Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 16, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. TrKfDAY.. MAY 1«. »••»* FROn Ol R EVOIXG EDITION, OP YESTERDAY. Tmk Savakxah Makxet.— On Saturday ai teiooon last, one of oar reporters visited the market. The stalls, walks, and grounds outside are now kept la perfect cleanliness Once a week the walla of the market are while washed. The market is now wed fitted up with stalls, which are thus enumer ated : Beef stalls * Small meat stalls 34 Vegetable stalls.. 32 Coffee stalls.. lt> Fish stalls W Bread stalls * South and west of the market, on the out side, are stalls for the sale of country prod uce. The keeper of the market, Mr. Emanuel Sheftall, who has filled the place for several years, Is the right man in the right place From early dawn to subset he Is present, giving all.liis attention to his duties. By a recent regulation, all carts coming from the country upon entering the lines sire taken by a guard to the market, where they register their name9 with the Clerk, stating the county they are from, and the produce brought tor sale. The schedule applying to their goods is read to them, and they are then allowed to commence selling. This new regulation is a good one, as it effectually stops parties from making purchases on the *road, while the produce Is in transitu to the market. All have now equal chances, and there can be no complaints. A creditable feature is the quiet of the market under Us present management; any attempt at rowdy ism will meet with severe punishment. Dur ing the past week three hundred carts and \vagons arrived at the market. They were from the following counties: Bulloch, Bryan, Effingham, Emanuel, Montgomery, Scilven, Richmond and Ohatham. The produce brought to market during the week, comprised poultry, egg 9, butter, beeswax, lard, bacon, mutton, pork, fresh and jerked beef, honey &ud blackberries in abundance. All restrictions upon trade having been re moved, the poor people of the city are now enjoying all the blessings of the good old times. Flobida. —The New York Herald says it la understood,that at the conference between Gen. Vogdes and the rebel Gen. Bam Jones, at White House Station, on the 25th ult., as wag also reported by our Jacksonville cor respondent, on agreement Was arrived at for the surrender of all the rebel troops in Flor ida. “ The interview was solicited by Gen. Jones, who, it is said, was very anxious to secure « provision by which the rebels would be permitted to sell their supplies of cotton and other products. Whether or not this was granted we are not informed." Fbcit. —The first direct arrival of fruit for this market from Havana was - received yes terday- Capt. Charles E. Smith, who is a man of decided enterprise, brought from Matanza9 via Hilton Head, in the schooner John Vance, a full cargo of pine apples, oranges, etc. ' PtcMs.m-'Phis delicious' jruit is reaching our market in small supplies. In about one week they will be plentiful. The best plums are from the coast, aud remunerative prices can be realised tor them Just no* at the market. « It has been officially announced in the House of Lords by Lord John Russell, and to the' House of Commons by Sir George •Grey, on behalf of Lord; Palmerston, that there is an intentiou to introduce, on the Ist of May an address to the Queen, ex pressing sorrow and indignation at the as sassination of President Lincoln. Kooeb 4. Pryok, w long ago aa 1860, de dtted in a speech that “the first anti-slavery President who was elected would be assas sinated, and, If there was no other person to do the deed, he would be Brutus to plant the dagger in his breast. ” The Bioirr to Run a Blockade. —The Lord Chancellor has given judgment -on an im portant appeal, in a blockade running case, from a decision in the Liverpool Bankruptcy Court. The Liverpool Commissioner had de cided that a contract between two parties to purchase warlike implements, and sell them to the Confederate States, in exchange for ermon, was illegal—but the Lon! Chancellor held that the contract was valid. He held that the right of merchants to run a blockade, and the right of a belligerent to seize ships which attempt to run the blockade, are coex incurs no other risk than that of capture; the belligerent has ho other remedy. * tst cacjAKi Seward.