Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 26, 1865, Image 2

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TheSmnnah Daily Herald. & W. Mason & Cos ....PeowtiETuM. Samurt. W. Ma50n...... Editor. ~ SAVANNAH, MONDAY, JUNE 2C, ISCi. GEN BIRGE AT POUT HUDSON. A paragraph recently appeared in a con temporary paper, concerning the famous storming party at the siege of Port Hudson, which was commanded by Maj Gen. (then Colonel) Birge, and composed largely of the 18th Connecticut Volunteers, his then regi ment. Some misstatements having been made in the article referred to, we have taken pains to ascertain the factsof the matter from various sources, and are enabled to give an accurate account of this, one of the most gal lant enterprises of the war. The siege ol the stronghold of Port Hud son had been dragging along through six fatiguing and diastrous weeks. By the man oeuvres of the enemy Gen Banks had lo3t his base of supplies, and his rear had been circumvented; while in front, the foe stiil maintained a defiant and successful re sistance. Three desperate general assaults had been made upon the enemy’s works, re sulting only in a terrible slaughter of the forces engaged. The sharpshooters on both sides were active in their deadly work. The various regiments of the force were becoming fearfully depleted by losses in the field and by disease. The enemy within the fortifications kept up a persistent, and effec tual defence, notwithstanding their starving condition' and reduced numbers, which the deserters who entered the Federal lines in squads daily' testified 10. In this gloomy juncture, when every other resource had failed, Gen. Banks called for volunteers for a “lorlorn hope." A thousand men were asked for from the whole force, to compose the storming party. A bold Attempt was to be made to break the enemy’s lines with this small force, to be followed up immediately by an assault by all tho beseigiug forces. The call for men for “forlorn hope’’ was sent through the various regi ments of the investing lines. With few ex ceptions, the hazardous enterprize, involving as it did almost certain destruction to the participants, found little favor nraoug the ' forces. There were certain regiments, however, which respouded to the call with heroic •unanimity. Chief of these was the 13th Conn. Vol’sH. W. Birge. Two other regiments which were likewise nobly .represented iu the storming party, are at this .Post; namely, the lC.'»th N. 4f. Regiment (Zouaves), and the 12th Conn. As was originally intended, the force for this special duty number’d one thousand men. The thirteenth Connecticut following the ex ample of their commander, stepped forth al most as one man. They furnished two hun dred and lorty-one men, and thirteen officers, at a time when the regiment numbered but about three hundred. The roll of honor of the storming party, Includes the following officers: Capts.—-Comstock, Fuller, Finley, Sprague, BHnn. Ist. Lieutenants.—Averiil, Wells, Norman, Whittlesey. 2nd Lieutenants.—Kinney, Perkins, Bea ton, Daniels, Meisner. The One Hunched and Sixty-fifth N. Y. gave forty men; the Twelfth Connecticut for ty-seven men. Major Aguus, and Capts. In* wood and Linquist, went with the detail from the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth N. Y., and Sergt. Major (now Captain) John Mullen, With that irom the 12th Connecticut. The band of patriots who were to consti tute the storming party, were at once relieved from all regular duty, and retired from the immediate front to a camp of instruction about two miles in the rear. Here they were organized into a brigade for special duty, ot which Col. Birge, as the senior officer vol unteering, took the command. Tnis special organization was denominated the “Storm ing Brigade,” and consisted of two battalions. The men were drilled each day in the exer- cise of the trying business wjiich was iu store for them. For three weeks they lay there expecting every moment the order to move— “lnto the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell." Not a man inhered throughout this pro protracted ordeal of suspense. Placing un reserved reliance iu the bravery and scien tific skill of their leader, ali awaited the “day of glory” with confidence and coolness. Twice indeed the storming party was order ed into iiue, but each time it was found that the movement would be premature, and they were returned to camp. At length, after the day of attack had been finally determined •on, cud the heroic band were awaiting but the word to spring forward and lay down their bodies to make a way for their com rades, the sturving garrison of the beleaguer ed fortifications surrendered. The i3th Connecticut led the advance in the entry.