Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 06, 1865, Image 3

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Craves, E P Grant, M <' amberg. F Gnckenhc Imer 1 Selig Carbett, Geo Grant, Stephen Giles. Henry . Gray, Samuel Gillen, Joseph Garrett, Thos Gallagher, John Gibbons, Thos Griner, James ’ Goodwin, T A Gross. John Gogbaner, W D Gordon, John, 2 Garroty, Win Green, John D Golden, Wm Gunckle, Han II Henderson, A M Horte, John, 2 Howard, A A, 2 Haynes, James Henry, Adolph Howard, J J Hatchings, Arnold Hollowell, Jesse Hodge, A M Haliday, John Harding, AG Hastings, das nolcombe, Benj F Haines, J S Hartley, Chas Houston, Isaac Hatch, Chas P Hogan, John J House, Capt Henderson, Jas D Haynes, C B Hirsh back, Joseph Hutchinson, Chas Gates, John C Hunt, Chas E, 2 Hirshberg, Rev L. 2 llerrey, C F Hayes, Mary K Hind, Chas Ilyins, Mr Hodge, Chas W Howell, Mr Uaskin, C V Hutson, Meal Hillman, C M Hefferman, Ned Hirsch, David Ilonlker. Robt, Hernandez, D K Howard, Richard A Hollowway, Evander Hopkins, G H Uardt. F A Hatfield. Sami Herman, Frederick Hopkins. S H Holleuback, Gilbert H, 2 Hunter, SH G Holleuback, G U Hardee & Starr Holmes, G F, 3 Hopkins, Thos W Holcombe A Cos Horton, Valson Handel, Henry Hart, William Hughes, J R Hone, Wm Uaupt, Jas L House, W r Hodge, Justin Harris, Wm Harrel, Jacob Hess, Wm, 2 Hunt, Jonas Houston, Ulysses Hayes, Jas J jr Jackwith. A D Jack, Joseph Jacoby, A Jones, J M * Johnson, Benj James, W C Johnson, DB, 4 Jones W S Jennings, E P Jackson, Sami Jorchand, John A K King, A P Kraft, J Kelly, Chas 9 Kyle, Joseph M, 2 Knowles, David Reeffe, James Kinney, Edwin W Kittelberger, Lovis King, EW Knight, Kuke Kyrk. E E Kiug, Nicflolas Kluge, Edwin Kline, S F Knapp- E Kibber, T H A Bro Kibber, J F Kingston, T A Knare, John Kemp, Wm Kennedy, John King, W Knew, John I. J.effler, A Lynch, Joseph Ltnoilie, A H Leovett, John Lnce, Chas Lawson, John Lemen, C B I.yne, John Lowe, Rev Chas, 2 Lievaey, Capt J C Loger, C L Legriei, Louis • Lenzer, Caspar Linces, Handa 1 ©xge, Chas L Lwesba A Hamet I Latnrop, Dwight —. Lambkins, Prince Legriel, Edward Laurenee, Peter Landrue, F Laughlin, Patrick Leary. Geo Landin, TB, 2 Lambert, J J Loyd, Thos E Lewis, John N Lee, Wm H, 4 Lathrop, D J Lanier, Wm M M Mlexell, A- Morrison, J, 2 Miexell, A M McAlioor, Jas Merritt, A Morrell, John Mabone, A C Murphy, James Mansback, Adolph McKenzie, J J Mixen, Benj Miller, J McKinney, B F Moore, John Mumma, Charlie Miller, J R Mannetbin, Chas Moore, John E Middleton, C A, 2 Morrisey, Jas McEU, Chas Matthews, James McMullik Clp-istie, 2 Munuehan, .Tames Myers, C Meader, J C Morris, C M Manpas, J M Mahoney, Cornelius Middletou, J McSerley, D McKinsie, Matthew’s, Dana McGuire, John Murphy, Dennis McFaddin, M K Mann, Daniel McKinney & Cos Murr, Ephraim S Moore, Michael M Mann, Edmund Morey, Charles McCabe, Ed Moore, N McAlleer, Francis, 2 McHugh, Robt, 2 Marcy, Geo O McHuch, R H Mead, G Maldrum. R Miller, George McCoy, Sami Matthews, Geo Meson. S P Marsh, H W Slanchester.jT J, 2 Marpe, Henry Murtngh, Thos McEvoy, H, 2 . Maxwell, Thos McDaniel, John Middleton, Thos B Mann, Jos, 2 Meath, Thos Merchants, J G Monroe, Wm McCarthy, John • Moses, W H Matthews, J F Mell, W B McGowen, J C McCauley, Wm J McHenry, Jas Mapo, W E McLean. W J Melvelton, H C N North, J V Noble, James, 2 Newmans, Daniel Nattaa, J F Nanghton, Dennis * Neel, Noble Nichols, J C Neely, Richard O Odingsels, Anthony Odingsells, Wm O’Bryan, James Oliver, Wm * O'Byrne, John Ottena, Wm Michael, 2 Ott, George O’Toole, P Orsmond, Jesse O'Conner, Pa'rick Ormes, Dr T H O'liea. a, T B Payne, Bennett Prendergast, Michael Patrick, Chas K Pitt, Madison Palmer. D E Pease, Norton Porter, Frederick W* Peiu, O J Fendergast, Father Preuta, P Proctor, F— Polite, Vero Power, F M Pond, Wm Patten, Geo Parsons, W T Phillips, H A, 2 Palmer. W L Patzens, Henrich Power, Geo Pratt, Jos, 2 Q. Quinlan, Wm _ % R RobbD; AS Russell, Isaac Roache, Daniel. 