Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 08, 1865, Image 4

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THE CHURCH POOR-BOX. I am a Poor Box \ —here I stick. Nailed to a wall of whitewashed brick, Teeming with fancies coming thick,” That sometimes mingle With solid pence from those who kneel; While now and then, oh joy ! I feel A sixpence jingle ! The robin ©u me oft doth hop; I’m the wood-louse’s working shop ; And friendly spiders sometimes drop A line on me ; While e’en the sun will ofteaStop To shine on me. I am of sterling, close, hard-grain As any box on laud or main ; But age, my friends, who can sustain, In solitude ? Neglect might make a saint complain, Whate’er his wood. Ileavcn hath no doubt a large design, Rome hearts are harder grained than mine : Some men too fat. and some too line, • And s«me can't spareU: I do not mean to weep and pine, But humbly bear it. This is a cold and draughty place. And folks pass by with qnickeued pace, Praying perchance, a dinner grace ; But even then I feel the comfort of His face Who pities men. I saw last week, in portly sfyhj, A ushurer coming down the isle; His chin a screw, his nose a die. With gimlet eye; He turned his head to cough and smile, And sidled by. I saw the same rich man this morn, With sickly cheek and gait forlorn— As feeble, almost, as when bora ! He dropped some pelf: Pity the poor,—the weak and worn,— Meaning “himself.’’ I salast year, a coir.fir and ,rn<\ With splendid bust, andjewels flame, And all the airs of feathered game— A high-br«‘4 star-thirg: /tUSiaw the gold— hut rinse she came, An d dropped—a farthing. 'Two diflrs ago—she pass? 1 this way, 1 leant-bn>k+*n—piemntarely gray— Her be-iaty, like its mother—day? bite gave me gold ; ‘“Oh, I am like tin*,e,” I heard her s y, “ Hollow' and cold.” The farmer gives when cm; s -ire good. Because the markets w<um his blood ; The traveller ’scaped from field and flood, Endows the poor; The dying miser sends iiis mud, To make heaven sure. A’lover, his hoped-for br!d \ v£er presciece being close beside.i Brew forth his purse with sleek-faced pride, Battling ny? wood! All day I felt a pain in the side, lie was *• so good.” The Captain fresh from sacking towns, My humble claim to pity owns ; Tie justice on his shilling frowns ; But, worst of all. Arcb-hvpoc rites display their crowns Reside my wall! There came a little child one day, Just old enough to know its way, And clambering up it seemed to’ say, “ Poor lonely box, Clive me a kiss,"—and went away With drooping looks. I have to play a thankless part: With all men’s charities I smart But those who give with a child’s heart, From pure fount sprung ; The rest I t ke as on a mart, Wise head—stilt tongue. \_Frwti Dicker)*' Ilouseliobi Words. Notice. Otries or Strict Commissioner, No. 1.6 South Broad Street. Savannah, Ga., February 22d, 1365. In accordance with authority conferred upon nun. V>v General Order No. 16, from Headquarters 11. S. Forces. Savannah, Ga.. dated Feb. -Ist, 1555. this city is hereby divided into three Dis tricts, for the purpose of removing garbage there from. ... , The First District comprises a’i that portion of the city lying North of President and Harrison r4inets. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday ami Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of the city lying between the First District and Karris street. Carts will remove the garbage fr re this District on Tuesday and Friday of each week. l ne Third District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on W ednesday and Saturday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accumulate must be put into convenient vessels, and previous to S o’clock' in the morning of each day. as above designated for the respective Dis tricts; such vessels must be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will be removed by their owners. Keepers of Anima s must not permit manure te be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither mnet the accumulation thereof in, or near any stable or yard be permitted to exceed o,ia cart load before bciug removid. AU other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the sidewalks, and they must not be exposed to the public view, except as above specified. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. BROWN & CO., (Late Somes, Brown & C 0..) MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 2 Park PLACE, BROADWAY BANK BUILDING, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher & Cos., 47S Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1362. Wc have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Depart ments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms reasonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Cer tificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermasters’ Returns-for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired : Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Soldiers, and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Orphan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dis charged Officers. Soldiers ar.d Sailoft. and pSy for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims. Information freely fur nished. We purchase and sell ail Government Securi ties. Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References given to leading Bankers and busi ness firms in New York. febls ts SPECIAL NOTICE. * Savannah Ga., Feb. 4, 18G5 All persons in Savannah having Cotton in their pcssessson, or stored in their houses, or houses occupied by them, will register the same at iny office without delay, and all persons are prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil tarv lines of the city, without they have written authority from the uudersigned- H. C. RANSOM, Lt. Cos!. & Q. M. in charge of Cotton. febC—tf Riddell & Murdoch, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND .SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goons. &0.. No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. W. O. RIDDELL. [janlU—tf] U. J. MURDOCK. gTOCK. OF GOODS FOR SALE. A well selected stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS With the PRIVILEGE OF THE STORE, which is located in one of the best business por tions of the city, is offered for sale at reasonable rates. The stock is limited, and parties wishing to engage- in business will find a ’well arranged store with fixtures complete, suitable for any kind of business. Address Box No. 333, Savan uah P. O, mar 3—l JQUNBARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions ts. J^OTICE. Provost Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga.. Fee. 9, 1365. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves as such. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. /rt REAT CHANCE TO MAKE~MONEY AND v T RECEIVE A WATCH FREE—By seliin our “Great Novelty and National PRIZ PACKETS.” Each package contains over a dollar’s worth of valuable Stationery and Jewel ry, besides one Certificate in the great sale of .'3650.000 of WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND JEW ELRY—retail price, 30 cents. Thousands of these Packets can be sold in every village and camp. We want an Agent in every town and camp, thus making a profitable bugixksg for cue smart man in each place Splendid Gold ani Silv Watches given to our Agen'p. *IT wi? obtain 100 Packets and a fine Silver Watch. 0 invested in the SPLENDID STEPIL ENGRA VINGS which we publish, will vield the enormous profit of SSO. Circulars, with full particulars. mailed free. Sample Packet, and Certificate sent on receipt of 50 cents. „ , „ * „G. S. HASKINS & CO.. febi6 1m No. 36 Beckman street, N. Y. QUANO. GEO. E. W ill i E it fO.. 55 Cliff struct. New York, offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at wholesale. They have facilities for filling orders superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. 8.. W Hll E & CO. arc the sole agent's for the sale of the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANURE, m ule by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 per cent, ammonia and over 40 percent, of soluble hone phosphate. Though this analysis would hardly lead us to such conclusion, yet its practical applications for the two years past has shown its innneuiate re sults to be as great a* where Peruvian Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding j’ear’s crops. Price, SSO for 2 000 lbs., with discount to the trade. 2mo jan27 STEELE & BURBANK. • 11 Merchants’ Row, _ „ . Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS. M atches, Clocks, Fanew Goods, Jewe’rv. and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes. Belts. Embroderies, Boots. Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. &c IL &c lL &c. it /~a OOD LIVING,” vX At reasonable prices, can be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, m the rear of the New Post Office, Hilton Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS. POUL TRY, VEGETABLES. &c.. from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to ordei from 6 A. M. to 3 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD. Proprietor. _ P. S.— One trial is respectfully solicited. DISINFECTANT. * ~ Small quantities of the Per Mangauate of Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO [Official.] Headq’rs Department of the South. Hilton Head, S. C., January 28,1365. General Orders, > No. 12. / All permits, by whomsoever granted, to per sons in this Department to purchase provisions of any of the Issuing Commissaries, are hereby revoked, to take effect at each post in fifteen days after the receipt of this order, except at the Post of Hilton Head, where it shall go into ef fect on its receipt. Until further orders, no sales to civilians will be made unless authorized from these Head quarters, on written application forwarded through the Chief Commissary. Department of the South. ’ ~ ’ The prices will be regulated bv the Chief Com missary of the Department. The rates for the present will lie as follows: To Officers, Ordnance Sergeants. Bands cf Separate Brigades, to Heads or Quartermasters, Medical, Engineers, and Ordnance Departments, at cost, not including freight. To Ci ilian in the employ of government, Col lector of Cu i oma and his employees. Paymas ters and clerks of regularly established Post Offices, Tax Commissioners and their clerks, Government Transports, Commanders of Rev enue and Coast Survey vessels and their messes, at forty per cent, on cost, for Transportation, except Fresh Beer, which shall be sold at one hundred per cent, advance. To all civilians rot in the employ of the gov ernment at eighty per cent, advance on first cost of all articles except Fresh Beef, which will be sold at two hundred:per cent, advance. Articles intended exclusively for Hospitals and sales to Officers, such as Kims, Mutton, White Sugar. Java or Mocha Coffee, Whiskey, Pota toes. Onions, Ac . will not be sold to civilians. Ly command of Major General J. G. FOSTER, W. L. M. Burgee, Assistant Adj’t Gen. mar 7—6 TUST RECEIVED, t) Per Schooner Gersh Banker, a large asscr: ment df SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising the following desirable selections Heavy Cloth Overcoats Fancy Cassimere Walking Coats “ “ Double Breasted Vests “' “ Pants. Per Schr. Antietam A carefully selected assortment of BOOTS and SHOES—latest styles'—Men’s, Women’s and Boys. Also—A large and extensive variety of Hats, Caps, Vaiises, and Travelling Bags. Also, per steamer Linda— Seven hundred and thirty-two (“732; cases as sorted CANNED MEATS, “FRUITS and VEGE TABLES. Also, per barque Rambler— Three hundred (2001 gross O. K. FINE CUT TOBACCO. One hundred (140). SMOKING DO. One hundred and thirty-six thousand,(l36,9ool finest brand CIGARS. Also, per Sc hr. May Queen — AN ASSORTED CARGO. C. N. BELLOWS & CO„ No. S Merchant’s Row, Hilton Read, febll ts ICE ! ICE ! ICE I The subscribers have received from Boston per Schooner E. S. Conant, a cargo of Ice and Lumber, which will be disposed of at the Ice House formerly occupied by them, on Bryan street opposite the market. Retail boxes will be established at other places as the demand increases. j A constant supply will be kept up during the year. “HAYWOOD, GAGE & CO. feb‘27 1 m [Official.] Headquarters, Department of the South, Hilton Head, S. C., February 9,136.3. General Orders. 1 No. 16. ) In compliance with orders from the Secretary : of War, dated at Washington, D. C., January I 30th, IS6o, the undersigned hereby assumes com- 1 maud of the Department of the South. All existing orders and regulations will remain in force until otherwise ordered. O. A. GTLLMORE. mar 6—3 Major General Vols. i TTEADQUARTERSirs; j XX District of Savannah. Ga., Savannah, February 2‘2, 1365. j General Order.) No. 2. j Surgeon W. Y. Provost, Acting Medical Direc- j tor. 2d Div. 19th A. C., is hereby appointed Med- • ical Director of the District of Savannah. By command of „„ Brevet Major Gen GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A, G. feb23 i (Official.) ■ Headquarters District of Savannah. Ga Savannah, March sth, ISOs Order, » , 1 No. 3. f b Lt. Col Neafie, 156th N. Y. Vols Commissioner of Savannah, is hereby‘anS? ed Supervisor of Trade, the duties 