Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 09, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald, 8, W. Mason* Cos Pbopbikt«.i». Smew. W. Mason,. Editoß. * .-A VAN > Ail. IKIUAY JI'NES. Di ll II OF LIEIT. FKEOEBIfK A TIPPEB. Mr. F. A. Tupper, who went North a short time since to ascertain the late of his son, Mr. F. A. Tupper, Jr., who was a Lieu tenant of the 18th Georgia Battalion ot this city, formerly known as the Savannah V ol unteer Guards, on reaching New Y ork, as certained that his sou had died some little time since in hospital. Young Mr. Tupper was at one time Solicitor-General of this State, had been for years well knowu in our city, and was ever highly esteemed tor his professional (legal) abilities, aud for his ge title manly aud courteous deportment. The news of his death will be a severe shock to many'friends outside ol his immediate family. Another Arkivai. or Troops. —Yesterday afternoon the U. S. Transport Louisburg, (.'apt Dale, from Alexandria, Va., with the 26th Mass. Battalion Volunteers, aud the U. S. Transport Hane, from Alexandria, Va., with a detachment of the 87th Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived. The following is a list of the field, stall' and line officers of the former: Lieutenant Colonel—Wm. H. Cbaman. Adjutaut—O. W. Dickerson. Quartermaster—Henry Brown. Surgeon—Perkins. Company A—Capt. James Troy ; 2d Lieu tenant, D. Shaw. Company B—Capt. J. Cook; 2d Lieuten ant, Charles Dix. Company C—Capt. Wm. D. Cosby; Ist Lientenant, Lyman Kyser. Company D—Capt. It. O. Houghton; 2d Lieutenant, E. S. Hay. Company E—Capt. S F. Bonny; Ist Lt., James Me. Question; 2d Lieutenant, James (Jpham. The 26th Mass. Volunteers musters 450 men, and the detachment of the 47th Penn. Volunteers, 275 men. Personal.*- Surgeon J. R. Leal, of the 144th N. Y r . Volunteers, stationed at Hilton Head, and lady, arrived here yesterday. Purser Titos. McManus aud Pilot Gideon Mapes, of the steamship Fulton, are in town on a brief visit. Thanks —We are indebted to Mr. W. B. Letherbee, Purser of the U. S. Transport Louisburg, for late papers from the North, for which he will accept our thanks. Brio. Gen. Stewart L. Woodford, com manding this Post, returned here yesterday, on the steamer U. S. Grant, after a brief visit to Hilton Head. A train loaded with rebel soldiers ran ofi the track on Monday afternoon, at Rosebury, twelve miles East of Knoxville, Tennessee, aud wa9 tluowq down an embankment twen ty teet, killing eight persons, aud wounding forty. The cause is attriouted to a “brake” giving way, aud falling on the track. Col. Schnobles, who, with Freeman, Fra zier, and Johnson, carried terror to the Uuiou meu in the vicinity of Rolla, Mo., iu 1861, has surrendered with 400 men, to Gen. Su born, commandant of the district of South west Missouri. He surrendered at Yellville, Ark., on the 27th nit. Garroting has been a frequent occurrence in Washington at night. Six cases are re ported as occurring recently. Except Penn sylvania avenue, the streets are as dark as Egypt after 9 or 10 o'clock, and the garroters are afforded the best of facilities for prose cuting their murderous work. It is understood that the mission of Gen. Sickles to Bogota was for the purpose of ob taining grauts of land for the purpose of set tling them with blacks from the United States, aud that the late President, who authorized the missiou, was willing to give fifteen mil lions of dollars for adequate territory. Admiral de La Grandiere, Governor of Co chin Chiua, has just arrived in Paris. A *eaat«* consultum is being prepared, declaring Cochin China to be a French colony, auu providing for its administration. This is what has brought the Admiral-Governor to Paris. The small towu of Frauknau, in Hesse- Cassel, has just beeu almost destroyed by Ihe church, town-hall and one hun dred and thirty houses, with their con tents, fell a prey to the flames. No lives were lost. The cliff at Columbus, Ky., on which Fort Ualleck stood, slid into the river recently carrying the fort with it. It is feared that some lives have been lost, but there is no certain knowledge on the matter. A gift jewelry establishment in Washington D C. has been seized by the police, on charge of being a gambling concern. It is said to belong to the New York Manufacturing Jew ellers’ Association. Quite an excitement has been created iu Hamilton, C W, by the discovery and break tag np ot a gang of thieves uud incendiaries Br “‘ ttt 9v n -. Pric ?