Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 28, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. tiesdat. march as, lssr.. F ROn Oli|t EVEM\G EDITION OF YESTERDAY. SUMMARY OP SEWS TO THE aSD INST. Tlie most important item of intelligence from the dates brought by the Arago, was anticipated by the news published in our extra of Saturday afternoon, viz; that Sher man had united with Schofield at Goldsboro; it seems that the occupation of that place was effected without a fight, the enemy re tiring ii was not known in what direction. It is doubtful if they will attempt to make any decided stand to oppose Sherman’s now overwhelming forces in their irresistible march northward. Gen. Sheridan's raiding force had arrived at White House, on the Pamunky river, on their returning circuit, and were making their way to the Army of the Potomac. — Nineteen battle-flags, captured Irom the rebels, had been presented with interesting ceremonies at the War Department, as tro phies of the glorious success of the expedi tion. Particulars of the unsuccessful expedition to St. Marks, Florida, also come to hand. It appears that the rebel veision of this affair published in our Friday evening's paper, was only too nearly correct. No lodgment on the St. Marks River was effected ; but a shot and shell manufactory, and extensive salt works were destroyed there. No new movements of importance were reported in the armies about Petersburg and Richmond, though there were orders pro mulgated in reference to passes Ac., signifi cant of approaching activity. The news from Europe is exceedingly mea gre. The London Times at length gives up thp Rebel cause, and opines that the extin tinguishment of the Confederacy is only a matter of time. LATER FROM THE SOUTH J GREAT FALXi 2* l GOLD. A BTBINEBB PANIC. \ Interesting from Gen. Sherman. Tuesday, March 21—0 P. M. There was intense excitement at the open ing of business this morning both in the gold room and on the Stock Exchange, ac cording to the indications of last evening. The panic was wilder than at any previous stage of its progress, and the pressure to sell among the gold speculators was almost equalled at the stock board when govern ment securities were called. Five-twenties, which sold at yesterday’s second board at 106 1-2, decliued to 100 1-2 a 101. Ten forties fell from 93 to 69 1-2, and sixes of 1881 from 107 to 103 1-2. Railway securities were similarly pressed for sale, and the trans actions were large. Erie was 3 per cent lower than at the close of Monday’s after noon sessiou; New York Central 3 1-2, Hud son Rivea 7 3-4, Reading 6 3-4, Northwest ern 1 3-4, Michigan Central 8 1-2, Illinois Central 5 3-4, Cleveland and Petersburg 4, Rock Island 5, Fort Wayne l 2,4, Cumber land 7 1-2, Ohio aud Mississippi certificates 1 1-2. Quicksilver 7 1-2 Gold, after selling as low as 158, reacted to 159 9-8 ; but the improvement was partially lost during the alteruon, under heavy sales by the bears, the downward tendency bein' assisted by the report of the occupation of Goldsboro. The quotations were 10.30 A. M 155 2.33 P. M.......15G H.40 A. M 15(51- 4 3.45 P. M i SC 1-2 12.40 P. M 150 1-2 4.24 P. M 15'.3-4 1-40 P- M 157 1-4 5.00 P. M 15(55-8 Already failures are numerous, in fact; but thev will not announce themselves unless under compulsion,and as credits mature dur ing the next fortnight they will he likely to appear in rapid succession, and how far the evil consequences of the legal tender act may extend is entirely uncertain. (From the N. V. Herald, March 2?.) The retirement of the enemy from Golds boro’, N.<\ without a light, and the occu pation ot that town by General Sherman's army, are reported from Ncwbern and Fort ress Monroe. Ibis announcement, though not made positively, is no doubt correct, as General Johnston’s rebels are said to be so demoralized and panic- stricken that all Gen et al hherman has to do is to keep “marching ] on." Generals Sherman’s and Schofield’s forces have effected a junction, aud arc now furnished with supplies by steamers which rnn up the Neuse river from Newbcrn. It is said that ou retreating from Goldsboro’ the rebels moved towards Viiginia, and it was thought doubtful whetucr they would make auy attempt at all to stay General Sherman s progress. The Richmond Sentinel of last Monday contained a statement that four di visions of Sherman's army were repulsed with heavy loss near Fayetteville on last Friday. This, however, is known to be