Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 05, 1865, Image 4

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IheSavarmth Dalljftterald. MONDAY. USB 9, ISM. FROn OIJB EVENING EDITION OF SATURDAY. RkMOVAL OK OIIBTHIICTIONS IS TIIK SaVAX nah River. —Tbc steamer Standish, Captain Moore, returned this morning from up the river, wheie she bas been for a week at work on the obstructions near Stoney s Bluff. Sbe pulled up eleven piles obstructing the in shore channel. Sbe was obliged to come down after new gearing, but will probably soon return and liegin work on the main channel. Capture ok a Dißtim.eky.— On Thursday night last, about half-past ten o'clock. James Hivvcr, of the detective force, United States Police, captured on the premises of John Connell, on Bryan street, near West Broad, a distillery. Connell-was yesterday morning tried licfore Judge Bene dict and fined ten dollars. Capt. Pillsbury had the still and worm removed to his head quarters and deposited in a safe place, where it will not run for some time. THE COURTS. .yrflrfvr PROVOST COURT —JUDGK Eli ON' PARSONS JR , PKESIDISG. No busiuess was done in this Court yes terday. SECOND PROVOST COURT —CAPT. M. RENEDI CT JUDGE PRESIDING. Capt Benedict was yesterday quite busy, and his iabors extended far into the after noon. The following is a list of the cases: United States vs. Daniel O'Connell, charged with having in his possession a Distillery and manufacturing liquor. Fined $ 10. United States vs. Carrie Jackson, (colored.) charged With stealing money and silver spoons. Sent to jail for ten days. United States vs. Jordan Low and Samuel Williams, (colored,) charged with stealing Government mules. Sent to jail for sixty days. Rina (colored,) vs. C. Mark; action for recovery of wages. Verdict for plaintiff for eleven dollars. Samuel Ham vs. Morris White and M. Shefftal^; action to collect amount of bill lor lieef sold. Ordered that defendants pay to plaintiff fourteen dollars and twenty cents, amount of bill. Samuel Harn vs. Morris White and N. W. Hackless, (colored;) action to recover bill for beef sold. Ordered that defendants pay to plaintiff fifty-six dollars, amount of bill Street Commissioners vs. R. H. Lilleuthal; violation of street department. Respondent lined live dollars. John Brown's daughter now teaches con trabands in Henry A. Wise’s pa:lor. There are indications of a great rush of vis itors to the White Mountains the coming summer. Snow is three Teet deep there in some places. It is said that Benjamin F. Wade, James R. Doolittle and Simon Cameron have jointly purchased one of the great cotton plantations in South Carolina. The late Duke <lf Northumberland had not drawu his half-pay for the last twenty years, and the executors have put in their claim for it, which will of course be duly honored. There are six hundred miles of streets in the city of Brooklyn, as ascertained by actual surveyors by direction of the common coun cil committee on renaming and renumbering the streets. Lieutenant Genera) Grant has presented to Colonel A. 11. Markland, the agent of the Post Office Department, who had been dur ing the whole war with ‘he armies, thcGrins ly saddle, ridden by General Grant in all the battles in which he has been engaged trom rort Henry, 1862, to the surrender of Gen Lee. ihe Grand Master of the Free Masons in Italy has forwarded an address of condo lenee upon the murder of Mr. Lincoln to Mr. Marsh, Luited States representative at runu. and an order lias been issued to drape the Masonic lodge-rooms throughout Italy in mourniug duriug nine days. A correspondent of the Boston Journal suggests that the coming fourth of July Ik; celebrated with bonfires on every mountain and hilltop from the eastern borders of Maine to the shores of the Pacific, from the great lakes of the North to the sunny waters ot the Gull ot Mexico. King George of Greece is engaged to the Princess Olga, daughter of the Grand Duke Constantine ot Russia The Princess is only fourteen, and the nuptials will not take place for two or three years. The alliance will have much political significance, and im portant results iu increasing the iuiiuencc ol Russia. Roger A Pryor, admits tnat the South is fumy whipped, and says that whoever don’t give in now ought to be treated as outlaws. ' * l,l he says, “I yield that the I ' ,|K ; k " ss \ aud “ I only left two mukb to work a lew acres of laud with iu part pay tor those that Hheridnu’s men took Sa'lif! I»atk to the „l„„ g h my auty as a loyal citizen. ’ Nearly three hundred rebel prisoners were disclaimed cm taking the oath of on Monday and Tuesday. Thev seemed much pleased to get out of prison! and we thuik a large proportion of them will co home and go to work. They Were dischar?! ° rt,er ot ' the Secretary of War. —ArLawms Uiuou, Afm/ n, •’ A forger named Morgan, awaiting trial in jail an Keene, N. H. was so sick’ tlmt his wile was permitted to nurse him. By a little adroit management, both parties escaned leaving the keeper to contemplate a “man of straw with a hair wig and white Iwndage «ro Ch r VaS e t sound, y sleeping in the place of the live man. who with his wife has been heard of travelling swiftly