—' There is no longer any doubt of the recovery of Secretary Sew present a sud speaS ioTis frteqds ;/hW face U cut and gashed at and h s StEifTtff 1 5T 9 . Wm - »*• wHI probably remain At UlO head ot the kitato t ‘™ lior Mr ' • * 8 undertaker in Newbern, who « also an embalmer, and when his wife died • k^ X A r^ k'1 8 art upon, her remains in his «ad now keeps her In his room io exhibit as a specimen of his art, tapping ter upon the forehead to show its firmness BeUy 1 ” *3 all there If of my poor A Honw for Jefferson Darts in Liverpool. To the Editor of the Savannah JferaM: Now that everything regarding the move ments of Jeff Davis has a peculiar interest, I have thought it well to give to the public through tbe columns of your valuable paper, a fact which came to my personal knowledge bearing upon the subject. When 1 was in Liverpool, England, now about a year ago, there bad just been com pleted a splendid brick mansion in one of the mo9t fashionable squares of the cily, which was generally known and talked of as hav ing been .erected from the proceeds of tbe Confederate Loan, aud. as being intended for the future residence of -Jefferson Davis,in the event of circumstances forcing him to leave this country. During my stay in Liverpool the windows of the house remained painted white, which according to tbe custom in that city indicated that the house had been engaged and was waiting for its occupant—a circumstance which gave plausibility to the town-talk of its being the sometime residence of the fugi tive President of the Southern Confederacy. H. SatHlttfioh, May 14rA, 1865. Oun Cavalry. —ln the disbandment of our vast volunteer army which is now in pro gress, there is nothing said about the diminu tion of the effective force of cavalry. We suppose that this arm will be maintained for some time in great strength. It is a branch of the service that cannot be gotten up upou short notice. Even in this country, with the extraordinary facility of our people in adapt ing themselves to any pursuit, it took us three years to bring a cavalry force into res pectable condition. We have now by far the most effective cavalry force possessed by any nation iu the world. - Their expeditions and exploits have been more wonderful (than anything in the history of war, ancient or modem. The in telligence, courage, cudurance and expert ness of the troopers are well known. They axe thoroughly familiar with all the necessi ties of the service, and they could now cam paign Irresistibly over, this continent from the St. Lawrence to the plains of Mexico. | They are excellently mounted and superbly armed. They have such leaders as Sheridan, Kilpatrick, Stonemau, Wilson, not to speak of such subordinates as Custer, Pieasantou, Spencer and others. We can hardly hope that there will be per fect peace all at once over the entire States of the South. The retention of a large cav alry force will have an excellent effect in re pressing the lingering spirit of sedition, and in putting down any such spasmodic out breaks as may be anticipated. If we are to have a campaign in Texas, they would be of vast service there, and a great *body of them will, in any event, be needed to repress lu dian hostilities this summer on the great plains of the West.— N: Y. Times. Putting Down a Bully. —A singular inci dent occurred at the' Case Ffincais in 1846, at the corner of the Rue Lafitte. A cele brated duellist entered, and began insulting all tbe persons who were seated at dinner.— He boasted of his courage, and declared his determination to.kill a certain M. de F-. A gentleman present, disgusted at such brag gart insolence, quietly walked up to this fire eater, and addressed him thus: “As you are such a dangerous customer, perhaps you will accommodate me by being punctual at tbe entrance of the Soja de Boulogne, near the Porte Maillot, at ifthMsy ic-«i«|row ; earlier I cannot get there, but depend upon my arriving in due tii»e, with swords and Eistols. The duellist began to demur, say tg he did not know what right a stranger bad to take up tbe cudgels for M, de F —- ; to which the gentleman replied •• J have done so because I am anxious to rid society of a dangerous fellow like yourself; and would recommend you before you go to bed to make your will. I wilt undertake to order your coffin and pay your funeral expenses.” .He then gave the waiter a note of one thou sand francs, with • the injunction that his or ders should be executed before eleven the following day. This hgd tbe desired effect of intimidating the bully, wfe? left Paris the following morning, and never wore was heard or seen iu public. There is a Methodist preacher out west whose prajffe i# ijius souuded by a contem porary : “I have repeaiedjv heard the most famous men in America bpt tiyey-t fire times when the flame of his pathos licks the ever, lasting hills With i'oar that lifoves your soul to depths fathomed by fety Other qaenY l Mis. Samuel Colt, of ttaplftfi-fi. Qt., owns a quarter of a mile of glass houses, ghp h&i already tomatoes, peas, string beans,radishes and lettuce tally ripe,and peaches and grapes ffir advanced towards perloction. We ones heard of a rich mna. 