Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 12, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. --- ■- -•*» " ■'■■■■— - , , T.--~ a W. Masom & Cos PaoriiKToßs. Sautei. W. Ma(kW, SniiOß. Savannah, Monday, june <2, is 66. The Georgia Historical Society holds its regular monthly meetiag this evening. Thanes— AVe arc indebted to Mr. Simon Merritt of Hawkinevllle, Georgia, for files ol late Macon papers. Thanks. —We are indebted to the thought fulness of Mr. J. F. Evans for late papers from Washington. To Be Brought IV. —This morning in the Second Provost Court, a large number of per sons charged with violating the orders of the street department, will be brought up for trial. Personal.— Mr. A. L. Tyler, Superinten dent of the Macon aud Western Railroad ar rived in the city on Saturday last, and is stopping at the Pulaski House. Arrival of Cattle. —Forty head of fine Western beeves, which have been grazing on Hilton Head Islaud, were brought to the city Saturday evening last by the steamer Sylph, for the use of the army. Union Club in Augusta. —A Union Club, similar to that now 7 iu active operation in tiiis city, is to be established in Augusta. A suitable pn|>er has been prepared for signa tuies. Several piomiueut citizens have al ready signed it Review of Troofs at Augusta.— The splen did Brigade of Gen. E. L. Molineux compri sing six regiments, was reviewed on the 6th inst. A large concourse of people was pres ent to witness the review, aud much admira tion was elicited at the skill and efficacy of the troops, in drill and discipline. Attempted Highway Robbery. —On Sat urday evening last, about 8 o’clock, a gen tleman was kuocked dowu by an unknown person, who attempted to rob him. Ciies for assistance caused the highwayman to leave before his arrest could be effected. The affair occurred near the corner of Bay and Montgomery streets. To he Paid Off. —This morning, at nine o’clock, the 7f»tli New York Volunteers, Col. Kobeit P. York, will be mustered and paid off by Major Win, M. Fleming, Paymaster About fifty thousand dollars will be banded over to the boys, and we expect that there will soon be a free circulation of the green backs in our city, to the great relief of des pondent shop-keepers and others. Capture of a Liquor Distillery.— On Friday last while search was being made of the house of Maria Hardy, on Ann street, near the corner of Pine street, a still and six gallons of whiskey were discovered. Ou Saturday the defendant was fined fifty dol lars by Judge Rundlet, and the still and liquor confiscated. The delendaut is a col ored woman, over fifty years of age, and it is believed that she has amassed much money from her nefarious business. Bound Homs.— Yesterday morning two companies of the First New York Engineers, Capt. McGuire, departed on the steamer Sylph, for Hiltou Head, to rejoin the bulacce of the Regiment at that point. ~ The First New York Dngineers have been in this De partment a long time, and their services were of incalculable value in building wharves forts, houses, tftc. They will leave in a few days for New York, to be mustered out of service. haou the Up River Obstructions.— Yesterday morning the steamer Staudish, Capt. Moore, arrived from the up river ob structions. Capt. Moore reports that on Saturday night he passed atEbenezer the U. 8. steamer Savannah, and the steamer Ama zon at three o’clock on Saturday afternoon thirty mdes above Ebenezer. Both boats are bound up. The obstructions which have so much impeded the navigation are removed The last pilings, six in number have been re moved, and the Amazon with two flats abreast, can pass up or down without diffi culty. The Standish passed at bisters Ferry u laige flat bound to Savannah with a full cargo of domestics. Later from Augusta.— The steamer Jefl. Davis, Capt. Henry, from Poor Robin, ar rived at the wharf in this city on Saturday evening. We are indebted to Mr. Wm. S. Dexter, Executive Oflicer of the Jeff Davis, and Mr J O. Matberson for late Augusta papers. Capt. Henry reports that he left Poor Robin at hall-past five o’clock on Sa turday morning, The steamers Comet and Leesburg are plying between Poor Robin and Augusta. The Jeff. Davis brought down the U. S. Mails, u large number of passengers, 118 bales cotton, 188 hales domestics, 10 boxes merchandise, aui a detachment of the 75th New York Regiment, Lieut. Kinsley, who have been doing guard duty at Poor Robin. On Friday night about ten o'clock a colored woman uamed Sarah Bailey, a pas senger on the steamer, gate birth to a tine healthy looking mulatto child. The following