Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 06, 1865, Image 3

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FST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Centra' Railroad B.»ss, Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, 1365. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent f ree _sett(e the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office on or before the 10th of April. A failure to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. S. STARR, aprl Capt. and A. Q. M„ in charge of buildings. OTEELE & BURBANK, O 31 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers lo their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, ard Plated Were,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embrodcries, Boots, Caps Fieid Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves/Ac., Ac., &c. CELLING OFF AT COST ! n IMMENSE STOCK 1 *150,f!00 WORM OF MERCHANDISE TO RE SOU) IMMEDIATELY! Consisting of SO Tierces Hams, LOO barrels Flour, 100 barrels Sugar, 150 cases Boots and Shots, 50 boxes Coffee, 1000 cases Ale, 600 boxes Raisins, ICO barrels Ale, ICO barrels Walnuts, Filberts and Brazil Nuts,- 1000 cases Peaches, Tomatoes, Chickens, Tar keys, &c, SOO barrels Cakes and Crackers, 50 barrels Molasses, 150 cases Tobacco, 200 dozen Shirts, 400,0000 Cigars At. so, A large and extensive stock of Yankee Notions, Stationery, Hosery, and many other goods too num erous to mention. Sutlers and Merchants, call and examine before sending your orders to New York. ✓ C. W. DENNIS & CO., No. 4 Merchant's Row, Hilton Head, S. C. aprl tt REWARD. Stolen from a gent’emau in this city, on yesterday af. ternoou, a Silver Watch, (detached lever,) Cooper, maker. Attached to the Watch was a Gold Chaia, and looped to it was a Silver Badge, in the shape of a heart, and set in live oak. The following inscription was on the Cadge: Hilton Head, Nov. 7th, ISCI : Fort. Pulaski. April 11th. 1S02; Pocotaligo, Oct. 22d, 1562; James Island, June 10th and 18th, 1562; Fort Wagner, July 18th, 1563 ; Morris Island, July 18th, 18C3, The above reward will be paid on delivery of the property at this office. 2 apr4 QARPENTEBB WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two good Carpenters are wanted at the St. An drew’s Hall Apply to aprl . JAMES C. BLANC’E. fpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1805. Awonderfnl Invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior io all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo mar2l UN BARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS' ROM 7 , Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS °f all Descri,” ions t.f. IyOTICE. Savannah, Ga., March, 8, 13C5. After this date the Provost Court will be held in the U, S. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay streets EBEN PARSONS, Jr., mar o—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. QOTTON SEED' !! COTTON SEED, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. W ill be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned, “SEA ISLAND” PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will slate quantity for dis posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, . TE. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S. C. PROVOST MARSHAL’S OFFICE, * Savannah, Ga„ March 14,1865. CjHOHLAB. Commanding Officers of Brigades and detached Companies, not, on duty in the city, will require all enlisted men to have passes approved at their respec tive Headquarters. Whenever they are allowed to come to the city, such pusses will only be given to (5) five per cent, of those present for duty, except on oc casions of public exhibitions, when the number may be increased to (10) ten per cent. Those enlisted men on duty in the city must have certificates from their re spective comm anilers that they are so on duty. The certificates will also state the Regiment to which they belong, and what duty they are on. Any enlisted man not having a pas3 as before directed, and having no proper certificate *of identity, after the 16th inst., will be arrested by the Provost Marshal. By command of Brevet Meior General GROVER. Edward G, Dtze, A. A. A G. Official; ROBT. P. YORK, Lt. Col. 75tn N. Y. V. V. and marl 6 Provost Marshal Dist. of Savannah, Ga. Bakery & confectionery establish . MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respect,ully call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to us. Special attention is paid to the man nlacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holidav or lestival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MUKRAY. pROVOST COURT NOTICE. On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist Lient. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the 'red ou,t House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. Ihe Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be heliMu the room over Adams' Express eficc, corner Bay and Dravtou streets. . , u respective jurisdictions ore fixed by General bio. 4, and all parties having business before earn Courts will govern themselves scroidinely. order, PROVOST JUDGES. mar2o • ♦» JNTERESTING PUBLICATIONS foe THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. * THE novellette. Published monthly, contains, in each number, from three to eight short stories, with lilnstratious. Terms: one copy, 1 year, $2, post-paid : six copies, subscribers paying tic ir own postage, $9; 12 do., sls. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures, Poems, News, Novellettes, &c. $2 per year. .THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine in the world. Six copies for five dollars. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations.-' Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages in each book : one third larger than any other Dime Novel. All of the above publications will tie forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES & TALBOT. PfULIBHEKS, 118 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Samples ean be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 HAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. marl 9 ts YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent is at 111 BAY STREET, UP STAIRS. mar 22 ts N6ticf. Office of Street Commissioner, No. 126 South Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., March 29, 1865. In accordance with authority conferred upon me, by General Order No. 16, from Headquarters U. 8. Forces, Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st, 1865. this city is here by divided into three Districts, for the purpose of re moving garbage therefrom. The First District comprises all that portion of the city lying North of President and Harrison streets. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of the city lying between the First District and Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Tuesday and Friday of each w r eek. The Third District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Wednesday and Sat urday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accu mulate must be put into convenient vessels, and pre vious to S o’clock in the morning of eaeh day, as above designated for the respective Districts; such vessels must be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will be removed by their owners. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the side walks, and they must not be exposed to the public view, except as above specified. Keepers of Animals must: not permit manure to be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither must the accumulation thereof in, or near any stable or yard be permitted to exceed one cart load before being re moved. All Privies, Dry Wells or Sinks, within the limlts'of the «ity of avannah which may require cleaning out will be disposed of in the following manner, viz: Apply a disinfectant for thirty-six hours. A cavity will then be excavated in the ground of the lot upon whicn the vault is located, or the adjacent alley, of sufficient size and depth to receive all its contents, the transfer of which will then be made, but it must be In the night time only, and so conducted that no nui sance will exist therefrom on the following morning. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. I BROWN & CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Cos„) MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS* AND COLLECTORS, 2 DARK PLACE, BROADWAY BANK BUILDING, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher & Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. , ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1562. We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea sonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates tor Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired: Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers. and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and nay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims. Information freely furnished. We purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of termß. References givenjto leading Bankers and business Arms in New York. febls ts QLD NEWSPAPERS, FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at the SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, NO. 11l llAtf STREET. mar 22 ts Headquarters, Department of tub South, Hilton Head, S. C., March IT, 1866. Genebat. Orders, ) No. 46. f I. Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Savannah, Ga., in pursuance of Special Order No. 9, Par. I, dated Headquarters 2d Division. 19th A. C., Savannah, Ga., January 26th, 1805, and of which Major John 11. Polk, Bth Ind. Vols., was arraigned and tried: G Capt. James Entwistle, 176th Regiment New York Vols. Chabqe: “Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." Specification: "Tn this, that he. Captain James Eut wistle, I,6th Regiment New York Vols., was on or about the 2,th day of January, 1865, beast ly intoxicated, and tn that condition was found by the Provost Guard, in a public square or park, m the city of Savannah, Ga., Wholly un able to take care of himself •• To which charge and specification the accused picaded, “Not Guilty.” Finding: The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Capt. James Eutwlstle, 176th Regiment N. Y. V ols., as follows • Os the specification., ’Guilty." Os the charge, "Guilty. •’ Sentence: And the Court, does therefore sentence him Cant James Enbwistlo, 170th Regiment New York Voliuil teers, to be dismissed the service of the United States 11. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case have been approved by the proper com manders, and the record forwarded for the action of the Major General Commanding the Department who upon the recommendation of the Brigadier General Commanding the second Division Nineteenth Army Corps directs that the sentence be remitted. Captain Entwistle is released from arrest and restored to duty. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buboes- Assistant AqJ't Gsneral. apr6 (Official.) Headquarters, Department of tiiz South, Ililtou Head. S. t .. Fell, 24. In’, 4. Gen ■ ral Orders ) - No. 25. j The following paragraph, from Special Orders No. 75, Adjutant General’s Office. February 15th. 15,;;,, j republished for the information of this Command : War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Feb. 15, 15,;.; Spsciai. Orders, \ No. 75. ) f EXTRACT.] 7. By direction of the President, 2d Lieutenant F. De L. Eakin, Company B, Battalion '.Kith New York Volunteers, is hereby dishonorably dismissed the ser vice of the United States, under Section 3. Paragraph 8 (General Remarks;, of Circular No. 06, series of 1864, from this Office, for neglect of duty in failing to have the rolls of his command made out and forward ed to the proper Commissary of Musters, thereby working prejudice to the interests of the enlisted men. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adt. Gen. By command of Major General Q. A. GIT.LMORE. W. L. M. Burger, Asst Adt. (Jen. aprl [Offiiial.] ' Hfadquautiirt. Department of hie South, Hilton Head, 8 C. March 11, 1865. General Orders.) No. 34. ( The following paragraph, from Special Orders, No. 93, Adjutant General’s Office, February 25th, 1866, is re-published for tne information of this Command ' War Dj farthest, Adjutant General’s Office, # Washington, February 25, 1-6 . Special Orders,) No. 93. f (Extract.) 16. The pay of the following named officers is 'sus pended, until proper final statements of deceased soldiers of their companies, as required by the 95th Ar ticle of War, are filed in the office of the Adjutant Gen eral, evidence of which will lie a certificate to that effect, from this Office :' Commanding Officer, Company A, 2d Illinois Light Artillery. Commanding Officer, Com pan 5 C, 2d Illinois Light Artillery. Commanding Officers of Departments and Corps will promulgate this Order to their commands. Cv order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEVD, Assistant Adjutant General, By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burger, A. A. Gen. apr4 l Official.; Headquarters, Department of the South, Hilton Head, S C., March 8,1865 General Orders,) No. 31. f\ I. Civilians travelling upon Government Transports, within this Department, will hereafter be charged the following rates of fare, to be collected by the Quarter master in charge of Marine Transportation at the point of departure, upon passes issued by the Provost Mar shal: Between Hilton Head and Charleston $3 CO Between Hilton Head and Savannah 2 60 Between Hilton Head and Beaufort . 