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No. 37. f
|htbannal; ©ailg^erali)
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In every style, neatly and promptly done.
Additional Details of the Evacuation of
Mobile by the Main Force of the
[Correspondence of the New York Herald.]
New Orleans, La., Feb. 2, 1865.
In my last I stated that Mobile was
being evacuated by the enemy. Though
no official news has arrived at head
quarters announcing the fact, there is no
doubt but that it is true. lam informed
from very high authority that there is
nothing but a strong provost guard left
in the city.
The order to evacute Mobile arrived
from Richmond on the 14*h ult.,and pre
parations were at once made to carry
die order into effect, with as much se
cresy as possible. By the 22d it was a
secret no longer ; everybody, high and
low, rich and poor, knew of the intend
ed evacuation, and the greatest excite
ment was the consequence. Troops, ar
tillery, powder, stores and cotton were
shipped to Selma by rail and in wagons.
About eighteen thousand bales of cotton
were in Mobile when the news lor evac
uating the city arrived. There are now
about fifteen thousand bales stored in
the government buildings, the majorty
of which belongs to. private parties.
The authorities in Mobile have deter
mined on its destruction should our forces
advance upon the city, and it is said tur
pentine and powder have been stored
within it, with trains leading thereto,
ready to be fired a* any moment. Gen.
Maury superintended the evacuation.—
The citizens who own the cotton protest
against its destruction; and as nearly all
th.e influential citizeis are in favor of sav
ing it, the probability is that it will not
be destroyed.
There is considerable Union sentiment
in Mobile, but the parties are afraid to
show it. Rebel money is becoming more
worthless every day. and the citizens
show their estimation of it by getting
rid of it in large quantities for a small
consideration, and by paying thirty, forty,
and even fifty dollars for a one dollar
~■■ - -
Errors op Speech. —People say they
shell peas when they unshell them; tliat
they busk corn when they unhusk it;
that they dust the furnittre when they
undust it, or take the dust from it; that
they skin a calf when unskin it;
and that they scale fishes when they un
scale them. I have heard many men say
they were going to weed their gardens,
■when I thought their gardeite were weedy
enough already.
The Herald has despatches ajrom Cape
Fear river to the llthinst., fujp which
we learn that on that mornina a recon
noissance in force was made by the troops
of General Terry. Preparations have
been in progress for several days, and the
soldiers were eager for any change which
would relieve the monotony of sand, surf
and salt waiter which characterizes the
surroundings of Fort Fisher. \
The line of battle was formed with the
division of General Ames on the right,
and that of General Payne on tbe lett. In
other words, General Ames |ield the
position with the ocean on his right
bank, while General Payne hacfthe river
on his left.
The pickets or videttes of the enemy
were encountered within a few hundred
yards of our lines of •utposts. They
were in small force, and gave way with
out offering much resistance* !,
On the right they fell back to the main
body or reserve of the picket line, which
was ensconsed behind a breastwork, in a
swampy place of ground, at the souther
ly extremity of Masonboro’, or Myrtle
Sound. Here a charge was ordered,and
the line was carried with slight loss,
some fifty of the enemy falling into our
hands. They belong to the 17th North
Carolina regiment, of Kirkland’s brig
ade, which seems to have been ip the
rebel front during the day. They say
that Clingman-s and Colquitt’s brigades
are in the rear, occupying the - main line
of works defending the approach to Wil
mington. . V*
On the left the colored troops,
Gen, Payne, pushed the effemy with
great gallantry, driving them from every
stump and tree where they sought to
make a stand. On this part of the line
it was a sort of running fight, in which
the colored soldiers seemed to pursue
their enemy with relentless animosity,
driving them at last to the cover of their
main works; the skirmishing throughout
the day was most bravely, and the vol
leys at times very heavy. The brunt of
the fighting was with our (the attacking)
side, the enemy manifesting litile inclina
tion to oppose our progress. The loss
does not exceed (up to this time, 3p.
m.) some 60 or 70, mostly of General
Payne’s Division. In recompense for
this we took nearly a hundred prisoners.
