Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 14, 1865, Image 2

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Savannah §aiUj BY S. W. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1865. ENLARGEMENT OF THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. TWO EDITIONS PER DAY. On Thursday morning we shall issue the Savannah Daily' Herald in an en larged form. It will be twice its present size, w T hich we believe is amply large to meet all demands in the present state of the news and business markets. We shall thereafter publish two Edi tions, Morning and Evening, the former issued at daylight, and the Evening Edi tion at a little past noon. When the ar rival of important news renders it desir \able, we shall issue intermediate editions or Extras. With the enlargement, and the addi tion of a morning issue, our editorial and reportorial as well as mechanical forces, are to be largely increased, and we shall endeavor to make each edition up to the times on news, editorial matter and mis cellany. Our Counting room will be open till twelve o’clock, but advertisements and communications for the morning edition should be handed in during the day or early in the evening if possible. The prices of advertising will be tw T o dollars per square of ten lines, for the first insertion, and one dollar for each subsequent one. On long advertise ments, or those inserted for a long time, a reduetion will be made, by special con tract. Advertisements in the morning edition will be inserted in the evening if desired, without additional charge. The terms of subscription and of sales to news agents will remain the same—five cents per copy, $3.50 per hundred, $lO per year by mail or carrier. Papers will be regularly delivered to subscribers in the city. Orders for papers on Thursday morn ing should be handed in to-morrow, if possible. The Condition of the Streets.— The unremitting efforts which have been made during the past month by the Street Commissioner and the Health offi cer have resulted in greatly improving the appearance of the streets and the sanitary condition of the city. Not only have streets been swept, but many yards, stables, >etc., have been thoroughly cleansed—many hundreds of loads of garbage have been taken away, many dead animals have been buried, and the looks of the city, as well as the condition of the town improved in every way. The work has also given employment to many laborers who stood in need of remunerative jobs. May the goood work continue. Provost Court. —This forenoon twen ty-one citizens, charged writh violating General Order No. 16, were fined $5 each by Judge Parsons. For New York.— The steamer “Ara go,” Captain Gadsden, leaves Hilton Head to-day for New York, and will con vey to the North the mails and all the latest intelligence from this department. Personal.— Gen. Geo. P. Harrison, Sen;, arrived in this city last evening.— His old friends were glad to see him. We are indebted to him for New York papers of the 9th and 10th. NEW ENGLAND LETTER. Marching Orders — The Civse of Total Ab stinence—A Question of whether the Com monwealth of Massachusetts il Stood the Drinks—Monumental Art in Boston—A Few Remarks about Politics—Boston Spreading Herself and New England Crowing Wealthy—Conservative Garri 4sonianism —Fourth of March. Boston, March 5, 1865. March came in like a small-sized lion, and proceeded to frisk his tail and growl in the most approved manner. Perhaps., it will not be “contraband ’ if I state that at the present writing, the Union armies have all along March before them. The Legislature of Massachusetts is grappling with several subjects of inter est, among which may be mentioned the annexation of Roxbury to Boston, and the Metropolitan Police Bill. The latter is pressed very urgently by the total abstinence party, which is dominant in the rural districts. Not that the distinguished citizens who serve the State*as Senators and Representatives decline to take a social “tod,” but the prohibitory law is the hobby upon which they ride into office, and it is hard to find a successful politician in the State who is not known as “a temperance man of long standing.” The subject has to be handled very carefully. For instance: The State annually gives a dinner to the “Cadets” who serve as a military escort on the day when the Legislature assembles. Now you must know that the “Cadets” are not very able-bodied soldiers, being the pampered sons of wealth and luxurj% and besides, much funeral escort business has made them sad and dejected. Therefore, af ter the heavy march from the State House to the Old South Church—hard on to a half a mile—is ended, they need some material stimulant to enable them to hold their guns up properly. At the dinner, which is laid at the Parker House, they are in the habit of taking something soothing—about a bottle or a bottle aud a half apiece. It is a real pleasure to the philanthropic mind to see these young men gradually recovering from tatigue, and emerging from their melancholy. But to a member of the Legislature, who was not invited to the dinner, the impression was different; and he introduced an order as soon as possible demanding to know if the State paid for the liquor consumed at that Bacchanalian least. There was a row in the camp. But the Cadets had thrown out their pickets, and were not to be surprised so easily. There w T as consid erable skirmishing, but whether the State “stood the drinks” or not, the fact was not brought out, and the conscien tious member, having secured bis re election, subsided. Boston is the true “Monumental City.” Her streets abound with monuments of her past history, and no other city in this new world has done so much to perpe tuate the memory of her great men as she. Faneuil Hall, itself a monument of the Revolution—the old “cradle of liberty”—is stored with rich historic paintings and statuary. The visitor finds here, Webster, the Adamses, Otis, Han cock and many other worthies of the olden times. At the State House is Chantrey’s celebrated statue of Wash ington—in the area in front—a colossal statue of Webster, leaning upon a bundle of rods which typify that Union of which he was the eloquent advocate ; in front of the City Hall, a bronze statue of Frank lin ; on the chapel at Mount Auburn, statues of Winthrop, Story and Otis, while that of Bowuitch surmounts the tomb in which his mortal remains re pose ; on Bunker Hill, the statue of Gen. Warren, near where he fell. During the coining summer a statue of Horace Mann will be placed in the in front of the capita], where it will balance that of Webster, previously mentioned. A statue