is the list of passengers Jas Miller, John Carter, W. H. Connerat, D. H Prince, G. W. Strouh, C. A. King, N B Maim, Mrs. Peralidau, Or. James Stewart aud servaut, James H. Taylor, M. E Hal low aud sou. Dr. Osceola Butler and servant Mrs Plank and daughter, E. B. Goodrich and Sou, Er S. Graves, Mrs. Newnan and child. The New Hotel at Port Royal We learn that the uew Sea Island Hotel at Hil ton Head is to be opened to the public at an early day— prpbably this week. DfiVBitSOR OF GEORGIA, The MacSn Journal & Messenger of the 3d inst., sityflWe are inforrifed that Mon Joshua Hill is at present in Washington City and that it%lr current report there that be will be made Military Governor of Georgia. Mr. Hill, We believe, has doue nothing since the commencement of the war, to render himself obnoxious either to the authorities or laws of the Federal Union. We doubt uot bis appointment as Governor of the State would render general satisfaction. DEPARTURE OP GE.V. WASHBURN— HIS NEW COMMAND. General Washburn leaves this morning with his Staff for his new command, the Southern District of Georgia. His com mand embraces forty-five of the lower counties of Georgia, extending entirely across the State. The principal gairisona will be at Darien, Brunswick, Doctortown, Thomasville and llawkinsville. Tiie following named officers compose the Staff of the General. Surgeon 8. Clay Brown, Medical Direc tor. Capt. Joseph M. Thompson, Provost Mar shal. Capt. John Garwood, C. S. Lieut. W. Kellar, A. A. A. G. Lieut. Henry Daniels, Aid-de-Camp. Lieut. E. H. St urges, A A. I. G. Lieut. E. L. Clark, A. A Q. M. Disturbances ax the Market and on the Public Streets Saturday Last. —lt is to be hoped that we shall uot again be called to chronicle such acts of lawlessness as pre vailed ou Saturday last in the vicinity of the Market. Henry N. Little, a citizen of Sa vannah, was quietly passing through the market, when a negro who was standing uear, assailed him with insulting remarks, and repeated 4 the same several time 9. Mr. Little turned back aqd asked him if the language was intended for him, aud receiving a reply in the affirmative, he inflicted a tew blows with his fist upon the man. Several ne groes immediately attacked Mr. Little, and proceeded to beat him. One of them raised a hatchet over the head of Mr. Little, but the timely blow of a policeman’s baton ou the head of the would be murderer, stopped his designs. The others engaged iu the melee were promptly dispersed. Ou Bay Lane two fights occurred aud the parties were promptly arrested by the Po lice. At one of these fights a large crowd congregated, and the Police, after securing the offenders, ordered the spectators to dis perse. One of them, a negro, being inclined to continue the disturbance, was severely handled by the Police. The fourth fight occurred on the corner ot Harris and Abercorn street between two sol diers. At a late hour on Saturday uight a man was knocked down on Congress street near the Forrest City Mills. Yesterday morning as Mr. Little, who had the difficulty iu the market on Saturday af ternoon, wu9 walking past the Forrest City Foundry with a friend, four colored soldiers menaced them with fixed bayonets. This was soon quieted. Forkstallehs at Work Again.—On Mon day lust the schedule for the government of prices in the market having been withdrawn, the country carts bringing produce to the city were seized upon by the forestalled. Citizeus who were endeavoring to purchase supplies for home use were much annoyed and frequently disturbed. In several instanc es these forestalled have taken articles fro m the hands ot the persons making the purchase and coolly informed him that the chickens he was about to purchase from the countryman at fifty or seventy-five cents per pair, could be had for one dollar. This liberal offer could be closed with in the afternoon; but if the buyer waited till morning, the forstaller demanded one dollar and twenty-five cents for the same pair of chickens. Eggs, which were assessed iu the schedule at fifty cents pet dozen, were advanced to sixty and sev enty-five cent 9. * We are pleased to inform the public that the schedule will again go into operation this morning; and further, that no person will be allowed to purchase in the market except to the extent of his own immediate wauts, and any attempt at a violation of prices or wholesale purchase should be im mediately reported to Mr. Emanuel Sbeftall, Clerk of the market, who will promptly at tend to the offender. The Savannah Market Prices cuu be found in another column. Billiard Tournament.