Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 11, 1865, Image 3

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THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager oeani taooaet. Director of Amusements a. h. i>avf.n post. Stage Manager t. j. hebndon. THIS (THURSDtY) EVENING, MAY 11TH, 1905, The Performances will commence with the Great Ro mantic Drama of THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. ES3,%S3f M de Chateau Renai.d . * Davenport Le Baron de Montgiron Howard Alfred Meynard Salisbury Le Byon Martelli Rogers Orlando Ilerndon Colonna . Quinan Boissec earner Judge of the District Harkins Griffo Sumter Madame Savilla de Franchi Mrs. M. E. Berrel Emilie de Lesparre Miss F La Fond Marie • Miss Elsie St. Leon Ooralie Miss Maude St. Leon Oelestine Miss Hattie Lee Overture Orchestra To conclude with the new Farce, entitled MY WIFE'S SECOND FLOOR. Capt. Topheavy Mr, Simpson Felix Toddle Mr. earner Jacob Close Mr. Herudon Fanny Maylove Miss M. St. Leon Mrs. Topheavy Mrs. M. L. Berrell Mrs. Downey t Miss Lee Notice.—The doors wdl jjjaaa at 7, and the curtain rise at 8 o’clock jjsiseTsely.' Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock. K2T PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. _a3 All bills must be presented weekly. gWEATNAM’S VARIETIES. (Formerly St, Andrew’s Hail.; f S-yeafnam and EWAN Lessees and Managers OPEN EVERY NIGHT! SINGING, DANCING, BURLESQUE, PANTOMIME, DRAMA, MINSTRELSY, AND FARCE. CHANGE OF FBOGBAMME -NIGUTI.Y. For particulars, see Bills. * mayll-tf ■yTERNON SHELL ROAD COMPANY. The Annual Election of Five Directors of this Com pany will be held at the office of the Home Insurance Company, on SATURDAY, the 13th inst., between the hours of 11, A. M., and 1, P. M. may 11-3 t M. A. COHEN, Secretary. gILLS OF THE NORTHERN AND WESTERN BANKS, Maine, Massachusetts, &c., Purchased by L. C. NORVELL A CO., Corner of Bull street, opposite the Post Office. may 3-7 HEADQ’RS. DEPT, OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., May 6, 1865, General Orders, 1 » No. 69. / The following Quarantine Regulations for the Ports of Port Royal, S, C., Feinandina, Fla., Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, S. C., will be enforced after the 10th day of May, 1850; I. The Quarantine Grounds will be located as fol lows: for Port Royal, S. C., and Savannah, Ga., in Tybee Roads, at the “Old Savannah Quarantinefor' charleston, S. C., inStono Inlet; lorpernandini, Fla., In Cumberland Sound. The exact place of anchorage will be designated by a white buoy and flag. 11. It shal> be the duty of the master and pilot of every vessel coining into these ports, from this date unti 1 further orders, except the pilot boats returning from their ordinary cruising grounds, and U S Naval vessels, t"> hoist a signal for a health officer, in the fore rigging, flfteeu feet from her deck, and come to, immediately below and opposite tbe guard ship, one of which will be stationed at each Port within and near the inner bar buoy, and there wait his coming on ooard 111. The health officer sh ill visit the vessel without necessary delay, and ascertain her sanitary condition and the pert whence she sailed. And it shall be his duty to order to the Quarantine Grounds, there to re mum as loug as he may deem proper, all vessels haring on board cases of yellow fever, cholera, or other infec tious or contagious diseases; also, all vessels coming lrom any West India Island, or from any port in that portion of the State of Florida, not in the Department of the South, whether such vessels have clean bills of health or not. IV. No communication will be allowed with the ves sel until she has been examined by the Health Officer, and no person will be permitted to leave her V. The fee of the Health Officers for visiting, exam ining ami certifying vessels arriving at these Ports, shall be collected from all vessels except those in the Government employ, or foreign war vessels, at the fol lowing rutes: For each vessel from a foreign port $6 60 And for all othe s 2 60 The moueyt-thus collected will be turned over to the Medical Director, for the use of the General Hospitals in this Department. VI. The,e regulations will be strictly enforced by the Health Officer. Should there be any-deviation there from, or should any of the orders given by the Health Officers to such vessels not be strictly carried out, they will report the fact to the Medical Director of the De partment, for the immediate arrest and imprisonment of the offender. By command of General Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. Honors, Capt. 36th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt Gen (Official.} HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., May 6,1864. Gonebat. Ordeks,) No. 67. j The following dispatch from the Provost Marshal ia published for the information of this command; WAR DEPARTMENT, - Peovost Maksual General’s Bureau, Washington, D C., 1-30 P. M., April 29th, lstis. The Secretary of War having directed that the re. cruitiug of men In the loyal States for the volunteer forces lie stopped, now directs that the recruitment Wi th e volunteer forces, of all persons, including colored men, In all States, be embraced In the order and their enlistment be discontinued. JAMES B FRY, Provost Marshal General. To Major-General GILLMCRE, Department of the South, Hilton Head, SC. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. Hodges, Captain 35th U. 8. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may 9 * OTIC hi. Savannah, Ga., March, 8, 1805. After this date the Provost Court will be held in the U. S. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay streets. EBEN PARSONS, Jr., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge, pROVOST COURT NOTICE. On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist Lieut. Ebon Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the U. 8. Court House, comer of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt James M. WaltOH, Judge, willbe held in the room over Adams' Express Co.’s office, comer Bay and Drayton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 0., and all parties having business before said Courts will govern themselves accordingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES. mar2o ts W. w - usoois. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY •orne3 of Bull and Congress streets: FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FANCT AND TOILET ARTICLES, in great vabiett, RECENTLY SELECTED IN NEW YORK. EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET. t THE LARGEST STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS EVES OFFERED IN THIS CJST. W. W. LINCOLN DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, CORNED OF BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. __ mayS-tf PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, Known as “BRICKYARD,". For, sale, situate on Hilton Head Island, About five miles from Custom House street; Contains 12 or 1400 acres—4 or 600 acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balance valuable Cotton Land, or suitable for Early Gardening purpo ses. Has high bapks and deep water on Broad Creek, suitable for wharves. Price, $16,000. Address J. E. WHITE, mayS-tf Box 20 Hilton Head, 8. C. JJ S. SERVICE MAGAZINE. JUST RECEIVED, AND FOB SALE AT TOE SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, No. 11l Bat [8 mi i . ALSO, ALL THE NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF THE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every Steamer from the North. REMEMBER TEE SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, No. 11l Bay Street* (Offioial.} HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. General Orders,! HILTO * * C " M ‘ y b ’ 1865 ' No. 68. • f To enable an men absent from their commands to be properly mustened out of service at the expiration of rompUedwith? foowing regulations will be strictly Ist. Whenever enlisted men are separated from their Companies on furlough, detached service, or In hospl tala, they will be furnished by their Commanding Offl cers with descrivtive lists, on which will be shown all the data affecting their pay, clothing accounts, Ac 2d. Commanders of regiments, battalions, or detach ments, in this Department, will immediately cause de scriptive lists of all enlisted men now absent from the Department, as prisoners of war, on detached service, or in hospitals, to be forwarded direct to the Chief Mas tering Officer of tbeir respective States, and in case one was famished the soldier at the time he left his com mand, the copy herein directed to be furnished such Chief Mastering Officer will be marked across the face, of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. T D Moons, Capt. 36 th U.». C. TANARUS„ Act. AMt. Adit, Gmral, J.NTERRBTONG PUBLICATIONS fob THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms : $2 per year. Single copies, 25 cents. A ’ THE AMERICAN UNION. A FIRBSIDE JOURNAL. NO OONTINUKD STORIES. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. $3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, Novellette* Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magaalne in the world. $1.50 a year. Seven copies, SO. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages In each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel, All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOME9 A TALBOT. Publishers, 63 Congress street Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE* SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 BAS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlS ts -pOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., May, Ist, 1865. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office on or before the 10th of May. A failure to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. S. STARR, mayl Capt. and A. Q. M„ In charge of buildings. HEADQR’S. DISTRICT OF. SAVANNAH, Savannah, May 9tb, 1865. General Order,) No. 21. / Captain Gifsy, A. Q. M., having been relieved from duty In this District, l>y Special Order, No. 117, C S., Headquarters Department of the South, will turn over to Lieutenant Elijah Swift, 38th Mass. Vols., the Civil Fund of the District of Savannah, who will take charge of; and be held responsible for the proper disbursement of the same. By command of Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER Ol iveb Matthews, A. A. G. maylo-3t OFFICE OF STREET COMMISSIONER,) Savannah, Ga., May 10th. 1865, ( The owners of the following described animals, will please call at this office, prove property, and pay char ges, ou or before the 15th inst., or the same will be sold to defray expenses, viz: One sorrel Mare, with blaze face, and left bind foot white. In Public Pound since May 3d. ALBERT STEARNS, Captain and Street Commissioner. mayll—2t ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHED IN 1832. The subscriber, grateful for past faAors.begs leave to state that he still continues to Dye Woolen Dresses, Shawls, etc., black, in the best manner. Gentlemen's Garments cleaned and renovated, or dyed black, as may be required, In the same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons and friends for the past thirty years. ALEXANDER GALLOWAY, 36 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga. aprll 3mlaw Q N. BELLOWS A CO*, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., NO. 8 MERCHANTS’ BOW, HILTON HEAD, S., C O. N. (BELLOWS. M. O. TTI.EE. t. W. TAY LOB. marll ts STEELE A BURBANK, n Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Caps Glasses, Ganntlcts Gloves, Ac.. Ac., Ac. -jyjASONIC RING LOST. The finder will confer a great favor and receive a suitable reward by returning it to the Savannah Daly Herald Office. ts ap2o US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Paper, En velopes, Ac., jnst received and ready for distribution. Facilities for writing Letters for all wishing to avail fhemselves of them. ebl* DWIGHT SPENCER, Agent. UNBARS A FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions Riddell a Murdoch, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Fubnishino Goods, Ac., No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. , w. <i riddell, rjanlO— tf] n. j.mubooe. iwS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING The Savannah Dailx Heald at Wholsale arc re auested to send in their orders ss early in advance as practicable. W. MASON A CO. gWEET CIDER FOR MILE, . To famlliea by the quart or gallon, at O’MEARA A CO’S, over Adams' Express Office. Bay street ~ mh24 grrUATION WANTED, An American man, of middle age, who was former ly in the Custom House in Savannah, as Accountant wishes a situation. Can give the beat of references. Enquire at the Savannah Herald office. may»4w HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OP TH* SOUTH, Hilton Head* S. a, April 12, 1865. General Orders,) No. 48. / On March 7th, 1866, a party of colored soldiers and scouts, thirty in number, commanded by Sergeant- Major Henry James. 3d U. S. C. TANARUS„ left .Jacksonville, Fla., and penetrated into the interior through Marten County. Thev i esc tied ninety-one negroes from slave ry, captured four white prisoners, two wagons and twenty-four horses and mules; destroyed a sugar mill and a distillery, which were used by tne rebel govern ment. together with their stocks of sugar and liunor, and burned the bridge over the OcTawaha River, When returning they were attacked by a band of over fifty cavalry, whom they defeated and drove off with a loss of more than thirty to the rebels After a long and rapid march they arrived at St. Augustine, on March 12th, having lost but two killed and four woun ded. • This expedition, planned and executed by colored men under the command of a colored non-commis sioned officer, reflects great credit upon the brave par ticipants and their leader. The Major-General Commanding thanks these cour ageous soldiers and scouts, and holds np their coudnct to their comrades in arms, as an example worthy of emulation. By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GIL .YORE. W. L. M.Br:-, er. Assistant Adjutant ; cneral. [Official.] T. D. Honc.Es, Captain 35th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt. General, mays RATION TICKETS. Citizens interested, are called upon to notice partic ularly the following instructions in reference to their Ration Tickets for the next week. All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms," in tne Exchange, in the following order, viz: DISTRICT NO. 1. Extending from Bay street, south, to South Broad street, and lrom Bull street, east, (including Magazine Ward;, to the city limits. Citizens of this District wll. be served on Monday and Tuesday next. White fam ilies will be served fiom 9 a. m. to Ip. m. Colored families from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. district no. 2. Lying east of Bull street aud south of South Broad street, extendingto the city limits. Will be served on Wednesday and Thursday. 'Whites from 9a. m. to 1 p. m. ; colored from 4 to 6 p. m. DISTRICT NO. 3. Lying between Bay street and South Broad street, and from Bull street, west, to West Broad street. Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a, m. to 1 p. m,; colored from 4to6p. m. DISTRICT no. 4. Lying between Bull and West Broad streets, and from South Broad Street, sonth, to the city limits.— Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7th. Whites lrom 9a. m. to lp.m.; colored from 4 to 6 p. in. • DISTRICT NO. 5. Yatnacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between West Broad street and the canal. Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th May. Whites from Ip. m.; color ed from 4 to 6 p. m. district no. 6. Robertsville. Will be served on Thursday, May 19th. Whites from Ip. m.: colored from 4 to 0 p. m. MONTHLY FOR MAY GODEY’S LAD DEB BOOK FOR M A Y . OUR YOUNG FOLKS. FOR M A Y For sale at No, 111 Bay street. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, Savannah, Ga„ May 4, 1865. General Order,) No. 31. f I. Lieut. Fred Hope, A. A. Q. M., having been re lieved from duty in this District, will turn over all pnblic property in his possession, and transfer his pre sent duties to Lt. J. W. Sterling, R. Q. M., 22d lowa Vols,, who will also, In addition to those, take charge of the Savannah Water Works, relieving thereby Capt. Nathan Baker, A. Q. M. By command of Brevet Major General C. GROVER. Edward G. Dtk* A. A. Q. mayC J^BROWN t CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR 2 FABK place, dboadwat bank building, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher A Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1862. We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea sonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-lndebtedneSs for Ordnance and Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling tbeir accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired: Counties for the heir* of deceased, wounded Sol diery and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the WUe Op Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. . Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together vrUh all other jnst Claims. Information freely furnished. We purchase and sell all Government Securities. Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References givenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. feblS ts gANfissr LIME LI M Ell LIMEIU 800 casks best quality Thomaston Lime, suitable for brick work, plastering, white washing, or for sanitary pnrposes. Just received direct from Thomaston, Me For sale by DUNBAR A FRANZ, 10 Merchants' Row. ap!9 Hilton Head. rpilE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. Awonderful invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday morning. _ edexM3mo mar2l TJ & SANITARY COMMISSION, Owner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savan nah, Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened store-rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeons in charge of Hospitals will please send in their requisitions for stores. V J. C. HOBLIT, jan 21—ts Agent U. 8. 8. C. * Q HECKS ON NEW YORK— Iu sums to suit purchasers, supplied at par by C. C. NORVELL A CO., Corner of Bull street, opposite the Post Office. mayß-7t* HEADQ’IIB DEFT. OF THE SOUTH. 1 E 1“ I Hilton H April 20,1565. / General Orders,) No. 47. f I. Before a General Court Martial which convened at Hilton Head. S. C„ in pnrsoance of Special Order No. 7, dated Headquarters, Department of the South, Hilton Head. 8. C„ January 9th, 186 ft and otwttfch Major Prank Place. 157th N. Y. Vols., was President, was arraigned and tried. Private Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. S. C. T. Charge First : “Threatening Ms Superior Officer." Specification r “In this; that the said Private Arm stead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., did say -I will be God damned. If I don’t shoot him,’ mean ing Sergeant John A. Brown, Cos. C, 32d U. S. C. T. This at camp of 32d L T . S. C. TANARUS,. near Deveanx’ Neck, S. C'„ on the 12th day of Janu ary, lstfc." (’haroe Second : “Striking Ms Superior Officer." Specification ; “In this: that said Private Armstead Holmes Cos. C, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., did seize a billet of wood and strike Sergeani John A. Brown,Co. C, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., npon the head. This at camp of 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS„ near Deveanx’ Neck, f). C.,ou the 12th day of January, 1865. •* • Charge Third ; "Lifting up a weapon upon kin Superior Officer." Specification : “In this; that said Private Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. 9. C. TANARUS., did lift np a gnu and put a charge therein for the puroose of shooting hD Superior Officer, Sergeant John A Brown, Cos. C, 32d U. 8. C. T. This at camp 32d U. 8, C. TANARUS., near Deveaux’ Neck, 8. C., ou the 12th day of January, 1965." To all of which charges and specifications the ac cused pleaded, “Guilty.” Finding; The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm the plea or the accused. Sentence : And they do therefore sentence him. Private Arm stead Holmes Cos. C, 32dU. S. C. TANARUS„ to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, and then be confined at hard labor at Fort Marion. St. Augutsine, Florida, far the veriod qf two years, and to wear a 24 Ctnrf ball attached to Ms right leg, by a chain eight feet g, fifteen dans out of each month during the term of his confinement. 