Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 30, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daijy Herald. 8. W. Mas.»- & C 0.,..? Proprietors. Samvel W. Maws, Ekitob. .SAVANNAH. FRIDAY, JUNE 30. ISCS. THE CHANGE OF COMMANDERS. It will be seen by the Orders published elsewhere, that Gsn. Woodford has been re lieved as Commandant of this post, and that Brevet Brig. Gen. Edwin P Davis is his suc cessor. Gen. Woodford was relieved in or der to resume his former position as Chief of Staff of the Department of the South He has, duriug his somewhat brief stay in Savannah, won the respect of all cir cles. military and civil, for efficiency and de cision,and has left the impress of his policy on the. Public School svst m and in varioi’S o her matters in the administration of mili tary rule iu this city. •Gen. Davis enters upon the discharge of the duties of his office with the city in an orderly and prosperous condition, and briugs to the work an auspicious reputation for en ergy and administrative ability. Capt. John Mullen, 12th Connecticut lu fantry, is announced as Adjutaut General of the Post. For Acgcsta.—The United States steamer Augusta will leave for Augusta this fore noon, at 11 o'clock. Personal.— Oapt. Edward G. Dike, late Ad jutant General of the Post, weut North a3 a passenger on the Chase yesterday, on leavs of absence. Colored Schools to Open Next Monday. —A notice from Major W. C- Manning, Mil itary Superintendent of Public Schools, ap pears in another column, announcing that the three colored schools, established by Gen. TVoodford, will open ou Monday next. Tbe Bounties op Soldiers Discharged Before the Expiration of their Term of Service. —We give in another column aniin poitant Department Order, containing an opinion by Attorney General Speed on the above subject. Savannah Theatre. —The Theatre is to be re opened this evening by Mr. W. P. Sweat - nam with the excellent company which has recently been filling Swcatnam's Varieties to suffocation. From preseut indications, we have-no fear that Man iger Sweatnain will be a loser by his enterprising liberality. From Macon. —'through the courtesy of Mr. Charles A. Hall, of Macon, we have re ceived full files of late papers from that sec tion, but the crowded state of our columns this doming obliges us to defer extracts un til the evening edition. For New Yoks.— The U. S. Mail Pioneer Liue Steamship Chase, Capt. M. L. Rodgers, with U. 8. Mail passengers and a heavy freight, was cleared by Messrs. Hunter & Gammell yesterday afternoon. The first shipment of cot'on by cargo on private ac count was that by the Chase, consisting of nearly a hundred bales of Upland and Sea Island. f'ROM Augusta.—' Yesterday afternoon the steamer StandUb, Capt. Moore, arrived from Augusta, haviug ou board 144 bales of up land cotton. Capt. Moore reports the river in good boating order. The following pas sengers came down on the Standish: Mr. Charles A. Hall, of Macon, Capt, T. Shafer, Capt. M Wilson, Capt. J. W. Carr, Lieut. Charles Hawley, L. S. Grnuls and Assistant Surgeou Wm. Dauiells, 28th lowa Volun teers, in charge of 45 convalescent soldiers. Personal. —Maj, Gen. Kilpatrick, of the U. S Cavalry, arrived yesterday from Hilton Head, by the steamer Resolute. He is at the house of a friend in the city. Brig. Geu. Fessenden aud Staff, arrived yesterday by the U. S Transport Northern Light, from Alexandria, Va. They are stop ping at tbe Pulaski Hoffco. Gen. Fessenden is accompanied by the following members of his Staff; Lt. C. B. Hall, A. A. A. G. Lt. F. H. Coffin, A. A Q. M. Capt. D. B. Miller, A. C. 9. Capt. H C. Conrady, Provost Marshal. Lt. F. E. Dwinal, A. D. C. Patino off the Troops.