untrue. General Sheridan’s command was at the White House, on the Pamuukey river, on Sunday last, but was commencing to again move towards James river, which it has 'pro bably reached before the present time, aud where a junction with the Armv of tue Poto mac would be effected. IS ineteen Hags cap tured Irom the rebels by General Sheridan's men on their recent raid wete yesterday pre sented to the War Department, the presenta tion being attended with very interestin'' c, remot is. We have particulars of the recent expediton under General Nt*wton up the St. Mark's rfver, Flor.da. The object was to clear out the rebels in that portion of the State, infliei such damage on them as should be found practicable, and if possible, capture the towh of St. Marks. Though ho did not accom plish all which he hoped to. still General Newton xvas to a great extent successful. After several severe skirmishii: . chiving the enemy all the time before him, ids command arrived at the Natural Bnidge, on St. Maiks river, eight miles above Newport, on the Cth inst. At this point the rebels were found in strong force and well posted. Here a stnb- born fight took place; but the enemy, though far supertor in numbers, was finally driven from the field. Owing to this dispari ty in the national force, and to the bridges over the river being burned, General Newton deemed it expedient to postpone till another occasion further operations against the town of St. Marks, and his command fell back, without being troubled by the rebels, and re turned to Key West. During the stay of his troops on the mainland they destroyed a rebel shot and shell factory tind extensive salt works. Their casualties in killed, wound ed and missing are estimated at one hundred and fifty. It was recently stated in the South Caro lina Legislature that the entire effective force of the rebel confederacy is only one hundred and twenty-one thousand men, and official documents from Richmond were produced to prove the statement. No new military movements in either of the armies on James river are reported; hut the issue of passes to civilians to visit them was yesterday suspended by the War De partment. All the sutlers were ordered away from these two armies last week. The government of San Salvador lias re leased Bradshaw and Reynolds, two of the men supposed to have been implicated iu the rebel plot, disclosed some months ago, to capture the American steamer Salvador, run ning between Panama and Central American ports. Several of the conspirators, it will be remembered, were arrested by our uavai authorities in the Pacific and sent as prison ers to San Francisco. Another of the powder mills at Hazard ville (good name) Conn., exploded to-day. None of the workmen were injured. The loss is estimated at six thousand dollars. Gold was in full panic at the opening of the market yesterday ; bat it afterwards qui- j eted down, and closed at 15(5 5-3. Govern ments submitted to a further heavy decline, ] and the whole stock market was considera bly lower. At the evening board gold closed 1 at 157. The violent fluctuations of gold being! generally looked upon as portentous, a gen- 1 end crash among the mercantile public is re- j garded as imminent. In fact, the approach ing storm has already been heralded by famines—positive and comparative—besides several others which are apprehended. The markets were wholty unsettled yesterday, and prices of everything were entirely nom inal, fiuetuatiug with almost every hour.— Cotton, petroleum, groceries, Ac., were dull and nominal, while on ’Change everything was unsettled. Pork fluctuated Jo the ex tent ol $4 75 per bbl. New mess sold as low as $24 25, and as high as S2B 50. Other kinds of pro visits were irregular, but the changes were not so radical. Freights were dull, and rate3 were nominal, while whiskey declined 2c. a 3c., with a moderate inquiry. The market for beef cattle this week was excited by the interruption to transportation caused by the great freshet, the number of cattle not* being more than half as large as it ought to be all wants. Prices at the opening were accordingly 1 l-2c. a 2c. higher, but subsequently decliued, closing at only l-2c. a lc. higher. Prices ranged from 13 l-2c. to 22c. a 24c. Cows were steady.