Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 18, 1865, Image 3
The Forx Pclaikx uro Port Rotal Teli •fAFH —On the 31st inet., the steamer Plat ter anchored in St. Augustine creek, abreast cfthe telegraph poles. Upon heaving her anchor the Sub ui'irk ? Telegraph Cable laid in the creek became hit?bedto the anchor. The steamer, at considerable speed, was run into the South Channel, aud the cable parted from the blocks on the telegraph poles planted on e east and west banka of the creek. A colored deck hand with an axe, cut the cable and it sunk in tho chancel. All efforts to recover the cable have failed. The defeerwiil at once be remedied. Capt. Gilmore, A. Q. M., Supt. of Military Tele graphs, and M. P. C. Havens, Chief Opera tor, are now engaged with u party in renew ing the connection. Bteauxg ms Fcfd.—T. H. Campbell, on employee la the Post corral, was arrested yesterday by the Police, charged with steal ing oats, tho property of the government The offender h as been locked up. HOTEL ABRIVALs!* PULASKI HOUSE, MARCH IT. I). C. Small, New YorkT 11. P. Durant, New York. Win. H. Bennett, 32d U. S. C. T. Geo. W. Handy, Lieut, and A. D. C. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. " Arrlved—steamer Plato, Osterhouse, Hilton Head. F. A. 81. MASONIC HALL, 8. K corner of Bull and Broughton Streets, Lodge Boom on Third. Story, Kntranee on Broughton St. SOLOMON'S LODGE, No. 1, meets on the Ist and SC Thursdays In each month. R. T. Turner, W M • John Nicholson, 8. W.; John Foley, J. W.; H. C. Freeman. Treasurer: James M. Jones. Secretary; J. Holbrook Estiil, 8. D.: H. L. Schreiner, J. D. jJ. Cavanaugh. Tyler. 3KRLBABEL LODGE, No. 15, meets ou tho 3d and 4'.h Thursdays in each mouth. Wm. Greene, W M.; David Thomson, S. W.; Thomas Balentine, J. \V.; Allred Haywood, Tieas.: M. Loewenthal, tiect.; Milton Humphreys, S. D.; Wm. W. Metzger, J D: Si Bolev, Tyler. CLINTON LODQE, No. 64, meets on the Ist and 8d Mondays in each month. Simon E. Byek, W. M.- Jno Rathcriord, 8. W.i W. Gibbous, J. W.I Wm. M. Da vidson. "Tfas.; D. 11. Galloway, beet.; P D. Hiliheim, S. D.i W. A. Stern, J. D.t J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ANCIENT LANDMARK LODGE, No. 231. meets on 2d and 4th Tuesdays in each month. E. C. Hough, W. M,; W. F. Holland, 8. W.; H. L. Bntler, J. W.i A. Wilbur, Treas.; Janies M. Prentiss, Sect.; W. Under, S. D.; E I- Huckctt, J. D.-f; barnl. Jones and 8. P. Bell. Stewards: J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. GEORGIA CHAPTER, No 3, meets on the 2d and 4!h Wednesdays in each month. R. T. Turner, H P,; W. Greene, K.; A. S. Clark, S.; D. H. Galloway, C.H.; J. HolbrooklEstill, ?. S.; Thomas B llentiue, R. A. C.: A. B. Luce, Trews.; Jas. M. Jones, Sect.; Jno. Foley, M. Ist V., W. F. Holland. M. id V.; M. Retch, M. IstV.i Rov. S. Landrum, Chap.; J. Cavanuugh, Sentinel. GEORGIA COUNCIL, No. 1. meets Ist Wednesday In each month. James M. Prentiss, T. I. G M;T. B Marshall, H. TANARUS.; A. S. Clark, H. A.; F. W. Cornwall, Treas.; D. 11. Galloway, Recorder; R. T. Turner, C. tin T. W. Shea, Steward; J. Cuvamingh, Sentinel, I. 0. 0. F. OGLETHORPE LODGE, No. 1. meets eyory Tues day evening. (Lodge Room on Bav street, over Geo. N. Nichols’ Printing Office.; A. F. Torlay, N. G.; F. Krsnsou, V. G.; James Clemenee, Treas"; C. Gross, beet LIVE OAK LODGE, No 8, meets every Friday evening. (Lodge Room 8. W. cor. BnJl and Brough ton sta., 4th story, cuirnnce on Lroughton street.i J. Holbrook Estiil, N. G.; R. M. Barthelmess, V. G.; D. Thompson, Treas.; I). 11. Galloway, bed. MAGNOLIA EM CAM PAI ENT, No. 1, meets Ist and fid Wednesday in each month in Live Oak Lodge Room John T. Thomas. C. P.; John Harrison, H. P.: John Dexter. 8. W.; R. Groves, J. W.; 0. Gross, Scribe ; James L. Haupt. Treasurer. TO Gentlemen desiring comfortable Rooms can be ac commodated, by Replying at the North-west corner of South Broad and Montgomery strette. The house is hew and in perfect repair, the rooms are large, and It la ant more than fl\o minutes walk from the business portion of the city, making it a very desirable resi dence. * MRS. MARY FURMAN. marts lw RUCTION SALE. " I. D. LaROCHE, Auctioneer. Will be sold at public auction, at the store corner of Bay mid Barnard sti eets, on MONDAY, MARCH 20th, at 10 o’clock a. m., a large aud general assortment of Groceries. Sale positive. 