Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 16, 1865, Image 3

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fffititil. HEADQUARTERS ROST OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June 16, 1865. General Orders,) No. 45 / I. In obedience to orders from the Headquarters Department of the South, General Orders No. 29 and 34, current series from these Headquarters, which es tablish a system of free public schools for white chil dren alone are hereby revoked. These schools have been organised by the military authority and sup ported by a military fund, while the education of the colored children has been left to private effort and sustained by charitable contribution A just regard alike to the future welfare of the chil dreu who are now free aud to the interests of the city and State wherein they are to live, require that these children should be given such rodimental common school education as will make them virtuous, orderly intelligent and self-supporting. To secure this result as far as maybe during the military occupation of this Post, the following system of tree public schools is hereby ordered, and will eo into immediate effect. 11. The three schools already established, viz: one Primary aud two Grammar schools are continued Three schools are ordered to be established as soon as practicable for the education of the colored children of h's Post. 111. The members of the late Board of Education ha ln_j officially expressed their willingness and desira to aid in the education of all the children of this Post, are hereby re-appointed Five additional members are added, to meet the requirements of the extended school system. Tfce Board of Education for the free schools of the Post will accordingly be composed as follows: The Mayor of the City, ex-officio, (reappointed.) Mr, Johh L. Viilalonga, “ Mr. Anthony Porter, “ Mr. W. H. Stark, Mr. James G. Mills, “ Rev. C. F. Mcßae, Rev. S. Landrum; “ . Rev. A. M. Winn, *• Mr. Wylly Woodbrige. * Mr. L S. Bennett. Mr. A. W, Stone. Mr. F. Y. ClarK; Mr. Henry D. Weed. IV Major Wm. C. Manning, load U. 8. C. TANARUS, is announced upon the Staff of the Brigadier General Commanding as Military Superintendent of the free schools of the Post, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. V. ' Such buildings as are available an and most suita ble, in addition to those already in use by the three existing schools, will be assigned by the Post Quar termaster for school purposes. VI. The Board of Education will be divided into six visiting Committees, being one committee tor each schools, whose duty it shall be to visit the respective schools at least once a month, examine the classes, and report in writing to the Board of Education— which shall meet ata stated time once a mouth. VII. The Mayor of the city will be ex-offido Chair man of the Board of Education, and will make such reports to the Commanding Genaral from time to time as he may think the interests of the public schools re quire. He will also make reports whenever either the General Commanding or the Board may direct. The Military Superintendent of schools will make monthly reports to the Commanding General of the condition of the several schools under his charge, giv ing all items of interest connected therewith. VIII. All teachers needed 1n addition to those al ready engaged, will he appointed by the Superintend ent. The salaries of teachers will be fixed by the Gen eral Commanding, on the recommendation ol the Su perintendent, and will be payable from the Post fund on certificate of .-errice reudered, sigued by the Super intendent and approved by the General Commanding. IX. The Board of Education, iu conjunction with the superintendent, will establish such rules and reg ulations for the government and discipline of the schools is shall to them be deemed advisable and all the children will be admitted free; subject to such rules and regulations. The charge of one dollar aud a half heretofore lev ied by order of the Board of Education upon each of the children attending the free schools is hereby abol ished. X. The system of schools hereby ordered is not designed to supplaut any schools organized by private effort or charitable societies, and all assistance within the power of the Brigadier General Commanding will be given to all schools so established at this Post. By command of Brevet Brig. Gen. WOODFORD. Edward G. Dike, A. A- G. jUIO-7 HEADQUAKTEKSPOSI OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga , June 15, ISO 6. GenebJU. Orders,) Mo* 40. j After Sunday, June 16th, inst., no person will be al lowed to kjep u Theatre, Billi .rd Saloon, Bowling Al ley, Concert saloon, or any place of public amusement at this Post until he has obtained a License therefor from these Headquarters. Applications tor such Licenses must be