— Veals were firmer, varying from 10c. to 15c. Sheep and lambs were scarce ami higher, varying from $9 to sls. Hogs were also firmer, varyiug from 13c. to 14 l-4c. The total receipts were 2,425 beeves, 154 cows, 759 veals, 5,561 sheep aud lambs, and 1,908 ho^s. Washington, March 21, 1865. An eveniug paper hero publishes a state ment purporting to come from the Richmond Sentinel of yesterday, that “four divisions of General Sherman's army were repulsed near Fayetteville, on the IGtli inst., with heavy loss.” Nobody here believes this assertion of the Sentinel. Up to the latest advices General Sherman had followed his pro gramme as regards time and route of inarch, and it is known that he expected to be at Goldsboro’ on the 20th. To oppose his ad vance,it is equally well known that Johnston's force does not exceed forty thousand men, partly made up of those who have recently beeu well thrashed by General Schofield, with his inferior force, at Kinston. There is no reason to believe that any serious resistance was contemplated by the rebels to the advance of Sherman to Golds boro’, where he would form a junction with Schofield’s forces. Alone his army is more than a match for any force that Johnston could concentrate against him: United with Schofield lie can fight and whip the whole rebel force under both Johnston and Lee.— At the most jt is not probable that anything more than a skirmish can have taken place, and that with the usual result. Two or three weeks more will bring Sher man withiu co operating distance of Grant's position, and Lee’s opportunity of an escape j’V way of Danville will, if not previously improved, have passed away. Tbe time when Lee could have accomplished anything by a bold and rapid movement against Sher man lias already gone by, and he can now only prolong the contest, by a speedy retreat and abandonment of Richmond. Washington, March 21, 1805. Passengers who arrived to-day from City 1 Point say : News from General Sherman reached there on Sunday, through two scouts who left him last week. He had occupied Goldsboro’ without op position, having connected with General Schofield. General Sherman wrote several days ago from Fayetteville to a friend that lie has re ceived his supplies from up tbe Cape Fear river, aud was, at the time of writing, really to move again, and that he had followed, with slight exceptions, the path laid out be fore he left Savannah. He states that he had ordered tbe arseual at Fayetteville to be blown up. as he hardly thought the govern ment would need an arsenal in future in either of the Caroliuas. Johnston’s entire army was at or near Goldsboro’. It is be lieved that he has not more than forty thou sand men. EI'UOPEAX NEWS. The s’earn ships Borussia, from Southamp ton March 6; Washington,from Havre March H; City of Washington, from Queenstown March 9, and City ot London, from Quoens town March 9, arrived at New York on the 2lst. The news by the City of London is four days later. Kogland, as represented by the London Times and other leading journals, gives up the rebel cause as hopeless. The London 1 imes. informed by special correspondence trom Charleston and advices from New Y'ork dated to the 22d of February, says that the extinguishment of the rebellion is only a question ot a very short, time, and that it re m?!n,s A whether the Confederacy wi.l be permitted to “bleed to death” or be taken again into the Union. Marquis de Montholon, French Minister in Mexico,is appointed Minister to Washington. From South America we learn that there were thirty-three foreign war vessels lying in the Plate river. The siege of Montevideo was in force. Two of the banka in Monte video had suspended specio payment. Consols closed in London, March 9, at 88 5-8 aBB 3-4 for money. The Liverpool cotton market was flat bn the 9th instant. Breadstuff's were quiet and steady, Pro visions were dull. [despatch from oun special correspondent. ] New York, Wednesday Morning, 10 o’clock, March 22. GONE XT ! You may as well get your big flags all ready, for the last advices from Richmond show these important facts, which prove conclusively that the rebellion is as good as “ gone up ’’ at this moment. These facts are as follows: 1. Jeff, In a letter to Gen. Lee, urges him to have a consultation with one U. g. Grant, (a gentleman located not many thousand miles from the Spottswood House, and who is knowu as an unflinching devotee to the Star Spangled Banner, etc.,) giving said Lee all the power necessary to enter into negotiations for peace; and poor Jeff, with uplifted hands, and big tears in his eyes, implored him at least to secure a temporary suspension of hostilities ! Os course the reply of Gen. Grant to the note ot Gen. Lee very respectfully decliued anything to do with the matter, as the treaty making power laid with the authorities at Washing ton. Everybody is laughing at Lee and Jeff. 2. The rebel Congress has adjourned. The importance of this lays in the fact that this august body has separated without taking any notice whatever of any of the recom mendations of Jeff, made by him on the basis that such recommendations must be carried out to insure the very life of the con federacy. But they didn’t see it, and got away from the sound of Grant's constantly approaching cannon as fast as possible. 