2 Roache, James Richardson, Ed Robinson, John Hark. G W Rittenhoose, J H Rappold, G Reily, John ReUy, G Riley, Jacob Rottman, II Roger, Isaac Resing, n C, 2 Rogers, Dr T C Kelly, Jas Richardson, Moses Roberts, Jas Reilly, Owen Roman, John Rice, Thos Roan. John Racine, Thos • Rogers, J L Reeve, W F, 2 Ruckert, J N Rankin, W S Shremp, A Sheridan. Jas 9 -ydell, A ’ Schonges, Jas Suppler, AF Spieldock, L Struuss, A A * Hames, L Stoddard, A G Sullivan, M Steiner, A R Spaulding, M Southwick, A Slamenuu, Nancy Shepherd, A-L Singleton, N Sneed, B Story, O F Ship, Benj Short, P, 2 Stephens, C Sweatnam, M P Sanborn, C B Slayton, P Silver, C Hands, P Small, D C Sabatte, R P Samples, Chai Small, Richard, C W Steele, S Spaulding, E Scranton A Johnson Shntz, F A Solomon's Lodge, Stewart, F Spaulding, S Segars, G M sitverhill, S W • Swatts, II U shepherd, S * dtzcr, II Scott, S stevens. II Sneed, Dr Seltzer, H Swayzever, T Stephens, H C Sproul. F H Stintson. H C T Sullivan, H Scou, w Sturtevant, H Sherman, W, 2 Stuart Jas Smith, W U Sullivan, Jane Stains, Wm beylar, J 3 Shippep, W Schroder, J, 2 Stottle, W vii! lh an »' Scott, W M Smith, J A Hennett, W Sturtevant, J C Story, W E Sweet,JH Snyder, W H Sulpvan, John, 2 Stroud, W U SJiehan, J Solomon, J * Stone, Young A Cos C „ L C Thompson, M ttaty, E Taap Q E Thomas, H P Thomas, K Thompson. JC, 2 Turnbull, SW, 2 TumW’JL.2 Turner, 8 A Tolsnd, J M Tenny, 8 Treadway, JD Tucker, L Thompson. J Tubbs. T P Thomas. K 9 Teubrook, W B Vansill, A 'vanhorau J P J ogt, Fred Vandeuaen, O Vans, H C Vas winkle, Vogel, J W Ward, A D WhUihan. J Woodbury, A Wilson, F Watson. A, 2 Walsh, J Waro, A Wade, J 7* Waits, A M. 2 Willard, J H -* Webber, A B Williamson, J Wright, B O Winslow, J B Woodworth, B B Werm, L Wagner. BC White. W Weilan, C Wadner, N White, C Wetmore, M J Williams, C Weldner, M; 2 . Woods. Dr C J Worzberger, Wiclrhtßinff Walsh, M Wood, E Williams, M B Wilcox, F M Whelan, Rsr. P, 8. Welsh, F Wbelen, P Williams, G A Ward, P U Woed, G Wilson, R Waltaer, G Watson, R H. 8 Woodman, G W Ward, S Whlttemore, GA Weeks, 3 N Warring,G H Wright, TC, 3 Woods, H F Wllldnaor, 8 F Wallace, H Wllmot A Richmond, 2 Webster, H Willows, W Waldln, J F Wallace, W Willlamsou, J Wylly, W P Ward, J F Washington, W Y Young, C Younger, J Yeager, J W Young Men's Ch Aa'n, 2 • Zehnder, A Zaugbaum, W D Zegler, J A. 8. HARRIS, Special Agent P. O.D. —v—w————f m RELIGIOUS NOTICE. 'J'HB STATE OF THE COUNTRY— Is the subject of a Sermon prepared expressly for the people of Savannah, by Rev. H. Fowler, Chaplain U. 8. A., which will be given on Sunday next, at 10X A. M., in the Wesley chapel oorner Sooth Broad and Lln coln streets. THEATRE! • O Lessee and Business Manager sinn tamabt. Director of Amusements a. a. daventobt. Stage Manager t. t. hbbmvon. THIS EVENING, MAY CTH, 1886, BENEFIT OF M. J. HOWARD. On which occasion the following BrUliant AttrscCos will be presented, Commencing with the Great Romantic Du g a of THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Fablen del FranchU T Brothers f Stmnson Louis del Franchi, J- iwm Brothers, ....Simpson M de Chateau Renatd Davenport Le Baron de Montglron Howard Alfred Meynard Salisbury Le Baron Martelli. Rogers Orlando Herndon Colouna Quin an Bolssec Corner Judge of the District Harglns Griffo Snmter Madame Savilla del Franchi Mrs. M. E. Berrel Bmille de Lesparre Miss F La Fond Marie Miss Elsie St. Leon Coralle Miss Maude St. Leon Celestlne Miu Hattie Lee During the Evening the Orchestra will erecute several favorite Overtures. After which, an imitation of EDWIN FOREST AS JACK CADE, By Mr. Thomas Weir. By particular request; the Doleful Ballad of VILLIKINS AND HIS DINAH: BY MR. HERNDON Always received with rapturons applause. The whole to conclude with a New Comic Song by Mr, J. W. Herndon. Notice.