3 mar; 8 !J\ABLEAUX VIVANTS. A Second Exhibition of the Tableacx Vlvants will be given at the Firemen's Hall, corner of South Broad and Abcrcorn streets, on MONDAY, the 20th insit, with a change of programme. Doors will be opened at 7 p. m., and performance, commence at 71-2 o’clock precisely. Price of admission, $1; children, half price. Tickets can be had at the Republican and Hbhald offices, Pulaski House, and at the door. S marls tpURNEIi kR^ENZaiiNL Montag Abend, den 20ten Mari, ISBS, tn der Turner Haile, Kcke St. Juilen nnd Jefferson strasea. JJie Deutsrlicn der Str.dt stud bmfiichst su eticm geseliigen Abend eiugeladeu. Eiutrittspreiss: Drel Dollars. committee : C, W. WEBER. A. SACK. JNO. ZIEGLER. ONO. QUINT, A. GAMMEHT. OHAS. SCHWARZ. P. J. RUCKERT. C! J. HKiST.wn C. HAAS. nrl ft T3M TUT IT. BOOTS STOLEN. As the steamboat Hudson was coming up from Hl-'ion Head last night, some thief opened a canvos bag, and stole therefrom a pair of mooseskln boots, new, and worth twenty dollars. As there is not another Pali - like them nearer than the State of Maine, I shall be Piotty likoly to catch this ewoet. gentleman. I hereby Inform him that I will not pay him the first dime to re. tmi them, but that If I do natch him, I’ll ining hha •Hfrreiha Provost Judge ami have him in the lock up quicker than he could pick his grandmother's Docket •f her goid epeUacieß. ‘ MORTIMER THOMSON. “Doestioks, P. B.” Headquarters,- Department or toe South, Hilton Head, 8. C., February 34, 1366. wraraeL OsDEaa,) No. 27. / I Lient.-Col. Stewart L, Woodford, 127th New York Vols., is hereby relieved from the duties of Provost Marsha! General of the Department, and is announced »9 Chief of Staff to the Major-General Commanding, and temporally assigned to the command of the Post of the City of Charleston, 8. C., which Post will coa «i*l of the City proper, and Castle Pinckney. 11. In compliance with Paragraph VII, Special Held Orders No. 13, from Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, the 127th Regiment N. Y. Vols., Is hereby designated as the permanent garrison of the post of Charleston, and Colonel Wm. Gurney, of that Regiment, as the permanent Post Commander. Upon uis return to tho Department, from which he Is now aoseut ou account of wounds, he will relieve Liouti-Coi. Woodford of the command of that Po6t. ILL Major Benjamin VV. Thompson 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., U hereby annonneed as Provost Marshal General of the Department, aud will immediately relieve Lieuti-Col. v\ oodford, receipting to him for ail money aud proper ty It ruining to the office. Tv. Lieut. Frank Ocisc, 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., Assistant srovoßt Marshal General of the Department, In addi tion to his duties as such, will act as Collector of tho Department Military Tax, prescribed by General Orders No. 5, current series, from these Headquarters, until th« arrival of Lieut.-CoL James H. Strong, Ist N. C. Union Vols., heretofore annouuced as Military Tax Collector. Lieut. Gelea will immediately relieve Lieut.-001. ftfforil aB Acting Military Tax CoUector, receipting to him for all money aud property pertaining to the waoe. By command of _ ' , Major-General O. A GILLMORE. W. L 3L Bmu, Assistant Adj't General. THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager. ........ grant taaoart. Director of Amusements a. B . davem-ort. Stage Manager ~ hhindon. GREAT SATURDAY NIGHT’B BILL, BLACK EYED SUSAN; or, ALL IN THE DOWNS! AND THE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 18. 