Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 13, 1865, Image 4
The Savannah Daily Herald. THI'RSDAT, APRIL 13, 1865. FBO.II 018 EVENING EDITION OF YESTERDAY. The Celebration at Fort Snmter. Grand E\tnrsion to iharleston—Departuii* of the Steamship Blatkslone. A General Order of Hie War Department having directed that tlxe anniversary of the evacuation of Fort Sumter, on the 4th of April, 1861, be marked with suitable cere monies. an excursion, comprising most of the military officials of this post, and jnauy dis tinguished citizens, whqpe names are given in full, was arranged in Savannah, to visit Charleston and be present at the celebration on Friday. The fine serew-9teamer Black stone was assigned for the trip, aud this morning lay at the dock foot of Whitaker street, gaily dressed from truck to deck in fluttering signals and streamers. Nine aud a half o’clock was the hour of starting, and at that time the decks were crowded with the Excursionists. The fine regimental band of the Fourteenth Maine Volunteers, occupied a position on the upper deck, and discoursed patriotic and stirring music. The day was mo3t promising. The blue heavens were flecked with a few fleecy clouds, and an invigorating westerly breeze added a refreshing coolness to the bright summer weather. At a little before ten o’clock all being ready, and the party all aboard, the flag-decked Blackstone swung round in the current, and was soon headed down the stream. The st irring music of the band arose, the folds of the Stars and Stripes floated out upon the breeze, and amid the cheers of the throngs on the wharves, and the salutes of the steamers lying at the dock, the excursion steamer dropped down the beautiful Savannah upon her gala journey. Os the further progress of the excursion we shall have the pleasure of laying before the readers of the Herald, the full account of our correspondent who accompanies the party. ACCOMMODATIONS OF THE BLACKSTONE. At an early hour this morning Mr. Philip Callanan, the Steward of the steamship Blackstone, together with the assistant vol unteer stewards, Mr. Moses Belisario, for merly of the Pulaski House, Mg. Francis Dowd, late of the* Savannah Side-Wheel Steamship Company, Mr. Terence Nugent, jr., formerly of the firm of Nugent & Cham bers, were promptly in attendance, aad thro’ their united efforts the guests of the Black stone will find excellent accommodations in prime order. The excellent steward and cook of Our House, Frank, accompanies the excursion, aud his services will add greatly to the excellence of the cuisine. THE NAMES OF THE PARTY. The following is the list of the excursion ists by the Blackstone : Edward G. Dike, Captain and A. A. Gene ral. Sidney 9. Starr, Captain and A. Q. M., Post Quartermaster. Lieut. Eben Parsons, jr., Lieut, and Pro vost Judge, First Provost Court of Savan nah. James M. Walton, Captain and Provost Judge Second Provost Court of Savannah. Lieut. Charles Roberts, jr„ Signal Officer. U. S. A. W. 8. Stevens, Lieut, and Ordinance officer Lieut, Col. Robert P. York. Provost Mar-* shal, District of Savannah. -Major Lockwood, Paymaster. Capt, E. Geisey, A. Q. M. (’apt. P. Maguire, Engineer Corps. Brig. Gen. Molineanx. Dieut. Col. J. G. Healy, 9th Conn., Vet. Vol. Batallion. Brig, Gen. Washburnc. R. T. Coverdale, Captain and A. Q. M. Col. W. T. Bennett, 33d Regiment, U. S. C. T. Capt. H. E. Lord, A. C. S. Capt, Oglesbee, C. S. Lieut, T. H. Chariot, A. A. Q M. Lieut. Muriay, A. A. Q. M. Lieut. Fred. Hope Jr., A. A. Q. M. Capt. J. S. Week, A. A. Q. M. Lieut, D. R. lvnowton, A. A. Q. M. Major C. F. Allen, U. 8. A. Lieut. T. J. Spencer, Ordinance Officer Mil. Dis. Mississippi. Lieut. B. E. Miller,' A. Ordinance Officer Mil. Dis. Miss. Capt. Albeit Stearns, Street Commissioner of Savannah. HSurgeon A. P. Darlaymple, Health Officer of the City of Savannah. Lieut. Col. Alfred Neafie, Relief Commis sioner of the City of Savannah. Dr. W. W. Rook, 77. th N. Y. Vet. Vols. P. W. Nigner, Asst. Surg. 18th Indiana. S. Clay Brown, Surgeon 18th Indiana. T. W. Applegait, Asst, Surgeon U. S. A. Capt. S. L. Denette, Asst. Harbor-Master. 