Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 14, 1865, Image 1

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SAVA NS AH DAILY HERALD. 13 X *} »>4-» ) |bt »abannab f)ailn ijrralt! S' A? PDBXJBiini) cvSET EVENING, SUNDAYS EX GUTTED. " * EY g t %v. MASON «fc CO., T 1 Bay Street. Savannah. Georgia, teems: „ Five Cents. Al) VEE TISI K 8 : A limited number of Advertiseraeets will-be re , w at the rate of Twenty Cents per Lme for insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line tor each wp -iien- insertion : invariably in advance. Ad v rtisements should be handed in before noon of each day. JOB PRINTING it everj- style, neatly and promptly done. liter from the north. , nTE s TO 3IAIICII loth. CES. r.AKI.Y VOX CAPTURED Important War Hews. YH E GOLD MARSm E T • From Mexico, By the arrival of the steamer New York we have New’ York dates to Marlh loth. % [From the New York Herald. March 10.] We have positive confirmation in our despatches of the previous reports of General Sheridan’s successes in the She nandoah valley, thirteen hundred cap tured privates and forty officers of the rebel General Early's army having ar rived at Winchester yesterday. Early’s force made a stand near Waynesboro’ and war, as the capture indicates, ovc.- whelmingly defeated. General Sheridan has occupied Stanton. Oa his march up the valley to that point he met with no material opposition. The report that General Early himself was captured by General Sheridan is not confirmed by our despatches. Rebel prisoners report a heavy Union torce advancing from East Tennessee on Lynchburg, of the capture of which place we have unconfirmed ru mors. Avery significant article appeared in the Richmond Enquirer of last Tuesday, in reply to a correspondent who asks, “What mean these rumors of Senatorial committees approaching the President to submit terms of submission ?” The En quirer responds, 44 That there is a party of whipped seceders in and about Rich mond cannot be denied,” and says that a* plan for surrender to the national author ities at "Washington has been arranged; but it “hopes and believes” —(only “hopes and believes”—that this has failed. It warns the concoctors ot the scheme, a part of whose arrangements is to induce Jeff. Davis and Alexander Stephens to resign, that in case of their success thus far General Lee would suc ceed to supreme control of rebel affairs. It says that the rebel Congress has utter ly tailed to sustain the cause, and ad vises hs members to go home and leave the direction of matters exclusively to Davis and Lee. There are additional indications that the rebels are gradually preparing for the abandonment of their capital. Our despatches trom the Army of the James say it is well understood there that the removal of the government stores lrom the city has been some time in progress. A large number of rebel troops have re cently been sent from Richmond and Petersburg, supposed for Lynchburg. — Tae Richmond journals still harp upon their anticipations that General Grant will stride at the Southside Railroad as SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 14, 1865. soon as the ground dries sufficiently for any movements. The North Carolina rebels have been very much agitated and terrified during the past few weeks over supposed oper ations from Newbern base. Their jour nals have at different times recently an nounced heavy concentration of Union troops at that point and movements thence into the interior, and then in a few days after contradicted all their pre vious stories. Yesterday we gave the statement of a Raleigh paper that torty thousand Union soldiers were being col lected at Newbern. To-day we have the “assurance” of the Goldsboro Journal that no large torce is concentrating there, and that the rebels need entertain no ap prehensions in that direction. The same paner professes to be troubled with tears that General Sherman, instead of push ing straight forward through- the old North State, will make a retrograde movement, details regarding which it professes to have, but classes them as contraband. General Sherman will no doubt in due time illustrate that this sup posed “ retrograde movement” is really a part of his devised campaign, and a flank operation which will be apparent to the rebels only when he is discovered to have eluded all their traps and to be far advanced northward out of the way of every danger. Tue news from Mexico is highly im portant, and our despatches from the capital of that country, brought by the steamship Eagle, which arrived Imre yes terday, from Havana on the 4th inst., are exceedingly interesting. The empire of Maximilian has been recognized by the British government and its minis ter, Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, -has arrived in the city ot Mexico and had his imperial reception. The particulars are furnished of the previously announc ed capture of the city of Oajaca and its republican garrison of five thousand men by the imperial forces under Marshal Ba zine. It appears that General Porfirio Diaz, the republican commander in that city, tvas not killed, as has been stated, but was captured, and had made his submission to the empire. We have also accounts of 'he capture by the im perialists of the republican armies at Ja lisce, Tolncca and Zacatlan and the re publican Generals Rojas and Romero.— The capture and death of Rojas, .who was a famous guerilla chief, have been already announced in the Herald. Aus trian and Ix gian troops for the Emperor Maximilian continued to arrive in Mex ico, and the imperial army -was being thoroughly organized, the empire being divided ; nto seven military districts.— President Juarez stilt exercises govern ment..! function' in the city of Chihua hua, and some triumphs of republican arms in Sinaloa were reported; but our | correspondents express the opinion that ail material apposition to the imperial government has been overcome. The Americans in Mexico celebrated Wash ington's birthday. The clock market was weak and pri ces were considerably lower yesterday. Governments were firm. G@!d was heavy, and, after opening at 106. dosed down town at li)3 3-8. At the evening board it, closed at, 101 5-8. The fall of gold combined with the un favorable weatner, exerted a depressing influence in trade circlos yesterday, and tended to curtail the business. The mar kets were very quiet, and but little was done in either foreign or domestic pro duce. Cotton was lower, while petro leum was dull and nominal. On Change the Hour market was again sc. higher, with a moderate demand. Wheat was dull and heavy, while com was Ic. a 2c. lower, with a, limited demand. Oats ruled dull, and unchanged. The pork market continues quiet, and prices were scarcely so firm. Beef was steady.