towards the rising fiMWi in AttUßgrroft. I>ut* 1 * to tile Hint. Sentiments of (he Planters on (he Cooper River. Important Action of the African Mctho • distil. Wc have received files of the # Charleston Courier to May 31st, from which we make the following extracts: The Planters aud the Freed men. Ensign C. C. Neil, who left here on the ar my transport W. W. Frazier last week, for the purpose of visiting the planters on the Cooper River and enlightening them as to the orders of General Hatch concerning the making of contracts with the freedinen, re turned to this city last evening. lie called upon various planters in St. Thomas and St. Dennis' Parishes, and found them cheerful and willing to do all in their power to pro mote the interests of -the common country. Their great annoyance are the depredations committed by roving bands of idle and disso lute people, the majority of whom are colored. They are eager to obtain a supplv of field and farming implements, and are also in want of horses, mules and wagons. Large crops are not looked for this season. The planters received Eusign Neil and his associates with the utmost civility, and spread before them the best that their houses contained. Iu their conversation they admit ted the total failure of the rebel cause, and expressed themselves solicitous to see harmo ny aud re union again prevail. During this trip Eusign Neil had the pleasure of witness ing the siguiug of contracts of labor between planters and men who were formerly slaves. The contracts were made in accordance with an order issued by Geu. John. P. Hatch. In the course of his travels Eusign Neil discovered fifteen pounds of powder iu the possession of a negro, and while in the act of destroying the mass he uufortnnately re mained too near and received an ugly burn on one side ofhis face. His injuries are not serious. We congratulate Ensign Neil on the success with which he met on his late mission, and trust he will meet with like suc cess on bis next expedition. The Patapsco Victims. Captain Churchill, of the schooner Hope, is still superintending the raising of the vic tims who perished at the time of the sinking of the monitor, Patapsco. Since our last re peat only fragments of the unfortunate beings have been brought to the surface. The water in which the vessel is submerged is very dense and muddy—a circumstance which greatly impedes the operations of the divers, as they are compelled to feel without having the power of seeing. A large aperture has been discovered in the hull of the Patapsco; caused by the explosion of the torpedo which sent her down. Several articles of furniture have been taken out. The' vessel itself is considered not to be worth the raising, in consequence of her injuries nnd the length of time she has been under water, Her’ guns have been already raised. Important Action of the Colored Meth odist*. At two meetings held in Zion Church by the members of the Methodist Churches in Charleston (colored), for the purpose of con sidering their best interests as a religious community, after ’a careful consideration of their former and present relations, tiic fol lowing preamble and resolutions were unan imously adopted at both meetings: Whereas, the operation of the war has changed our relations as it respects our rights us citizens and loyalists to the govern ment of the United States, and the guaran teeing to us religious liberty, to make such regulations as we fleem best' for our eleva tion ; and whereas, we formerly were, by force of circumstances, members of tiie M. E. Church, South, subject to religious bond age, with no rights but to obey orders; and whereas, tho said M E Church has ceased to exist, and w’e are free to choose for our selves and organize on the basis of loyalty to the government under which we live, there fore, 1 . Resolved , That we do by this act sever forever our relations to the M. E. Church, South, and from its acts ot disloyalty to the government. 2. Resolved. That we, members’of Bethel, Trinity and Cumberland Churches, formerly belonging to the M. E. Church, South, do hereby re-organize ourselves as a religious body, to be known as the African M. E Church, in the United States of America. and Resolved, That we place ourselves under the Annual Conference of the African M. E. Church, of the South Carolina Dis trict, Bishop D. A. P.\yne, I). D., presiding. 4. Resolved , By this act w.e do not relin quish our claims to the Church property which we have purchased by our* labor, but will abide our time, and trust that we shall have justice done us by those in authority, so that we may re-possess our Churches. JOHN GRAHAM,» ~, . JOHN EVERETB, Cha,rmen - Edward Roach,! „ . . Robert Scott, j Secretaries. The Treasury Department. Hon. T. C. Callicot, Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury Department, arrived here yesterday morning from Hilton Head. He has been assigned, by order ot the Sec retary ot the Treasury, to the supervision of highth Special Agency, which comprises the State ot South Carolina and so much of the State of Georgia as lies in and East of the valley of the Ogeechec River, including the city of Savannah. His office will be at Charleston. Mr. Cullicot has had long experience ns a Special Agent of the Treasury Department at Helena, Ark., Vicksburg, Memphis and Nashville. The boundaries of the Fifth Special Agen cy, which remains under the supervision of Mr. Browne, have been modified, so ibat it composes the S tilth and East part of Flor ida, including Key West and so much of the State of Georgia as lies South and West of the valley of the OgeecJiee River. The late conflagration in Richmond deve loped a curious incident and tact, which may 1m; valuable, if rememlcred. Some week or ten days after the fire, the iron safe of the Enquirer office was opened, when, imme diately on the admission of the air. the smoke and papers were ignited and consumed.