3. The same Congress passed the bill con scripting slaves, but omitted to endorse Gen. Lee’s request that such slaves shall have their freedom at the expiration of their ser vice in the ramka. Lee considered that the negroes could not be depended upon without this provision, and said that the resources to fill the ranks with whito men were exhaust ed, consequently their passing the act iu the shape they did answers to nothing. AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT has been made which interests the citizens of Savannah materially. It is this, that Se cretary McCulloch strenuously urges upon the Government the obtaining of all facts re lative to tbe ownership of the captured cot ton at Savauuah, and that such amounts as shall have been proven to have belonged to citizens of undoubted loyalty, shall be allow ed them aB may be obtained by its sale. Os course the claims of more of the genuses of the Lower Stamp will be considered for an instant. THE FLOODS have been upon us. Tbe interior of this State, Pennsylvania, and Ohio have suffered severely. Many villages and large portious ot towns and cities liuve been submerged, inflicting millions of dollars worth of damage. But few lives have been lost. The Petrole urniled are sorely exercised at the complete inundation of Oil City, in Pennsylvania.— Machinery, derricks, houses, and quantities of “ilc” have been floated off. The flood has now subsided,and railroad facilities are being resumed. SHERIDAN haß been raising the devil with Richmond, by cutting the James river canal all to pieces— destroying all the bridges mound that city and Lynchburg, and raised [such a panic in Richmond that they impress even the prin ter's devils to man their outer works. ACCOUNTS FROM ENGLAND show that the friends of the Rebels in that “neutral’’ country are fast fading out of sight. Some of the leading papers there are arguing on the possibility of a re united United States again, slapping John Bull in the face in retort for insults heaped on both sections during the past three years. He will get it by and bye. OUR LAST ACCOUNTS : from Sherman are via Newberu on the 18tb, at which time he aud Schofield were repre sented as having formed a junction. GOLD this morning 157. Everything has tumbled from 80 to 50 per cent this week. A. F. L. Our Late New York Nkws. —We pub lish this morning; au interesting despatch from our special coiresdondent in New Y'ork City, dated at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 22d. We have other interesting let ters from him, which we shall publish here after. One of them will appear to-morrow morning, and we expect to obtain from the mails, in season for use in that edition, our Washington and New England correspon dence. __ Chowded Oct. —We are obliged to omit a large amount of local matter from tins edi tion. It will appear to-morrow morning. Purser Fred. W. Ely, U. S. S. Arago, has our thanks for full files of Northern papers. For the first time in two hundred yoors a new fish has been added to the English bill of fare. Lately they have imported from Wallachia the Silurus Glenus, with habits something like the eel, which grows to the weight of fifty pounds and is said to very de licious. It is a fresh water fish. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PORT ROYAL HOUSE. (HILTON HEAD,) MAR. 25. A. M. Forbes. Savannah. W. R. KennUtou, Beaufort, S. C. J. S. Bliss, “ •• P. Hasten, “ “ W. M. Kingman, “ *> Mrs. J. H. Fowler, Charleston. J. H. Fowler, •• B. Lake, “ W. M. Simons, “ J. McKenney, “ Miss Dean, - « W. W. Rice, Edisto Island. J. V. Dunlap, New York. M. W. Manning, Illinois. C. B. Fenton, New York. T. C. Lei and, •* “ B. F. King, Georgetown, 8. C. MARCH 26. •T. H. Doolittle. Conn. M. Nichols, Hilton Head. A. W. Edwards, 15th A. C. G. B. Morton, Mich. J. G. Foster, Mich. J. M. Gifford, lowa. H. KilboCrne, Fla. D. H. Henry, Fla. H. N. Kelly, Penn. 8. H. Martin, Charleston. O. 8. Sanford, Charleston. E. A. Hammond, New York. F. Cronin, U. 8. N. D. Deandoff, Ind. CHURCH DIRECTORY. [ Compiled expressly for the Savannah Da/iu Herald.] ' ' CATHOLIC CHURCHES. Catheral of St. Jolmthe Baptist—northeast corner of Perry and Dravton streets.