Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 16, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DATE! HERALD/ VOL. I—NO. 77. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING] IB PUBLISHED BT s. W. MASON «fc CO., At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year ..$lO 00. advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. [From our Extra of yesterday afternoon.'] MOST GLORIOUS NEWS OF THE WAR LEE HAS SURRENDERED TO GRANT I ALL LEE’S OFFICERS AND MEN ARE PAROLED. Official Despatches from Secretary Stanton. THE FUEL. OFFICIAL CORRKSPON DENCE BETWEEN GENS. GRANT AND LEE. 200 Guns to be Fired at Every Military Post in the Country! “ THE END DRAWS NXCtXX !” PEACE liV SIGHT, [Special Despatch to the Savannah Herald.] Gen. Lee’s army has. surrendered. The following are the despatches: Washington, April 9—9 p. m. To Major-General Dix, New York: This department has received the official report of the surrender this day of Gen. Lee and his army, to Lieut. Gen. Grant, on the terms proposed by Gen. Grant. (Signed) Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Headq’ks, Armies N. V., April 9,1 4.3(t P. M. > Hon. E. M. Stanton, Sec’ry of War : General Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia this p. m., upon the terms proposed by myself which are as follows: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate. One copy to be given to offi cers designated by me, the other to be re tained by such officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroleß not to take up arms against the United States until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander to sign a like pa rolefor the men of their commands. The arms and artillery and public prop perty to be packed and stacked, and turned over to the officers appointed by me to re ceive them. This will not embrace the side arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws and force where they may re side. (Signed,) U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. THE SURRENDER. Headquarters Army Northern Va., April 9th, 1865. Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant, „ Comd’g U. S. Army: General:—l have received your letter of this date containing the terms of the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia. They are accepted. I will pro ceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. # Very respectfully, your ob’t serv't, R E. Lee, General. "An arr ival at Charleston, from the North, with dates to the 10th inst., gives a full ac count of Lee’s surrender to Gen. Brant. Secretary Stanton> has ordered 200 guns to be fired from every military post in the coun try, More particulars will soon be given. Yours, respectfully, J- H. Sears, of the “New South.’”* END OF THE REBELLION. SURRENDER OF GEN. LEE AND THE ENTIRE ARMY OF NOR THERN VIRGINIA. Two Soldiers in Council I GLORY TO GRANT I Full Details of the Terms of the Capitulation. •WILD ENTHUSIASM OVER THE NEWS. PEACE AT LAST! THANK GOD! Prom our special correspondent at JHilton Head, we have received a despatch giving the points of news from the New York Her ald of the 10th inst., just received at Charles ton, S. C. This gives us the glorious news of the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee, with his whole vast’army; all Cannon, Small Arms, Ammunition Trains,Camp Equipage, Baggage and all the equipments of an army of a hun dred thousand men. Os course, this is but a preliminary to a Speedy Peace. Though we give all the official correspon dence between Gens. Grant and Lee, with other despatches, we shall have more fuH particulars in a short time, when we propose to issue still another “Extra." (From an Extra from the Charleston Conner.] The glorious news of the surrender of Gen. Lee and the entire army of Northern Vir ginia, to Lieut. Gen. Grant, is contained in the New York papers of the 10th, for copies of which we are indebted to Purser E. H. Rockwell, of the steamer Oceanns. The fol lowing are the official Orders and Correspon dence as published. War DtaPABTMENT, Washington, April 9—lo p. m. Ordered that a salute of*2oo guns be fired at the Headquarters of every Army and De partment, and at every Post and Arsenal in the United States, and at the Military Acad emy at West Point on the day of the receipt of this Order, in commemoration of the sur render of Gen. R. E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia to Lieut. General Grant and the forces under his command. Report of the receipt and execution of this order to be made to the Adjutant General, at Washing ton. (Signed) Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. THE CORRESPONDENCE. Clifton House, Va., April 9. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: The following correspondence has taken place between Gen. Lee and myself. There ha 9 been no relaxation in the pursuit during its pendency. (Signed) U. S. Grant, Lieut. Gen. Gen. Grant to Gen. Lee. Arm 7. •Gen. R E. Lee, commanding C. S. A.:— General—The result of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the respon sibility of any further effusion of blood, by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States’ Army known as the Array of Northern Virginia. Very respectfully, Your obedient serv’t, (Signed) U. S. Grant, Lt. Gen., Comd’g Annies of the U. S. Gen. jfjEE to Gen. Grant : April 7. Gbnbral :—I have received yonr note of this date. Though not entirely of the opin ion yy express of the hopelessness of lhrther resistance on the part of the army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on -condition of the surrender. [Signed] R E. Lee, General. To Lieut Gen. U. 8. Grant, commanding armies of the U. 8. SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1865. Gen. Grant to Gen. Lie : April Bth. To Gen. R. E. Lee, Commanding Confede rate States’ Army: ■ General—Your note of last evening, in re ply to mine of the same date, asking the conditions bn which I will accept the surren der of the army of Nortnere Virginia is just received. In reply, I would say that Peace being my first desire, there is but one condition that I insist upon, viz: That the men surrendered shall be disqualified firom taking up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged.' I will meet you or designate Officers to meet any Officers you may name for the same purpose, and at any point agreeable to you for the purpose of ar ranging definitely the terms upon which the surrender of the Army of Northern Va., will be received. Very respectfully, Your obed’t servant, U. S. Grant, Lt. Gen. Comd’g Armies of U. S. Gen. Lee to Gen.',Grant, April Bth : Gen.—l received at a late hour your note of to-day, in: answer to mine of yesterday. I did not intend to propose the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frank, Ido not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender. But as the restoration of Peace should be the sole object of all, 1 desire to know whether your proposals would tend to that end. I cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrender the Army of Northern Va., but as far as your proposition may af fect the Confederate States’ forces under my command and lead to the restoration of Peace. I should be pleased to meet you at 10 a. m. to-morrow on the old stage road to Richmond, between the picket lines of the two armies. Very respectfully, Yourob’t servant, )Signed) R. E. Lee, Gen’l Confederate States Army, To Lt. Gen. Grant, (bomd’g Army of U. S. r ‘ The Teleoraphi vOperators Greet Each Other. —To give some slight idea of the uni versal joy which pervades the entire com munity, we subjoin the “Greeting” which was sent by the “Operators” of the U. S. Military Telegraph to their kindred tele graphic brethen here. “The Operators at Hilton Head send greet ing to you and citizens of Savannah on re ceipt of the glorious news of the surrender of Lee a§d his army. “Glory be to God in the Highest.” Operators.^ Rebel Readers Missing.—' The number of rebel chiefs that are hidden away, or have taken themselves to foreign lands and to parts unknown, is legion. Stephens is strangely silent, if not missing. Albert Pike is living among the Indians on the borders of Arkansas. Keitt is killed, or otherwise re moved from the scene. Howell Cobb, in bis late violent speech—a sure premonition of his own apoplexy and the paralysis of the rebel lion—was very bitter on the young bloods of the South who had run away fromathe war, and said they would never come back, as if they were not too glad to stay. Foote is in London, showing up the rebel chiefs with caustic candor. Pillow seems to have laid his griefs on himself, and gone quietly to sleep. We hear no more of the truculent Iverson, of Georgia, nor of Hammond, of South Carolina, who is probably reflecting upon the prowess of the Northern “mudsills” in their conflict with the Southern chivalry. Ward, of Georgia, has not been heard of for over a year. Slidell ia ruining himself in the pleasaunces of Paris. Mason is somewhere drinking bad whiskey with George N. Saunders, who is supposed to have leit Canada with a gallinip per in his hat. Dudley Maun, in a French case , swings his eye-glass in a maze of trouble, as he thinks of his poverty and his rascality. Where is the illustrious Robert M. McClane, of Maryland, who swore that the North should never cross the border of the Susque hanna ? Where is the fiery Fayette McMul len, of Virginia ? We can fancy his gold headed cane, his fierce shrieks of rage, and his rubicund physiognomy—but we do not read of them. Os Curry of Alabama, we hear no more. Os Babcock, and Edmundson, Charles James Fox Faulkner, the gentle Boteler, all of Virginia, we hear no rumor even ; nor yet of Burnett, of Kentucky; of the pliant Nicholson, of Tennessee; of Soule, of Louisiana, and of the heavy, good-hearted George S. Houston, of Alabama, who larded the lean earth about Washington while re presenting his district in Congress. All silent, taciturn or missing. Soon, too soon for those who have the rebellion in charge, the silence and absence of so many of the leaders will be broken by the loud demand of the people of the South for the end of the war and the restoration of the Union.— Phil. Press. Jarvis, the painter, was painting Bishop and the venerable prelate began to remon strate with him upon tbe dissipated course into winch he had fallen. Jarvis, dropping his pencil from the forehead of his portrait to the lower part of his face, said, with a slight motion to the reverend sitter, “Will you be £ood enough to shut your mouth, Bishop ?” painting that feature* he “changed the ARTEMI’S WARD’S BROTHER. The following quaint letter, from a gentle man who professes to be the brother of the celebrated Artemus Ward, reached us the other day, by regular mail, and we give it because it embraces so much of the special kind of humor for which Artemus is so re nowned. The whole family seems to be la boring under a very bad “spell,” which is a disorder that in their case, however, seems to operate as disease does upon certain oys ters, in producing a pearl where we might only expect putridity: Sh ecargo, March 11th, 1865. To the Editor of the Sunday Times, N. Y. : 4 years ago, wile in indianopelers, injynia, I rote to Mr. Prentles, off the Looseville Jurnil, regarding thee wareaboute of my berother, Artymus Ward, off hoom I have not heerd sints he was a boi “And we romed the fields together," happe as a Mackeral in Kashmeer Sox. There was four off us berothers, aU bois. Thee fol lowing is a pedagog off our family. Our pa rents, off which there was 2, consisted # our father and mother, namely ; Hanner and Erysipelars Ward. The latter (my father) was given heavily to Plugg to backer; of which he chawed incessantly, though Biled Bakon done rair was his best hold. He was a man that could not go long between drinks ; the kamil did not perdomi nate in him ; and G. Hover took hit* at the age ofsicksty, after 2 dais cikness. The fol lowing is applicable to his case : “Oakum! Oaknm! with me.” —S Spear. After the old man’s deth our mother was left with the 4 bois aforesaid, whizz, namely, i. e.: Erysipelars, (named after father.) Artymis, (the Long Lost) Rodney and Myself. Olonzo, (named after Olonzo of piziaronean celebrity.) My eldest berother, Ery, went into the Wool bizzeuess, while Rodney went out to Origgone territery and M-barked into the Fur trade. Ery did poorly at the Wool and bust ed, but Rodney is still at the Fur coining money. Artymis, at the tender age of eleving, was suddenly mist from hoam. In this kouuex soin I would remark an old stockin belongin to mother, containing fore dollars in Cilver and fitty-too sents in Hopper, disappeared about the a&me time. There was a party of akrowbats, of dubble somerset proklivitys, in our naburhood a few dais preevis, and by many it was supposed Arty had been ln viggled “To leve his and happi hoam Sands eyes, sands teeth brushes, Sands pale ale, The worrold is all a stage, The rest lemon end vanilla.'' (Jake spear. At all events I have never heero of him but once. i. e., when I rote to Mr. Prentiss, who did not ancer mi letter, he being engag ed in translatin a French letter sent him by Miss Soosan Mpnday, a noted goriller of