Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 10, 1865, Image 3
uuTrender nugatory all rebel designs for future raids across the border. It is sup posed that as soon as it becomes a law our State Department will no longer en force the passport system so tai as re Utes to Canada. Nothing additional has yet been made public regarding the progress of the neace conference between President Lincoln and Secretary Seward, on*the p ae side, and Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell on the other, Though many rumors of an extraordinary character are current. The three latter gentlemen arrived in Hampton Roads on Thursday afternoon, on board one of General Grant’s special despatch steamers, along side of which immediately ran the river Guyon, having on board Secretary Seward, and the two vessels were anchor ed together in the stream, in.which position they continued during the re mainder of the day. What transpired be tween their distinguished passengers re mained a secret at the date of our latest ad vices. We have as yet no announcement of President Lincoln’s appearance on the scene of negotiations. Our despatches give m >st interesting accounts of the progress of the rebel commissioners to City Point, and of the enthusiasm of the soldiers on both sides when they entered the Union lines. All firing was sus pended, and the opposing pickets enter ed into free conversation. The State Legislatures have taken hold of the constitutional amendment' for the abolition and prohibition of slavery in good earnest* Those of the following States have already ratified it, and others have taken it up and have its adoption pending: New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, Ma ryland, Rhode Island, West Virginia,— In the Legislature of this State the pas sage of a bill is necessary to complete action on it. This has not yet been en acted ; but still, as both houses have adopted by a decisive vote a resolution in its favor, we may consider the matter virtually settled. In the Senate the res otution received seventeen affirmative aid eight negative votes, and in the Assembly seventy-two affirmative and forty negative. The Steamer Ben De Ford arrived at Hilton Head this morning, bringing dates to the stb, which contain impor tant news respecting the peace move ment. We embrace all that has reach ed us in the following ; President Lincoln and Secretary Sew ard had an interview of considerable length with Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Senator R. M. T. Hunter and Ex-Judge Campbell, commissioners from the Rebel Government, on board a steamer in Hampton Roads; and it was asserted by those who were well informed, that an honorable peace may soon be attained. No other question will be considered in Congress until this one is finally settled. We will give further details to-mor row. The report reached us at so late an hour that we are compelled to con fine ourselves to the salient points, and to defer the particulars until onr next issue The political heavens look brighter.— Ve believe that a satisfactory basis for ptace will soon be reached. We shall give the fullest details to morrow* Gold was at 211 on the 4th. Liveoak lodge, no. 3, T. o. o. h\ The regular weekly meeting of this Lodge will take place This Evening, at 7 o’clock, at De Kalb Lodge Room, corner of Bull and Broughton streets, (4th story.) * By order of the N. G. , feblO 1 D. H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. Board wanted, . With pleasant room, by a gentleman, for which $2 per day will be paid. Address G. M., Herald Office, Savannah, Ga. 2 feblO r T'HE LATEST r NEW YORK DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, ■ • ’ . * • i ,f r H , IpR SALE AT THE , ' SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, febß 111 BAT STREET. gTATIONERY AND PMODICALS, • SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD STATIONERY AND PEIfIODICAt STORE, NO. 11l HAY STll^r. I have just opened a Stationery ant> Protean * oal Store in the Savannah Daily Herald Building, No. 11l Bay slseet. where I have for sale at WHCHE3ALE OR BfeTAIL A lauge stoOk op STATIONERY. ItKjfciding BILL CAP, FOOLS CAP, LETTER PAPHL \ . • ; NOTE PAPOR, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS, ' INK, PENS, PENCILS, &«., &u., &0., Ac. PERIODICALS. I have made arrangements for a rsgutor and fill supply of the latest New Mork Daily Pape*, Literary Papaft MhgMbes, and ofiier Periodi c»2s. JOB PRINTING. Bnstofees CadOfc, WedHfag Ciarcfe, Visiting Cdttis, Bill Hoads, Letter Heads, Drafts. Checks, Receipts, Envelopes, Afc., Ac., &c., panted in the best stj*. POSTAGE AND REVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor lb keep on band Postage and Revoffiie Stamps, for accommodation of cus tomers. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Is always for sale at my counter, at Wholesale or Retail. febß H. P.