Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 08, 1865, Image 2

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jlwNunmlt §4% BY 8. W. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH. WEDNESDAY, FEU. 3, l«r>. Sr. — ~ ■ -'- ' : iF -• : -■■■-- HOW AKR Y3 NOW, TM CHILLY OiY3 ? Tdis is Wednesday, the Bth day of Feb ruary, half-past nine o'clock, A. M.,and a bright sunshiny morning. We took a wglk this morning—yer, we did—it look ed so fair we couldn't help it. And what sort of a walk do you im agine it wa3, you frozen-up people of those next-door-to-the-Arctic-CSrcie vil lages, known to men as New York, Itoslon, Philadelphia, et aJt Do you fancy that we promenaded over hillock3 of ice, and hummocks of frozen suow—that we ploughed through snow drift*,, or waded mid-leg deep in gelid riven of nongealing waters—that the winds’ searched ‘ our marrow through oyrrpoit, coat, hat, shirt, undershirt, skin, nitisile, nerve, artery and bone its,.-” -1 > v-vi think we <*iu?n - ed along .vnope < i.i iurs aud w«<- Jen garment.! till ft, th* extreme tip of our editorial nose was visible naked to the eye, like you perambulating mummies who pervfyle all the streets, and infest all the public vehicles of the shivery NV>rth at this genial season ? Do you flatter yourself that ‘lt snow, and it blew, and it friz" all at once. Not a bit of it. List ye mistaken ones, and be envious ns ye may. We walked over green turf—we breathed airs far more soft and genial than Were ever the chilly gales you strive Ao mitigate by calling them the “breath of Early Spring” We listened to the trvect song of birds, and were attended on our ways by the pert little Pea-Wit, the brown-jacketed Phoebe-bird, the ‘.gaily-dressed Bluebird, and the Bver weleomo old, dear friend of our and -everybody’s boyhood, the fierv-breasted Robin—aud we were not cock sure of it, and wouldn’t swear to it for fear of inadvertently damaging the moral character of our severely morSl IVlitorial sanctum. We thought, we re mark, we merely thought we saw a But terfly. He was a fellow of gigan tic size, with gorgeous azure wings gayly spangled with flecks of silver, altogether a beauty of an insect, the very dandy of all Butterflydom—he was resting com placently ob a large leaf half hidden by another one—we took off our editorial bat and thought we’d captivate that gen tleman—we approached stealthily, and Sang the said hat with exactness, pre cision, certainty aud elegance—we had him sure—we carefully lifted the hat to secure the prize, When lo! it was’nt a butterfly at all—-it was'only the paper that had enveloped half a pound, be the same more or less, of tobacco, and the silver* spangles were shreds of tin foil. We were fooled on the insec\, but the birds and the breeze, ard the green, spring grass, w ere undeniable certain lies —also the flowers’ », Yes t the flowers. No mistake about ‘ them. In our tardy oMceward walk of an hour we strolled through the garden ofg confiding friend, and we there pick ed’Hyacinths, Violets. Daffodils, the pink,, sheft-llke blossoms dt the Trailing Arbiv ttes, and great, huge bunches of thegcrV geons but scentless Cmclia Japoqi«a. T , J;i Think of. that, you blue-nosed, barba rians of “York” and you over-coated and India-rubber-booted Northerners gener ally. How are you New Yorkers* with yorrr bating on your Central Park,your snow.! 4nd slop in the streets, and your foeeemg ccld everywhere. Take a Daisy? Have a Violet to taka hone to your wife f All growing in the open air too —none of your hot house abortions. What have you got to say to that, old Boston, with your weatheu bo cold that your thermometer has struck for higher wages and warmer weather —with your mercury frozen till you can t tell the bulb of a thermometer from a Minnie bullet? Have a Cameiia for your daughter to wear to the ball to night? Do take a bunch of Hyacinth!—they’re very sweet and we’vo plenty of ’em. Don’t be b<ukh%s —have a fevr. Step out and bear the Pull off yonr overcoat and India Rubbers. Bring the children out of doors and have a frolic on the grass. Yon won’t? Well,, freeze away—freeze up solid, who cares t Shiver till you snake year teeth oat. Wo don’t do such things down here. Good bye. Pot on yonr far gloves and yonr woollen tippets—strap ©a yonr hfcates, ttnd fry to dehide yon» wretched fvhres info t v •» or tV*o t,h>t you arc V'v- , % ) ; ; : . . • By-o. ~ ' ; c:-';.:/.Sfi/ ■■:>& us-aga' i ,Ye’re s>...