Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 02, 1865, Image 3
frenzy and madness. All was rain—fury ruled the hour —this miserable revolution was inaugurated. He denounced the organizers of the secession movement as traitors to con stitutional liberty, aud laid to their doors the responsibility ol the widows’ tears and the orphans' cries. The speaker counseled, now that rebellion lies prostrated aud the scorn of the world, wisdom and moderation to the triumphant authorities. In the words of the motto of the State of Georgia “Let jus tice be done, but let it be done with modera tion.” He had suffered from them person ally himself, but he would have a great gov ernment show magnanimity. The speaker affirmed that the people would have re seceded before this time if the whole thing had not collapsed so suddenly. Brown would have had to swallow his own pill, the poisoned chalice at his own lips. He gave the history of the efforts made to that end, said that violence, falsehood and abuse of au thority had crushed^ the movement. These tyrants were now compelled to take back seats and undergo purgation, the pur gatory of deprivation Iroin office, the hottest hell tor them that eoukl be conceived. An drew Johnson should put a baud in here, and keep these dangerous men dowu, aud thus perhaps get along without giving the ballot to the negroes. _ speaker closed with a feeling expres sion of the joy he felt to stand again beneat h the Star and Stripes, to greet and be met by Northern men. He hoped tbis was but the begining of a long season of fraternal feeling between the wide sections of our great coun try and commended the purposes of the Geor gia Union Club, in its great work ot re-estab lishing the lriendly relations so unhappily broken off. He hoped we should succeed in keepfug dowu the leading traitors, but still guard ourselves from any malignant feeling ; they were as fellow covntryinen; he felt they were aud he hoped the Clitb would come to entertain a similar feeling towards them. Col. Gaulden was frequently interrupted with applause, and held the close attention of the audienoe throughout. Adoption' of the Resolution*. At the conclusion of Col. Gaulden’s speech the resolutions were unanimously adopted. Col. Fitch was loudly called for, but did not respond. The meeting was then adjourned. 'JJNITED STATES SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN, THIRD SERIES, % TWO HUNDRED and THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS. By ant horlty of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series ol Treasury Notes, bearing seven aDd Thiee-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15, 1866, and are payable three years from that date in curren cy, or are convertible at the option of the holder into * U. S. FIVE-TWENTY SIX PER CENT. GOLD - EARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are alt the Government Jonds, from State, County, ant/ Municipal taxation, whthadds from one to three per cent , per annum to their value, ac cording to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents per day on a SIOO note. Ten cents per day on a SSOO note. Twenty cents per day on a SI,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note.. Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely simllai tn form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that, the Government reserves to Itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., in stead of C 3-loths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest iu enrrencyupto July 15tb, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interesu The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher r ate. The return to specie payments, in the event of whica only will the option to pay the interest in Gold be avail ed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that pur chases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent, in currency! This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now oftered by the Government, and its superior ad vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscrib ed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubt edly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be ott'orded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notei for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent No. 114 South Third Street Philadelphia. may26-ISt (Official.) * HEADQ-RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hw.ton Head, S. C\, May 27, latio. General Orders.) No. 73. / Paragraph V, General Orders No. 69, current aeries, nym these hereby modified, to read as billows: The fee of the Medical Officer for visiting, examining and certifying vessels arriving at these Posts, shall be collected from all vessels except transports owned by the Government, and Government transports doing duty exclusively within the limits of*this Department, auu loreigu vessels of War at the following lates: From each vessel from a foreign port.. S3O 00 For all others ........ 6 00 1 he money thus collected, will be tui ned over to the Deartrnent eCtor *° l ' tbe wse ot the H«wp»Ul» of this By commund of Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILLMOBK. W. L. M. Bchgeu. T D Hodoe Assistant Adjutant General. Capt. 35th U. b. C. ~ Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may?.l-7t LIST OP LETTERS Remaining uncalled for in the Savannah Poet Office. June 1, Persons calling for these letters, will p.ease say Advertised, and come prepared with the necessary change, and present a certificate that they have taken the Oath of Allegiance, or an order from Post Headquarters. LADIES’ LIST. Anderson, Ella A Arahoß, Lina Anderson, Edward Mrs Allen, Lvdian Allen, Frances Adams. Martha B Beecher, Abbie Byrne*. Mrs James Battiee, Alice BeefcrJutia Bowman. Amanda Beattie, Lizzie. Burke, Aunie 7 Bryant, Lillia Blessing, Ann Bralky, Margaret Bell, Ann Banks. Mary A Brunt, Charlotte Bready, Mrs Patrick Brown, Cynthia Bannelly, Rebecca Burke, Caroline Brown, Mrs R Bray, Charlotte Brown, Sophia Brailsford, Mrs K Black Mrs. S M Bnu worth, Ellen Blanchard. Miss S S Birch, Eliza Brantley, Miss S D Brooke. Mrs Geo W Burroughs, Mrs V G Brannum, Hannah Brailsford, Mis Wm 5 Bready, Hannah Brasley. Mary Jane Beattie, Isabella Burk, Mary Beauman, Janie Bankston. Mrs M E Bryan, Jane Beaulard, Mis Broome, Mrs J as A Bailey, Margaret C Congers, Mrs A B Carroll, Mary 2 Cabman, Ann Cunningham, Miss Cambell, Catharine 2 Oardell, Margaret Comstock, Carrie Curry, Maggie Cross, Mrs C Cleary, Mary Cessar, Charlotte Caseelles, Mary Crittenden, Miss D Carney, Mary Ann Cohen, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Mary Clark, Eliza Cotter, Mary Ann Cavanaugh, Emily M Cohen, Mrs Moses Chenault, Elizabeth Caserby, Mary Clark, Harriet . Carroll, Mary Cohen, Henrietta Carney, Mary Cohen. Jessie O 6 Cusick, Rosey Carter, Isabella Coolege, Rachel Caffares, Jane Codey, 3 J Collins, Isabella Cleary, Susannah Christie, Julia M Catherwood, Mrs 8 C Cessar, Louisa W Cole, Susannah M D Dickerson, Caroline Dilion, Kate E Doyle, Ellen 2 Daley, Mary J Dillon. Ellen Davidson, Mary Ann Dillon, Elizabeth • Dwire, Mary Dasher, Emily W Dunn, Mary A Downey, Mrs John