'wlio was badly injured by being run over. “It isn’t the accident,” said he, “that I mind; that isn’t the thing, but the idea of being run over by an infernal swill cart makes me mad.” A French paper relates that when Roths child was asktsd whether he would not like to become temporal King of the Jews in Palestine, be said: “Qa, no ; J would rather be Jew of the Kipgs, than Kiug pf the Jews." ' ‘ * One hundred Canadians parsed thfgugh Worcester on Thursday, on their way to the mills in Wauregan, Conn. ‘‘One couple,” says the Bpy, “were blessed with a brood of twenty-put—enough to run a small factory without otfcer help.” A woman the wife Qf a goldicrln the ranks, but living in adultery at Falls, be coming desperate in her disgrace, tjijtew hej self from the bridge connecting Goat Inland with the American shore, and" was rapidly swept over the falls. It is announced that a corps of 400 gend anas, with 28 officers, is so be formed in France for Mexico, to serve as a model for a native hotly for the whole country. French men who engage will b# BHowed to take their wives and children to Mexico. A bust of Richard Cobden is 'to figure in the Versailles Gallery by order of the French Emperor, a distinction rarely extended to foreign celebrities; but, iu this instance, France clnipjji to recognize in the departed Englishman au ihleiuatlonal benefactor Valentine Fcrkinfii, afi flssJffejJ man, who has been ossifying Tor forty-one yeapj, died in Ohio, lately. He had been blind lor thirty years, and could only move two of his fingers and two of his toes. He had good health and appetite up to the time of bis death. The miracle of apißrrrALisM. (From the Chicago Poet.) The wonder of the nineteenth century is in Chicago. He goeth about everywhere, doing g»xid. In form and outward seeming he has every appearance cf a common man; in his pretensions he partakes of the attrib utes of the Deity. He astonishes the people and relieves them of their greenbacks. He heals the multitnde .gratuitously in the morn ing, and performs miraculous cures tor a pe cuniary consideration in the afternoon. He spends twenty dollars for tbe use of the Me tropolitan Hall, by wa of an advertisement, during the early part of the day, and ere the sun has set is the fortunate recipient of two or three thousand dollars in legal tenders. It pays. During the week Metropolitan Hall has been Jammed to look upon the new sensation. Hundreds have gone there afflicted with all manner of diseases known to medical juris prudence, and from an early hour in the morning to the close of the session, the door ways have been thronged and tbe body of the hail crowded. In the midst of them all stands Dr. J. S. Newton, who modestly ad vertises that he will heal the sick—a gray baired man of nervous, jerking disposition, and who punches them in the libs, pulls their noses, crambs his thumbs into their eyes, puts bis fingers into their eats, and rat ties off patients as a tea party would scandal, while the crowd looks on in amazement.— Even to the child in arms, the throng press es in, and the operation goes on something after this manner: “What is >our complaint?” “Blindness, 9ir.” (Dab goes a thumb in each eye.) “You can now see as well as ever, God bless- you; go.” Patient don’t exactly see it, but gives way. To the next: “VVhat s the matter with you?;’ “Rheu matism.” (A few passes and a thump on the inflicted member.) “Your disease will never trouble you again. Go.” And by command th£ patient shoulders his crutch, but not knowing whether to walk straight or hobble, slides*back into the crowd. We have taken paius to collect some of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Newton since his arrival in this city, which we pre sent in order that tbe people may be con vinced of his power. We assure our readers they are entirely authentic. A lady residing on West Adams street was so unlortunate as to lose her teeth. Apply ing to Dr. Newton, he passed his hand over her mouth, ejaculated “God bless you,” and a amile from the lady