—ln the great Bil liard Tournament which ended in Buffalo May 25, the Ist prize, a gold mounted cue wa9 won by Frank Martiu, the 2d prize, a silver mounted cue by J. C. Stuart. The President s Wife.— At many places along her return route Mrs. Liucolu was anxiously waited for by the crowds who wanted to express their sympathy, but she did not permit any public demonstrations keeping berself secluded iu her private car. The Trout Accident.— The armed trans port Savanuali, on her way uo passed several dead bodies in the river—probably drowned by the burning of the Gov. Troupe. One of the bodies was that of a white man. A gen tleman who saw it, says the face was cover ed with a long red beard. An old bachelor being asked by u pert young gnl if he could account for the appli ot tUc bel,e to handsome young trfthp £ ron iP t, y re Plied that it, was owing ' composition. 7 proportion of brnss in their Three Days Later from the Norths W.ISHItGTOH DATES TO JIiVE 6th. The Suppressed Testimony before the Mil itary Commission .betrayed to the Public. Origin of the Assassination Plot, Complicity of the Rebel Authorities. New York City to be Destroyed by Fire—The Croton Aqueduct to be Foisoned- The Yellow Fever Plot Authorized by the Rebel Government, FROM TEXAS- Reign of Anarchy at Galveston and Houston. A Witness Missing—Supposed Font Piny XiATSR. FROM HV&OPS. Great Britain Refuses Indemnity for tbe Alabama’s Depredations. GOLD 13 01^8. [By the arrival of the steamship Oriental, from Alexandria, Va., on the Cth inst., we are iu possession of Northern dates to June Cth. The most important of the items of the news are given below.] The Trial of the Conspirators—'The Rc. served Testimony. The Washington Chronicle of the Oth inst., has the following : The misdirected energy of some newspa per correspondent, or the betrayal of trust by some person employed by the Govern ment to take charge of the secret records of the Military Commission, has spread before the world some of the testimony in the trial of the conspirators which was, lor pruden tial reasons, suppressed by the Government A false and inaccurate report having been printed in some of the Western papers, we are authorized to publish in to-day’s issue the verbatim report of the testimony as re corded by the swarm official reporters. The Chronicle thus summarizes the re served testimony .• The evidence is complete of a widely ex tended conspiracy for the most diabolical purposes. This conspiracy was inaugurated among certaiu bar-room loafers of Montreal and Toronto, who were too thirsty to remain within the contracting limits of the Confeder acy, or too cowardly to face their foes on the field of battle. The expenses of the junta were paid out of the proceeds ot blockade runners by sea and land, and tire orders, commissions, and plans, wero issued by the Confederate authorities at Richmond. Mr. Jacob Thompson was the treasurer. He had something over a mil lion of dollars at his command, which he dis bursed as occasion required. This money was disbursed, as we know from other sources very freely at the Chicago Convention. We learn from the testimony that it was also used to promote the incendiary plots in New York and Chicago, the assassinatiou of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Seward, Mr. Stanton, General Grant, and other pomineut officers of the Government, the St. Albans raid, the lake piracies, the proposed Ogdensburg raid, and last, but not least, the infection of our large cities with the deadly malaria of the yellow fever, and the poisoning of all the waters which flows through the Crotou ac queduct. The coolness of the calculations of how much poisouous matter would be requir ed to muruer the million and a half of citi zens of New York, and the business like w ay in which Tuompson objected to the pur chase of so large an amount of poison that it would be likely “to attract attention,” and thereby defeat the scheme, will arouse the horror aud indignation of the w T hole world. Reign of Anarchy In Texas. New York, May 5. The steamer Havana brings dates to the 80th ult.* Advices from Galveston, by the blockade runner Lark, to the 28th ultimo, have been received. Great confusion and anarchy reign in that city and Houston. The Lark was robbed of her cargo taken there, aud returned’to Havana in ballast. General Magruder attempted to make u speech to the soldiers, but he was hissed and silenced, and was told that they had been humbugged enough, and intended to settle attairs for themselves. Magruder Las returned to San Antonio.