Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 25, 1865, Image 3

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Speaking General Yusuf, now in Yi<T«rta, a Paris correspondent writes, that of him may be said what was writ ten about a greater and more ec centric person— 4; His life was more wonderful than the dreams of other men.” In the half century which he has ]j 78 d he has been a Corsican, an Alger ine and a Frenchman, the favorite Page •of a Bey, the lover of the Bey’s daugh ter, and a Murderer— justifiable homicide,, you know, on the prin ciple that all fs fair in love and war—6f his eunuch; a Captain of Chas seurs, a Diplomatic agent, a Colonel of Ispahis—Mahometan With a harem a 'Christian with a wife, a Com mander of the liegion of Honor, an Author, a French general, and now, ap parently, a Supervisor of the Algerine .press. ~ ; • CAVANNAH THEATRE. O LEGITIMATE DRAMA. MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 27, 1365. THESPIAN ASSOCIATION. The popular domestic Drama R E N T D A Y And the roaring Fares of the ' TURNED HEAD. Admission, sl, 75 cents and 50 cents ; Rgavate Boxes, SB. Doors open at 61-2 ; Curtain rises at 7 1-2. Box office open from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. feb2p . • • ... 2 Headquarters u. s. forces, Savannah; February 25th, ISGS. Gknsbal Ouder, \ ; ■ NO. IS. • i ' ' Riding or driving through the Public Squares or other grounds not intendpd for Use as road ways is prohibited. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G, feb2s Board wanted. Any respectable family having two com fortably furnished sleeping apartments v&cant, desiring to receive a couple of officers as guests in their house, may be accommodated by leaving a letter at this office addressed to li Q,” stating name, residence and terms. 3 feb24 Twenty -five dollars reward. Lost, on Thursday evening, from the upper part of South Broad street, a dark sorrel Mare, about seven years of age, scarred on her flank, with a saddle, bridle and equipments on. Any one returning her, or giving informal s on that will lead to her finding, will receive the above reward at feb24 1 153 CONGRESS STREET. House wanted, With four or six rooms, within three squares of the market, and between Whitaker and Jefferson streets. Apply at Dr. Walsh’s Drugstore, corner Barnard and Broughton sts. feb23 3 Furniture for sale. _. .../j A lot of Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, in quantities and quality to suit purchasers. Apply at No. 3 Gordon Block. 7 feb2o ' "* 1 '■ |i ' ■■■ 1 ■ I ' piRST ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TUB SG|IE INSURANCE COMPANY, SAVANNAH* d A., •' -nj' s’"'* \f"» • vt-i ;.»*;!i:. tr ; Ending December 31st, 1864. : CAPITAL, $2,500,000 ALL SUBSCRIBED. , >i ■ * ’• Dr. : ' V‘*-v. To Capital paid up... $500,000 00 To Premiums (Agents and Office}..... 243,388 85 To Policies received for Policies 43 00 To Dividends on Stock ............... 1,435 00 To Agents, &c., balance 4ue them.... 4,397 00 To Interest on Notes Discounted.... .*• 6,119 49 To Uncalled for Dividend 5............ 1,277 06 $766,700 43 Cr. By Cash and Cash Memorandums.... $ 8,717 52 3y Bills Receivable V.... 25,979 81 3y State of Georgia Treasury Notes (with Preminm of same). 147,319 65 By Commissions paid Agents ~ 16,350 49 By Balances due by Agents and others 2,985 52 By Re-Insutfmces 10,586 93 By Fire Losses paid up ....;. 71,083 93 By Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. 398,094 87 By Expenses, Salaries, Printing, &c.. 24,073 29 By Dividend No. 1, July Ist 50,000 00 By Uncollected Premiums. 803 75 By Cancelled Policies and Returned Premiums 755 94 . $756,760,43 A. Wilbur, Pres’t. M. A. Cohen, Sec’y. DIRECTORS. Andrew Low, D. H. Baldwin, -John W. Anderson, W. H. Stark, 'lao. R. Wilder, Henry Lathrop, Aaron Wilbur, . Octavus Cohen, -Jno M. Cooper, ’ Jndi Lama, J °®cph Lipprqaii, Henry’Brigham. , Company is prepared to take risks on all description* of oood insurable property at fair fates. ■ ; Losses promptly adjusted and paid. • * ' . r. „■ . O u ' ■ , , OFFICE OF THS COMPANY, r ‘ 89 BAY* STREET. feb‘2o lm ' rj l - s >j l -->• • *******i> D EADQUARTERS DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, ** • Hilton Herd, S. C., Jan. 2,I.SAL v General Orders.) ■ ; Ii f • • ; 4> - The following order is hereby re-published for the information and gnidgnee of all eotacerned, dud will be rigidly enforced in this Department; War Dipart.mknt, Ad intent General’s - Office. Washington, Oct 22.1369. General Op.dbbs, ) . ’ • No. 166. f It appearing that large quantities of. ■govern ment property-have been unlawfully disposed of by non-commissioned officers and. soldiers, in violation of law and of the Army rules and, regu lations, it is therefore ordered: That all United States officers commanding posts shall seise all military clothing, blankets, shoe?, arms, equip ments, and other su«h supplies, which have been issued by"he government to soldiers, and lost or disposed of bythem. And it shall be incumbent on any person, not a soldier, who may have any such property