Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 16, 1865, Image 3

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An offer was made to me some time since to deliver lectures in England, on nay cam paign of’ 1860 with Garibaldi, the Campaign which resulted in the downfall of the King of Naples. I refused; but as Garibaldi has lived in New York, and has remained popu lar in North Ameriea, some lectures on him would, perhaps, prove of interest to a certain class of your people. We will see. Offer my kindest regards to the Messrs. Harper and 1 shall be most happy, after having shaken your hand, to shake hands with them. Thousand and thousand friend ly greetings, which, though froma far, are not the less sincere. ' Axexaxdre Dvmas. To E. Nordhauscn, Esq., New York. P. »S. —I insist on a history, as picturesque ns possible, of the first four years of Mr. Lincoln's Presidency, as such a hook publish ed in English, French, etc., would throw a great light upon facts entirely perverted by 1 hose whose egotistical interests are pushing them into the shade. There exists, for in liianee, in England, a system of calumny against the United States which tends to siiow on the part of the North the desiro of oppressing the whites instead of liberating the blacks. This is so tine, that in Paris 1 have not been able to find a newspaper which would open a subscription for the benefit of vour sick and wounded soldiers. We shall publish this history by subscrip tions at a cheap price, in order to make it popular. If you see the President, present 1, in with my respects and my admiration, :(i id you will prepare me my materials, so t nit i can go to work immediately after my a rival. This history, written by me, would b read through the whole of Europe. a. r>. On the reception of this last letter I com municated with Messrs. Harper, and as M. Dumas seemed to have different ideas from those expressed in a former letter, which considerably altered the mode of publication, no definite agreement was entered into with our worthy publishers. M. Dumas’ last letter was transmitted si multaneously with mine, in which I com municated to him the propositions of several parties for the delivery of lectures, and of course we may expect not only to read Du mas, bnt to hear Dumas speak. [ take the further liberty, Mr. Editor, to ask your kind assistance and the aid of every body interested in the subject, to forward me us soon as possible all tbe public and private documents, facts, information, etc., connect ed with the history of the United States du ring the past four years so as to enable me to get together as much as possible of the nec essary material lor such work, in order that the immense labor to which M. Dumas will be called will be sensibly diminished, and be as sured that he will rettect upon us autl him self credit. 1 would be very thankful also to the press if they would Tepublish this correspondence, and forward me a copy of the number con taming the same, which I shall submit to M. Dumas on his arrival. I remain, dear sir, most respectfully yours, Eug. Vox Normiiacsen, A. M., LL. 8., Attorney and Counsellor, 119 Nassau street, New Yolk, January 16, 1865. I‘. S.—-The lovers of music may also ex pect a good treat after M. Dumas’ arrival, us one of the most popular and best prima donnas is coming under his care to sing in the United Slates. M. Dumas says of M’rae Gondosa: “She knows every opera from Bellini down to Verdi; she sings also some of the French grand operas, “The Hugue nots” “Robert le Diable," &c. She is the most dramatic artist ever heard since Mali bram and as for her voice, her reputation is made in Italy.” I have succeeded in getting offers from several parties for the engage ment of this lady, and first of all from Max Maretzek, our popular imjircssario. e. v. s. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived—steamer Hudson, Vanpelt, Hilton Head. Cleared—steamship Mary A. Boardman, Jordan, Hilton Head ; steamer Chas. Houghton, Sprague, Hiltou Head. IIOTKL. ARRIVALS. PULASKI HOUSE, MARCH 14. J P. Cavanaugh, U. S. N. <’ol. J. P, Richmond, Mass. J. \\ , Gillan, Jacksonville, Fla. Ur. Lehman, U. S. A., New York. M. C. Holloway, Hilton Head. Oeo. W. Handy, Lt. and A. D. C. John W. Forney, Jr., Washington. D. C' Surgeon 11. P. Dalrymple, Beaufort, S. C. Theft, boots stolen.