Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 12, 1865, Image 3
fcUftGS, SEpiCISETISB CUES! CALS, APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Corner of Bernard and Broughton Struts, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA W. M- WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AGUE CURE, OSGOOD'S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever and Ague, PS COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever aud Ague. —•’11.1.3 HSVEa EiOff) to rAit— BLANKARD’S FERAGINOU3 PILLS, AYE It’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, . LEE’S PILLS, . ‘ JAYNE’S PILLS. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS, HERRICK'S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DUPONCOS LADIES' PILLS, MANDRAKE'S LI.’ER PILLS, fo>-Constipation and Congealed Oouditious el the Liver. —ocrrxnsTS— KENNEDY’S SALT KUEUM SALVE, REDDING'S KUi*lA SOLVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE, MCALISTER'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, ■—turnirons— TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXiCAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, SHEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN SILLER, JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, PALSY'S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORO’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, HaLMdOLDT’3 EXTRACT BUCHU. WISTARM BALS VM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER’S RHEDMATIC COMPOUND & BLOOD PURIFIER, PHILOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’S BITTERS, WIS I’AR’S OOCGH LOZENGES, BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATiC FCMIGATING PASTILE3, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs & Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSGN’s INDELUBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, TH vYER’3 CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL-, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY'S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, BEXFORD’3 GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCIIA SYRINGES, all skes, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all sites. A large a»sortinuut of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, PE. PARKE'S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDERS MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing tie most delicate Sides, Von Buskirk’S SOZQDONT, Swau’s TOOTH POWDER, Clark’s TOO TH POWDER, Thurston’* TOOTH POWDER, Charcoal FAgfE, - Bu, nett’s White Oak WASH, lublu’s EXTRACTS and Toilet PO WDER Sdrahi’a EXTRACTS, ~ liarnoj’a EXTRACTS, fnaieu’e Night-B-iocm'ng CEREU9, Baudolott’* French EXTRACTS, Freaclt and German COLOGNES, Batin’* FLORIDA WATER, RANGES, LILLY WHITE, A great variety of Tooth, Nall and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Rubber ;utd Horn Dressing COMBS, Sendallc A.MBOLINE, for the Hair, Sterling’s AMBRO>XA, for tie Hair, Burnett’s COCOAINE, Burnett's Cocoa CASTORINE, BelmstreetM Inimitable HAIIi RESTORER, Parriih’s BANDOLINE, Edreht’s POMADES, Thompson’* POMADES, Razin’* POMADES, Douglass’ POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHEEUS, Lyon’s KATHAIKCN; BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs-Aileu’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof Wood’* HAIR RESrOEATIVE. —II,US DIES— Batchalar'a P AIR EYE, Millet's IIAIR EYE. Venetian BATE EYE, French’* Distilled BAY WATER, for tbs Toilet, Au endiesi variety of Toilet tOAPS. Shaving; CREAM. Lows Genaine B.own Windsor SOAP, A luge asiortment of POCKET BOOKS, A large assortment of Shaker’s His BBS, A variety of POCKET C CILERY, —TLAVOnCaO EXTRACTS— Lemon, Almond, pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry Orange, Bauaua, Rose, VauiUa, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, SEIDLITZ POWDERS. CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS justro. helved from the Uouso of David Laudreth A Cos., Failadelphl.t. We invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealer* to the above large and extensive Stock, wbicu wi l be sold low for CASH. I3TN. B, TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Our Stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS, which are In every day use. are pure, and cun oe relied upon, and require no atft.uger testimony of ihe r efficacy than tii.a of cumiug from Messrs, SJhelfl.iu, Brothers & Cos.; New Yum, the largest and most extensive Drug Uuu-e in lira world, who have had au enviable reputation tor tne last centuiy and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department is nuder the immediate supervision of Mr. VV. V. V. Wil son (lute of the house 01 Solomons & Cos., of this city.; r or his ability and correctness as a Dispenser of Medi -1116 fltueus of Savauuah are respectfully referred to w, past record. Physicians’ Prescriptions, as formerly, compounded nt au uottrs outre uigut. Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. Stone AT£a ’ with shoicost Syrups, from APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Comer of Barnard aud Broughton Streets. THEATRE! ?Sfl neBS M , an *= er OKiJrr TAGOUtT. lg£?i£U£r mm * t *■ u ’ UOf » er J. U£5IvlX)N. THIS (FRID i.Y) EVENING, MAY 12TH, ISCe, SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES. Admiral Franklin Mr. W. Simpson Charles Franklin Mr, A- H. Davenport Bill Lackauay Mr. T. J. Uerndoa Landlord Mr. Rogers Cnrtis Mr earner Eugenia. Miss Florence Lafond Laura MaudaSt. Leon Mis. Bell.' Mrs. Berrell Susau..■ Mis*Lee Fancy Dance by Mijs Maude St. Leon and Mr. J. W. Carnor. To conclude with MY WIFE’S SECOND FLOOR. Capt. Topheavy Mr. Simpson Helix Toddle Mr. earner Jacob Cluse •. ... Mr. Herndon Fannr Maylove Mies Maude St. Leon Mrs. Topheavy Mrs. Berrell Mr*. Downey Miss Lee Notice.—The doors will open at TANARUS, and the curtain rise at 8 o'clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock. 23T PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL, All bills must be presented weekly. gWEATNAM’S VARIETIES. (Formerly St. Andrew’s Ha’Lj Swsajj»x< and tnu» Lessee* and Managers OPEN EVERY NIGHTI SINGING, DANCING, BURLESQUE, PANTOMIME, DRAMA. MINSTRELSY. AND FARCE. CHANBE OF rtOBSAMMS MOSTLY. For particulars, see Bills. mavll-tf \Y # W. LINCOLN, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY ooiarjm or Bull ibs Conensse zrssxxc; FREsJI DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET AETICLES, «S cr.T Jf v^sasx% \ RECENTLY SELEOTED IN NEW YORK, EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET. THE LARGEST STOCK OF FRESH* DRUGS *vna 017E&59 ct this coax. 'V. W, LINCOLN dbdggist AND APOTHECARY, COBWEB Os SOIL ASrD«CO«W3SSS QiaSSTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. mayS-tf SHELL ROAD COMPANY. mmlii?!, 89 , 1 of Five Directors of this Com- P«‘Uy will be held at the office of the Home Insurance may 11-30 M. A- COHEN, Secretary. Rooms to let at hilton he ad h r The Palmetto Herald EniJdiagTconwoflier” chants' Kow and Palmetto Avenue-, suitable for bnsi nets pmrtxisesor lodgings. Apply to E. y. SAMPSuV on tte premises. " tC mar jm Disinfectant. " Small quantities o/tLu Per Manganate o< Potash saa* <” “>■ HEADQ'RS DIST. OF SAVANNAH Savannah, Ga., Mayil, ißjj. / G'cctruAi. OsDeb,) No. 33. . 1 J Irt compliance with instracilons Torn the Head- Nltiaitera of the Department, General Order No. 20 fro a these Headquurtc * is revoked. By command of Brvt. Muj. Gen. GROVER SawxKD G. Duyt, AA Q. ' mayl 2 p'iAiilLaliXG PULidvA-daNb ros THE SOLDIER OR.THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVTLLSTTE, contains a Novelette complete, tope ,ter wi.h from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Tinas : 62 per year, tingle 00, iee, 26 cent*. Til 3 AMERICAN UNION. a rrEßmm jocxnal. no oonti!«us» STOtirs Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Strrlng Adventures and Choice Home Reading. *3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OCR UNION. Devoted to Ta’es, Sketches, Adventures rooms. New*, Novelettes, Ac. 6-1 per year. TOE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine la the world. sl.oh a year. Seven copies, SO. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage culy 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVFLLKTTES. 123 pages In each book i one-third larger than any ctber Dime Novel. / All of tbo above publications will ba forvardod regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES & TALBOT. PtU LICHEES, S3 Congress street, # Bo&tdn.’Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at * THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, , 111 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA api-13 ts pOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Railroad Eanu, Savannah, Ga., May, Ist, 1565. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ub sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assignee!— rent* free—sott'e the rents for the same, due the Uni tod Statos, at this effioe op or before the 10th o. May. A failure to comply with the above will caua<- a i'orfeituro of nil claims to farther occupation. * S. S. STARR, mayl Capt. and A. Q. M., in charge of buildings. PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, Known as “BRICKYARD,” For, ea’e, situate on Hilton Ilea 1 Island, About five mUee from Custom House stcoet; Contains 12 or KOO acres—l or 6CO acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balance valuably Cotton Laud, or suitable for Early-Gardening purpo se. Has high b inks aid deep water on %oad Creek, suitable for wharves., $15,000. Address • J! E. WHITE, mr.yS-tf Box 20 Hilton Heal, 6. C. TJ S. LLRViCU MAGAZINE. JUBT RECEIVED, AJt» TOZ C-ALX AT TUS SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, No. 11l Eil [StSIBT. ALCOy ALL THE NORTHERN JACLY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF TIIE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every .-.toatner from the North. ssvsxosb tax SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, ' > No. 11l Bat 8t s i 11. jgILLS. OF THE NORTHERN AND WESTERN BANKS, Maine, Massachusetts, &c,, Purchased by L C. NORVELL & CO., Comer oT Bull stvoct, opposite the Post Office. mnyS-1 YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. ■ Tiie office of the New YorkTlcxaid' Correspondent is at 111 .BAY STREET, crsTAiEs. mirffi ■ if XTEWS-DEALERS AND QTiIBKS’ DESIRING Tup. if Savannah Daily llealu at Wholsale aro re que/ted to send in their order? j>a early in advance as practicable; - W MASON & CO. gWJSET CIDER FOR SALK, To-families by the quart or gallon, at O'MEARA & CO’.?, over Adams’ Express Office. Bay street. nth? 4 gUUATIuN WANTED, An American m in. of raid® who was former ly in the Ou>tom House in Savannah', as Accountant wi-he» a situation. Cnii give the lies, of reference A . Enquire at the Savannah Herald office. miyS-lw HEADERS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, " Hilton He ad, S. C., April 1A 1 t>C*. G UNREAL Oanuas,) No. 42. j On Mu ch 7th, 1565, s party of colored so’diers sad ,«couu, thirty in number. o.mmsnded bv SergeunA- Mujor Ilediy James. 3d U. S. r. r„ left JacStionvliM. FI-*., f.nd Lent trated into the Jnterli r throughM -rl u Couui;.-. Tacy letcu -d uiu-t -at e nec oes trom siuvc ‘■-V. teptured four hire piUaitvi-', two wagons airtd wentj-i, - horsea and ru'.dao; dci*n.>ea a sugar mil' .r.' a casf.'iery. wh'ch ’.V‘ve necl by the rebel tjovein* meat t - tth r with tbeir st eka cf tuyar end liquor, ;rd curupd ihs bridge ove. the O. larvaha River, When reiarning they were i.t ached by a baud of over :.'y cava! y, w'r.nn they defeated oml drove off with 1 3"-s of moT tha t thirty to the reb »R After i lout: i*-fi rspi’T march arrived rd St. Augustine, on March i-th, having io»t but two killed and four woun ded. Tbh r pedhion, plaun'vl c-d executed by colored mru tiu-’v * the rnmaatd of a colored non-commis on ri i fficer, reflects l credit upon the brave par ncptiuN a..d i heir leader. 'I ne M 'Jor-Oeti 'ral C tatniiidlug thanks the?* conr igrong soldiers aud scouts, and bold* up iheir couduct ’ their comrades la arms, us an cxamJe worthy oi amulu'lon. i.j Command of Major-Gen. O. A. Gif, ,VOR3. W. M. 3t{-ra, Assistant A.jntaa* ; cucral. fOrrrouT. ] T D. Honors, Captain ?- hU. S. C. TANARUS., Act. As3t. Adjt. Gecer.tL *ys < Itizeas interested are ce’led rues to uot'cc parti> ukrly tie ft owing iustr etio s n to their Ration Tickets for toe next week. A.: absolutelr needy will apply for Ticket* tihe “Relief Committee Rooms,” in .he Exchange, ih tha following order, viz: risimcT no. 1. Ex'endbg froui Biy street, south, to Sinth Brand street, and tout bull s' vet. rnit finelndtng Magazine Wa: v). to the city limits. Ciiizeus of tui* District wtL oe. sßi ved ca and! outlay and Tuesday m xt. White fam ilies will be served fi:n S ». m. to Ip. m. Colored lomillee from 4 p. m. to G p. m. ■ • ■ IU3TUTOT NO. 2. ... lying east of Ball "treat and routb or -fi'-utb Broad street, extending to the city limits. Will be served o»* Wednesday and Thursday. Whites from Ba.m. to 1 p, m.; colored from 4too p. rr„ LUBIBIOT no. 3. Lying bitween Ei7 street and Son*.!! Broad street, and rum Bull street, we.