11. The proceeding* findings and sentence in the foregoing case are disapproved. There has been much difference of opinion, whether the words “Superior Officer” in the 9th Articles of War, apply to a non commissioned officer, but the Judge Advocate General has finally decided that they do not. According to this opinion, the offence should have been charged under the 99th Drticle. Private Holmes will be released from confinement and restored to dnty. The General Court Martial of which Major Frank Place, 157th N. Y. VoD., was President, is hereby die - solved. By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. I* M. Buboes, Asst. Adjutant General. Official: T. D. Hodge* Capt. 36th U. S. C, TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. my 2 HEADQ’RS, DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, ) Hilton, S. C„ April 13, 1965./ General Order*) No. 43. { I. General Orders No. 5, from these Headquarters, dated January 17th, 1865, is hereby amended to read as follows: A military tax of one per cent, will Ire levied ou all goods brought Into this Department, for the purpose of trade. Tie value of such goods will be determined by the Invoices Os purchase, to which an affidavit will be required from the consignees certifying to their cor rectness. The fhnd accruing lrom this tax wll) be used for the purpose of providing Steam, and other Fire engines, repairing wharves, road* public buildings, and other necessary civil expense* for the several Cities and. Towns within the limits of this Department. 11. The military Supervisors of Trade for the various Poet* or where the Post Commander has not appoint ed such a Supervisor, the Post Treasurer, will attend to the collection of the tax imposed by this order, and make semi-monthly returns of all monies received to Brevet Major Geo. E. Gouraud, Acting Assistant In spector General of 4he Department, who, in addition to his duties as such will act as Treasurer of the fond accruing from this tax, and attend to the disburse ment of the same, under the direction of the Major- General Commanding. 111. The Acting Assistant Inspector General of the Department, will also exercise the supervision of stores and trade within the Department required by Para graph IV, of Special Orders No 13, lrom the Head of the Military Division of tbe Mississippi, January 15, 1865. IV. Llent.-Col. Janes H. Strong, Ist N. C. Union Vols., is hereby relieved trom dnty as Collector of ihe Department Military Tax, to which he was detailed by General Orders No 6, current series from these Ileadquartei 8. V. Lieut. Frank Geis* 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., is hereby relieved from duty as Acting Military Tax Collector, to Which he was assigned bv General Orders No. 27, current serie* from these Headquarter* and will at once turn over to Brevet Major Goukaud, A. A. Iu spector General, all money and property pertaining to the office for the Collection of tne Depaatment Mili tary Tax, who will receipt to him for the same. By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. w. L. M. Buboes, Assistant Adjutant General [Official.] T. D. Hodoe* Capt. 36th U. 8. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. raay4 HEAD’QRS. DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., May 8, 1865. General Order,) No. 20. j L At his own request, and to enable him to re-join his Regiment, Capt. James M. Walton, 64th Massa chusetts Volunteers, is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Judge of the 2d Provost Court, and from duty lu this District. n. Capt M. Benedict, 156th New York Volunteers, Asst Comsy. of Clusters of the District and Post, is de tailed as Provost Judge of the 2d Provost Court, the duties of which office ne will perform in addition to his dntics as Mustering officer. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. C. GROVER. Oliver Matuews, Asst. Adjt. Gen. mayß (Official.) HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C„ May 6, 1866. General Orders,) No. SC. j I. All ambulances, medicine wagons, horses, mules, harness and other fixtures, appertaining thereto, with in this Department are hereby placed under the con trol of the Medical Director oi the Department of the South. 11. Capt. F. Bell, V. R. C , is hereby announced as Chief Ambulance Officer, and will report to Lieut. Col. Meredith Cltmeb. Medical Director, D. 8. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE T D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U, S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. n^ay9 RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,} all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. feblC ts Rooms to let at hilton head, s. c., in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to E. S. SAMPSON, on the premisea. ts mar4m YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspflhdent is at 111 BAY STREET, UPSTALRg. ,mar 22 ts 1 JiXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY . H. BRIGHAM, »p 26 ts 93 Bay street. gTOVES 1 STOVES! t STOVES 1!! Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking UUfc sils, Planters’ HOE.*, wholesale and retail, by JAMES G. THOMPSON & CO., apli—m&thC Beaufort S. C. DISINFECTANT. Small quantities of th j Per Manganate ol Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the?HeaJth Officer. febiu