> of Gen. Grant’s staff arrived oidVr3 C fo?Gen I SI“ V M tßhiUie,on ’ vvith Bealed ovtSke SheridaTm l^^ LouU h ftke ™ U,d It is suspected that Sheridan ed^h^ft 1 Dan t K\ce Pe thf Ryß tbat il * 9 re P°rt died at Albion, Michigan 11 nof accidental poisoning ”’ Q baturda y la s‘> The occasion which rendered restriction upon tlie exportation .S ece9 f* r y » mg passed away, the order u ,i al hav ‘ been revoked. U ‘ ttt has Edwin Booth, the actor, is said m i.„ been among the spectators in the cim? day*’ at lbe Consp,lators ’ triai > on Wedues &**•“« w “ h '*'• ■* “ •kutt At mobile., r<iftiruturs of the Kxf)tosiotl*-Ch'er Thfet Han * dred Liven Lost—Jiiyht Kntire Squares of liui/dinys li/oicn Down—lftrniny of Steamers and Cotton atony the Levee, etc. From the Mobile News of the 25th, we Lave the following interesting particulars of the disaster in that city: The main ordinance depot of the United States iu this city was blown up at 2 o'clock this afternoon, making a tremendous report, and spreading the wildest consternation throughout the city. The magazine was lo cated in the Marshal's office. The appear ance of the city in that neighborhood beggars description. Maj* Gen. Granger, accompan ied by Col. Shipley, went to the scene of des truction almost before flying shells ceased to explode, aud immediately took steps for the relief of the suffering, and lor the safety of the city. The following order from him will explain the course he pursued : Hkadqks, U. S. Forces, 2:50 P. M. A sad calamity has overtakeu us at an Hu expected moment, resulting in the loss of many valuable lives, uud a great destruction of propeity, from an explosion of the mum ordnance depot in this city. Whether this fearful calamity is the work of foul incendi aries, or the result of carelessness, is for us to determine. Stringent measures will at once be taken to fix the responsibility upon the guilty parties, aud bring them to sum mary punishment. Brigadier General Denuis will immediately place guards-to insure safe ly 10 both citizens and soldiers, and all per sons are ordered to remaiu quietly at home until no further danger is apprehended. (Sigued) G. Granger, Major General Commanding. It is impossible at present to arrive ut defi nite information of the number lost. How ever, 200 will scarcely cover the number, ex clusive of wouuded Men were thrown down and seriously wounded at a distance of half a mile from the explosion. Many persons are known to be buried beneath the ruins, aud the commanding General lias used all available labor to rescue those still alive. All the promiuent buildings, from St. Louis street up, including Water, Commerce aud Front streets, are about completely demolished. The steamer Kale Dale was lying at the wharf, opposite the Shippers Press, and with another steamer were torn to pieces, and it is reported that every soul ou them was lost. The shock made the city tremble like an aspen, sbakiug every builtliug to the founda tion ; the crushing of broken glass was heard in every direction, and the falling walls made the earth resound like the rumbling of an earthquake. There are at least four eutire squares of buildings blown down at tbe burn ing ruins. Shortly after was witnessed a scene which no tongue or pen can describe, or imagination conceive. Four or five blocks entire were one conglomerated mass of ruins, two-thirds of which were on fire, while every two or three seconds shells exploded, and fragments aud bullets whistled through the air, which prevented the bravest men from going near. Added to tbe flames of de molished buildings, were burning steamers along the levee, aud from 8,000 to 10,000 bales of cotton, which rendered the scene still more grand. Not a warehouse iu that portion of the city was left standing, and thousands of men worked hour after hour among debris bringing forth one after anoth er of writhing and dead victims. A number of