- 1, to West B-oad street.— Will be served on Friday, whites from Ba,m. to 1 p. m,; Cuiored from 4toG p. m. msTßicr no. 4. Lying between Bull ami West Broad streets, .and frm, S mth Broad streer, south, to the city limits.— Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7tb Whittoirom Ip. m.; colored- from 4 toC p. m. FISTIUOT NO. 5. Yamacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between West Broad street nud the canal. Will be served oa I'uosd.iy and Wed leaiUy,. the 8.1 and 9fh May.. Whites from 9a.m. to Ip. m:; color ed ficfca 4 to 6 p.m. district no. 0. • ■ Kobertivillc. Will be served cn Thursday, May 12th. \\ hites from Ip. m,: colored from 4 to 6 p. m. HEADQUARTERS U. ?. FORCE?, tuvannah, Ga., Muy 4, 1806. Genttivl Orlit., 1 No. 31. ( I. Li.ut. Fred Hope. A. A. O. M., having been re moved from duty in this Dit-trlct, will turn over nil public pf nperty in lil-t p-> acs-iou, a.-d transfer Ins pre rent duties to I t. J. \\ . Snuling, H. Q. M., 2ul lona Vole,, who will üBo. in addiiiou to those, take charge of the S ivami.ih Water Worn., rclieidag thereby Capt. 2V.-iiha.ii Bhker A. Q M. By command of Brevet Major General C. GROVER. Eowakd G, Di-Cm A. a. G. mayO BROW.IJ & CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Oo MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR 2 rona placi:, usoadway cans h’pu*lno, NEW YORK. CotTcspondontsin Washington—J. W. Fisher* Cos., 4T3 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, ISG2. Wo have complete facilities for transacting business speedily find correctly in nil tlhi Departhients at Washington, licmitranccs proulpt, and-toftns rea son able. Wc live especial attention to obtaining Certlfleatef for Noii-lnctobiciluess lor Orduanco end Quiu teinius tera’ Returns fog Oiilccr.-*. gj;d settling their account*. We collect the ioHowiagc! ses of Claims, uud make advances if d«iii , <l i m-tiec for the hfci»-a cf deceased, wounded Sol di-rs and such us bavo served two years. I’enslon:; for Invalids, Widowe, Mothers, and Or p inn Children. Arreais of pay for tbo heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers. Soldiersund Aailois. and nay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of I’rlsoiie,is of Wur. Prize Money lor the U. S. Navy, together vll’a all other just Claims. Information freely furnished. We. puicbaro and roll all Government Securities, Quartm masters’ CcrUhcates and Checks, on the best of iciuis. Ttefereuces givenjto lcadiog Banlceis and business firms in New York. fijblli • ts g -UNITARY. LIME LIME!! LIME!?! 820 carts'beet (jnn’ity Thomaston Lime, suitable for brick wuik, plastering, w.nte wa thing, or for sanltmy purposes. Just received direct hum ihomaston, Me Fur calc by DUNBAR * FRANZ, lu Me. chant:*’ R sp;9 t.ilton Head. rj'au NL'V SKIRT FOR ISCS. Awondcrfnl lnvenilon for Ladies.. Unquestionably superior 10 a:l others. Don’t fail to re id th ■ advertisement In the Satan: aa llieai.c, contalnhig full particular?, every Moi,< ay inoniimr. ■ ■ 'ii-iM ;tjn mm— 1 QHECKS ON NEW YORK— Ia sums to suit purchasers, supplied at par by C. C. NORVELL $ C 0„ % Corner of B&U street, opposite the Post Office. mnyS-~t* - ■ N.BLLLuWs & GO., - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRV GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., no. S Mr3C3A:iT3' now, H,IL*TON HEAD, S. C a w. nm.own. as. o, mefe. a. w. tayloc. tcnrll ts TEfiLk K, 11 Mercb .'Hits’ Row, Hilton llead, S. C. Call the attention of.Wholesale and Retail purchasers to tlioir superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING ASP FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks. Fancy Goode, Jewelry, and Plated Wai'o.Aword?, bashes, Belts, Emhrwierieis Boots. Capa (Rawer. <r. , iii:ii , '~'- i■' ; ~- RING LOST. * The fin cr will confer a great favor and receive s suitable reward by returning it to the Savannah Daly Herald Office. » a P‘° UNBARS Js FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS SUTLERS’' GOODS Os nil Description •* I » IDDEEL A MURDOCK, lb wut'wsAr.fe A#t>*ifrAti. tirados &oTLEKv*and Naval s Turks, hkv GOODS, LOUl'a AND SIIOKS. HAT.