Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 09, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. B\ 8. *V. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1*"- tue sews. Accustonr.ed as the public has lately be come to news of a inoat startling.charao cr, the absence of any such in the dates received by the latest arrival makes tbe news published in our columns yesterday and to-day, seem of little interest. It is nevertheless of con* sidcrable importance. Advices received both from New Orleans via Cairo and from Mobile represent that ad vances have been made by Generals Kirby Smith and Dick Taylor with a view to re- turning over their commands to Gan. Pope, under the terms of the surrender of Johnston. If this has actually taken place, as is most probable, it finishes up the armies of the re bellion completely. These two commands were the only Rebel forces east of the Mississippi river not in* eluded in the surrenders of Lee and John ■ton. The readiness of their commanders to surrender them indicates significantly the thoroughness of their conviction that a pro* longation of the struggle would be vain, and that the Confederacy as a belligerent power exists no longer. There can be no doubt but that the public feeling of what was the Con* tederacy applauds the Judicious action of these Generals, and welcomes the prospect of universal peace. A naval exploit, aiming at a rep* etition of the feats of the famous Merrimao at Fortress Monroe, was at tempted on the waters of the Mississippi by the rebel ram Webb. Escaping from the mouth of the Red River, past our blockading gunboats, she made rapidly down the river, for New Orleans, where she was doubtless intending to spread havoc among the ship ping. But an accident to her machinery rendered her nscless, and compelled her crew to leave her before she had done any injury. A similar plan was defeated by the capture of a rebel ram ou the Roanoke river, above Newbem, on the 11th. Nothing important, so far as had transpir ed, was takiug place In the great armies of Grant and Sherman, except that bodies of troops Were being stationed upou effective positions for commanding the country. The Sixth Corps had beeu moved to Danville. The investigation into tbe circumstances of the assassination develops a conspiracy of the most formidable character, aud' shows that it was known and authorized in high places to a much greater extent than was apprehended. Os course the details of the examination cannot yet be made public. The news from Augusta, including dates of the sth inst., is very interesting aud im portant. The disturbed state of the country is causing much concern among the people, who welcome the advent of Uuiled States troops as affording the only security to life and property. Gov. Brown has called upon tbe members of tbe Legislature to convene in extraordinary session There is great reason to believe however that the service? of the St ite Legislature are become quite bu pererogitory. pAsaKSGtBs fob Hilton Head.— Sergeant Piloe and two men, Philip Hartlery, F>l Klnsbury, 8 H Parmer, Mrs C Cllsby, three children and two servants {AW Stone, T E Wilder, Wm. Qonen, Daniel Biarn, Win G Carter, Geo H Moody, Chaa Chapman, Wm M Mars, friend and servant, Geo Mutall. Catberlue and Mary Harris, Geo. 'A Robre, Joseph Brumbly, Miss A B Bryau, Captain Glover, Lt Finney, Private Potter, J M Ansley, Mr3 Clay and child. Alice Williams? Ben Green, Sami C Payne, R B Taylor, John Seymour, Mrs Hays, Thos Giving, L Jen kins, G F Culwell, G M E McCabe, Wm Owen 9, Wm Chune, Wm Moore; MiasE Pierce, C Wewonbauckee, Miss J Beekhurd, Abraham Willoniski, Paul Willonlski, Ann McGee, Capt Jno A Caber, and 15 men, Lt E B Woodrufi, Bridget Ward, Mary Gimon, S B Brewer and six men, Mr and Mrs Reed, daughter and servt, P B Moore and friend. Tms Rebel Thomas Small.— Most truly “the whirligig of Tima brings about its re venges." From a Charleston Courier of the 4th hist.,we clip this item. The Steamer Planter.-^ The steamer Planter, Capiain Robert Small, lying at Anger’s wharf, was visited yesterday by a large crowd ot citizens, and old acquaintances of Captain Small. It will be remembered that Robert Small is the slave who, chancing to be a fireman on this same Confederate steamer Planter, took advantage one day of the fact that the Cap tain and olllcers were all ashore on a spree, and tiring up, pan the steamer into the Union fleet, where she was most welcome. Had Small, a short half year ago ventured to show his head in Charleston, the same head, with the holy attached, would soon have adorned a Charleston lamp post. Be hold the difference. 'ScKCtAL Ordek No. 32.