— And such was the case ot all other safes which were not in brick vaults. A young lady belonging to one of the first tamilies in New liaveu went to New York, and while in a large dry goods store stole a piece of valuable goods, was discovered and sent o the Tombs. Her family obtained her release with difficulty. j xfcotto ittrsios rfiHtiitst ifoiißSGira pou\, The question of negro stiff re Is looming up as the great political issu in the work ot the reconstruction of the r filious States. | On this subject and various c ers connected j with the Alrican race, especi y with their ! political lights and claims, 3 publish to i day a chapter of very intc iting extracts trom Northern and Soufcrn newspa pers. In the Tennessee House! Representa tives, for instance, of the inkl Legislature elected under their new Ireefitate oonstiUi tion, a motion to print five Infired copies of a petition from the cinauci|jed blacks of the Stole for the right of sn‘agc was ad opted by a vote of forty-one > ten. This is I an indication in favor of the ticks, and it is probable that their petition ill be granted. The arguments presented iu lie debate iu support of the petition are st>ng, and the new Governor of the State, lrson Brown low, at one time a travellir defender of slavery against the Northern politionists, is now earnestly 'in favor of njtralizing the disloyal whites of the State bjtlie votes of the loyal blacks. This will jrve to show the wonderful revolution at wrk upon this question among leading ljal Southern men. This policy of a reorganizath on the basis of <he abolition of slavery, anfeaving negro suffrage to the State Legislate, will doubt less be adopted in every rebebus Slate, un der the rules and regulation of President Johnson, in the interval to tliregular meet ing of Congress. The new Provisional Goynor Pierpont, chosen by President Johnsdto put old Vir ginia in her new garments a free State, "ill shortly issue, we lcar/a proclamation from Richmond, which if I show that the Tennessee plan of Andrew Johnson is to be followed up, including tli< imitation of the right of suffrage, iu the inii live proceedings ot reorganization, to whitmeu of unques tionable loyalty, if they an mt only to five thousand, more or less, in ti commonwealth. We understand that Lsident Johnson does not feel authorized, vliout, the advice of (Songress, to broach thi lubject of negro suffrage It w ill, therefor remain an open question, unless this bram of the work of reconstruction be delayed i the meeting of Congress. Upon this coi agency will per haps depend the question icther negro sut frage or the financial protm shall be the controlling issue of the nexf residential cam paign. It requires no gift of propfcy to foresee that it unsettled in 1808 in tiupouthern States, this thing of negro suffrage ill give usanother Presidential election, with! sectional divis ion of the electoral vote, iJicugli negro suf trage. so far as it coneernthe general gov ernment, may by that tir* !iave become a mere idea. The power may have passed •over to the several Stites,jbu the idea will control the Presideilial eliction. In this connection wc may netioi tint in the Legis lature of Connecticut, in which this question of negro suffrage wa takeu up the other day, the republicans n a bock ranged them selves in favor of thedacks, while the dem ocrats, as by inst inct.were fcind en masse on the other side. Fro< this example we may guess how the issue ’ill be settled if carried to a Presidential div!ion of jar ties. The war has put n end to slavery; the blacks of the South rnve turned the scale against the rebellio; and in favor of the Lmon. They are fr.- ; they ask the right to vote. Can we rest this application ? Not long. What darer is there in it, when even in the slave date of North Carolina, ‘ down to the yearijßs—when the abolition agitatiocsiiut it off—free blacks possessed the rigL of suffrage ? But, with the extinction of a very, where is the dan ger? We rely upa the experience, discre tion and sagacity 4 Plesident Johnson. He might, settle the qustiqi right away by call ing Congress togetler | but we presume that in the interval io he regular meeting of Congress he will sin ie his course of re construction in such a way as to avoid any issue betw’een tiie F,xe< itive aud Legislative departments, especiall; as the approval of Congress will be need 1 to make good any act of reconstruction, tt is a great work, and will not be kurriec o a conclusion, when •he necessities of the e rnusted, impoverish ed and disorganized Sc them people, whites aud blacks, call for soi: provisional regula tions of labor which w keep their souls and bodies together throui the next winter.