18C1 Will bo presented the beautiful Drama, entitled, BLACK EYED SUSAN; or, ALL IN THE DOWNS Pall*’ 1 ? k'.V" Mr. A. n. Davenport Capt CroMtree M r. Ro^e „. Gnat Brain". M^ilSn Kiaw^ 0r ’ (wlUl SaJ ' or ’ s Hornpipe'/..Miss Maude! Lieut. Pike ... u P y, inM S ye fl Busan -’-Miss Fl °«nVe Lafond. Dolly Mayflower Miss FanDy Prestige. Grand Country Dance by the Characters. After which Irisb b ? Mlse Hattie Loe. To be followed by A Comic Bong, by Mr. 3. W. Garner. To oonciude with the roaring Force of the SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM: or, A GHOST IN SPITE OF HIMSELF. ?te r3 L, * Mr. Herndon. Aldwlukle Simpson. Vanntlngfon Mr. Rogors. Nicodemus Mr . Quinan. Mr. earner. Georgian a Miss Prestige. H*vkia &LLm Mauds St Loon. Due notice will be given of the first performance of SOLON SHINGLE; or, THE PEOPLE’S LAWYER. Doors open at T o’clock; Curtain rises at 71A ear prices of admission as usual, ja All bills must be piesented weekly, marlS ; Q.OLDKN ALE. Written when time* were dull, and Golden Ala wast ed a market—many years ago. * What’s the world to a man without children and wife, He may toll, he may strive, the whole length of his life, Let him drink Golden Ale, and his spirits ’twill cheer, Till the glow on his choek draws some kind creature near. Let him drink Golden Ale, and soon wedded he’ll be; How his heart will oxpand when a babe’s on his knee; Let him never imbibe till his spouse have a share, And blessings and peace will for over be there. The old maiden, too, had long thought to herself When no kind hand was near, she must got on the shelf; But she tried Golden Ale, and its magical train Brought beauty aud youth to her cheek once again. And lovers in scores to her cottage repair, Youth blooms on her cheeks and raven’s her hair, Ouce again in her teens she’s the Belle of the Vale, And is doatingly fond of the famed Golden Ala. The old and the young to be hearty and halo, Should each day imblbo of this bright Golden Ala, And their collars well store for the cold winter’s night As tie health to the sick, to the blind it is light eorn-ED aim ron sals dt PIERCE SKEHAN, 62 and 63 Liberty street, New York, And 170 Broughton street, Savannah, Ga. marl 4 J-AEOB STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING. A large stock at BOOTS AND SHOES. A large stock of FINE GROCERIES, RMO eases GOLDEN ALE, 800 oases CHAMPAGNE CIDER, ' MO cases BROWN STOUT, pints 60 half barrels PRIME BEER, 100 M. BEGAE3, A large stock of fOBAIGO I» ovesy vatitetr- Aloe of garden seed*. A lot of ' SHOE BLAOKHfQ, TURNIP*, BERTS, CARROTS, PARSNIP*, ONIONS, SUTLER# goods; HOMOS*, In grant variety. This large stock or GENERAL MERCHANDIZE WEI be sold st WHOLBB. ALB Only at IT* BROUGHTON STREET, nket door to tasatooK'a. CONYNGHAM & SKEHAN. mar 1 ts NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS SUTLERS* GOODS Os ell Descriptions. est Q N. BELLOWS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DP.Y GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., RO. 8 MEE chant:? row, HILTON HEAD, S. e. o. ». bellows. M. c. zxltz. j. w, tailor ruarll if OOTTON SEED!!! COTTON SEED, i> m LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by tho undersigned, “SEA ISLAND" PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for dis posal. and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, 8 C. J B. BYNNER, 17C nnoAtnvAV, mr to:jk. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Os every description. • WATCHES Particularly adapted to ARMY PUEPOSE3, In Extra made Cases. GOLD AND SILVER. AMERICAN, SWISS, and ENGLISH. I deal in nothing bntTIME PIECES. Gold Watches from SBO to $300; Silver, from 20 to S3O For pai ticu lars send for my prices lists. Established 2o years, and confidently refer to any respectable Merrantilo House in the city; also the Editors of thm paper. T. B. BYNNEIJ. 175 Broadway, N. Y. P. B.—Beware of the absurd and deceptive adveitiso ments in the Weeklya. mar 4 codYm Rooms to let at hilton head, s. c., in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants’Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for bust nese purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. T. RIVERS, ou the premisos, or H T. RIvEKSr at the Custom House "■ ts mar 4 POST QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., March. Ist, 1305. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all Citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings nave been previously assigned—rent freo—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office op « before the 10th of March. A failuro to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. 3. isTARR, Capt. and A. Q. M., in charge of busings. ILTON HEAD HOUSE, OOSL or BETA* ST. AND .JOHNSON SQUARES. OYSTERS, ALES, WIN EH, CIDER, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c„ always ou band. Tho Proprietors will be happy to meet the pat ronage of their friends and the public. WAKEFIELD & WILLIAMS, mar 9 ts Proprietors. OJ.UANO. GEO. E. WHITE & CO., C 5 Cliff sTarrr, New York, offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at wholesale. They have facilities for idling orders superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. E. WHITE & CO. are the sole agents for the sale of the BKUCE CONCENTRATED MANU RE, made by the Bruce Fertilizer Company at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 per cent, ammonia and over 40 per cent of soluble bone phosphate. Though this analysis would hardly lead us to such conclu sion, yet its practical applications for the two years past has shown its immediate results to be as great ns where Peruvian Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding year’s crops. Price, SSO for 2,000 lbs., with discount to the trade. jan27 l 2mo BROWN <6 CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Cos„; MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 8 PASS FLAOT, BROADWAY BASK BCtLWNO, NEW YORK. Oorrespoodents in Washington—J. W. Fisher & Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1862. Wo have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly In all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea sonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters' Returns for Officers, and settling tbolr accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advance* if dosired: Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers. and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wile or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. Prize Money for tho U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims. Information 'freely furnished. Wo purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters' Certiflcatee aud Checks., ou the best of terms. References gtvenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. febls ts ICE 1 ICE 1 ICE 1 The subscribers have received from Boston per Bchoonor E. S, Conant, a cargo of Ice ar.d Lumber, which will be disposed of at the Ice House for merly occupied by them, on Bryan street opposite the market. Retail boxes will be established at other plaoes as the demand increases. A eonstaut eupylv will be kept np during the year. HAYWOOD, GAGE & CO. febST im ' Savaswah. Ga., March, A 1805. After this date the Provost Court will bo held (n the U. 3. Court Bouse, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay streets EBEN PARSONS, Jo., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. PaorotT March* t’B Office. Savannah, Ga.. Fee. 9, 1865. AH citizens, now residents of this city, are requested to call at this office and register themselves as such. Heads of families will report the persons composing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gon. C. Grover. ROBT. F. YORK, feblO LL Col. and Provost Marshal. ISINFECTANT. Small quantities of the Per Manganate o f Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO TEELE & BURBANK, II Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail puichaser* to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Warc,Bwords, Sashes, Belts, Bmbroderies, Bools, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves Ac., Ac., Ac. KW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,; all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms eash. lebl* ts Us AT>Qtraxtxbs, Drr’r or tji* Sotfra, Hilton Head, S. C., Febrnasy 17,136JU Genital Osnrius,) No. 23. / L Before a General Cnurt Martin!, which convened as Jacksonville, Fla., by virtue of Special Orders No. »JO, Par. IL dated Headquarters. District of Florida, 4th Separate Brigade, D. 3.. Jacksonville, Fla.. Dec. 6th. 13e4, and of which Col. B. C. Tiighmau, ?d U. 3. C. Troops, was President was arraigned an? tried: Captain Silas H. B'.veti&ud, Commissary Subsistence Vols. Cuaroe “ Fraud. •• SpscincATtoK First:—"ln this, that he, Captain Silas 11. B'Cfciland, C. 8. Vols., did fraudulently deliver to George Burt, a civilian trader, to be sold or used by him for his own private lieneii;. five C' i barrels of flour, subsistence stores belong ing ttribe United States, valued at forty-five dol lars and fifty cents ($45.50-100.; Tills"at St Au gustine, Fla., on or about the ith of April. 