Denslow, Margaret 7 Downs, Jnhannah Decker, Mrs R E Dillon, Kate C Darling, Sarah E Elkins, Fannie Erwin, Sarah Elarbee, Miss G A Evely, Theodocia F Furpond, Ann Fielder, Mrs Floyd, Celia Freeman, Mary Ferd, Ella Folio, M Farrell, Helen Furguson, Mary A 2 Franklin, Miss II Fora, argaret Fleming, Jane Flynn, Mary Fleetwood, Laura C 4 Fisher, Mary Flanders, Mary Fulton, Rebecca D O Gallagher, Mis A F Gibbs. Diana Gage, Ann Gordon, Hattie Gill, Amanda 3 Geareau, Johannah Goodwin, Ann Grate, Jane M Gibbons, Betsey Glader, Louise Guerard, Mrs E B 2 Gay, Mary Grant, Eliza Aun Goldsmith, Mary A George, FrancisO Graham, Marietta Greene, Fanny Gibbons Polly Griffin, Mrs Gould, Rose Gordon, Lizzie W Gatewood. Susan Gray, Mrs Gladding, Wm H Guerard, Gordon Gladding, Busan H Holland, Amanda Huguniu, Laura 2 Hannah, B Ann Harbert, Leonore Hearn, Bridget Hutchesen, Maggie E Higgrins, Ellen Holmes, Mary Harden, Ellen S Harrigan, Maggie Hann, Emma J Hicks, Mary B Hendal, Ellen Hall, Mary Herb, Eliza M Hines, Mary E 2 Hartigan, Eliza Harbus, Mary E Heilman, Miss Haney, Martha Holden, Miss Hatfield, Margaret J Hilton, Jemhnah R 2 Herdin, Mary Henderson. Jane Harness, Mrs Octavia Hardee, Isabella Hardy, Rebecca Hopkins, Mrs. John D Hawkins, SnsaD A Howard, Josephine Hood, Sarah J 2 Hoffer, Julia 2 Harrey, Sophia Hosniker, Kate Hopkins, S II Handel, Lncy Hemmings. Virginia Hollis, Louisa I J Jelend, Ann • Judd, L A Jenkins, Catharine Jackson, Lena Jordon, Delia Jackson, Sophia Johnson, Emma Johnson, Sophia Irwin, Georgia F Jones, Mrs M E A 4 Jones, Kate K Keiffer, Miss A V Kothe, Maria Kearney, Bettey Kent, Mehaley King, Cornelia Kinnevey, Mary Ann Kraft, Elizabeth Kelley, Mollie A T Kinsman, L A King, Mrs Wm L Kelley, Laura 2 Lue, A B - Littlefield, Mrs E J Lyon, Anna D Lynch, Honora Love, Annie Louie, Grace Lee, Catharine Lazarus, Mrs Joseph Lama, Mrs CAL Lord, Jane Lampie, Mrs Christian Lawrence, Susan Lee, Elizabeth M Meany, Ann Middleton, Mrs Mott McFarland, Almira Meany, Margaret McDonald, Anna McDonol. Mary A Muller, Catherine Mathet, Mary Mack, Eva McMahon, Mary Morrison, Elizabeth McClennan, Mary M Minis, Fannie Morris, Murtha McGrit, Grace Marshal!, Mary Monroe, Hulaa Mitchelson, Mary Meany, Honorah Mayer, Mary A Maurice, Harriet Murrell, N Malpher, Hattie McGlashen, Mrs Peter Malone, Julia Mann, Rosa 2 McClosky, Julia McLeod, R II Morrill, Mrs J I) Melvaney, Sarah H Morrison, James J McGrath, Mrs Thos Marshall, Julia ' Mason, Talleuiap Morrell, Lucy Magruder. Victoria Maiden, Martha J Morrison, Claude N Nixon, Enneb Natal, Jane Ann Noble, Ellen Nesbit, Louisa Nesler, Mrs E Neavitt, Maria Nasen, Hannah O O'Bryan. Mrs B A O’Brine, Mary Oats, Bridget O’Donohue, Mary Osgood, Mrs C R Overstreet, Mrs O'Connor, Mrs Luke O'Donnell, Mrs Owen P Palmer, Mrs C L Price, Moliie Postell, Euphcmia Plunkett, Margaret Penovey, Eliza A Peuniman, Mgs Pollard, Flora Peck, Rachel Polley, Flora Perkins, Rose Prendergast, Mrs J C 2 Patrick, Rosa Porter, Miss J W Procktor, Susan Pennyworth, Lizzie Parker, Mrs R S Pentigass, Mary Pricket, Tisa Perry. Mary E Peck. Mrs Theodore 3 Porter, M A Proctor, Henry Q, Quinn, Catherine Quint, Mrs C C R Reiley, Eilen Ruse, Laura Rotlift, Elizaoeth Ragan, Martha Rawsen. Mrs fi J Rotehe, Maria Ross, Elsie Kinghill, Ruth Richardson, Mrs E B Roberts, Rachael a Rogers, Hetty Ronerz, Rachael Robinson, Josephine A Ryan, Mrs Wm 9 Shedin, Catharine Shaw, Mary E Smith, Ann Shelton, Mary Stone, Mrs C Sheedy, Mary Smith, Charlotte Scndder, Mary Sanroos, Harriet Scnbrer, Miss Stradts, Mrs G B Schneider, Mary E f'chneider, Josephine Surfth, Mrs R W Sullivan. Mrs