bodies recovered are so burned and muti lated that recognition is impossible. It is estimated that the. number of killed will reach 300. When •it is taken into consideration that nearly all the workshops, foundries, cotton presses, etc., which covered a vast area, were destroyed, in which were employed a large number of men, from whom so far no ac counts have been received, it will be seen that the estimate ot 300 will be below' the proper figure. A great amount of damage is done to the city in a pecuniary point ol view, variously estimated at from five to ten millions of dollars. Eight squares of large and costly buildings were entirely destroyed. The windows of the custom house were com pletely demolished, uot a whole pane remain ing. The news offices shared the same fate. Alt the buildings on Royal street, from Conti street to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad depot, had the windows knocked out, the glass be ing strewn in minute particles all over. Va rious partitions were blown down. The Tri bune buildiug w r as made a complete wreck of inside by the entrance of a shell, weigh ing about sixty pounds, through the roof, which fell among the material of the office, smashing tbiogs generally. Cabs, carriages, etc., on Royal street were capsized, aud hors es, iu some instances fell as if shot dead. The shock seemed to effect the horses a great deal more than humau beings. Those that werg* not knocked down instantly seemed stunned and paralyzed, and did not recover for some minutes. The force of the shock may be imagined when it is known that a man was killed instantly on board the Rate Dale by the concussion. Not a mark was visable upon his body, when taken up a tew miuutes after. The loss in property is immense. Below St Michael street, doors and windows suffered most. A continual wreck meets the eye looking up this street, growing more contused and losing semblance ot buildings eutirely as the vision nears the square nearest where the magazine stood. Un Commerce street, warehouses and cotton sheds, which lined the upper portion are now but a mass ot ruins. Buildings ou corners seemed to suffer most, some of them being razed within a few feet of the ground V anous offices and commission houses on crout street sustained comparatively little damage. On the river facing, the doors and windows were all smashed uud broken in,- but beyond this tie injury done them was slight. Nearly all tlie coti on was destroyed belonging to the private citizens. Some government was also burned. The steamers Col. Cowles and Kate Dale were entirely destroyed. There were about 200 tons of ammunition, consisting of musket cartridges, cannon powder, and a large number of blank musket cartridges, aud a quantity of loaded shells, grape, canis ter aud solid shot, principally for field aud siege guu9, the amount ot powder reaching j tons, aud was contained iu the warehouse. It was brought trom Gainesville, aud is about one-third ot the ammunition surrendered by the rebel General Taylor. one’oTtl’Jr ye 1 ,S n f .. age ’ wa * brought at andhL. t LoUjoQ PoUce Courts on ‘“l* 6th, »uUi2hi fi ° V V° P®** ‘bras evidence that Ti,!? j i Xt appeared trow ‘be months atr > Jh° ? d wa , 9 U)arrie d several about e f Q age. C ° U and ° U ‘ y buVe been WRAVO H t/aiC'Al. P<MIVAL I* * BOSTON', Our regular Hew Englaud correspondent sends us an excellent account of the recent great musical festival in Boston, on the occa sion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Handel and Haydn Society. VVe regret that we have not space for the letter entire, but extract the following as the most impor tant and interesting items : The great event of the last week in Boston has been the grand Musical Festival iu honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Handel and Hayden Society, which I anticipated in my last. It commenced ou Tuesday, 23d inst-, under the Inost encouraging auspices. It is held in the Music Hall, where is located the Great Organ—the largest in America, and one of the largest iu the world, which Boston has added to her attractions during the year, aud of which she is justly proud. The plans for tbe Festival were submitted to the