Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 23, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. k W. Mason & Cos., Pbomultobs. Samuel W. Mason, .iw»* SAVANNAH. FRIDAY. JUNE 23. Ini-. THE PROPOSED TION ON. THE FOURTH OK JI'LY. On the day set apart lor a commemoration of the President's death, Mrs. Iv#s, lady of Mr. Anson B. Ivei, corn,?r ol Bull street and Bar Lane, was Treasurer of a fund for de corations at the Theatre. The committee performed their duty to the satisfaction of everybody, and made a Sue display. They had S3O unexpended, and this amount Mrs. Ives sends to us, to be added to the sub scription for the celebration of the Fourth of July, with the'hope that arrangements may be completed for a proper observance of that, day. We add the subscription to the list with much pleasure, and hope that the lady’s patriotic wish may be gratified. Rev. Peti k Whei-ax of Savannah.— This reverend gentleman’s kind attention »o the wants of the Union prisoners confined in the stockade at Andersonville, Sumter coun ty, Georgia, deserves the respect and esteem ot all ioval people. The following is a brief sketch of his life: —Fat lip r Whelan was born on the i 4th of March, 1802, in the County ol Wexlord, Ireland, and received a classical education iu Ireland. He early emigrated to America, and located in Charleston, South Carolina, where he resided nearly tour years. Ha studied for U*e ministry under Bishop England. Outlie 21st day of November, 1832, he was ordained Priest, and was imme diately sent to a mission in North Carolina, where lie remained a considerable time. 1 He then removed to Georgia* ana located at Lo cust Grove, in Warren, formerly Taliaferro county, where he remained from the autumn of 1836 to 1855. From Locust Grove, Father Whelan proceeded to Augusta to waist the Rev. Mr. Duggan, whose health was being impaired from arduous labors in attending lo the distressed during the preva lence of an epidemic of yellow' fever. In the year 1856 he removal ,to Savannah. While on a clerical visit to Fort Pulaski he s Wfls unexpectedly cut off from communica tiou with. Savannah, and when this port surrendered he was made a prisoner with its garrison. lie was sent North as prisoner of war, and was confined for three weeks on Governor’s Island. The garrison of Fort Pulaski will ever love him for kindness shown and extended to them. Father Henry Clavine, when the prison at Andersonville was established, was sent there by Bishop Verot,|to administer to the wants of its inmates. His health soon failed and Father Whelan was then stmt »o the re lief of Father Clavrul. During the adminis tration ot Father Whelan, he was assisted j for a time by Father Kirby of Macon, a id 1 Father Husauah, a Jesuit from Mobile I Father Hamilton attended the officers prison, \ located at Macon Georgia, From the Boston Pilot of the 10th inst., we fend the following extract from- a Con necticut paper: “Albert A. Walker, Commissary Sergeant of the 16th Conn. Vol., who has just return ed home from the rebel prison at Anderson viile, informs the Hartford Courant that a Catholic priest named Whalen, of Savannah, visited the prisoners daily in person. This priest was unusually kind to them, conversed freely, and told them that if he could have his way he would have them all released. At one time this kind-hearted man distributed to the men $2,700 in Confederate money, and one day last winter he laid out S4OO in gold, of his owu money, for flour for the prisoners, which vyas baked into bread in the hospital apt! distributed among our famished soldiers. Such deeds are worthy of record.” -Magnolia Encampment, No. 1,1. Q. 0. P. The following officers were elected at a regu lar meeting held on Wednesday evening, to serve the ensuing term . P. C. P.—David Bailey, C. P Robt. Groves, H. P. J. Holbrook Estill, S. W. C. E. Van Vorst, J. W. Chas. Gross, Scribe. P. C. P.—James L. Haupt, Treas. Atlantic Monthly for July. —We give to Mr. Stephen Farrelly, book-seller and sta- ! tioner at the'old stand of John M. Cooper A Cos., our thanks tor a late number (July) of the Atlantic Monthly* We are also obliged to him for previous favors. In this connec tion we call attention to his advertisement in another column. He has a large and well selected stock at the lowest prices. Ives’ Stoke.