„qPQq_ SALE OR LEASE, THE “BEAUFORT HOTE*L," In Beaufort, S. C. U. S. GOVERNMENT TITLE. PRICE.. $15,000 , tl That well known and eligibly located brick establishment, the ‘'Beaufort Hotel,” situated on Lay street, in Beaufort, S. C„ on the Beaufort River, with a water frontage, and commanding a beautiful Southern view oi the river for several miles. • Said Hotel and Lot and all the premises entire, as also all the Fnmitnre and Hotel appliances, are now offered at private sale, or they will be leased to a good tenant till the Ist January, 1867. Possession given immediately. Apply to Mr. Geo. Holmes, at John S. Fyler’s Store, in Beaufort, S C., or to the undersigned on the premises. DAVID POST. Beaufort, S. C., Feb. 10, 1865. lw feblO NEW YORK CLOTHING ADVERTISE MENT. • ; ’ Cl ‘ ’ • FREEMAN & BURR, ONE PRICE . v ! • .. •.i CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 124 FULTON STREET, OOP.NEE OF NASSAU, Opposite Sun Building, NEW YORK, ■* . ’ ! '. ’ il | A large stock of Fashionable Ready Made CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS con stantly on hand, at Reasonable prices. Also, MILITARY AND BOYS* CLOTHING. RETURNING SOLDIERS, . i. IL: j Wishing Clothing will find this a good place to bay. , . ’ v 11} T - t i Goods sent to any part of the country. All orders promptly attended to. ts feblO Q.ROCERIES, , * j ; *♦ , 4 f ¥ , j :r;i '( h GROCERIES. *! . • i, ♦ .u* , GROCERIES. ■ I •!' : ' ' FAMILY GROCERIES, I 1 - ■ . . i, , ■ I _ . t [ - , | * : ■ 1 f From A, York, j •••*•' '■ i - * ■ NOW LANDING from the STEAMER SAVANNAH, j ' r • 1 * and for sale at 13 9 ©ONGRESS STREET. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Best Family Flour, sl6. Best Family Flour, half barrel, $9. Best Family Goetien B*ter. Best Hamily Cheeae. . No. 1 Mackerel in kite. Colgate’s Stejrch atud Soap, Codfish. Best Lojaf Lard. * Ale and Cider, in boxes. Canned Milk. « Family Sug,ar—Loaf, Crushed and Brown, Almonds. Walndts. Adamantine and Sperm Candles. Coffee—Rio and othler varieties. Batter and Sugar Crackers. Soda Bisctait ank Bread. , ././ Or! , • ■ -r < f A .ii ” ALL FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST WHOLE SALE PRICES. * ' ; V *j r i .< • » • 0 DEALERS SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS. f i ,i T ‘ ' . I ' .* i ' K'.t. •. Apply at the shore formerly cctfctpied by 1 il . P . t - ; Nevitt, Latueoi 1 & ‘Roams. v .m -. Y i 1 ; febO C 139 CONGRESS STR^T* ' - Provo.-t Marshal’s Omen, . „ Savannah, Ga., F6c. 9, 1853: All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves as such. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. .. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C« Grover. , v ROBT. P. YORK, _J®nlO Lt. Col, and Provost Marshal. NOTICE. " r^r ~ •• Officers or Citizens requiring servants or laborers will please apply at the office of Relief Commissioner, in Exchange building. , , ALFRED NEAFIE, feblO ts Lieut. (Sol. and Relief Com. PARTICULAR NOTICE. The Stock of Goods in store corner of Bay and Barnard streets is for sale, at low prices, and will be exchanged for any article of merchandise allowed by the authorities, in quantities to suit purchasers. a feblO STRAYED OR STOLEnT “ On the night of the great lire, a cream colored Cow, from St. Gaul street. Also taken on the same night, three suits of Gentlemen’s >' Clothing. Any information concerning theta, will be thankfully received by Mrs. Mary Gun neen, St. Gaul street. 2 feb9 k > yj S. SANITARY COMMISSION, Corner of Congress ahd Whitaker Streets*. Savannah’ Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened storo* rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sen;eons in. charge of Hospitals will please send in their re quisitions for stores. J. C. HOBLIT, jan 21—ts Agent U. S. S. C. ' pOST OFFICE NOTICE. ] The Post Office in this city is for the benefit of the officers and soldii rsof the Federal army, and bona-fide residents. No mail matter will be de livered for persons who are without the lines of the United States army. Any person taking mail matter from the office addressed to any persons not within the lines of the army will be immediately arrested. A. H. MARKLAND, Special Agent P. O. Department jan27 and Sup’t Mails for the U. S. A. SPECIAL NOTICE. 0 Avery large and desirable Cargo has arriv ed in this Port, and now placed in the large Ware house formerly occupied by J. V. Connerat, cor ner of BAY A BARNARD STREETS, where it is offered in lots, at Wholesale duly. Groceries, Flour, Corn Meal, Pork, Beef, Hams, Fish, Preserved Meats, Pickles, &c., Kerosene Oil and lamps, also large and well assorted in voices of Dry Goods, Small, Men’s Clo thing and Furnishing Goods, Hats, Stationery, Wooden Ware—also a full assortment of Hard are The attention of the Trade is ed to this stock. CORNER OF BAY <S£BARNARD STREETS. QHAMPAGNK CIDER. Beet Cider, in boxes, just landed ex Savannah and for sale at 139 CONGRESS STREET. Store formerly o4eqp%d by Nevitt, Lathrop & Rogers. Ct feb9 N~OTICE. A large assortment of DRY GOODS, Small Wares—such as Pins; Needles, Combs, Bruehes* Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., Ac., at .WHOLESALE, in the store formerly occupied by H. A. Rich mond, comer of Congress A WMtaker Streets. Feb’y 2, 1806. ts TTOCAL. V A Baaa Singer, stood reader, desire*, for the practice, a posiuon in some Quartette Choir; is ffcqhamted with all the different ser vices. AddresS “W. D. W.,” at this office. Jan 29 ts BOOTS AND SHOES. For sale by WM. M. WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. PURCHASING BUREAU OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &o. Office, 161 Felton St., New York. The undersigned having been chief assistant examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the New York Custom House for the past tour years, of fers his services to Druggists throughout the country. All purchases will be made in the ia tere** of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased are warranted to be reliable. are warram U H N AVERY. (Hon. Hiram Barney, Refers to < Hon. Rosooe Conicling, Tuho. V. Dwight. t Wanted. Oi fiOf. of Street Commissioneb, .. t 12|6 South Brond Street, ’ Savannah, Ga., Feb, 1, ISG6, , Wanted immediately, Carpenters.BlacksoaitM, Teamsters and Laborers, While Black. Rations issued immediately to employees. Apply at tills office from 9 o’clock, a. m., utftu 3 o’clock, r. m. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street pommiaaloner.