Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 28, 1865, Image 4

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TUB SOLDIER BOY’S DREAM. Under the starlight the camp fires bnmed lowj And the zephyrs breathed eo’t over river and field, The aagel of night wrapped the lines of the foe, And the soldier boy slept on his banner and Shield. He dreamed of his home and his friends far away, Os the cot and the streamlet that sung at the door: Os the mountains, whose crags caught the morn ing’s flrd ray, And all the fond soenes of his childhood lived o’er. On memory's still wings came the visions of youth, And the loved ones who bade him God-speed and adieu; And the mother whose prayer filled with wisdom and trntm Greets her boy in that dreamland, her joy to renew. The snowy-locked father once more clasps his hand, And through tears of rejoicing gives thanks unto God; » ’ Pond sisters embrace him with love unrestrained, But he misses the brother who sleeps ’neath the son. See l His vision is ended, he starts from his dreams, As the war-bugle’s notes echo forthon the night: With firm hand and heart grasps the banner that gleams Through the flashes of battle and smoke of the fight. Onward and upward that banner he bore„ Till the crash of the conflict now over and past, And the foeman, defeated, and flying before, In fear seeks a refuge in flight quick and fast. The struggle is o’er, he again seeks his couch. But the dream-sleep no longer his heavy lids keep; For his besom hath* marks of the bullets dread touch, He blesses his banner, and In God fails asleep. A Temperance Lectors.—You kant ask ennything ova raan that hosts him less than advize It is hard work tu live; on advize, and have ennything let! over, unless you are speshially ordained. One ov mi friends, a lost rate feller enuff (he „ iz in the army ov the Pottermuk now. given advize tew one ov the regiment’s thare; I think he iz a brigade ar, or tha have been teazing him to be one, i don’t know which, wrote toe a letter a short time sinse, adviziug me to start on a leo turern tower. If thare is enny five or six things i dispize, its lekturing round thekuntry. If i was on the list of deb tors of divin tee, with 1m If cured bron keetes in my thmt and had a lektur. two hours and a half long on the kulier of the red sea, i presume i mite travel with it Mi friend in the army advizes me to ■ lekture on tempcr.mse. I never found raiself lodging around in smnbody's gut ter afu years ago. I never pulled out all of my wife’s hair, nor sold enny of my innocent little children to by spirrils with. I never had enny panes ov glass in my windows that were exclusively old hat. I haint adopted green spektacles on akounf ©f the natral tendency to weak eyes that all our familee enjoys, and when i retleck that awl flesh iz apt tew wilt in a-hot da, an’ i have felt it my duty to straighten up my glass gently onoe in a wh.ile with a good old rye, "i am more and morely convinced that i am unfit tew lekture on temperance awl dew a fair job.— Josh. Billinys. The Late Incevdiarx Plot—Arrests v>j* Suspicion. —During the last few days four arrests have been made of persons suspected of being concerned in the re cent idol to bum the city. The first and probably the most important is thq noto iious Captain Bell, the leader in the raid on Lake Erie. The name by which he was known at the time of his arrest was Baker- He bolds a commission as cap tain in the Confederate service. Ke was arr. «ted ne-ar Suspension Bridge, with a companion who is also said to be in the Confederate service. They had just come trom Buffalo, and had with them a carpetbag with several candles. It, is »aid that both these prisoners will be treated as spies They are at present confined in Fort Lafayette. Wb consider the old man’s reply to his son as to the meaning of the word IvMßbug nearer correct than Webster’s. “‘Hatnirag, my son, is when your mother *ays she lores me and don’t sew the but tons on my shirt.” . 4 ne Z ] y .married individual, just en joytag tfie first dishes oi the honeymoon. _ ? d?erll9< ?, 111 one of the Eastern papers lor a sunill second hand locomotive, that tu may lose as Lttlo rime as possible in &g kuiiic from his business, * WAR DEPARTMENT, Awwtant Gknkral’s Orries Washington, February 18,1864. General Ordebs,) No. to. f sjeruoßEs and kkbki. nr«Enrrrtßß. Whenever refugees from within the Rebe{ linen, or deserters from the Rebel armies, pre sent themselves at U. 8. Damps or Military Posts, they will be immediately examined by the Provoßt Marshal with a view to determine their character, and their motive in giving themselves up. If it appear that they are honest in their in tention of forever deserting the Rebel cause, care will be taken to explain to them that they will not be forced to serve in the U. 8. Army against, the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. The President’s Proclamation of December 8, ISO3. will be read to them, and if they so desire, the oath therein prescribed will be administered to them.