the femail gander. Os her more hereafter ; but Ravenous on our mntton, as the French have it. I heerd that mi berother, A. Ward, had be kum ritcb, he having been to Salt Lick City, among the Mormen and women, he was alius given to the latter even from a child, and that moreover aud above, he had got a sho of wacks figgers, and nevertheless was per feckly decayed with money—in which event I would remind him “I still live"— Webb. And as bis absents cost me many teers, I earned aul the water and chop aul the wood for too yeres after his leving us and as I am his ony cunriving berotner in poor suckem stances, Ery being ritch aftd Rodney when last beard from was in a big contrack for furnishing phine-toothed kombs for the con federate army, with his hedquarters at Rich mond, therefore Ido think Arty might come and see me. He is ever welcome to mi poor but happi hoam. Owe, owe, berother ! if this ehood meat your i. think kindly off one who loves not wisely but too well; but owe, owe, deer Artymus ! do not try to shake me. Olonzo Ward. Deer berother, don't! don’t 1 go back onto me. o. w. “Why do I wepe 4 thee." o. w. The Two Friends.— Before a great battle two young soldiers sat side by side, talking of pleasant, peaceful homes far away. Said one: to-morrow will be a bloody struggle, worse if possible than our last fight, through which you and I passed unharmed, bat we curnot expect such good luck always. I wfft you to promise me, if I am Bhot to send my body to my mother, that will be all the comfort she will have, and if I live to see you shot, I will promise the same. With such promises, and a kind good night, they part ed, never to meet again in this life. _ Ter rible was the slaughter among our brave troops the following morning. Early in the same day a shell instantly killed the two friends who had had so pleasantly parted the night previous. But one who had been a silent listener to the conversation, took the two bodies and carried them to the green hills of Vermont, where they now silently rest side by side. B. The art sensation in New York is Gerome’s “Almeh,” just received from Paris, which represents very truthfully the voluptuous fascinations of Mohammedan civilization. M. Gerome’s picture of an Egyptian “Almeh” posing for the delectation or a knot of dull and brutal Arnaouts possesses this merit, at least, when jndged from the purely intellec tual point of view, that it puts the Oriental “concert saloon” on its true and genuine level with the concert saloon of the West.” The picture is described as follows: “A well formed girl of Esneh, with the sensuous but passionless and perfectly uninteresting face of her kind, is poising herself on Her feet and swaying with her body into a tremulous swoon Her drapeiy caught about the hips conceals all that the ballet of the West re veals much that the-ballet of the West com monly conceals. Two or three dreary beings squatting in the shadow are tooting to her upon imperfect instruments of barbaric music; and, seated about the doorway of a rude and massive Eastern guard-house, as many half-savage Arnaouts, in rich and pic turesque costumes are stolidly surrendering themselves to the spell of the scene.” PRICE. 5 CENTS ODDS AND ENDS OF NEWS AND IN CIDENTS. Petrolia’s favorite singer—Grisi! P. T. Barmim has been elected to Congress from the Bridgeport (Conn.) district. There is a giant in Hong Kong ten feet high, who is coming to Europe, and of course to this country. “That’s a pretty bird, grandma,” said a lit tle boy. “Yes,” repUed the dame, “and he never cries.” “That’s because he’s never washed 1” rejoined the youngster. Morford, of tlie New York Atlas, propos es to Americanize all foreign names, and begins by caUing Guiseppe Verdi’s last opera, “Joe Green’s best work.” The last inventory of the great Library in the Rue Richelieu, Paris, records in the pos session of that Jmmense collection 2,000,000. printed volumes, 200,000’ manuscripts, 3,000,- 000 lithographs and engravings, 500,000 maps, ana a valuable cabinet of coins, me dals and antiquities. A man getting out of an omnibus a few days ago, made use of two rows of knees a* banisters to steady himself, at which the la dies took offense, and one cried aloud, “per fect savage.” “True,” said a wag inside, “he belongs to the Paw-Knee tribe.” Beecher is said to|have remarked, that he was as much amazed by the exhibition in Washington on