75 Between Hilton Head and Fernandiua .. 4 50 Between Hilton Head and St, Augustine 5 50 Between Hilton Head and Jacksonville 5 50 Between Hilton Head and Fort Pulaski 75 Between Hilton Head and St. Helena 25 Between points, not specified above, the 1 ate of $1 for every twenty miles, will be charged. 11. Free transportation will be allowed, to govern ment employees, while travelling on government busi ness ; to members of the Sanitary and Christian Com missions, 'agents distributing gratuitous supujifeffo the destitute, and regularly appointed regiment Jif’Sntiers, while travelling lu the discharge of tbeir duties us such: aud to destitute refugees, at the discretion of local Commanders. 111. No Free transportation will be allowed except upop passes marked “Free" by the Provost Marshal. By command of Major General Q, A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buroer, A. A. Gen. apr3 [Official] Headquarters, Department or tuk South, Hilton Head, S. C., March 21, 1365. General Orders.) No. 37. V I. Authorized traders, at Charleston or Savannah, are permitted, in accordance with Paragraph I, of Special Field Orders No. 13, dated Headquarters Mili tary Division of the Mississippi, in the Field, Savanuah, Ga., Jan., 15th, 1866, and under such restrictions as the local Commanders may impose, to receive from the in habitants residing within the military lines, such- mer chandise and agricultural products, except Cotton, aud articles not contraband of war, as the latter may have to dispose of, in exchange for necessary supplies of food and clothing. This traffic will be kept strictly within the limits of military necessity, and will not lie allowed except upon the certificate of such necessity by the Post Commander. Articles received by traders in conformity with the provisions of this order, can only be moved as a military necessity and upon per mits obtained through these Headquarters. H. All purchasers of cotton or claims thereto, direct ly or indlrqgtly, by any other person than n United States’ Treasury Agent, are prohibited in this com mand. By command of Major Generf Q A GILLMORE W. L. M. Burger, A. A. Gen. apr3 [Official.] - - Headquarters Department of the South. Hilton Head, S C., March 27, 1365. General Orders,) No. 38. / I. The following order is promulgated for the infor mation and guidance of all concerned. Local com tpanders in South Carolina and Georgia will tie held responsible for its prompt and rigorous execution. Headquarters Armies of the United States, City Point, Va., March 10th, 1865. Spebiai. Orders,) No. 48. j I. The operations on all Treasury Trade Permits, and all other trade permits and licenses to trade, by whomsoever granted, within the State of Virgin ia, ex cept that portion known as the Eastern Shore, and the States of North Carolina und South Carolina, and that portion of the State of Georgia immediately bordering on the Atlantic, including the city of Savanuah, arc hereby suspended until further orders. All contracts and agreements made under or by virtue of any Trade Permit or License within any of said States or parts'of States, during the existence of this order, will be deemed void, and the subject of such contract or agree ment will be seized by the military authorities for the benefit of Government, whether the same is at the time of such contracts or agreements within their reach or at any time thereafter comes within their reach, either by the operations of war or the acts of the contracting parties or their agents. The delivery of all goods contracted for and not delivered before the publication of this order is prohibited. Supplies of all kinds are prohibited from passing into any of said States or parts of States, except such as are absolutely necessary for the wants of those living within the lines of actual military occnpation, and under no circumstances will military commanders allow them to pass beyond the lines they actually hold By command of • Lieutenant General GRANT. T. S. Bowers, A. A. Gen. 11. As the provisions of the foregoing Special Orders do not extend to Florida, “the purchase of the pro ducts ot insurrectionary States on behalf of the-Gov ernment of the United States, ’’ maybe carried on In that State by the agency abont to be established at Fernandina, by the Secretary of the Treasury. Such military restrictions, as will effectually prevent any supplies reaching the insurgents, will be imposed. The necessary regulations for this purpose will be issued from these headquarters at an early day. 111. Paragraph I, of General