* * They will then be questioned as to whether they desire employment firom the Uni ted States; and if so, such arrangements as may be expedient will be made by the several Army Commanders for employing them on Govern ment works within their commands. Those who come to the Army of the Potomac will be for warded to the Military Governor of the District of Columbia, at Washington, with reports in their cases, that employment may be g ven them if desired; or, if not, that they may be sent as far North as Philadelphia. By order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. Official. ; W. L. M. Bus am. Assistant Adjutant Genera HsAiaj’&u U. S. Forces. Havannau, Ga., January ‘26, !86f>. General Orders ) No. 6. | I. Hereafter authorized dealers of goods im ported from the North aud retailed to citizens of this city, officers and soldiers, will be allowed to sell at an advance of fifty per cent, upon the cost price of the same or similar goods in New York City, and in no case will any dealer be al lowed to sell at a greater prulit. Vegetables, game, fish, oysters and wood, brought from outside the lines and not imoorted trom the North, will not be exposed for sale at a greeter profit than 200 per cent, above the letail price of the same before the rebellion. 11. Authorized hotel and boarding-house keep ers will bo allowed to charge not upwards of 150 per cent advance upon the established prices be fore the rebellion. 111. Officers, soldiers and citizens are invited to report any violation of the foregoing para graphs to the Provost Marshal, who will, upon -nch report, arrest the offender, close hie place of business—-if he has one—and turn the case over to the Provost Judge for adjudication. IV. Retail wine and liquor shops, and sales ol wine and liquor to soldiers, ar** prohibited; V. Until lurther orders, no letters will be de livered at the Post Office to citizens not actually within the fines of the defences of Savannah, and until the cen«n6 can be taken, and the names of present registered, no letters will be dc,- livered without s Uisfactory "videoce of identity. No written communications will be pei milled to pass outside of the lines into any district in re bellion, except such as are directly authorized from these headquarters. By command of Bv’L Maj. Gen. C. GROVER. Edward G. Dixk, A. A. A. G. jan.C Hkakj’u ' i>Tjffus IJ. 8. Foacze, Savammh, Georgia, January *J4,1506. GENERAL GIiDEItS, \ No. 4. ' X « ALL OFFICERS OF THE ARMY ON duty at thiw Post, those connected with de pot? excepted, and all citizens within the Hue* are required to repoi t immediately any of contagious tiiseaw? which may come to their knowledge to Surgeon J. C. Morgan, U. S. Vols., Health Officer of the Post, unless the same has been so reported before, Any neglect or failure on the part of any citizen to comply promptly with this require ment, w ill be considered a misdemeanor, aud sent before the Provost Judge for adjudication. 11. Commanding officers of troops in quarters will be held responsible that the* quarters of their troops are at all times In a thorough state of police. By command of BrVi Maj. Gen. GROVKIL Eowaxb G., A. A. A. Gen’l. tfc jM 00D LIVING,” vJT At reasonable prices, can Ni nad at tbe EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, lliru»u Head, S. C. I have the very be.«t facilities fi>r furnishing OYSTERS, Cl AMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, to., from tbe North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to ordei from t> A. M. to 8 P. AI. PETER FJTZGERAfcD, Proprietor, p P. Re—Quo trial m respectfully solicited. fj PURCHASING BUREAU A OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &o. OFFKJit, J(ll Fulton Bt., New Yoks. The Tinderßignecl haviug been chief assistant, examiner of Drags and Medicines in the New York Cuetom House for the past four years, of fers bis services to Druggists throughout tb * country. All purchases will be madc'in the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles thus pGrc'iafced are warranted to be reliable. /ti tt n * N * AV2UY. fllen. Hiram Baknkv, Refers to k Hon. Rosook Oosbjjnq, (Prof. r l v nco. W, I)wienT. C.N. BELIjOWS, * No. 8 Merchant*’ Row, Hiltou Head, &. & Dealer in BO OTJS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, ' FURNISHING GOOfilS. SUTLERS’ GOODS Os every dcscriptif/u. WHOLESALE AND meruit. Advertising, We respectfully call the attention of bus! ness men to the value of the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD as on Advertising Medium. Our connections are anch that we are sure of large editions each day. We have agents at all important points, and all arrangements completed for an extensive general circulation. » The limited space we accord to advertisements rendere its use especially valuable, and we be lieve our terms to be very reasonable, compared with the high prices which rule in other lines of business. To A1 VKBTTB* LJBFRALLT. r the trne policy of business men, and vre be ieve that they cannot find a better medium for this city and army, or the Department of the on Bth, than the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Hfadq’s if it.. Div, of the Mississippi. In the Field. Savannah. Ga., J*n. 15, 1865. Special Fivlb