— The Texans would fight no longer, and wished to return to the Union The mayor and principal citizens have left Galveston to meet the Federal officers and hurry up the surrender. It is also said that Governor Murray aud Ashbell Smith have gone to New Orleans to surrender this State. The famous blockade-ruuuer Denbigh was destroyed by the Federal gunboats. The captain and crew escaped. - The Owl returned to Havana, feaiing rob bery at Galveston. Arrival of Gov- Maemth at Fortress Mon roe Fortress Monroe, June 4. The steamer Starlight arrived here to-day from Hilton Head. Among her passengers is ex-Governor A. G. Magrath, of South Caro lina, who is being sent ou to Washington un der arrest. Weltzel’s Texas Expedition. Fortress Monroe, June 4.— The second portinu of the Texas expedition fleet, con veying the troops of the Ist division of the 25th army corps, under command of Briga dier General Drader, have been lying on transports in Hampton Roads, ready to start southward, for the past two days. Major Geucral W eitzel urrived from Gity Point yes terday with his start', and they are busy com pleting the preparations tor the sailing of the division. General Weitzel has selected the steamer Western Metropolis for his flagship. The fleet will, it is thought, sail before to morrow mo.iuiug. Great Britain .Refuse* Indemnity for the Alabaiua-4 Depredations. New York, June 5. The steamship city of Washington from Liverpool 24th, brings one day’s later uetvs. The London Owl says, the question of the Alabama’s depredations has at last notched an unpleasant point, Great Britain having re fused indemnity, and the American rejoinder alludes to compulsion. Th« I aria Moniteur confirms the invocation e . °£, der stay of Federal ships In French waters. Gold. _ Gold closed at 136 1-8 New and Attractive Emigration Scheme —Montana Territory the Destination. Captain James L. Fisk, U. S. A., whose explorations and expeditionary travels through tbe great prairies and mountainous regions of the Northwest, have made his name famous, has accepted the leadership and direction of anew scheme of emigration from the West, and has begun to organize a colony of several thousand persons to march there from Minnesota via Forts Berthold aud Union, on the Missouri river; cross the Mis souri at the latter poiut, aud ascend the Yel low Stone valley to the mouth ot Big Horn, or to the practical bead of navigation of the Yellow Stone, there lay off and establish a city, and by an organized joint stock com pany, in which all members of the colony should lie shareholders, proceed to the de velopment of the mineral resources ot the country contiguous thereto. This region of tbe Upper Yellow 7 Stone aud its many tributaries is occupied and has been held, since the white man knew any thing about it, with successful tenacity by the proud and wealthy Crow lndiaus, who are probably the finest tribe of natives on the continent, as their invaluable hunting grounds testify, and, from Lewis and Clarke down tn the most modern explorer who has yet visited that region, it is pronounced to be the paradise of all the Western country. Captain Fisk will fit out a complete supply and transportation train, w ith camp accom modations, ike., complete, aud make his ex pedition aud the entire enterprise self-sup porting, by assessing each persou SIOO, more or less, according to the extent of the privi leges desired; this sum to be paid upon en rolment of eacli person, a certificate receipt given thereon, aud with this fund as the cap-. ital everything necessary tor the supply and comfort and use of the colony w'hile on the march will be provided. Subscriptions to the stock company, which must also be paid iuupou the issue of the certificate, w ill be invested in a portable steam saw mill, ma chinery, implements for aiming, and such other ways as will couiribute to the active operation and success ot said company.— Agricultural implements aud seeds foi the ground and abundant stores of provisions will also be taken out. It will appear to every reader by tbe sched ule of terms for subsistence and transporta tion, &c., which are clearly stated in hi« cir cular just printed, that they are not only reasonable, but afford the meaus of getting safe and comfoitable passage to tbe destina : tion of the colony with at least oue-huif the usual cost of such a trip in the ordinary way. Besides tiiis, there are advantages art Jug from being members of au organized colony whose interests are mutual, whose capital and all that is needed is in their or ganized labor; and in being pioneers and founders their harvest must be rich because it is