— On Wednesday Maj. Wilson, Paymaster, paid off the 158d New York Volunteers, and yesterday the 12th Conn. Maj. Brigden, Paymaster, on Wednesday paid off the 26th Massachusetts; yesterday the 30th Maine. The amount bnrsed among the troops, was near 9200- OQO. Tbe troops are a portion of Dwight’s Division, 19th A. C. The paying off will continue from day to day until the whole Division is paid. Major Wilson will next week leave Savannah for Georgetown, S. C., to pay off Beales’ Brigade. The whole fund to be disbursed in Savannah, will be about $500,000. The Adam’s Express Co.’s office was thronged yesterday with soldiers sending their money packages home. While a great part of the money paid to the troops will “ g ,° “ tliat direction * another large portion will be set afloat in this city, and will W m \ C r h twards matters here. iJv J f M „ Flemiu K’ Paymaster, will ? Cad this mornia g to obtain funds with which to pay off the troops sta tioMd onthe coastat Doctortown, Darien, *nd otiitr poiata. . FROM FLORIDA. The steamer Jonesbury arrived at four o'clock yesterday morning, from Jackson ville, Fernandina and St. Augustine, with a large number of passengers, mostly residents of the interior of the State, who are on their way North, having availed themselves of the first opportunity in four years time. (Special Correspond-, no; U the Savannah Herald.) Jacksonville, June 27. At present matters at this place may be termed decidedly mixed. Orders published unoffieislly in the New York papers, say we are in the Department of the Gnlf. Gen. Newton arrived at Tallahassee some days ago and assumed command of the Distiict of Florida. Gen. Vogdes has considered him seif as being in command of the District, and having received no official not'ce that Flori da had been ma le part cf tbe Department of the Gulf hardly knew how to act. News paper accounts also place Florida under command of General Thomas and Meade re spectively. When mails can be sent here oftener than once in ten days', we may be able to discover tbe truth among the many and conflicting reports. a disappointed regiment. The 17th Regiment Connecticut Volun teers, the only white volunteer regiment in this District, were ordered to be sent North for the purpose of being mustered out.— Owing toils being scattered in various parts of the State, it was impossible to collect the different detachments together for some days. In the meantime the assumption of the command hy Gen. Newton placing it out of tbe power of Gen. Vodges to send them out of the District. File feelings of the regi ment can better be imagined than described. COMMUNICATION WITH SAVANNAH. One great source of annoyance to the peo ple here is the vmcerfainty and irregularity of communication with the North. They are still compelled to depend on transports from Hilton Head. These come and go so irregularly as to render it impossible for trav ellers to make any calculations iu their move ments. Then the transports are seldom pro vided with accomodations for passengers, thus rendering travel to and fro an intolerable nuisance. The people are anxiously looking for the first of a line of steamers to ply be tween here and Savannah. The large amount of travel would make such a line a paying one. A MILITARY EXAMINING BOARD, of which Gen. Scammon is President, has been visiting the different posts in the dis trict, for the purpose of examining officers who wish to remain in the army* THE INTERIOR. * [Special Correspondence of the Savannah Herald. ] Tallahassee, Fla., June 17. Brevet Brig. Gen. Tilghraan resigned and went home last week. The ability of that officer saved much trouble between the peo ple and the freed negroes in this section. He was succeeded in the command by BRIG. GEN. NEWTON, who arrived here Saturday and has assumed command of the district. It is thought that this place will be made headquarters for the district, instead of Jacksonville, It being in quicker com municatiou with department headquarters, which, it seems, is now Nsw Orleans instead of Hilton Head, THE RAILROAD GAP, Between Baldwin and Jacksonville, still pla ces us, in a great measure, out of the world. Its completion is anxiously looked for. ARREST OF 00V. ALLISON. Hon. A. K Allison, who has, by virtue of bis being President of tbe State Senate, been acting Governor sfnee tbe deaili of Gov. Mil ton, was arrested at bis residence in Quincy on Saturday, and sent to Jacksonville. He and Ex-Senator Yulee, are to be sent to Fort Pulaski to await further orders. Arrival of Troops. —The United States transport Northern Light, Capt. Weir, from Alexandria, Va., ou the 34th, arrived yester day at Veuus’ Point, nine miles below the city. Brig. Geu. J. D. Fessenden and staff, with the 90th New York Volunteers; Lieut. Col. Sheiman aud 173d New York Volun teers ; Lieut. Col. Holbroke, 162d New York Volunteers; Lieut. Col. Blanchard, IGOth New York ; and Lieut. Col. Underhill, ar rived by tbe Northern Light. The tug Starlight, Capt. Bliss, was de spatched down the river, and brought to the city Geu. Fessenden and staff. Later la the day the steamer Resolute, Captain Cannon, brought up the 90th New York and 173d New York. The 90th New York are attach ed to the Ist Brigade, 3d Division, 19th Army Corps. The other troops belong to the 3d Brigade, Ist Divikiou, 19th ; Army Corps, un der the command of Major Gen. Dwight.