- AND CAPS', ■ nieiTcuMOib lit.iiibuug Gooms Ac.. - No. 5 Morchiints’ Row. Hilton Head, S. C. , w. a urnnxi-Xn u. Matsuos. HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, assvrosdSr*^*--.... No. -9. / Tiie following Q tarantine for the Port* of Part Royal. S, C., Fernandina, Fla., Sivatfmib, Ga , and Charleston S. C., will bs enforced after the ICta uav oi May. 1869: 1, Tu« Q-in ran tine Grounds will be located as fol io-ww: for Port B-iyal, 8. C., and Savannah, Ga-, in ay-oeßaade, at the ‘ Oni Sivanuub Qaaiautlue;’' for Gaa'.-lefwti, 9. C. liißtono Drtetf fdr Fernaddia * Fla., in Cumberland Sound. Tue exist place of anchorage ' .vi i oi tesignat.d by a whtwbuoy and flog. IL It ehai*. b ; toe duty of tha master and pilot of ev . y vo*-' 1 coining Into tnese ports, iroin th * date iu.U nu'ther orders, except the pilot boat# returning front their ordinary crui-ung grounds, end C3 Naval vessels, t • hoist n signal for a health officer, in the fore rigging, t.mon ieet f>om her dtek, aa-i c ine to, immeaiatoiy below and opposite tbeguard ship, one - w bleu will be stationed at each Port within and ue tr the lanor bar buoy, nud there wait his coming oa ooard 111 The Health officer at .11 visit the vessel without ueces a y dciay. and ascertain her sanitary conuitiuu .rid Ik* p rc whence »ue sailed. AuditsUatlua bis duty to order to ihe Quarantine Grounds, thers to re main as lung as he m y deem proper, aii ves "U having uu board c-sej of yellow fever, cholera, or other iaicc tlor.s or contagious diseases 5 a l #.*, all vess -I* coming rotn a y West India I Gaud, or from &uy po.t In thu portion of the State of Florida, not in the Depai tmeut o. the 8 >utu, whether =u.h vessel* have clean bill* of health or not. IV. No communication will be allowed with tha ▼•»■ eei until d.e ha; been rx mimed by tue Health Officer, ami 1111 pu'S-on wilt he perm ued to leave her V. The fee oi the Uaaltu Officers for vieitlng,'exam* mii-gum certifying vessels arriving at Porte, shell be collected all vessel; except those In tue . iovoinment employ, or foreigu war veusore, at the fol* lowing rates: For e„ch vessel fr an a foreign port $8 60 Aud or aii otho s * 60 The money thus collected will be turned over- to the Medical Du- ctor, or too use of tue General Hospital* m thi-i Depattment. Vr. Tut- e regulations will be strictly enforced by tha Health Officer. Saotild there 08 any deviation there uora, or euould any 01 the order* givvn ay the Health Officers to such vessels uot be etrlctiy carried out, they •iviii report the tact to the Medical Director of the De paitorent, for the immeuialo arrest and luprioonuieat of the uhemksr. By coHim.inJ of Mgjor General Q. A.'GILLMORE. T. D. Hoho: a, Capt. b&tu U. 8. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Aijt Gm (OffioiaLl " HEADQ’RS. DEFT. OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Hoad, a U., Muy C, 18CB GoNzr.AL Oantus, t No. 67. f The full w wing dispatch from the Provost Marshal U published for the Information of this command 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, Psovoqt M ibuual Gc.NiaAL'o Bca .AO, Washington D c., 1-30 P. M., April rbth, isd®. The Sscietury of War having directed that the rt. cruiting of men in the loyal state.* for the volunteer forces ue stopped, now directs that the recruitment lor the volunteer forces, of all persons, including colored men, in all Sc tes, be embraced in the order and their enlistment be discontinued. JAMES B FRY, Provost Marshal GeueraL To Major-General GILLMtIKK. Department of the .-junto, Hilton Head, S C. By command of .Mujur-Gsueial Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. Uocolo, Captain 3&th U. s. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. map ... ■, jf , f Official.j HLADQ'RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. Holto.n Usad, b. C., May b, 1865. GenlXal Ossa r. 3,1 No. 58. J To enable all men absent from their commands to be properly musteied out of service at the expiration of men-term, the following regulations will be strictly compil'd wuh,; Ist. Whenever enlisted men are separated from their Companies on furlough, data bed service, ot in hoept uiis, they will be furffished by 'hen: Commanding uffi csrs with descriyUve lists, on which will be *hown all ibe data affecting their pay, clothing accounts, <»c. 2d. Corumauders ot regiments, battalions, or detacb m -ntr, in tnis Department, will immediately cause de scriptive iii-ts of ail enlisted men now übsent trom the Department, as prisoners 6f war, bn detached service, or In hoppit ils tobe forwarded direct to theChlefMus tunug cuicer of their re.