—Tue attention of persons, owning dogs iu this city,is called to the above Order. All who own valuable dogs will have them muzzled. Thera are ni any worthless curs about, which can well be dispensed with. Lav: Charleston News. —Or, rather, we should ray, late Charleston papers have been received, but they contain so little news,that we are compelled to believe our South Car olina friends are little better off fha». our selves in the way of excitemey MASONIC. That wc are ever glad to say or do every thing in our power to advance the interests of the “craft," those who have experience of t re mystic rite 9 know, far better than we c m tell them. In the late New York and other papers we find such complimentary notice of Brother Mackey that wo transcribe some thing of it to our columns. Mr. Mackey, who has for many years beeu a resident of South Carolina, had occasion lately to visit the North. In New York he was received by the brothers wjth open arms, and a special meeting of the Fraternity was called to arrange preliminaries for giving him a more formal aud universal welcome. This meeting was largely attended, and by many of the most eminent Masons in New York. After speeches by sundry gentlemen, the subjoined resolutions were unanimously passed. This is by no means tbe first instance dur ing the War where Masonry has risen supe rior to all party strife, and has shed its be nign influence over the most bitter cornbat auts, disarming them and changing them instantaneously from fiercest foes to warmest friends. Whe/xas, It has come to the knowledge of the brethren of this city aud vicinity that the 111. Bro. Albert G. Mackey, M D., of South Carolina, is about to visit this city after an absence of four years, daring which time he has occupied the position of a faithful Mason and true friend of all brethren whom the chances of war have brought to the city of Charleston, of which lie is a citfteu; and Whereas, It has further come to our knowl edge-that, by the vicissitudes of w&r, our R. W. Brother has lost his property, aud, in his declining years, been reduced to the sharp necessity of beginning again the battle of Ufa; therefore, Unsolved, That the members of the Fra ternity here assembled, in behalf of their Lodges, and the Craft in general, bid a most cordial welcome to our exalted expected guest, and pledge themselves that the old time hospitalities, that have ever distin guished the Craft, shall not be wanting on the coming occasion. Rsolved, That as an earnest of our good will, aud an expression of our appreciation of the noble qu ilities that distinguish alike the head and heart of 111. Bro. Mackey, we solicit his acceptance of the voluntary con tributions of the brethren, intended by them to serve, in some slight degree, to mitigate the severity of his losses. Resolved, That the Masters of the several Lodges iu the Metropolitan District be a Committee to obtain from their Lodges do nations in furtherance of the objects of this meeting. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to draw up and send out a circular addressed to and soliciting*the aid of the Brethren wherever accessible by the U. S. Mail. Iu response to the second resolution, the Masters or delegates of about thirty Lodges pledged the bodies they represented for #SO each, which no suns person can doubt will be increased uutil the sum of at least S3O 00 be secured from this jurisdiction. A committee was also appointed to confer or correspond with such Lodges as were not present by delegates ou the occasion, to ask their co-operation, the result of which, if attended to, as we have no doubt it will be, must secure the fullest success ; and an Ex ecutive Committee was also appointed to re ceive our .valued friend and bl i ther on his arrival, take due care of him while lie re maius with us, aud make full arrangements f>r the hiring of the Academy of Music, or other large hall where he can be publicly re ceived, and enjoy the hospitality of all those who love manly bearing, devoted attachment to Masonic principles, either of which are more worthy the admiration and respect in such times as we have for the last four years experienced, by his devotion to bis country, aud the Flag under which he was born. Sweatnam’s Varieties.— We are informed that the improvements which have been in progress at tbia popular house, are nearly completed—that the new scenery is almost done, and that, as soon as all is ready, which will probably be in the course of the coming week, the establishment will be opened again, and the public will, of course, again flock to a place where they have ever been made so welcome, aud Where they have al ways enjoyed such pleasant evenings. There will, we are Informed, be some ad ditions to the company, but the old favorites who have taken so prominent a place in the admiration of the public, and who have done so mnch to give the establishment the popu larity it has ever enjoyed, are still to be re- tained. “La Belle Louise, 1 ’ Miss “Lottie Howland,’Mr. W. P. Svveatnam and Mr. Add Ryman, will still remain, and will, as heretofore, give their best efforts to secure the amusement of the public. The report that Mr. Sweatnam had, by a fall from bis horse, broken his left leg, is not true. Mr. Lincoln’s Grand,atber, also named Abraham Lincoln, was murdered by an In diau iu 1774, while at work on Lis farm near the Kentucky river. He left three sons, the eldest of whom, Thomas, was the father of the President. Thomas married in 170 G Nancy Hanks, a