The Late Capt. Gilliss. —The death
of Capt. James 11 Gilliss, Superintendent
of the Washington Observatory, is a se
rious loss to the country. His scientific
services were of long continuance and
very valuable. In 1838 he organized the
first working observatory ip the United
States, and his volume of observations
for five years following is still a standard
work. In 1842 he prepared the plans
for the erection of the Naval Observato
ry. In 1849 he started on an expedition
to Chili, for the determination of the
solar parallax, remaining there three
years, and not only preparing his own
most interesting series of observations,
but contributing to establish a good na
tional observatory in that country. In
1858 he went to Peru to observe the to
tal eclipse of the sun, and to Washing
ton Territory in 1860, for the same pur
pose. On the flight of the rebel hum
bug, Maury, from the Washington Ob
servatory,. Capt. Gilliss was appointed to
succeed him, and his administration has
been most successful and satisfactory in
all respects. To his scientific merits he
added a thorough loyalty as a citizen of
the Union, to whose armies he gave all
three of his sons, who have proved use
ful officers.
The tiirtte-doxcs they bill and coo;
The hen goes cluck-cluck-cluck 1
The cock cnee ‘‘Urcarooraroo
Tne drake quacks to the duck.
The gander cackles to his goose;
Compliance hisseth she;
The lark—the lark were flymen's neoee,
Old Fright, for you and me.
One morning about 11.401 inquired of
my servant somewhat anxiously how
many patients remained still to toe seen,
as I had to be at a consultation in the
neighborhood preprecisely at noon.
‘There’B only one gentleman left,”
said he. He arrived an hoqr ago; but
he is so very polite, that he has hitherto
declined to take his turn.”
I was sorry to hear this; for, accord
ing to my experience, such an individual
was likely to be in a critical state of
health, or perhaps only postponed his
interview till last, so that he might pro
long it without interruption.
‘‘l hope everybody does come in in
proper order, James,” said I. “You know
what an objection I have to any favor
“Ob, dear, sir! I am sure I never took
a shilling from any gentleman or lady in
my life, in order that they might be ad
mitted earlier.”
“ Really, James, I never said you did,”
replied I .severely. “Show the gentle
man in. ”
The patient whose acquaintance I now
had the pleasure of making for the first
time, had the appearance of a country
gentleman. He was well dressed, but
there was an absence of that undefinable
smartness and completeness in his attire
which is only found in town-made gar
ments; moreover, his eye wandered all
over the room with an expression very
unlike the incurious gaze of a well-bred
Londoner. His very politeness had prob
ably arison from an erroneous idea, that
it was the fashion in good society to
make little self-sacrifices in giving way
to other people.
“I am afraid, sir, you have been de
tained a considerable time,” observed I.
“Not at .all,” returned he briskly. “I
was in no particular hurry. I have plenty
of leisare here in London, away from all
my usual country avocations, and there
were several people in your ante-room
. who, I am sure, had more urgent need
of your advice than I. In fact, I feel
that I have scarcely any right to intrude
upon your valuable time all; but I
have been good deal bothered’ with a
cough at night, and I should like to be
cured of it.”
‘Take a seat, sir. Any pain in your
chest ?”
“I don’t think it will be necessary to
examine me,” observed he nervously;
<“I can tell you my symptoms, such as
they are.” t
How curious it is, that those who are
apparently the strongest and most
healthy are often the most morbidly ap
prehensive ! I could not help smiling at
seeing this, respectable fox-hunter, as lie
seemed to be, hugging his coat together,
as though my stethoscope hadbeen a
dagger seeking* entrance into his heart.
“My dear sir,” said J, sll is little in--
strument will not hurt you.”