revealed a beautiful coraiine set of teeth, manufactured by one of the most skilful dentists in this city. A soldier who had lost one leg in battle, applied to the doctor on Tuesday to have it replaced. Two passes of the hand by the doctor, and the soldier wa9 commanded to Walk off on the leg of his pantaloons 1 He did it. A blacksmith on the north side lost the use of his right arm, so much so as to be unable to use lus hammer and “strike while the iron was hot." The doctor restored him so that the same afternoon he struck for higher wages, and the day following struck “ile ’. A hunchback applied for relief, who was several bunches worse deformed than King Richard ever w'as. In his normal condition he measured three feet and one-half inches in height.. The doctor laid his hand upon his shoulder, and in fifteeu minutes he was a straight six footer, had been enlisted and re ceiveda bounty as a substitute for a darkey barber on State street. A German cigar maker, who had been af flicted froukbirth with a most pitiable case of club foot, appeared before the infallible doc tor, who, breathing gently upon the deform ed man’s nostrils, he was “boarn again” in slanter, his feet are perfect, and the happy indiyidual has now opened a dancing acade my in Jolie£. 4 Soqtjj Water street merchant hadlbeen struck with pfiifijy§is, iucj deprived entirely Os strength. 4 tt^r consultation with the doctor, he yfas able to take qp a qote of #5,000, which had been a few days previous altogether too heavy f<fir bin}. 4 professional gentleman has for years hdgn afflicted with a baldrjgss, qot a hair remaining upon his head, the scalp of which resembled polished ivory. No sooner had he entered the presence of the doctor than he found under bis hat a luxorious growth of jet black hair, aud a bottle of Prof. De- Munn’s hair,restorative, with revenue stamp attached. An elderly maiden lady, who was tongue tied, was instantly relieved by the doctor, and her longue loosened so that she was able the sauie afternoon to join a tea-table scandal circle and sustain her past thorough ly. In this instance, however, the doctor slightly overdid the the thing. The tongue qow flops at both ends. ;; Afi Itopftßtpr approached the doctor yester day, cpniplaiijing pf 4 discharge upon his left Side. Utfon e£auijntjt,ion, the doctor found it fp be the man’s discharge from the State peftiteptiary. Asa puuisument, lie imme diately tpelftmorphosed it into' a discharge of forty barrels daily pf best fefiped petroleum, ready barreled for market. * A married lady pf our acquaintance was affected with a serious impediment in her speech, stammering badly. Her husband conducted her to Dr, Jfewton, aqd pow in forms us that on Thursday she experienced not the least difficulty or hesitancy in asking him for a jsilk dress,, anew bonnet, a four hundred dollar cloak and a set of diamond jewelry. These are a few of the wonderful cures performed by this man, most of which have come yinder our own personal observation. Male Attihk.—A very nice questiomjias tuisen jieye, as to wbht constitutes ‘male at tire, 1 0,3 a policeman ap-ested a female the other day, who was .dressed in a bloomer costume, her nether limbs being cl’pthed iu a pair of pants. He insisted that she was wearing male attire. The female is of course highly indignant, and argues that by a simi lar mode of reasoning, a man wearing a sh*wl may be regarded as being dressed in Women wear eoaft bear ing a striking resemblance jo jho?e worn by the male gender, they surely may be permit, ted to don the other article Jt they see‘fit N. Y. Letter. ' ' liu l —— -- - Iu tills city, on Wednesday, the 10th Inst., at the residence of the Right Rev. Bishop Verot, by the Rev. fr iuier iyhulan. W. H. PHILLIPS. Esq., of Macon, Ga.,and Miss JhtßY A. PRENDERGA9T, of this city, Augusta and Macon papers please copy. q unton lodge, no. u, f. a. m. A Regular Meeting will be held This Evening at eight o’clock, at Masonic Hall, Bull street, corner of £rcughton. JjeqjbcM pf (k? fraternity are respectfully Invited to attend. _ simom £. gycK, W, M Davip H. Gsalowax, Sec. jiayip . DIRECTORY. Commandant of tbe District and Post—Brevet Mater General C Grover; office, Bank of the State of Oeor gia. Residence, Harris street, one door east of Bray- HTAFF. Edward G Dike, Capt and A AA G: office Bank of the State of Georgia. Residence Sooth Broad and Bull streets. t EB Webster, Lieut and ADC; residence Harris street, one door east of Drayton. TheoCOtls. Lieut and A D C; residence