* Thus did Fortune favor the brave, and the haudtnl of fearless men Who had devoted themselves to their country were spared the sacrifice. let they have not the less credit for their willingness to do what fortune for bade, as the promotion from tueir numbers show; they have as warm a place in the af fections of their countrymen as though their blood had been mingled with that of the thousands who fell among the fatal cheveaux de frize of Port Hudspn; and their place in history is as high and enduring Fon Augusta. — This afternoon at 5 o’clock the steamer Amazon will leave this city for Augusta. See advertisement in another column. CITIZENS’ MEKTIXG THUS AFTER NOON. A meeting of the citizens will be held at four o’clock this afternoon, at the Exchange, to take measures concerning the observance of Independence Day. The time is now at now at hand for final and decisive action* and no one interested iu seeing a fitting and successful celebration of this Fourth of July of all Fourth of Julys, should fail to attend. The counsel and earnest co-operation of all are invited. THE SFOT WHERE THE PRESIDENT WAS WOUNDED. There is no doubt that the American people have positively decided that the spot on which was taken the life of our noble Chief Magistrate shall be no more used for purposes of public amusement. “Ford’s Theatre" will be “Ford’s Theatre" no more. It will be either transformed into a Church or Chapel, nr else everything in the shape of a building will be cleared off, and the space be used for a memorial Park, or a spot whereon to erect such n Monument as shall be worthy the mem ory of the illustrious dead. Since the night of the fatal deed the building has, by order of the United States authorities, been closed. Everything remains precisely as when the dying form of our dead President was borne from the house to expire. No scene has been changed, no bauAer has been moved ; even the accumulating dust has not been brushea away. The property is owned by Mr. Ford, ol Baltimore, who is willing to dispose of it to fit and proper persons who will engage to make a proper use of the promises. Mr. Ford cannot afford to give away this, his almost only property, and as the manage ment of theatres is his business, by which he has to make his livelihood, he cannot, un less his property is bought from him, do otherwise than to go on and use it as a thea tre, though we believe the nation will stop this. If compelled to do so, he has, we under stand, announced it as his intention to dose up the box wli6re the President was killed, so that no one can enter it.; drape it in deep mourning, and place a life size portrait of of the late Abraham Lincoln in front of it, so that the attention of all may be drawn to the place, and every one may know the exact spot upon which our loved Magistrate yield ed up his life. Even should it be occupied as a church, probably some similar arrange ment would be made. Various associations have already made overtures for the property, aud, on the part of more than one Society, negotiations are pending for the purchase of the Theatre for religious purposes. The price demanded by Ford is SIOO,OOO. The properly was form erly a church property, and was converted into a theatrical building by Mr. Ford. It now goes back to the churches. It will make rather a curious combination of circum stances. Iu the cveut of a sale, Mr. Ford intends erecting a theatre in Washington which will surpass anything of the kind in the country. RECONSTRUCTION. From the Constitutionalist of the 23d inst., we learn that a meeting of the citi zens of the county of Richmond was called to he held on Saturday last. The object of the meeting was stated to be an opportunity of giving “expression to their sentiments concerning the relations which Georgia beats to the Union of tho States," The Mayor of Angusta.Mr. Robert H- May, at the request of the citizens, issued the fol lowing call: To the Citizens of Augusta— A large number of influential citizens have requested me, as Mayor, to issue a call for a public meeting looking to the establishment oi' civil order, and the restoration of the State to