Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 24, 1865, Image 3

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HRADQ'RS DEP'T OP THE SOUTH, HrtTo.N Hea„, 5.. C., .Tune 16, lsC5. Gr.rßit Orders, ( No. 94. J The following orders and instructions from the War Department are published for the information of this command ; ADJUTANT GENERAL'?) OFFICE, Washington, May 29,15C5. Theoram to DfpartuEvt Coxbandfrs, ami a Copt to Chief Mcstf.bino P ease announce that General Orders No. 36, of JSJ2, with the three notes attached, relating to thedis ch irge ol the sick, will be applied iu all similar cases, ns. for inst .nee, ’n the case of discharges under Gen eral Orders No, 77, of lrtii. There appears to be some mi-understanding in regard to it. This does not change regulations and orders as to who shall be mustered out, and who discharged for disability, bat only a- piles General Oiders No, 36, oflSG’, to partial payments, descriptive lists, transportation. &r, of men discharged under General Orders No. 77, current series, and similar orders. SAMUEL BRECK, Assistant Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General s Office, Washington, May 30, IS ii. Concerning Prisoners. The Secretary of War directs (hat returned Prison ers of Wnr fen listed men,; who have endured the hardships of Antlersonville, Florence, Salisbury, and other rebel prisons, be mustered out as soon as possi ble, and allowed three months extra pay. Mustering officers will make the necessary investigations, and enter the remarks on muster-out roll, showing the amount clue under this Order This does not change the telegram of May 3, in regard t < \vh i shall be mustered out and who discharged on certificates of disability. SAMUEL BRECK, Assistant Adjutant General. Cir.crLAS No. 23. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Offiuk, Wa h ngton, .June 5, 1866. Volunteer soldiers wishing to enlist in the Regular Army, under the terms of General Orders No. 9!L cur rent series, will be forthwith mustered out at their several commands, receive their dis harges and final statements, and will not be sent to rendezvous under the provisions of General Orders No. 94, current se ries ; but, on enlistment in the Regular Array, will receive fiuil payments under the requiremeuts of Par. 3, General Orders No. S3, current series. The attent ion of Commanding Officers of regiments batteries, and detached commands of the Regular Armyrte called to the immediate necessity of appoint ing Ues' losing Officers for their several commands, in order to ootain the advantages of General Orders No 10, current series. In designating these officers,Coim mantling Officers will bo .governed bvthe require ments of Paragraphs 986. 9Sf, and 988, Revised Reg ulations lor the Army, governing Regimental Re cruiting Service. E D. TOWNSEND, _ . Assistant Adjutant General. G etial OnDrss) No. 100. / WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, _ Washington, May 23, 1865. Commanding officers of regiments will, at once, muster lor commutation of rations all men of their lespective commands who have been prisoners of war, aud have not been mustered for or paid coramu taium of rations for the time they were iu the rebel hands. Application for muster rolls and instructions should be made to ttie Commissary General of Prisoners, and should state the number of men to bj mustered. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, ~ _ ' Assistant Adjutant General. General Order,) No. loi. / WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjuant General’s Office, Washington, Alav 30, 1805. R - tintion of A pc,i 3 oy Soldiers, on HEiNo Honorable DIBOHABGE I) from Selyick. Upon an honorable muster-out and discharge from the service from the United States, all volunteer sol diers, desiring to do -o, are hereby authorized to re tain their arms aud accoutrements, on paying there for their value to the Ordnance Department. The payments will be made, muter the regulations of the Ordnance Department, to the officer or repre sentative thereof, at the rendezvous in the State to which the troops are ordered for payment aud final discharge. * liv order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, June 10, 1865. Under Genera l Orders No. 101, May 30, current series, from this office soldiers horiorablv mus tered out. who desire to do so, are authoi ized toretain their arms mid accoutrements on paying therefor their value to this Depai tihent. Soldiers who desire to i akc advantage of the said order, must rigulfy their intention before leaving the field so that the pric-s rn.ty be entered und charged on their muster-out rolls The prices fixed by the Ordnance Department are as folio as: Muskets, all kinds, with or without accoutrements s x (6; dollars. Spencer Carbines, with or without accoutrements, ten (id; dollars. All Carbines and Re volvers, r ij dollars. Sabres and Swords, with or without Belts, three (dj dollars. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant. Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. \V. L. M. Burger, „ _ Assistant Adjutant General. Official: T. D. Honons, Capt. 35th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Je2-f it Act Asst. Adit. Gen. yyilEhElS IVES’ iURNISHING STORE f HUADQ’IIS DEPT OP THE S UTH, j „ Hilton He id, 8. C., June 21, 1305. f Osxeful Orders, ) Vo. 97. ; L Tlie following General Order from the War De partment, is hereby published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant Gdneeal’s Office, Washington, June 15, 1865. General Orders,) No. 114. j Soldiers honorably discharged will be permitted to retain, without charge, their knapsacks, hiversacks, aud canteens. Ry order of the Secretary of War. E D. TBWNSEND, Assistaut Adjtant General. If. The action of Brevet Major General John P. H itch, in designating Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla., a- the pluce of coutiuement for Privates Alfred E. Pelletre, Cos. C, 55th Mass, Col. Infantry; and Samuel Zehuder, Cos, D, 66th New York Vet. Vol. In fantry. whose senteucos by General Court Martial were published in General Orders No. 54, Headquar ters Northern District, dated June 10th, 1865, and 1 dvntes Joseph Brown, Cos. I, and Jesse E. Brown, Cos. E. 56th Mass. Vol. Infantry, whose sentences by General Court Martial were published In General Or ders No. 61, Headquarters Northern District, dated June l-'th, IBus, Is approved. By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. ' • W- L. M. Buboes, Assistant Adjutant General Offi'-ial: T. D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt Gen. Je24-1 * p*OR VOUR TOILET ARTICLES, GO TO IVES’. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, ~ District of Savannah, June 21, ISCS. '- Ft CaAai_E3 H. Cox, Provost Marshal Post of Savannah : i send you herewith Circular, relating to the wcar ‘ ■ 01 the so-called Confederate uniform, which you ’■'in cause the Police force of the city to see executed. 10l „ | ler is intended to prevent the wearing of any i!i r Ule Ull^urm and not simply to huve the insig w ot rank 1 emoved, bttt does not prevent the wear luf’ * >l grey clothing. ih: wearing of all military clothing or trimmings A 1 !-'’ Persons except those who are in the service of r\ I Ltll Statcs > is in violation of orders from the m. r .„ et,: ‘ rln *“*’ ail(l you will at once take proper * asurcs to prevent it. within the limits of your Post (Signed] ROUT P. YORK. ' D Lt. Col. 75th N. Y. V., and Provost Marshal District of Savannah, Ga. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, District or Savannah. FiRetTAR. Savannah, Ua., May Bth. tSC3. lam instructed by the Rrevet Major Gen Com- X nr i ’ lO uoll| y all Peisous whom it may concern • 4anvrr tW V? personjound upon the STor an uther public place, dressed in the uniform of a udiier ol trie so-called ‘■Confederate Service " will inmedUteiy arrested and held taittElguuM? Ul UUur > before the 2d Provost Court. . ROUT. P. YORK, „ Lieut Col. 15th N. Y. Vols. j,p-> an <i Provost Murahal District of Savannah Ifoitrb, {looms, jgOARD - th^ o office btained in a ,eßpeCUbie TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. f. almetto Herald Building having been Newly for n °A W laiKe and airy : ooms - suitable Tor Sleeping Apartments or business purposes. S. Sampson, Jr.. Box No. 25, \toriuM e ?D Po? ‘ OI on the premises, corner of McrJunts Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to C o’clock p m. j u 22 0 K. OSGOOD, HAS REMOVED To BARNARD STREET, (Corner of Broughton street lane, next door to T. M. Turner’s Drug Store,; Where he will keep constantly on hand, FRESH GROCERIEES, For Family Use. Notice. —Dr. J. A. Mayer will act as my Agent during my absence in New York. ju23 3 C. K. OSGOOD. C. °- D_ DO YOU b ANT TO ENOW W.HAT THAT MEANS f • Then Cal l at 152 Congress St., Where you can find any kind of a Shoe or Boot, from the little Infant's to the largest Shoe for the LARGEST MAN OR WOMAN In Georgia, white or black. A single pair or fifty cases, to suit customers. No charge for showing our goods. e GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS AT COST. Remember our motto at 152 Congress street, is C.O . D . J a - 3 lw A TTENTION 1 SUTLERS AND MERCHANT^. The subscribers offer for sale at No. 4 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. 0., THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, At prices which defy competition, consisting of Cakes. Crackers, Butter. Cheese, Hams, Canned Fruits and Meats, Tripoli Emery Paper, Segars, Tobacco, Ales, Wines, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Paper Bags, Wrapping Paper, Stationary in variety, Army Ranges, Yi§nkee Notions, Hardware, Tinware, <frc. These goods will be sold without regard to cost. Why send your orders to New York when you can buy cheaper at home, Ju2B ts C. W. DENNIg & CO. ORTH RIVER AGRICULTRAL WORKS. ORIFFING, BROTHER & CO., PitoriuETOßs, 5S AMD 60 CcCBTLAND STREET. NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn'Milla, Cotton Gins, Ac. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and GardeH Seeds. Also, Agents tor Bruce’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for circular. jq2o 3m A SHIRT, GO TO IVES’ J£EIN A COMPANY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Having lensed the large and commodious Warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Dana A Washbmne, 114 Bay street, Savannah, G.;., we are prepared to Store and Forward all kinds of Merchandize. Liberal ad vances will be made on COTTON Consigned to our friends in New York, or Liverpool, England. KEIN A COMPANY. References.— Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C. C. A H. M. Fabor, New York ; W. A. Smith, Esq., Mobile, Ala.; Cabot A Senter, St, Louis. julS lmu JVES’ IS COK. BULL STREET AND BAY LANE. jyjACKY, HOGG A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 2 Stoddard’s Block, opposite Custom House, SAVANNAH, GA. Having opened a House at the above stand, in con nection with our House in Philadelphia, we offer to the Trade— •2sl> barrels Bourbon and Rye r Whiskey; Hams Breakfastßacou and Shoulders. Bagged Beef, Lard Broom , Washboards, Lim ;in hogsheads, Ac, Consignments to our House in Philadelphia solici ted. • MAC’ / ' tr toqq & Cos, No. 2 stO’ , « , ""' v s Block, Sav ranah, Ga. jn2o-lm 25 Sou h Water street, Philadelphia, JPOR A FASHIONABLE HAT, GO TO IVES’. 0 COHEN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF— ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MERCHANDIS, No. 294 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. ju!7 12t The Proprietor of the SAVANNAH CITY FLOUR MIL £S , Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that he has made a number of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, and Is now prepared to furnish his customers with a full supply of the best GRITS AND MEAL, and everything that can be expected from a FIRST-CLAS9 MILLING ESTABLISHMENT, He pledges himself to always sell his Goods and do his work 25 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He is prepared to grind Wheat aud Corn at the customary X toil, aud in addition will, as above stated, always be prepared to furnish his friends with everything in the old style. His place of business is at the well-known snot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET. jniu ts JpOR A DUSTER GO TO IVES’. STEELE A BURBANK, 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroiderieß,Boots,Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets loves, Ac., Ac., Ac. plants.- 'J'EAOHEHS WANTED, Several Teachers are Wanted for the Public Schools of Savannah. Applications will be received by the Military Sinter mteudeut of Free Schools until Saturday, June 24th, At his oflice in the School Building, comer of Charlton and Drayton streets, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 m. ju2l 5 jpREIGIIT WANTED FOR AUGUSTA. The Enterprise boats Nos. 1 and 2 will leave for Au gusta from Demund’s Cotton Press, on Tuesday next, 20th Inst.,.having a good pinion of their cargo en gaged. and are ready to receive the balance at any time up to Monday evening. For further particulars enquire of M. H. WILLIAMS, jnl. cor, Bryan streeo and Market Square JjM>R YOUR HATS, GO TO IVES’. 3500 TONS OF— ENG’LISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x53 per lineal yard. For sale by juW 0m FJWLE & CO. rpHE NEW YORK WORLD “THE LEADING DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER ” ‘ THE BEST AND MOST ENERGETIC NORTHERN JOURNAL” TERMS, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE daily edition. One copy, one year, by mail $lO SEMI WEEKLY EDITION. (Published on Tuesday and Friday in each week.; Odc copy, one year, by mail $ 4 00 Three copies, do. do 10 00 Five do. do. do 16 00 WEEKLY EDITION. (Published on Wednesday in each week J One copy, one year, l>y mail $ 2 Oft Four copies do. do 7 Oft Ten do. do. do. 17 00 Twenty do. do. to one address 50 00 An Extra Corv to the Getter-up of Evep.v Ci.rn of Ten. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSPAPERS Address— THE WORLD. Jn22-3 3f, Park Row, New York. JJEYNOLDS, PRATT & CO, (Established in 1770.; Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers IN WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, COLORED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS’ AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 106 and 10S Fulton St., ju22 lm NEW YORK A COLLAR, GO TO IVES’. ■J^OTICE. The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Southern Insurance and Trust Company will oc held at the office of the Company, in savannah, on Wednesday, 19th July, 1865, tor the purpose of elect ing Directors for the ensuing year, and for the tran saction of such other business as may be brought be fore the meeting. H. BRIGHAM, President, Per J. C. MoNULTY, jn22 ts Assistant Secretary. J£OOK TRADB SALE. ROOM 49S BROADWAY, N. Y. Public and Private Libraries sold and prompt return In cash. Parties having Libraries to dispose of by sending them soon will have them properly Catalo f ued and sold this Fall to the very best advantage.— f desired, a liberal advance in cash will be made Im mediately on receipt of the books. This Fall will be especially favorable foi the sale of Books at good prices. Ship direct to my address, J. E. COOLEY, 49S Broadway, New York. Jn22 C A FINE NECK TIE, GO TO IVES’. TO CONTRACTORS. g SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICF, Central RAHROAr, Savannah, Ga., June 22, UOS. Proposals will be received at this office until Satur day, July Ist, for furnishing Cross Ties and Bridge Timber, rebuilding the Bridges and Culveris and re laying the Track from Station No. 4\' to Gordon, and from Millen to Waynesboro. GEO. W. ADAMS. Ju23 7 General Superintendent. IMPORTATION OF— SEGAR9 AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND BARNARD STREETS. J ACOB*LANGSDO RF & CO. Have just received from their well known House in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGARS, Consisting of all the different brands, a° will aa large stocks of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES: Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam ine the stock, ,ju9 1 m ttrpftE HOSPITAL TRANSCRIPT." The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S. C„ by M. J. MoKknna. It Is designed by the Publisher to moke an Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary of NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIB - ANEOUS ITEMS. ju3-tf §Mppi«9. ’jyCERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON ERS FOR NEW YORK. The undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight In good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York CHARLES L. COLBY * CO., JulS cor. Bay and Aberroru streets. gTAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The new and elegant steamship AMERICA, Capt. Clift, will leave for that port on SATURDAY MORNING, At eight o’clock precisely. For freight or passage apply to ju22 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO., JPOR NEW YORK FREIGHT AND PASSAGE THE FINE A1 CLIPPER SCHOONER RUTH H. BAKER, Will commence loading for the above port on Monday the 21st inst., at foot of Whitaker street, and will clear on Thursday, the 29th. Has superior accommodations for passengers. First Cabin, S3O. Steerage, sls. Apply to C. L COLBY * CO., ju2o 10 Comer Bay and Abercorn ata. JJIVER STEAMER FOR SALE. ** An Iron SIDE-WHEEL, HIGH PRESSURE RIVER ‘steamer. Drawing 22 inches of water. Hull 155 feet long: 26 feet Beam; 5 feet 6 inches depth of hold. has two in clined Engines. 20 inches diameter of cylinder, 0 feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck is clear for freight, and the passenger accommo dation is above. She D well adapted for trad eon a shoal water river. Is entirely new, well and substan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Apply to PUSKY, JONES A CO., Iron Steamlioat Building, Wilmington, Delaware. juU lm Rattle. pO R T ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S C. RIDDELL A HUGO,’ PRoraiSTosn. E. 8. EtDDEU., M, F. EUQO. jUutf pULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA BARTFLS A RIDDELL, Pbopbietobs .1. O. lIABTPJ.S. E. 8. BiDDELL. fU3-f r. pOR YOUR FINE BOOTS, GO TO IVES’. A KIENZLE' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER OUR HOUSE, 105 BAT STREET, J£IRLIN, BRO. A BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS in * ALE M WINES AND LIQUORS, Cobnfb Whitaker Stbeet and Bay Lasts, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED JpOR A FINE CONGRESS GAirER, GO TO IVES’. gEA ISLAND HOTEL. 