Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 13, 1865, Image 4
DAD IS GROWING OLD, JOHN. ltV .JOHN QUINCY A DAMN WOOD. Av, dad is growing old, John, Kin eyes arc getting dim. And years are on his shoulders laid. A heavy weight tor him ; Bat you and I are young and hale. And each a stalwart man. And we must make his load as light And easy as we can. lie used to take the brant, John, At cradle and the plough, And earned our porridge by the sweat That trickled from his brow ; Yet never heard we him complain. Whate’er his toil might be. Nor wanted e’er a welcome peat Upon his solid knee. And when onr boy strength came. John. And sturdy grew each limb. He brought ns to the yellow field To share the toil with him j But he went foremost in the swath. Tossing aside the grain. Just like the ploagh that heaves the soil, Or ships that shear the main. Now we must lead the van, John. Through weather foul and fair, v And let the old man read and doze. And tilt his easy chair ; And h§’ll not mind it John, you know, At eve to tel! us o’er Those brave old tales of British times. Os grandad and the war. I heard you speak of ma’am. John. ’Tis gospel what you say, That caring for the like of us Has turned her .head so gray : Yet, John, I do remember well. When the neighbors called her vain, And when her hair was long, and litre A gleaming sheaf of grain. Her lips were cherry red. John. Her cheek was round and fair. And like a ripened peach it swelled Against her wavy hair: ~ Her step fell lightly as the leaf From off the summer tree, And ail day busy at the wheel che s mg to you and me. ,<3fce had a buxom arm. John. That wielded well the rod Whene'er with wilful step our feet The path forbidden trod • Aut to the heaven of nereye We never locked in vain. And evermore our yielding cry Brought down her tears'like rain. But that is long ago. John, And we are what we are. And little heed we day by day Her fading cheek and liair • Ah, when beneath her faithful breast The tides no longer stir, ’Tis then, John, that we most shall feel We had no friend like her. • Bure, there can be no harm. John, Thus speaking gent'y o er The blessed names of those, ere long, Shall welcome us no more. Nay ! hide it not, for why shouldst thou An honest tear disown I Thy heart one day will lighter be, Kemembering it has flown. For dad is growing old, John, His eyes are getting dim, And ma’am is treading softly down The dim descent with him ; But you and I are young and hale, And each a stalwart man, -And we must make their path as smooth And level as we can. Blitz and the Yankee. —Signor Blitz, who was born iti Australia, says his eyes were opened t< / Yankee cuteness soon after he landed on our shores, in this wise : The Signor met a Yankee, who ask ed him, “Arnt you Blitz, the conjuror?” “Yes, sir ; at your service.” “Wall you're a tarnation smart man, and I'm something at a trick, too. kinder cute dew you know ?” “Ah r indeed ; what tricks are you up too?” asked the Signor, amused "at the simple fellow. “Wall, I can take a red cent and change it into a ten dollar gold piece.’ “Oh! that's a mere siight-of-hand trick ; I that, too.” “No you can’t; I’d like to see vou f ry.”' “ Well hold out your paw, with a cent lying on it.” “ This is your cent, is it, sure ?” “ It’s nothing else.” “Hold on to it tight—Presto! change. Now open your hand.” Yankee opened his fist, and there was a gold eagle shining on his palm. ‘‘Wall, you did, I declare; much obliged to you,” and Jonathan turned to go out. “Stay, "said the Signer, “vou may leave my ten dollars.” w “ Your! warn't it mv cent; and didn't you turn it into that yellow thing, eh ? Good bye ?” and as he left the room he was heard to say, “Iguess there ain’t anything green about this child.” I BROWN & CO.. (Late Somes, Brown & C 0..) MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 2 fajhk ruAca, oroadway hank utrua>rsG, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W Fisher & Cos., I? 5 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1862. We hare complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Depart meats at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms reasonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Cer tificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermasters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired : Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Soldiers, and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids Widows, Mothers, and Orphan Children.. Arrears of par for the heirs of deceased, dis charged Officers. Soldiers and Sailor*, and pay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with all other joit Claims. Information freely fur nished. We purchase and sell all Government Securi ties. Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References given to leading Bankers and busi ness firms in New York. febl”> ts SPECIAL NOTICE. k3 Savannah Ga., Feb. 4. ISOS All persons in Savannah having Cotton in their possession, or stored in their houses, or houses occupied by them, will register the same at my office without delay, and all persons are prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil itary lines of the city, without they have written authority from the undersignecl . H. C. RANSOM, Lt Col. & Q. 31. in charge of Cotton, feb 6—ts "OAKERY & CONFECTIONERY E STALL D LISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to till any orders which may be forwarded to us. Soecial attention is paid to the manufacture of Oranmentai Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMAXUS & MURRAY. ATOTICE. L 1 OFFICE 01? STH7.I.T CoMMrSBtOSRR. No. 12G South Broad Street. Savannah, Ga.. February 22<L 1865. In accordant with authority conferred upon me, by General Order No. 10, from Headquarters Th S. Forces. Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. -21st, 1865. this city is hereby divided into three Dis tricts, for the purpose of removing garbage there from, The First District comprises all that portion of the city lying North of President and Harrison streets. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of the city lying between the First District and Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District ou Tuesday and Friday of each 'Sveek. . The Third District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Wednesday and Saturday of each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accumulate must be put into convenient vessels, and previous to 8 o’clock in the morning of eueh day. as above designated for the respective Dis trict? ; such vessels must be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, ami permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will be removed by their owners. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the sidewalks, and they must not be the public view, except as above specified. Keepers of Animals must not permit manure to be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither must the accumulation thereof in, ornearanv stable or yard be permitted to exceed on c cart leaa before being removed. . ALBERT STEARNS. Capt. and Street Commissioner. OTEELE & DURBANk7 ~ O 11 Merchants’ Row, Ililton Head, S. C. . Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING ASD FURNISHING GOODS, Watches. Clocks, Fancy Goods. Jewelry, aid Plated Ware,Swords. Sashes. Belts, Krnbroderies, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., &c., Ac. rCE r ICE ~iCE> I- The subscribers have received from Boston pc-r Schooner E. S. Conaut, a cargo of Ice and Lumber, which will be disposed of at the Ice House formerly occupied by them, on Brvan street opposite the market. Retail boxes will be established at other place*-' as the demand increases. A constant supply will be kept up during the year. • HAYWOOD, GAGE & CO. feM7 lm CSAVILLE & CO., ' • v\ uolesale am* Rktatj. Stationers. Palmetto Herald Store. „ 4 Tll . Hilton Head. 8. C. .-PY -A Liberal Discount to Purchasers ar vV holeauV Cash Orders oy mail or express promptly filled. ("Official.) HkADQ’KS, DEPARTMENT O? T7TE SOTTH. Hilton Head. S. C„ Feb. 10. 1863. G EXTRA 1. OfitESS,) No. 21. f The following order is hereby re-published for the information of all concerned : Wah Department, Adjutant General’s Office, Wathlngton. Fe h . 