corner York and Ahercorn streets. John P Baker,- Capt and A A 1 Gen; office, Bank of the State of Georgia. Residence corner Drayton and Charlton streets. Sidney S Starr, Capt and A Q M Post Quartermas ter ; office Railroad Bank ; residence Perry street, near Montgomery. • Ebeu Parsons, Jr, Ist Lieut, Judge Advocate and Provost Judge of District and Post: office In United States Court House, corner Bull and Bay streets ; resi dence No. 86 South Broad street. M Benedict, Capt and Provost Judge 2d Provost Court; office Bay street, over Adams’ Express. Resi dence corner South Broad and Bull streets. J. Trenor Chief Medical Officer. Office Bank of the State of Georgia. Residence South Broad street, one do rr west of Whitaker. Wm S Stevens, Lieut aud Ordnance Officer ; office Bank of the State of Georgia. Residence corner South Broad and Bull streets Chas Roberts Jr, Lieut and Signal Officer, US A • resideucegorner South Broad and Bull streets. Provost Marshal of the District and Post—Lieut Col R P York; office In Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank.— Residence corner York and Abercorn streets. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. Depot Commissary—Capt Henry E Lord: office Bay street, opposite the Custom House. Post Commissary—Capt H Oglesbee; office on the dock, opposite the Custom House. QCAT.TERMASIEB’a DEPARTMENT. Capt Sidney S Starr, Post Quartermaster; office Rail road Bank, Bay street’. Fuel, Forage and Land Transportation—Lieut J H Chariot, A A Q M ; office 80 Bay street. Clothing, Camp aud Garrison Equipage—Lieut N Murray, A A Q M ; office 102 Bay street. in charge of Government Workshops and Post Hos pital—Lieut Fred Hope, Jr; office 82 Bay street In charge of General Hospital—Capt J S Meek, A A Q M ; office 94 Bay street. In charge of Corrals—Lieut J W Sterling, RQ M ; office 90 Bay street, north side. In ch .rge of Marine Repair Shops, Coal Depot and Assistant Master of Marine Transportation—Lieut D R Knowlton, AAQ M; office No. 102 Bay street; re sidence Hull street, three doors from Barnard, house lately occupied by George L Cope. RT Coverdale, Capt and A QM, in charge of U 9 Military RaHroads. Office, West Broad street in CR R Office Building. In charge of Water Works—Major C F Allen. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Lieut T J Spencer, Depot Ordnance Officer Military Division Mississippi. Lieut B £ Mffler, Assistant Depot Ordnance Officer and A A Q M. Ordnance Office—Planters’ Bank, corner Bryan and Abercorn streets. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Health Officer of the Post—Surgeon A P Dalrympie, US V. Residence, N. W. corner of Bull and South Broad streets. Office, corner Hull and Whitaker sts. Surgeon J K Bigelow, Assistant Medical Purveyor, District of Savannah ; storeroom No 118 Broughton street; residence 142 State street. STREETS AND LANKS. Street Commissioner—CapL Albert Stearns, office No. 126 South Broad Street, next above corner of Barnard Street; residence north side of Jones street, 4th door east of Drayton street. Invites written com plaints of nil nuieances existing in and about the city, to be left at his office. Deputy Stre et Commissioner—First Lieutenant A. F. Hussey, office and residence north side of South Broad Street, one door west of Barnard Street. Clerks—C. W. Weber, resilience Drayton Street, cor ner New Houston Street; A. P King, residence north side of South Broad street, one door west of Barnard street. Surveyor—Jno. B. Hogg, residence northwest corner of Montgomery and Stone Streets, Wagon Afaqier—sfaiftes Foley, residence north west corner of Broughton apd East ■Boundary Streets. Superintendent of Stables—Frederick Meincke, resi dence southeast corner of West Broad and Taylor Streets,- Foreman Carpenter Shop-Preatoa Warner, Zubly Street, near Avon Street, Blacksmith James Clemonce, residence Indian Street, near Luchlison’s foundry. Keeper of Forsyth Place—James Walsh, residence north side of Gordon Street Lane, second door east of Drayton Street. Keeper of City Squares—Patrick Scanlan. Garbage Inspector—C. J. Carter,northwest cornet Jefferson and Montgomery Streets. INSPECTORS. First District—South of South Brood Street and east of Drayton Street, Lewis Salvaterre inspector, resi dence northeast corner of Price and Perry Streets. Second District—West of Drayton Street, south of South Broad Street, J. W. Clark, inspector. Third District—North of South Broad Street, west of Drayton Street, Daniel Fitzgerald inspector, resi dence