— Scattered through onr ad vertising columns will be found many brief but important announcements relating to the otore of Mr. Anson B. Ives, comer of Bull street and Bay Lane. Ho has a large slock and *a good variety—clothing, furnishing good 9, boots and shoes, hats, Ac. We know Mr. Ives to be a man of strict integ rity, enterprising iu business, and courteous to his customers.' Decision. —Under our Court head will be found an important decision in two cases where horses taken by Geueral 3hermans army, and afterwards purchased by loyal citizens, were claimed by the origi tat owners. Judge Parsons decides that the original owner*! titles ceased when the horses were captured by the U. S. army’ in a time of war? C. O. I>, This Cabalistic caption is fully explained in an advertisement in another column of the store at 152 Congress street, where every’ decent style of boot and shoe 'can be ibond, and evefy size. We caa rec emmend the establishment. THE COURTS. riP.ST PROVOST COURT—JO DOE ÜBEN PARSONS. IR., PRESIDING. Savannah. Judo 22. 1865. At tep o’clock this forenoon His Honor J udge Parsons took his seat on the bench, having been necessarily absent and the court closed the past three days. Decisions were made in the following cases: John M. Cooper vs. John School. Claim for a horse. Hon. Wm. Law vs. Captain Silas Spicer. Claim for a horse. , Both of these casas were docketed, and the evidence and arguments heard hv the Court on the 7th inst,. and held under con sideration. Judge Parsons made the following decis ions in both cases: “These two cases were tried several days since, and held under consideration, and were elaborately argued by Judge Law and Judge Chisholm for plaintiff?, and by A. A. Stone, Esq., and Hon. Solomon Colyn for defendants. The two h4rse.s respectively claimed by the plaintiffs were captured by General Shermun’s Army, being taken during a state of war. The titles that plaintiffs had,, then ceasing, they have no right of claim against another party, no matter how the property was purchased, especially w hen purchased or obtained of the army as was done in each of these cases. Judgment lor defendants. SECOND PROVOST COURT —CAM. T. I*. RIIXDI.KT, JUDGE, PRESIDING. Savannah, June 22nd, 1865. I uited State s vs. Tom Harris, (colored) — theft ol horse, property of .Tames Smith Or dered that the defendant be placed in confine ment one month. Richard Mills (colored) vs. Geo. C, Darnell —recovery of debt. There being no cause for action in this court, the case wa9 dis missed. W in. Stiles (colored) vs. Toby Adams—re covery of a horse, alleged property of plain tiff. Judgment rendered in favor of detfen dant, and that he he allowed to retain the horse in question! * Lieut. Maury. —This officer who was formerly in charge of our most prominent. Astronomical Observatory 'at or near’ Washington, aud who deserted his poet and went over to Iho Rebels early in the w ar, now feels tbnt he is thoroughly’subdued, and accordingly addresses a letter to flie officials in charge of such matters, and makes an os tentations surrender, affixing the terms him self—“the conditions which hyve been, or may he granted to General Lee aud hia offi cers,” and then signs himself “M. F. Maury, Commander C’. S. Navy. ” There is pet flaps, not auotherMnan in the United States whose ingratitude to the Government has been so base as that ol this man Maury, for he was petted and fondled as was no other man The terms of which bespeaks will doubtless be granted him; and as General Lee has al ready been indicted for treason, we hope to see M. F. Maury in the box with him, at the earliest convenience of the Cotrf, \Y knhfll Philips. —This anti slavery orator, has evidently committed a felo dr se ou hi 9 reputation. In a speech he iecently delivered before the Anti-Slavery Society of Boston, he without qualification or reserve, avowed himself in favor of the repudiation of the public debt in case that ne gro suffrage was not allowed. Perceiving the general burst of indignation with which this conditional proposition was received, and in which some of his own organs joined, lie hastens to quality’ that which was uttered unqualifiedly. In letters addressed to the New 1 ovk papers he eats his words, stating that he hud beeu misconstrued. His latest version ol this part of his speech is to the ef .fect, that he intended repudiation of the Rebel debt and not the debt, of the Union. Returned • to Duty.— To-day Captain Spicer, the courteous aiul gentlemanly Har bor Master ot the port of Savannah, returns to duty, (.‘apt Spicer, a lew days since was prostrated by an attack ol billions fever.