Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 19, 1865, Image 3

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ftto jl&birtlsminf*. From the stable of the subscriber, on the night of the 11th Jane, a SORREL HORSE, about seven (7) rears old. with Faddle, bridle and blanket. A LIBERAL RE WARD will be paid for the recovery of tbe above property, by H. E. LORD. . Capt. and C. 8. V. jatS-tf Office Depot Commissary. JJORSE FOR SALE, For sale, if applied for soon, a HORSE, valuable lor the Saddle or Draught. SOUND, KIjJTD, AND WELL-BROKEN. Apply at Northwest corner of South Broad and Dray ton streets. % jul9-2t pASSAGE FOR NEW YORK. • The A1 Clipper Schooner JOHN ROSE. Captain Fournier, will clear on MONDAY and sails TUESDAY at 10 P. M. FIRST CABIN ENTIRELY FULL! Steerage Almost full-only a few chances left. Price sls. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. isl'J It Cor Bay and Abercom sts. gIXBY’S LINE NEW YORK PACKETS! The Schooner JANE F. DURFEE will commence discharging cargo this morning at the foot of Jefferson street. Consignees will please obtain their Permits and attend to receiving their consignments. Freights payable on the delivery of cargo. . WM. CANTWELL, jul9 Agent. pOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The fast sailing Schooner JANE F DURFEE, 2400 bbl. capacity, will receive freight or charter on reasonable terms for New York The Durfee being light draft, with large bow ports, is an excellent ves sol for Timber. For inrtner particulars enquire on board, or of WM. CANTWELL, jul9 ts Pulaski House. pOR A FINE NECK TIE, GO TO IVES’. The Proprietor of the] SAVANNAH CITY FLOUR MILLS, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that he has made a number of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, and is now prepared to furnish his customers with a full supply of the best GRITS AND MEAL, and everything that can be expected from a FIRST-CLASS MILLING ESTABLISHMENT, He pledges himself to always sell his Goods and do hia work 25 per 'Cent less for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He is prepared to grind Wheat and Corn at the enstomary % toll, and in addition will, as above stated, always be prepared to furnish his friends with everything iu the old style. His place of business is at the well-known spot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET. jiißMf poWLE A CO., NO 70 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Formerly of Alexandria, Va. IMPORTERS OF RAILROAD IRON, AJII> DEALERS IN RAILROAD SECURITIES AND RAILROAD SUPPLIES, Or Every Description. Are prepared to contract _ for the delivery of rails either f. o. b. In Wales or ex-ship at any desired Port. jnl9 Cm _______ or ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x58 per lineal yard, For sale by jul9 6m FOWLE & CO. TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BROWN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vkset Street, 'ukw Yore. And Memphis, Tenn. Thomas Ftensiß, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowman. juiy 6m AY BUTTER AND CHEESE. 20 tubs of Choice Goshen BUTTER, 20 boxes Choice CHEESE, 30 tubs LEAF LARD, Received by steamers and for sale by J M, MAHON, }ul9-Il Cor. Jefferson and Broughton stA_ QOSHEN BUTTER AND CHEESE. Choice and Extra FAMILY FLOUR’, In barrels and half barrels, just received per steamer Carolina, and for sale by WM. H. STARK, jnl9-3t Cor. Bay and Lincoln sts. QORN, OATS, BRAN, HAY AND FLOUR, Landing from steamer Carolina, and for sale from the Wharf or at the corner of Bryan Street and Mar ket Square, , 3t jul9 QENNIS, PERKINS A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 65 Broad Strrxt, NEW YORK. juto lm £*o- PARTNERSHIP, The undersigned have this day formed a co-partner ship under the Arm name of Charles L. ColDy <fc Cos, for the transaction of business as Shipping, Commls’ sion aad Forwarding Merchants. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, S.PAGE EDMANDS. Savannah. Ga., May 16th, 1965. ts raayl, 2£XCHANGE ON NEW YORK. • FOR SALE BY H BRIGHAM, ap26 ts 93 Bay street. m HKAD q iRS s FORCES, Savannah. Ga , June 7, 1965. Gkneral Orders,) No. 40. J The following named officers are announced on the Staff of the Brevet Brig. Gen. Commanding the Post. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Capt.. Charles 'H Cox, 75th N. Y. Vet. S’ols., Post Provost Marshal and Chief of Police. Lieut. Gustave F. Linguist, 165th N. Y. Vols , As sistant,Post Provost Marshal. Second Lieut. Jesse C. Chance, 103d C. S. C, T . Acting Aid dp Camp. By command of • „ Brevet Brig. Gen. WOODFORD. Edward G. Dike, A A. G. ju!6-7 YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent la at 111 BAY STREET, ur stairs, mam ts |«arlr,. |osws, | f , chants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr., on the premises. ts msr4m G|lants. yyANTED. A House to rent, from November next. One al ready furnished preferred. Must be first-class, and centrally located. Address Box 81, Post Office tf yy ANTED TO GO TO NEW YORK. the schoone^Libion fS?