southeast career of Lincoln Street and York Street Lane. Fourth District—East Os Drayton and north of South Broad Street, Geo wTAfallery Inspector, residence No. T Cosset Row, St. Julian street. Squad Masters—Geo. Brown, Stewart Street, near West Broad Street. Edward Cotter, >vest side of Wil son Street,first door south of Berrien Street. O.A,Dodge southwest corner of Jefferson and McDonough Streets. Phillip M- Box. southeast comer of York aud Houston Streets. Patrick White, east side of Lincoln Street, second door sontb of Broughton, RECRUITING ANP FRSEPMEM. * General Superintendent Recruiting Servfce Dep’t of the South, and in charge of the affairs of Freedmen— R. Saxton, Brevet Major-General U. S. Vols., office Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Bryan street, one door west of Drayton street. Capt. J. E. Thorndike, Add. A, D. C„ Commissary of Subsistence, office Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Bryan street, one door west of Drayton street. Lt. A. P. Ketchum, A. D. C., office Farmers’ and Mechanics' Bank. The residence of Gen. Saxton and Staff Is north west corner of Barnard and Harris Streets. WIBOKU.AMF.Opa. Relief Commissioner—Lieut Col Alfred Neafle: of, flee Exchange building. In charge of Civil Fund—Capt E Giesy: residence Jones street, near Drayton. Supervisor of Trade—Lieut Col Neafle, Exchange building. Hurbor Master—Capt Silas Spicer, third door east from Drayton street, north side of Bay. R T Covcrda|e. paptanflAQ M—ln charge of US Mil R R; office on West Broad Street, in C R K Office B|iildlng. TSEASCBY DEPABTAISMT. Albert G. Browne, tjqnenqsiM Special Agent fifth Agency, office Bank of Commerce, north vyfcsf comer of Bryan and Drayton streets. Assistant Special Agent—H. S. Kimball, office Bank of Commerce. I I JQYEING ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHED JN1832. The subscriber, grateful for past fakirs,begs leave to Ftate that he still continues to Dye Woolen Dresses, Shawl., etc., black, In the best manner. Gentlemen’s Garments cleaned and renovated or dyed black, as may be required, In the same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons and friends for the past thirty years, ALEXANDER GALLOWAY, 35 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga aprll Sznlavv SIAjLKi'KS.'DEPT. OF fill- SoUtlL Hilton Head, 8. C., May 1. lSd5. Gemmae o£pE£3, > No. 53.’" / Hereafter, no private buildings, except such as arc abandoned or confiscable, will tie used lor military or Government purposes within this Department It is believed that there are, at all the Military Rosts, suffi cient public buildings and abandoned or confiscable private ones, to answer all the needs of •he service ?u le y I J se bnildrugs owned by loyal persons subjects f|e Government to claims for rent, and thus becomes ? 01 l 01 expense. reboitan tri s t . C ° 4lm ';' n<ic ' r will forthwith FtE^r 9 •,? Httadqullters, all buildings used by mai ts of tho with fell state msnta of the location and si?e of such biflldifigs. the number of rooms i p each and the nameof X*qWm§ or owners, with such information as he ca& obtain aa to their residence and loyalty or disloyalty. *Vr C ?, m ?? lind of Major-Gen. Q. A. UILLMORE, 1. D. fionovs. Captain hfith U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt. General. mays Q|Ld NEW IS PARERS, FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at the SAVANNAH HERALD QFFIC V NO. 11l tSA X STRUT, ■Fit 1 JJERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, ™ No. 11l Bay Street. , Savannah, Georgia NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORED ot w “ k FIRST CLASS PRINTERS. Os long experience and tried ability. We Uve NEW PRINTING MATERIALS. Ftipm the best Northern foundries, to which we a CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS We are prepared to execute orders for. Poste rs, . l inear * < Handbills. ■, Programmes, Way Bills, Circulars, Bills of Fare, ■ Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels, Constitutions, By Laws, Pamphlets, Ballad Legal Blanks, Calendars. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We have a T FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS , , von PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS K&J" and *•"* -mu. FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well and tn „i,.