—Mass 6 1-2 a. m., 8 1-2 a. m. High Mass 10 1-2 a. m., Vespers 4p. m. Sunday School 2 1-2 p. m., Stations of the Cross; concluding with the Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacra ment, Friday evening, 7 o’clock. Clergy- Right Rev. Augustus Verot, D. D. Bishop of Savannah; T. F. O’Neil, Sr. Vicar General; Rev. Peter Whelan, Rev. Peter Dufau, Rev. Henry P. Clavreul. t St. Patrick’s Church—southeast corner of West-Broad and Liberty streets,—Rev. Clias. Prendergast,—Mass 8 1-1 a. m., High Mass 10 1-2 a. m. FROTESANT EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. Christ’s Church—east side of Johnson Square corner Bull and Congress streets; Rev. Charles Coley Assistant Rector. Service 10 1-2 a. m.; Sunday School 4 p. m.. Prayers Wednesday and Friday 11 a. m. St. John’s Church—west side of Madison Square, coiner Bull and Charlton streets; Rev. C F. Mcßae, Rector. Service 10 1-2 a. m., 3 1-2 p. m.; Sunday School 9a. m.— Wm. 8. Bogart, Superintendent. Prayers daily at 5 p. m. METHODIST CHURCHES. Trinity Church—west side St. James Square, corner Barnard and York streets; Rev. A. M. Winn, Pastor. Service 10 a. m.; Sunday School 3 1-2 p. in.; Mr. Magill.— Service Tuesday at 4 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCHES. Savannah Lutheran Church East side Wright Square, corner Bull and State streets; Rev. D. M. Gilbert, Pastor. Services 10 1-2 a. m., 3 1-2 p. m., Sunday School 9a. m.; John T. Thomas, Superintendent. Service Thursdays 3 1-2 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. Independent Presbyterian Church—South west corner Bull and South Broad streets. Rev. I. S. K. Axson, D. I)., Pastor. Ser vices 10 1-2 a. m., 3 1-2 p. m., Sunday School 9 a. m.; John W. Anderson, Superintendent. Service Thursday afternoons. BAPTIST CHURCHES. Savannah Baptist Church—West side of Chippewa Square, corner Bull and Hull streets ; *Rev. - Sylvanus Lundrum, Pastor.— Service 10 1-2 a. ni. Sunday School 3 1-2 p. m.-, Geo. W. Davis, Superintendent,— Service COLOREg CHURCHES. First African Baptist Church—West side Franklin Square, corner Montgomery and Bryan streets ; Rev. Wm. Campbell, Pastor. Service 10 1-2 a. m., 3 1-2 and 7p. m. Sun day School 2p. m.; James Sims, Superin tendent. Charles L. De La Motta, Assis tant. Church service Thursdays 7 p. m., prayers, Mondays 7 p. m. Second African Baptist Church—West side Green Square, corner State and Houston streets; Rev. John Cox, Pastor. Service 10 1-2 a. m., 8 1-2 and 7 p. m. Sunday School 2 1-2 p. m.; Herman Eves, Su perintendent, Wm. Gorgau, Assistant. Pray ers, Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 p. m. Third African Baptist Church Bryan, near Fahan street. Rev. E. Houston, Pas tor. Service 10 a. m„ 3 and 7p. m* Prayers Mondays and Thursdays 7 p. m. Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty, near Montgomery street. Rev. Isaac Brown Pastor, Rev. Henry Taylor, Assistant Pastor. Serv ice 10 1-2 a. m\, 3 1-2 and 7 p. ra. Pray ers, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p. m. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church West side Calhoun Square. Rev. James Porter, Lay Reader. Service 10 10 a. m., 7p. m. Union Methodist Episcopal—New street, near Fahan street, north Central Rail Depot,' Rev. Wm. Bentley, Pastor. Service 10 a. m., 3 1-2 p. m., 7p. m. Sunday School 121-2 p. m. Henry Bates, Superintendent. HEBREW CONGREGATIONS. Mickva Israel, north-east corner of Whita ker and Liberty streets. Rev. A. Epstein, Reader. Service Friday 3 o’clock p. m. Sa turday 9 1-2 o’clock a. m. Bnai Berith Jacob, Army Hall building, west side Wright Square, corner Bull and State streets. Services Friday, 5 o’clock p. m. Saturday 9 o’clock a. m. CHURCIfts CLOSED. German Lutheran Church corner of Dray ton and Gordon streets. J Wesley, Chapel—North-east corner of Lin coln and South Broad streets. Penfields Mariners Church—Bay street south side between Abercorn ams Lincoln streets. Headquarters, Dkvartmrxt or the South, n „ Hl l ton Head ’ s - C-> Feb. 2:!, IS«S. Generai. Orders,) • No. 24. ) Lieut.-Col. James F. Hall, Ist N. Y. Vo] Engineers havmn been, on account of receiving leave of aVeiieo hU P ?