13C4.” Specification Second“lu this, that he, Captaiu S.i-13 U. Swetland, C. 8. Vols., did frauduleutly ct liver to George Bart, a civilian trader, to be sold or used by him for, liis own private benefit, six (;>,' barrels of liour, valued at fifty-five dollars and fifty tents ($5.’,.50-100,; and three (3; gallons o, ri. \\ hiskey, valued at six dollars subsis tence stores belonging to the United States. All this at Bt. Augustine, Fla., on or about the 26 th of April, 130 i." SpEoiFioATioa Tinet;:—“ln this, that he. Captain Bias U. Swetland, C. 8. Vols.. did frandu.vutly deliver to George Bur., a civilian trader, to be sold or used by him for his own private benefit, ton (i0; barrels cf flour, subsistence gto r es be longing to the United States, valued at one hun dred aud five dollars (line.; All this at Bt. Au gustine, Fla., on or about the 2oth of July, 1834." SpaomoATioN Foieth “In this, that he, Captain Silas 11. Siveiiand, C. 8. Vols., did fraudulently deliver to Henry A. Wilson, sutler, to be sold or used by him for his own private benefit, four (4; barrels of flour, subsistence stores belonging to the United States, valued at forty dollars ($40.; Ail this at St. Augustine, Fla., on -or about the 23d of April, 10t>4." SrxoirioATiON En in"la this, that he, Captain 3ilaßM. Swetland, C. S. Vols., did, in official re turns for the month of June, lbd4, charge to the account of the United States, the amonut of eighty-seven dollars end fifty-two cents (SB7 52- 100.; said to havo been paid to one John Miller, for cattla, knowing that, this money had never been paid to said John Miller, and knowing that hi3 receipt for it was fictitious. All this at Hi. Augastine, Fla., on or about the 30th of June, isos." Sraon icaiion Sixth:— ‘tin this, that he, Captain Silas 11. Swetland, C. 8. Vols., did, in his official returns for the month of June, 1304, fruudnieutly charge to the accouut, of the United Siatß3, the amount of sixty-seven dollars and sixty cents ($67 fiO-lOO,; said to have been paid to Wi.iiam H. Downs for cattle, knowing that this money had iicl been paid to William 11. Downs. All this at St. Augustine, Fla., ou or about iho 30th of June, 18c4.” SrsoirioATioN Seventh “In this, that he, Captain Siias H. Swetland, C. S. Vols., did in his official returns for the month of July, ISO 4, fraudulently charge to the account of the United States, the amount of two hundred and ninety-live dollars and twenty cents ($205 iO-liKi,; said to have been paid to Benjamin Haro for cattle, knowing tnat ini* sum of money had not been paid to Benja min Uarn. Ali tuis at St. Augustine, Fla., on or about the 31st of July, ISW." Spxciucation Eiouia:—"ln this, tha* he, Captain Silas Swetland, C. S. Vols., did in Ms official returns for the months of June, July, August anti September, 1304, fraudulently charge to the account of the United States, various sums, said to have been paid for cattle, umouutlng to more than thirteen nunthed and ninety dollars, ($1360; • he, Captain Silas H. Swetland, C. 8. Vols., knowing that these various sums amounting to more man tlfiryjen hundred and ninety dollars ($1360.) had never been paid, as alleged. All this at St. Augustine, Ha., at various times, be tween the Ist of June, ISS4, and the 16th of October, iStj-i.” Specification Ninth:— “ln tki3, that he, Captain Silas H. Swetlaud, C. S. Vols., furnished a price list for the sale of U. S. Subsistence Stores, at the pest of St. Auguatiue, Fla., for the month of August, 1344, by which list the following ar ticles, viz., candles, salt, vinegar, com meal, sugar, beaus