Musical world last autumn, and a guaranty fund was speedily subscribed to place it upou a secure basis. One half of the net proceeds were assigned for division between those two noble charities—the “Sanitary” aud “Christian” Commissions, aud the residue will eo to increase the fund of tbe Handel and Haydou Society, under whose auspices the festival is held. It was proposed to have au orchestra of one liuudred instruments with a chorus of six hundred voices, but the volunteers who “passed muster” for the latter amounted to some over seveu liuudred. The platform of the great hail, the large pro portions of which have been somewhat cur tailed by the tremendous size of the new organ, was enlarged to accommodate this great body of musicians and vocalists, in something like the same manner it lias sever-, ul times been prepared for children’s con certs, when it is occupied by twelve hun dred sweet singers of our public schools. The platform was appropriately, though not lavishly, embellished by the decorator’s art. The poitraits of Handel and Haydu, surrounded by wreaths of evergreen inter woven with rare flowers, were conspicuous ou the orgau towers, each surmounted by a vase of flowers, while harps depended!’ rom the bottom. On each side the national col ors were displayed. The elegant statue of Beethoven, which is a permanent feature of the platform, was crowned with a wreath of laurels ; and a gilded harp, with streamers of evergreen and flowers reaching from the su perb central column to the pinnacles of the towers, (on the organ,) completed the dis play. All of it seemed to be the labor of love, and entirely different from the clap-trap of the showman, or the professional devices of the decorator. Previous to the opening of the initial performance, the orchestra aud chorus being in position, aud the government of the society assembled in front of the plat form, the whole scene was photographed from the balcony. After the Festival Over ture, (by Nicolai, written for organ, orches tra and chorus, ou Martin Luther's grand old choral, “A Stroug Castle is our Lord,”) Dr J. B Upharn, who is president of the Society, made some introductory remarks, reviewing ut some length the history of the Society, and welcoming tbe large audience to tbe festival prepared tor them. The programme for the week abounded iu brilliant things and the audiences attested the excellence of the per formances aud the appreciation of the Boston public. It is impossible to convey an Jidea of the festival, and therefore I will only say that it was as much beyond anything .of the kind that ever took place in this county before, as the grand organ at our music halt is beyond the cracked instrument which the Italian exile giinds to unwilling ears. The New York press lias beeu fully represented here during week, by the most ingenious of crit ics—men whose ears have been trained so nicely, and their souls cultivated so careful ly, that they would undoubtedly find some thing to condemn in the chorals of the blest, and would drive to despair the finest soloist among the Seraphim. The New York Mu sical critic is fearfully and wonderfully made, and when he comes to Boston, to see some thing far ahead of the vulgar parades of Gotham, he feels bound to make some sort of a sensation. The Journal, of this city, 9hows a high ap preciation of an by giving reports of the fes tival under the familiar line "Reported for the Journal.” I wonder they have failed to give abstracts of some of the oratories. The journal is matter-of-fact, aud it makes mo ney, but it don't know a somta from a to mato. This reminds me of a remark once made by McAroue, in a letter from Boston. That chivalrous soul once came to the “hub” to take a hall for Arteinus Ward. Fiuding the hall already engaged, the Chevalier came round and took a cock-tail instead. But that is uot to the purpose. He said iu liis letter trom Bostou, that, so far as he could ascer tain, the Musical and Dramatic criticism of the Boston press were attended toby “young men in stores.” No little truth, and not much error in it either. No more than two or three dailies, out of seven published, keep critics, and criticism is chiefly confined to puffs for those 9hows which are liberally advertised. If our papers could learn to make healthy criticisms it would be a good thing for art in Boston, which is too apt to be held a9 the exclusive properly of various mutual admi ration societies, with a focu9 on Beacon Hill. Mr. Lincoln’s Stort about Daniel Web ster.