At this moment, a very singular thing
took place : the clock upon my mantel
piece struck the three-quarters past
eleven, and I seemed to hear the sound
repeated from the clock in the next
room. It was a muffled sound, but the
wonder was how it could have arrived at
all through two wooden doors and a
baize one. I was so convinced that I
did hear it, however, that I immediately
strode forward to see for myself whether
any of the doors of communication were
open. They were all closed. When I re
turned, my. patient had unbuttoned his
coat, and assured me that he had no
silly objection to being stethoscoped, if I
thought it worth while, but that there
was nothing,the matter with him beyond
a troublesome cough, for which he want
ed a prescription.
His lungs &eeifned sound enough in
deed, and I need not have been so long
in examining them but for a certain
reason. Very different from most hypo
chondriacal folks, my new friend seemed
sf very anxious to cut short our inter
v ew, that he began to awaken my sus
p cions as to whether he "was a bona-fide
pitient at all. I knew that I should dis
cpver this if I could only detain him a
quarter of an hour, and therefore I pro
longed, my stethoscopic investigations.
At last he jumped up, and throwing
down a sovereign and a shilling, with no
little ostentation, upon the table, ex
pressed himself as perfectly satisfied.
“But, my dear sir,” said I, “you have
not got your prescription.”
It wanted then one minute to the hour
of noon, but I was still writing very
slowly, when the clock on the mantle-
piece began to strike; I thought it
Would never have done, so eagerly was
I watching for the stroke of its compan
ion time piece, which.l felt sure by this
time was concealed somewhere about
my patient’s person. He had waited
until he had been lett alone in the afate
room, to make a clean sweep of every
thing valuable he could lay his hands
upon, the clock among the rest. He
had stuffed this at first, I fancy, into his
breast-pocket, whence arose his origi
nal objection to the use of the stethos
cope, but had transferred it, while I
went to look at the doors, to some other
part of his attire. Sagacious as heffiad
been, however, he had omitted, or bad
not had the opportunity, to silence tire
voice of my faithful dial: I heard its
whisper, its faint “tick, tick,” all the
time, and now I was waiting lor Its full
voice in accusation of the Robl>er. At
last it came.. Onejcan scarcely imag
ine a aituatidn raSl’e embarrassing than
that of my polite patient with his stolen
clock striking, twelve very distinctly in
the pocket of his coat-tail, and in tbe
hearing of its rightful proprietor.
“I have found out what is the matter
with you, my friend,” said I, pressing a
hand-bell, which brought in James upon
the instant. “You are troubled with the
Tic Douloureaux. Yoi r syrntoms are ex
ceedingly striking. This prescription
muet be made up at once, and my ser
vant will run out for it, while you remain
here a minute or two.”
Never was a prescription so short; —
Jam. let a pol. im-
Or without abbreviation, as Iliad writ
ten it,—
James, fetch a policeman immediately.
The Wrong Mm— The rebel papers
are circulating the following extract from
a letter, written before the war to a dele
gate to the Charleston as
emanating from Sherman, who
is now trying to subjugate the South :
Fort Ridgely, March 20, 1860.
Now, my dear fellow, I am glad you
are going South, and all we ask qlyou,
ig, «giye us a good President. Stop this
damnable negro heresy of the country ;
frown upon every abolitionist you meet;
and, as you pass down through Old Vir
ginia, see that the remnants of that raid
of Brown's, ‘yet unhung, are properly
brought to the halter. And, in the mean
time, if you will take a few of our most v
distinguished sons o(|be devil (Republi
cans) now in the Minfresota, Legislature,
along with you, and let them see Vir
ginia justice, you will benefit our com
Y ours, truly, and in baste.
; <v T. W. Sherman.
[The Sherman who is succeeding quite
admirably in his task of subjugatirg the
South is W. T. and not T. W. Sherman.}
Many years ago there lived a rich
baker at Reading. On ah occasion of a
subscription being got up, the list as
usual commenced with 8.A., M.A.,
M.D., D.D., Esq., &c. The baker put
down his guinea and his name, Wm.
Phelps, M.R. When the printer received
the list he sent it to the baker to know
what M.R, meant. “Call on me to-mor
row and you will find me the Master of
the Rolls,” was the reply.
(Five Cents.