— The remainder of the troops are expected to arrive this mortffug. A Great Family Literary Paper.—We desire to call the attention ot our readers to the advertisement of the “ New York Weekly,” which will be found elsewhere The paper named is, beyond question, one of the very best papeis published. Its matter is entirely original, and consists of first-class Stories, Sketches, Poems, and varied depart ments ; and while the stories selected for publication are invariably exciting and deep ly interesting, they are at the same time free from that unhealthy excitement which gene rally marks the newspaper literature of the day, and full of sound morality. It will be seen by the advertisement that two naw serials are just commenced, entitled, “Owen, the Convict; or, The Heart’s Devotion,” and £.Cuban Heiress; or, Old Hepsibah’s To J****e. BY Nin.. Oh, listen, bright one, while I tell A sorrow that my heart befell, A sorrow that no balm can cure, Except one curl of those she wore. Twas od the street that I first met A form and face I’ll ne’er forget— A form whose beauty I adore. Because those charming curls she wore Her mien so full of winning grace, Tfae varied changes of her face— All with their charms my bosom tore, Backed by raven curls she wore. How radiant was that lovely brow; My throbbing heart can see it now— And seeing, vainiy pants to soar ■ To those luxuriant curls she wore. The sparkling lustre of her eye. I would not if I could, deny; But eyes and all must pale before The rich dark curls the lady wore. Pray do net think I rant and rave; Those curls leave me J"”*’* slave. For earth and heaven I might explore, And find no curls like those she wore. Form, face and eye may grace impart. But what are these without a heart ? May she prove ker '$ when I implore One single curl from those she wore. Hrribals. PULASKI HOUSE, JUNE 29. C W Seidell, NY IJ P Bourse, lady, 2 T C Liortic, Augusta chll ren and servt W A Fleming Georgia W A Byaut, J M Bryant, NY |Mr Mandril, C'ua# 'fobers, N Y IMr Burton, Maj Gen Gillmore, H Head Mr Bostlcke, LtCol B W Thompson, eo \ H Childs, Athena Maj Gray, do Mrs Murry, Maj Ucurraud, do J B McKittucfc, ' apt Bragg, eo 0 D Smith. Florida L Talcoti, do Theo Hartridge, Florida U W Ingalls Band Master, M F Ware and wife, Hilton Head Chag Smith, D D Whitlock, Augusta J G Scott. N Y Brig Uen Jl) Fessenden 0 E Dood add lady, Acguita nud lady, USA Mrs John Schreiver do H E Smith. Darien G i Mr Perkins, 2 children L l UKeife, Colas;bus and nurse, Augus a N H Hodgkins. Macon John H Feny, do F H Gilbert, US Tr Dept, J Darby, Auburn, Ala „ acksonviiie, Fla C B Hall, AA A G 3rd Miss Gilbert, Krig Dright's Div Mrs Gibson, Mrs Rutgers A serv, Fla G I Carpenter, Str Nevada A Hichardson, N Y Capt D B .Viller and wife, W Rowe. City 4d Brig Dwight’s Div H Burns Augusta Capt H Howard, do A P Huxford, F E Dwiuetl, do Col 8 W Peck, 173 N Y V Lt F H Ciiifin, do p F Beardsley do l Reynolds, Nevada U Mayherr, do SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) JUNE 27- W Goman, Charleston VV J Jenkins, Greenville, O H Iloppock, do Lt J H Swtr.fager, 28 CSCT JO eae,, do Lt A Gardner do E T Paine, do D G Summerfield, Beaufort A Mrnity, do H G Kendel, do S Cahill, New York A Holt, Savennah JUNE 28. 00l B B Eggleston, I 0 V 1C L Gidlbanny, Nrw York A M Brard, do .j h Colgate, do A P nunnelly, Savannah *Lt C W Wobott, 75 Bat NY F Braningar. do ! B Ettelsun, Sutler, do D Benedic t. Beaufort T Cadmas, do C K Hetfield, do WU Allen, 3 Carolina Lt O V Eddy, 82 U 8 C T G A Wardlans. do F S Capln, Rochester | A Dourghty, Hilton Head PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [HILTON HEAD,] JUNE 27. M McKing, Charleston iTHiupborger, Beaufort J Levy, do W Saligrer, do . G. A Smith, U 8 N S W Wiswell, Maj 14 Me V MrsJM 0 Connor, Columbia A T Gray. Savannah Hvv Rosebrook, Florida [Miss E Thompson, Sav JUWE 88. A A Hetseh, Charleston |M Foley and lady, Savannah H Tracy, do