Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 12, 1865, Image 3

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~~Q B , <SO CB is thb Az.jrks.—Nowhere nranee's more important than in the i r ' res These islands live on them, bcth Erectly as food and indirectly as a pro fitable industry. Just as in other parts wor !d a man's wealth is reckoned hVt’te number of sheep, cattle or horses i -ch he can call his own, so here the orange tree forms the unit of value. You '’o not say, such a one is worth several thousand pounds, but that he has a quinta containing so many tree?. High ffnd low, rich and poor, alike derive tH-ir income from oranges. Whether it to aood or evil, the population are ccr luiulv not “divorced from the soil ’in the Azores, for while the proprietor has >. ; i thousand or fifteen hundred steins, The peasant rejoices in the “tints that did the greenest bough”, upon his own ( Sozen or half dozen trees. During the year when the orange trees are yielding do fruit, maize or beans are grown be ;weeu their ranks, but seldom after wards, unless the owners be very poor ~r ve ry greedy. The islanders devote their whole time, thought and energies to the cultivation of the orange, and watch over the trees with great care and anxiety, to preserve them from the vio lence of the elements or the ravages of that destructive insect, thh coccus. The crop is generally bought by merchants before it has reached maturity, and there :L re professional valuers who have at tained great precision in calculating the produce of each tree. After the bargain is made, however, the weather or the in sects may play sad havoc with the quinta, and cause heavy loss to the purchaser. The well known St. Michael •' ranges, are from the largest of the Azores, which upon an area ot 229 miles, yields annually oranges to the value of about $450,000, and to the number of marly 300,000,000. A seventh of this quantity is usually consumed by the in habitants ; the rest exported. There is a defect in the city charter of Burlington, Vt., which renders it mill auu void, and us the people have voted the town out of existence, there are no local authorities to enforce the laws. rfn. bellows’ & co. ~ / v. Wholesale and Retail Dealers ic rUtfLYRS’ AND NAVAL STORES, Din GOODS, BOOS’S AND SHOES. HATS AND CftPS, Ac., <£c., Ac. MO. 8 XESOIIA XT3-* ROW, 11 ILT O X HEAD, S . C . • * N. HRIXCttVK K. <5 TY’.Jtii, VT. TATLOK. marll M W OOD - Oak, 0 per Cord. Pine, per Cor J. For sale tw fuel supply committee, raarlO 4 gjjy gtreec. Hilton head house” ’ nos. of bt. a?;t> joirxws pguvhkb. ULSTERS, ALES, WINKS. CIDER,' CIGARS, TOBACCO, <fce., always on hand. The Proprietors will be happy to meet The (•atronage ©f their friends and the public. WAKEFIELD & WILLIAMS, amrU ts Proprietor?. i^oticeT _ Savaxnmj, Ga,, March, S, ISS>. After this date the Provost Court will be held l-u the U. S. Court House, up stairs, corner of IGdc and Bay streets | ” EBEX PARSONS. Ja., I : qar li—-tf Lieut, and Provost Judge. ID W. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SUR GEON, having reopened his office and on William street, is now prepared to treat lyfo scientific principle?.) all diseases incident to Purses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges Pioderate. Cures warranted. Term? cash. ■ feolC ts [jy IN BARS & FRANZ, I NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW', I Hilton Head, S. C. 9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS f ix 1, , SUTIJiRS’ GOODS ■ »*1 Description* rs. l r b. SANITARY COMMISSION. Mr • ■' >rQer Congress and Whitaker Streets, ■ .... Savannah’Ga. ■ Pbice mentioned we have opened store- ■ UQ d Relief office, where we will be glad to E Jer an y service in our power to the aokliers ; B. * a »° r e°f the Army and Navy. Scrgeons in I Bj’ff? of Hospitals will please send in their re- ! for stores. iC J. C. HOBLTT, ■pOE SAVANNAH dally herald office ! Bay street. J S. T-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the uudersign-ed lias assumed the General Sub scription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under dale of August l 'th, 1*464, and we payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into UNITED STATES 5-‘io SIX PER CENT. GOLl>-BEARING HO.VJ S. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from Nov., which makes the actual profit on the T-30 loan, at current race, including interest, about ten tier «ect per annum, besides exemption from State and ‘YUMiicrpal taxation, which adds from one to three per pent. mori\ according to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent, per day on a SSO note. Two cents “ “ SIOO “ Ten ** “ “ SSOO “ 20 “ . “ “ SIOOO “ $1 “ “ “ SSOOO *• Notes of all denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confi dently expected that its superior advantages will moke it the GREAT POPULAR LQAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $2,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be disposed of within the next GO or 9) days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscription to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the Notes fox which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, mar i'—tf Subscription Agent Philadelphia. TXT ANTED—AN A POT EEC A K Y. v T A young man who thoroughly under stands the Drug Business car. hear of a situation by applying at tbis office. ts leblG ANTED, Four or five FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable or a small family for house keeping. Address Box BID, Savannah. mar 7—ts QOTTON SEED !! ’ COTTON SEED, CN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. vV<U be purchased at Fair Rates by ilxe under ! signed, ! “H E A ISLAND” PREFERRED. I j Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for | disposal. and price. pc* r bushel desdred. and where I . located. Address, j T. E. SICKLES, mar 7 —ts Box 14. Hilton Head, S C. I"' B. BYNNER, . * ( 17 G moaw at. xfw vour:. WATCHES AND JEWELRY i Os every description. WATCHES ! Particularly adapted to ! ARMY PURPOSES. In Extra made Cases. GOLD AND SILVER. AMERICAN. SWISS, arid ENGLISH i I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES. Gr id ! Watches from SSO to $900; Silver, irom SO to . I For particulars send for ray prices lists. Es tablished 20 years, and confidently refer to uvr respectable Mercantile House in the city; a.l the Editors of thit paper. T. B. BYNNER, 175 Broadway. N. Y. P. S. -Beware of the absurd and deceptive ad vertisements in the Weekly*. mar 4 —eod^nx JJO.ME INSURANCE COMPANY, RAVA-X.VAB, 6.V., CAPITAL, S2,SOO,OOO—ALL SUIiSf.TULTD. nittPcrm:?: Au'frew Lew. Jw M. Cooper, Jno. R. Wilder, W. H. Stark, Henry Brigham. Jrjo. Lamar. Octavus CY hen. Joseph Lippruau, John W. Anderson. Henry Lafhrop, D. 11. Baldwin, Aaron Wilbur, AARON WILBUR, President M. A. COHEN, Secretary. The Company are prepared to take a line upon ail good RISKS at FAIR RATES. As the rkfa? of the city are well known to the Compauy, they are willing to take a fair share of them at* about the usual rates. All kieses will be PROMPTLY ADJUSTED and P.AJD. Ap{.»3y at the office of this Company, 89 Bay j Street. M. A. CGEEN, Secretary. GOODS. LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., %oa. 576, S2B aio> SSO xtEOADWAv, v v„ Have now on hand an Extensive Stock of DRE£S GOODa N CLOTn.S, WOOLEN GOODS, SHAWLS, PRINTS, SHEETINGS. HOSIERY / AND «W GLOVES, WHTTB GOODS, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ic., Ac. Which they offer by the races (u§ rAOUAOic. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICKS, mar 4-lm Y LARGE STOCK OF SPRING CLOTH TNG. A large suk k of BOOTS AND .“.DOES. A large stock of FINE GROCE RIBS, 1000 caw? GOLDEN AJO, 500 (Vl?4‘.s CHAMPAGNE CIDF.R 250 cases BRQWN STOUT, pints :<) half barrels PRIME BEEF, 100 M. SUGARS, A large stock of T 0 r. A c c o Ii: every variety. A lot of GARDEN SEEDS. A lot of SHOE BLACKING,- TURNIPS, BEETS CARROTS, • • * PARSNIPS, ONIONS, SUTLERS’ GOODS. NOTIONS, In groat variety. Th's large -lock of oBNILEAL MKRCnAJSDIZK, \YW bt rold at V II G L E SALE Only ;u i; ,i PRO i; G HTON STR EKT, «Kvr x>’>ca to mra.ock’6. (X)NYNGIIAM SKKIIAN. marl ts. 7>Of»MS 'S O I.ET AT niI, TON HEAdTsTcT, it 1 1 the Palmetto Herald Building, corner H-ichanU' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for lvv-me<s purpose* or lodginira. Apply to J. T. RIVERS, on the premises, or K T. HJVKPS, at the Custom House. ts mart OPECIAL NOTICE. Alt persons having in their possession BOOKS, belonging to TilE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, will e-.nifier a favor by returning theftn to the Library Rooms, be tween 9 and 2 c’dock Fed ay, or as soon tnerealier as possible, without fail, as. the: Library, is now being arrang ed and iho books catalogue «.L murt*-t> J. F. CANN, Librarian. fcfc / '( OOD LIVING,” VJ At ro isouable prices, can be had at the EAGLE OYSTER arc! REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, Hilton Head, S. C. I