— The doors wMI open at 7, and the curtain rise at 8 o’clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 2 o'clock, tar PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. All bills must be presented weekly. S. SERVICE MAGAZINE. JUST RECEIVED, and roa sale at the SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, No. 11l Bat [Stiait. ALSO, ALL THE NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF THE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every Steamer from the North. MIIIIIIB IBS SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING. No. 11l Bat Stbbst. gANITARY. LIME LIMEM LIM Eltl 800 caßke best quality Thomaston Lime, suitable for brick work, plastering, white washing, or for sanitary purposes. Just received direct from Thomaston, Ma For sale by DUNBAR A FRANZ, 10 Merchants' Row. apl» Hilton Head. 0 N. BELLOWS A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., *NO. 8 mebchantb* bow. HILTON HEAD, S. C °'mkrn LLOW *‘ c ' tf TTLML *■ tatlo*. Steele a burbank, 11 Merchants’ Row, Call the attention of Wholesale andßetaifmlrchMen to their superior stock of purcnasers MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING ▲NO FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots,Cans Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. Ac.. Ac... Ac. pERSONAL. If Mrs. Lucy Manning, who was formerly Miss Lucy Bessiuger, will address roe she will hear, of a fortune to her or her child. Any Information will be thank fully received and rewarded of her whereabouts or child. Please address Mr. John Mannon, Company K, 2d Ohio Vola., Ist Brigade, 3d Division, C. C, Washing ton, D. C. ap2B 6 QHBCKS ON NEW YORK- Iu sums to suit purchasers, supplied st par by C. C. NORVELI. A CO., Corner of Bull street, opposite the Post Office. mayo-71* yy-K live AT THE “OFFICE,” No. 11l MERCHANTS' RO W HILTON HEAD, 8. C. HOT JOINTS non IS to S o'clock daii.t. oil l or rass. Per Piste, Cts' Per Plate, Cts Rout Turkey T&ißosst Chicken 75 Rout Beef 60|Rout Mutton 80 Rout Veal 60;RoastPork Cos Fresh Fish 6oj Rice Pudding 25 COOKED TO 01011. Per Plate, Cts. Per Plate, Cts. Beef Steaks 60 Fresh Tripe Cos Veal Cutlets 60 Flah Balls «> Mutton Chops CO Ham and Eggs Cos Pork Chops Cos Poached do, ou T0a5t...60 Sausages «o Scrambled do CO Ox Heart 60 Omelettes C-0 Calves Liver 50 Boiled Eggs cold outs, Ac. Per Plate, Cta.| Per Plate, Cts. Poultry 65jVealor Pork so Beef or Mutton 55;Ham or Beef Pickled Theeps Tongues, Tripe and Pigs’ Feet, Sausage Holla and Cakes. Home-made Bread and Pies. Soda Water, with choice Syrups, Hop Beer, Cigars and Tobacco. may3 6 BENJAMIN HONEY, jy|R9. CUTINO'S STAMPING AND PINKING .DEPOT, Corner Ball and Jefferson sts. Yokes, Bands, Night Wrappers, Joseys, Cloaks, Slippers. And Materials of all Kinds, stamped or pinked In a few minutes. Splendid NEW PATTERNS, just completed forISCS. CUPPING, BLEEDING AND LEECHING • ST BARTOLO CTJTINO. Barber Shop in Planters' Hotel. 1000 Swiss and Hungarian LEECHES sos ule. mayi-lw QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS Purchased by " L. C. NORVELL A CO., Bull Street, opposite the Post Office. > may 4-lw JJVOR SALE. Rice Flour, in quantities to salt purchasers, at the Upper Steam Mill. Price one dollar per bushel. Ap ply to ap2B 9 R. LACHLISON. J£Xt’flAN6fi 0# ifEW YORK. FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, ap2o ts 93 Bay street. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savan nah, Ga. At the place mentioned wc have opened store-rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeons in charge of Hospitals will pleue send in their requisitions for stores. J. C. HOBLIT, Jan 21—ts Agent U. 8 9. C. gTOVES l STOVES! I STOVES ! T! Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. AU kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten alls, Planters' HOES, wholesale and retail, by JAMES G. THOMPSON A CO., apli—m&tbC # , Beaufort, 9. C. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, Savannah, Ga., May 4, 1866. Genebal Obdeb,! No. 81. I I. Lieut. Fred Hope, A. A. Q. M., having been re lieved from duty In this District, will tarn ovsr all public property In his possession, and transfer his pre sent duties to Lt. J. W. Sterling, R. Q. M„ 22d lowa Vols,, who will also, in addition to those, take charge of the Savannah Water Works, relieving thereby Capt. Nathan Baker, A. Q. M. By command of Brevet Major General C. GROVER. Edward G. Dtkx, A. A. G. may® HEADQ'RS, DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, \ Hilton Head, S. C., April 13,1665./ Qenkkal Okdku, > No. 43. / L General Orders No. 5, from these Headquarters, dated January 17th, 1365, is hereby amended to read as follows: A military tax of one per cent, will be levied ou all goods brought into this Department, for the purpose of trade. The value of such goods will be determined by the invoices of purchase, to which an affidavit will be required from the consignees certifying to their cor rectness. The fund accruing from this tax will be used for the purpose of providing Steam, and other Fire engines, repairing wharves, roads, public buildings, and other necessary civil expenses for the several Cities and Towns within the limits of this Department. IL The military Supervisors of Trade for the various Posts, or where the Post Commander has not appoint ed snch a Supervisor, the Post Treasurer, will attend to the collection of the tax Imposed by this order, and make eeml-monthly returns of all monies received to Brevet Major Gao. E. Goubacd, Acting Assistant In spector General of the Department, who, in addition to faja duties aa such will act as Treasurer of the fund accruing from this tax, and attend to the disburse ment of the same, nnder the direction of the Major- General Commanding. 111. Th« Acting Assistant Inspector General of the Department, will also exercise the supervision of stores and trade within the Department required by Para graph IV, of Special Orders No. 13, from the Head quarters of the Military Division of the Mississippi, dated Jannary 16,1965. IV. Lieut.-Col. Jamxs H. Steono, Ist N. C. Union Vols., is hereby relieved trom duty as Collector of the Department Military Tax, to which he was detailed by General Orders No. 6, current series from these Headquarters. V. Lient. Frank Geise. 32d U. S. C. TANARUS„ Is berehf relieved from duty as Acting Military Tax Collector, to which he waa assigned by General Orders No. 27, current series, from these Headquarters, and will at once torn over to Brevet Major Gouracd, A. A. In spector General, all money and property pertaining to the office for the Collection of the UepaJtment Mill tary Tax, who will receipt to him for the same. By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bcboes, Assistant Adjutant General. [Omout.l T. D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may* HEADQ’RS DIST. OF SAVANNAH, ( Savannah, Ga„ May 2d, 18G5. ) G tx seal Orpeh. ) No. IC. / Persons bringing produce and live stock to the Sa vannah market will hereafter be permitted to exchange the same for goods and supplies not contraband of war, for the use of themselves, families and employes, and to transport the same beyond the lines of actual military occupation. Persons within the lines will also be permitted to go out for the purpose of bringing to market such produce and live stock as they may be able to procure, and to bring the same in. Restrictions upon passes are removed to this extent —that