„ complete satisfaction to our customers. ’ dto 8176 OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock rial, labor and living will admit of/and are Mow the ncreased rates which rule in other line* of biuilew 8. W. MASON A CO,, 111 Bay street. —— Savannah, Georgia. QOTTON SEED'.It COTTON SEED, > . in LARGE OB SMALL QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Bates by the undersigned, “SEA ISLAND” PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for die posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, / T. E. SICKLES, marT-tf Box 14, Hilton Head, S C. (Circular.; OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, District of Savannah. May 8, 1565. 1 am directed by the Brevet Major General command ing, to notliy all pa-aons whom it may concern, that hereafter, auy person found upon the streets, or is an; tower public place, dressed in the uniform of an officer of the so-called ”Conrederate service,” will be irnme. Mlately arrested, and held for trial, lor misdemeanor, before the Second Provost Court. Ti „ , „ ROBERT P. YORK, Lt. Col. 76th N. V: V., and Pro. Marshal ">ayß __ District of Savannah. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, Savannah, Ga„ May 8,-1361 Gentral Ordeb I No. 32. J After the fOth inst., until further orders, no Dogs, unless securely mUfjled, will he allowed to run at large Iu the streets and squares of this city. To carry this order into effect, the following regula tions are aunounced, via: The Street Commissioners will select a suitable in closure for a Dog Pound, and will anpoint a keeper to tbe same. After the order-goes Into effect, a reward of 25 cent* will be paid to any person who shall bring to the pound any dog found running at large, and not securely muz zled. Each dog so delivered will be kept in the pound for ty-eight hours, unless sooner claimed by the owner, who, upon claiming property, shall receive the dog up on payment of a fine of $2 60. In ca-te of non-payment of the fine, or of the failure of the owner to claim property at the expiration of 4! hour*,'. the dog will be subject to public sale at the pound (at not less than $3 oOj for 24 hours, and at the expiration of that time, any dog not sold shall be killed. Any person delivering at the pound or attempting to deliver auy dog not subject to rightful seizure un der the requirements of this order, will be subject to trial before the Second Provost Court for misdemeanor. . By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. O. GROVER, Ep\y*ap G. Dr**. A. A. Q. mays iIEADQ’RS. BKPT. ' - v . Milton {lean, S. p., Aprlj 28, 1866. General Obdebs, l ‘ . No. 49. / The following Instructions from the Provost Marshal General, dated war Department, Provost Marohal Gen eral’s Bureau. Washington. D. C , 12:60 P. M., April 22d, 1806, are published for the informatkft of thi# C oramap: The call for troops made December nineteenth, cigh toj-JMRtetfred sixty-four under Section one, of the n States having been discontinued, the Secretary of .War directs that no bounty be allowed a °y volunteers enlisted after the receipt by you ot this order. ■» • « • • % i^K mun off ? r to °? ,ißt after tbe receipt of this order, let them uuderstand they must do so without bounty. JAMES B. FRY, , Provost Marshal General. By Command of Major Gen. Q. 1 A. GILLMORE, W. L. M, Buboes, [Official ] Assistant Adjutant General T. D. Hodges, Captain 36th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act Asst Adjt. General may 6 66 / AOODTiviNu,” VT At reasonable prices, can be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SALOON, In the rear of the New Post Office, Union Head, S. C. 1 bav e ft} e very best facilities for furnishing Oi'S TERSjCLAMS, MEATS, POULTRY, VEGETAfILk*- &c , from the North aud other places in thiP Viclu tty. Cooked to ordei from CA. M to BP. M. _ _ ■ PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited * confectioner* EsTa o IiBH XJ MENT at BEAUFORT We respectfully call the attention of the public to ® ur Bakery & Confectionery Establishment iu Snm. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which vve are prepamt proippUy j_o fl)l any orders which may be far ‘’pcc'hl sftention is'paffi to tpe iu|n 0 Ornamental pieces, Fancy Confectionet)'> and Elegant Paatry, Tor holiday or/estival tables. _ Feb.3-tl McMANUS A MURRAY^ BEADti'RS. DEPT. _ „ Hu. tom Head, May*, Oemeral Obdeu?, > No. 54. j AsattantSurgeon Wm. F. Buchanan, U- 3. A.,lshere* by auuuuured as Assistant MetlEul Dtrsctor, Dep*rt meutot the South, and will be obeyed and respeci™ accordingly. By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE' „ T.D. Uonoss, Captain seth v. ». c. TANARUS., Act Ant Adjt fltoeral.