— Ilia numerous frieffds will be pleased to learn ol his restoration to health. Steamers To-day for Hilton Head.— This morning, at seven o.elock, the steamship Eastern States, Capt. Burnham, will sail for Hilton Head at ten o’clock ; the steamer U. S Grant, Capt. Briggs, will also sail.for Hil ton Head. A New Provost Court. —We publish to .day nil important General Order from the District Headquarters, and also, one from the Post Headquarters in relation to the Provost Courts. Departure or Paroled Prisoners.—Tho steamer Louisburg, Capt. Dale, departed yesterday for St Augustine, Fla., having on board a large number of paroled Confederate prisoners. For Augusta. —Yesterday afternoon, the steamer Standisb, Capt. Moore, laden with forage, departed tor Augustn. Release or Confederate Orrrcuis.— We find the appended item in a Southern paper: Since the release of Governor Brown, of Georgia, no prominent rebel official has been imprisoned. Governor Watts, of Alabama, nas been released, and ox-Governor Smith, of V irginia, who has delivered himself up, is j « s ° °i* i ,aiuk! ' Letcher and Vance 1 shat thll Q , the ld Ca P itol ; but is rumored i tfaL y hx> will soon be out on parole.— I Governor Magmh. of South Carolina, It is sale, _ias also been sent South to be paroled. —Returns from Colorado Land Office show’ great activity in land operations at Denvel, in that in the wav of preliminary steps to securing lands under the Pre-emp tion and Homesteud laws. At Saginaw’, Michigan, in May, 3,760 acres were located with bounty land warrants. —The call which Governor Pierpoint has issued for the reassembling of the Virginia Legislature relates to what is known as the Alexandria legislature, composed of some ten members, and not the legislature just, elected. Most of the members ot the formed are radicals. , Old Eyes Made New WITHOUT SPECTACLES, DOCTOR OR MEDICINE Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cents. Address E. B. FOOTE. M. D„ No. 1120 Broadway, New York. juIS-7 ®atel |UribaJs. t? PI'I.AStCI HOUSE, JUNE 52. WCMorrifl. Feroandina ,Louis Northouse. N Y A N Sheann do .1 B Gutrard, city do }SW Harris, Athens. Ga Lt Walnth, Hilton Head T Tracy Edgertou N y I.t Jos Allen, Jacksonville j A Pels N C E<; Meyer. New Vork I Capl .T Rounds, Darien htGvo Gr&ybill. TJ 8 A Lt P Massan. do C H Barnwell, Fla POET KOYAL HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) JUNE 21. Lt ,T B Child, RS A V Gainey, Ga Oapt J Bennets, 14 Me V E A Small, Navy E Saudford, Agt Sanitary !N Ross do r r !frig Geu E A Wild, Arn.y ■J T bogley, Hilton Head Lt L U Hyde, J-id C T ;C Lee, do II W Wright, Augu»ta '(.’apt G W Adams Sth Ind A II Abraham, Savanuah c-K Merrill, N Y W B Wood, lnd ij Blake, do H C Spunk, Ohio LT Foee, Navv ' <T N Biglow, Savana&h >J Williams, Navy Cant J Montgomery do W Hall, Hilton Head S H Holbrook, do F Kolbe, do b Curry, do jA E Brown. Anderson C H Fernald. Navy ! J M Plott, N Y J C Chance, AA D O >W D Lee. do J S Caldwell, Charleston j flipping | ntflligeiue. PORT OF SAVANNAH, JUNE 22. . Arrived. Steamship Eastern States, Burnham, Charleston - steamer Louisburg, Dale, Hilton Head: Revenue Steamer Nejvaha, McGowan, Hilton Head; steamer U S Grant, Briegs. Hilton Head: sloop Thai Fowler, Bliss, New York. Cleared. , < ?ll a . ra ?. r Cannon, Hilton Head; schooner JSShiudler, Hummers, Hilton Head: steamer Louis bnrg, Dale, St Augustine ; steamer Standish, Moore Augusta; Revenue steamer Nemaha, McGowan. Hil ton Head. TyjARRIED. At Port Royrl Hotel, June 17lh, Mr. Bi-nj. Honey and Mrs. Margret Flynn, of Charleston, IS. C. jpUNEBAL INVITATION. The friends and relatives or Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. are respectfully invited to attend the fu»eral of their eldest danghteg MARY LEE BELL, from their residence, Jones street, below Ball street, this after noon, at five o’clock. # LINE SAILING VESSELS REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON • ERS Fok NEW YORE. The undersigned intend to keep up a regular weak ly line ot first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., juts cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. pOR CHARLESTON. ~ THE SCHOONER WITCH QUEEN. Os 115 tons burthen, Capt. Tayt. Apply to RICHARDSON & BARNARD. ju JU-1 Bay street, opposite Mariners' Church. CONTRACTORS. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Central Railroad, Savannah, Ga., June 22; is<i6. Proposals will he received at this office until Satur day, July Ist, lor furnishing Cross Ties and Bridge Timber, rebuilding the Bridges aud Culverts, and re laying the Tract from Station No. 4% to Gordon, and from Millen to Waynesboro . ao „ GEO. W. ADAMS, ■G l *’* * General Superintendent. ISLAND HOTEL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY, JUNK 2»tu, I^s This new Hotel Bituated on the mast desirable spot on the eastern hank of Hilton Head Island, affords a djic view of the Tier, Bay, Ocean, and suiroi tuding Islauds. The scenery is quite as pleasing and later eating, In every respect, as the famous waterin* place °* Newport, R. I, and is altogether as com ,’ortable and healthful a place to spend the summer mouths. It has a flue hard smooth Beach, ssveuleen mlV?* long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach ar Xahaiit, Mann,, and as bathing as at that, place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy roo ms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories ; the fnrni ture, is entirely new, unit the tables will be famished with the best that otii be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel all that tho most fastidious can (Vesire Billiard Rooms and Seu Bathing house* will noon be In readiness for guests. j u ts STEAMER AMERICA. i Corn Starch, . Cago, Tapioca, Farina, Fig Bins, Colgate’s Soap, Adamantine Candles, Goshen Butter. Lard in Tubs, Maccarooi, Vermacelli, Raisins anti JAgs Citron, Currants Nutmegs, Olive oil, Sardines, &c. Now lauding, aud for sale by ■i"-* 2 HILTON* KANDELL. RICO MOLASSES. A FEW TIERCES, VERY EYCLLLENT QUALIFY N. O. MOLASSES. For sale low to close Consignment, by ju23-2 HUNTER « GaMMELL, 0 K, GOOD. HAS ROVED TO BARNARD STREET, (Comer Jroughton street lane, next door to T. M. Turner's Drug Store,; Where kill keep constantly on hand, FREH UROCEKIEES, > Fob Family Uss. Notice.<r J. A. Mayer will act as toy Agent during mjsence in New York ju23 C. K. OSGOOD. C. 0 DO YODvANT TO KNOW WHAT THAT • MEANS f Ta en’a i.i. at 152 CoXgbess St., i>: e Where yaan fiud any kind of a Shoe or Boot, from the little int's to the largest Shoe for the .RGEST MAN OR WOMAN In Georgiffhite or black. A single pair or fifty case®, to a customers. No charge for showing our goods. g GROOIES AND DRY GOODS AT COST. Remem I our motto at 152 Congress street, is O . Q. jn23 i lw ! OUTERS AND MERCHANTS. The subibern ofi'er for sate at No. 4 Merchants' Row, HiltdJead, S. C., 'HEIR ENTIRE STOCK, At prices wh defy competition, consisting of Cakes, Crackers, Iter. Cneese, Hams? Canned Fruits and 'Heats, Tr|i Emery Paper, Segars, Tobacco, Ales, Wines, Boi aud Shoes, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Paper Bags. Wraing Paper, Stationary in variety, Army Ranges, Yitee Notions, Hardware, Tinware, &c. These gqs will be sold without regard to cost. Why seivour orders to New York when you can buy eheapfct home Ju2S,tf O. W. DENNIs 4 CO. dfe 1 OLD AND SILVER db-f dP I • WATCHES dP 1 • Sets SilvjWare, Diamond Sets and Rings, English Silver CraeStands. Butter Coolers, Dinner and Tea Service, Pins, hewing Machines,.Vest Chains, Brace lets, Locke’ Gold Pencils, Sets of Jewelry, &c., Ac., WOJH ONE MILLION DOLLARS. TO UE SOLtt r «IE HOLLAS EACH, WITHOUT REHASH TO j VALUE, AND NOTTCBE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU KNOW WI.J* YOU ARK TO RECEIVE. I 'CATALOGUE Or RICH ANIVALEAMI.K ASTICLKS AT ONE JHHXAS EACU. .100 Fine.old Chronometer Watches, envch S2OO i()0 Finetold English Lever Watches 150 200 Ladi’ Gold Enameled Bijou Watches 180 5fK) Soli(ilver Hunting Lever Watchfti. .$ 40 to 80 200 BLlvi Dinner Sets .100 to 150 150 SilviTea Sets .100 to 160 3,000 Engh Silver Cruet Stands 20 to 30 3,000 SilvFruit Urns 15 to 30 2,000 ftilv Butter Coolers 20 to 30 1,000 Silv Ice Pitchers 50 to 73 5,000 Silc Goblets, Gold Lined 15 to 20 10,000 Qd Pens, Silver Pencil Ca5e5........ Bto 12 5,000 dern Silver Tea Spoons 13 to 20 5,000 d«en Sliver Oesse-t Spoons 20 to 30 5,000 Lige Size Magic-Spring Lockets 10 to 20 150 Fat-Class sowing Macnines 40 to 80 All tu above lists of goods will be sold for one dol lar each Certificates Os all the various article*, stating what e:h one can have, are first put into envelopes, sealed ?. and mixed: and, when ordered, ate taken oat wi'.out regard to choice, and sent by inti, thus givingll a fair chance On receipt of the Certificate you wi see what you can have, and then it iiv at your options send one dollar and take the article or not. SINGLi CERTIFICATES, 25 CENTS EACH. One Otificate may obtain you a Gold Wamh, Ser vice of SVer Plate, or any other valuable article. THERE WILL BE NO BLANKS. PACKAGES OF CERTIFICATES \ ■ * WiL be sold til Cubs, Schools, Agents, «Stc., at the following rates: One Certificate, seiito any address by mail Si 025 5 Certificates 1 00 11 Certificates f 00 |3O Certificates (wth premium; 5 00 05 Cortiflcates (wtb premium;. 