8. W. Mason, Special Correspondent New York Herald. Jno. W. Forney, Correspondent Washing ton Chronicle. W. E. S. Whitman, Correspondent Boston Journal. Mr. Harris, U. S. Mail Department. Qeo. McClure, of the firm of Tiffany & Cos., New York. Howell Wright, Purveyor’s Department. Mr. Chas. C. Leary. Hon, Mr. Coddiogtou, of New York. Dr. M. Clymer, Med. Director Department of the South. Col. P. Pineo, Med. Inspector Department of the South. C'apt. E. P. Deo, 13th Michigan. Mr. Glidden, of the firm of Glidden, Wil liams & Cos., Boston. Col. John A. Bogert, 103d U. S. C. T. Dr. Hoffman, late of the U. S. A. (’apt. 9. B. Luce. U. S. Steamer “,Pontiac.” COLORS. The Regimental Colors of mauy regiments stationed in this military District, accom panied by the respective Color Sergeants of regiments, are also on board the “Black stone,” and will be unfurled from the shat tered battlements of Fort Sumter. [From our Extra of this Mominy .] LATEST FROM NEW YORK. New York Dates to tlie Ktli. Great Battle between Sheridan and Lee* DEFEAT OF EEE. Capture of the Rebel General Early, Kershaw, Corse, Curtis Lee, and others, together with Several Thousand Prisoners. 14 Cannon Captured. Probable Surrender of Lee. Secretary Stanton, Gen. Anderson, Rev. H. W. Beecher, and Others will Visit us To-day* GOLD, 149-COTTON, 33-4. Hilton Head, S. C., Wednesday, 1 o’clock, A. M. The steamship Arago, Capt. Gadsden, ar rived here at midnight from New York Sat urday noon. She brought Maj.-General Anderson and excursion party from New York, among whom are Maj.-General Dix, Maj.-General Doubleday, Adjt. General Townsend, Provost Marshal General Fry, Brig.-General Delafield, Engineer Corps, Senutor Wilson, Henry Ward Beecher and others. The following is the latest important news from Grant: FIRST DESPATCH. Official. War Department, Washington, April 7—lo A. M. Maj.-General Dix, New York: Gen. Sheridan attacked and routed Lee’s Army, capturing Gens. Ewell, Kershaw, But ton, Corse and other General Officers, sev eral thousand prisoners, and a large number of cannon, and expects to force Eee to sur render all that is left of his army. Details will be given as early aa possible, but the Telegraph is working badly. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. SECOND DF.SFATCH. Official. War Department Washington, 7 April 7th, 1865. > Major General Dix : The following telegrams announcing the victory won yesterday by Major Gen. Sheri dan over Lee’s army, has just been received by tills Department. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. City Point, April 7—8:35 A. M. Hon. Sec’y of War: At 11:15 P. M., yesterday, at Burkesville Station, General Grant sends me the follow ing from General Sheridan: A. Lincoln. DESPATCH FROM GEN. SHERIDAN. Thursday, April 6—11:15 P. M. Lieut -General Grant: 1 have the honor to report that the enemy made a stand at the intersection of the Burkesville Station Road with the road np od which they were retreating. I attacked them with two divisions of the 6th Army Corps and routed them hand somely, making a connection with' the Cavalry. lam still pressing on with the Cavalry and Infantiy. Up to the present time we have captured Gens. Ewell, Kershaw 7 , Button, Corse, Debare and Curtis Lee. Several thousand prisoners, fourteen pieces of artillery with caissons, and a large num ber of wagons; if the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender. P. H. Sheridan, Major-General Com’g. General Anderson and party wilt leave here for Savannah at nine (9) okfiock this morning. Gold in New York 149 1-1 ; cotton 33 to 34. * S. GOLD. New York, April 9th, 18.V>. 149 1-2 to 150. A general decline in the Stock Market from 1 to 1 1-2 per cent. Foreign exchange, .109 1-2 to 110. Money easy at 0 per cent, on call. Ex ceptional transactions on governments at 5. While the performance was going on in the Pittsburg theatre the other evening, a boy in the gallery broke forth in a series of frantic yells, rolling over benches and conducting himself in a distracted manner. As soon as he could be caught and calmed; it appeared j that his terror was occasioned by a huge rat, ! which had taken shelter up a legkif his trow sers. Still Later from fbe North! NEW YORK DATES TO THE 9tli GRANT. THE REBELS PUSHED FROM THE DANVILLE ROAD. THER ARE PI RSI ED TOWARDS LYXCHBIRG GRANT CONFIDENT OF RE CEIVING THE SURRENDER F LEE AND HIS ARMY. SECRETARY STANTON TO GEN. DIX- War Department, ) Washington, April 8, 1865. > Major General Dix, New York : A telegram Irom Gen. Grant, dated this day, at twelve o’clock noon, Farmville, six teen miles west of Burkesville Station, says, that the enemy have been pushed from the road towards Danvilje, and are now pursued towards Lynchburg, and that he is very con fident of receiving the surrender of Lee and what remains of his army.. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. MOBIL E ! SEIGE OF SPANISH FORT! OUIt LOSS AT* OUT 800.' TWO XROCT-CLADS BLOWS? UP ! [From the N. Y. Herald, 9th.] Highly interesting accounts of the progress of operations against Mobile, both by the army and navy, up to and partially including the 31st ult., are contained in the despatches of our correspondents brought by the steam ship Merrimac, which arrived here yester day, from New Orleans on the 2d inst. The investment of the strong rebel position of Old Spanish Fort, one of the principal defences of the city on the east side of Mobile Bay, by the Thirteenth and Sixteenth army corps, took place on the 27tli ult., and on that and the four succeeding days heavy skirmishing and artillery firing between beseigers and beseiged were kept up. The national troops were gradually approaching the work, and on the 29th were intrenched within seventy yards of the enemy’s rifle pits. The Union killed and wounded in the two corps up to the 31st, were estimated at about eight hun dred. Two national iron-clads, the monitors Mil waukee and Osage, were blbwn up in Mobile Bay on the 28th and 29th ult., by rebel tor pedoes,killing four men and wounding seven. As the vessels sunk in shallow water, it is thought they can he raised. As at every other point where the reliels establish them selves, both water and land for miles around Mobile are thickly planted with these infer nal contrivances. On shore several casuali ties from had occurred, and the troops had dug up a large number. The navy was actively co-operating with the army, and kept up a vigorous shelling of both sides of the bay. A fleet of rebel ves sels, some of them no mean antagonists, were lying on Blakely River, below the city, .and a battle between them and the national gunboats was hourly looked for. In fact, it w T as believed at Dauphin Island on the 31st nit., the date of our latest accounts, that it had taken place, as veiy heavy firing in the direction of Spanish Fort w r as heard during the whole of the day. The eolamn of national troops under Gen. Steele, which left Pensacola,Fla., the 20th of March, arrived in front of Mobile, opened’ communication w T ith Gen. Canby’s and com menced hostilities on the 29th. On his march General Steele had considerable skir mishing, but met with no serious opposition. At one point on the route the rebel cavalry were found drawn up as if determined on desperate work, but at the first charge from the National troops, they broke in confusion. Some of them fled instantly, others surren dered without firing a shot, while many threw down their arms and begged for mer cy. Altogether General Steele’s cupture9 were one Biigadier General, twenty-two other officers, four hundred men and four hundred and fifty horses. At another point on his march Gen. Steele’s men cut the Mobile and Montgomery Rail road, and captured two wagon trains. Reaction in English Sentiment. The proposition to place Canada in a position of thorough military defence, which was de bated in the British Parliament and on the 13th inst., as announced in the European news published yesterday, is specially im portant, for the reason that it was conducted by the leading members of Parliament, and goes to show the wonderful reaction,that has lately occurred in English, sentiment, with regard to the war in this country. The glar ing evidence of sympathy with the South, which marked former Preliminary debates, has disappeared, and a tone of friendship and good feeling pervades every speech.— This is all very well, so far as the English Gevemmentis concerned, but whether it will be sufllcient recompense for the “neu trality” which sent the Alabama and its sis ter pirates to burn and destroy our commerce together with a few other items of a like nature, will probably appear hereafter. HOTEL arrivals. PORT ROYAL HOTEL, APRIL 10. J V Dunlap, New York. G E Morrill, Savannah, Ga. J H I Hilton, W W Appleton, New York. W S Gotta berger, “ Mrs Secor, “ Miss Nicholson, “ Mr Waddell, P-Hnslam, Green Point. W H Cohen, Hilton Head. S M cGregor, “ J A Jume, Surg, “ Capt .1 Russell. W P Lunt, Femandina, Fla. J Hows, Boston. L B Thompson, Hartford, Me. 1 J B Morehouse, Char leston, G Hamilton, Hilton Head. G W Danouret, 32d U S C T. Major Leman, Sherman’s Army. W M Bass, Asst Surg, Beaafort, 9 C. •T H Corrls, Hilton Head. Lt E O Osorcion, Sherman’s Army. M H A Evans. Charleston. ,AC Fish, A Selvo, Boston. H Johnson, Boston. ACC Ramsey, Charleston. Capt J L Hartman, 75th Pa VI. E E Bedford and wife, Charleston. F. A. M. MASONIC HALL, .V. E. corner of Bull and Broughton Streets, Lodge Room on Third Storii, Entrance on Broughton St. SOLOMON’S LODGE, No. 1, meets on the Ist and 3d Thursdays in each