native of Virginia, aad set tled iu Harden county, where the President was born Feb. 12, 1803. In 1816 the family removed to Indiana. The great grandfathci of the President emigrated from Berks coun ty, Penn., to Rockingham county, in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., about 1750. We learn from the above that Abraham Lincoln’s grandfather, was, or is to be mur dered 9 years hence, viz. in 1873. That our late President’s mother was 123 years old when he was born, supposing she was 20 when married. Now, being an old bachelor, lam not very well posted up as regards family matters, but it strikes me that 123 years is rather aged for any woman to have and raise up infants. As the grandfather was less than 100 years old when he died, or was to die, the daughter must have been more than 120 years older than her father, as she was married iu 1706 The President, too, has outlived bis grandfather, if the above dates are correct, although authenticated history tells us the grandfather has been dead •ome 90 years. THE COURTS. FIRST PROVOST COURT. In this Court yesterday Judge Parsons entered the following case on his docket: Capt. H. J. Dickerson, vs. steamer Jeff. Davis. Action in Rem. SECOND PROVOST COCBT. Yesterday the following cases were dis posed of by Judge Walton: Mrs Kirk, vs. Dick, (colored,) theft of chickens, Ordered that the Defeudaht turn over said chickens to Plaintiff, the two pair not claimed will be confiscated for the bene fit of the Government, and the proceeds be turned over to the disbursing officer’s civil fund. . Street Commissioner, vs.. Thomas Keefer and Thomas Maguire. Violation of General Orders No. 4 and IC. Ordered that the De fendants be fined In the sum of five dollars eacli aud allowed three days time for its payment. Mrs. Quantock vs. Jane Nesbitt—recov ery of a colored girl. Ordered, That the colored girl in question be turned over to her uncle, the nearest relative living. Henry Roggentein vs. Mr. Supp—recovery of rent. Ordered, That the defendant in this case pay at the rate of eight dollars per month for rent of a house occupied by him, the property of plaintiff, commencing May Ist, 18G5. Edward Small vs. Cassius Brown—debt. Ordered, Hat the defendant in this case pay one-half of said debt on the 18th day ot June and the balance on the 28th of June. The following cases were dismissed for the non-appearance of the parties concerned: Mrs. Bulloch vs. Brown (colored)—as sault and battery. Mrs. Bulloch vs. Jack (colored)—assault and batteiy. Sam Norman vs. Mr. McCune—recovery of house. Joe Lancaster vs. A. J. Maßon—recovery of wages. B. Stamm vs. Thomas Trilier—recovery of dog. BILLIARD* SALOON. Under the recent regulations, the Billiard Saloons are thriving immensely, being patron ized by a crowd of offices and civilians, to s»’ch an extent that the tables are ever en gaged aud all the attendants fully employed in attending to the wants ot their many cus tomers. The saloon of Mr. O’Meara, on Bay street, is one-of tbe best arranged in the city, and, consequently, one of the be9t patronized. The able Superintendent of the place, Mr. Cooney, who was for years in the establish ment of Messrs. Phelan & Collender, in New York, has given his personal experience to fitting-up and furnishing of the place. Aside from Mr. Cooney’s qualifications as a Superintendent, he also plays a most ex cellent game of billiards, aud is perfectly qualified to teach a great many people who, perhaps, imagine they know considerably more than he does. Everything in the way of new tables, cloths, cues, balls, etc., Is here furnished, and the establishment can, and does, com pare favorably with many of far greater pre tensions. xo recognition of thg rebel DEBT OR LOAN. The lollowing concurrent resolution, in troduced by the Hon. Charles Summer, Sen ator in Congress ftotn Massachusetts, is the explicit and formal declaration of the Na tional Legislature against the assumption, or payment, or recognition of the rebel debt or ldan, in *auy whatsoever- When the holders of rebel securities in Lcndou were ap prised of the probability of the enactment of such a prohibitaiy law, they began to pat t with these clangorous investments, and a general suspicion deepened and blackened against them. The joint resolution passed the Senate on the 17th of February, and was concurred in by the House on the 3d of March, 1865, and is now a binding statute of the Government: Whereas certain persons have put in cir culation the report that on the suppression of the rebellion the rebel debt or loan may be recognized In whole or in part by the United States ; and whereas such a report is calcu lated to give a false value to such rebel debt or loan; therefore, , Resolved by the Senate, the House of Represen tatives concurring, Tout Congress hereby de clares that the rebel debt or loan is simply an agency of the rebellion, which the United atates can never, under any circumstances', recognize in any part or* in any way.— Chronicle. The Rain.