0 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 20th, ISCS. This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. The scenery is quite as pleasing and inter esting, in everv respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. 1., and is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass., and as fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in lhe Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel all tbattho most fastidious can desire.— Billiard Rooms aud bea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. ju23 ts _ [oiacrrtAß. | _ OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL DIRECTOR, District of Savannah, June 18, 1B«5. When enlisted men in tuis District are fit subjects for discharge from service, the Medical Officer 01 the Regiment to which the man belong* will bring the man before the Medical Examining Board, now in session in Savanuah, <ia., with the discharge papers properly made out. Tne recommendation of this Board is necessary in all cases for discharge of euhsted men from service. JOHN TRENOR, Jr., Surgeon of Vols., ju2o-7 Chief Med. Officer ifo. of Savannah, rjno SHIPPERS OF- COTTON AND OTHER X SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BROWN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 40 Vssey Stbxxt, a«jsw York. And Memphis, Tenn. Thomas Frtoir, Hour Beiwitt, D, W, Bowmaw. July fits Smnadimttg, CWEATNAM’S VARIETIES. (,'ORXFH BRol lHi rON AND jcffkbson streets ; (Formerly St. Andrew’s Hall.; W P. Sweai.nam Sole Lessee and Manager M. Fscbertuyser Musical Director SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, ISCS. For the first time in Savannah, will be produced the Celebrated Piny of the DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER. J. W. Carner as The Dumb Man of Manchester Phil Milton as Edward Wilson Miss Maude St Leon as Jane Wilson Overturf, Orchestra Half Bashel Jig, - - Master Charlie Larry O’Brien, - - - E. W, Blance SWEATNAM IN A NEGRO DELINEATION. Song, Comic, - - - Mr. Wallace Cards of Admission 76c. Orchestra Seats $1 00 Colored Boxes (up-stairs; 76c. Doors open at 7>J. Overture begins at . Special Notice. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac , may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall. je2o-l Strugs, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, patent medicines and TRUSSES, JUST LANDED FROM NEW YORK. Apothecaries, Planters, and traders from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hAnd. One hundred cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. AIL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR GASH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AT APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, jul6-3m Proprietor. JVES nAS PHOTOGRAPH VIEWS OF SAVANNAH. ENGINEER’S OFFICE. J An. antio and Gulf Railroad, v Suwannab, Ga., Jane 2ft, 1806.) Proposals will be received at this office until the sth of July next for the reconstruction of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad; including ail Biidging und Track laying and furnishing of all Material except IronJ'rom the Little Ogeechec Budge, inclusive, to the Main Bridge of the Altamaha, including Morgan Lake Tres tle. The work to he completed within sixty (60; days from the date of contract. J. T. STONE, Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard's Building, up stairs, opposltstbe Post Office. Augusta papers copy one week and send bill to Sr vaunab Republican office. ju2l ts JpiNANCIAL. REMOVAL. James H. Falconer, late Thomas Dixon, Dealer In Foreign Exchange, has removed to 49 William, be tween Wall and Pine streets, New York Bills on the iloyal Bank of Liverpool in stuns tosnit purchasers. Ju2l-2w JJIDDELL & MURDOCK, AGENTS FOR ISRAEL R. BEALV, Wholesale Dealers in ALES, WINES andIMPORTED LIQUORS, Os all Kinds and Qualities. No. 6, MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hiltoh Head, S. C junel lmo Q.LASS ! GLASS ! ! D. S. SCHANCK A SON, (Formerly SsoapzA Dotvxmo.) EitaUished 1857, Importers and Dealers 9 FRENCH WINDOW, COACH, CAn, and PICTURE OLASS. —ALSO, — COLORED AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS, ROUGH PLATE GLASS FOR FLOORS and SKYLIGHTS, From X to \y. Inches thick. OLD DETOX, 45 AND CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. .iul3-lmo PERKINS A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 65 Broad Strut, NEW YORK . jnlO lm G EO. R. CRUMP A CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Strut, At«nu, Ga. Juio 3m