made in writing to Capt. E. G. Dike, Post Treasurer. The License fees will be as follows: For a Theatre $ 26 00 Billiard Saloon, for each table 10 00 Bowling Alley, for each alley 10 00 Concert Saloon I#o oo For. any place of public amusement not herein spec ified, such fees, ranging from ten dollars upwurds, as the Post Treasurer may deem proper. The Post Pro vost Marshal aud Chief of Police are charged with the thorough enforcement of this order. By command of Brevet Brig. Gen. S. L. WOODFORD. Edward G. Dike, A. A. G. jul6-7 HEADQ’KS DISTRICT Savannah, U<t., June 16, 1805. Gexerai. Orders,) No. 37. j AU Military restrictions heretofore imposed upon U. S. Mails in this District are removed. By command of Brevet Major Gen. BIRGE. Rout. ,F. Wilkinson, Maj. aud A. A. A. G. jul<> 7 HEADQ’BS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June 16,1866. General Orders,) . * no- 3li. / Surgeou A. P. Dairyraple, U. S. Vols., in addition to hts present duties as lleairh Officer of the Post, will as sume the duties ot Health Officer of the District af Savannah. By command of Brevet Major Gen. BIRGE. Rokt. F. Wilkinson, Major aud A. A. A G, julC-7 HEADQ’RS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., June 8, 1865. General Orders. 1 No 60 / A Court of Inquiry was appointed by Special Order No. 97, Par. 111, ironi these Headquaiters, dated April 7, at the instance of Major Ira Wiuana, 20th U. S. C. T , to investigate the facts and circumstances connected with written statements made by Major Wmms on the muster and pay rolls of the 20th U. S. 1,, tor January and February, 1805, and to give ttieu u P on facts which might be develop s .. ™ke statements made by Major Winaus referred to the employment of soldiers as servants, who were not noted on the muster rolls as such. Finding. mature consideration of the evidence adduced, the Court are ot opinion that there were irregularities in some of the companies with regard to enlmted men being used In part as servants, but do not consider that Major Winans, Mustering Officer, 2Gth U 8 CT for Jauuary and February, iSGS, had sufficient "canse to justify the remarks placed upon the rolls by him The Major General Commanding, while recognizing the care and patience bestowed by the Court on the investigation, is unable to agree with the opinion which they express. Whatever may have been the motive of Major Winaus, (and it is due him to say theie is no evidence that it was an improper one;, the facts proved fully justify, In the judgment ot the Com manding General, the statements made on the muster rolls. The extent to which soldiers were employed as servants varied in the different companies, and consid erable ingenuity was displayed in finding designations and nominal occupations for them. But it is impos sible to read the evidence without a conviction that, whatever might have been the theoretical views of the company officers, men wefe employed in menial work who did not in practice «*hare in all the military duties and labors of tlieir companies, and who, ii tne opin ion of themselves and their comrades, were relieved lrom these dnties and labors because doing menial work ia« the officers. The Commanding General no ticed with regret that the statements of too many offi cers were marked by a quibbling which was far from creditable, and which shows how dangerous to an of ficer’s self-respect, is a tampering with his pecuniar; obligations to to the Government. / ™ u *t®ring_ aud iuspectmg officers will make u ! UTestl gation into the existence of a practice which, in some regiments, has grown into a flagrant abuse, <»nd which has deprived the Government in whole or in part of the services of hundreds of enlisted By Command of ■&ciJor General Q. A. GILLMORE W. L. M. Burger, Official; A * B t Ad J’ t Qcn -I'. D. Hodges, « „ *» CaFt - 351,1 U - C. T. and A. A. A. G. jels Ja It §*#r>, scorns, Rooms ro let at hilton head, ac., in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer* chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, soluble for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to W. S. SAMPSON, Jr- on the pr-tnises. ts manm Slants. RANTED. A House to rent, from November next. One al ready tarnished preferred. Mum lie first-class, and -centrally located. Address Box SI, Poet Office juls ts yy ANTED TO GO TO NEW YORK; Two Seamen, one capable of acting as mate, to join the schooner Union Flag. Apply immediately, before 10 o’clock, this a. m , to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., juneU Corner Bay and Abercorn streets. yjyANTED, A situation as Clerk, by a yonng man of considera ble experience, both in the Dry Goods and Grocery business. Address AM J i ul3 lw Herald Office. ANTED An elderly woman as Housekeeper. Must be a good. Cook. To a suitable person high wages will be given Apply to me or at the office of the Savannah Daily Herald. J. K. TONKING, m-* Sherman House, Hilton Head. J£EIN A COMPANY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Having leased the large and commodious Warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Dana A Washburne, 114 Bay street, Savannah, O*. we are prepared to Store and Forward all kinds of Merchandize. Liberal ad vances will be made on COTTON Consigned to our friends In New York, or Liverpool, England. KEIN A COMPANY. References.— Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York: C. C. A H. M. Fabor, New York ; W. A. Smith, Esq., Mobile, Ala.; Cabot A Senter, St. Louis. JuU lmo Q.LASS ! GLASS ! ! D. 8. BCUANCK A SON, (Formerly Sohank A Downino,; Established 1867. Importers and Dealers in FRENCH WINDOW, COACH, CAR, and PICTURE GLASS. • —A I. SO, — COLORED AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS, BOUGH PLATE GLASS FOR FLOORS and SKYLIGHTS, From X to l)tf Inches thick. OLD DEPOT, 43 AND 47 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. _ jul3-lmo gODA WATER CARD. In consequence of the careless manner in which some of my customers lose my Soda W T ater Bottles, which are now held at greatly advanced prices, and difficult to get, together with the limited amount of business doing, In order to meet contingent expenses and contiD-e In business, I am necessarily compelled to adopt the following system : Ist Each customer will receive any required num ber of full bottles, for which they are expected to be responsible. 2d. When a further supply is desired, they will re ceive only as many full bottles as they return of empty ones. 3d. My terms are cash on delivery of goods. By adopting this system, misunderstandings are avoided, and I think l* will enable me in a short time to furnish goods in my line at a much less rate than I am at pres ent compelled to charge to meet unnecessary losses— thus making this system of mutual benefit, Respectfully, JOHN RYAN, Manufacturer and Bottler of Soda and Mineral Watei Corner Broad and West Broad streets, Savannah, Ga. Established in 1862, jul2 ts PERKINS A GA. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 65 Broad Street, , NEW YORK. JnlO Im J£RWIN A HARDEE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J&AY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Robert Erwin, Cuab. 8. Hardee, _ may3l-eod2m ’ QUARTERMASTER’S VOUCHERS AND— NORTHERN STATE MONEY. QUARTERMASTER’S VOUCHERS FOR APRIL, MAY AND JUNE, • AND NORTHERN BANK BILLS, Purchased by L. C. NORVELL A CO., , „ Corner Bull street, opposite the Post Office. jn9-end PARTNERSHIP, bave day formed a co-partner ship under the firm name of ChaflesL. Coioy A Cos, foi the transaction ot business as Shipping, Commls sion and Forwarding Merchants vv 6 CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, • S.PAGE EDMANDS i Savannah. Ga,, May 16th, iB6O. ts mnvT7 Baker* a confectioner* ebtabllSm' MENT AT BEAUFORT. lABUSU ' We respectfully call the attention of the Dubllc to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which we are mppared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to ns. Special attention is paid to the mau ufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery and Elegant Pastry, for holiday ors estival tables Feb. 3-ts McMANUS A MURRAY.’ YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent last 111 BAY STREET, UT STAIRS. mar 22 ts imfr jjTODELL A MURDOCK, wholesale and retail DEALERS in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRV GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Ao., No. S Merchants* Row, Hilton Head, S. C„ W. O. RIDDELL. Ijul3-tf] H. J. MCRDOCK. GOODS. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, PER STEAMER, Printed Jaconets and Organdies, Black Bareges. Crape Maretz, and Hernanis, 8-4 do. for Shawls. Nainsooks, Cambrics, Jaconet and other white goods, Towels, Huckabacks, Bird’s Eye Diapers. Cambric Trimmings. Irisb Linens. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, White Linen Drills, Colored Caliciw, Mourning Calicos, Fancy Articles and Small Wares, Sommer Cassimeres for Gent's wear, For sale by jul2-6t DmWITT A MORGAN. JpRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS. SKEHAN A CONYNGHAM. 