£ up «? tuc corner oi Paratlisp aid Beaut y streets to gazo our till 01 Orange Trees —Orange Trees, out doors tor* —whereon one cad see at the same instant Buis, Blossoms, Green Fruit, in every stage of undevelopment, and the great rich, ripe, round, juicy, lucious golden globes ready tor .the watering mouth, aud fit food for inhabitants ot Paradise We’ro going up now and try a dozen or two before our ap pointed time. We think we're entitled, for onr many virtues, to a bushel or so as a slight “foretaste of immortal Wisa.” “That’s what’s the matter.** Clbaxts© tub SinusHYs, —The drainage of Savannah ite so ingeniously miaeon t rived that every heavy rain, instead of washing the dust into Jlq gutters and so tlnmigh proper sewers intd the river, merely liquefies the dirt and pours It into the shallow ditches along the edges of the streets, filling them completely up, and leaving the city generally in a dirtier state than before the showers should have cleaned and -purified it. Tfi« should be looked bjj she proper authorities of the town. The entire sy stew of drainage needs overhauling—in f/.tVcaae, if in no other ! “recrmstrtteiion" should decided if fee the order of the day. We observed this morning a single squad of five “eontrabatKia-’tmsilrengag -ed in raking and shoveling and hoeing and poking, and pushing and heaving and kicking the mud from one solitary gutter into pilqs and heaps*, either for the legitimate purposo of being, carted away, or for the illegitimate object of being again melted and scattered by the next rain which happens along this way. We doa t know whether this is a fore taste of a general cleaning-tip on the j part of the authorities or whether it i» only a sporadic case of malignant clean liness not destined to become an epi <demic, Let, os humbly hope : for a spread of the unnsual disease. • 0.. v, | i Govbr.vmf.nt 8al» ov Ootcfsw. —4tn I another column we print too advertise ment of Oapt Jjogaa 11. dhief C. 8. Depots Military Division, 9? fidssippvfor the safe at mvciioit*. «f sixty, barrels of the choicest fiio Ctoffbo. The sole will take place to-morrow, Thurs day, at half pusfc ten on the north side of kay, at .the head of Bar nard street. 4 foie opportunity. is here afforded to- sutlers and steam boat-men to purchase a quantity of superior coffee, at moderate prices. The sale is positive, and no postponement oa any account. The lovers of tho “iragrant berry of Araby the blest,” would do well to be In attendance, and secure a stock for the year. Another such opportunity is not likely to occur, and it should not be lost, The sale commences promptly at half past ten o'clock to-morrow morn ing. ffiIEBFJL NEWS. HBAJ>QUABrFUB, AjLMY OF VIRWNIA, Jan. 16, —To the Fbintei:* of Geor gia* .* The recent heavy freshets having destroyed a portion of the railroad from Dansville to Greenboro, and there by cut ofl; temporarily, necossary sup plies for the army of Northern Virginia, an appeal is respectfnlly made to the patiotic people of Georgia to furnish with all promptness, whatever bacon, breadstufls and molasser thev can spare. Such citizens as Major Allen, of Co lumbus, Major Geo. Robertson, of Ma con, and Major K. Cranston, of Augusta, may select, lire asked to act as agents and collect supplies through the various officers connected with the Commissary Department in Georgia and on the rail road. • [ Arrangements have been made to pay ( :>romptl; . , *'l supplies di.i'v . un : ter this a* :) . c*r return •‘h. ,\e in kiud as soon as possibk^. R. E. Lee, General. TO TKB CmSKN3 O? OOUTII CAROLINA/ aud Qboroia : I have brought your sons and brothers to aid in your defence/ and they have their arms but they need horses. Can you supply our wants?— IAU horses famished will be paid lor by the men or by the Government. I appeal to you to aid the men who | &£?<*£ that they might be allowed to risk their lives in your defence. ■ Wads Hametox, Maj. Gen. I Major John 8. Hope, of Lieut. General \ Taylor’3 *afF, reached this city last eve -5 ning, from the headquarters of the army jof Tenneasee en route for Richmond. He ! represents tho condition of that gallant | body of veterans as veiy excellent in ev | ery respect. The appointment of Gem * Taylor to tho conimand lias happily had jan inspiring effect upon the troops. Ma jor Hope is himself, we are glad to see, | enjoying the most robust health, and is ; quite as hopeful now of independence as ' when he first buckled on his sword in the [old fighting Second Kentucky Regi ment.