— New York Herald. ALEXANDER STEPHENS, Interesting lute iew with Him. One who saw and c iversed with Alexan der H. Stephens, on oard the steamer at Port Royal, writes i follows in a private letter: \ He looks much old r thaniwhen I saw him in the House in ’57. !e converses freely and docs not appear at a like ijprisoner of war. He says he never sau so im«ked a change in four years, in anytvVo ineiJas iu Abrabam Lincoln and Jefferion Davis He expressed great regret at the Presklfift’s assassination, admitted the ConfederacyWa3 played out, and seemed anxious to hatebeace declared, and the matter settled as stxtiily as possible. His idea is to have the diiefcnt rebel States repeal the ordinances of section and accept the Constitution of the Upled States, und vote on the Constitutional a ’ndrnent. He expresses the opinion it the seceding States, will not pass it. L acknowledged that .his Milledgeville speccli ’as almost pro phetic, and that lie went Hi the popular current to prevent any clash -tweeh himself and Toombs. He appears to ive no concern for liimselt; savs be is oul anxious to se cure as honorable terms as lossible for his State and people, the major r of whom he says never were secessions . He is bent over much, liis hair is nearly bite, his voice is lower and not so shrill as*f nerly, and his hand trembles when he uses ; but be talks as smoothly as ever, and bis es Hash as in days gone by. A Kiss to Catch a Re< irr.— Duncan Mackenzie, an old Peninsull «>ldier, aged nearly ninety, died at Elgin. Duncan was a Highlands, every inch of In, and that, too, a stalwart one, tor he w i more thau six feet in height, und must h e been (as he was wont to say) as trapping low when lie kissed Jane, Duchess of Gori n, in taking “the shilling” from between h teeth, to be come one ol her regiment—th< lordon High landers. Duncan delighted t ell how he was enlisted, and he has not *ft, we pre suine. one alive to tell the sa ! tale about Kissing the Duchess in the ma et. Mourning draperies, to the alue of ovar #2,000, have been received b Col. Collier, of the New York State Agency ind distribu ted to the soldiers' widows am >rphans. FflßStPSitf JQRMM fIKWI. Report of Rtt Important With Him« fFrom the Augusta Chronicled Sentinel 31s{ 3 We were pleased to meet Monday after noon with our old friend J. L Dunning, Esq. of Atlanta. Mr. D. has been for many years a leading man in all business enterprises iu the “Gate City,” and tbrougout the war dis tinguished for his loyalty to the United States Government. He has just returned from the North, and when, but a lew days since in Washington, together with A. N. Wilson and Win. Markham, Esqs, also citizens of Atlan ta, had an interview with the President touching the condition of affairs in Georgia. Mr. D. has authorised us to mention some facts in connection with that interview that are of much interest to the people of the State. President Johnson expressed himself very kindly toward the masses of our people, who he believed had never been at heart the ene mies ot the government, but that they had been overreached by the cunning ot artful and unscrupulous leaders. The chief obstacle lie thought to the res toration ot good feeling would be in prompt, recognition of the fact that slavery was dead forever and ever. That tact cordially ad mitted, tiie remaining difficulties might be easily removed. He was indisposed to con tinue the military Government in Georgia be yond the period when tie civil administra tion might be safely resumed. At present he considered the civil offices of the State of every grade as and all the actings and doings of their occupants from the com mencement of the rebellion as null aud void. The President thought if the people of Georgia really desired a loyal civil Govern ment organized in Georgia that there would be some spontaneous movement in their pri mary assemblies. Mr. D- also says that President Johnson would prefer appointing a military Governor from the State if a suitable one can be found. Otherwise he shall be compelled to select from some other State. Mr. D. informs us that iu his judgment very much depends on the action of the people themselves in regard to the reconstruction of their State Govern ment. Men who were prominent in the late rebellion will not be allowed to assume con trol of the matter of reorganization. THE PROGRESS OP THE TRIAL, OF THE ASSASSINS. The sessions of the court martial in Wash ington engaged in trying the assasination con spirators were resumed, after an intermis sion of two days, on the 25th ult. A con siderable portion of that day’s testimony related to the treatment by live rebels of im prisoned national soldiers. In reply to an objection of counsel for prisoners that such evidence was irrevelani, the Judge Advocate General decided it to be pertinent, on the ground that history has proved the connec tion between the rebellion and the assassina tion of the President. Witnesses