of Hamilton is also to be erected at some point not yet decided upon dur ing the summer. An equestrian statue of Washington is nearly completed, and it will probably be placed on the Com mon or Public Garden. A fund has al ready been raised for a statue of Everett, and the work will proceed without de lay. There are various other works of art in the city too numerous to mention— statues of Beethoven and the Apollo Bel videre at the Music Hall, Venus de Me dicis on the Public Garden, the fine col lection of paintings and statuary at the Athenaeum, and many excellent private collections—but I only purposed to speak of those which have a patriotic meaning, and which abound bere more than in any other city in the land. It is not the proper time of year for any political excitement here, but I am informed that some of the radical ad mirers of Gen. Butler are talking him up for the next Gubernatorial candidate. Gov. Andrew will not run again, but Mr. Bullock, of Worcester, who has been Speaker of the House for the past three years, has been booked for the suc cession whenever Andrew steps out. — Bullock is a thorough gentleman and an able man, and in all probability he will be the next Governor if he lives. Gov. Andrew’s friends are working to get him into the Cabinet, but local considerations may defeat them. The Governor him self professes to be altogether indifferent about it. The Maine Legislature has adjourned after a busy session of fifty-three days, during which it ratified the Constitution al Amendment, and provided all neces sary legislation for the prompt support of the Government. The political campaign in New Hamp shire is lively as usual, and rather more complicated. Hon. Fred, Smytli, of Manchester, will be elected' Governor, it is claimed, by six thousand majority.— Hon. E. W. Harrington, of the same city, stands again as the Democratic can didate. Few men can take a political defeat so gracefully as he. The political question is complicated by a spirit of rivalry between the cities ot Concord and Manchester. In fact, every New Hamp shire man takes to politics as naturally as a duck takes to water. In the First Congressional District, which has been represented by a Democrat heretofore, there is still more of a muddle. Some of the Republicans have repudiated the regulaf nominee of the party —Gen. Marston, and set lip an independent can didate—by reason of which division the Democrats will probably carry the dis trict. The growth of the New England Me tropolis has been very large since the war commenced, and the increase of wealth has been more wonderful still. A large area has been reclaimed by fillir g up the “Back Bay,” and numerous ele gant public and private buildings have been erected upon the new land in a style that was scarcely known in Boston before. Among the public buildings re cently built in the city may be noted a new City Hall, at a cost of $400,000 ; a new City Hospital, at the cost of about $200,000 ; and buildings for the Society of Natural History; anew Horticultu ral Hall; and several elegant churches. Foremost, as she claims to be, in the support of the flag, New England is growing richer despite the burdens of war. It is reported that William Lloyd Gar rison, the 'famous Abolition about to discontinue the Liberator’ * weekly newspaper which he has nr/ lished in Boston some thirty years . that he is also fn favor of closing u “Anti-Slavery Society,” of which hew* the founder. He does this under uT conviction that negro slavery is a “a I cook in the pit.” Mr. Garrison has been known as the most radical of tht Abolitionists, and, in fact, he gave his name to that faction; but within the last year there has been a split, and the ex treme radical wing, under the lead 0 f Wendell Phillips, denounce Garrison as a “compromiser” because he was in s aver of Lincoln’s re-election. It is rathe* amusing to hear Garrison treated to the same epithets which he and his follow ers used to heap upon such men as Webster, Clay and Everett. The Fourth of March was generally observed as a holiday in this section,ana it is true that we have not had so much reason to celebrate this day since our ar mies Were first ordered to march forth and recover the Holy Israel. lota. DRAMATIC. Theatre. —The house was crowded last night to its very utmost capacity,the occasion being r the Benefit of the two popular Artistes, Miss Lottie Howland and La Belle Louise. The drama of “Jack Sheppard” was given with excel lent satisfaction to the audience, and the singing, dancing and other entertain ments were all well received. We were most truly glad to observe that the at tendance of ladies was much larger than on any previous occasion, and also that they appeared pleased with the enter tainments offered for their consideration. From this fact we augur well for the fu ture of both this company and the other troupe which is to commence operations to-night. The New Theatrical Troupe.—To night, the Davenport Combination Com pany will make their initial bow to a Savannah audience, and, as they have selected a good bill, and as the theatri cal taste of the public seems to have be come thoroughly awakened, we think they can scarcely fail to do well. The two comedies of “Naval Engagements, ’ and “The Pet of the Petticoats,” will compose the main part of the pro gramme, and we can scarcely doubt that they will be admirably performed. We are encouraged to hope for good things, from the modesty of the managerial an nouncements. Had they come with huge brags and boastings we should have had our suspicions— as it is, we live in hope. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived—steamer Planter, Small, Beaufort; steamer W W Coit, Parker, Charleston; steamer Nellie Baker, Norris, Hilton Head : bark Heiress, Clark, Hilton Head ; steamship New York, Sea bury, Hilton Head. Cleared—U. S. steamer Flambeau, Shaw, Hil ton Head; steamer Neptune, Baker, Head; steamer Nellie Baker, Norris Hilton Head ; steamer W W Coit, Parker, Hilton Head; steamer Planter, Small, St. Simon’s Sound; bari Harvest Moon, Staples, New York. rpABLEAUX VIVANTS. A number of well selected Tableaux, under the superintendence of a few Ladies of Savannan, will be exhibited at the Firemen’s Hall, in Souoi Broad street, commencing on WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, I^- Doors will be opened at 7 1-2 p. m., and pet formance commence precisely at 8 o’clock. Tickets, $1: Children half price—for sale at the Drug and Book stores. 2 mari4 •'RANTED, A Gentleman would like a nice Room inP*-' vate family, with or without board. Adore - “B,” Box 105, Savannah Herald Office. mar 14 3