Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 22, 1865, Image 3

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Ifatioiutg antr LATE == new tore papers % JUST RECEIVED r>t ititvil mtov, AT TBS BEBALD OFFICE 111 SAT I tlt 1T • COMPLETE FILES ♦ % / Q t NEW YORK HERALDS. FROM MAY 10 TO MAY It N. Y-, LEDGER, CUPJSER % I BABPEB9* WEEKLY# FRANK LESLIE'S, TIMES, TRIBUNE, For Sale this morning at •avannab hehald offict, m bat stbsst. tthfittt ti F. iuw. Umitsmettts. g AVANNAH THSATRE! ! and Business Manager <*itvvr taogaet. | Director of Anjusemcma a. h. dav£>poet. •Stage Manager .x. i. uekndox. THIS (MQND.iY; EVENING, MAY KD, 1965, The Entertainment will commence with the Beautiful Play, entitled the H U N C HBACK. Master Walter Mr. Thomas Weir Mr A H Davenport Sir Thomas Clifford Mr MJ Howard Heartall ..- . Mr Simpson Lord Tinsel Mr. Rogers Fathom MrTJ Herndon Stephen Mr Sumpter Juha Miss Florence LiFond Helen..' Mlsa Maude St Leon Comic Song . .Mr J W Carner The whole to conclude with the Genteel Comedietta of A DAY AFTER THE WEDDING Col. Freelove .Mr. Davenport i•ties , Mu C arner L ,dy Freelove.. Mi s I* Fond Mre. Davis Mrs Barred TO-MORROW (TUESDAY; EVENING, MAY 23D, The performance will be for the BENEFIT OF MRS. M, L. BERRELL, When Three Entirely New and Capital Pieces will be presented. «SP"NQTIC£—In future the Curtain will rise at SX precisely. Notice.—The doors will open at 7, and the enrtain rise at SX o’clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 8 o'clock. or PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. JCk All bills must be presented weekly. yOIKS GARTEN, <xwr6ares inm. Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets, Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music every Evening from 7 to 10 o'clock '• by the SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA, Professor Gaoaee Wbojjto, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY wax at. wan M on saxm. SUsiS Steamers. pION EE R LINE. FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. The fast first class STEAMSHIP CHASE, Captain W. L. Boons, ’ Having handsome stateroom accommodation, will positively sail on TUESDAY, MAY SSd. AT 9 O’CLOCK A. M. Cabin Passage, ....... S4O Steerage, . 20 For freight or passage apply to HUNTER & GAMMELL, may!9 • td Agents, poR r ernamW. : , The schooner John Vance will sail from this Port 'for Femandiaa, on TUESDAY OR. WEDNESDAY next For freight or passage apply to Captain C. E SMITH, may2o 2 Corner State and Jefferson sts. JJHaRUS' L. <36l** a to,' ' SHIFTING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. JONSt BLOCK, COUNTS SAT AND ADSBOOSN BTKSTS, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Coax L Oouv of New York, or to oar friends In Boston. A. HI SOLWAY, Resident Partner. BSrSSSVOIBI Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Coe,New York. • Jariva Slade, Esq., New York. Horn J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, 'Esqq Boston., ftffiyia-ft-tf • Scstanrants, %c. REWARD. To any person who will give information that a cer tain party baa said, that the reason we are selling cheap is because we do not intend paying our debts. , STILL CHEAPER. Ham and Eggs S3 Cents, Beefsteak and Eggs r... 50 “ Pork Steak and Eggs SO “ Sausages ...........60 *' Spring Chicken oft ” Clams in every style '. 90 “ Vegetables, Coffee or Tea, Hot B’scuit, Ac, Ac., Included. SPONGE AND FRUIT CAKES, APPLE, MINCE, AND LEMON PIES. We have no heettatVon in saying that our help {un fortunately Is some folks' opinion Is colored. ICE era aw ICE CREAM, ; ICE CREAM. COOL DRINKS, COOL DRINKS, COOL DRINKS, xopuiwa i:r;t cssti. SHERMAN HOUSE, Qn rear of Post Office.; may!3 lw TON'KING, Proprietw. BIER 1 LAGER BIER! THE FIRST IMPORTATION Since the commencement of the war of this D slight ful Beverage was received In this dty from the cele brated ••LION** BREWERY, Ne w Yobs, And Is now on Draught at the Old and Favorite MARKET SQUARE HOUSE, No. 138 Bryan street, we»t of the Market. Call and taste of its fine qualities. VALENTINE BASLE R, maj2o 8 Proprietor. lunch: EVERY DAY AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, At TAMM'S SALOON, IN SAY LANS, IDVSO »W ’ Rear el Custom Bewe. Druggists; My . MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. APOTHECARIES’ HALI. Corns a or BaEnabii and I’.cocuton Srarn, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. W. M. WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AOUE CURE. OSOOOD’S CHOLOGOOUE, for Foror and Ague, DR. COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague. —mu NSVEE KNOWN TO rA*VI BLANCARD’S FERAGINOUS PILLS, AYEK’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, LEE’S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS, HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. HERRICK’S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DCPONCO'S LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS, for Constipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver. —OBfTXENTS KENNEDY’S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING’S RUSSIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE. MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, —tWDirsrrs— TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN. MUSTANG LINIMENT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD'S LIVE R IN VIGOR ATOR, HELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BCCHU. WISTAB’4 BALS AM OF WILD CHERRY. MORTIMER’S RHEUMATIC OOMPOUND & BLOOD r PURIFIER, PEELOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’3 BITTERS. WISTAR’S COUOH LOZENGES, BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATIC FUMIGATING PASTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs & Colds, KIDDER'S INDELLIBLE INK. PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER'S ESSENCE 'JAMAICA GINGER, BITTERS. THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL, JAYNE'd VERMIFUGE. ' FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, - DR. PERRYS DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE REXFORD’S GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER'S ENEMA SYRINGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, . FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, all sixes, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all dees. A. large aisqrtmvuf of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR. PARKE’S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDER*3 MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing the moat delicate Silks, Van Buskirirt.So2ODoNT, Swan's’ TOOTH POWDER, dark's TOOTH POWDER. . Thurston's TOOTH POWDER, •• Charcoal PASTE, Bnmett’s White Oak WASH, Lawn’s EXTRACTS and Toilet PO WDER, EdrehKs EXTRACTS, ■ Bartfcy’s EXTRACTS, Phalon's Night-Blooming CBREUS, Bsudoiott’s French EXTRACTS, French and German COLOGNES, Bazin’s FLORIDA WATER, ROUGES, LILLY WHITE. Ac, A great variety of Tooth, Nail and Hair BRUSHES, - .Genuine Badger Shavtag'BßUSHES, •- Buffalo, India Rubber and Horn Dressing COMBS, Kendall’* AMBOUNE. for the Hair, »■ Sterling’s AMBROSIA, for the Hair, -. Burnett’* COCOAINE, Barney’* Cocoa CASTORINE, Helmstreet’s Inimitable HAIR RESTORER. Pairih’a BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson’s POMADES, Basin’s POMADES, Douglass’ POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERUS, Lyon’s KATHAHtON, BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood’* HAIR RESTORATIVE. -noKUg Batchelor’s HAIR DYE, Miner's HAIR DYE, Venetian HAIR DYE, French’s Distilled BAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endleei variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low's Genuine Brown Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BUCKS,* A large assortment of Shaker’* HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —*iav oßn*e srnuots— Lemon, Almond, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry. Orange. Banana, Rose, vauliia. Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, y,. * • SEIDLXTZ POWDERS. CONGRESS WATER A large aaeortpaent of Fresh Gardsn SEEDS. Just re ceived from the House of David Laadrtth A Cos., Philadelphia. We invite the attention of the citizen* and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wi 1 be sold low for CaSH, at wholesale and retail. SyN.B. TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Oar Stock of DRUGS aud CHEMICALS, which are in every day as*, are pure, and can be relied upon, and require no stronger testimony of the r efficacy than that of Doming from Movers, lu. Brother* & Cos., New York, the largest and mt-st extensive Drag Uou e !u the world, who have had an eaviable reputarlou for the last ccutuiy ami a halt Ths Compounding and Prescription Department 1? under the immediate supervision of Mr. W. V. V: Wil son Clate of the house oi Solomons A Cos., of this cityo For his ability and correct nets as a Dispenser ogMedi cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referred to hU past record. Physic!*ns’ Prescription*, as formerly, compounded at aU hours of the night. Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. ICED SODA .WATER, with choiooet Syrups, from Stone Fcauttia* * APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Comer of Barnard and Broughton Streets. BJ*U-tf JP'RESH ARRIVAL OF OOODA MESSRS. SKEUAN StCONYNGHAM. • -AT -170 aaoconroN stzxst, am door to buerj.ock’B, Have Just received a fresh lot of Choice Groceries from the New York Market, such as ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINE, SHERRY WINE. CHAMPAGNE CIDER TEAS. SUGARS. ' •-SUGARS, Ac. also, A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN SEEDS, And a of CHOICE GROCERIES, Each as is usually found In a first class Family Gro cery. m- 1 IS ri QHOICE NEW MAY GU3JJEN BbJTEtt NEW MILD GOSHEN BUTTER. WHITE BEANS, Ac roa Rats st SEABORN GOODALL. Corner Jefferson and Broughton street, at Capt. Me- Mnhoa’a stand. • aay 70 2 pOTATOES AND WHITE BEANS. 100 BARRELS POTATOES, 20 BARRELS WHITE BEANS, Landing from steamer Chase, foot of Abercorn street, and for sale by may2o-t HUNTER A GAMMELL. pORTCTRtf*) SAqLasSES. Ten barrels and twenty tierces, landing from steam er Chase, at loot of Abercorn street. For sale by may2o—t HUNTER A GAMMELL ■ I . -■ g-.._—. -« iJnsurmic e. QO, LUMBIAN (MARINE; INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $8,800,(00. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of SIOO,- 000 in property in any first class Steamer, and from $60,000 to $76,000 on any first class sailing vessel, on the most favorable New York terms. For farther particulars apply to CHARLES.L. COLBY A CO, Jonei Block, corner Bay and Abo room streets, pRESH DRUGS, Perfumery, Ac. A .A. SOLOMONS A CO. Beg to inform their oustotnere and the public general ly that they have Just received per steamer America, A FULL ASSORTMENT .OF GOODS IN THEIR LIN£. And with a thoroughly REPLENISHED STOCK, they are enabled to fill orders as faithfully as hereto fore. TBXT ttkVT- kRSAKOZD TO WOCTVE SAmOS WEEKLY. Being compelled to adhere to the CASH SYSTEM, Funds must In all cases accompany the orders to in sure attention. AT THE OLD STAND. Market Square, tti»vl* IQ Bavtnnah, Qa. p .ANTATTON foe sai£- ~ . .THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION. Known ae “BRICKYARD, For, sale, situate on Hilton Head Island, About five miles from Custom House street. Contains 15 or 14C0 acres—4 or 600 acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balance valuable Cotton Land, or suitable for Early Gardening purpo ses. Hae high banks and deep water ou Broad Creek, suitable for wharves. Price, $15,000. Address J. E. WHITE, may B£X?o_Hllt£nHeadj_i_C >>iji pOoT QUARTERMASTER’? OFFICE, ” T Ce-tjul Raiincun Baxu, Savannah, G*.» May, Ist, ISCS. In pursuance of orders, received at this office all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab eent within the Rebel lines or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free— settle the rents for the eame.dueth# Uni ted states, at this office on or before the 10th of May. A failure to comply with the above wRI cans* a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. S.STARF, sasyl Capt. and A. Q. M„ la charge of buLdtega. Smshuss fcttbs. J T. THOMAS. Has opened an INSURANCE, BROKERAGE (tad General Agency Office it No. 11T Bay street, and will attend to tha purchase and sale of real'estatc, stocks and bonds. mayll PXCHANGK ON NEW \OUK. FOR SALE BY • H. BRIGHAM, ap2C ts- 93 Bay street QO- PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day formed a co-partner ship under the firm name of Charles L. Cffoy A Oo , for the transaction df business aa Shipping, Commie sion and Forwarding Merchants. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, ' 8. PAGE EDMANDS. Savannah. Ga., May 10th, 1665. ts maylT IDDELL A MURDOCK, WUOLV“ M.E Aim KElAtt bZALEBO U* SUTLERS’ AN »NAVAL STOFJiS, DRY GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Fmotianuie Gocee, Ac, No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. , o. tmnnt. fjanin—tfj a. j.mobook. RW. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened hi* office and vard, on WU uatn street, U now prepared to treat (on edentific principles j all dleeaaea incident to Hones that are -u-ceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Corea warranted. Term* ca*>h fehi6 ts Bakery a confectionery establish MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to ua. Special attention la paid to the man ufactureof Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or.'estival tables. Feb. 3-ts . . McMANUS A MURRAY. JTNTEBKSTING PUBLICATIONS too THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, contains a Novelette complete, together si from three to eight abort stories, with Dluatratioua. Terms i $2 per year. Single copies, 26 cents. # THE AMERICAN UNION. a nsnaroi jo cun a. i~ wo ootmwvxo eroatss. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketchy Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. $8 a year. Four copies, $lO. ’ . THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, NovaOettes, Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine In the world. $1.90 a year. Seven oopiee, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 18 oecta per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 188 pages in each book i one-third larger than any. other Dime Novel Ail df the above publications will be forwarded regu* larly by mall, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT. ; 63 Ooogrees street, . * Bceug.^*** Samples can beseem porehasad, by ap plying at THE w a VANNAH HERALD STONE, 111 9At SHUT, I SAVANNAH, GA. aprlß • ts •Q S. SERVICE MAGAZINE. I'.J just r x c s i ▼ i a Aim tv* UU At THE SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING*. No. 11l Bit {Stliii. ALSO,— ALL THE NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY - . PAPERS, _ COMPLETE FILES. .OF THE N. Y. DAILIES. Received on the arrival of every Steamer Item the North. V ■*. '*4 itststtt tat SAVANNAH HERAL-D BUILDING, . ! ' Bat AMiamm-r JJROVU3T COURT NOTICE. On and'after this date, the Flrst Froroet Court, Ist Lieut. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be field at tha C. 8. Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be held In the room over Adama’ Epprcea Co.’s ofilce, corner Bay and Drayton atreete. • The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. C., and all parties having business before said Courts ivill govern themselves acooMlingly By order, PROVO6T JUDGES. mar2o ts g’vvanTTJlDnKTorrSalSSr*” r-~— — To femlllea by the quart or gMlomat O’MEARA A CO’S over Adams’ Express Ofilce. Bay street tnhSfi TSISINFECTAN*t. ————— XJ Small quantities of tb * Per Manganate o l Potash will be iumisned, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Offiopr. febio QOT7 AND CALF Lost 1 A Whito’Speckled Cow, with letters W HorHW on her right hind hip. Out horn is smaller than the other. The calf is red, with a white face: about a year old. They were last Been on Saturday evening in Weet Broad street, at the head of Indian stieet. A rev, ard <>f Five t>< llsra will be paid for any information concerning them by applyingattnis office. maylft MJ i.lii AT kILTuN C., l'u The Palmetto Hetaid Building, comer of Mer chants’ Bow and Palmetto Avenuo, suitableforltmsb , ness Apply to E. 8. SAMPSON, J.„ on the premise-. . m> !w \ Tnt IN BAVAMJAH Daily Dxald at Whol.aie are.iC