irom tlie first crop. Captain Fisk w ill, we are informed, remain hero, and may be seen at the Union Hotel. Georgetown, until about the 10th of June' when he will proceed to St. Paul; Minnesota, the base of operations ; and whether the Government does or dees not grant the very limited aid and encouragement which is asked, the expedition will be organized, as stated, and ready to move from the rendez vous iu Minnesota by the 15th of July. We can say no less tliautowisli this commen dable and important enterprise that success which it deserves. The Milledgeville and Mayfield Rail road. — The Macon Telegraph, in speaking of the present condition of the railroads in this State, states that it will be possible to put the Central Railroad iu running order in less time than a year. The Telegraph says that Macon must have raihoad communication with the seacoast somehow; aud thinks that the quickest and most easy way to obtain that communication is to complete at once the railroad surveyed between Milledgeville and Mayfield. There are only thirty-four miles of track to be laid on this route. We call the attention of en terprising men to this project. The road will pay enormous profits if completed within any reasonable length of time. Northern capitalists cannot find a better investment for their surplus funds. A Despatch from General Warren.— General Warren in a letter to the Tribune, says he wa9 relieved only after the battle (Five Forks) was over, and while at the head of my troops, and when not even a fugitive of the enemy was iu sight, I personally" sought of General Sheridan a reason for his order, but he would not, or could not give me one, and declined to do so. I obeyed the order to report to Gen. Grant that night, and was by him assigned to the command of the defences at City Point and Bermuda Hundred. He gives an account of the day’s operations and add 9 a letter from General Grant in reply to his request for an investigation which says that it is impossible at this time to give the court aud witnesses necessary for the investi gation but that there is no objection to the publication of the request for oue. General Warren was assigned to the command of the Department of the Mississippi, May 1 st. Lincoln’s Hatred of the Slave Trade.— President Lincoln, having been applied to to pardon a repentent 9lave trader- who had been sentenced to prison, answered the ap plicant : “My friend, if this man had been guilty of the worst murder that can be conceived of, I might perhaps have pardoned him. You know the weakness of my nature, always opcu to the appeals of repentance or of grief, and with such a touching letter and such re commeudatious, I could not resist. But any man who would go to Africa and snatch from her her children, to sell them into intermiu able bondage chiefly for the sake of pecuniary gniu, shall never receive a pardon from me.”- f —A well-known wag stepped into a book store and inquired, “Have you, ‘The Woman in White’?” “Yes, replied the clerk. “ ‘All Aloue ?”• asked the searcher after literature. •‘Yes,” responded the clerk. “In the Dark,” still queried the questioner. “Yes, sir,’* again promptly answered the attendant.— “Well, all 1 have got to say is, retorted the wag, “you have a mighty nice thing of it Good bye! ” • r—Stephen A. Douglas once rehtarked, that this government w ould never be really strong, until someone should be convicted of treason and deliberately hanged. Stephen was not far wrong. Tllfe courts. HRST FfiOVOM COURT— JUDGE EBEN PARSONS PRESIDING. Savannah, June 10, 1865 Nothing of interest transpired in this court to-day. SECOND PROVOSTjcOURT CAPT. T. P. RUNDLETT, JUDGE, PRESIDING. Savannah, June 10, 1865. M. J Doyle vs. Lew is Shieldock. Recov ery of debt, for cash lent. Postponed until such time as plaintiff can return from Augus ta. United States vs. Rose Ellen (colored) Theft. Ordered that the prisoner be placed in confinement thirty days, and the money found in possession of the prisoner be turned over to Teresa Stock the prosecutor, and proper owner of said money. Surgeon A. P. Dalrymple vs. R. C. Hard wick. Violation of General Orders No. 4, That the defendant in this case be fined in the sum of twenty dollars, aud be allowed ten days, in consequence of his pecuniary em barrassment for payment of said sum. Coun sel for defendant, Levi S Russell. Michael Gordon vs. Peter Wbittey, Henry Benner, Mrs. McCase. Recovery of Rem. Judgment rendered in favor of plaintiff in the first case the amount due. In the second case the defendant is allowed time, until he is paid off by tbe Government. In