CR Maxweli, do EM Vv bite, 18 Ind Voi* IE Mcßrigb, do W M Alexander, dc Mr Kosehrook, do E Saudford Beaufort s MWollocer, do J Flannery, Savannah • I J|hippino Arrived. June 26—British *chr Fley, Key W«st. June xß—Sclir Julia A Crawford, New York. Steamers Btandlnh, Mpore, Augusta, with 146 bale* cot ton, to O Cohen and J J O’FaUau; Resolute, Cannon. Hll ton Head; W W Colt, Little, do. Arrived at Venus Point U States Tranapcrt, Northern Light, Meir. Alexandria. Va, ivith Brig Geu Fessenden and Staff 9i th. New York Vols, aud 17yd New York Vola: Graves flat boat, from Augusta, wi-u 360 bales coiton U 8 Transport, Fairbanks, Hunter, Alexandria, Va, with troops, etc. Cleared, o une 27—Schr Julia, Savannah. .luce a*—brigs Leonard Myers Savannah, Titanoa, do; KM Heslec, Charleston; schrs Hattio linker, do; HM He.ien. Charl-stou. U S Pioneer Line Steamship Chase, Rodgers, N York, Hunter & Gammell. KXPOKI3—424 bales Upland cotton, 22 do Sealsland do, 3 d.i domestics 26 bids iron, CO empty barrels, 2 packages merchandize, and a lot of wator melons. Pa 9ENQERS—VV W Montgomery. H H Stotesbury, II F Dalton, J - Kobers, W B Griffin. J K Muuger, A L Hartridge L C Tebenu, lJ W Williams. W H la-tler, Capt K U Dike, A A G, Thos Holcombe. W B Cr..s y, Mrs Bra dy and child, Mrs Jackson, FJacksou. Mrs J BCam mmg, 2 children aud mirse. S 3 Wing, Mrs S s Roasiter, S H Holbrook, Alex P.tu!. P \essl91 1 ‘aud wifa. James Jackson, Chas White, H C Williams, Chan Wilson, Mrs C Brier and 3 children, C Brier F L Jackson, H D Lowell Steamers Kinilte. Bender, Hilton Head; W W Colt, Lit do; Cououicus, Bourne, St Simons Sound; steamship Ste phen Cloud, Nickerson, New York; U S Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan, Crowel, Hilton Head; schr Oeida, Haynes. Charleston. HEADQ’RS POST OF SAVANNAH, _ „ Savawnab, CU., June 29,1865, Geresal Obdsm,! ’ No. 1. | Pursuant to orders from Headquarters Department of the South, the underfligued hereby assumed coni-' maud of the Post of Savannah. AH orders heretofore l.sued will remain in forcteun til further orders. EDWIN P. DAVIS, J u3 ° Brevet Brig Gen. U. 8. Vols. HEADQ’RS DEPT OK THE SOUTH, HiLTort Heao, 8. C., June 27,1865, Gxrxral Osdebs, I No. 103. / L The troops that may at any time be serving with in a Military District, by proper assignment, will con sUlute a Separate Brigade, under the exclusive orders of the District Commander and authority superior to him. 11. The troops in the District of Charleston are de signated as the First Separate Brigade i those In the District of Port Royal are designated as the Second Separate Brigade; tho.e in the District of Eastern South Carolina as the Third Separate Brigade- and th se in the District of Western South Carolina as the Fourth Separate Brigade. 111. The troops iu the District of Southern Georgia are designated as the Fifth Separate Brigade; those in the District of Savann h as the Sixth Separate Bri gade ; aud those in the District of Northern Georgia as the Seventh Separate Brigade. IV. The troops in the District of Florid* are desig nated as the Eighth Separate Brigade. By Command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. , W. L. M. iit isoLB, Assistant Adjutant General. HEADERS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH,7 Savajciab, Ua„ June n4, 1865. / Gshe&al Obdeb, > No. 46. j Lieut. Ely ah Swift, 88th Mass. Vols, at his own re quest is relieved from the duties and responsibilities incident to the charge of the civil fund of this District Lieut. Moms M. Davidson, 176th New York Vols ’ will re.ieve Lieut. 3 wilt and take charge of the civil fund at once, receipting to Lieut. Swift Oierefor ° U .By command of Brevet Major Gen. BIKQE. jiiV ‘7' axu ' BW ’ and A. A. A. G. A Relief. Y °u are troubled with « bad breath; it annoys your friends and acquaintances, as well as yourself. You would like to get rid of it, but scarcely know what means to adopt. We will tell you. Use the Fragrant Sczodontl It will cleanse and beautify *your Teeth, and leave your breath pure and sweet. § eto frbcrfisemtnfs. OAK LODGE, NO, I, O. O. F. The Regular semi-annual Meeting of this Lodge will be held This Evening, at 8 o’clock, at the Lodge Room, south-west corner of Bull and Broughton streets. Members of the Lodge are reminded that this Is the evening for electing officers for *he ensuing term, and are earnestly requested to come prepared to pay their dues. During the evening an address will be delivered by P. G. Emanuel Giesy, oa the benefits of Odd Fellow ship. Members of the order of sister Lodges in the city, and of the fraternity generally are invited to at tend. By order J- HOLBROOK E3TILL, N. G. D. H. Secretary. j u3o CTAR LINE, FOR NEW YORK. The new first class Steamship NEVADA, Capt. Car penter, will positively 3xll for the above port on SATURDAY, JULY Ist, At 2 o’clock precisely. _ For Freight or Passage ap ply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO., a3O Agents. 