aud dried apples were sold for more than the authorized prices, aud he fraudulently retained for his own benefit the excess for which these sold. This at St. Augustine, Fla., on or about the Ist of August, ism.” Spmifioation Tenth:— “ln this, that he, Captain Silas H. Swetlaud, C. S. Vols., having refused to pay Benjamin Ham for cattle of Ms which had been slaughtered, and having refusen pci-mission to Benjamin Ham to sell life cattle to other par ties, then authorized his clerk, Thomas L. Leib, ’ to purchase of s lid Beniamin Harn his cattie claim, with mark and brand at a low price, fur nishing ono-half the purchase money, with the undeisuinding that he and the clerk snouid share the profits: tnat subsequently he, Captain biias Swetland, C. S. Vols., pmd to one William Delk, the sum of two hundred and sixty-two dollars (sffir,j or about, as the value of a part of the aforesaid cattle claim, purchased by said Delk, which sum he fraudulently charged to the United fetates. This at 3t. Augustine, Ha., on or about the Ist of October, lSoa.” Specification Eleventh:— “ln this, that be, Captain Bilas H. Swetland, C. 8. Vols., did render an Ab stract of sales to citizens for the month of No vember, ItKW, in which the amount of sales to citizens was fraudulently mis-stated. This at Bt. Augustine, Fia., on or about the 30th of No vember, 1343.” Srsorncation Twelfth:— “ln this, that he, Captain Bfias H. Swetland, C. S. Vols., did render an Abstract of sales to citizens for the month of December, 1843, In whicn the amount of sales to Citizens was fraudulently miss-stated. This at Bt. Augustine, Fia., ou or about tie 31st of De cember, 1363.” BpßoirtcATios Thirteenth:— "ln this, that he, Captain Baas H. Bv/etiand, 8. C. Vols, rendered an Ab stract of sales to citizens for the month of Feb ruary, 1564, in which the amount of sales to citizens was fraudulently mis-stated. This at Bt. Augustine, Fia., on or about the 29th of February, 1344.” SrcoinoATioi; Fourteenth:—“ln this,thathe,Captain Silas H. Swetland, C. 8. Vols., having paid the stipulated price, ($6; five dollars per head for driving in thirty-eignt head of cattle, subse quently paid one dollar per head for the same cattle, Ui a man not concerned in driving the cattle, aud fraudulently charged the whole amount, ($6; six dollars per head, to the account of the United Btatea. This at St. Augustine, Fla,, on or about the Ist of October, 1844.’’ BraoniiCAi ioK Fitteekiji:—“luthis, that he, Captain Silas XL Swetiand, G. 8. Vols., leaving a farm un der cultivation, hi part by means and faculties afforded at the expense of the United States, and having obtained a certain quantity of vegetables from this farm, sold the same to the United States, by moans of fraudulent signatures of parties wno never owned the vegetables. This at bL Augustine, Fia., during the months of June and Jury, SmrciriaATiON Sixteenth—ln this,:that he, “Captain Silas H. Swetiand, C. 3. Vols., has by fraudulent returns defrauded the United Jtates of about ten thousand dollars ($10,000.) This at St. Angus lino, Fla., between the Ist of November, idtiJ, and the Ist cf November, low." To which charge aud specifications the accused pleaded "Not Guilty." The 10th Specification was dropped during the trial. Ttndieo : The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Caqtaiu Silas H. Swetiand, C. & Vols., as follows i Os the first specification, “Guilty." Os the second specification, "Guilty," except the words “(3; throe gahons of B. whiskey, valued attix dollars." Os the third specification, “Guilty." Os the fourth specification, "Guilty." Os the fifth specification, "Guilty.” Os lbs sixth specification, "Guilty." Os the seven tn specification, ‘Guilty." Os the eighth specification, "Guilty," except the word3 “August and September, "and except the amount 1 ($330; nine hundred aud fitly dollars of the (sliM) j thirteen hundred and ninety dollars specified. Os the ninth specification, "Guilty.” Os the tenth specification, “Guilty, "except the words “having refused to pay Benjamin Harfl for cattle of hit, which had been slaughtered." Os the eleventh