Oboeus, 1 No. 13. / The Department oi the South having been placed within the sphere of this com in anil, and it being highly desirable that an uniform potiev prevail touching commerce and intercourse with the inhabitants of the South, the following gen eral rules and principles -will be adhered to un less modified by law or the orders of the War Department: L Commerce with foreign nations cannot be permitted or undertaken until the national au thority is established to an extent that will give the necessary courts and officers to control aud qjanage such matters. Trade will be confined to a mere barter and sale proportioned to the ne nessary wants of the army, and of the inhabi tants dependant on it for the necessities of life, and even that trade must be kept subject to strict military control or surveillance. 11. Trade stores will be permitted at Eeanfort, Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernandina. St.. Augus tine and Jacksonville, in all the > Hides of food and clothing, groceries, ladies and ehilden goods generally, end articles not contraband of war. 111. TotrJde is a privilege, and "no person will be allowed to buy and Sell for profit unless he be a citizen of the United States, and sub scribe to any legal oath or obligation that is ov may fee prescribed by law; and at points threat ened by an enemy, the officer commanding may further exact as a condition, that the trader shall himself engage to seive, in some military ca pacity, to aid in the defence of the place. IV. Persons desiring to trade will apply to the commanding officer of the Post and obtain his written consent, specifying the kind, nature and extent of the trade, and when, fie requires importations from northern cities he will in like manner apply for his remur. The commanding officer cf the Post way appoint some good officer to supervise these matters, who Mill frequently inspect the stores, and when*there is r.ot suffi cient competition wiil fix the prices of sale.— These stores will in like manner be subject to the supervision of the Commanding General of the Department of the South by himself or an inspector General. V. In order that purchases maybe made with economy, the commanding officer of each Post will make reports of his action in regard to trade, witji the names of traders, amounts of goods desired for sale, &c., to the commanding general of the department who will, ii< like manner, make full reports to the Secretary of the United States Treasury, to the end that be may instruct the collectors of ports from which shipments are expected as to the necessary per mits and clearances. It being utterly impracti cable tha h general commanding military oper ations sh'uia give his personal attention to such matters, it is desirable that as much power as possible should be delegated to Post command-, era, and they should be held to the strictest ac count that no trade is permitted injurious to the military interests of the United States. VI. Sales of eotion wiH be restricted absolutely to the United States Treasury agents, and no title in cotton or bill of sale will be respected until after the cotton is sold at New York Country people having small lots of cotton are permitted to bring the same in to be exchanged for food and clothing for their families. The Quartermaster will set aside a store or ware house, to wbich each wagon bearing cotton w ill, after entering the military lines, proceed direct, where an agent of the Treasury Department will receive ar.d weigh'the same, and pey for it the price fixed in the Bth section of the Act of Con gresfc, approved July 2, 18(14, viz: three-fourths the value of cotton as quoted in the New York market; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby requested to make appointments of agents to carry out the provisions of said act at the posts of Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernandi na Bnd Jacksonville. Sf VII. In order that the duties hereby imposed on commanding officers of Posts may not be neglected or slighted by the changes incident to rank ami changes of troops, the Commanding General of the Department of the South will ajv point a special officer to command at each of >taid Posts, with a small garrison, not to be changed without his order; and when other troops, commanded by a senior, are added or ar rive, the command of the poet will not change, but Ihe additional troops will be encamped near by and act according to special instructions. By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN. L. M. Davtox, Major and Asst. Ac\j’t Gen. News-dealers and others desiring Thk Sayawxau Daily> at Wholesale are requested to send in their order as early in advance as practicable. jj a SANITARY COMMISSION* Corner of Cdegress and Whitaker Streets, Suvanuah’ Ga. At the place mentioned we havo opened store rooms and Relief office, where we will be <riad to render any act rt<elu our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Array and Navy. Sergeon* in charge of Hospitals will please send in their qahsitjons for stores. . _ .. ® 10, HOBLIT, Agent U. JB. a G. HxAPq’B’s Mil. Drv. or the In tbe