— Yesterday it rained. The crops needed it, and they feel refreshed and invig orated acccordiugly. What rain fell in the fitful showers between noon and night was worth to the country more dollars than ptn can write or mind compute. At the late hour at which we write, the clonds seem to promise more showers, and the still thirsty earth waits tlieiefor impa tiently. Let us thank God for what we have al ready got, and humbly hope for more. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS WEEK. x —-—■ Muon Sets High Water | Sun Rises .bun Sets mom. j morn. 8 : M.. . j 5 7 j 0 4<i j J 638 9jl u.. 5 0 0 ■iX | 4:8 / 614 l W ...| 5 6 e4S j rises j 063 \\ I™ -| J 4 e 43 741 I 7 :ts fc* i*r ,• I 6 3 049 835 612 13 | Ba.. i 6 2 o 6<J 927 ' .9 8 14 ! 8 ... I 6 2 060 10 W 946 THE CONSPIRACY OP ASSASSINS. Since the cowardly murder of President Lincoln it has been with very many a serious question whether the slaughter of him who was the Head of the Nation, was enough to satisfy the vengeance of those who had taken upon themselves the bloody work of the assassin. Dcep-thinkiug men have never ceased to think that the life of tie new President* and of his Cabinet, is in hourly danger. Indeed, it is considered by certain ones North, that there are good grounds for thinking that the great murderous conspira cy extends to the taking of the lives of all of our great Military and Naval leaders, Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Sheridan, Du pont, and all the other great leaders of our forces both by land aud by sea, who have led our armies to victory are supposed to be in danger of assassination by poison, or by whatever means may come handiest to the seoundiels who are watching tor the oppor tunity to take their lives. We had hoped that we should not be com pelled to drag into this any of our foreign neighbors. We would really have been only too glad to think that a few reckless Rebels had gotten up and completed this fearful plan, but tho proof is too strong that Eng lish emissaries in Canada have helped the Rebels. It will be well if the affair ends here, but God only knows. National affairs are at this time in such a vibrating state, that the least word may affect the balance for good or evil- We assurance which comes from the War Department, that the conspiracy of tha assassins originated in Canada, and was ap proved in Richmond, should not be lightly regarded. It Is the first official confirmation we have had of the growing conviction that under the “confederacy” which is headed by Jeff. 3 Davis, there is another confederacy o( assassins, which draws its inspiration aud orders from the ex-Richmond government, and its support and pay from the Knights of the Golden Circle. In .this connection we cannot help remarking the well-iutended re monstrance of the New York Times against the proposed visit of Mr. Lincoln to Rich mond. The danger of his assa3sinaiion then was apparent, but the dreadful event occur red where he was best known, and had a right to suppose that he had the fewest ene mies. The same journal repeats the warning to President Johnson, aud urges the necessity that he should be surrounded by true aud faithful men, who will cherish aud protect his file as they would their ovn. Mr. Li; - coin fell a victim to his confidence in the generosity and humanity of a civilized peo ple. We hope that Mr. Johnson will not sacrifice his life to the same error. The ci y •»t Washington and the whole North aie iu fested with these Thugs, who, are actuated by mingled motives of revenge and avarice, are ready for any adventure, however desperate and in this city especially there are numbers of men and families who will not only ap plaed the murderous purposes of the villains, but will do their best to aid them in their designs and shield them from punish meat. The life of no prominent official is secure without all possible guards are thrown about his person. ANDY JOHNSON’S “ SPLNR.” When we were at Nashville, seven years ago, anecdotes of the coolness and courage of Governor Johnson were among the cur rent coiu of conversation. One gentleman, a political oppouent of the Governor, an eye-witness ot # tlie occurrence, told us that a placard was posted in the towu, one morn ing, announcing, iu the well-known language of old Tennessee, that Andy Johnson was to be shot “on sight.” Friends of the governor assembled at his house to escort him to the State House. “No,” said be, “gentleman, if I am to be sbot at, I want no man in the way of tue bullet.” He walked alone, and with unusual deliberation, through the streets to his official apartments on Capitol HUI. Another eye-witness • related a similar •lory. He was announced to speak on one of tne exciting questions of the day; aud loud threats were uttered that, if he dared to appear, he should uot leave the hail alive. At the appointed hour lie ascended to the plattorm, and, advancing to the desk, laid his pistol upon it. He then addressed the audience in terms as near like the following as our informant could rc-col.ect: “ Fellow-citizens: lt is proper when ftee men assemble for the discussion of important public interests, that everything should be tione decently and iu order. I have been in formed that part of the business to be trans acted on the present occasion is the assassi nation of the individual who now has the honor of addressing you. I beg respectfully to propose that this be the first business in order. Therefore, if any man has come here to-night lor the purpose indicated, I do not say to i im, let him speak,bat let him shoot.’’ Here hu paused, with his right band ou his pistol and the other holding open his coat, while with Ids eyes he blanctly surveyed the assembly. .After a pause of‘half a minute, he resumed r • - “Gentlemen, it appears that I have been misinformed. I will now proceed to address you on the subject that has calied us tc i gether.” * Which he did, with all bis accustomed boldness and vivacity, not sparing Its adver saries. but giving them plen y ol pure Ten nessee. Tailor as he was, he is no sfiob. Soon af ter he was inaugurated Governor of Tennes see, a.high official of the State, who bad been bred a blacksmith, presented him with a set of elegant fire-irons, made with his own bands. “I will give him a return in kind.” remarded the Governor. He brought some of the finest black broad-ceth that Nashville could furnish, procuaed a tailor’s implements, got the judge’s mifasure Ir an his tailor, and made aconiulete suit of cl thes, setting every stitch himself, and prestn ed ! them to his fr end. The work, we are told, was all done iu the Governors room in the State House. The happy wearer of the gar ments pionauuced .them a perfect fit and when we heard the story,, in .1658, he. „hyd j them still.— N. Y. Review. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PULASKI HOUSE, MAY 8, 1366. 8 A Shean, Act Passed! c Orff, Savannah T ttt JKS tug ’ Il ß L <x,k| y n o c KeynoJoc, U S N J W Kirkenwell. Capt Mrs Capt E Thompson, Lt W Johnson & lady? SR Young. Nv'crty M ° 4th lowa 1 W LINCOLN, druggist and apothecary, comm or Bcu Arm Oosoaiaa streets; FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, is CBJUX VaKZXXT, RECENTLY SELECTED IN NEW YORK, EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET. * V ? THE LARGEST STOCK OP FRESH DRUGS' % W * EVES OF7SBID US T»m ctfCT i -• V — ... ... w. W. LINCOLN, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, OOBNEB OF BULL ASD OOttOSCSS 6TBESX9, SAVANNAH. GBCaCttA. * mayS-tf B ILLS OF THE NORTHERN AND WESTERN BANES, Maine, Massachusetts, Ac., Purchased by L. C. NORVEIX A 00., Comer of Bull street, opposite the Post Office. mayd-T PLANTATION FOB SALE. THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, Known aa “BRICKYARD," For, sale, situate on Hilton Head Island, About five miles from Custom House street; Contains 12 or 1400 acres—4 or 600 acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balance valuable Cotton Land, or suitable for Early Gardening purpo ses. Has high banks and deep water on Broad Creek, suitable for wharves. Price, $15,000. Address 3. E. WHITE, mayß-tf Bor 20 Hilton Hr ad, a 0. (Official.) HEADQ’RS. DIiPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., Ha y C, 1864. Orders, \ No. 67. f The following dispatch from the Provost Marshal is published for tne information of this command; WAR DEPARTMENT, Provost Marsual General’s Bureau, Washington D c\, 1-30 P. M., April 29th, ISOS. The Secretary of War having directed that the re cruitingof men ill the loyal Sr iu for the volunteer forces be stopped, now direct -1 at .he recruitment for the volunteer forces, of all persons, including colored men, in all States, be embraced in the order and their enlistment be discontinued. JAMES B FRY, _ „ , „ _ Provost Marshal General. To Major-General GILLMCKE, Department of the South, Hilton Head. S O. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMQRE. T. D. Hodoes, Captain 35m U. 8. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Qen. nuy9 {Oaiok.l.; HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. Hilton Head, a. C., May b, >666 Gbnt-eal Ocdees,) No. 68. j To enable all men absent from their commands to be properly mustered ont of service at the expiration of tnefrterin, the following regulations will be strictly complied with: Ist. Whenever enlisted men are separated from their Companies on furlongh, deta. bed serv ice, or in hospi tals, they will be fun.titled by their Commanding uffi cers with descrivCve lists, ou which will be shown all the data affecting their pay, clothing accounts, Ac.T 2d. Commanders of regiments, battalions, or detach ments, in this Department, will immediately cause'de scriptlve lists of all enlisted men now absent from tb® Department, as prisoners of war, on detached service, or in hospitds, to be forwarded direct to the Chief Mas tering Officer of their respective St tea, and in caseone was furnished the soldier at the time he left his com mand, the copy herein directed to be furnished such Chief Mustering Officer will be marked across the face, “Xhtpl*. ate." -By command ot Major-General Q. A GILLMORE, T. D. Dodoes, ... -- \ Capt. 35th U. 8. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. General.