—The artist Carpenter says that Mr. Lincoln once told him the l'ollowiug story. While gazing at a procession of ‘ Suuday School scholars, Mr. Lincoln said, “1 heard a story about Daniel Webster wlieu a lad, which was new to me, and it has beeu run ning in my head all. the morning.” “When quite young at school, Daniel was one day guilty of a gross violation of the rules. He was detected in the act, and called up by the teacher for punishment. This was the old fashioned ‘feitiling of the hand. His hands happened to be very dirty.” Knowing this, ou his way to the teacher’s desk he spit upon ihe palm of his right hand, wiping it off upon the side of his pantaloons. “Give me your hand sir, ” said the teacher, very sternly"— Out went (lie right hand, partly cleansed. Tlie teacher looked at it a moment, and said said, “Daniel, if you will find another band as filthy as that, I will let you off this lime!' Instantly from behind liis back came tlie left hand. “Here it is, sir,” was the ready reply. “That will do,” said the teacher, “tor this time ; you can take your seat, sjr!” The recent expedition from Batoq Rouge captured Col. Hatch, Collector of Customs at New Orleans under the rebels, also all the records of the Custom-house during his ad ministration. Col. Hatch says that the books and records qf the Custom-house prior to secession are secreted iu New Orleaus, Hcmsrkatol* Murfltr. A most strange and utiaccoonte4-ft»r tnor der was committed near Brooklyn, N. Y., the 27th ult. Some persons Collecting fuel iu a wood near the Bay discovered a man, who, as they, at the instant supposed, was intoxicated. On shaking hitn, to their horror they found that the man was dead. Ex amination showed that he had been beaten about the head with a slungshot, then shot through the body, and then bis bead bad been severed from the body by a single blow of some sharp instrument, probably a very heavy bowie kuife. The deceased w r as an Italian, and circum stances have come to light which seetn to show that he had come into possession of knowledge of certain operations of some of his countrymen who have been engaged largely in counterfeiting tbe postal currency. Tbe unfortunate man was doubtless murder ed in order that be might not tell what be knew. Strange to say, tbe crime was accomplished about 3 o’clock ot a bright spring afternoon. Three men, Italians, have been arrested on suspicion of a complicity in tbe murder.'— The police are confident that they will be able to discover tbe assassius. Anew aud very elegant Opera House has been erected for the delectation of the Saratoga fashionables during the coming season. With the Masonic Hall are connect ed two Billiard Saloons, one for ladies, tbe other for other folks; the former having four and the other six tables. The dimen sions ot tbe building are one hundred aud twenty-five feet in length by sixty-five in breadth; height from first tier of boxes to ceiling, thirty-six feet. The building is sur rounded by two piazzas twenty feet broad, each piazza corresponding with the tiers and forming lobbies, and standing room for spec tators and promenaders. The piazzas open to the tiers by some thirty large glass doors, which can be thrown open at any time for the purposes of ventilation or ingress and egress. The piazzas are supported by sixty columns, artistically fashioned upon the Cor inthian order. The auditorum is seventy-five feet deep by sixty-five broad, capable ot comfortably seating in both circles and parquette fourteen hundred people. The- orchestra is eight feet deep, by thirty-six wide, aud can accommo date tbe very largest of Operatic Bands. The footlights extend the whole width of the stage, and are so sunk in the floor as not to be seen from the front, but at the same time throwing a very powerful light upon the stage. The stage i9 fifty feet deep and sixty-five broad. Ou each side i9 apportioned tbe usu al space for scenery. At this part of the building the piazzas are enclosed, giving am ple rooms, for green-room, dressing-room, etc., ou tbe first floor and basement. Under the stage a clear space is left for tbe opera tions of stage machinery. The house was built by Messrs. Leland, of Saratoga, and cost sixty thousand dollars. A 6RVNDFLEET TO START ON A VISIT TO EUROPE. A Washington correspondent of a New York paper, writes: The many naval officers in Washington are much excited in relation to the approaching rendezvous of Admiral Goldsborougb’s fleet at Fortress Monroe.