John A Sheedy, Sallie Smith, Louisa Stanberry, Sallie Smith, Lizzie 2 Stillivai, Sarah Steward, Mary J Spieldock, Sarah Sheftall, Moliie W M Stephen*, Selah S Sevette, Maggie Styles. Mr* Wm 2 Stephens, Mary T Tynac, Ann Thorpe, Lizzie J Thompson. Eiizr Townsend, Margaret Thomas Thompson, MolTle Tyman. Mis John S Tapper, Mary Taylor, Mrs John C Treanor, Sarah Thompson, Lei Uriah Turner, Miss S M Trial, Misti Timmons, Susan W C J rimer. Mr Ulmin A Ulmer, B F Vonglahn, C*« rlotte 3 Vanjeriere. Henrietta A 2 Vuhlman, Emelia Wood, Ann Wa®v, Mary J Whilihan, Br idget S WelfL Mary Weltch, Cath arlne WatW, Maria Williamson, Mrs DA 2 Waif. Mary A Worthington, Eliza 2 Wefo%4Karv Walker, Eliza WrtiMfeoti. Marion V Wilson, Mrs E G WalA, Margaret Wayne, Eliza WhlKr, Margaret Waller, Frances \\ii% Mis M ,1 Wertkin, Francis WaUK Rachael Waring, MrsG W Winner, Rose Williams, Mrs Henry WilbA*. MrsS Worne, Harries Wasmigion. Mrs S 2 Wade, Mrs James A War! Selena Wilson, Julia P Wrig Susan Williams. Louisa Whit unb, Sarah Wright, Lizzie Willii as, Sarah J Williams, L ~ T Young, Maria Yonn, Mrs M E Young, Margaret GENTLEMEN’S .IST, A Abrams, Messrs A Cos AJanl, G W Ash. C H Auk 14Geo Ailuron, Ohas Audit Tuney Allgood, Daul AlleuAVm Allen, G A „ J B j Barley, Alouzo B Ureazuu, John 2 Hushart, A Brant Iff, J S Bennett, Alfred BruyniJ (J Brace, A N Butler,J M Boyles, A L Bluntly, I. D Brower, Chas 2 Blawefi John Brennan, Clarence W Bentlej .fames Bradwell, Chas Beuuez, J K Blanche, Chas BiirnsHa, Jas C Backley Chas Brans,lsrael Bryan, lleWitt 2 Barrett, John Blaw, Edward BenedMMames Bouleman, E M Holey, If Bates, Erastus N Beytagi, Martin Burnside, Elms Breen,Mark Barden, Fred Backus', M M J Barker, F B A Oo Broderrk. M Brown, Geo H 2 Brady,Patrick 2 Bustard, Henry tiuljer.Paiil J Bushier. H BaitheHnue9, K M Barnard.’Jas M 3 Berlin,Ralph Bell, J C Bevtag), Robert Buich, John B Batfosd Robert Burch, R T Bostocl, Thomas Brown, Richard Beneditt, Thomas E Brown, Robert t Butler,*! E Brown, RE ’ Bel din, niu Brockiugton, Sami A Buntly. W M Boon, S A Barbout Wm Branch, 3 W Bonian,|V D W 2 Brennan, Thomas Chase, Alonzo F Cribbaii, John Cordes, A Clark, J W Coyle, Barnard Collins, I P Cutone, Bar toil* Conn slat J V Coiby, Chas L 2 Catviit, JII Coin, DABro 2 Cavaaeaugh, J 2 Caruer, D C ' Connaly, Joseph Clarke, CB C essaf, John U Cusick, Dennis Conedon, J P 2 Crooker, David Churchman, John Cleary, Dennis Castiq John Canterberry, E B COfilpon, Joseph Chandler, Edward A Oronlk, J Crowan, Ed M Ounnfagham, J Cohen, C Casey, James L Champion, F Curry, John Clarend, Rev F P Cass, John Collins, Geo N Ciawford, John Cotter, Garrett Coildington, J M Cuyler, Geo A Ca ey, James F Campbell, George Cosgrove, John Conn. George Carol*/!, Michael Christian, H R Coffin u, Moses Cleary, Michael Owned, R C 2 Cuyler, Nelson A HP Catherwood. Sami C Cavaneaugh, Patrick Curn. Thomas Constantin’, PL Clotty,Thomas J Creaghan, P J Chalflnch, Thomas Cady. Patrick Clarke, William J Cuyler. R H Conway, William D Dashpr, BW Detey, Mort is Delany, Daniel ffidey, Michael Davis, E Q Duggan, Martin Danenfelsher, £ - Dawson, M Dupree, Elliott Drake, P K Daniel, K • Deliarty', Peter DeLisle, George Donnell, O’Patrick Doyle, II Davenport, Scipio Dougherty, John 2 Dixon, S D Downey, J M Davidson, William Dtyle, John Davis, W E DsFord. J K Doner, William Dougherty, J M E Egan. Daniel Elkius, J J f Ellis, E R tgerns, Nicholas Elkhoru, Mr Elliott, Kt Rev 3 2 Linen, Joseph F Freese, Adam Fi»zgerald,J F Ferry, Andrew Fleming, P J Frierson A Butler Ford, Martin Frick, C C Fleetwood, Wm 2 Franke, Fred Fuller, Wm L 3 Fulton, Gasper