testified as to the shocking bad character ol the treat ment and food received by our imprisoned men iu Richmond, producing the most fright ful results ot disease and death. They were told by Major Turner, the Libby Prison keeper, that such treatment was good enough for Yankees. Witnesses stated that Major Turner had informed that the Libby wras mined and ready to be blown up at the time of Kilpatrick's raid around Richmond, in case the Union troops should get possession 6t the city. The case for the defence was at last open ed, and the Rev. Fathers Wigett, Boyle and Stone-street, of the Catholic church, testified that they had known Mrs. Surratt for a long time; that she had always appeared to them to be a truly Christian woman, and that they had never beard her utter disloyal sen timents. John Hallahan, one of Mrs. Sur rett’s boarders, stated that he had seen Payne at her house, and that the said Payne was a Baptist minister. Witness had also seen at her house Atzerott, whom Mrs. Surratt said she would not board. » The proceedings on the 25th in the ♦rial of assassination conspirators were equally as in teresting as those of preceding days, and the court room was again crowded by curious auditors of both sexes. Witnesses for both the prosecution and the defence were exam ined. Mr. Maulsby, brother-in-law of O’Laugh lin, testified that the latter aud Booth were schoolfellows, and that when O’Laughlin learned the officers were in search of him lie did not endeayor to escape, but,gave himself up voluntarily. Maulsby said , O’Laughlin was in the rebel army between 1861 and 1862. For the prosecution, William Charhberlain, at one time a clerk in the rebel War Depart ment, testified that be was well acquainted with the handwriting of John A. Campbell, formerly rebel Assistant Secretary of War, and Colonel Harrison, the private secretary’ of Jefferson Davis, aud that he identified their endorsements on the communication to Davis of one Lieutenant Alston, which was intro duced in court on last Monday. In this com munication Alston offers himself to Davis for secret service, to “rid the country of its deadliest enemies.” Henry Finegas testified to having heard a conversation between George N- Sanders and Wny Cleary, on the Isth of February last, in St. Lawrence Hall, Montreal, in which, while speaking ot the then approaching inaugura tion of President Lincoln, Sanders saiit that “if the boys have only luck Lincoln will not trouble them much longer.” Sanders said that Booth was the boss of the job. Additional witnesses were introduced to show the fiendish treatment which impris oned national soldiers received from their rebel keepers. Charles Sweeney, wlio was a prisoner at Richmond and Andersonvilie, testified that Gen. Howell Cobb said on one occasion that the graveyard at the latter place was large enough'to hold all the men in the stockade, and that they intended to starve them to death. Cobb alib said that if the rebels caught President Lincoln they would hang btW- The commune of Buonanotte, iu France is hourly menaced with utter destruction Five manufactories have already been over thrown, and sixty-four more are threatened with imminent ruin. The inhabitants have fled in the'greatest consternation to the neighboring villages. The cause of this dis aster is a sudden and violent depression of the soff, which is for the present accounted for by one of two reasons, either the fall ot an immense mass of earth in the west of the district, or the yielding of an extensive sub terranean cavern. But in reality nothing certain is yet known as to the cause of ihe deplorable event. Meanwhile, a number of civil engineers have hastened to the spot, and prompt measures are in course of adoption to prevent still greater disaster. 'UtMUWiATM f > SEVEN*THtIiTY 10 A N , ¥hibd SERIES, TWO HUNDRED ani, THIRTY Mil LION DOLLARS By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the Genera) Subscription Agent for the sate of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15,1866 and are payable three years from that date in curren cy, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. FIVE-TWENTY SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds.’ .ffimi State , County , and ManMpul taxation, which addl fi mu one to three per cent, per annum to their culue, ac cording to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents per day on a SIOO note. Ten cents per day on a SSOO note. Twenty cents per day on a SI,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will lie prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of th.s Third Series are precisely similai in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold c in at C per cent., in stead of C 3-lOths in.currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest, The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to 9pecie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay the interest in Gold be avail ed of, wonid so reduce and equalize prices that pur chases made with six per cent, in gold wonid lie fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent, in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now offered by the Government, aud its superior ad vantages make it the (iREAT rOPUI.AR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan' authorized by Congress are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscrib ed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubt edly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case ou dosing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be offorded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the eonntry have generally a; reed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the note i for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Snbscription-Agent, No. 