Field, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 14, 156S SraeiAL Fjet.u OkmwO * No. I*2. f r being represented that tbe GonfederaU' army and armed bands of robbers actin professedly under the authority of the Ocnf«kT rate Government, axe harrawring the people or Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate th» m j n the efforts they are making to secure to theml selves provisions, clothing, security to'Kfe am* property, and the restoration of law and good government in the State, it is hereby ordered amt made public: Ist. That the farmers of Georgia may brfe into Savannah. Fernandina or Jacksonville' Florida, marketing, such as beef, pork, mutton’ vegetables of any kind, fish, Ac., as well as cor ton m small quantities, and sell the same in open market, eacept the cotton, which umet be aoki bv or through the Treasury A gents, and may invest the proceeds in family stores, such as bacon and flour, in any reasonable quantities, groce ries, shoes and clothing, and articles not contra band of war, and carry the same back to then - No trade store will be attempted in the interior, or stocks of goods gold for them but families may club together for mutual assist - ance and proteetion in coming and going. 2d. The people are encouraged to meet to eether in peaceful assemblages to discuss meas ures looking to their safety and good government aud the restoration of State and National an thority, and will be protected by tbe National army when so doing ; and all peaceable inhabi tants who satisfy . the commanding officers that they are earnestly laboring to that end, must not only n*? Ifc'tt uiuiinterbed in property and person* but must be piotected as far as possible, consist ent wiih the military operations. If any fanner or pqaceable inhabitant is molested bv tbe ene my, viz r (he Con'erieratc army or guerrillas be -of his fi ignd.Jiin to the National Govern ment, the perpetrator, if caught, wftl besnmma iy punished, or his family made to suffer tor the outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the actual party, then retaliation will be made the adherents to the cause of tbe Rebellion-' should a Union man be murdered, then a Rebel selected by lot will be shot—or if a U nion family be persecuted on account of the cause, a Robe 1 family will be banished to a foreign land. In aggravated cases retaliation will extend as high as five for one. All commanding officers will set promptly in snob cases, and report their action after the retaliation is done. By order of Major General W. T. fcaraaiAN. L. 31. Dayton, A. A. G. Hi Ai qi auteks U. 8. Forces, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 22, G kxeb ral Oi; i>Frrt \ No. i. f I IST LTEITr. JOHN 11. CHARLOTTE, R. Q * M., 1 fifth N. Y. Vols., is hereby announced as Relief Commissioner of the City of Savan nah, and will re 1 ort in person to the Bv*t Mat. Gen. Commanding for instructs-ns. 11. Capfc. M. Benedict, lMith N. Y, Vols, A. O. M. 2d Division, is announced as Provost Judge of the City of Savannah, the duties <> which office he will assume in addition to thes of his pr< jkr office. 111. Cupt. Albert Stearns is detached from his Regiment and is announced as Street Com missioner of Savannah, and will report in pei st,n for instructions to the Bv’t Maj Gen. Com m an ding. IV. CajA. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M. 2d Div., 19th A. C., is detailed as Post Quartermaster, and will, for the. pro-tent, perfoim ifce dutiee of that office in addition to his present duties. By command of Bv’t Maj. Gen. GROVER, Fi ward G. Dikv, A. A. A. G. jau 24—It O FECIAL NOTICE. kJ Ovsick CnuiF QoAKTWiMAe'nnt’P Detoi; Savannah, Ga., Jan. 9, 186f>. AH officers of the Quartermaster’s Department having means of transportation which they de sire to turn in at this Depot, are notified that Lieut. F. Hope, A. A. Q. M., is now ready to re ceive the same. His office is at Bay Street, north side. By order of , . Brig.-Gin. L. Q. EASTON, Chief Qunrtei master. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Captain and A_ Q. M. Chief QnnrtermaßtrT’s Depot. V£ AR DEPARTMENT. »» Onuoja os D4 aMJTon and Gekcuai Maiugik Mllitabt Railroad, U. 8. Savannah, Jan, 21. ISftfi, Gol. J. Oosnrr Smitw : Colonel- -You are hereby appointed Supoii - tendent in charge of United States Miliary Rail reads, terminating at Savannah, Ga. Respect oily, Your obedient Barvant, D. C. M 'CALLUSL Brevet Brig. Gen. Director and General Manager M. R. R,. U. 8. Offidtd: (/or sot Sunk Superintendent U. S. Military R. R. Drugs and medicinksji Just landed from New York, a large assort ment of Drugs, Chemkala, and Perfumery, via. Lttbin’s Extracts, Kdribi's, do.; Colognes, Pom ades, Hair tonics of the finest quality. Tooth Pow der, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent KBs and Ointments. A nice lot of Bathing, Carriage and Velvet Sponges. Flea Powder, producing instant death. Pure Soda Water from Stone Fountain*, With the choicest syrups. Ail cudura w ill receive prompt attention. W. M. WALSH, £. D^ Id Merehaa tar Raw. Hilton Head. 8. C. ry HE SAVANNAH DALLY H ESMJ) OFFICE ia at Na-JU Bay street.