J Flinn, Wm G Freeborn, James* Fowler, Wm Flemmiug,JJ Ferriby. Wm Finlayson, John Farrell, W II Forthau. John Fullerton, Murphy G Gibbs. Allen S Green, John W Galen, B G Glover, Joseph Gilliard, Cooper Graw, J E Godfrey, D Grubbs, James Greenfield, D Gordon, John Gibbs, Clayton Grant. Josiah Green, Ed Greenwald, Lewis Greffken, E Garretty, Patrick Gae, Frank Green, Patrick Godfey, Rev Mr Go-dwin, Kulfin Gibson, Geo Gleason, 3 W Gibbon, Geo Gitt, Tlios W Gallandit, James Gumon, Thos Gillen, John Goodwin, WmT Green, John Uatpin, Wm Gretlkeo. James Gordon, Wm H Gilbert, Jos Grady, Win Good blood, Joa Uanneue, W C Gleasou, Ja* God, Lima K II Holcomb Sc Johnson 2 Ilethridge, Mr Hope, Albert Hart, if C 2 Hudson, A Hicks, H G Hartridge, AS 3 Hengtr. H Utiusiua, C 3 Hunman. John Henry. Ckaa Hogan. John Haas, C Harn, John W Hopkins. C H Howard, J Hirsch. David Hayes, Jehu E Henderson, KF Harper, Janies 2 lleudy, E II Heuloiig. Isaac Hopkins, ICdward Hots, J D Hnyle r. Geo B ilanloiig, John Hardcastlo, Geo W Howell, John B Hudson, Geo A Higgins, John Harrison, G P HucKins. Joseph ' Ueddrick. G W Hooker, James H Hardee. Gen W J Hulloran, John Hiucher. Geo 2 Haunirnt. Lafayette Har iliug. Geo S Hirschberg, L Hollenbuck, G U Hohenstieu, L Hendry, G N Henderson, MY 2 Heims, H Huglian, Martin Heuderson, J Hamilton, Thoe Hinklev, Ora K Handley, V 9 Holt, Richard Humin, Wm Hasard, Honney Hussey, Wu Hetrick, Stephen Howe, Win D Holms,* Ttiom&s 0 Hart, Wm . Hickey, Thomas Higgins, Walter Holcomb, Thos 2 Henwood. A K Hearn, Thos F Holcomb, B F Heagney, James Haupt, James L Hanck, John J Jackson, Anthony Johnson- Jerry Jones, C C Jones, Robert Jordan A Foote Joyce, Timothy Jackson Sc Jones K King, Barrington Kelly, James Kinchin, Clinton Kein, John II 4 Harms, Darby Karaneangh, John King, K W Kennedy, John Keiupton, E 9 Kearuey, Michael 2 Knapp, Edward Kelly, Michael 3 Keeleu, Frank Kreby, Michael Keefer, John K.rby, Wili am L I.awshie, Aaron Loftus, James Levy, A D Ledman, John L Landstreet, A C Leacy, John Lenger, Caspar Lyon, Levi D Leslie, C C r< Lee, Morris* Lassen, Cyrus B Lark, Peter Lathrop, Dwight Leacy, Tstsr; Lewis, Geo W Larcomb, R J Lange Henrick Laffiteau, S M 2 Love, H Lacy, Walter Lawrence, John Lawton, WB Lynch. James 2 Lester, Wm H Lopez, John H Lewis. F C N Murkeus. A McKenzie, J J Msrey, Dny A C> McNett, John Meudlieim, B 2 Miller, J {I Middleton, Chas E Morgan, J C McDowell. D P Mick. Jetpini.ih Maiden, Elijah Merrison, John Merriman, K 3 McKennan, John Mason, K K 3 Maddox, Jam s Molina, Frank McQan, John K Me Rea A Finegan Mallow,.) D Mvrell, F M Maguire, Luke MeCulfrey, Felix Morrell, Mingo Marshall, F McCarthy, M D McAllister, F P Mooney, MD McNtckla, Frank Muller, Martin Mumtori, Fredeuck Moore, Oxssemons Middleton, Fuimau Moore, Neel Mitchell, Henry 2 McGarretty, Patrick Muller, II Miller A Paramour McAvoy, Hugh 2 Malone. Patrick Metdrum. James * McHugh, K .bert Marshall, Joseph 2 Miller,' Richard D McMahon, John * Merritt, S McClenaliau. Thomas* McCorniach, W Murry, Thos W 2 Malphrus, W B Meath, Thomas MeCauly, Wm ,f McGrath. Thomas McCulloch, Hugh Moore, IV B Marsh, E W N NoMoy, BU Nicholson, John O O'Sullivan, John J O’Byrne, Richard uhl, Joseph O'Connor, T O'Douohoe, Patrick Owens, John A O’Connor, Patrick P Porter, Albert 2 Potner, Joseph Parsons A Brigham Patterson, James t Prendesgast, C C V Piendergast, James Peck, Ca T Perdne, L W •Paiue, Ed Pitts, Madison Parmer, Ed Preuty, Patrick Pettus, Ed Pease, P H Peterson, Gao Porter, MaJ Peaty, Geo Phillips, 8 F Pol ter, Geo W Proctor, Sylvester Philllpps, Henry Prior. Thomas Peters, Joseph .Palmer A Webster Pinteli, J 3 2 Park, W T Guinn, Wm Quinn, Michael Quinlan, Wm Quinn, M R Reppard, Aaron Rugg, Horace P Robertson, Alex Relly, James Rogers, C D Russell, Janies Richardson, Kd F Rogers, J 8 Rhodes, Edwin 2 Rutherford, 1 A W Robinson, E Ray, James Rawson, E J Rearden, John Richardson, Ed Rogers, John S Remshnrt A Gaut, Roach, Michael Kappold, Geo Ryan, Patrick Rice, Geo B Rawlins, Robt Race, Nelson Read, Robt. B Ripley, H G Reilly, Timothy- Rising, Heury Rollins, Wm Rising, H C 2 Robinson, Wm H 9 Seigel, A Shepherd, J B Sisley, A 8 ilfivan, John Steil, Aloys Shields, James Stolb.and, A Shippey. J W Siegel, Abraham Stokes, Joseph Storre, Chas Stnrtevanl, J C Starrley, Chas Hullivau, Jos Stebbius, Calvin 2 Skilton, Jas A Schwartz, Chas Snider, J J Shea. Chas W Smith, John H Samon, D E Stokes, James G Scranton, D T 2 Schwenek, John Smith, D 8 Sanger A Morris, Htrumfeis, E Von Scranton A Johnson 2 Sutton, E B Spieldock, L Silva, E A Sweeney, M T Swain. E C Smart, Madison Seary, Edw Sanford, O 8. Sloat, Frank Sweatuam, P P Sandvise, Ft auk Sullivan, P Shepard, H Schweuzer, Richard 2 Saxton, Hugh Stone, Dr Sconyers, J B Savannah Bank. Schaffer, John A 2 Shelly, S C Shepherd, James Shea, ThoaW Spann, John M Schaffer, Uriah Snuttnall, Jacob Smith, WmT Soli, Jos Snider, Wm H Stark, J H N Ste i ette, W B Silvc, J S Stephens, W II Saville, JohnG Sharp, Wm Savalle. John G Spencer, W H Solomon, Jacob Starks, R O T Treadway, D W Tormer, LB 2 Taylor, Ed Tebeati, I, C Turner, Elek Tebeati A Pinaer, Triay, F Tatem, It H Thompson, Jas G Tilman, Smart Townsend, JP Thorna*,OilverA Douglass, 3 Tingle. J W Turner, Wm H U Tinner, John L Tubian, Mr V Vonglahn; Hem ich Valentine, Thos Verderey, Mr W Waldron, A 2 Winslow, J H Walter, August Wheaton, J F Whitfield, A Wright, J Wilkins, A Waring A King, Williams, C A Williams, N H Wilcox, C P Wildner, Michael Wragg, Dr Wethas, M Walters David Wilman. M M Wilson,David Wall, 08 B 3 Wadley, Dole Wbealon, Rev P Wade, EC 2 Williams, Robt Wylley, Geo W 2 Willis., Robert 2- Wlllet, G M 3 Whitehead, T P Watts, Geo Walsh, Stephen Whiting, H A Winkler, Van R Watts, JG 4 Wilson, Z A Williams, John II Wilbur, Wm L Wilson, J W Williams, Wm C Williard, J II 3 V Z Yeomans, David Zike, Alex Yokum. Jas J Zimmerman, John A. L. HARRIS, Special Agent P. O, D HEADQUARTERS U. S, FORCES, Hli.ton Head, St. Helena, Dacfuskie ani> Bull’s Islands, Hilton Head, 8. C., May 28,1865. General Ohdfes, ) No. 21. ) I. Captain James W. Graham, bth Conn. Yet. Vole., is hereby announced as Provost Marshal of this Post, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly, Capt. Graham will receipt to Capt. John Rich, 144 N. Y. Vols., Provost Marshal of Port Royal District, for all government property pertaining to the Post Provost Marshal’s Office. « By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. M. S. LITTLEFIELD, CHAS. C. SIVER, Capt. 141 N. Y. Vols,, A. A. A. Gen. (Official) C. Silva, Capt, and A. A. D. C. maydb-it [Official.! IIEADQ’RS., DEPT. OF THE SOUTH; Hilton Head, a. C„ May 27, 1865. General Order, l No. 74. f So much of Paragraph 11, of General Order No. 137, series of 1865, from these Headquarters, as designates tlie troops in the former District of Beaufort as the Second Separate Brigade, and those in the former Dis trict of Hilton Head as the Third Separate Brigade, is hereby revoked, and hereafter the troops in the Dis trict of Port Royal will be designated as the Second Separate Brigade, this District Command being com posed of mixed troops equivalent to a Brigade. By command of Maj. Gen. Q. A, GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bcrock, Assistant Adjutant General. T. D. Hodges, Capt. 36th V. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may3l-7t BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEADr S. C., —AND— corner brtan street and market square, SAVANNAH, QA. may3Q ts - J^OSIN. 100 barrels wanted, for which cash will be paid at j. McMahon’3, Comer of Jefferson and Broughton Streets. may2C-5t ibbertisemfnts. JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AMD LIQUORS, A T WHO I. KBAI. V. , IIU FAMILY £•*, AT 29? BAT STREET. • ISRAEL R. SEALY A CO. inay*4-tf REMOVAL. City Store, No. 2, ntider the Jliperintendence of Mr. Geo. W. Davis, has been removed to the fourth door west of Barnard Street, on the Bay, where they are receiving a fresh assortment of Groceries per steamers from New York, and which will be disposed of at re duced prices. Entrance door on Bay Street. JOHN L. VILLALONGA, junel 2 Chairman Committee. A MURDOCK* AGENTS pea ISRAEL B. SEALY, Wholesale Dealers In ALES, WINES anoIMPORTED LIQUORS, Os all Kinds and Qualities. No. 5, M E R C H A N T 8 • ROW, Hilton Head, 8. C junel imo FOR SALE. 150,000 feet assorted WHITE PINE BOARDS; PLANKS, tongned and grooved; SCANTLING. AIso—DOORS, WINDOW SASHES. PICKETS for Fencing and Shingles. Apply to HENRY JOHNSON, jnnel-lw Fernandina, Fla. AND CIDESL Hammer's < 'hampagne ALE, in bids; CIDER, in cases; At low prices, to close shipment, bv jitnel-3 HILTON A RANDELL. Q’HOES. Ladies', Misses’ and Children's, all stvles; Men’s Calf and Congress Gaiters; At lowest prices, to close invoices, by , . HILTON A RANDELL, junel -3 193 Bay st., near Barnard. (Official.j a HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. Hilton Head, S. C., May 25, 1366. Gbhbbai. Orders, 1 No. 70. J The following General Order from the War Depart ment, Is hereby published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjutant General's Office, Washington, April 28, 1805, General Orders) No. 70. f For reducing expenses of the Military Establishment. Ordered : I. That the Chiefs of the respective Bnreanx of thQ Department proceed, Immediately, to reduce the ex penses of their respective departments to what is ab solutely necessary, in view of an immediate reduction of the forces in the field and garrison, and the speedy termination of hostilities, and that they severally make out statements of the redactions tbay deem practica ble. 11. That the Quartermaster General discharge all mieau transports not required to bring home troops In remote Departments. All river and Inland transpor tation will be discharged, except that required for ne cessary supplies to troops in the field, Purchases of horses, mules, wagons, and other land transportation will be stopped; also purchases of forage except what is required for immediate consumption. All purchases for railroad construction and transportation will also be stopped. 111. That the Commissary General of Subsistence stop the purchase of supplies in his Department, ex cept. for such as may, with what is on hand, be requir ed for the forces in the field, to the first of June next. IV. That the Chief 6f Ordnance stop all purchases of arms, ammunition and materials therefor, and reduce the manulacturing of arms and ordnance stores, In Government arsenals, us rapidly ns can be done with out injury to the service, V. That the Chief of Engineers slopwork on all field fortifications and other works, except those for which specific appropriations have been made by Con gress, for completion, or that may be required lor the proper protection of worn in progress. VI. That all