her proper relations in the Federal Union. Con current with their action, I have learned with pleasure that a similar call has leceived a large number of signatures.. Upon a confer ence with a number of these gentlemen it has been deemed best to hold the meeting at the Masonic Hall, on Saturday evening next, at 4 o’clock. I therefore respectfully invite all the citi zens of Richmond county, disposed to unite ill an effort for the restoration of civil order and for placing Georgia in her proper posi tion in the Union, to assemble at the Masonic Hall at the above named time. Robert 11. Mat, Mayor. All over the State similar gatherings have been had, and it is eminently proper that the large and wealthy county of Richmond, should now speak out In turn. A9 a prelimi nary step to the civil re-organization of the State, the holding of these primary assem blies is of tue highest importance. It is pro posed that afi whose voice may have auy po litical weight attend these meetings, since the desire is to have from every class of our vo ting population a full and free expression qf sentiment on the issues of the day. The im portance of this step ia too obvious to need argument, and it is very heartily to be trust ed that all who desire to see Georgia once more on the roll of Stales, with equality of all rights, will be careful to attend and in duce others to do the same. Paid our.—-Major Filming, paymaster, re turned to Savannah yesterday, per steamer Emilie, from Hilton Head, where he has been to pay off the battalion of the ‘Jtk Con necticut, Lieut. Col. Healey, Commanding. He paid the four companies in the aggregate, about $ CO, 000. University of Georgia.-— The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni versity of Georgia will be held at Athens on the 3d. RESTORATION OF NAVIGATION. Wc have to congratulate our citizens, and all who are interested in the commercial prosperity of the city, on the xapidly increas iug number of boats at our wharves. Along our river shore may be seen ships of war, gunboats, and merchant-ships of every tonnage and size that ever yet visited the Sa vannah river. Though, owing to the pressure >f war circumstances, the crops of the State of Georgia are not up to their former mark !n quantity, there is still bulk of produce cuougli to warrant the coming here of nearly 'or quite as many craft as in former times. There is a great amount of cotton to be shipped North, both on the score of Govern ment, and on private account. ' Then the great change in the manner and style of conducting agricultural proceedings will necessitate a large transportation from the other direction. As the South becomes more and more under the immediate influ e ice of persons who have ever been accus tomed to free labor—as those sturdy men from the North who, haviug been led here by the stern calis of war, have learned the beauties oi the country,the fertility of the land and the general desirableness of homes in the sunny South, lay down their golden Northern dollars in exchange for broad Southern acresj these men will bring with them new needs for new tools. Then will every South sailing steamer come laden with new seeds, and with agricultural too]s hitherto unknown in these latitudes. Machinery' of styles and for purposes hitherto strange here, will pour in by the ship load—and of course, with the increased capacity of production which will be inevitably induced by free labor, and by the wholesale introduction of labor-saving machinery, there wiil come such an increased demand for foreign products as will keep all ships and boats running to this port, full to their utmost capacity. THE'COURTS. PROVOST COURT—DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, LIEUT. IIBKN FAR9ONB, JR., FRESIDING. Savannah, June 23, 1865. AFTERNOON SESSION*. J. F. Cann vs. J. Sturdivant, Mr. Beard Trustee. Ordered that the monies and prop erty in Trustee's hands, are to be held by him, subject to determination of suit now’ pending. 