in his possession, to prove that he has lawfully acquired possession thereof. Lj Such property, when seized, will be turned over to a United States Quartermaster, and his receipt in duplicate taken therefor, one of such receipts to lie transmitted to the Quartecmaeter General. The seizure will also be reported to the Adjutant Geperal. All Provost Marshals appointed by the Depart ment will assist in recovering to the United Stales this description of public property., _. Commanding oncers of companies are remind ed that it is their duty not only to cause soldiers who are guilty of violating the law forbidding the sale,, destruction or negligent loss of clothing, arms, and public 'property, to be charged op the muster-rolls. wßh all the articles improperly lost or disposed of, but also to enforce such other punishment as the nature of their offence may demand. i .By order of the Secretary of War. ;, , \ L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. By command of ' . Major Gen. J. G. FOSTER. ' W. L. M. Burgsr, Assistant Adj’t Gen. Official. . .3 feb.24 OTICE. _ ~ Office of Street Commissioner, No. 126 South Broad Street. Savannah, Ga., February 22<J, 1865. In accordance with authority conferred upon me* by General Order No. 16, from Headquarters U. 8. Fordes, Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st, 1865. this rity is hereby divided into three Dis tricts, for the purpose of removing garbage there from. The First District comprises all thfet portion of the city lying North of President and Harrison streets. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and Thursday of each week. The Second Districfcomprises all that portion of the city lying between the First District and Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Tuesday and Friday of each * :• *» The Third District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Wednesday and Saturday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accumulate must he put into convenient vessels, and previous to 8 o’clock in tbe morning of eaeh day, as above designated for the respective Dis tricts; such vessels must be placed upon the sidewalks of the or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will bo removed by their owners. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the sidewalks, and they must not be exposed to the public view, except as above specified. ALBERT STEARNS, • Capt. and Street Commissioner. HAY FOR SALE, At the wharf near the Gas Works. AMES & PEABODY. ALSO— AT 152, CONGRESS STREET. GROCERIES, l DRY GOODS, a si' - • BOOTS AND SHOES. ■ • . t,, ■ i'. ■ ■■ :r . •. "i.. ; - J WHOLES AXIS AND RKTATL'. Balmoral Boot, 0n1y......... $3 00 Congress Boot, 0n1y::.....: ‘3 00 Fine Calf Sewed Boot, .10 00 “Kilpatrick Cavalry Boot,” Bnatneled T0p,12 00 AT THE CHEAP J3TORE, 152 CONGRESS STREET, feb2o lw AMES & PEABODY. W The Fuel Supply Committee are now ready to sell Wood to the Citizens. •,* ; r Piue VVood, delivered,. , :..$6 00 per cord. Oak Wood, delivered.. .', . $S 00 per cord. Apply at the Exchange long Room, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 12 o’clock m. ‘ - JULIAN ALLEN, Chairman. OCTAVUS COHEN, r . .y J* Bv Laroche, WM. HUNTER, J. W. RUTHERFORD, feblS ts 1 Committee. Y'iItOCERIES AND PROVISIONS OF ALL vJ descriptions; a choice article of SOUR KROUT, ana the best quality of MINCE MEAT, Foreale by WM- M. WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. BToygntop and sts. S~" PECIAL NOTICE. Savannah Ga., Feb. 4.186fe . All 'persons in Savannah having Cotton in their possession, or stored in their houses* : or houses occupied by them, twill register the same at my office Without delay,; and all persons are prohibited from moving Cotton w.ithiu the mil itary lines of, without th«y have written authority flown the undersigned- 1 truly - • » > It C’, RANSOM, Lt. Col. & Q. M. in charge of Cotton. ‘ febG—tf ■ i Ss^var i | .'IST->.;,jk ivij| / i . 3, \ A A. Jiff j y jaiA J^OTICE. ■ ' jf ' *ikjTf "*};.* \? \ -* ). I l.S* r JUST ARRIVED, rim SCHOONER A Ut IT AN. FROM NEW TORS, O I * ; frY *•' '* Y v ' ‘ A large assortment of : ■ (‘ > ” 1 - .S • 1 ;n v H i) j GROCERIES v. &0., «S:o., &o, Which must be sold . . ' . I ; ' 4, ,7 -\i * WITHIN TEN 1 DAYS, i ■ A '3. I.< w <3 ?1 j* g; Cl „{ .f£., At 1 tha LOWEST MARKET PRICE. - ‘ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY CHEAP. APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS, ‘ TURNIPS. < FIRKINS GOSHEN BUTTER, CHEESE, ■ • RAISINS, FIGS, DRIED APPLES, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, SUGAR CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, &c., herring; CODFISH, MACKEREL, No. 1, SARDINES, CANDLES, SOAP of all kinds, jea, , . COFFEE, and SPICES, i 200,000 Segars, AT A LOW FIGURE,. Andi ; " ■ TOBACCO OF ALL KINDS, . A general Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHOES, * And other articles too numerpus to mention. > • , ■« -• lHf* -■ * |«j XALL EARLY. AND BUY TO f ADVANTAGE. j A QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. OSGOOD & HALSEY, Bth-L street, under masonic hall. . Formerly occupied by Wm. R. Norris. feb2o J - ■ 6 ‘ ' T^NVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, JOB LOTS AT LOW PRICES. Samples sent by mail. > • th ir ! . f -ji We are headquarters for all kinds of Stationery, * and can supply the low prices. Cr. S. HASKINS '& CO:, , tA-f'rr* f u 'i >A_ 4 / ‘ frhlG' lm 86 Beektnan street. N. Y. , T . ~ . —i .