Orders No. 37, current series from these Headquarters, i» hereby amended so as to omit the words “and articles not contraband of war." By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burges, A. A. Gen. aprJ r p B. BYNNER, 175 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Os every description. WATCHES Particularly adapted to ARMY PURPOSES, In Extra made Cases, GOLD AND SILVER, AMERICAN, SWISS, and ENGLISH. I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES. Gold Watches from SBO to$3"0; Silver, from 20 to S9O For -particu lars send for my prices lists. Established 20 years, and confidently refer to any respectable Mercantile House in the city; also the Editors of th'-nuper. T. B. BYNNER, 176 biomiwuy, JS. Y. P. B.—Beware of the absard and deceptive aovertise menta Is the Weekly a mar 4—todim j Headquarters, Dep’t or tuk South, , Hilton Head, S. C„ March 17.159F; General Oederu,) No. 25. 1 I. Before a Military Commission, which convened at Hilton Head, S t'„ pursuant to Speua! Orders No. 15, Par. TV, dated Headquarters Department of the Si in Ih, Hilton Head. 8. V-. January l'.tli, t-'65, unit nl which Majoi Frank Place. i;,7th Ni u York totnii leers, is President, were arraigned mid tried: Ist. T. I*. Raymond, Civilian Oiuiioic: -Theft” . Sr;. ification— “In this, tbnl he, T. P. Rnvmond. civ ilian, did steal from a box of clothing, the pro perty of the United States, a pair of pants. All this at llilron Head. S. C., at or near the U. H. Government storehouse, on or about the even ing of Januaiy 2d, 1865." To which charge and siiecirtrutioiis the accused pleaded ‘Not Guilty." finding; The Court, having maturely eomidar and the evidence adduced, find the acccnscd, T. P. K.t, ittoiul, civilian: Ot the specification, “Guilty." Os the cnarge, "Guilty.” Sentence: And they do therefore sentence hiin.T. P. Raymond civilian, to he confined at Fort Marion, Ml. Augustine, Honda, at hard labor, for the period of sixty (60 days. ' 2d. Amos Vandross, civilian (colored Charge;- “Minder." ; i-fitfication ”ln this, that the said Amos Vandross, civilian 1 colored;, did. with malice aforethought kill and murder rtallam Morris, a colored bov by beating und striking sale Morris with a lea ther strap or i iber. weapon in such a manner as to cause dektli. This at Mitchelville, Hilt., ll Head Island, 8. C, on or about Hie night of De cember I.sth. ISC4 " To which charge and sped tic lion the accused pleaded “Not Guilty."' . Finding : The Commission, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Amos Vandross (colored): )Oi the specification, “Guilty," except the words “with malice aforethought” and “murder " Os the charge, “Not Guilty," bnt guilty of man slaughter. Sentence: And th« Commission do therefore sentence him, Amos Vandross (colored), to be confined at hard la bor during the period or bis natural life at the Albany Penitentiary, State of New York, or such other peni tentiary as the Commanding General may direct. 3d. Johu Washington, alias Boney Singleton (color ed), civilian: Charge First :—''Burglary." Spedifioation—“ln this; that the said John Washing ton did in the night time, burglariously enter ter the store of Peabody & Morgan, in the town of Hilton Head, S. C\, on or about the Ist day of December, 1364, for the purpose of abstract ing goods feloniously, and was captured while escaping from said store." Charge Second :—“Larceny.” Specification*—“ln this, that the said John Washing ton did steal from the store of Peabodv and Morgan, in Hilton Head, S. C., various articles 01 Merchandise, to-wit, one piece of calico, one pair of shoes and other articles. This on or about December Ist, 1864." To which charges and specifications the accused | pleaded, "Not Guilty." Finding : The Commission, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused. John Washington alias Boney Singleton: Os the specification to first charge. “Gnilty " Os the first charge, "Gnilty." Os the specification to second charge, “Guilty." Os the second charge, “Guilty." Suntence: And the Commission do therefore sentence him, John Washington, alias Boney Singleton, to be con fined at hard labor for the period of six (<’•) yeurp. at such place asthe Commanding General may direct. 11. The findings and sentence in the case of T. P. Raymond are npproved. The sentence will be execu ted under charge of the Provost Marshal 1 Genera!. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the case of Amos Vandross are approved. The prlsonei will be retained in charge of the Provost Marshal General until permission is received from the Secretary ot send him to the penitentiary at Albany, New York, w hich is designated as the place of confine ment. In the case of John Washington, the findings on the first charge and its specification are disapproved, the specification not alleging that the offence was com mitted in a dwelling house, which is a necessary ele ment of the crime of burglar)’. The findings on the second charge and its specification are approved. The sentence is mitigated to two years confinement at hard labor at Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida, and will be executed under direction of the Provost Marshal General. The Military Commission, of which Major Frank Place, 167th N. Y. Vols., is President, is liereby dis solved. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burgee, Assistant At(j't General. m3l [Official.] HFADQrARTERB DEPARTMENT OE THE SOUTH, Hilton Head. 8. C.. March 7, 1865. General Order,) No. 30. ' ( I. Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Jacksonville, Florida, pursuant to Special Order No, 270, Par. 11, dated Headquarters District of Florida, Fourth Separate Brigade, D. S., Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 9th, 1964, .and ot which Col. B. C. Tilghman, 3d U. 8. C. TANARUS.„ was President, was arraigned and tried: Capt. Alexanders. Toplanyi, 3d U. S.C. T. Ciiaroe First: "Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline.” Specification : “In this, that he, Captain A. S. Top lanvi, Cos. F, 3d U. 8. C. TANARUS., when halted by a sputinel on duty in front of the Provost Guard House, approached him in a violent manner, using at the same time abusive language toward the sentinel, and also tow ard the sergeant of the guard, the said Captain D. 8. Toillauyi not being 011 duty and having no authority whatever to • give any directions to the sentinel on |>ost. This at about the hour of one o'clock in the early morning at Jacksonville, Fla., on or about the 28th day of January, 1965." Specification : “In this, that he, Captain A. 8. Top lanyi, Cos. F,J5d U. 8. G. TANARUS., approached a senti nel, stationed in front of the Provost Marshal’s Office in a quarrelsome manner, using abusive language aud striking and kicking the sentinel while on jiost in performance of his duty, the said Captain Toplanyi, not being on duty and not having authority to give any directions to the sentinel or interfere with him in any way. This at about the hour of one o’clock a. m., on or about the 28th day of January, 1866, at Jackson ville, Fla." Charge Second: “Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." Specification : “In this, that he, Captain A. 8. Top lanyi, Cos. F, 3d U. 8. C TANARUS„ approached a senti nel stationed in front of the Provost Marshal's Office in a quarrelsome manner, using abusive language and striking and kicking the sentinel while on post In performance of his duty, the said Captain Toplanyi, not being on duty, and not having authority to give any directions to the sentinel, or interfere wi'h him in any way. This at about the hour of one o'clock, am., on or about the 28th day of January, 1865, at Jack sonville. Fla." i To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded, “Not Guilty." Findino: The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Capt. A. S. Taplauyi, 3d U. C. TANARUS., as follows: Os the first specification, first charge, "Guilty." Os the second specification, first charge, "Guilty," Os the first charge, “Guilty." Ot the specification, second charge, “Guilty." Os the second charge, “Guilty." Sentence: And the Court do therefore sentence him* Captain A. S. Toplpnji, 3 U. S. C. TANARUS., to oe dismissed the ser vice of the United States. 11. Tue proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case having been approved by the officer ap pointing the Court and submitted to the Major-General Commanding the Department, for his action thereon. The Army Regulations require, that all persons of j whatever rank in the service observe respect towards i sentinels. Capt..Tqi>lanyi’s conduct Is aggaravated by i the fact, that he had no authority over the sentinels, and that the language he employed was such as no provocation could excuse in an officer and gentleman. 1 In consideration, however, of the zeal which Capt. Toplanyi has shown in maintaining the discipline of his command, the Commanding General allows him an opportunity to retrieve his reputation, and miti gates the sentence to forfeiture for six months of all pay and allowances, except the allowance for one ration, Bv command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M, Burger, Ass’t Adj’t Gen. ■ apJ2 W. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office aft yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to tre4 Con scientific principles.; all diseases incident to Morses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges trMderate. Cores warranted. Terms cash. f feblC ts j vJ, (Official.) Headq’ks, Ut p.1...f»t of the South, Hilton Hear! 8. C, M r h I, .si;*,. C KNER.AL OitDEßb,^ 1 Before a General Court Mjirttnl, whiih c<m,oned at Hilton Hrsil, S. C.. pursuant to Speeial Ordeis, No it.tied Headquarters, Department 01 the South. Hilton Head. S. C. January Bth, 18,1.',, m,j of aa Mai'i Frank Pla< i*. 1.57 th New York Volunteers 1. President, were a raigued and tried : 1-d. Private John Miller Cos I, :>AI U s 'd ( k \ri.) :— “Desertion in the lace of thi enein " Specific \i ion Firi>t. —• In this, that. he. Frtv.ii John MilleV, Cos 1 32d U. S. C T . did and. ... nls com maiul in the fare of the enemy, did leave the same without the permission of his command ing officer, and withont intention to retnrn. Ali this at Peveaux's Neck, 8. C., on or about the ;;d of December, 1864." Specification Second.— “Tn this, that he. Private John Miller. Cos. I, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS, did desert his command in the lace of the enemy and at tempt to make his escape North, by secreting himself on the U. S. Mail steamer Ariigo, as she was about to sail Allth'snt Hilton Head. 8. C , on or anont Decemlier 25th, 1881." To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded "Not Guilty.’’ Finding. The Court, having mature!, considered the evidence adduced, find the accused. Private John Miller, Cos. L :.-'d U. S. C. TANARUS., as followsx , Gi the first specification. “Guilty " < >f the second specific turn, "Guilty ” Os the charge, • Guilty.” Sentence And the Court do therefore sentence him Private John Miller, Cos. f. 32d l’. s. C. T. ■■ To be confined at hard labor at hurt Marion. St. Augustine, Fia., oi\g your, with loss of nil pay, that'may bee. me else him during that peiiod. 2d. Corpora’. \V. Hariisou Smith, Cos. D 144th New York Vols. Charge : “ Disobedience of orders.” Specification -“ In this, that he, the said Corporal \V. Harrison Smith, of Company D, 141 th N. Y. Vols.. did refuse, when ordered by the officer of the Guard to take charge of a colored relief of guard, he being regularly det ailed as corporal af the Guard. All this at the Provost Guard House at Hiltou Head, 8. C., about the 15th day of January, 1965." To which charge and specification the accused plead ed, "Guilty." Finding. She Court, having maturely considered the evidence uccd, confirm the plea of the accused. Sentence. And the Court do therefore sentence him. W. Har rison Smith, Corporal Cos. D, 132 th N. Y'. Vols., “To be reduced to the ranks as a private soldier, and to forfeit to the United States,ten dollars ($10) per month from his monthly pay, for eight months. 3d. Cornoral James Dizell, Cos. D, 144t1i New York Volunteers. CiiAimi.—“Disobedience of orders," Specification— “In this, that he, the said Corporal .Tnmes Dnzell. Cos. D, 144th N. Y. Vols, did re fuse, when ordered by the officer of the Guard, to fake charge of a colored relief of the guard,— All this at tne Provost Guard-house at Hilton Head. 8. C-, on or about the 15th day of Janua ry, 1865." To which charge and specificatiens the accused pleaded “Guilty.” Finding : The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm tne plea of the accused. Sentence: AMR they do thereiore sentence him. Corporal James Dazell, Cos. D, 144th N. Y. Vols toilers duccd to the ranks as a private soldier, and to forfeit to tjie United Status ten dollars (10) per month from his monthly pay, tor the period of eight months. 4th. Corporal Wilber Bradlv, Company D, 144th N. Y. Vols. Charge:— “Disobedience of orders. ’• Specification.— “ln this, that the said Corporal Wil • ber Bradl.v, of Cos. D, 144th N. Y. Vols., did re fuse, when ordered by the officer of the Guard, to take charge of a colored relief of guard, at bein; regularly detailed as Corporal of the Guard. All this at the Provost Guard house at Hfiton Head, 8. C.,on or about the 15th day of January, 1865." To which charge and specification the accused' pleaded “Guilty," Findino : The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm the plea of the accused. Sentence; And they do therefore sent*-nee him, Corporal Wil ber Bradly, Cos. 5, 144th New York Vols,, to be re duced to the ranks as a private soldier, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollais (10) per month from his monthly pay for the period of eight months. 