month. R. T. Turner, W. M.: John Nicholson, 8. W.; John Foley, J. W.; H. C. Freeman. Treasurer; James M. Jones, Secretary; J. Holbrook Estiil, S. D.; H. L. Schreiner, J. D.; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ZERUBABEL LODGE, No. 15, meets on the 2d and 4th Thursdays in each month. Wm. Greene, W. M.; David Thomson, S. W. ; Thomas Ballentine, J. W.; Alfred Haywood, Treas.; M. Loewentbal, Sect.; Milton Humphreys, S. D.; Wm. W. Metzger, J. D.; M. Bolev, Tyler. CLINTON LODGE, No. 64, meets on the Ist and 3d Mondays in each month. Simon E. Byck, W. M.; Jno. Rutherford, 8. W.; W. Gibbons, J. W.; Wm. M. Du vidson, Treas.; D. 11. Galloway, Sect.; P D. Hilzheim, S. D.; W. A. Stern, J. D.; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ANCIENT LANDMARK LODGE, No. 231, meets on 2d and 4th Tuesdays, in each month. E. C. Hough, W. M,; W. F. Holland, S. W.; S. L. Butler, J. W. ; A. Wilbur, Treas.; JnmesM. Prentiss, Sect; W. Linder, 8. D.; E L. Hacked, J. D.; Sami. Jones and S. P. Bell. Stewards; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. GEORGIA CHAPTER, No 3, meets on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in each month. R. T. Turner, H. P,; W. Greene, K.; A. 8. Clark, 8.; D. H. Galloway, C. H.; J. Holbrook Estiil, ?. 8.; Thomas Billentine, R. A. C.; A. B. Luce, Treas.; Jas. M. Jones, Sect.; Jno. Foley, M. Ist V.; W. F. Holland, M. 2d V.; M. Retch, M. Ist V.; Rev. S. Landrum, Chap.; J. Cavanaugh, Sentinel. GEORGIA COUNCIL. No. 1, meets Ist Wednesday in each month. James M. Prentiss, T. I. G. M.; T. B. Marshall, H. TANARUS.; A. 8. Clark, 11. A.; F. W. Cornwall, Treas.; D. H. Galloway, Recorder; R. T. Turner, C. G.; T. W. Shea, Steward; J. Cavanaugh, Sentinel, I. O. O. F. OGLETHORPE LODGE, No, 1, meets every Tues day evening. (Lodge Room on Bay street, over Geo. N. Nichols' Printing Office.J A. P. Torlay, N. G.; F. Krenson, V. G.; James Clemence, Treas.; C. Gross, Sect. LIVE OAK LODGE, No. 3, meets every Friday evening. (Lodge Room S. W. cor. Bull and Brough ton sts., 4th story, entrance on Lroughton street.) J. Holbrook Estiil, N. G.; R. M. Barthelmess, V. G.; D. Thompson, Treas.: D. H. Galloway, Sect. MAGNOLIA ENCAMPMENT, No. 1, meets Ist and 3d Wednesday in each month in Live Oak Lodge Room. John T. Thomas. C. P.; John Harrison, H. P.; John Dexter, S. W.; R. Groves, J. W.; C. Gross, Scribe ; James L. Haupt. Treasurer. (Official.) OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, DCTABTitfENT OF THE SOCTH, * Hilton Head, S. C., March 29, 1805. CIECULAB NO. 9. The Surgeon General of the Army requires a strict compliance from all Medical Officers in this Depart ment with the following Instructions. (Circular No 2, S. G. 0., 18Cq): “In all cases, either in hospital or In the field, in which death is supposed to result from the employ ment of anaesthetic agents, a detailed report of the at tendant circumstances will be transmitted by the Medical Officer in immediate charge of the patient, through the ordinary channels, to the. Surgeon Gener al. Medical Officers in charge of Hospitals and Snr geons-in-Chief of Divisions, will endorse on the re ports of their subordinates their opinions of the facts. Together with the report, a sample of th« antesthetic agent employed will be forwarded for analysis.” MEREDITH CLYMER, aprl2 Medical Director Dep't of the South, (Official.) OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Devabtmknt of tub Somi, Hilton Head, S. C„ March 14, 1806. No. 7. All civilian employees in the Quartermaster’s De partment who may require treatment, will be received into the General Hospitals of this Department. At Posts where there are no General Hospitals, the same will be received and treated in Post Hospitalt. They are entitled to the same privileges as enlisted meu under the same circumstances. A tax is imposed on all civilian employees of the Quartermaster's Department for the benefit of the Hospitals. By order of the Medical Director, D. 9. WM. F. BUCHANAN, Baprl2 Asst. Surg. U. S. A., Executive Officer. BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISH MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to us. Special attention is paid to the man ufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival table#*, Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. Q N. BELLOWS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY/GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, *O., NO. 8 MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. • O. N. BELLOWS. M. 0. TYLER. i. Vi. TAYLOR, marll ts 1865 NEW