~ if,, As the steamboat Hudson was coming up from i ton Head last night, some thief opened a canvas bag, am stole therefrom a pair of mooseskin boots, new * . worth twenty dollars. As there is not another Wm like them nearer than the State of Maine, I shall be pn-lty likely to catch this sweet gentleman. I hereby 'menu him that I will not pay him the first dhneto re urn them, but that if I do.catch him. I'll bring him ,: .re the Provost Judge and have him in tRk „p v-ueW than Jie could, pick lus gralidmotheiis pocket pi her gcild spectacles. 1 ‘ MORTIMER THOMSON. ■ • . “Doesticks, p. B." QOLDEN ALE? ~ Written when times were dull, and Golden Ale want ed a market—many years ago. pint's Ijff world to a man without children and wife, W m*yu>,„ he may strive, the whole length of hi* l £ f ]' ta dri P k Golden Ale, and his spirits ’twill cheer, 1L r P° cmatwre lf*w! m Qo| den Alp, and soon wedded he’ll HLLJH be; i > H ’ heart will expand when a babe's on his knee; 9 1 "w 11 nevcr imbibe till his spouse have a share, ■ 1 wseings will for ever be there. H a •maiden, mo, bad long thought to herself, •» haUd Wai n °» r - she must get on the ■ wielf; ■ Ait she tried Golden Ale, and its magical train ■/rought beauty and youth to her cheek once again. i £ nd lovcr * in scores to her cottage repair, l \ otuh blcom9 00 her cheeks and raven’s her hair, AJnce again In her teens she’s the Belle of the Vale L Vrni is doatingly fond of the famed Golden Ale. T ° ,d aild the y°»ng to be hearty and hale, Apuld each day imbibe of this bright Golden Ale, V their cellars well store for the cold winter’s night V health to the sick, to the blind it is light. \ HOTT( Er) AND FOR BAI.E Uy \ SKKIIAN. t* 2 xnd G3 Liberty street, New York, Plan t ! ,ld 176 Broughton street, Savannah, Ga. ‘ “ would like a nice Room in a private Addr W’ fc a X gATAifNAH THEATRE! LeWdC and Business Manager } tablet. Director of Amusements h. davknlnjb-'. Stage Manager ~ t. j. uouixjx. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THB NEW DRAMATIC TROUPE. THIS (THURSDAY} EVENING, MARCH 16, 1865, The performance will commence with the beautiful Domestic Drama, entitled, ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GO®; or, THE POOR FACTORY GIRL. Stephen Plum A. H. Davenport. Jasper Plum J. W. earner. Frederic Plum Miss Maude St. Leon. Sir Arthur Lascelles Mr. Simpson. Martha Gibbs Mias Florence Lafond Lady Lentherbridge Mrs. M. Berrill. Lady Valeria „ Miss Hattie Lee. Comic Song Mr. earner. To conclude with the Laughable Farce entitled THE YOUNG WIDOW ; or, THE ADVENTURES OF SPLASH. Splash, (with Dance, Ac.) A. H. Davenport. Maudeville Mr. Simpson. Aurelia, (tho Y’onng Widow}.. Miss Florence Lafond. Lucy, sher Maid Miss Fany Prestige • Doors open at T o’clock; Curtain rises at Tl-2. IST PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. All bills must be presented weekly. marlO 2 fJ'URNER KRAJNZCnEN. Mont fig Abend, den 20ten Mscrz, 1865, in der Turner Ilalie, Ecke St. Julien und Jefferson strasse. Die Deutschen der Stadi sind hoeflichst zu einem geselligen Abend eiugcladeg. Eiutrittspreiss: Drei Dollars. COMMITTEE t C. W. WEBER. A. SACK. JNO. ZIEGLER. JNO. QUINT, A. GAMMERf. CHAS. SCHWARZ. F. J. RUCKEUT. C. J. HEISLER. C. HAAS. marltl T3M Rooms to let at hilton head Ts. c„ in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants'Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. T. RIVERS, on the premisos, or H. T. RIVERS, at the Custom House. ts mar 4 LARGE STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING. A large stoc k of BOOTS AND SHOES. A large stock of FINE GROCERIES, 1000 cases GOLDEN ALE, COO oases CHAMPAGNE CIDER, 250 cases BROWN STOUT, pints 60 half barrels PRIME BEEF, 100 M. SEGA US, A large stock of TOBACCO In every variety, A lot of GARDEN SEEDS. A lot of SROE BRACKING, TURNIPS, ' V*; BEETS, ■*“**• - f CARROTS, * PARSNIPS, ONIONS, ■SUTLERS’ GOODS, r NOTIONS, In great variety. This large stock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Will be sold at ■ wholesale Only at 170 BROUGHTON STREET, next noon to Sherlock's. marl 'CQNYNGHAM & SKEHAN. " y- JJEAHQUaRTERS u. sources, General Order, 1 February 25th, 1306. No. 18. f ether'gnmnds' not 2 lntende| h for * C Btin#ree or prohibited. “ a a for V>*e as roadways is By command of Ewabp Q. Dike, I §* otQm - ORO ™;f- N. BELLO VB & CO., Wholeftle and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND JHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., NO S MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. O. N. IIRI-Ldwh. M. C. TYI.EE. J. W. TAYLOR. marll j ts QOTTON SEED'.!! COTTON SEED, IN LARGE SMALL QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigneu. “SEA ISLAND” PREFF^”" I’* 1 ’* Partiesde-innxrt,, -■'.will state quantity for dis posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S C. OST QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, 1865. In pursuance of orders, received at this oflice, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners aie ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this oflice on n before tbe 10th of March. A failure to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. S. STARK, Capt. and A. Q. M„ in charge of buildings. Hilton head house, OOR. OF BRYAN ST. AND JOHN3ON SQI’AEFS, OY’STERS, ALES, WINES, CIDER, CIGARS TOBACCO, Ac., always on fend. The Proprietors will he happy to meet the pat ronage of their friends and the public. • WAKEFIELD & WILLIAMS, mart) ts Proprietors. QUANO. GEO. E. WHITE & CO., 55 Cliff street, New York, offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at wholesale. They have facilities for tilling orders superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. E. WHITE & CO. are tbe sole agents for the Bale of the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANU RE, made by the B«ce Fertilizer Company at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 per cent, ammonia and over 40 pee cent, of soluble bone phosphate. Thoiwh this analysis would hardly lead us to such conclu sion, yet its practical applications for the two years past has shown its immediate results to be as great as where Peruvian Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding year’s crops. Price, SSO for 2.000 lbs., with discount to the trade. jan27 2mo (Official} Headquarters District of Savannah, Ga . Savannah, March sth, 1865. General Order, > No. 3. f 1. Lt. Col Neafle. 156th N. Y. Vols., Relief Com missioner of Savannah, is hereby appointed Supervi sor of Trade, the duties of which office he will per form in addition to those of Relief Commissioner. 2. Capt. John P. Baker, Ist U. S. Cavalry, Acting Inspector General 2d Division, 19th Corps, is hereby relieved from his duties as such, and appointed Acting Inspector General of the District and Post. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. mar 6—ts (Official.} Headquarters u, s. forces, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13, 18G5. General Order 1 No. 13. / All officers of the Army arriving at this Post will, as soon as practicable after their arrival, report at these Headquarters and register their names, the duty they are on, the length of time they expect to stay, if temporarily here, and their residences. By command of Brvt. Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A, G. l'gb 13 (Official.} Head’qrbU. S. Forces, Dis’tof Savannah, Ga., Savannah, March 6th, 1305. General Order. I No. 4. / Ist Lieutenant Eben Parsons, Jr., 38th Massachusetts Volunteers, Jndge Advocate, 2d Division, 19th Army Corps, is hereby relieved from daty as such, and an nounced as Judge Advocate and Provost Judge of the District and Post of Savannah. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike. A. A. A. G. mar6—tf I BROWN & CO., - J • (Late Somes, Brown & C 0,,) MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 2 PARK PLACE, BROADWAY BANK BCILDINO, NEW YORK. Correspondents iu VVasliiugtou—J. W. Fisher & Cos., 4T3 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, ISO 2. Wc have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea sonable. « We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired: Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers. and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wile or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War Prize Money for the V. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims, Information freely furnished. W« purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on tire best of terms. References crivenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. f e bl6 ts f Official.) HEADQUARTERS U. S. FOROKS, Savannah, March 9th, I*V5. General Order,) No. 21. / All persons are hereby forbidden to take or in any manner connive at the taking of letters, newspapers, or any written communications whatever, outside the line*. The writers as well as the carriers of written communications will be held as violating this order, whenever such communications may be' found upon the persons or in the baggage of those permitted to pass. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dikb, A. A. A. Gen. marlO [Official.] TTEADQUARTERB D. S. j-’ORpE* Li Dw.t'sTwir Off Savannah. Ga* Savannah, February 22,18C5. GW4KBAI. Order, \ No. 2. j Surgeon W. Y. Provost, Acting Medical Director, 24 Diy. 19th A. C., is hereby appointed Medical Director of the District of Savanuah. By command of Brevet Major Gen, GROVER. Ei)warp 0, Bias, A. A. A, G. feb23 [Official.] Headquarters U. S. Forces, Savannah, March 2th, 1865. Genkkai. Order, No. 20. J Surgeon Morgan having been relieved from duty m Health Officer of this Post, Surgeon Provost will Jfl sum# the duties of the Health Officer iu addition duties as Medical Director. * By Command of BS _ _ „ Brevet Maj. General GRG!^HSH Epwabp G, Dike, A. A, A. G. mai^B^fsr QI AftTEKe, ff>K!''T OF THE SotTIL ilton Head, S, C-, February 17, 1.365, General Ojj » * S “; £' ‘ ( I. BeVUjj a General Court Martial, Which convened 2~,i bFla., by virtue of Special Orders No. a tie J k dated Headquarters, District ot Florida, ;'7i , ltc Brigade, D. S., Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. i’V- and of which Col. B. O’. Tilghmau, 3d U. S. *-• s, was President, was arraigned and tried: 111 Silas H. Swcllauil, Commissary Subsistence Vitaru e :—“ Fraud.” » to) IKICATION- First:— “ln this, that he, Captain Silas 11. Swell and, C. S. Vols dill fraudulently deKvi r to George Burt, a civilian trader, to be sold or used l>y him for his own private benefit, five (•’»} barrels of flour, subsistence stores lielong iug to the United States, valued at forty-five dol lars and fifty cents ($46.50-160.) Tins at St Au gustine, Fla., on or about the sth of April, 1864.” Specification Second: —“ln this, that he, Captaiu Silas 11. Swetland, <’. S. Vols., did ky'hhu for his own private benefit, rre ! B Hour, valued a! fifty-five dollars andtirtveents i555.30-10o,) and three (3; gallons «>l 11. \\ hiakey, valued at six dollars (soi, subsis tenee stores belonging to the United States. Ail ofApriri^ *’ la ” on or a,K)ut the 29th .Sumi AMON tliis, that lie, Captain H £ S - Vols -, <ii<l fraudulently < V? r - l e . u, * rt - a . civilian trailer, to b£ fen - m ,y h i 4 for hLS ow “ private benefit, m0.n.l fl 1 0, . lr ’ subsistence stores be longing to the l nited States, valued at one hun dred and live dollars ($105.) All this at St Au gustine, J la., on or about the i'oth of Ju1v,1864 ” Speiuficawon Fourth :-“In this, that he, Captain DU , H ; a s. Vols., did fraudulently deliver to Henry A. Wilson, sutler, to be sold or used by him lor his own private benefit, lour (4) ban els ol flour, subsistence stores belonging to A h uiKi lU 7 d o. St A U ' s ’ va . ,UPd ilt forty dollars ($40.) A this at St. Angustiue, Fla., on or about the 23d ol April, 1864.” Specification Fifth ;-“In this, that he, Captain Sfias If. Swetland, C. S Vols., did, in official re tirrns for the month ot June, 1564, charge to the account of the United States, the amount of eighty,seven dollars and fifty-two cents (SB7 52- ltm,) said to have been paid to one John Miller, lor cattle, knowing that this money had never been paid to said John Miller, and knowing that h)H receipt for it was fictitious. All thi ß “it St Augustine, Fla., on or about the both of June, Specification Sixth : “In this, that lie, Captain Silas 11. Swetland, C. S. Vols., did, in his official returns for the month of June, 1864, fraudulently charge to the account of the United States, the amount ol sixty-seven dollars and sixty cents ($67 66-100,) said to have been paid to William H. Downs for cattle, knowing that this money had not been paid to William H. Dowus. All this at St. Augustine, Flu., on or about the 30th ol June, 1864." Specification Seventh:- “In this, that he, Captain Silas H. Swetland, C. S. Vols., did in bis official returns for the month ot July, 1564, fraudulently charge to the account of the United States, the amount of two hundred und ninety-five dollars and twenty cents ($295 20- too ) said to have b“en paid to Benjamin Harn for cattle, knowing that this sum of money had pot been paid to fieni.,- ruin Harn. Ail this f.t St. Augnstme, Flit., on or about the iilgt of July, IS64.*’ Specieication Eighth: —-“In this, that he, Captain Suas Swetland, C. S. Vols., did in his official returns tor the mouths of June, July, Au-wst and September. 