'S office he will perform in addition to those of p | lief Commissioner. Ke * 2. Capt. John P. Baker, Ist U. S. Acting Inspector General 2d Division, 19th Corn!’ is hereby relieved from ids duties as euch 25 appointed Acting Inspector General of th-nuT trict and Post. “ "* B ' By command of p j c' t» b T’ g : y ; A - : Gen - grovir Enwivaj) G. Dike, A. A. A. G. m >ir ik_if (Official.) TTEADQUaF.TERS U. S. FORCES (bL*, **«>**»*, I*s. No. 18. [ Riding or driving through the Public Squares or other grounds not intended for use as roart ways is prohibited. oaa * k By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER Edw ard G. Dike. A. A. A. G, * (Official.) ’ Head’qesU. S. Forces. Dlh't of Savannah r> -.SavaEiiab, March iSaag*- General Order, I No. 4. ) 7st Lieutenant Eben Parsons, Jr., 36th Massa chusetts Volunteers, Judge Advocate, 2d Divial ion. 19th Army Corps, is hereby relieved from duty as such, and announced as Judge Advocate and Provost Judge-of the District and Post £ Savannah. • 0i By command of . Brevet Major Gen. GROVER . Edward G Dike, A. A. A. G. marli—tf [Official.] 1 ~ ~ ITEADQ UAETER.S U. S. FORCES, XX Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, 1865 General Order,) No. 16. »■ I. The occupants of buildings will he held re sponsible for the cleanliness of the same, as well as their cellars and outhouses, and sidewalks >'a front of. and alleys adjacent to them. AH rub bish and garbage which accumulates will, each day, be put in bbxea-in a convenient place for re moval. 11. Keepers of animals will cause the manure which accumulates in their stables or yards where their animals are kept to be either remov ed outside the picket lines, or to be distributed upon such gardens within the hres>as are actual ly under cultivation, such distribution beinv at the consent of the cultivator. * * ° 111. The Street Commissioner will establish such regulations with regard to tfie removal of accumulations from Che city as he sees fit. He is also charged wfth the duty of causing frequent, and careful inspection to be made of the police of the city, and he will report to the Provost Judge any failure to comply with the foregoing para graphs of this order, who will take such action in the case as the circumstances require. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike. A. A. A. G. feb2l • [Official.] Headquarters U. S. Forces, District of Savannah, Ga., Savannah Feb. 21,1365. General Order.) No. 1. f I. Lieut. Col. R. P. York. 75th N. Y. Vols., Provost Marshal of Savannah, is hereby appoint ed Provost Marshal of the District of Savannah, the duties of which office he will assume in addi tion to his present duties. 11. Capt. E. Geisy, A. Q. M., will receive and take charge of the civil fund of the District of Sa vannah, and will be responsible for the proper disbursement of the same. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. feb2l [Official.] Headquarters u. s. forces, District of Savannae, Ga. Feb. 19, 1365. Gkmkral Order, \ No. 15. i All officers of the Army not legitimately on duty, or awaiting orders at this Post, and who have not registered their names at these Head quarters, are hereby required to do so, on or be fore Wednesday next, the 22d inst. Any officer failing to comply with the requirements of this order will be arrested and held for trial for neglect of duty. By command of Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. (L _ Headquarters u. s. forces. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13th, 1865. General Order,) No. 14. j _ .. All citixens living within the limits of the City of Savannah and having Fire Arms in their pos session, and not having special written P el 7 n sion to retain the same, will at once turn them in to the Provost Marshal, who will take P TO Pj measure for their safe keeping, with a view i returning them when it shall be proper to uosj. By command of Bvt. Major Gen. GROWER Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. _ (Official.) TTEADQUARTEES U, S. FORCES, II Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13, ls&* Gkmtral Order ) No. 13. ) .. Drtflt All officers of the Army arriving at this ru will, as soon as practicable after their'arrival, port at these Headquarters and register in * names, the duty they are on, the length ot u they expect to stay, if temporarily here, ana ui residences. By command of Brvt. Majon Gen. OROVEK. Edw ard G. Dike, A. A. A, G.