'RANTED TO RENT. A HOUSE WANTED IN SOME PLEASANT LOCALITY Apply to W. H. SHERWOOD, JnSO 3 cor. Whitaker and Broughton sta. QLAM9I CLAMS I I have the best Clems at Hilton Head, and the best Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the fol lowing testimony from Mr. Beni. Honey's advertise ment In the Savannah Daily Mould, of the last or two: “There is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams in every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, m rear of the Post Office. “There is Wh£bk the Lakhs Comes In." one y and ° ar B<5U W ° WiSll y ° U a lone llfe Bnd a m |py In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at Hilton Head, orffiLy other place in this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will find to be correct. J Do nottorgetourold established house, In the roar 01 l\*t Office. . PETER FITZGERALD, Propaietor- JOHN MoMAHON. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE Strict attention given to all Consignments. CoiN£B BjOCtiHTON AND JeFF£K£ON StBISSS. J u3 ° Im JjWERYBODY SHOULD READ IT I —Wt M£A» TBS NEW YORK WEEKLY, How Ready, Containing Two CHARMING, EXCITING. STARTLING, THRILLING ROMANCES! TBE FIRST, 3it TXT LSD OWEN THE CONVICT; O3, THE HEART’S DEVOTIONI Is Perhaxs the Greatest Rost anoe oe Modebn Torts, not excepting the most popular of Dumas' works. It is the story of a youth pushed Into crime by tbe force of circumstances, and of a pure, devoted, whole-soul ed worn *n, who refused to believe In hie guilt, and nobly stood by him to the last While it bus all the touching pat hos of the "TickeUof Leave Man; “ it at the same time is brimful of the most extraordinary and soul-stirring adventures by laud and sea. The hero gets out of one difficulty into another with a ra pidity which is wonderful, and which shows the most unexampled Ingenuity ou the part of the highfy glited author, who holds his readers as if spell-bound irom the opening to the close. Old romancers who have read the manuscript—men who have been fu mtllar with story-reading and story-writing through out their lives, huve been so entranced with this truly wonderful story that they have found it impossible to lay it down till they have read to the very last line. The Next Story w Entitled, THE CUBAN HEIRESS; OE,— GLD. HEPSIBAH’S SECRET! This is from the pen of our highly-gifted contributor “* ‘ MBS. MARY KYLE DALLAS, and Is, beyond question, the finest thing she has thus far written. It Is fall of love aud mysie y, aud pos sesses a charm whir h cannot fail to fascinate all who may read It. OIR TERMS. The N. Y. Weekly Is sold by all News Agents in the U. S. The price is Six Ceuta, but where Agents have to pay extra freight a higher- price is charged. When there is a News Agent in the town, we desire our friends to get the N. Y, Weekly through him. When sent by mail, single copies. $3 per annum ; four copies $lO ; eight copies, S2O. The party who send us S2O for a club (of eight copies, all sent at one time,) will be entitled to a copy free. Postmasters and others who get up clubs, in their respective towns, can after wards get single copies at $2 so. Canada subset .tiers must send twenty cents in addition to the subscription to pay tbe American postage. jußo-3 TO CONSIGNEES Consignees per steamer Nevada are hereby notified to receive then- goods now lauding at the Upper Hy diaulic Press Wharf. . Freight payable on the wharf before the delivery of goods. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., •i" 3O AgentA. HEADQ-R3 POST OF SAVANNAH, _ _ SavanmaO, Ga., June 29, 18C& GEfSBAi Ordbb,) Nq 46. / Th« undersigned having been relieved from duty at the Post of Savannah and ordered to report at Depart* ment Headquarters as Chief of Staff to the Major General Commanding, hereby relinquishes the com mand of the Post to Brevet Brig. Gen. S. T. Davis, U, 8. Vols. STfiWAHT L. WOODFORD, JaSO Bn, Brig. Gen, U. SL VolA gCHOOL NOTICE. era^Oid^N^ 01 ®^^*^ 1 ® estnbhshed under Gen of Savannah, will ope Ton MONDA ?