10 00 100 Certificates Cwth premium; .15 00 Pertect satisfaction guaranteed iu ail cases. Goode not pleasing the tste or fancy of our customers will be exchanged fret of cost Agents and othirs will be allowed 10 cents on each certificate orderec by them, providini: not less than five are ordered a a time. Agents will collect 25 cts for eucn certifleat* and remit 15 cents each to us. Address all ordrs to S. C. RICKARDS & CO-, 102 Nassau at.. New York. AGENiTS WANIED. Ju23-lw QHARCOAL! CHARCOAL! l’icketa Tor Chaeoal will be sold at the Office of the Gas Company unil Ist of July next for ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS EACH. W. F. HOLLAND, ju23 3 Accountant. £JAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, * WHITE PINE LUMBER, SPRUCE SHINGLES AND NAILS Fob £ale ax , SICHARDSOtf* BARNARD, Bay street, opp oalte Mariners’ Chnrcb, ju23-tf Savannah, Ga. HEADQ’RS POST OF SAVANNAH, , Savaw trail, Ga., June 22d, 1865, GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 48. j f A Provost Court for the Post of Savannah is hereby established. It will he open for the trial of cases each duy (except Sundays), from nine o’clock a. m, until two o’clock p. m It will have jurisdiction in all cases of misdemeanors and violation by civilians of Department, District and Post Orders or regulations which are committed wltliiu the limits of thi* Post.— The Judge may imprison convicted parties for periods not to exceed six months and inflict flues net to ex ceed “five hundred dollars. All monies so collected will be turned over to, the Post Treasurer. The Judge may also, appoint such officers aud establish inch rules for his Court as he may deem necessary, subject to the approval of the General Commanding. I. to Lieut. Hanson C, Gibson, 166th N. Y. Vols., is hereby detached from his regiment, and announced as Provost Judge for the Pest of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Brevet Brig. Gen- H. L. WOCDFORD. En w aud G. Dike, A A. G. jn2S HEADQ'RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savahnah.Ga., Jun? 21,186 Y General Order,) No. 35*. / So much of General Orders No 0, of March lttb, 1605, from these Headquarters an delines the jurisdic tion of the 2d Provost Court is hereby revoked. The 2d Provost Court of the District of Savannah la abolished. By command of Brevet Maj; Gen. BERGS. Hoax. F. Wu.ri.nsou. Major a)id A. A. A G. . ju2S •po THE 01TIREN8 OF GEORGIA ! The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial tnte. course between the two great sections of our country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a removal or those relations which formerly bound ns together in a fraternal anion, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to s ’licit from them a renewal of that ex tenaive business connection which for a quartet* of a century haa been uninterrupted save by the great pub lie calamity to Which I have adverted It Is scarcely necessary, oa the threshold of a busi ne9B re-union, I should repeal the warning go often given to my friends.—to beware of all those spurious and de'eterions compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the health of our citizens and prejudicial to the Interest of the legitimate Importer. Many years of my past life have been expended in an open aud candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this salutary purpose, and to place before my friends and the public generally; at the lowest possible market price, and in such qnantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported arti cle. Twenty-five y»-ats’ business transactions with the lamest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, aud Liquersoi the best and most ap proved brands in Europe, in audition to ray own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the ‘‘Schie dam Schnapps.” The latter, so long tested and approved by the med ical Faculties qf the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in ail cli mates and during all seasons, quickly excited tbe cu pidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article