^;j: eli r? d aS Provost -Marshal Genemiof this Department, 111 General Orders No 11. current nrmn'JliU P ead ?'al ters, and having since been I ° ! >e oloijfl of his Regiment, now serving " of Virginia, win turnover all rec m ,i{J«i d oi Prope r 1 - v Pfennig to the office of Provost Marshal General, which he may have in his possession, successor, Lieut.-Col. Stewart L. Woodford, his Regiment ° 8 ” a " d P rocee< l t 0 the Headquarters of By command of Tr - „r, Major-General Q. A. OILLMORE. 'V. L. M. Burger. Assistant AcQ’t General. gTATIONERY AND PERIODICALS. SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD STATIONERY AND PERIODICAL STORE, NO. 11l BAY bll*.T. I have just opened a Stationfy am> Stork in the Savannau Daily Arai.d Bcili IKO , No. 11l Baj street, where I have for sale at WHOLESALE ®R RETAIL A LARUE STOCK OP s TATIONERY Including BILL CAP, FOOLS CAP, LETTER PAPER, NOTE PAPER, envelopes, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS. INK. PENS, PENCILS, &c., &•«'., Ac., Ac. PERIODICALS. I have made arrangements for a regular and fi® supply of the latest New York Dally Papers, Literary Papers, Mafwttnes, aud other Periodicals. JOB PRINTING. Bushfeas Car*, Wedding Car*, Visiting Ca*t*. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Drafts Checks, Receipts. Envelopes, A*., Ar„ Ac., printed in the best styla. POSTAGE AND REVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor to keep on hand Pottage and Rev enue Stamps, for toe accommodation of customers. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Is always for sate at my counter, at Wholesale or Retail. feM H. P. RUGG. JJERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 11l Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia. We respectfully eall the attention of the public to tbe facilities which we have lor doing all kinds of Job Printing NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have Hie BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing It all well. We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS, Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which we are CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. We are prepared to execute orders for Posters, Placards, Handbills, Programmes, Play Bills, Circulars, Bills ol Fare, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels, Constitutions, By Lawe, Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blanks, Calendars. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOR PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OUR PRIOE9 Are as low as the present high cost of stock tnafo rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the ncreased rates which rule in other lines of business 8. W. MASON & CO,, 111 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia. 1865. NEW SKIRT. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP-SKIRTS. , w -. BRAt)LET’s New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or double} SPRING SKIRT. Wests, Bradley & Cary, (late J. I. & ,T. O. West,) solo Proprietors and Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and o' and 81 Reade streets, New York. This invention consists of duplex (or two; elliptic steel springs, ingeniously braided, tightly aud firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible elastic and durable spring ever used. Thev seldom bend or break and consequently preserve their Skirt beautiful shape twice as long as any other The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in ail crowded assem blii-s, opera, carriage, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and House dress, as the Skirt will fold itself, when in use, to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having dnjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day wul never afterward wil lingly dispense with the use of them. For Children, Misses and \oung Ladies they are superior to all others. 1 They are the best quality in every part, and un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. For sale in all first c'ass stores in this city nnd throughout the United - tat , e .V Vr V j Ua < e Mexico, South America, and the W est Indies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic Skirt _ M3mo WANTED. A faruished House, or three or foui furnished I?-??! 8 ,- 11 * 'vhere there are no boarders and a smali family. Any party having the above will t,nd it to their advantage to address Box 5, Savannah Herald Office. mh23 —4