—Georgia CaatstitntiomliM. ThK FARJCAGfT TESTIMONIAL-OF FfPTT -o*o Dollars.—The Admiral’s R&pLr.—The splendid testimonial of fifty one thousand dollars in Government bonds, from the citiKens of New York to the hero of New Orleans and Mobile, has been completed. The, bonds were ap propriately deposited in an elegant vase, manufactured gr&tuhously by Messrs. * Ball, Black <fc 00. lue vase represented th© national colors, being composed of a beautiful blue morocco "ease, lined with red and white satin. A list of the sub scribers and the correspondence with Admiral Farragufc have been neatly printed in pamphlet shape, and for warded to each subscriber. The fund consists of fifty Government bonds for one thousand dollars each, with accrued interest, and a check for one thousand dolara. N • Admiral B’arragui, in a fetter dated Washington, January 17th, modestly stated that the successes of his fleet were accomplished under the direction of the Government, and are equally attributa ble to the officers and men, guided by a kind Providence. The Government had already rewarded him by advancing him to anew £rade> and this was all that he ; could desire, ! dad morb than he expected. Bat itiUe proposition ,of a testimonial frftfifthe' of NdW York, who have already extended k* him so many courtesies, will simulate him } ln the of duly, m the hope that some por tion of hih remaining life may be spens among the citiaens who have so munifi cently guaranteed a birthright to his des icendant*. •*,. «• * hu i , • i fe'bfr *•- fk -t. • Alarm* ey Firs.— The alarm of fire last evening between six and seven •o'clock, was caused by the burning of jsuit in a chimney at Hospital No. 1, cor ner of Broughton and Jefferson streets. The fire was extinguished without dam age to the building. LATEST NSW YORK DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS* FOR SALE AT THE , SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, "febS 111 BAY STREET. J INFORMATION WANTED, Os John B. Schlerberg, who left Atlanta with Gen. Sherman’s army as a News Bor in th» employ of A. F. Murray & Cos. From the time of his leaving Atlanta nothing hue been heard from him, and his mother ana sisters are very anxious about him. Any information in regard to him will he thankfully received by addressing & few lines t* GITS B. SCHIERBERG. febT ts Box 1044, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED TO CUT WOOD. The Wood Committee want 200 Wood Cutter at remunerative wages. Axes, transportation, accommodations and rations furnished. Apply to Col. Neaiiie, at the City Treasurer’s Office- City Hall. . JULIAN ALLEN, Chairman. Ootavuh Cousn, Secretary. ts febT viMLE undersigned 5« prepared to deliver to sub* JL scribers the ,: t No-thern- Papers, and the Savannah Daily HE V! I i{epuhlican,at any part of the citv. . Ur•?•:rs left at C T ler«..l , H e, or that of the Republican, or the office of Dr. Walsh, corner of Brought/m and Barnard streets, will be promptly attended to. DANN S. MORRISON, febT ts News Agent. Roberts a lewis, WHOLESALE ANl> RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS' GOODS AND LUMBER, MrrouxLL Avenue, llilton Head, S. C. B. s. ROBERTS, Uan30 — xv&i&w) CHAS. W. LEWIS, COOK STOVE WANTED,—WITH PIPE and Cooking Utensils. Apply at this offioe, Feb. t It gTATIONERT AND PERIODICALS, SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD STATIONERY AND PERIODICAL , STORE, , no. fit bay srnrarr. I have just opened a 9t avion Bsr am» I’smm* oat, ijreiuf tn the Savannak Daily Hmu» Bffir.mnsk Ho. ttt Bay,street, where I have far sale v WHOLESALE OR RETAIL A T>AROH MrOOK w S TATIONERY* Including * BULL cap, FOOLS CAP, LATTER PAPER, • NOTE PAPER, BNVBLVfIak BLANK BOORS, WRITING BOOKS, INK, i PENS, pmx&K <*;*., &©., Ac., A*. PERIODIC ALS. I have made arrangements, if Hick will MOW He in operation, for a regular and full supply •£ the latest New York Daily Paper*, Literary Pa- pers, Magazines, and other Periodicals. JOB PRINTING ■ i ■ • L Bnstneea Cards, Wedding Cards, YWtffljf CftVd*. Bill Reads, Letter Heads, DrafteCfceifc* Envelopes, &c., Ac., Ac., printed it the beet style. •. > > POSTAGE AND REVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor to keep 00 hand Postage an® Revenue Stamps, for the accoiamodatto* of on*- tomera. j * 1 ‘ THK SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Is always for (Mile at my coaater, /-at • Wholeealfr Os Retail, • few H, P. RUGO. •