uuder the same name. I trust that 1 have, after much toil and expense, sur rounded all my importations with safeguards and di rections which with ordinary circumspection will in sure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, recommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depot, 22 Beaver street, New York, or that purchase! be made of my accredited agents. Hi addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies, 4c., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried foi eign wines, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion. I would specially call the early atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to insure the fulfillment of their favors from the present large and well selected assortment. UDOLPHO WOLFE. ju23 lm 22 Beaver street. New York HEADQ’RS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH, > Hilton Head, S. C,,June 13, 186$ j General Orders,)' No, 90. j The following named companies of the 107th Regi ment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Lt. Col. John S. Coop er, Commanding: Cos. F, Capt. Wm, Fisher, Cos. H, Capt. Philip Setzler, Cos. D, Capt Phiiip J. Wang, Cc G, Lieut. Conrad Deubel, and Cos C, Capt. Joseph Brann, being, through the neglect of their regimental and company commanders, and In violation q! repeat ted orders, unprovided with original muster-in rolls, will remain on duty in this Department under charge ofLt. Col. Cooper and their company officers, till tea arrival of the muster-in-rojls. The remaining cornpa niea of the Regiment, under the command of thr Ma jor or senior Captain, will be mustered out as soon as possible, and will then Immediately proceed with the colors and regimental Headquarters to report to the Chief Mustering Officer of the State of Ohio for pay ment and Anal disenarge. By Command of Major General Q. A. OILLMORE. W L. M. Burger, Ass’t Adj’t Gin Official: - t T. I). Hodqes, * Capt. 3fith U. S. C. T. and A. A. A. Q. je»3 t It HEADERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. 0., June 14,1665 General Orders.) A No 91 j The following Despatch from the War Department, is hereby published for tho information of this com mand : ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE, Washington, May 30,1866. Telegram to Department Commanders, and Copy tv Chit/ Muttering Ogiceri. Please announce that General Orders No. 36, of' 1862, with the three notes attached, relating to di.v charge of the sick, will be applied in similar cases, as, for instance, in Ihe case of discharges under General Orders, No. 77, of 7T, of 18C5. There appears to be some misunderstanding in regard to it. SAMUEL BRECK, ’ Assistant Adjutant General. By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bcbufr, Assistant Adjutant General, Official: T. D. Hodqm, Capt. 85th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt Gen je‘23 1 HEADQ’RS DEFT OF THE SJUTH, 1 Hutox Hi in, S. C., June 19, 1866 i' General Orders, ) No. 95. j A-il officers anil enlisted men detailed, from these Headquarters, ou duty with the recruiting service In this Department, are hereby relieved from such duty, and wLU report at once to their respective commands By command of Major Gendt-ii Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M Bceuer, Assistant Adjutant General Official: T. D. Hodges, , * Capt 35th U. 8. C. TANARUS., Aat Aest. Adjt. Gen. je23-l HEADQ’RS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June 15, 1666. General Ordies, ) No. 37. ) Ail Military restrictions heretofore imposed upon U. S. Mails In this District ate removed. By command of ' Brevet Major Gen. BIRGE. Rpex. ,F. Wilkin3o:<, Maj. and A. A. A- G. jul« 7 HEADQ’RS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June It, 1866 Geicebal Ordebs,) No. 39. f r ‘ Hereafter all applicants for Exacutive clemency un der tne Proclamation ot Amneety of May 29th, iB6O, who desire Jo forward their applications through these Headquarters must accompany them with an af fidavlt showing under what exception clause in the Proclamation their cases may come. The affidavit must also state that the applicant fallsv within no other class of exceptions than that specified by him and must be taken before the officer empower ed to administer the oath of allegiance, by vl.tne of the provisions of Gerersl Order No.' 33, current series, from these Headquarters. By command of Brevet Major General BIRGE. Robt. F, Wilxiksom, Major and A, A. A. G. jul6 7