6,1865. General Orders, ) No. 13. f I» The issue of a ration of fish, viz : fourteen ounces of dried fish, or eighteen ounces of pick led fish, will be made to the troops once a week, In lieu oi the ration of fresh oesf. 11. Authority is hereby given to officers, ac tually in the field, who are without the means of paying for subsistence stores purchased from the Commissary, and have over one month’s pay due, to draw tor themselves and their authorized private servants present in the fieia with them, one regular army ration each per day, on ordi nary ration returns; which returns will be en tered by the Issuing Commissary on separate abstracts of issues to officers. The officer draw ing the rations will deduct from his pay accounts for each month the number of rations drawn in kind during the month, and the amount of such deduction will be transferred to the Subsistence Department from the Pay Department. Commissaries who issue rations in kind to offi cers for their own use. will furnish the proper Paymaster each month with the naznt*s of officers to whom such issues have been made, and the number of rations to be deducted. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. By command of Major Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burger, Asst. Ad’t Gen. mar T—(s [Official.] He.\!x}oaktk2B Department of the South, Ililton Head, S. C., Feb. 7, 1866. General Orders, > No. 1 4. / The Major General Commanding being com pelled by wounds to relinquish, for the present, the command of the Department, takes this op portunity to express to the officers and men of the Coast •Division, under Brigadier John P. Hatch, his approbation of their good conduct during the operations on the line of the Charles ton & Savannah Railroad,' since November last. At the Battle of Honey Hill, on November 3f>th. althongh unsuccessful in the attempts to drive the enemy from his forts, the Division still maintained the fight with unwavering steadiness during the day, and retired from the field after nightful lin good order and unpursmd. Their losses attest their courage and discipline At Deveaux’s Neck, near the Coosawhatchie turnpike, ou December 6th, the advance, in number much inferior to the opposing force, met the rebels in an open field, and drove them from the ground, captured one flag, forced them to seek safety in flight, leaving their dead and wounded in our hands, and thus occupied a po sition from which the Railroad was under the easy fire of our guns. On December 9th the skirmish line forced its way to within a few yards of the Railroad and the forts which guarded it, remained there un der a most gulling fire until an opening had been cut through the woods between our batter ies and*the road, and thus perfected the work so gallantly begun npon the 6fh. The Division has obeyed all orders, promptly and cheerfully, and since its co-operative move ments with General Sherman’s Army, has vigi lantly watched the enemy at its front fi has promptly seized rach fortified position upon the first indication of a proposed withdrawal on the part of the rebels, and has thus inspired the Commanding General with the belief that it will continue to do so faithfully and well the work al lotted to it in the great campaign which is being prosecuted in Soiuth Carolina. To Brigadier Generals Hatch and Rotter, who have commanded this foice, and to all the gal lant officers and naen under them, the Major- General Commanding tenders his thanks for the past, and his earliest wishes for their continued success. J. G. FOSTER. Major General Commanding. 'J L. M. Burges, Ass’t Adj’t Gen. ruar 7—6 [Official.] Headquarters U. S. Forces, Savannah, March Bth, IS»J3. General Order, ) No. 21. j’ All persons are hereby forbidden to take or in any manner connive at the taking of letters, newspapers, or any written communications whatever, outside the lilies. The writers as well as the carriers of .written communications will be held as violating this order, whenever such com munications may be found upon the persons or in the baggage of those permitted to pass. By command ot Brevet 3lajor Gen. GROVER. Et>waui> G. Dina. A. A. A. Gen. marl O' [Official.] Headquarters u. s. forces. District or Savannah. Ga., Savannah, February 22, ISCS. General Order.) • No. 2. / Surgeon W. Y. Provost, Acting Mefiical Dire*'- tor, 2d Div. 19th A. C., is hereby appointed Med ical Director of the District of Savannah. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. PtKK, A. A. A, G. feb23 [Official. ] lIEADqUAUTECU U. S. FOROES, Savannah. March 9th, L*>3. G:cx:xal Order, No. 20. , Surgeon Morgan having been relieved from auty as Health Officer of this Post, Surgeon Provost will assume the duties of the Health Officer in addition to his duties as Medical Di rector. By Command of Brevet Maj. General GROVER. Edward G. Dill A. A. A. G. mar 3—ts (Official) ’ HEAOcr.vaTscs District or Savannah, r ~ Savannah, MarchTth tsl- Genebaj. Order, t u ’ rsffi. No. 3. f 1. Lt. Coi Neafie, 156th N. Y Vok, and „ Commissioner of Savannah, is her.