11. Crawford vs. Wm. F. Ladson. Recov ery of money loaned. Settled. John M. Cooney vs. Walter O’Meara. Bill in Equity to dissolve Copartnership and settle accounts. Case continued till Monday, to allow defendant to file answer. Ordered that John Smith collect all the revenue of the concern, and daily, pay the same into Court, subject to determination of suit. T. E. Loyd and W. S. Chisholm for defendant. June 24th, 1865. Stephen Bracil, having been sentenced to imprisonment in the common Jail for twenty day 3, for contempt of Court. Ordered: That he be relieved from said sentence, upon the payment of twenty (S2O) dollars. Caroline Cooper vs. Anna -Tones, (colored) Claim for rent. SB. Judgment for Rlaintiff. Mrs. A. C. Morrell vs. Hugh Lacey. Claim for rent, $03.75c. Judgment for Plaintiff for $G8.70c., and 10 days given for payment of said amount. Mrs. A. E. Morrell vs. Robfcrt Taylor. Claim for rent, S4C. Judgment for Plaintiff $28.50c., and 10 days given for payment of said amount. Several other cases were called, but, in consequence of non-appearance of parties, were postponed until next week. PROVOST COURT—CITT OF SAVANNAH, LIF.iiT. HANSON C. GIBSON, JUDGE, PRESIDING. . Savannah, June 2ith, 18G5. United States vs. Frank Adams (colored) — charged with assault aud battery on a negro child ; pica qot guilty; verdict guilty. Or dered that the defendant be fined ten dollars, aud be placed in confinement until such fine is paid, provided it does not exceed ten days. Counsel lor the United States Hon. Philip M. Russell. United States vs. George Branch (colored) —charged with having a horse in his posses sion, the property of Patrick McCosker; plea not guilty. Case dismissed for want of evidence. Prosecutor for the United States, Patrick McCosker. United States vs. Aaron Libb—charged with having a horse In his possession, the property of Patrick McCosker; plea, not guilty; verdict, guilty. Ordered that the defendant be placed in confinement thirty days. United States vs. Adeline (colored) —charg- ed assault and battery on Caroline Gardner. Plea, not guilty; verdict, guilty. ynited States vs. Hugh Saxton—charged with having in his possession stolen goods, the property of E. Zacharias and M r Philips; plea not guilty, verdict not guilty. Prosecu tor lor the U. S. John R. Hover, of the U. S. Police. Counsel for defendant. Hon Philip M. Russell, and F. W. Johnson. United States vs. Isabella Maxwell—theft of clothes, the property of Dr. King. Plea, guilty, verdict guilty. Ordered that the prisoner be placed in confinement twenty a n d- ' : An Order. —An important Gen eral Order from General Gillmorp, appears to-day. The State of South Carolina is de vided into four Military Districts, -the limits of which are designated iu'tlie Order published elsewhere. —— . I . ‘I —The military cemetery at Port Royal contains the remains of about eighteen thous and Union soldiers. The Savannah National Bank.—We call the attention of our readers' to & new adver tisement in our columns of anew National Bank already organized and established. We understand capital has already been sub scribed to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and subscriptions are increasing daily'. A Banking House opening under such favorable auspices we think will be a success, and a public convenience. Air. Jacob Spivey, the Cashier, is a native of North Carolina, but has been for many years past, in the banking business iu Mem phis, Tennessee, where he was very success ful and popular. The Directors of this Bank arc well known to the people of Savannah, as possessing the means and ability to make this new public enterprise successful in every 7 particular. A legitimate Bank is a great public ac commodation.. The facilities offered to the business man who makes deposits, gets loans, or discounts, are matters of great public in terest. To merchants or traders coming from abroad, banking facilities are a great consid eration. For they first want to know before engaging in business, what are the chances of exchange? When satisfied that they are di rect and responsible, they engage in busi ness. Indirect sources of exchange are al ways detrimental to the growth and pros perity of any city or portion of the country. AV e have, up to the present time, labored un der the unavoidable difficulties of haring no places of deposit, no loans or discounts to get on good collateral. We think now we have a public relief of those financial obstacles, and trust that this new public enterprise will meet with much success. The Sea Island Hotel. —The new house of this name at Hilton Head is now comple ted, furnished and ready for the reception of visitors. It is a first class establishment, and it will fill a place that has long been empty in that town. There has never been sufficient Hotel ac commodation at the Head, as hundreds can testify who have had lo endure the discom forts of overcrowding, when the Port Royal Harbor was the only refuge for the weary traveler. There is ample business for. two first class hotels at this busy little port, and we risk nothing in prophesying that both the large houses there will do all the busi ness admitted of by their several capacities. The “Sea island House,” which is the new candidate for public patronage is owned by - Messrs. Buckley & Bancroft of Boston, and is to lie managed by Stetson, of New York. A more popular or potent name than the latter can never be connected with a Hotel enterprise. Another Steameo at Disaster Threaten ed—Steamer Jeff. Davis.