Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 24, 1865, Image 3
JTvAIXJOAKTKUa Mu.. Dtv. OF T!tP! MiHSJSSU'Pt. 11 in the Fi?ld. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 16th. 1365. f4i«CMX Fm.D Obdkbh,) No |{j t j [ Tilt islands from Charleston, South, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns riv or Florida, are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the negroes now uade free by the acts of war and the Proclamation of the President of the United States. LI. A* Beaufort, Hilton Head, Savan nah, Fernandina, St. Augustine, and Jacksonville, the blacks may remain in their chosen or accustomed vocations; hut on the islands, and in the settle uienta hereafter to be established, no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside; and the sole and exclusive management of affairs wiil i>e left to the freed people themselves, subject only to the United States mili tary authority and the acts of Congress. By the laws of war, and orders of tho President of the United States, the negro 1 9 free and must be dealt with as such. He cannot be subjected tft conscription or forced military service, save by the written orders of the highest military authority of the Department, under such regulations as the President or Congress may prescribe, domestic servants, black smiths, carpenters, or other mechanics will free to select their own work and residence, but the youug and able-bodied negroes must be encouraged to enlist as soldiers in the service of the United States, to contribute their share towards maintaining their own freedom and se curing their rights as citizens of the United States. Negroes so enlisted will be organized into companies, battalions and regiments under the orders of the United States military authorities, and wiiljbe paid, fed and clot he’d according to law. The bounties paid on enlistment may, with the consent of the recruit, go to assist his family and settlement in procuring agricultural implements, seed, tools, boats, clothing and other articles •necessary for their livelihood. 111. Whenever three respectable ne groes, heads of families, shall desire to settle on land, and shall have selected for that purpose an island or a locality clearly defined, within the limits above designated, the Inspector of Settlements and Plantations will himself, or by such subordinate officer as he may appoint, give them a license to settle such island *#r district, and afford them such assist ance as he can to enable them to estab lish a peacable agricultural settlement. The three parties named will subdivide the land, under the supervision ot the 'nspector, among themselves, and such others as may choose to settle near them, so that each family shall have a plot of not more than (40) forty acres of tillable ground, and when it. borders on some water channel, with not more than eight hundred feet front, in the possession of which land the military authorities will afford them protection until such time as they can protect themselves, or until Congress shall regulate their title. The Quartermaster may, on the requisition of the Inspector of Settlements and Planta tions, place at the disposal of the Inspec tor one or more of the captured steamers, to ply between the settlements and one or moro of the commercial points here tofore named in orders, to afford the stt- Mers the opportunity to supply their necessary wants and to sell the products ot their land and labor. IV. Whenever a negro baa enlisted in the military service of the United Stales, \e may locate his family in any one' of : ae settlements at pleasure, and acquire a homestead and all other rights aud privileges ot a settler as though present in person. In like manner negroes may settle their families aud engage on board the gunboats, or in fishing, or ia the navigation of tho inland waters, without ! osing any claim to land or other advan tages derived from this system. But no <me, unless absent on Government ser vice, will be entiled to claim any right to ‘and or property in any settlement, by virtue of those orders. V. In order to carry out this system of settlement, a General Officer will be de *AUed as Inspector of Settlements and ‘ *antatiotis, whoso duty it shall be to visit the settlements, to regulate their police and general management* and who will furnish personally to each head of a family, subject to the approval of the President of the United a possessory title in writing, giving as near as possible- the description of boundaries, and who shall adjust ail claims or con flicts that may aiise under the same, subject to the like approval, treating such titles altogether as possessory. The same General Officer will also be charged with the enlistment and organization of the negro recruits, and protecting their interests while so absent from their set tlements ; and will be governed by the Rules and Regulations prescribed by the War Department for such purpose. VI. Brigadier General R. Saxon is hereby appointed Inspector of Settle ments and plantations, and will at once enter on the performance of his duties. No change is intended or desired in the Settlement now on Beaufort Island, nor will any rights to property heretofore acquired be effected thereby. By order of Maj. Gen. VV. T. SHERMAN. L. M. Davton, Maj. and Asst. Adj’t Genl. Hcaih/’kh U. S. Forces, Savannah. Ga.. PsovcasT Marshal's Offiob, January 23d, 1365. CIRCULAR. All persons engaged in business ot any kind in this city, whether by permission or cot, are hereby required to