0/176 Broughton Street, Receive by every steamer fresh of Goods from New York, consisting of BOOTS and SHOES, Ladies' BALMORALS, Ac, Gentlemen’s Felt and Straw HATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES, Dublin and London PORTER Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels; Also—A choice selection of GARDEN SEEDS, Which we offer at low prices to the Trade. Jeo A. TOPHAM, 138 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA,, NO. 7 MERCHANTS' BOW, HILTON HEAD, Calls the attention of Wholesale and Retail pnrehasers to his superior Stock of " MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS* CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, aud • GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to Stock received l>y every Steamer from New York. may2s-2f*t C. NORVELL A CO. M • CORNER BULL AND BAY STREETS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED . THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK or DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. EVES OFFERED IN THIS MARK IT, Which will be sold AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UPON TUB MOST FAVORADLE TERMS. PRINTS. Lawns, latest styles, Organdies, Organdie Robes, Ginghaffis, Jaconets, Mozauibiques, Bareges, all kinds, Crape Maretz, all colon, MOURNING GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DETAILS. GLOVES. Ladies' and Gents' Black and Colored Kids, best make, Lisle, all colors, Silk, all colors, Fillet Mfts. HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Cambric, Hemstitched, Gents' Printed Borders, Gents’ Silk. HOSIER Ladies’ Black and White Silk, Ladies’ Black and White Cotton, Misses’ Black and White Cotton, Children’s Black and White Cotton, Ladies’ and Misses' Gauze Merino Vests, Gents' Merino Vests. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Ribbons, Bonnet and Belt, all kinds. BONNETS White,Black and Colored Straw and Braid Bonnets Ladies’ Misses’ and Children's Flats, in great va riety, A full assortment of Gents’ oad Boys’ Hats. • FANS IN EVERY VARIETY. LABGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF LADtES* AND GENTS' SHOES. CLOTHING. Linen and Caasimere Summer Suits, Alapaca Coats, A Full assortment of Military Dress and Fatigue Uniforms. mty2o TEELE&BURBAN K, 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries, Boots, Cape Fi Glosses, Gauntlets Gloves, tec., tec., tec. rpRE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. A wonderful invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. -■ . Don't foil to read the advertisement in the Savannas Herald, containing, full particulars, every Monday morning. edetMSmo ,mar2l as QUITO NETTING, AT maySO h C. NORVELL te CO’S. M. SCARBROUGH A CO., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 140 Congress and 6T St. Juliann Streets, SAVANIIAU, OEOIUiIA., Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK ok GROCERIES am. PROVISIONS, Consisting of TEAB and SUGARS, best brands; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS, BACON, (Shoulder and Clear Sides;: LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICft GINGER, Ac., Ac., Ac., All o( which they are selling at reduced prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. jeC lmo RILTON A RANDELL. WUOLESAI. E OBOOISt, 183 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will be in constant receipt, per Steamers from New York, of an extensive and complete assortment ol Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASSES, FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEE, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES, WINES, ALE’ CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attention of the Trade. _ may'23-4w gACON. FOUR HHDS. BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by IGHAM, BALDWIN te CO. mays ts IMPORTATION OF— BEGARS AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND BARNARD SIKEETS. JACOB LANGSDORF te CO. Have just received from their well known Bouse in Philadelphia, a large aud well assorted stock of CIGARS, Consisting of all the different bran ds, as well as large stocks ot SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES: *• Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam - iue the stock, ju9 lm r’rm 1111 hi 111 1 "i . >’ ■" jt |fctppi»o. MERCHANT’S LINE OF SAILING VESSELS FOR NEW YORK. * The Al Schooner JOHN ROSE, Capt. Fournier, Is now loading at foot of Whitaker street, and will sail for the above port on MONDAY, 19th inst. Has first-class accommodations for Passengers. First Cabin S3O. Steerage 16. For Freight or Passage apply to v jul3lw C. L. COLBY te CO. f jp OR T ROVAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL te RUQQ, Proprietors. E. S. RIDDELL, M. F. RUCK). ju3-tf HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS te RIDDELL, Proprietors. J. O. HOTELS. . F. 8. RIDDELL. fu3-f *«-» - ~ 1 iiw mi UrjiHE HOSPITAL TRANSCRIPT.” The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S. C., by M. J. McKenna. It is designed by the Publisher to make an Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED fOLDIERS, bnt a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary of NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIB - ITEMS. Ju3-tf rpo THE MERCANTILE COMMUNITY OF X OF SAVANNAH. Those desirous of having the merits of their Gooda canvassed, will find no- better medium than by