have? the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to ordex from C A. M, to P P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S. —One trial i*? respectfully solicited. J BROWN & CO., finite Somes, Brown A C 0,,) MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 2 Tajik rr.ACK. hsoauw ay rank, NEW YORK. Cotraspoudehts in Washington—J. W. FUher A Cos., 47s Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1562. Me have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in aH the Depart ments at Washington. RcmittaiAros prompt, and terms reasonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Cer tificates for Non-rndebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermasters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the follow ing classes of Claims, and make advances it desired : Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Soldiers, and such as have served two Years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers. nn<i Orphan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dis charged Officers. Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners oi War. Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims, information freely fur nished. We purchase and sell nil Government Secui i ties. Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks ou the best of terras. References given to leading Bankers and busi ness firms in Now York. feblS ts SPECIAL NOTICE. O Savannah Ga.. Feb. 4. ISdB All persons in Savannah having Cotton in their possession, or stored in their houses, or houses occupied by them, will register the same at my office without delay, and ail persons are prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil itary line? of the city, without they have written authority from the undersigned -11. C. RANSOM, Lt Col. & Q. M. in charge of Cotti n. fcbC -ts 1) AKERY & CONFECTIONERY EBTAIS - LISIIMKNT AT BEAUFORT. \V(* respectfully call the attention of the public, to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to till any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. Feb. 2-ts McManus a Murray. DISINFECTANT. Small quantities of the Per ManganMe ot Potash will be lurnfshed. at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. fob 10 pijST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE. JL Ckktkai. Rah.roao Bank.. Savannah. Ga.. March, Ist, l«c’>s. Ir. pursuance of orders, received at this office, ail citizens occupying buildings, whoso owners are absent within the Rebel'lines, or buildings,, or other property belonging to disloyal peis *ns, will, unless such buildings have been provu usly assigned—rent ficc—settle the i»ntH for the same, due the Unitiu at U.D 1 ffif.c < i *.> before the ICth o! March. A failure to comply with the i he re will f.. u s a ferfeiture of all claims to lurtl <r < mrpj tic n S. S. STARR, (’apt. and A. Q. M., in c hat go of buildings. • T\J DT ] CE. Jl. Pkovckt Mapsu ai ’s Oi l U K. Savannah, (in. Fee I*. 1 SV>. All dtizens, now icsidei t« of rids city, are ic*- quested to call at this office and register them, selves as such. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Ohovrk. BOLT. P. YORK. feblO Lt, Col. and T rovost Marshal. /I UANO. GEC. K. WHITE & » 0., 55 Curr btbwt. Nmv \objs. ofTer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, ft wholesale. They have facilities for Oiling orders superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. F. WHITE & CO. are the sole agents for the sale of the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANURE, made by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 percent, ammonia ami over 4(i per cent, ot soluble bone phosjd'nip. Though this analysis would hardly cad us U> such conclusion, yet its practical applithuoi.c for the two years past has shewn its immediate Je suits to be as great as where Pc ruvlnn Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding year's crops. Price, SSO for 2. (jOO lbs., with discount to tbs trade. vino .jain'7 (1 W. DENNIS A CO., J% No. 5 Merchant*' Row, Jifllon Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers In BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES. CRACK KRS POTATOES. FLOUR. CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, &c„ «sec., Ac. jan 10 ts US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Paper, Envelopes, <fec., just received and ready for dis tribution. Facilities for writing letter® for all avail themselves of them. febH DWIOHT SPENCER. Agent.