— This fieet will be composed of from thirty to sixty sail, and will depart for the Mediter ranean, on a three years’ cruise, about the 4lh of July. The naval officers are gesticu lating excitedly with each other as to who shall go and who shall stay behind. The New Ironsides aud two double-turreted moni tors will make part of the fleet. The flag ship will be the Colorado. She will drop anchor for seveial months in the harbor of MarseillcSj and then the rest of tlie fleet will scatter for various points of the sea. About ten vessels will cruise about the British Isles and in the North Sea. The ocean, at the time of the year designated, is generally smooth as a duck pond, and the iron-clads, it is presumed, will get across bravely. Ad miral Goldsborougb’s private boat will be a small steam vessel, formerly called the A. D. Vance. Dr. J. A. Davis, whoso character for relia bility the Chicago Tribune indorses, writes to that paper that a rebel surgeon, who bad for four years occupied the position of assistant medical director of the ar.niy of Northern Virginia, told him that Union prisoners in the rebel hospitals had been vaccinated with venereal matter, and that this accounted for the frightfui sores on the bodies of so many of them. The Crocs in South Western Georgia.— A correspondent of the Macon Telegraph, writing from Dawson, Ga., say 9: “The crops promise to be light here. The corn stand Is small and feeble aud scoivlied very tnlicb by the dry weather and burning sun. The wheat is nearly ripe and will soon be harvested, though it is small, aud will yield but a light crop. The amount of coun try to which these remarks pertain, however, applies only to a small scope, immediately in this vicinity. In every direction from here, outside of a radius of eight or ten miles, the crop of all kinds of produce promises a large yield. Rains have been plentiful- aud the sun generous for giowth of all kinds. Tlie corn on the plantations, especially through the countries West and South of this point, is very iorward aud large—a great quantity ot it is over head high and very luxuriaut in growth. . The wheat crop also is very fine in the counties mentioned, Plentiful rains have extended tar Southward aud Wc*9t of us, aud caused the Vegetation to be very luxuriaut, rich aud productive. In response to numerous applications on the part of tho friends of natioual soldiers buried in Virginia, for permission to exhume the remains, General Orr has given official notice that attempts to remove tue bodies of these patriots, where they had been buried less than a year, have in every instance proved impracticable, from the condition in which they were found, Cdl'ttTl. prAvoM rdt-nt—judge kr*n i»ahboxs i JK., presiding. . Savannah, June Bth, 1865 United States Vs R. Reich. Charge; larceny i from lLe * louse and having stolen goods in his possession. The defendant having been ar raigned plead not guilty, aud he was allowed time to procure his witness. Judge Parsons or dered that the goods now in the hands of the military police oLSavannah, and stolen.from the store of E. .Zacharias, (complainant) on Broughton street be restored to him. S. H. Myers vs. R. W. Cope—recovery of debt. Ordered that tbe defendant in this case failing to appear at nine o’clock as summon ed, judgment is entered for plaintiff for the sum of one hundred aud fifiy dollars. Sarah Milvannery vs. F. S. Serretou—re covery of rent. Judgment for plaiutiff i a the sum of one hundred dollars, with inter est from the sixth day of June. 1865. J. M. Fleetwood vs. Frauk Keaton (col ored)—claim for a buggy. Ordered