-peofve St tes, and in case on* was Humstied the soldier at the time be left his com mand, the copy herein directed to be furnished such chief Mustering Office - will be marked across the faces li £)vpli ate." ’ r 13* .'-Ctrlmind of Major-General Q. A GiLLMORE. T. D. Hodoro, Cspt. . n.h u. o c. T.. Act. Aist. Adit a-'p-rii HEAD’QKS; DIS tticT OF bAV’AX'BAa, " Ea.uunah, Ga., May 8,1666. Got -- ml o*»e»,> No. 20. / I. At his own t eqnest. and to enable him to re-Jolo hi* Regiment, Capt. Jon£a M. Walton. 6-ltbMaasa* 1 hu-eU3 Vuluntoers, Is hereby relieved from duty as P ovost Juuge of the rd Provost Court, and from duty in this District. 11. GiptM. BnvifrwoT, 153 th New York Volunteers, A.-st. Cumsy. 01 Muster* of the Di-trict aud Post, is de tailed as Provost Judge of the 2d ProvrS Court, the duties of which office be will perform In addition to hi* duties as Mustering officer. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. C. GROVES. Olivku M.vmEao, Asst. Adjt. Gen. may3 • (dffibial.r • ~ 1 HEADQ’RS. DEi T. OF THE OUTH, Hilton Hsao, S. C., May 6, .Bfo. Genzjla-l Oankxa > iso. 50. / I. All ambulances, medicino horses, tnnlee, harness and 01 bur fixtures, appertaining thereto, witfp lu ibis Lepai tmeut. are hereby placed unuer the cun* t ol.uf the Medical Direct ar ot the Department of the South. 1 1. Capt. Tv Bill, V: Hi C,- is hereby announced aa t hies Ambulance officer, and will report to Lieut. Ooi. riii.sxDna Clym x. Medical Director, D. 3. By command of Major-Gene: al Q. A. GILLMORB. T D. HoDom, Capi. both U, S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may 9 HKADQR’S. DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, May 9th, 1865. Gxnxxcl Oamy,\ No. 21. Captain Gu sv, A. Q. M., having been relieved from duty in tills District, uy Special order, No. 117, CB.. -is Dt-pui tment of the S <utb, wbl turn over to Lleuteuant 1-.luah 3wirr, SBth M w. Vole.. tbeCivfl Fund of uie District of Savanuah, who will take charge of. aud be held responsible for the proper disbursement of the t-ame. By command of Rrevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER. Olives M vTtkewb, A. A. G. ■iti , ivl" 2r , vi'i iVd* ur i& Aiiß-ii# L , AllbSlON Savannah, Ga., May Ritto. 1805, ) The owners of the following described animals, will please t all at this office, pr v« propertv, and pay char ges on or before the loth inst., or the same will be sold to de ray expeu cb. v z: * j One sorrel Mate, with blaze face, andlOft hlsd foot white. In Public Pound since May 3d. AbBERT STEARIC?, Captain and Street Commissioner. mayll— 2t Notice* _ •» « A * Savannah, Ga., March, 8, 1836. After thla date the Provost court will be held in tha U. s. Court Mount;, up stair*, coiner of Bull mid Bay streets EBEN PARSONS, Jk, mar 9—ts Lient. and Brnvnwt ■Tnd'-p. jpUuVoST COURT NOTiCn.. * ' On and after this date, the, First Provost Chart, Ist Lieut. Ebeu Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the U H. coin t Hoa-e, corner of Bull and Bay street*. / The Second Provost Court, Capt, James M. Walton, Judge, will be held lu the room over Adams' Express Co.’s office, Corner Bay and Drayton street*. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. and., and all parties having business before said courts will govern themselves accoi dingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES. marMfi ts w Campbell, veterinary surgeon • having reopened his office and yard, on Wit- Ham street, is now prepared to treit son scientific principles ; all diseases Incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Carea ■warranted. Term* cash lehiC ts UN MW TURK. FOR SALE BY * H. BRIGHAM, ■tpCfi If P3 Bav street. | .’"tiiuVi.'Si'l STuvLSlit’ /. " " L - Large and small, fur Restaurants ondFamilies. i All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Utrn i ells. Planters’ 110 E , wholesale and retail, by ! JAMES G. THUMPS I '>N A CO., apif—m*thß Beaufort, S. C.