-w ’ ed Supervisor of Trade, the duties he perform in addition to lief Commissioner. of lie ■ 2. Capt John P. Baker, Ist U a Acting Inspector General 2ffiDiyisiotL is hereby relieved from his duties as rpK appoonted Acting Inspector General of a*™!? tnct and Post. By command of Edward Q, aJa. aTg^ -"Official) ~~ '—- TTEIADQUaRTERS U. 8. FORCED PebruwT No. 18. f Riding or driving through the Publk* or other grounds not intended for use wavs is prohibited. a * roatl- By command of ’ _ _ Brevet Major Gen. GROVTP Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G, JJJL (Official.) Head’qssU. S. Forces, Dis’t of Savvnnah. r . Savannah, March 6th, iSte V “ General Otuieu, I No. -i. <i Ist Lieutenant Eben Parsons, Jr., SSth Man. chusetts Volunteers, Judge Advocate «and Wk ion. 18th Army Corps, is hereby relieved onty as such, and announced as AdyncZ and Provost Judge of the District andp«??» Savannah. Ut By command of _ Brevet Major Gen. GROVER Edward G Dire. A. A. A. G. mar6-ti' [Official.] Headquarters u. s. forces. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, tSfif, General Order,) No. 16. ( I. The occupants of buildings will be held r*> * sponsible for the cleanliness of the same, ai- wrii as their cellars and outhouses, and front of, and alleys adjacent to them. All rub bish and garbage which accumulates will, eacfc day, be put in boxes in a convenient place for re moval. 11. Keepers of animals will cause the manor* which accumulates in their stables or varus where their animals are kept to he either remov ed outside the picket lines, or to be distributed upon such gardens within the fines as are actual ly under cultivation, such distribution beina at the consent of the cultivator. 111. The Street Commissioner will establish such regulations with regard to the removal of accumnlatione from the city as he sees fit. He Is also charged with the duty of causing frequent and carefnl insjx-otion to be made of the police of the city, and he will report to the Provost-Judge any failure to comply with the foregoing para graphs of this order, who will take suchactioain the case as the circumstances require. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. tckil LGffieiabi Headquarters U. 8. Forces, District of Savannah, Ga., Savannah Feb. 21,183. Ghneral Order.) No. 1. f I. Lieut. Col. R. P. York. 75th N. Y. Vols, Provost Marshal of Savannah, is hereby appoint ed Provost Marshal of the District of Sarannsli. •the duties of which office he will assume in addi tion to his present duties. 11. Capt. E. Geisy, A. Q. M., will receive and take charge of the civil fund of the District of Sa vannah, and will be responsible for the proper disbursement of the same. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward O. Dike, A. A. A. G. LOfficial.] Headquarters u, s. forces, District of Savannah, Ga. Feb. 18, I** General Order, ) No. 15. JT All officers of the Army not legitimately ® duty, or awaiting orders at this Post, and wn;' have not registered their names at these Head quarters, are hereby required to do so, on or be fore Wednesday next, the 22d inst. Any officer failing to comply with the requirements ot tms order will be arrested and held for trial wr neglect of duty. By command of Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER- Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. Headquarters u. s. forces. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13th, *Bw- General Older, ) No. 14. / r - t All citizens living within the limits of tn e of Savannah and having Fire Arms in session, and not having special written F r y‘ ‘ sion to retain the same, will at once tnrntne in to the Provost Marshal, who will take pel measure for their safe keeping, with a returning them when it shall be proper to cto; By command of Bvt. Major Gen. GROVES Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. CL (Official.) HEADQUARTERS U, 8. FORCES, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13, 1*»- General Order ) No. 13. f Pist All officers of the Army arriving at taw _ will, as soon as practicable after their arnya jxirt at these Headquarters and register . names, the duty they are on, the, length oi they expect to stay, if temporarily here, residences. - • By command of Brvt. Major Gen. GBOW Edward G. Dike, A. A. A, G. * e ”