so id* for them, but i;.mikes may club h.r rmutul assist ance and pi'oteetj<)ij in coming and going. 2<L The people 1 are epconraged^to meet to getber in peaceful aasembiages to discuss I«eas uree looking to t heir safety and good government anc! the restoration of .State and 'National au thority, and will be protected bv the National army when so doing ; and all peaceable inhabi tants who satisfy the commanding officers that they are earaeetiy laboring to that end, must not only be left undisturbed in property and p-e rson, but mur; be protected as far uti possible, consist ent with the military operations. If any farmer «»r peaceable inhabitant is molested bv the mv. viz: the Confederate army or gcetrllias, bc cause of his friendship to the Nat'ocal Govern hi out, the perpetrator, if caught, wili be burniia !y punished, or his family made to safer for the outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the aetna.: party, then retaliation will be made on the adherents to the cause of the Rebellion— should a Unior man Is murdered, then a Rebel selected by lot will be shot- or if a Union family is; persecuted on auor.nt of the cause, a Rebel family will be barisbtd to a fowflgn land. In aggravated cases retaliation will extend as high as five fer one. Ail commanding will act promptly in si.- h cases, and n p©rt, tl.e>r action after the is u«>d<?. By crd. r of Mq f-r Gereiul W. T Yiui.v/x. J • ... ts Dt y.ifi , A. A. G. 1 C2xv cv Savav*>ah, January Kih, Gr.vTux;. C’xrnES ) ?\i>. 4. * ? THE streets. »:eewalks, alleys and premise* within this city mutt bo kept ciOJin and well policed. The Provost Marshal of each District will ap point an efficient offi> t r to superintend this mat ter, and will detail such assistants as may be ne cessary . / Ail persons occupying buildings or grounds, o whatever description, will be required to keep the sidewalks and alleys bordering upon them thoroughly policed at all times, having the sweepings piled up at the sides of the streets. The ofial or sweepings from camps must be removed beyond the city limits by the troops oc cupying the camps. The Post Quartermaster will assign a certain number of teams to each district to haul the ether sweepings out ot the city- These teams will be nncier control of the officers appointed to superintend the work in each district, who wll beheld responsible that the work is promptly and thoroughly done. By Command of Brig. -Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding W. T. Forkfs, A. A. G. Hr.Ai-qr a.i tsas City os* Savannuu January 14,18t>5. (ly sv a at. ffa 1 -ee I No. 5. f I. Any person found injuring or defacing building, fences. shrcbbe»*y, Ac., within the city limits, wili be arrested and placed at hard labor. The special attention of Provost Officers and Guards, i? hereby agairri ca iled to this cub>ect, witn S]>e<-.ial reference to Parks. Squares and Burying pounds. proves: Marshal’sDepaftment will beheld for tne strictest enforcement of this order. 11. It. ha«b« en officially reported that certain persons owning buildings ir: this city are charg ing exorbitant rer.ts for the samo. and that in many nstances they have increased the rents much beyond what they charged in Confederate currency, prior to or.r occupation of the city.— Such acts oppress the poor, and are without ex cuse There being no other source of redress at present except the military a tithe Tty, Provost Marshals of districts will take cognizance of all such cases which maybe brought before then; and wil* interfere to prevent injustice of the cfcaracte** specified. Bv order of “Brevet Maj. Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Contmandli g. W. T. Forars- A. A. G. jaxi‘7 Kk*.r qcAßTvne. t ity of Savannah, Gs., J aim ary 71k 7 4 *’>f. Gknxhai <>m r:vs. > No. 6. f IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS HL -1 CFIVED. the command of this city is today transferred to Maj. Gen. C. Grover.' All officers and men belonging to the 2d divis ion, *2bth corps, who are or. c p“diu duty in this city, mile-s aH-:g7r» and to Mu h duty by orders ncm superior authority, are hereby relieved, and will at once rep»or? to their commands for duty, being relieved by others under coTnmanti <>f Get-, Grover. Tim General Coutmttnding embraces this occa sion to thank the Mayor arid A’.derm* 11 oi tid dly for thJir valuable c< -operatiou: and the citi zens generally for the cordial ity with which they have acquiesced and assisted him m all measures for tho public good. Bclieviitg that very soon the time wil) come when military government, will no ioi.gcr be necessary in this city, the Gen eral now takes his farewell of it, and commends it and its inhabitants to l. s successor, trusting that they will extend *0 lire the same confidence and courtesy which have rendered the relation' fce**etofore subsisting so satisfactory. By ordt ” <•!' Brevet Ma.'or <4« n. J, Vv. GEARY. W. T. Pom *■>. A. A. G. HfAi'vir AtTirs «.'»rvov Saxavnajl, > Janu: £#■ ifith, ISoS. ( Oi'.Toa:, > No. n. / rCOL. A.R2O PARDEE, U7TII T‘FNN. V. V • is bereny announced as Provost Marslic’ o •the Eastern’Dirtriit. in the of Col, \Vie Wood, Toth Ohio V. V. relieved. By cc.mniHr»d of trig. Gee. JOHN W. Corn'g. \V. j . Fornts, A. A. <4. Enof*qr AKsm-ifc Ciyy or Satan*- .mi, Dec. 24th, 'i.604. Gbnekat. Or.rikk\ No. 2. f , lIGR CONVENIENCE IN MILITARY GOV • emmeut. aD tha; portion of the City lying east of Bali etreety is/p<*/-gnateti k-the Eartein District; that 'tfwg wfiet of Bull etreet, an the Westeio District-,' 1, Gol. Wtu. B. Woods, 7t>th Ohio Vols., Is &n, uouv.wd as Provost Marshal of the Eastern Dis trict. Bis Heatkjnart-ci« will be ir. the U. S. Barracka on Bull street. OoL H. A. Ba r Dnm, l4Pth New* York Vols., i* juinounced as Provost Marshal of the Western District. Eis Be&dquaiJeis will be near the ear ner of Barnard and Spnth Broad streets. All fipphcations for protection of persons and private 7 |»foperry, or lor redress of grievances, will be rr.sde to the Prm*oct. Marshal of the Dis trkt, or m the neKrest offic«r of tbc guard. 11. Each Rcgiev m; on Provost duty will he held respcni-irJe -■£. the peac: and good order of its section. The Marshals of Districts win b<*r*ecti|a } to these regi ments. i *4 V Hi All pnvatc p!*oi>eity wil he prciectod: end whenever ne: essaiy for such pur pr.tu special guard** will be: aHHtrned. No pnvaic proß ty will >*: r.ak**n or used agalnafthe conseM ..5 the owners, except upon ».! Ortbr I»rni f 'etfec authority. IV. c*tLve- ► <-y,f r-K 10 quarter* it x {■r'vap- or public use, win make application to Brig. G**n. ifiaston, Chief Qnarfennaster. V. AT. pere*ms within tho City, whp have bee, in any way connected with tho rebel army, wi a report Without delay ta Captain Ira B, Seymoi. I Provotj Marshal, {office n Exchange l>ußdiiip*.j and there r egister uhrlr names. VL No dtizen will be .arrested except ft* mU. demeanor or upon written orders ffiom these: Headquarters or f- om aProvoet Marshal, VII. The Department of this city has beoa represented by the civil authorities as highly ei ficient. Mr. Casey, u -tlug Chief of the Kre Do ’ partmert, is authorized to contirne operations and will be he.d responsible for tho falthfcu per - form nuce of his duties. Ail members of the and * ferectFire Companies will continue subject to* his orders, and lu gV-' t oi duty on their pan wi be duly piinisheo. in case of fire, the Marshal of the Dittrct win send immediately strong detachments o: guards to preserve order in the vicinity. VIH. Those pvrsens connected with the Water Works and Gas W’oiksof the v'itv, wili continue to perform their duties as ueual;’ The Manager ck these. Works will apply to the Provost Mar shfl! oi the District in which they are located for sufficient giiards for the protection of the Works,, together v, ;th the fuel and other material per taming to them. IX. All soldiers found within the city 2nYts absent lrom their ..amps without passes from* thKir respective commanders, witl be arrested and pent to then* commands. >.. <_2*p;/Silas Spicer Is announced as Harbor jrtaster o! Poit, and %yith lUJI 6^- thority for the transaction of business In his