that the buggy be restored to plaintiff as bis prop erty. P. K. Shields vs. Abram Grant, (colored). Complaint for planting crops. Ordered that the defendant cut no more wood on the land ot plaiutifl and that he be allowed just com pensation. Deunis Reidon vs. Patrick Condon— claim for work done ou premises. Case continued. Michael Dempsey vs. Alfred Kent— claim lor a black colt. Case continued. Ordered that the petitioner Montgomery Cumming be authorized and empowered to control the property on lots No. 35 aud 36 Brown \\ ard, and lots and improvements 7 and 15 Curry Town Ward, and to collect the rents due aud those which may hereafter ac crue therein. SECOND PROVOST COURT —CAPT. T. P. RUNDI.ET, JUDGE, PRESIDING. Savannah, June Bth, 1865. Alex, Elliott (colored) vs. Patrick Cava naugh, recovery of value of horse, ordered that judgment be rendered in favor of de fendant for tbe amount of thirty dollars, the defendant in consequence of pecuniary em barrassment, is allowed fifteen days for pay ment of the same. Eltnira Avous vs. Jacob Kinger, recovery of mare, case held under advisement. Coun sel for plaiutiff, F. W. Jobusou, for defen dant, Levi S. Russell. Street Commissioner vs. Wm. Dunn, Ed ward Moore and Betty Johns, violation of orders of Street Department. Ordered that the first case, in consequence of mitigating circumstances is dismissed. In the second case the defendant Is fined the sutn of two dollars and fifty cents, and in the third case the defendant is fined in the sumos five dol lars. Street Commissioner vs. Richard Welsh, recovery of a cart, property of defendant, in possession ot plaintiff. Judgment rendered in favor of defendant. Mrs. Anne Pardue vs. Alfred Young, (colored), recovery of debt, case amicably settled. John A. Shaffer vs. Mrs. King, recovery of rent, ordered that judgment be rendered in favor of plaintiff for the sum of eighty five dollars, or otherwise that tbe defendant vacate the premises within fifteen days. JUribals. | PULASKI HOUSE, JUNE . cieoJ Langdou, NY. |Jas OScott, Wm Frye, ” A M Chase. S B Lccke, “ In c Pleane, Ky. Surg J R Seal, 144th N Y, J H Barnes, Ga. Mrs J R Seal. | J W Caldwell. Ky. Mrs Major Plaskett. IM Davis; Augusta. LC Rice. |C H G Wittkamu, P R, It M Davenport, Savannah |E R Mason, St Louis. S D Brantley, Ga. Arthur Gillman, N Y. J H Gould, Charleston. ij P Gillman, “ H G Briggs, Norfolk. E N K Talcott, H H. M Hasbrook. 150th NY. 1 nt cIU g cncc. PORT OF SAVANNAH, JUNE D. Arrived. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Hilton Head; staamcr Achilles, Clifi'oid, Hilton Head; U S revenue steamer Nemaha. McGowan, Hilton Head; steamer Sylph, French, Hilton Head; U S transport Lonisburg, Dale, Alexandria; steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head; U S transport Haze, Spencer, Alexandria; sch Corde lia Newkird- Waver, Gardner, Me. Cleared. Steamer Achilles, Cliflbrd. Hiltonllead. ship Char lottcCousms, New York; steamer Jell Davis, Henry, Port Robin; steamer Resolute. Cannon, Hilton Head; barbXamplighter, Bahrs, New York. itooiiis, In a genteel family, for a gentleman and wife (Church family preferred.) Post Office BOx MS. may3l-tf J-JOUSK WANTEIb For a small family. Address, "O W. M.,” Savannah Post Office. may23-tf Rooms to let at hilton head, s. c.. m The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness pn-posesor lodgings. Apply to W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., ou the pr-mises. ts inarun I'ost attfc |ffunir. jr OST OR STOLEN, - : A small GOLD WATCH, with initials “R. C." en graved on the back. As it is a family relic, the fluder will oe rewarded liberally by leaving it at the Repub lican or Herald office. Jewellers are requested to atop this Watch if left at their establishments. . JeO 3t HEADERS DISTRICT SAVANNAH; Savannah, Ga., June 8, 18J5. General Orders,) No. 81. | - Capt. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M. of Volunteers, is hereby appointed Chiei Quartermaster of the District of sav annah, and will perform the duties of that office iu ad dition to those of Post Quartermaster. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Brevet Major General BIRGE. Oliver Matthews. A. A. G. Ju'J-7