>*m Disinfectant. „ .- f Small quantities of the Per Manganate qf Potash will be tumished, at -the request pf aay Physician, by. the Health Offioen febi9 HP i.l <jr# ,A. ■> ■** * . -jiK’ VH'l CLIAfOIOXTUI MJftSrt ’OF ALL of SOUR IE MEAT, AMS, iker sts.. Great chance to make money and RECEIVE A WATCH FREE-By selling our “Grt-at NOtei.ty and National PRIZE PACKETS.” Each package contains over a dollar’s worth of valuable Stationery and Jewel ry, besides bne.Certificate in the great sale of $650,000 of WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEW LLRY-retwl price, 30 cent*. Thousands of these Packets can be sold in every‘village and camp. We want an Agent in every town and’ camp, thus making a rnoviTAHLXBCSiNESs for one smart man in each place. Splkndid Gold and Silver Matches given to our Agents. sl7wil obtain 100 Packets and a fine Silver Watch. $lO invested in the SPLENDID STEEL ENGRA VINGS which we publish,will yield the enormous profit of SSO. Circulars, with full particulars, mailed free. Sample Packet, and Certificate sent on receipt ofso cents. y G. S. HASKINS & C 0,,. febl6 *m No. 38,Beekmau street, N. Y. RM r . CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SUR • GEON, having reopened his office and yard, on William street, is now prepared to treat (oh scientific principles,)' all diseases Incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. C harges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. , feb!6 qf Wanted— an apothecary.. A young man who thoiorghly under stands the Drug Business cun hear of a situation by applying at this office. ’ ts feblfi PAPER. ' New York Papers, of old date, for sale at the Savannah Herald Building. febl3 GW. DENNIS & CO, a No. 5 Merchants’ Row, ■ * • Hilton Head. S. C., • Wholesale and retail dealers iu . * BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS, POTATOES, FLOUR. CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, <Bc„ &c., &c. v jan 10 ts RIDDELL & MURDOCK, 1 WIIOLKSALF. ANT> EF.TAIL DEAL IBS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS £nd CAPS, Gentlemen’s FnbnisuiNO Goods, &c„ No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head;’ S. C. W. C. LIDDELL, fjanlO— tf) 11. J. MURDOCK. * —y- - - -- -- - - -- JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner Gersh Banker, a large assort ment of SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, . Comprising the following desirable selections Heavy Cloth Overcoats Fancy Cassimere Walking Coats “ “ Double Breasted Vests “ “ Pants. Per Schr Autietam— A carefully selected assortment of BOOTS and SHOES—latest styled—Men’s, Women’? and Boys. - Also—A large and extensive variety of Hats, Caps, Valises, and Travelling Bags. , Also, per steamer Linda- Seven hundred and thirty-two (732) coses as sorted CANNED MEATS, FRUITS and VEGE TABLES. • Also, per barque Rambler- Three hundred (300) gross O. K. FINE CUT TOBACCO. One hundred (140) SMOKING DO. One hundred and thirty-six thousand (136,000) finest brand CIGARS. * Also, per Schr. May Queen — AN ASSORTED CARGO. C. N. BELLOWS & CO„ No. 8 Merchant’s RcbV, Hilton Head. febll ts jq-OTICE. Provost Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga.. Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves such. * ' Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order ofßvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grovfr. J ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost -Marshal.' - > Notice. Officers or Citizens requiring eervahts or laborers will please apply at the office of Relief Commission-,, to 'feblO ts Lieut. CM. and Relief Com. 4KiRY & CONFECTIONERY ESTAB LISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. > We respectfully call the attention of the public to onr Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any ordcra which may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Faiwy *Oonfectioi»ry, Elegant Pastry, for A MCKRAY. /TvFFICE OFTHE HOME INSURANCE CO., Vy Savannah, Ga., F:b. 2,1805. This Company is preparad to issue Policies offi all descriptions of insuranie ptoperty in the city at fair rates, and to adjust the losses that may occur in an honorablemianuef. For Insurance apply to the office o. the Com ■oanv. 89 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. puny, w AARON WILBUR, President, feb2 M. A. COIIEN, Secretary. pARTICULAR NOTICE. The Stock of Goods in store corner of Bay and Barnard streets is for sale, at law prices, and will be exchanged for any article of merchandize .allowed by the authorities, iu quantities to suit purchasers. fob 15 ts , Boots and shoes. • ttta ■ For sale by W WILLIAMS, fcb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts, ! * A Z i 99 i ’ * \ ; -.j * ’ 9