1864. fraudulently charge to the uccoimt ot the United States, various sums, said to have been paid for cattle, amounting to more than thirteen bundled and ninety dollars, ($1390) he, Captain Silas H. Swetland, C. S Vols - knowing that these various sings amountin'- to thirteen hundred and ninety dolfars ($1390,) had (lever been paid, as alleged. All th 4 a at St. Augustine, Fla., at various times, be- October 1 " June> ISU4 ’ and tlle 46111 04 Specification Ninth :—“ln this, that he, Captain Sdas H. Swetland, C. S. Vols., furnished a price list for the sale of U. S. Subsistence Stores, at the post of St. Augustine, Fla., for the month of August, 1864, by which list the following ar ticles, viz., candles, salt, vinegar, corn meal, sugar, beans and dried apples were sold for more than the authorized prices, and he fraudnleutlv retained for hjs own benefit the excess for which these sold, fins at St. Augustine, Fla., on or ffoout the Ist of August, 1804 ” Specification Tenth :~“I„ this,' that he, Captain Silas H. Swetland, C. S. Vols., having refused to pay Benjamin Harn for cattle of his which had beini slaughtered, and having refused permission to Benjamin Harn to soil his' cattle to other par ties, then authorized his clerk, Thomas L. Leib, to purchase of said Benjamin Harn his cattle claim, with mark and brand at a low price, fur lushing one-half the purchase money, with the understanding that he and the clerk should share the profits: ttiat subsequently he, Captain Silas Swetland, C. S. Vols., paid to one William Delk, * l »ft of two hundred and sixty-two dollars ($-02,) or about, as the value of a part of the atoresaid cattle claim, purchased by said Delk, which sum he fraudulently charged to the United States This at St. Augustine, Fla., on or about, the Ist of October, IS6J,” Specification Eleventh :-“In this, that he, Captain Silas H Swetland, C. S. Vols., did render an Ab stract of sales to citizens for the month of No vember, 1863, in which the amount of sales to citizens was fraudulently mis-stated. 'This at St. Augnstme, Fla., on or about the 30th of No vember, 1363.” Specification Twelfth :—“ln this, that he. Captain H. is\veUa\id, 0. S. Yob* did render an Abstract of sales to citizens for the month of December, ISO3, in which the amount of sales to citizens was fraudulently miss-stated. This at St. Augustine, Fla., on or about the 31st of De cember, 1863." Specification Thirteenth “In this,that he,Captain Silas H. Swetland, S. C. Vols, rendered an Ab stract of sales to citizens for the month of Feb niary, 1864, in which the amount of sales to citizens was fraudulently mis-stated. This at St. Augustine, Fla., on or about the 29th of February, 1864." Specification Fourteenth “In this,that he,Captain bilas H. Swetland, C. S. Vols., having paid the stipulated price, ($5) live dollars per head for driving ui thirty-eight head of cattle, subse quently paid one dollar per head for the same cattle, to a man not concerned in driving the cattle, and fraudulently charged the whole amount, ($6) six dollars per head, to the account of the United States. This at St. Augustine, Fla , on or about the Ist of October, 18*1," Specification Fifteenth “In this, that he, Captain Silas H. Swetland, l. 8, Yois„ having a farm un der cultivation, in part by means and facilities afforded at tho expense of the United States, and having obtained a certain quantity of vegetables from this farm, sold tpe same to-the United States, by means of fraudulent signatures of parties who never owned tho HfcjetahW This at ' St. Augustine, Fla., during theSpenths ofjune and July, 1804" «•***•*%. Specification Sixt'krntu—ln this,;that he, “Captain* Silas JI. Swetland, O. S. Vols., has by fraudulent 4 returns defrauded the United Jtates of about ten thousand dollars ($10,000.) This at St. Augus tine, Fla., between tho Ist of November, 1863, and the Ist of November, 1564." To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded “Not Guilty.” The 16th Specification was dropped diming the trial. finding; The Court, having maturely considered, the evidence , adduced, find Dhe accused, Caqtain Silas H. Swetiand A C. S. Vols., as follows: 4 Os the Srst specitication, “Guilty." 9| Os the second specification, “Guilty," except idH words “(a) three gallons of B. whiskey, valued at 4H dollars." ■ Os the tliird specification, “Gniltv." S Os the fourth specification, •‘Gulity." ■ Os the fifth specification, “Guilty." which had been slaughtered." * V Os the eleventh fmeeifioatW, “Gniltv." 1 Os the twepth specification, “Guilty." 