—On the trip down to Bftvanauli, the vrood-woik near the smoke stack of the above named steamer wa9 discovered smoking. The discovery was seasonably made by Mr. L. D. Waddell who, by the prompt application of a few buckets, prevented the danger of fire, and probably was the tnstiument of saving two hundred and fifty bales of Government cotton, and the steamer Jeff. Davis. The Jeff. Davis is using coal for fuel, and the intense heat lias caused the wood-work to be charred about the funnel. PARTICULARS OF THE LOSS OF THE LEESBURG. [From the Constitutionalist,] Loss of the Steamer Leesbcro- —The above named steamboat left her wharf of on Tuesday last, at 12 noon, with a consid erable number of passengers, including some officers and men of the 131st regiment N. Y. Vols., with the regimental baggage. She had also iu tow two barges, heavily ladeu with cotton and homespuns. When about three or four miles below the city, one of the barges sunk, her cargo being moved on the other barge. Teh of twelve miles further down the river, the steamer's tiller ropes broke, when the captain attempted to take her down with steam alone. In a little while after, not having full control of her, she ran agaluat a snag, which caused her to sink in twenty feet of water. She now lies broad side to the river, which renders it Impossible for any vessel to go up or down. She is supposed to rest on a huge log, as the depth es the river all round is no less than thirty feet. No lives were lost; most of the cargo was saved- The disaster occurred near Eagle Point, about twenty miles by land, be low the city. Since writing the above, we learn that the 4eff. Pavis has passed the wreck, and was Just below the city. (Flora tho Augusta Ga;ette.) The following note details briefly the sad accident that happened to the steamer Lees burg, which left this city Tuesday morning : Transport Leesburg, ) June 26, 10 o’clock, P. M. > Mr. Editor .-—The Leesburg snagged and sunk at Talimico Lauding, about half past six o’clock this evenng. The tiller rope broke, and the boat becoming unmanageable, swung around aqd snagged 1q the aterp Five persons reported missing—all soldiers. The ladies, children and all the crew were saved. The mails were also saved. Her freight consisted principallv of soldiers baggage. Wu. it Pritchard. Chief Engineer- aluabi.l Captures of Documents. —VV e learn that the orders, correspondence, aad private baggage, etc., of the rebeL Gen. G. T. Beauregard, together with about eigh teen boxes of rebel scrip, taken within the interior, are now in the hands of the Provost Marshal General of this Department, and will bo forwarded to Washington by the next steamer. — Port Royal Niir South. —A French journal “confirms” the story of another journal that a canal has been choked by a tremendous hail storm, the hailstones having accumulated and formed a mass of ice of the size of 40,000 cubic yaids. Six hundred workmen are vainly endeavoring to break up the ice with their pickaxes. Tough John Mitchell’s Wn.-Oor late dates from New York inform us that this individu! al has been arrested and sent to Fortress Monroe, there to be kept until his time shall come for. a trial for the crime of treason against his adopted country. This man is probably the one only Irishman in America who has succeeded in earning the contempt ol an h l3 countrymen both South and North There is not an Irishman but despises him and of Cburse every American also simply detests him, Os late he has been in New \ ork editing the Daily News for Ben Wood —now both of'Ythefn are very properly in irons. Both will probably be hanged. The 9th Connecticut.