resident citizens having important business in the interior will be permitted to go out in order to transact the same and return. Resident citizens living outside the lines will in like manner on good and suf ficient reasons, be permitted to visit the city and ra tarn to their homes again. Bycommandofßrvt. Maj. Gen. GROVER Ouvsß Matthews, Adst. Adjt. Gen. my 2 News-dealers and others desiring Tn* Savannah Dailt Hzald at Wholsaie are re quested to send in their orders »• «"ly to advande ** practicable. W, MASON A CO, |NTBKBSTINO PUBLICATIONS ros TIIE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. TnE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight abort stories, with Illustrations. Terms: $2 per year. Single copies, 25 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A FIRESIUK JOCBNAL. NO OONTtNCKD STOSCIS. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventure# and Choice Home Reading. $3 t year. Four coplea, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poftnt, News, Novellettes, Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magastne tn the world. $1.90 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages In each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel. All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mall, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT, PCBLiaOCM, 63 Congress street, Boston, Maas. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, IXI sat mm, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlß ts MONTHLY roa MAY GODEY'S L A Dl* E 8 BOOK FOR M A Y OUR YOU NO FOLKS, FOR M A Y For sale at No, 111 Bay street. (Official.! HEADQ'RS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH, > Hii.ton Heap, S. C., April 30, 1865.) Genkral OaBEHS,) No. 62. / T. The following order is hereby re-pnblished for the Information and guidance of this command: 11. Hsadqdabtfrs, Military Division of tub Mississippi, In the Field, Raleigh, N. C„ April 27, 1865. Special Field Oui>ekh, ) No. G 5. { The General Commanding announce* a further sus pension of hostilities and a Anal agreement with Gen. Johnston, which terminates the war as to the Armies under his command, and the country east of the Chat tahoochee. Conies of the terms of the convention will be furn ished Major Generals Schofield, Gill more and Wilson, who are specially charged with the execution of its details In the Department of North Carolina: De partment of the South, and at Macon and In Western Georgia. Capt. Jasper Myers, Ordnance Department,U. S. A., ts hereby designated to receive toe arms, Ac., at Greensboro, ana any Commanding Officer of a Poet may receive the arms of any detachments, and aee that they are properly stored and accounted for. General Schofie and w ill procure at once the necessary blanks and supply the other Army Commanders that uniformity may prevail; and great care mnst be taken that all the term- and stipulations on onr part be ful filled with the most scrupulous fidelity, whilst tho*e Imposed on our hitherto enemy be received in a spirit becoming a brave and generous army. Army Commanders may at once loan to the Inhabl tants snch of the captnred mules, horses, wagons and vehicles, as can be spared from Immediate nse, and the Commanding Generals of Armies may Isaac pro vision*, animals, or any public supplies that can be spared, to relieve present wants and to encourage the inhabitants to resume their peaceful pursuits, and to restore relations of friendship among onr fellow-citi zens and countrymen. Foraging will forthwith cease, and when necessity or long marches compel the taking of forage, provi sions, or any kind of private property, compensation will be made on the spot or wnen the disbursing offi cers are not provided with funds, vouchers will be given In proper form payable at the nearest military depot. By order of Major General W. T. SHERMAN. (Signedj L. M. Dayton, Major * Asst. Adj’t General. By command of MaJ. Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buboes. A. A. Gen. my 2 RATION TICKETS. Citizens interested, are called npon to notice partic ularly the following lnstrncttona in reference to their Ration Tickets for the next week. All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms,’’ln the Exchange, in the following order, viz: DISTRICT NO. 1. Extending from Bay street, south, ts> South Broad street, and from Bnll street, east, (including Magazine Ward!, to the city limits. Citizens of this District wll. be served on Monday and Tuesday next. White fam ilies will be served flom 9 a. m. to Ip. m. Colored families from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. district no. 2. Lying east of Bull street and south of South Broad street, extending to the city limits. Will be served on Wednesday and Thursday. Whites from 9a.m. to 1 p. m.; colored from 4to6p. m. district no. 8. I ving between Bay street and South Broad street, and from Bull street, west, to West Broad street.- Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a, m. to 1 p. m,: colored from 4to6p. m. DISTRICT NO. 4. lying between Bull and West Broad streets, and from South Broad street, south, to the city limits.— Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7th. Whites from 9a. tn. to lp.m.; colored from 4 to 0 p. m. district no. G. Yamacraw— extending from the river, sonth, to New street, between West Broad street and the canal. Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and *th May. Whites from# a. m. to Ip. m.; color ed from 4 to 6 p. m. district no. 6. Robertsville. Will be served on Thursday, May 19th. Whites from Ip. m.: colored from 4 rvimfictANT: JLJ small quantities of th j Per Kangaaate of Potash will be Inmisned, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. febio QUTTON SEED! 11 COTT SEED, IM LARGE OR SMALL QUANTItItS. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned. "SEA ISLAND" PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, wtil state quantity for dis posal. and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address. T. K. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S C. pOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Cbn teal Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., May, Ist, 1866. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all cltiaens occupying buildings, whose owner* are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or otbsr property belonging to disloyal persona, will, nuless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office on or before the 10th of k May. * v A failure to comply with the above will cause, a forfeiture of all claims to farther occupation. S. S. STARR, mayl Capt. and A. Q. M., In charge of buildings. JyJ-OTICE. The Store of the undersigned will be closed for a few days, for the purpose of opening and arranging a large and extensive Stock of FRENCH DRUG?. MEDICINES, and FANCY GOODS, Which have just arrived Direct ftom New York. W. W. LINCOLN, Druggist, ComerSJull and Congress sts. HEADQ'RS DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, > Hilton Head, 8. C.. April 20, 1960. f Genexal Obdees, ) No. 47. f I. Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Hilton Head, S. C„ In pursuance of Special Order No. 7, dated Headquarters, Department of the South, HUton Head, 8. C., January Bth, 1865, and of which Major Frank Place, 167th N. Y. Vols., waa President, was arraigned and tried. Prinate Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. S. C. T. • Cbasob Fiest : "Threatening hi* Superior Officer." Specification: “In this; that the said Private Arm stead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. 