report at this office before 4 o’clock, P. M., to morrow, the 24th inst, their names, places and kinds of business, amount and cha racier of stock on hand, and by whom they were permitted to trade, if holding permission, in order that the same may be registered. Any person concerned, failing to so re port, will forfeit all right and title to trade in this city. By order ot Brevet Maj. Gen. GROVER. Robt. P. York, Lt. Col. and Pro. Mar. A NCIENT LANDMARK LODGE, No. L A. P. M. A regular communication of this Lodire will be held at their hall This Evening, at 7 o’clock. Transient brethren in good standing are re spectfully invited attend." By order. v J. M. PRENTISS, Jan 24 It Secretary. dfctA REwSfD WILL BE PAID AND~NO dP* quesffiona aekod to any person who will return to this office the VALISE, taken from No. 140 Congress street on Monday, Jan. 23d ; as the contents were of much value to the owner and of no use to any other person. Jan 25 3t M. R. FLINT _ WP. GILLETTE, • COMMISSION MERCHANT. And GENERAL AGENT. Solicits Goods of all description for Sale on Com mission. Office Bay street two doors tast City Hotel P. S,—The services of GEO. J. SMITH, to as sist in the business have been secured. HEAOQUARTEaS, U. S. Foiioss. Savannah, Ga., 2s, 1843. General Oruke, \ No. 3, f I THE POST QUARTERMASTER WILL • take immediate possession o£ and register all vacant store-houses or dw elliags in the city, and all ouildiugs belonging to absent rebe.Swex cepting those now occupied for Depot pur poses. No fnmiinre or other property will be removed from any house without special au thority. Ail premises and their contents included in the foregoing classifications, being considered for the present as the property of the United States, will with th%exception of those used by the Government and Government official}, and those assigned without charge to the worthy and needy, be rented out for the benefit of the United States, by the Post Quartermaster, to loyil cit izens, for business and other purposes, at a rea sonable rate. Occupation in such cases wiil not give title to special consideration, nor will any lease or transfer from a disloyal owner be re spected. 11. With a viewi td reduciug as much aa pos sible the price of goods for safe to citizens, w hich prices will hereafter be regulated from these Head Quarters, the rents upon trade stores which may be authorized will be nominal. 111. The levying of taxes or the receiving of money by the Provost Marshal or Quartermaster's Department for permission to open places of amasemeut, market stalls or other indulgences, is umiuthorized and will not be allowed. By command of Bv’tMaj Gen, GROVER. Edward G. Dikf, A. A. A. G, Jan. 24—It pUBLIC MEETING POSTPONED. The meeting of citizens called for to-day is postponed until TO-MORROW, the 26th last, at 12 o’clock, M. at the Athenseum. A full attendance of citizens ia earnestly re vested. R. and. ARNOLD, _ Mayor of Savannah. Tuesday, Jan. 24th, ISG6. \\T ANTED—By a citizen, (of*e who is well T f acquainted,) a situation as Clerk, in or out doors. The best of references can bo given. Enquire at this office jan 24 CW. DENNIS A CO., a No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8 C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS, POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE. Ac., Ac. jan to. tar. Roberts a lewis, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRALKBS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS AND LUMBER. Mitchell Avenue, Hilton Heads S. C. B. 8. ROBERTS, [jaDoO—WA»3w) OKAS. W. LEWIS. CiN. BELLO wa -~ • No. 8 Merchants* Row, iilfj f!!M Hilton Head, S. C. Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, And SUTLERS* GOODS Os every description. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WANTED-A NICE STORE, ON A PROMI NENT STREET, suitable for a retail busi ness. One with a counter and fixtures preferred. Address J. S. S.. Savannah P. 0., stating terms and location. jl7-2t A STORE WANTED—ONE SITUATED IN A business location and adapted to a reka trade. Address, giving situation and terms, Bor M Savannah Herald Office, janlS t WAR DEPARTMENT. " Office op Director and General Manages Military Railroad, U. S. Savannah, Jan, 21 1865. Col. J‘. Condit Smith : Colonel—You are hereby appointed Superin tendent in charge of United States Miltary Rail roads, terminating at Savannah, Ga. Respectfully, Your obedient servant, D. C. M'CALLUM, Brevet Brig. Gen. Director and General Manager M. R. R.. U. S. Official: J. Condit Smith, Superintendent U. S. Military It. R. WANTED, ONE HUNDRED MEN ! Capable of handling Cotton and stowing it on board strip. A.J9O, TEN STEVEDORES To direct the same. For the former ONE DOLLAR PER DAY AND RATIONS Will be paid. For the latter TWO DOLLARS PER DAY AND RATIONS. Those men are desired to report to LIEUT.-COL. RANSOM, A. Q. M.. Immediately at White’s Cotton Press. ALBERT G. BROWNE, Sup. Special Agent of the Treasury Dep’t. ah. Sprvi a 1 Agency. I'OST OR STOLEN.—A small SATCHEL or J RETICULE, containing Surgical Pocket Case and Surgical Instruments. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to this office. S. M. BRIGGS. Jan 10 4t RIDDELL & MURDOCK, WHOLMALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ’ SUTLERS* AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS - AND CAPS, Ghntlrmrn’9 Furnishing Goods, &c.. No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. W. D. RIDDELL* [janlO—tf] H. J. MURDOCK. News-dealers and others desiring The Savannah Daily Hbeald at Wholesale are requested to send in their order as early in advance as practicable. S. W. MASON & CO CS AVILLK & CO., • Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, 8. C. nr* A Liberal Discount to Purchasers at WlK)k%Al6« Cash Orders by mail or express promptly filled. Notice. If any of my old friends are living m the city of Savannah or vicinity, they wMI confer a favor by writing to WM. M. SULLIVAN, who was compelled to leave the city of Savannah for circulating a religious work In the summer of 1858. Dir:ct letters to W. M. SULLIVAN. , Brighton, Macoupin County, Illinois. Headouartbbs U. S, Foboks, Savanaah, Ga., Jan. 22, 1865 Gknebral Order) lIST°LIEUT. JOHN H. CHARLOTTE, R. Q, • ML, 159 th N. Y. Vois., is hereby announced aa Relief Commissioner of the City of Savan nah, and will reuort in person to the Bvt, Maj. Gen. Commanding for instructions. n. Capt. M. Benedict, 156th N. Y, Vols., A* C. M. 2d Division, is announced as Provost Judge of the City of Savannah, the duties of which office ho will assume in addition to those of hie proper office. , . , * IIL Capt Albert E. Stearns ia detached from his Regiment and is announced aa Street Com missioner of Savannah, and will report in per son for instructions to the Bv*t Maj. Gen, Com inivfc£pt. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M. 2d Div., 10th A. C., ia detailed aa Post Quartermaster, and will, for the present, perform the duties cl that office in addition to boa present duties. By command of Bv’t Mju- Geo. GROVER, Edward G. Dikxv A» A. A. G- jdo *4—7t Dramatic association. Ladies or Gentlemen wishing to join a FIRST CLASS DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION, Can do ao by applying to C. K. F., Drawer 135 P, 0., Savannah, G§. Late northern papers. ~~ The New York Herald, New York Tribune, and New York Times of Jan. 17th, with aa as sortment of LITERARY AND ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, . Are for sale at the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD OFFICE, til Bay Street, And at the News Stand in the Pulaski House. Drugs and medicinesu ~ Just landed from New York, a large assort ment of Drugs, Chemicals, and Perfumery, via. Lubin’a Extracts. Edrihi’s, do.: Colognes, Pom ades, Hair tonics of the finest quality, Tooth Pow der, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Medicines, Pills and Ointments. A nice lot of Bathing, Carriage and Velvet Sponges. Flea Powder, producing instant death. Pure Soda Water from Stone Fountains, with the choicest syrups. All orders will receive prompt attention. W. M. WALSH, M. D., 13 Merchants’ Row. Hilton Head, S. C. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants’ Row, Hiitou Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, an Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Kmoroderies, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c„ &C„ <KC. Advertising, We respectfully call the attention ofbusl ness men to the value of the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD as an Advertising Medium. Our connections are such that we are sure of large editions each day. We have agents at all important points, and all arrangements completed for an extensive general circulation. The limited space we accord to advertisements renders its use especially valuable, and we be lieve our terms to be very reasonable, compared with the high prices which rule in other fines of business. To ADVKBTISB LinKEAI.LV. s the true policy of business men, and we be ieve that they cannot find a better medium for this city and army, or the Department of the ouSth, than the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD NEW BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We have the honor to inform the residents of this Department that we have just opened a Con ectionery Establishment and first-class Bakery ia Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which wo are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. ts. MoMANUS A KLINE. Notice. OFFICE OF THE SOUTHERN INSUR ANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 18, 1865. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Com - pauy will bo held at their office on Saturday, the 21st instant, between the hours of 12 aud 2 o’clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing five (5) Directors, to fill vacancies in the Board for the current year. ” Jan 18 3t H. BRIGHAM, President. W ( y/K HOUSE,” Vv * By W. T. HOUSE & CO., No. 166 Bay Stuck*, Up Stairs. Meais at all hoars of the day. Oysters cob- / 6tantly on hand. Fresh Shad, Wild Duck, and other game, wbenever procurable, and the best the mark# affords at all times. j'an 137 N B ER? A i >ERS ’ MAGAZINES, STATip *®m P re to supply N. Y. NewspAP^ B * the Savannah Magazines. Books, Stationery/ wholesale or KetaiL • DANN S. MORRISON, Box 36, Hilton Head, P. O, JJUNBARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, 8. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions. Offiok Savannah Watsr Wohha, City Exchange Building, January IT, 1854. TTTATKR TAKERS WHO HAVE NOT PAID W for water up to the Ist May nerU are no tified that they are required to make immediate payment at this office, or the water will be enwt off from their premises forthwith. The rates for water will be the s*me as that *“■s Lt. »nd 4 A. a* M. D. M,, in charge of Water Works. janlT ts / • • BOOTS AND SHOES MATE AND REPAIRED At No. 2 Broadway, Au-ton Hoad, S. C. Choice Segart and Toharjo. Beer, that cannot be aSwfoJ Sale at tlw above pi are. j. ¥ ’ Proprietor.