6th. Private Leonard Hamm. Cos I, 144th New York Vols, Charge "Sleeping on Post." Specification.— “ln this, that the said Leonard Hamm pptvate of Cos. I, 144th New York Vols.. aid, nf Ifcr being regularly posted as a sentinel on post No. 15, town guard over the forage buildings, quit his post und go into the building, place his blankets over him and go to rleep, and wus thus found soundly asleep by the officer o the * guard, at 4 ,-2 o’clock a. m„ of Jau. 16th, 1865. All this at Hfiton Head, S. C., on or about Jan uary 16th. 1865." To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded “Not Gnilty," Finding : The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Private Leonard Hamm, Cos. I, 144th N. Y. Vols. : Os the specification, “Guilty," except the words “after being regularly posted,” and ’ quit his Dost ” Os the charge, "Guilty." Sentence: And the Court do therefore tentence him, Private Leonard Hamm, Cos. 1,144 th N. Y. Vols., to be con fined in regimental camp tor thirty days, and to for leit to the United States two month’s pay, 6th. 2d Lient. J. H. Harold, Ist New York Vol. En gineers. Charge First :—"Disobedience of orders." Specification.— “ln this, that 2d Lieat. J. H. Harold, Cos. *, Ist N. Y. Vol*Engineers, being ordered by Brig Gen. Jobn’P. Hatch, commanding Di • vision, through a staff officer to take charge of a party of engineers and mask a positionjdui ing the night, upon which a battery was to oe con Btructed tne following day, did fail to comply with the order, but did instruct a non-commis sioned officer to do the work, and said non commissioned officer falling to execute the or der, the said work was not done as directed This at or near Dtveaux’ Neck, 8, C„ on or about the 13th day of December, 13C3 " CiiAHOK Second : - "Conduct prejudicial - to good or der and military discipline." Specification.— “ln this, that 2d Lieut. J. H. Harold Ist N. Y. Vo!. Engineers, when censured by u staff'officer for the dilatory Ad unsatisfactory manner of conducting his working party, did reply that there was no damned head or tail to anything connected with the expedition, or words to that effect. This at or near De,eaux' Neck, on or about the 13th day of December * 1 1864." To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded ‘ ‘Not Guilty." Finding : The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the neensed, 2d Lieut. Janies H. Har old, Ist N. Y. Vol. Engineers, as follows : Os the specification to first charge. “Gnilty." bnt at tach no criminality thereto. Os the first charge, “Not Guilty." Os the specification to second charge, "Onilty." Os the second charge, “Guilty."' Sentence: And the Court do therefore sentence him, 2d Lient. J. H. Harold. Ist N. Y. Vol. Engineers, to be repri manded in General Orders by the Commanding Gen eral of the Department. 11. The proceedings, findings and sentences In the cases of Corporals Dazell, Bradly, Smith, and Private Hamm, all of tte 144th N, Y. Vole., are approved and confirmed, and the sentences will be c» t ried into ef fect. The record'in the case"of Private Hamm dis closes a negligence in the instruction and posting of sentinels iu the highest degree disgracetnl, and which deserves and meets the severest censure of the Com manding General. The Commander of the District will hole all commissioned aud non-commissioned of ficers of guards strictly accountable that a duty 6o vi tally essential to the sufety ot this post is properly end exactly penormed. „T, he Pi?f?s and i ü ß* antl fining* in the case of Private. Miller, wtd U. S. 0.T., are approved. The sentence i* confirmed, though the Commanding General con sider* the punishment too light lor the offence charted .and prove.*. The Provost Marshal General is charted with the execution of this order. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the case of Lieut. Harold, Ist I;. Y. Voi, Engineers, are ap proved. Lieutenant Harold is hereby reprimanded for bis petulant language, so ill-according with the ex ample of subordination and self-restraint, that a com missioned officer should so to the men of his com mand. He is released from arrest aud restored to duty. By Command of Major General Q A. GILLMORE.. W. L. M. Buugkb, A. A. G. mat Disinfectant. Small quantities of the Per Manganate ol Potash will be tarnished, at the request of any Phvsician, by the Health Officer. feblQ