inauguration day, as were the guests at a court dinner of the late King of Prussia, when he gravely proceeded to wash his face in the soup. , ‘Count” Joannes has issued the circular of his proposed newspaper, the Joannes Jour Solitics, ‘international law, history, biography, ne arts, education, literature, with tho opera, and many other topics. “The Ro mantic autobiography of Count Joannes” will form an attraction. In Preble county, Ohio, the skull of some large animal has been exhumed. It was buried about four feet and was much decay ed. The left half of the under jaw, or what remained of it, weighed, thirty pounds, and looked as if it might have lost teu pounds of its original bulk by rotting. A single tooth out ofthe right half of the under jaw weigh ed five and a half pounds. They tell a good story of a hoosier officer, who, on receiving a note from a lady, “re questing the pleasure of his company,” at a party to be given at her house, on the eve ning designated took his volunteers and marched them to the young lady’s residence. When it was explained to him that it was himself alone who had been invited, he said, “The letter said company, Aid I thought the lady wanted to see all my boys.” Dr. Johnson, when a lady who travelled with him in a carriage remarked that she could not hear him in consequence of the noise, is said to have answered, “Madame, the stripetuosity of circumrotatory motion renders the modulations of ordinary dis course infusible; and the cartilaginous ma terials which compose our auricular members become stultified to the exercise of their natuxal functions.” _ Anew Microscopic lens has been manufac tured by Messrs. Powell and Leland, posses sing double the power of any glass previous ly made. Last year Messrs. Powell and Le land succeeded in manufacturing an object glass with a focal distance of one twenty fifth of an inch, of which an account was communicated to the Royal Society. They have, however, subsequently succeeded in constructing one of one-fiftieth of an inch focal distance, having the immense magnify ing power of 3,000 diameters. A little tract has been published in Lou don, called “Dancing a Delightful and Scrip tural Pleasure,” from which we “learn” that dancing “was used by the Jews of both sexes, young and old; and that, though some may fritter away other parts of the Bible, yet to say that we have no clear scrip tural warrant for the elegant and gladsome adaptation of motion, which we call dancing, is only to ignore or evade the plain word of God.” Let it be well understood that this is our resolve—whatever fortune may tempora rily betide us, it would be no disgrace to be crushed down by an overwhelming force, but it would be an infamy to surrender. It would be no disgrace to be held down by a superior force, but it would be to lie without constraint. That instant the force is remov ed, our struggle would be resumed. We must take a vow as sacred as Hannibal’s, and we must require it of our children, as Hanni bal’s father required it of his, to resist en slavement of our country and the dominion of the Yankees while there is breath in our bodies. Thus resolved, even the moat ad verse present fortunes could not rob us of the prize for which we contend. The strug- Sjie might be protracted, but we should resi ze the truth of the lines— “ Freedom’s battle once begun, Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is ever won.” Chocolate.— This substance is obtained from a tree called by Spanish Americans cacao, which grows in the West India islands and warm parts of America, and also in Asia and Africa. When the Spaniards first visited Mexico they perceived that the Indians roast ed cocoa nuts in earthen pots, and then hav ing cleaned them from the husks and bruised them between stones, they made them into cakes with their hands. The conquerors improved upon this method, by roasting and cleaning the nuts and pounding them in mor tars ; they then put the well-ground paste into tin moulds, in which it was found to keep fresh a long period. In course of time they mixed with it cinnamon and other spicy and oily substances, to give increased flavor and richness to a composition which became a remunerative article of commerce. Adelina Patti, America’s favorite child of song, is about to be married in Europe to a rich Russian nobleman. Heaven grant that her sweet voice may never be spoiled in weeping or signing.