* ° f to *> in Apply immediately, before 10 o’clock, this a. m , to , ~ CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Junel4 Corner Bay and Abercom streets, yyanted, A situation as Clerk, by a yonng man of considera ble experience, both in the Dry Goods and Grocery business. Address AM * jul.i lw Herald Office. yy ANTED. ~~ An elderly woman as Housekeeper. Must be a good Cook. To a suitable person high wages will be given Herau/° or Ibe office Os the Savannah Daily J K. TONKING, in ” Sherman House, Hilton Head. yyANTED. Two good White Servants: one a first class Cook, Washer and Ironer; the other a good Housemaid.- W anted to go to Montgomery, Ala., for a family of three persons. Inquire for two dayß of i,c- o A POPE, _ -I ll * ‘ 2 Pulaski House. JOULES WANTED. Wanted immediatdy. four or six good Mules, Ap ply at 109 Broughton street, jnl7-l FREIGHT WANTED FOR AUGUSTA. The Enterprise boats Nos. X and 2 will leave for An gusta from Demund’s Cotton Press, on Tuesday next, 20th inst., having a good portion of their cargo en gaged, and are ready to receive the balance at any time up to Monday evening. For further particulars enquire of . ~ „ M. H. WILLIAMS, jul 7 cor. Bryan streee and Market Squ are. 1 ■ ‘ aith fourth. QHESNUT PONY LOST. A small Mare, with Saddle and Bridle on : was left yesterday forenoon in front of the Market; either strayed or was stolen. A reward of sls will be paid for hei return. Apply to DAVID R. DILLON, Steamer Amazon, Or to J. C. C. WILLIAMS JU27-4 Scrlven county, Ga. pOCKET BOOK LOST. Containing a sum of money, some accounts, and a card cut from a paper. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the books at the Herald Counting Room, or at the Chief Qnartermaster's office. * „ „ SAMUEL HOFFMAN, jui”--* Captain Steamship Loyalist. JVES’ 18 COR. BULL STREET AND BAY LANE.f P RUSH IMPORTATION , —op SEGARS AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, between wuitakkr and barnard streets. JACOB LANGSDORF A CO. Have just received from their well known House in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGA R S , Consisting of all the different brands, as well as large stocks ct SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES: Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam • ine the stock, ju9 lm Q.LASS • GLASS !~ D. *S. SCIIANOK A SON, i (Formerly Si-hank A Downing,) Established 1857, Importers and Dealers in FRENCH WINDOW, COACH, CAR, and PICTURE GLASS. —ALSO,— COLORED AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS, ROUGH PLATE GLASS FOR FLOOlfe and SKYLIGHTS, From X to IX inches thick. old depot, 45 AND 47 CHAMBERS STREET, * NEW YORK. .iul3-imo 'J'O PHOTOGRAPHERS. FOR SALK, tP*?® Sky Light, in A No. 1 condition; also. Side Lights if desired. Been in useijut ashort time, ♦ J? S- " • Maßon - Savannah Dally Herald, or dsi. ‘ n *‘™P? on < Jr., Palmetto Herald Buildings, Hilton Head. 8. C. jul6-tf J£EIN & COMPANY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Having leased the large and commodious Warehouse by Messrs. Dana A Washburne 114 Bay street, Savannah, Gu., we are prepared to Store and Forward all kinds of Merchandise Liberalad- vances will be made on ' COTTON Consigned to our friends in New York, or Liverpool, England. - KELN A COMPANY. References.— Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York: C- C. AH. M. Fabor, New York; W. A. Smith, *«q., Mobile, Ala.; Cabot * Setter, St. Louis. Juii law lapping. JX)R NEW YORK. The steamship CAROLINA, Phillips, Master. Will leave for the above port on WEDNESDAY, the 81st inst. For freight or passage apply to - j iul7 HUNTER « GA MM e|l. JJIVF.R STEAMER FOR SALE. An Iron SIDE-WHEEL, HIGH PRESSURE RlVtli STEAMER Drawing 22 inches of water. Hall 155 feet lonJ; 2C leet Beam; 5 feet 0 inches depth of hold; has ivi> in clined Engines. 20 inches diameter of cylinder, ikfcet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The Tt>ver deck is clear for freight, and (he passenger accorano dation is above. "She is well adapted for trad emu shoal water river. Is entirely new, well and snbetua tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Applv ft PUSKY. JONES A CO., Iron Steamboat Building, Wilmington, Delawtre. jnl7 lm TO CONSIGNEES. Consignees per steamer Carolina are notified; hat she is discharging at the foot of Abercorn street. Pa r ties having goods on board will hand in their remits and come prepared to. pay their freight upouthc wharf. Jhl7 HUNTER A QAMMEL’^ Dotels. pORT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S. O. RIDDELL A RUGG, Proprietor!. *■ *• Riddell, m. f. bwo. ,iu3-tf pULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS & RIDDELL, Proprietor. J. O. BARTER. E. S. KiDDiXJ.. fu3-tf i—— mmmnmmmmm ■— pOR YOUR TOILET ARTICLES, GO TO IVES’ 1865 NEW SKIRT ‘ THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP-SKIRTS. J. W. Bradley’s New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. Wests, Bradley & Cart, (late J. I. A ,T. O. Wat,) sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 97 Chambers *nd 79 and 81 Reade streets, New York. This invention consists of duplex (or Iwo) elliptic steel springs, ingeniously braided, tightly and flrtily together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever used. Tiey seldom bend or break and consequently presen e their perfect aud lieuntifnl shape twice as long as any other The wondcrfnl flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic SMrt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assem blies, opera, carriage, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and House dress, as the Skirt will fold itself, when in use, to occnpy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. . A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for s single day will never afterward wil lingly dispense with the nse of them. For Children, Misses and Voting Ladies they are superior lo all others. They are the best quality in every part, and un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. For sale in all first class stores in this city and throughout the United States. Havana dc Cnba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic Skirt. mar-21 M3mo ROSENFELD A CO., BANKERS, No. 8 BROAD STREET, New York. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Fbanhfort, and all other principal cities of Enrope. Parties opening current aeconnts, may deposit and draw at their convenience,- the same as with the Crrr Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balance* over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of four per cent, per annum, Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. jes-3taw3m jyjAUDE. A WRIGHT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments Solicited. • Merchandise Bought and Sold. James L. Maude; Thomas T. Wriout. REFER TO Hon. Simeon Draper, New York. Messrs. Lee A Waller, ’• Messrs. IL B. Claflin A Cos, New York. Glldden A Wiffiams. Boston. Hovey A Cos., “ Smith, Wood A Cos., St. Lonis. Appleton, Noys A Cos, •’ R McCready A Cos, Cincinnati. Charles L. Colby A Cos., Savannah, Ga. Thos, .Metcalf, Esq., Augusta, Ga. Robert Campbell, Esq., “ ju9 cod4w COHEN,. COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF— ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MF.RCHANDIS, No. 294 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. jul7 _ I2f STUART. COTTON BROKER, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SAKE OF COTTON, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Omn No. 4 Jacswoh Street, Auousta, Ga. a juir st (groceries. Jj~~<r~RIJWE A CO., Corker St. Jci.icn SratET and M.jni mfnt Square, Near the Puiaski Honse, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS. WINES CIGARS, Ac. Also Agent 3 for two large and excellent Breweries, at New York, from which we receive the best of ALES AND LAGER BIER. Also, constantly on hand the best EAST INDIA ALE. We came.dowu here very inexperienced in business, as conducted under necessary military restrictions; aud coming unprovided with the proper papers for our trade, we at first labored under many disadvan tages. But we now consider ourselves well poeted, and having, by strict compliance with all military rales, been put on a good footing for disposing of onr Stock, with the proper license, we propose to offer unusual Inducements to the trade. We shall give a superior article at a small advance on New York prices. MONEY_OR GOODS ADVANCED POR COTTON, RICE, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. JaH tf_ M. SCARBROUGH A CO., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • 140 Congress and 57 St. Juliann Streets, BAVANHAH, GEORGIA., Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK or GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Consisting of TEAS and SUGARS, best brands; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS, BACON, (Shonlder and Clear Sides); LEAF LAItD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICE, «?IN( fKR, Ac., Ac., Ac., All o( which they are filing at redneed prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. jeO Imo JJILTON A RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 BiA Y STREET, NEAR BARNARD SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will be in constant receipt, per Steamers from New York, of an extensive and complete assortment of Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASSES, FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEE, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES, WINES, ALE’ CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attent ion of the Trade. _ may23-4w J^ACON. FOUR HHDS. BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by IGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. mays ts YOUR FINE BOOTS, GO TO IVES’. LIQUORS, ALES, Ac.Z PHILIP B. MARSH, AT BATTERSBY’S WAREHOUSE, (HEAD or BAY I.ANE.j Has for sale a Superior Stork of OLD PENET CASTILIAN BRANDY. OLD OTARD DUPUY BRANDY. PLELLTVAISAIN BRANDY. SWAN GIN AND WINDMILL GIN WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. SHERRY AND MADEIRA WINE. IMPERIAL ALE, BROWN STOUT, CIDER. All of which he has in cases or in bulk, with his usual and well assorted Stock of GROCERIES. All of which are offered at a small advance on New New York cost and charges. julC-Iw STEELE A BURBANK, ii Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewclpr, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Kmbroideries,Boots, Cape Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. QUARTERMASTER’S VOUCHERS and STATE MONEY. QUARTERMASTER’S VOUCHERS FOR APRIL, MAY AND JUNE, AND NORTHERN BANK BILLS, Purchased by* L. C. NORVELL * CO., Cofher Bull street, opposite the Post Office. jn9-eod limits minis. ■JJNION THEATRE, HILTON HEAD. GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE NEW THEATRE, WITH THY DAVENPORT COMBINATION COMPANY. • Fonwn Want or -me Highly Prosperous Sc.non ! The Company is composed of the following Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr. A. H. Davenport, Mr. T. J, Herndon, Mr. Win. Simpson, Mr. J. Rogers. . Mr. Bowen, Miss Florence La Fond, Mrs. M.'L. Berrell, And others. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, BENEFIT OF T. J. HERNDON. PAUL • P R Y —AND— MAN WITHOUT A HEAD. Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of engage ments, and Stars, will address A. H. DAVENPORT, Jnl9 Theatre, Hilton Head.. rpHEATRE. MONDAY EVENING, .TUNE 19. Third Night of THE QUEEN SISTERS, Assisted by Dr. «T. R. E. Couvonm, the Celebrated Elocutionist, and the SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, The Great Comedy of THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Recitation by Dr. J. R. E, Coctcripr— “ ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA,” Written by Gen. W u. H. Lyttlr, U. S.*A., who fell at the Battle of Chickamanga Music by the Savannah Orchestra. To conclude with the Musical Faroe of ’JHE TWO OREGORIES. Doors open at half past 7 o’clock. Performance to commence at half past 8. jnnelo VARIETIES. foORNRR HROUGUTON AND JEFFERSON STREETS.) (Formerly St. Andrew’s Hall.) W. P. Sweatnam Sole Lessee and Manager M. Fp.ehkr ravnEß Musical Director MONDAY EVENING, JITNE 19, 1886, For the first time will be presented the Intensely thril ling Comedy, in t wo acts, entitled THE PEOPLES’ LAWYER. Robt. Howard (the People’s Lawyer)..Mr. Phil Milton Solon Shingle (a Country Teamster). .Mr. J. W Carner Charles Otis (a Clerk) Miss Maude St. Leon Hugh Winslow (a Merchant) . .Mr. E. W. Blance John Ellsley (a Clerk) W. P. Sweatnam Tripple (Attorney at Law) .Miss Lottie Howland Mrs. Otis Miss Elsie St. Leon Grace Otis La Belle Louise Overture, Orchestra Champion Jig Mast. Charles Pathetic Ballad Mr. Wallace Grand Fancy Dauce La Belle Louise Overture, - - . - - - Orchestra The whole to conclude with the Roaring Farce of THE RE-UNION OF MASSACHUSETTS AND SOUTH CAROLINA. With a Grand Olio of Siuging and Dancing. Cards of Admission 75c. Orchestra Seats $1 00 Colored Boxes, (up-stairs) .75c. Doors open at IMS. Overture begins at 8M Special Notice. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall. • Ju6-1 JQRUGS. MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. A choice selection cf DRUGS, MEDICINES, 1 CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES. JUST LANDED FROM NEW YORK. Apothecaries, Planters, and traders from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH, WHOLESALE AND UTAH.. AT APOTHECARIES' HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. if : «'t ‘ ; v' ! !.* • N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, julC-3m Proprietor. JVEB HAS PHOTOGRAPH VIEWS OF SAVANNAH. A HARDEE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAYSTRIIT, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Robert Erwin, % Chas. S. Hardix, may3l-cod2m A MURDOCK, AGENTS FOB ISRAKtf B, BtA.LT, Wholesale Dealero in ALES, WINES and IMPORTED LIQUORS, Os all Kinds and (dualities No. 5, MERCHANTS’ ROW. Hilton Head, S. O junel » lmo t WAGONS ! 1 Those desirous of purchasing either Wagons or Har ness at reasonable rates, will do well to call at W. A. BEARD’S, 164 CONGRESS STREET, And examine his Stock, consisting of 1 Open BUGGY; 1 Two seat BUGGY, light; 1 EXPRESS WAGON; 1 Covered WAGON; 2 Two seat WAGONS. je6-Sw