skirt. THE GREATEST INVENTION OP THE AGE IN HOOP-SKIRTS. J. W. Bbadi.ey’fi New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or SPRING SKIRT. Wests, Bradley At Cart, (late J. UJO West) sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and 79 and Si Kcade streets, New York? This invention consists of duplex (or two) elliDtic steel springs, ingeniously braided, tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever nsed They seldom bend or break and consequently preserve their ifol shape twice as long as any other The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assem blies, opera, carriage, railroad car* church pews, arm p l? me ? ad * and House Nfress, as the Skirt will fold itself, when in use, to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day will never afterward wil lingly dispense with the use of them. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They are the best quality in every part, and un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. For sale In all first class stores in this city and throughout the United States, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic Skirt. mar£l MSmo gTATIONtHY AND PERIODICALS, SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD STATIONERY AND PERIODICAI STORE, ** ho. 11l bat armcr. I have just opened a Stahokev amd 9to “ In the Savahhab Dailt ttnui,. . No. 11l Bay street, where I have for sale at WHOLESALE «R RETAIL • AI. A BOS STOCK OF STATIONERY Including BILL CAP, FOOLS CAP, LETTER PAPER, NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, blank books, WRITING BOOKS, INK, PENS, PENCILS, , &0., &0., &0., dko. PERIODICALS. I have made arrangements for a regular and ft* supply of the latest New Vork Dally Papew, Literary Papers, Magazines, and other Periodicals. JOB PRINTING. Buskfess Cardk, Wedding Car*, Vtoitiug Caw--, BUI Heads, Letter Heads, Drafts Checks, Receipts, Envelopes, Ac., Ac., printed in the best style. POST AG® AND &CVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor to keep on hand Pottage and Rcv came Sumps, for *>e accommodation of customers. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Is always for sale at my oounter, at Wholesale or Retail. h. P. HUGO. JJERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, ’ ’ , No. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. We respectfully call the attention or the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of Job Printing i NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. : Ws have tbs BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing it all well. We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS, Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which we are CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. We are prepared to execute orders for _ Posters, Placards, Handbills, Programmes, Play Bills, Circulars, Bills of Fare, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels, Constitutions, By-Laws, Pamphlets, * Ballads, Legal Blanks, Calendars. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and carefill attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF'CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all onr work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OUR PRICES Are &b low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the ncreassd rates which rule in other lines of business. S. W. MASON A C 0„ 111 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia. STEELE A BURBANK, 11 Merchants' Row, Call the attention of Wholesale rnd to their snpsrior stock of H MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING _ AN» FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, aud Plated S a , , P’^ ort ®’ Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Qloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. QOTTON SEED!II COTTON SEED, in - - LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned» “SEA ISLAND”PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for dis posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S. C. jQUNBARS & FRANZ, ~ NO. 10 MERCHANTS' ROW, Hilton Head, 8. C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN , „ „ , SUTLERS' GOODS i all Descrip ions tC W /NOOD LIVING,•• ~ ' iTAriToiPric**, can be usd at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SALOON, re *J' the New Post Office, Hiium Head 8. C. vegetables' North and other places la this vicin ity. Cooked to ordei from 6A.M.t09 P. M. „ „ PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. e. B.—One trial 1* respectfully solicited.