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. may‘26-15t J IMPORTANT NOTICE TO COTTON OWNERS. OmoE of Tint JLS. Purchasing Agent, l Savannah, "Ga., May 22, 1865. ) The Attention of cotton owners, is called to the fol lowing extracts from the “ Amended Regulations for the purchase of products of the insurrectionary States on Government Account,” issued from the Treasury Department of date May Uth, 1565. and approved by the President of the same date. “I. Agents shall lx- appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, to purchase for the United States, under special instruc tions from the Secretary of the Treasury, products of the States declared to be in insurrection at such places as may«from time to time be designated by the Secre tary of the Treasury as markets or places ol purchase. * ******* * 111. The operations of Purchasing Agents shall be confined to the single article of Cotton; and they shall give public notice at the place to which they shall be assigned, that they will purchase, in accord ance with these regulations, all cotton not captured or abandoned, which may be brought to them. IV. To meet the requirements of the Bth section of the Act of July 2, 1564, the Ag-nts shall secure all cotton so brought, and forthw th return to the seller three-fourths thereof, which portion shall be an aver age grade of the whole, according to the certificale of a sworn sampler or expert. V. All cotton purchased and resold by purchasing Agents shall tie exempt from ail flue und all internal taxes. And the Agent selling shall mark the same “FREE” and furnish to the purchaser a bill of sale duly and accurately describing the character and quan tity sold, and containing a certificate that it is exempt from taxes and fees as above. «• »*«*»»»•» IX. All Agents are prohibited from purchasing any tirodnet of nu insurrectionary state, which shall have ieen captured by the m litary or naval forces of the United States, or which shall have been abandoned by the lawful owner thereof. X. “These regulations, which are intended to revoke and annul all others on the subject heretofore made, will take effect and he in force on and after May lotto. 1*05." The undersigned has been appointed Purchasing Agent at Savannah, and hereby gives notice that he is prepared to purchase, in accordance with the regula tions, of which the above paragraphs are extracts, all Cotton not captured or abandoned, which may lie brought to him. The war is virtually closed, and to the end that the people may, to as full au extent as possible, commence to reap the benefits of a state of peace, it is desiraole that the old and regular channels of trade be re-estab ed, new ones opened, and the occupations of the peo ple, both in city and country, he resumed. It is ex pected that Ihe purchase, by the Treasury Department, in good laith of the cotton in the country now in the hands of its owners, returning therefor a lair aud hou C r t ., t i f l uivalent ’ largely tend to bring about a state oi things so much to be desired by all. BRestrictions upon trade are now virtually abolished, and citizens may, with a few unimportant exceptions, now purchase aud take away whatever their necessi ties require, and I feel satisfied that the disposition to do all that may be done to bring about once mote a normal and healthy condition of tiade will not be wanting. Cotton owners may rest assured that it is now perfectly safe fso far at least as any on the part ol the Government is concerned) for them to.bnng in aud dispose of their cotton, The fullest protection will lie guaranteed, upon its arrival iu Ha. vannah, and such other protection and sale conduct aa the Agent may tie able to obtain for cotton in transitu will toe freely afforded It is hoped that before lorg enterprise irffl open up beiter and safer means of communication with, and transportation to, Savannah from the interior than now exists. In the meantime, and until that takes place, owners of Cotton at distant point* desirous of marketing it at Savannah, will doubtless be able to devise temporary expedients for accomplishing that end. . T. P ROBB, U. A Purchasing Agent, AiTßovEn: „ C. GROVER, Brevet Major General Commanding, may 23 jf HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, _ Savannah, Ua., May 27, 1865. General Order,) No. 33. f Genera! Order No. 21, forbidding the passing out or in through the military' lines of this Post, of letters newspapers or written communication, is hereby re voked. By command of Brvt. Maj. Gen. GROVER Ehwabu G. Duce, A. A. O, may 2.