the third case the defendant is allowed thirty days to pay said rents, or otherwise vacate the prem ises she now 7 occupies, the property of plain tiff'. Counsel for plaiutiff, Hon. D. A. O Byrne. James Smith vs. Win. Alford. Recovery of mule, the property of plaiutiff Ordered that delendaut turn over 9aid tnule to plain tiff', the proper owner. Jacob Kobn vs. Mrs. Simmons. Recovery of Rent. Case dismissed. Counsel for plaintiff, F. W. Johnson. United States vs. Maria Hardy, Charged with having a distillery in her possession, and six gallons of whiskey already manufac tured. Ordered that the distillery and whisey now in possession of the Chief of Police, lie confiscated ,f»r the benefit of tbe United States Government, and that tbe prisoner be fiued in tbe sum of fifty dollars. Xrribuls. PULASKI HOUSE, JUNE 10. G W Filled, 10', th N Y V's, A Reppard. XVaynesboro, Mrs C Williams, Ga, JJDale, M N Colly, Ga, .Mrs Plank, “ A H Powell, Macon. Ga, Mis- Plank, “ A L Tyler & child, Macon,: Mrs P*neaudon, “ WM Smith, Augusta, Ga, iMrsEE Laccapagne ASon TN Johnson, *• Charleston, S C, James H Taylor, •• 'Miss Laccapagne, do, ■] Wilier, “ |E CCox, Macon, Ga, A D Hill, •* Lt E E Dunbar, Augusta •J Marshall, “ |Thos Muiray, VYm M Ladd, Virginia, 'G Stranby, Charleston, Carter, “ |c a pt HG Briggs; NY, W m H Scott, *• W Thompson. Ga, Dr James Stewart, City, L G Mosier, USA, Osceola Butler, dtp, |H Eelley, USA, A Apple, Ga, A Stevens, H Head, li b Goodrich A Son, Au- J 8 Vreeiand. H Head. gusta, Ga, Wra R Breadv, Staton Ci’k O E Keegan, Mass, Jas Ci aig, “ Mrs M E Harlow, Waynes- Joseph Forster, “ boro, Ga,/ Jas K Kelley, « Lewis For key, H Head, Capt Mubin, do, Gen Edwin P Davis, Wash- Lieut Childs, do, ington, D C, Lieut Hall, do, Capt F Noblett, do, PORT ROYAL HOTEL (Hilton Heady Jnne 9. ' iss J Gould, Charleston, W Cantwell, H Head, II O Marley, Mass, C S Folsom. Muss, G W Williams, Charleston, F Y Clark, Savannah, Mrs M McLaughlan and G Parsons, “ child, Charleston, 0 S Bennett, “ J G Hassard. Boston, G Baker, USA, Lt D G Spear, :• Miss J A Young! N Y J S Murelaud, Penn, Mrs Williams <te child, H H. C Kennose, II Head Mr Marvin, N Y, Lt R C Loveridge, Fernan- D S Sheffield, Fla. dina, Lt J W Allen, 3d U S C T Mrs R C Loveridge, do P Meagher, Lt and AA G Miss A Burch, do :A W Stone, Savannah, C A Dennis, H Head, 1 J R Carig, Hilton Heud. M X Calley, Georgia, 1 June 10. M W Scott, Maryland, O A Marston, 14th N H V, W S Winder,. “ J W Clift, AA S, Sav’h, WE Dickinson, “ JNichollsriWurreuton, Ga, 11 V Harten, “ Lt F Wheeler, 14th X H V, D Coflorty, “ C G Howard, “ LtWßFlagter, USC TANARUS, G DRichoulson, “ S B Sprague. II Head, D Benedict. Hilton Head, D Benedick, Beauiort, C Bradley, “ F A Tupper, Savannah. G W Sanborn; “ pipping intelligence. MINIATURE ALMANICfc-- THIS WEEK Sun Kises:Bun Sets;MoonSets|High Water 12 | M... 452 | 7 0 | 945 1 9 80 13 ITn .. 452 I 7 7 I 10 27 | 10 16 14 | W ... 452 . | 7 7 I 11 7 | 11 7 15 Th .. 462 I 7 8 11 40 In 59 10 IFr .. 462 17 8 morn. ev. 67 17 | Sa.. 462 1 7 9 025 I 167 13 | S ... 472 17 9 1 6| 8 2 PORT OF SAVANNAH. June 11. Arrived. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head; steamer Sylph, French, Hilton Head; steamer Jeff Davis, Hen ry, Poor Robin; U 8 steamer Cosmopolitan, Crowell. Hilton Head; schr J S Shingle, Summers, Hilton Head; schr P O Doyee, Downing, Hilton Head; steamer Stan dish, Moore, Upper River Obstructions; steamer Emi lie, Bender. Darien, Ga; steamer Planter, Small, Dari en, Ga; tug Shephard, Bliss. Hilton Head; steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head; steamship Oriental, Gibbs, Washington, DC, via Alexandria, Va Cleared. Steamer Louisborg, Dill, Hilton Head; steamer Sa vannah, Eldridge, Augusta; steamer Resolute, Can non, Ililtou Head; tug Shephard, Bins Hilton Head; steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton HeacFT steamer Sylph, French, Hilton Head. • Sozodont. An aiti cle that is at once a teeth presen er and breath purifyer, aud yet so pleasant and convenient to use, its exceeding popularity doos not surprise any one.— Time has fully established the fact that the Sozokont possesses these excellent qualities iu an eminent de gree. lt has legitimately acquired the right to a posi tion upon eyPry toilet table. • Sold by Druggists everywhere. ju!2 eodHv Those desirous of purchasing cither Wagons or Har ness at reasonable rates, will do well to call at W. A. BEARD’S, 164 CONGRESS STREET, Aud examine his Stock, consisting of 1 Open BUGGY” ; 1 Two seat BUGGY, light; 1 EXPRESS WAGON; 1 Covered WAGON; 2 Two seat WAGONS. • Je6-2w