— This fevorite regi ment will probably remain at Hilton Head as a permanent garrison. The Company which has been on Dawfuskie Island was on Saturday removed to Hilton Head, so that the four companies are now together. To Provision Dealers— The attention of provision dealers ia called to the advertise ment ofCapt. H. A. Darling, Post Commis sary in'another column. A large amount of beef is wanted weekly. Cotton Trucks— Air. David Miller ad vertises for Cotton Trucks. See his an nouncement id our advertising columns. METEOROLOGICAL. [PRKr.vETD FCa THE SAVANNAH UE3ALD.J Record of Thermometer for seven days ending June 24, 18G5, kept at Savannah, Ga; »“• r S M - T £ M - ”£■* 19 80 ST 64 62 20 82 $6 84 82 f& 21 «5 78 77 77 x fog 22 - 73 31 60 77 79 8- § g g g eauhlotu 79 82 80 79 AV for w^ k - miniature almanac-.this week 2C I M... SUn 4 TTf BTWW M atCT * is IW I * * 12 I nil W 0 I0 3(i I\\ ... 454 7 11 i 10 44 11 1? 29!Th.. 454 7 II Hl6 H 59 30 |Fr .. 454 | T 11 I 11 43 0 2 1 Sa.. 455 I 7 Hi morn 048 2IS ... 455 1 7 11 , Q 22 jf 39 A Relief. You are troubled with .1 bad breath: It annoys TO ar friends and acquaintances, as well as yourself. You would like to get rid of it, but scarcely know what means to adopt. Wc will tell you. Use the Fragrant Sozcpont I It will cleanse and beautify your teeth, and leave your breath pure and sweet. Sold by Druggists. Ju26-eodlw Old Eyea Made New WITHOUT SPECTACLES, DOCTOR OR MEDICINE Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. D., No. 1130 Broadway, ’ ||rribals. SEA ISLAND HOTEL, CHILTON HEAD,) JUNE 22. Brev Brig Gen Tilghman. IG T Chapman. N* Y, Philadelphia, IS L Bums, St Marys, Ga, Cant J Montgomery, Sav>, iMlsa Green, Savannah, 8 KoS&TnT™. "MU vScSSfti V." * V‘uS' to ' “ OJ " 4 4 Maj Covacks, 54th NYYolsj •TUNE 24. M Benedict, Savannah. IJ M Fadden, U S Machine RSE Jewett, Minn, Shop, C Jewett, Jr, do C GriiHu, do, C R Fisk, Savannah, !S Leslie- do, Dr A Bache, St Augustine, jW (» Bowen, Philadelphia, J A Mlllett, St Helena, Lt E Cbapen, Savannah, L B Perry, AAG, Ch’ltston J R Seal, ladv A child, H H G YV Read, Beaufort, G Fanner. Hilton Head, C F Smith, H Head, |W A Parker, do PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [HILTON HEAD,] JUNE 22. Major S Owncks, Orange- A H Abrahams, Savannah, burg, SC, P McAndle, st Helena, R T Coverdale, Capt & A T F Col lens, New York, Q M. C Jones, do, H Morse, Savannah, Ga, C Waters, da. Mrs Helpen & child, do, T Grant, St Bdeno, A N St leaner, do, a McLane, ro, W C Moirell, Fernandlnu, R Kilpatrick, Lt A G Kimball, Augusta, Lt A McGougaL b-vannab, H W Wright, do, JII Hornes. do TAtkeus. St Helena, WGlynn,UBN, P O’Bryen, do, |J Force, St Helena, JUNE 23, A C Shaffer, Charleston, jC J Savage, NC, WW V Hayard. do, IF Mihner. Hilton Head, J Bowen, do, T Maurice, do O McDonnell, do. , J Foxe do A Smith & wife, do, |J Williams, do Lt V II Sweeting, 75th NY 'G W Smith, do Vols, 1C C Butler, do SB Teel, do, IR Ilawklns, do F Parker, do, JLt G Hopper. Savannah, Serzt W H Clarence, do, E Bartlett, MD, , L Millett, H Head, L R Bardweil, A A Surg U P H CHrey, Charleston, S A, M O’Brven, St Helena, Mrs B F King, Savannah, A J Salsbnry, Lt & A A G, MaJ Donalson, 125th USCT A Fels, N C, PORT OF SAVANNAH, JUNE 84. Arrived. Burne - Hliton Head; Steamer Achilles, C.ifford, do.; steamer U S Grant, Briggs, do. Cleared Steam*.- Emllle; Bender, Hilton Head. Jnrr 23. Arrived. . Ship Caravan, LawUr, Hilton Head; steamer Jeff OavljL, Henry, Augusta; steamer Kmllie, Bender, Hil ton Head. . Cleared, H . * Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head: steamer Achilles, Clifford, do.; steamer Canonlcus, Borne, do. PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Arrived. * June 19—Schr Cherub, Bath. June 20—Bark Mary Stetson, New York; brig Leon ard Myers, Philadelphia; barkentlne O E Multby, do.; srhr Exchange, Boston; steamship Fulton, New l ork; brig Mary Cobb, do,; schr Hampdew Belle, do.; brig Titania, Philadelphia; bark Pawnee, do.; scar Joseph “Wallen, Elizabeth Port. Jnne 22.—Bara Idda Kimball, Philadelphia; ship Caravan, do.; schr Adrianro, N York; brig Fanny, Philadelphia: schr Enchantress. Elizabeth Port. Cleared. Jnne 20—British schr Arrow, St Martins, via New York. June 22—Brig Manzoni, Philadelphia ; schr Fleet wood, New York; bark G W Horton, Philadelphia; schr Traid Wind, Savannah; schr Wilton, JackaonvlUe. . Jun? 2A—Schr Elizabeth IK- Hart, Boston .J_ . - II - -IT- JpRWIN & HARDEE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION JtfERCHANT9, BAT milt, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Rouxut Erwin, Cats. S. 'P £ ' ,TlTT mayßl-eofi2m