1 Os the thirteenth specification, “Guilty.” A W the fourteenth peeifleation, “Guilty Os the fifteenth specification. Os liie charge, "Guilry.” ‘ ji d lb i o I ' Jm Jm Jm jm JSb teuce be g, * . M “having tvfoaed to pay Benjamin Ham for cattle of his rhargi.of thePrpvwt Marshal of the District of Fior-' Ida, until authority is received from the Secretary cf War to send him to the Penitentiary at Mbanw&w York, which ls designated as the place of his'impris onment. • 1 By command of „ Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Berger, Assistant Adj’t (ieneral. , Notice. Office of Strfft CoNjiissiONFr, No. 12C South Broad Street, - , Savannah, Ga., February 22d, tsos In accordance with authority conferred upon me. bv General Order No. 16, from Headquarters U. S Forces Savannah, Ga., dated Fell. 21st, 135.’,. this city is here by divided into three Districts, for the purpose of rr movqjg garbage therefrom. Tbe First District comprises all that portion or the city lying North of President and Harrison streets Carts will remove the garbage from this District oii Monday and Thursflw «■* each week. (’arts will remove the Tuesday and Friday of each week District on The Third Disirict Coaipritfco ail thiif nnrttnn city lying .South of Harris street Carts wm th * the garbage from this District on Wednesday urday ol each week. eunesday and Sat- Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may ucm niulate must be put into convenient vessels, and n« vions to S o’clock in the morning of eaeh as alxtve designated tor the respective Districts; such V w£to niust be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets o? alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied alter Which the > w*« 1» remold bj Ail other persons are forbidden to destroyer in anv way intertere with the vessels so placed upon the “id"- walks, and they must not be exposed to the Dublfo view, except as above specified. , c Keepers of Animals must not permit manure to be thrown nto the Streets or Aliejs, neither niust the accumulation tliereol in, or near any stable or yard be Kd eXCC - d ° ,lecw t before befog re! ALBERT STEARNS, C apt. and Street Commissioner. B. BANNER, ITS lIUOADWAY, NEW YORK. nr i W £Si HES ANJJ JEWELRY Os every description. WATCHES Particularly adapted to ARMY PURPOSES, In Extra made Cases, GOLD AND SILVER, AMERICAN, SWISS, and ENGLISH I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES. Go*ld Watches from SBO to $800 ; Silver, from 20 to S9O For particu lars send for my prices lists. Established 2o years, and confidently refer to any respectable Mercantile House in the city; also the tb'» i. B p er T. B. BYNNER, _ 17a biuuuwuy. IN. if. J;. Ta °, f , the absur J and deceptive advertise ments in the Weeklys. mar 4_eod2m US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION^ • Rooms 147 Bay street. A J.-.rge lot ’of Reading Matter, Writing Taper, En velopes, Ac., just received and ready for distribution. ir iicilities for writing Lt*U(*rt» for 41 wishing to &vail themselves of them. 8 DWIGIIT SPENCER, Agent. jS^OTICE. Savannau, Ga., March, 8. 1805. After this date the Provost Court will be held In the L. S. Court House, up stairs, comer or Bull and Buy streets. EBEN PARSONS, Jit., mar 9—ts * Lieut, and Provost Judge. DISINFECTANT. Smull quantities of the Per Manganate of Potash will be iurnisbed, at the request of auy Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO CTEELE & BURBANK, r. ii iv . Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND y _ FURNISHINu GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, acd Plated VV a re, Swords, Sashes, Beits, Embroderies, Boots, Capa Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. jpLANTATION TOR LEASE. The OTTER nOLE PLANTATION, 900 acres, on Hilton Head Island, S. C., for lease on reasonable tdrms. Apply to * J. G. THOMPSON, mar 3—2 w Beaufort, S. C. RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Corea warranted. Terms cash. feblfi ts Provoit Marshal’s Offic*, / .... . . Savannah, Ga., Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are requested to call at this office anil register themselves as ench. Heads of families will report the persons composing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. CSAVILLK & CO., • Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, S. C. s3T* A Liberal Discount to Purchasers at Whole sale. Cash Orders Dy mail or express promptly filled. ICE 1 ICE 1 ICE 1 • The subscribers have received from Boston per Schooiier E. S, Conaut, a cargo of Ice and Lumber, which will 4be disposed of at the Ice House for merly street opposlt.; market, ■ feb^fl