I)e. partment. Office os lk»y, onposlte Draytcn trect. II- C;tiw*ns desirous of leaving Uie city to go vv :Mc th*: Jit-be; Hues, will make application %*, these Readquarters. They will be transported, to our exterior picket l!n ?. XII. tMtiz-ims destitute of provisions, can make afplication at the City Store, where they will be supplied upon tee order of Dr. Arnold, Mayor of the City. XIII. Lev-He will be beater at dA. M. Tat tor at SP. M. Taps at f». Aiter Taps, ail tc listed men found on tne- streets who are net ecu duty. ant. wbo have not proper {-apses, will be an by the Patio’, suspicious or disorderly characters will also be arrested after that hour Care must 0*: taken in carrying out this order nov to make improper &??< sta of citizens who may be attending to their lawful 'pusineae in an orderly* manner. Ey Cos rt un and <«i Brig. Gee. Jem. TV. Guaky, Cote man cLiig, W. T. Four::, A. A. G. WAR DEPARTMENT, Arvt ia.v/ Gum.r.v.'s o>>vcr Vt ashingfoc, February 19, is o4., G ; \»!’ AI. Ori JKN l No. 04. i Harrow ft a: r> kkhru re.*w-x-\ vr.«. Wfceucver refuge* s from within the Kefcq lii.-cs, t r deserteis from the Rebel armies, pre '-"lit themselves at U. S. Camp-s or Mifr.nry Posts. *Li- y wsli be immediately examined by the Provost Varsbal with a view to detta-mine then* ( h«*u*act< r. and tfce ! r motive in grvirg themselves up. If it app«;.r that they are bon* st in their in temion of forever deserting the Renei cause, care will be taken to explain to them that they will not be forced to serve in the U. s. Army agaScft the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. The Proclamation of De« en her 8, ISeA will be read to th* Eg and if they *<> desire, tho oath iherein prescribed will be :dministered to them. They will then be questioned as to whe’her they dehire employment from the Uni ted. States; and ir so, --jffc urrangeicents as may be expedient be made by the several Army Commanders :'o* -jnp.oyfr >- thorn on Govern in' nt works w it! in their coromandK Those who come to the Army of the Potomuc w ill be for ward et! to the Military Gov rnor of 2 be District of Columbia, a; Washington, with ’•'■ports in lie ir cases, that employment may be given them if desired; or, if cor, that toey may be sent as far North as Philadelphia. By order oi the Secretary of War .* E I*. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant GeueraJ. Official * \\ L- Vt. FiuuiJt. Assistant Adjutant General Kr aj Uif'us Cm ok Savannah. Ga..) >“b, iSio. j General Our> No k f T AU. DEA U- RSIN GC<-Ds FOR GEI^JERAL SALE ir this city, rm-t .cave permit* t’tora these Herdhuaiter*. XL, Extc rtior. in pric*‘s will b*' s-verei;/ pr.c --i-hed, D**alers will couforrn in prices to the list. established by the Prcvcs; Marshal, at tbcH*. Headquarn-rs. This list wili be published ic the daily newspapers.. 111. A tax for Port frnd will be amieaeed uj*t-n authorised deal* rs, also uj»oii pereoDS opening places of amusement. IV. Those persons why {violate The foregoing rules will he arrested, their establishments be cioeed, and their goods confine tied and see 1 at reasonable prices, j,td the j-roceede apjprc priatiai to the Post Fund. V. Hu tiers or purveyors beioiiging toanypoc tkii: of the army, sure required by the mihtarv luw to confine* tiieir saje,s to their own commands. - As long as they do this, they will cot be itter lcred with by offi'eis c; tlie Post. But if any’ et ch tire fot.nd offering goods for jteneral Btvle, without Having been duly tfulbc-v --iied from these Headquarters.- they will be dealt with in the tame manner ae other unauthorized dealere. VT. Cspt. Iraß. Seymour, Pro^’ort’Marshal, at these Headquarters, will see that these rules, and any that may hereafter be axwotmeed re spectint’ trade in this city, aj*e duly enforced. If office rs c: otb»-r- who find any Jealers violat ing the regi lajLioce on Hie subject, will report the same at captain Seyjftonr'R office, the offende>« wiß ly promptly pv.n>he«l and tie pnbUc bene fitted. Ly coil m and of brig. G«:. JKO W v-LARY. Cva»w. m uing. VV. T. f ov.nv*. A; A. a.