volunteer soldiers (patients; in hospi tals, except Veteran Volunteers, Veterans of the lit Army Corps, (Hancock’s; and enlisted men of the Vet eran Reserve Corps, who require no further medical treatment, be honorably discharged fiom service, with immediate payment. All officers aud enlisted men, who have been prison ers of war, and now on furlough, or at the parole camps, and all recruits in rendezvous, except those for the Regular Army, and the Ist Army Corps (Hancock’s; will likewise be honorably discharged. Officers, whose duty it is, under the regulations of the service, to make out rolls, and other final papers, con nected with the discharge ar.d payment ol soldiers, are directed to make them ont without delay, so that this order may be carried into effect immediately. Com inanding Generals of Armies and Departments will look to the prompt execution of this work. VII. The Adjutant General of the Army will cause immediate returns to be made by all Commanders in the field, garrison, detachments and posts of their re spective forces, with a view to their immediate reduc tion. VIII. The Quartermaster’s, Subsistence, Ordnance, Engineer, and Provost Marshal General’s Departments will reduce the number of clerks and employees, to that absolutely required for closing the bnsiness of their respective Departments, and will, withont delay, report to the Secretary of War the number required, ol each class or grade. The Surgeon General will make similar reductions of medical officers, nurses, and attendants in his Bu reau. IX. The chiefs of the respective Bureaux will imme diately cause property returns to be made out of the public property in their charge, and a statement of the property in each that may he sold, upon advertisement aud public sale, without prejudice to the service. X. The Commissary Os prisoners will have rolls made out of the same, residence, time and place of capture and occupation of all prisoners of war, who will take the oath of allegiance to the United States, to the end that such as are disposed to become good aud loyal citizens of the United States, and who are proper ob jects of Executive clemency, may be released upon the terms that to the President shall seem fit and consist ent with the public safety. By order of the Secretary of War: W. A. NICHOLS, Assist. Adj’t. General. By command ot Major-General Q. A GILLMORE W. L. M. Burgee, Asst. Adjt. Gen. junel-7t J^OTICE. The Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Rags, Rope, Waste Paper, Iron and Metals, Bottles, Wool Hides, Ac., Ac., at the Forest City Mills. U t „ „„ D. OLIVER Savannah, May 26. _ ts. OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER, „ „ Savannah, Ga„ May 23, 1865. Circular No. I. The Vaccination Offices, corner President and Price streets, and Montgomery, near Joues, are, from this date discontinued, ami the Vaccination Office for the City will, in future, be N. W. cor, Hull and Whitaker streets. All persons not vaccinated within six months past, wifi apply without delay to said office Vaccina tion hours between 8 and . M., and 3 and 5, P. M , daily. (Sundays excepted}’ A. P. DALRiMPLE, may24-7t Surg, N. S V.. Health Officer, tJiHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. s Awonderful invention for Ladies. Unquestionably uperior to all others. * Don’t fail to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald, containing, toll partienlwa, every Monday morning. edexMJmo maril XTKWS-DEALERb AND OTHERS DESIRING 'The Savannah Dailt Hkald at Wholsale are re qu to eond in their order* ** early in advance a* practicable. W# MASON & 00.