Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 06, 1865, Image 3

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AUCTION SALE!! boots AND SHOES, • to the HIOUBT BIDDER ! TOBACCO! v to the tutfawr bidder ! 153 CONaRKS3 STRBBT TUESDAY FORESOON, FEBRUARY*' Tth. AT 10 1-2 O’OLORI. Jobbers will find this the BEST OPPORTUNITY YET OFFERED ;IN THIS MARKET! The assortment is large. The Qaalitity is Good, „ The sale will be WITHOUT RESERVE, TO OLO3E OCT THE BUSINESS ! Anew stock of DIFFERENT GOODS Is to be placed in the store as soon as this sale igover. * GEO: W. WILLY Will act m AVGTIOHBIB. I jgOOTS AND SHOES ! The stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Includes those for MEN’S, 1 LADIES* v AND CHILDREN'S •WEAR, They will be sold in LOTS OF ONE DOZEN PAIRS, With the privilege of a CASE OR CASES. The sale occurs at 153 CONGRESS STREET, D-MORROW, (TUESDAY) FORENOON, FEB. Tth, 1865. AT HALF PAST TBSf o’Or.OOK, f 3k *' pOBACCO! 'aa Sto ck of TOBBAOCO, Oonsieta of NAVY, * and other BRANDS, <■ IN * POUND, i 80 POUND, and IN POUND, PACKAGES. It will be sold to thr Hiaaraar bum>hr 1 at 153 CONGRESS STREET, Boots and shoes. Boots and Shoes. Boats Boots Boots Boots Shoes * Shoes Shoe* Shoes jgOOTS AND SHOES, Adapted to the wear of the maiden or the matron, of the puling infant, or the decrepid old man, of the stylish youth just cultivating fashion, of the business man, who seeks utility but does not object to ©loanee; of the sturdy mechanic, who wants hisjjmoney's worth; of the new-fledged freedman, with greatness in every pedal joint; of the soldier or the citizen* 153 CONGRESS STRHET HALF-PAST TEN O’CLOCK, In the Forenoon of TUESDAY, FEBRUARY TANARUS, This SALE AT AUCTION WILL OCCUR. 163 CONGRESS STREET. GEO. W . WYL L Y Will act as AUCTIONS R« . I These BOOTS AND SHOES are to be sold AT ONCE to MAKE ROOM for a STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FURNISHING GOODS, 80 that WE SHALL NOT COMPETE With those who purchase at this sale. The sale MUST BE COMPLETED AT ONCE, PUB QWMWC SAI.BS AND BMAI.T. PROFITS Pay the best in the end. This is a JOBBING SALE, in packages of Id PAIRS AND UPWARDS. We doubt if another opportunity qp favorable for PROFITABLE INVESTMENT * in *. BOOTS AND SHOES Bw o corn’s in Savannah, rjpOBACCO. NAVY TOBACCO ! NAVY TOBACCO ! I NAVY TOBACCO Ul NAVY TOBACCO l!! NAYY TOBACCO ! ! And OTHER BRANDS OF TOBACCO. OTHER BRANDS OF TOBACCO. OTHER BRANDS OF TOBACCO. OTHER BRANDS OF TOBACCO. OTHER BRANDS OF TOBACCO, At ’ 153 CONGRESS STREET. r 153 CONGRESS STRHET. 153 CONGRESS STREET. 153 CONGRESS STREET. -n, \ ■ ■> 153 CONGRESS [STREET. ’ TUESDAY FORENOON, FEB. TANARUS, AT 101-2 O’CLOCK. This Tobacco is in 25 lb. Packages, 50 lb. “ And „ 100 lb. It will be sold by the lot TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. f m " RETAIL DEALERS Will probably never see another opportunity to stock their scores with TOBACCO, At Prices so Profitable to them. We are willing to sell low, and that purchas ers should fix their own prices, for we have an other stock of entuely different goods, which we wish to dispose of at once. QUICK SALES AT SMALL PROFITS, Pay better than sales made slow by exorbitant margins for the Wholesaler’s profits. TUESDAY FORENOON, FEB. 7, AT lfil-2 O’CLOCK. GEO. W. WYLLY Will act as AOQTIOU Shoes RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES and TOBACCO! Are invited and advised to attend the GREAT AUCTION SALK op BOOTS, SHOES and TOBACCO, Af CONGRESS STREET, TO-MORROW (TUESDAY) FEBRUARY 1805. AT HAW-PAST TUN O'OLOOK, A. M. GEO. W. WYLLY Will act as AUCTIONEER. I ' The sale is without RESERVE, Os SMALL OR LARGE LOTS, TO suit purchasers; You can bny ONE DOZEN PAIRS OP BOOTS AND SHOES, Or you can bujr FIVE CASES. if you wish. You can get a ; TWENTY-FIVE POUND BOX • OF TOBACCO, OR A FIFTY POUND BOX, OB A Mb POUND BOX, 4. Yon can have your choice from SEVERAL BRANDS to make an •ASSORTMENT. Families OR CLUBS OF OONEUKMM oan lay in a stock of » BOOTS AND SHOES, o« TOBACCO, / At Auction Prices, at the GREAT AUCTION BAUR *53 CONGRESS STREET. - TUESDAY FORENOON,’FEB. TANARUS, Wd fob*-*