adver tising in the MACON HE RA LD. And thus secure a fair share of the np-conntry trade. The Macon Hebald, (a paper of the new “Regime,"; is published at Macon, Ga., l>y T. C. te H. J. Neville, and has a toleranly large circulation. i3T Advertisements and Subscriptions received by Wm. J. Neville, corner of West Broad and Liberty streets, Savannah, Ga. jul3-3t QOTTON'. COTTON !1 U. S. PURCHASING AGENCY, SAVANNAH, GA., MAY 29, 1866. All persons, owners, bringing Cotton Into the City on private account, either by land or the river, are hereby required to report and register the same at this office. Purchasers are also requested to make daily reports at this office of their purchases; of whom bought, number of bales, and weight of each bale. T. P. ROBB. U. 8. Purchasing Agent. m»y3o—tf yyAGONS ! WAGONS I ! Those desirous of purchasing either Wagons or Har ness at reasonable rates, will do well to call at W. A. BEARD’S, 164 CONGRESS STREET, And examine bis Stock, consisting of - l Open BUGGY ; 1 Two seat BUGGY, light; . 1 EXPRESS WAGON; 1 Covered WAGON; 2 Two scat WAGONS. j«6-2w Jimnstmtitts. rpHEATRE. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 16. ** Re-app»arance of THE QUEEN SISTERS, Assisted by Dr. J. R. E. Corvotts, the Celebrated Elocutionist, and the SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, The Popular Drama of- * , ’TOOD L E S . Recitation by Dr. J. R. E, Couvoieb, the accom plished end admired elocutionist. Music by the Savannah Orchestra. To conclude with the- Farce of the ROUGH DIA MOND, or COUSIN JOE. Doors open at half past 7 o’clock. Performance to commence at half past 8, jnnelS VARIETIES. (CORNER BROCGUTON AMD JEFFERSON STREETS; (Formerly St. Andrew’s Hall.) W. P. Swe it nam Sole Lessee and Manager M. Frebertuvseb Musical Director FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1865, LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF MISS MAUDE ST. LEON, MISS ELSIE ST. LEON, and MR. J W* CARNER. HU first appearance since his severe Indisposition. The Great Three Act Military Drama of THE FRENCH SPY With new Sccenic, Mechanical and Chemical Effects, prepared expressly for this Piece. Matbllde de Meric, 1 Henri de Alme, V ...' Miss Maude St. Leon The Spy, j Introducing Madame Celeste's Original Combat of 250 blows. Selections, Orchestra Champion Jig Mast. Charles Pathetic Song Mr. W T allace Overture, - ... Orchestra To conclude with the Charming Petite Comedy of PERFCT-ION, OR, THE MAID OK MUNSTER. jar Due notice will be given of the presentation of SOLON SHINGLE, and the new Drama of MIRIAM’S CRIME, which have been unavoidably postponed on account of the severe illness of Mr. J. W. Csrner. Cards of Admission “..... ,Tsc. Orchestra Seats *1 00 Colored Boxes (up-stairs; 75c. Doors open at 7X. Overture begius at Special Notice.—Ales, Wines, Tobacco, tec., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall. jud-1 y OLKS GARTEN, CONGRESS STREET, Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets, Will be open to-night, aud every night, for the public Concert Music every Evening from T to 10 o’clock by the SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA Professor Georoe Weigand, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY WILL ALWAYS BE UN nAND. mlT—lm RIDDELL * MURDOCK, AGENTS rot ISRAEL R. SCALY, Wholesale Dealers In ALES, WINES and IMPORTED LIQUORS, Os all Kinds aud Qualities. No. 6, MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C juuel lmo jyj"AUDE te WRIGHT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments Solicited. Merchandise Bought and Sold. Jams* L. Mauds; Thomas T. Wsiobt. urn to Hon. Simeon Draper, New York. Messrs. Lee A Waller, •' Messrs. H. B. Claflin A Cos, New York. Glidden & Williams, Boston. Hovey A Cos., “ Smith, Wood A Cos., St. Lonis. Appleton, Noys A Cos, •’ R MeCready A Cos, Cincinnati. Charles L. Colby A Cos., Savannah, Ga. Thos, Metcalf, Esq., Augusta, Ga. Robert Campbell, Esq., “ jni> eod4w » £VE S * GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, Corner Bull Street and Bay Lane, • Opposite Post Office, SAVANNAH, GA. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FINE FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, NOTIONS, TOILET ARTICLES, An. may2B—eod'iw ££INSTBIN, ROSEN FELD A CO., BANKERS, No. 8 BROADS TREE T. New Yobs. We draw at eight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Fbankfobt, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Doi.i.ars, at the rate of roun per cent, per annum, Orders for the purchase or sale of various Issues of Government and other Stacks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commiseion. je6-3taw3m News-dealers and others desiring tu Savannah Daiut Hebald at Wholesale are re qu reted to send In their orders so early in advance as practicable. S. W. MASON * CO.