specification, “Guilty." Os the twelfth specification, “Guilty," Os the thirteentn specification, "Guilty." Os the fourteenth specification, “Guilty." Of‘the fifteenth specification, "Guilty." Os the charge, “Guilty." Sentence: And the Court do herefore sentence him'Captain Silas H. Swetlaud, Commissary Subsistence Vols., to be cashiered with less cf all pay and allowances now due or to became due; to be fined ($6000.) five thousand dollars; to be imprisoned for one year in tu.h prison or peniten' tiary as the proper authorities i.iay turret; ana the sen tence be published as prodded in the B fith Article cf War. H. Tne proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case having been approved by the officer ap pointing the Court and submitted to the Major-General I Commanding the Department, the same -are hereby ! approved and confirmed. Captain Swetiand ceases to 1 be an officer of the United States from the date of the . publication of tkl* order. He win be confined under charge of the Provost MarahaF of the District of Flor- Ida, until authority is received from the Secretary of War to send him-to the Penitentiary at, New York, which is designated as the place of ids lmpna onment liy command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. BrsuEß, Assistant Adj’t Genera!. Notice. Office of Street Commiw -'ske, No. 12C South Bjoad Street, Savannah, Ga., February 22d, 1805. In accordance with authority conferred upon me. by General Order No. 10. from Headquarters U. 8. Forcea, Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st, [36.5. this city is hero by divided into three Districts, for the purpose of re moving garbage therefrom. The First District comprises all that portion of the city lying North of President and Harrison streets. Curts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and Thursday ofsarh week. The Second District comprises all that portion of tha city lying between the First District and Harris street Carts will remove the gartmee fr_m this District uu Tuesday and Friday of e tch week. Tiie Third District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of “Harris street. Curts will remove the garbage from this District ou Wednesday and Sat urday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may a ecu mulate must be put into convenient vessels, and pre \ions to 8 o’clock in the morning of eaeh day, as above designated for the respective Districts; such vessels must be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will be removed by their owners. All other persons ore forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the side walks, and they must not be expoied to the public view, excep as above specified. Keepers of Animals must not permit, manure to bo thrown into the Streets or Alley*, neither must the accumulation ther. ol in, or near any stable or yard be, permitted to exceed one cart load before being re moved. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. IDDELL MURDOCK, wholes ale and cut ail dealers m BUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GENTLtXr.N’S FUBMSfIINa Goons, Ac.. No. 6 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S, C. ,1 w. <l. RfDDKi.r, ri ,ul‘V—tf) n. j.umnocK, (Official.; m Head’qrsU. S. Foxoxs, Du't or Savannah. Ota., Savannah, March oth, IMS. General Order, 1 No. 4. J 1 st Lieutenant Eben Parsons, Jr., SSth Maasachnsettf Volunteers, Judge Advocate, 2d Divialon, 19th Army Corpi-, is hereby relieved from duty as such, and on. nouiiced as Judge Advocate and Provost Judge of the District and Post oi Savannah. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Epwabd G Pure. A. A A. G. - » ♦» (Official.; Headquarter* District or Savannas, Ga . Savannah, March 6 th, 1889. General Order, \ No. 3. J 1.. Lt. Col Neafie, 16flth N. T. Vols., Relief Com missioner of Savannah, is hereby appointed Supervi sor of Trade, the duties of which office he will pen form in addition to those of Relief Commissioner. 2. Capt. John P. Baker, let U. 8. Cavalry,’Acting Inspector General 2d Division, 19th Corps, Is hereby relieved from hi* duties as such, and appointed Acting Inspector General of the District and Poet. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dies, A. A. A. G. - mar st—ts (Official.; TTEADQUARTERS U, 8. FORCES, Al Savannas, Ga., Feb. 18, IMS. General Order » No. 13. / All officer* of the Army arriving at this Ppet will, as soon as practicable after then: arrival, report at these Headquarters and register their names, the duty they are on, the length of time they expeot to stay, if temporarily tier*, and their residence*. By command of Brvt. Major Gen. GROVER. Edward O. Dikt- A. A. A, G. stab 18 (Official.] Headquarters U. 8. Foaora, Savannah, March 9th, 1966. General Order, ) No. 21. ; All persons are hereby forbidden to take or in any manner conuive at the taking of letters, newspapers, or any written communications whatever, outside the lines. The writers as well as the carriers of written communications will be held as violating this order! whenever such communications may be found upon* the persons or in the baggage of those permitted to p;,»s. By command of „ Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dess, A. A. A. Gen. marlO _ [Official.] TTEADQUARTER9 U. S. FORCES. -*--*■ District of Savannah. Ga., Savannah, February 22, 1860. General Order,) No. 2. / Surgeon W. Provost, Acting Medical Director, td D » 7; A: c ’'* hereby appointed Medical Director of the District of Savannah. By command of Brevet Major Gen, GROVER. Edward G. Dm*, A. A. A, G. febS [Official.] Headquarter* U. 8. Forces, „ . savannah, March 9th, 1366. General Order, No 20. Surgeon Morgan having lj?en relieved from duty sa Health Officer of this Post, Surgeon Provost will as sume the duties of the Health Othoer tn addition to bis duties as Medical Director. By Command of Brevet Maj. General GROVER. Edward G. Duds, A. A. A. Q. *"»»•»—tf TTEADQUaRTERB ffI fi*PORCEB, -a-*- Savahmab, February 28th. UU. Gahfral Order,] wtn, imo. No. 13. / Ptidiug or driving through the Public Square# or other grounds not Intended for nse as roadways is prohibited. By command of Brevst Major Gen. GROVER. Edward O. Pise, A. A. A. G, febSS (Official.) HjuDQCAsnRS U. S. Foaoxs, > _ Savannah, March 12,18*6./ Gextsai. Order,) No. 22. f All citizens arriving at this Post are required t» register their name# at the Provost Marshal's OffleSb within the next 24 hours after their ar-rivaL By command of „ Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. • Edward G. Dixe, A. A. Gen. marl* [Official.] - PTEADQUABTERS U. 8. FORCES, -*-L Savanmah, Ga., Feb, 21,1866, Gemucvl Order,) No. 19. I L 'lhe occupants 0? buildings will be held resporu si'rte for the cleaulinoss of the same, as well as their 1 cellars and retihonses, aud sidewalks in front of, and alleys adjacent to them. All rubbish and garbage which accumulates will, each day, be put in boxes ia a convenient place for removal. 11. Keepers animals *m cause the manure which accumulates iu their stables or yards where their animals are kept to be either removed outside the picket Hues, or to be distributed upon such gardens within the fines, as are actually under cultivation, such distribution King at the consent of the cultivator. 111. The S’reet Commissioner will establish such regulations with regard to the removal of accumula tions from the city as he sees fit. He is also charged with the duty of causing frequent and careful inspec tion to be made of the police of the city, and he will report to the Provost Judge any failure to comply with the foregoing paragraphs of.thic order, who will take such action in the case as the circumstances require. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER Edward O. Dike. A. A. A, G. feb9l TJEADQUARTERB U. 8. FORCES. JO. Savakhau, Ga., Feb. 13th, 1806. G.derai. Order,) No. 14. f All citizens living within the limits of the Ctiwof Savannah and having Fire Arms in their possession, and not having special written permission to retain the same, will at once turn them in to the Provost Marshal, who will take proper measure for their safe keeping, with a view to returning them When it mil be proper to do so. By command of Bvt. Major Gecu GROVER Edward G. Sxe* A A. A. U. MU4