— Lard was less active and l-4c. lower. — i Freights were dull and rate3 nominal. Whiskey was Ic, lower, the market being quiet. [From the New York Herald, Mareh fL] The opinion seems to pervade the North Carolina newspapers that that State is to be the final battle ground between the national and rebel forces, w hich, they say, are now' concentrating upon its soil. A Raleigh journal says that the closing contest will be fought in the vicinity of that city, and that its results will be the triumph of the national arms, the death of the secession heresy ot State rights, and a strengthened republican central government, whose sway will not permit the people to “run riot and plunge into extremes under the cloak of democracy.” Nearly an entire company of tfie Sixth North Carolina cavalry, numbering river sixty men, including two lieutenants, re cently deserted and came into the Union lines at Newbern, bringing with them all their horses and equipments. The ne groes are coming in there in large num bers now, being prompted by apprehen sions of conscription into the rebel army. The rebels are now conscripting all the young boys in North Caroliua they can lay their hands on. Both the rebel troops and the people in that {State are represented as being heartily sick of the war and ready to return to the Union so soon as they can be released trom rebel pressure and terrorism. The Union soldiers whom the rebels had toniined at Florence, S. C., were re moved to Salisbury, N. C„ on the ap proach of General Sherman’s army. As they were being transported northward, our Newbern despatches state, between two and throe hundred of the prisoners escaped. {Some of these have succeeded the Union lines in North Carolina, being secretly conducted through the rebel territory by the ne groes. They also met in their travels with and were befriended by many whi.c Unionists. Arrangements having been made for the exchange of ten thousand prisoners of war on each side at Wilmington, N. C., their transfer is now under progress at that place. A sensation rumor to the effect that General Sherman had been defeated by Johnston, and was retreating towards Charleston, was circulated In the rebel capital on last Sunday; but the Richmond papers of the succeeding day admitted the falsity of the story, and stated that it was exaggerated out of a report that Kil patrick’s cavalry had been beaten near Cheraw, S. C., by Wade Hampton's men. Even this was not claimed to be based on any good foundation. They also had a rumor that a Mr. Thomas Connelly, member of the British Parlia ment, had arrived at Fayetteville, N. C., on his wav to Richmond, as a commis sioner to the rebels from England LATE REBEL PAPERS. Richmond Bates to March 10. Important Extracts^ [From the Richmond Examiner, March o.] There is nothing important to report on the lines around Richmond and Peters burg Grant is supposed to have sent bis cavalry into the valley, as our scouts have been unable for some days past to find any of it beyond scouting and foraging parties sent from his rear. [From the Richmond Dispatch, March B.] We are still without official news from any quarter. The usual quiet prevails upon the lines in this vicinity, though the return of good weather leads us to expect that the quiet will soon be broken. Roads in this country dry in a few days, and Grant is said to be w aiting only for firm roads to make another attempt to seize the South side Railroad. Washivgtok, March 8, 186:.—The re cent legislation by the Canadian Parli :> I men , in rcleience to Southern refugee's, having been approved by the home gov ernment. and the fact officially com municated to the President, Mr. Seward ! has rescinded his order requiring pass ports to be obtained by all travellers be tween the United States and Canada It ' has also been agreed that for the present the naval force on the lakes shall not be increased. Noth withstanding the refusal of the Senate, at the late session, to recognize Arkansas by the admission of her Sena tes, they confirmed the nomination of United States attorneys and marshals for the Judicial district of that. State. It is expected that the Senate will ad journ on Friday next, having concluded all pressing executive business by thh' time. It is determined that civil officers, whose commissions were given for four years, and whose terms have not yet ex pired. shall holdover till the meeting of Congress next December. [From thf* Richmond Enquirer, March 7.) The Confederate Senate bill for the en listment of negroes in the military ser vice was on yesterday transferred from the secret to the open calendar of that body, and made the special order for to day at twelve o’clock. * Senator Hunter and others are expected to make elabor ate speeches. By joint resolution of the Virginia Legislature, our Senators have been in structed and our Representatives re quested to procure the passage of an act of the above description. ?From the Richmond Dispatch. Mmc’i 7 ) The Majority of the Senate are believ ed to beppuoeed to the policy q] arming the slaves; nut the outside pressure m favor of it is so great as to induce the be lief that the bill will be passedr The War is for the Maintenance of Slavery, and Nothixo Else.— There are not a few persons who take every occasion to deny that the South has waged this war in support of slavery. Their moral sense is shocked by this monstrous assertion, and as friends of the South they use all due diligence to deny the charge. To all such we com mend the subjoined remarks for careful perusal. Among the last words of the Charles ton Mercury, before its flight from the city at the approach ©f the Union forces, were these : “South Carolina entered into this smug gle for no than to maintain the institution of slavery.” ‘•Southern independence %as no other object or meaning.’; “Independence and slavery must stand together or fall together.” The Richmond Enquirer of the 17th. Feb., commenting on the opinions of the Mercury, says : “We do not attempt to dispute the Mercury’s assertion,” and adds, “We hope to preserve slavery ; we believe we can preserve it.” A mo: came to the Duke of Welling ton— “What have you to offer ?” “A bul let proof jacket, your grace.” ‘ Put it on.” The inventor obeyed. The Duke/ rang a bell. An aid de-camp presented himself. Tell the captain of the guard to order one of the men to load with bali and cartridge.” The inventor disappear ed, and was never seen again near the Horse Guards. No money wasted in trying that invention. Razors.—The simplest method of sharpening a razor is to put in water to Which has been added one-twentieth of its weight of muriatic or sulphuric acid, then lightly wipe it off, and after a few hours, set it on a hone. The acid here supplies the place of whet-stone, by cor roding the whole surface uniformly, so that nothing further than a good polish is necessary. f PRICE (Five Cents.