8. C. T.pdld say ‘I will be God damned, isl don't shoot him,' mean ing Sergeant John A. Brown, Cos. C, 82d U S C. T. This at camp of 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS„ near Deveanx’ Neck, S. c., on the 12th day of Janu ary, }865." Cbaroe Second: “Striking his Superior Officer Specification : "In this: that said Private Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., did seise a billet of wood and strike Sergeani John A. Brown,Co. C; 3*4 V. &C. TANARUS., npon the head. This st camp of J2d U. 8. C. TANARUS., near Deveanx' Neck, S. C.,on the 12th day of January, 1866.'' Cuaboe Third : "Lifting up a ueapon upon hi* Superior Officer.” Specification : “In this: that said Private Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., did lift np a gun and pnt a charge therein for the purpose of shooting hln Superior Officer,Sergeant John A £ r °wn. Cos. C, 32d U, 8. C. T. This at camp 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., near Deveanx* Neck, 8. C., on the 12th day of January, 1965." To all of which charges and specifications the ac cused pleaded, ‘ 'Guilty. " Finding; The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm the plea of the accused. Sentence : And they do therefore sentence him. Private Arm stead Holmes Cos. C, 32dU. 8. C. TANARUS., to be dUhonorablj (Uncharged the service of the United States, and then (s confined at hard labor at Fort Marion. SL AuguUlne, Horida, for the period of two pears, and to wear a 24 pound ball attached to Ms rlaht leg, by a chain eight feet long, fifteen days out of each month during the term, of hie confinement. 11. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case are disapproved. There has been much difference of opinion, whether the words “Superior Officer" in the 9th Articles of War, apply to a non commissioned officer, but the Judge Advocate Genera! has finally decided that they do not. According to this opinion, the offence should have been charged under the 99th Drticle. Private Holmes will be released from confinement and restored to doty. The General Court Martial of which Major Frank Place. 157th N. Y. Vols., was President, is hereby dl« solved. By command of Mgjor General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buboes, . . _ _ „ Asst. Adlntant General. Official: T. D. Hodges, Capt. 36tb U. 8. C, TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. my 2 UN BARS A FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, 8. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS' GOODS Os all Descriptions IDDELL A MURDOCK, ’ WHOLESALE AND BRAIL DBALXm IM STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Fckxisulno Goods, Ac., No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. , w. <J. Kinorn u Man 10 —tfj u. j.mcbooh gWEET CIDER FOR SALE, To families by the qnsrt or gallen, at O’MEARA A COS, over Adams’ Express Office. Bay street. mh24 , Jt^OTICE. Savannah, Ga., March, % 18C6. After this date the Provost Coart will be held In the U. S. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bav streets ’ EBEN PARSONS, Jr., •nar 9—tr Lieut, and Provost Judge. rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1965. Awonderful invention for Ladies. UnqoeaUonaVy superior to all others. Don’t fall to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo mart! T_TEADQUARTERB U. 8. FORCES, Savannah, Ga., April 10, 1885. Genebal Obdees, > No. 27. / Hereafter the City Market will be open on Satur days from 3 o'clock till 8 o’clock p. m„ in addition to the hours already prescribed in orders. By comrasp-I of Brevet Major General GROVER. Etw ibd O. Dies, A. A. A. G. JgITUMIKOUS COAL WANTED. FOR U. & MILITARY RAILROAD. 5&3533& SKaer ' R. T. COVERDALE. a , Cupt. and A. Q. M., USM H R aglC lw Savannah, Ga. |