‘? d , qa^ t - rs Po « o clock a. m.. as 'oifo we- July -d. at nine tag. Gordon street?' 0 in the *&hoo! Build Gordon*street. °°* *’ lnthe School Building Primary School No. 3 Mr. Campbell's Church, FrantoHn? ment of the ®*v. •Appliesion for the admis-jon of chm? not attended the School monthly heM Udren who hsTe U.J* and MilIU,, S w ,KdK?ssSi» o |,. anted ;- MULES OR DRAFT HORSES AND WAGONS WANTED, ENGINEER’S OFFICE. A A G P R > Savannah, June 29, 1865. / Persons having Mules or Draft Horses and Wagons for sale or hire will piease call at this office. J. T. STONE, „ „ , _ Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard’s Building, up-stairs, opposite the PostOffp* Ju3o Q S. BUNDY, general agent * AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS No. 247 F Sum ei, Betwixh 13th and 14m Sraatr*,' (Near Pay Department,) WASHINGTON, D C Ju3o ' ts QORN AND OATS. 5,000 bushels Corn, 5,000 bushels Oats, Hay. Butter, Cheese, Lard, &a For sale by . John McMahon. -j ll3o ’ B and Jefferson sts. HEADQ’KS DEFT OF TIIE S UTfL ) Gliteral OrdersT™ “*** C " June 86 ’ f No. 101. f r n ß e f° , i owl ? g - 6e^? r i* ! ° rder from War Depart ooiumand* 1^7 P ubUslled for the information of this WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant Genebal's Office, General Onuses,) W “htogton, June lu, 1865. No. 111. / The annexed opinions of the Attorney General, rel t°t,J'?.ttmoantß of bounty payable to certain sol dlerSy and the proper construction of Section 4 of the Army Appropriation Act of March 3, iSoS, (General Orders, No. 41, Adjutant General’s Office, March 21, 1866,) concerning the allowance of “three months’ pay proper,•• to certain volunteer officers, continuing In the remce to the clo-e of the war." are pnb lsaed for the information and guidance of ail concerned,— ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFc’ICE Hon. Edwct M. Stanx* v, May 1365 ' Secretary of War; have considered the several questions pre sented by the Paymaster General and the Adjutant General i.f the Armv In their respective communica tions of May 3 and May 4, Instant, relative to the amounts of bounty payable to the -old!era of certain military organizations now being mustered out of ,-er vice and also the point, suggested in those communt catlens, relative to the proper construction of the 4 h of the Army Appropriation Act of March 8, lob6 t CI3. Stat, 497,) concerning the allowance of extra pay, fas it may be calied.j to certain volunteer officers continuing in the service “to the dote of the war.” Ihe first question is, whether veterans wlore-en listed, and persons who enlisred in the regular or vol unteer forces of the United States, for three years or daring the war, under the regulations aud orders re ferred to in the communication of the Paymaster Gen. eral, issued by the Secretary of War, and by the Pro vost Marshal General with the approval a the Secre tary, and who may be honorably mustered out ot the service, by reason of the Government no longer re quiring their services, oefore the expiration of their terra or enlistment, are respectively entitled, on being so mustered out, to the unpaid balances of the boun • ties promised to them by the orders under which they wera enlisted 1 respectively January 13,1864, and March 3,18 W. which give the force and effect of law to the regulation* and orders of the War Department, Juet referred to, pro viding lor the payment of bounties to the clause* of soldiers above named. These regulation* aud orders, in terms, promise and declare, that, “if the Govern ment shall not require these troops for ths full period of three years, and they shall be mustered honorably out of the service bofor# the expirutlon oi their term of enlistment, they shall receive, up..u being mustered out, the whole amount of bounty remainiug unpaid, the same as if the full term had oeen seivett.’’ The second question relates to soldiers who entered the sei-vice pursuant to, and under the provi.-ions o t, the Act of July 4, 1664, promulgated by your Depart ment in "General Orders, No*. 224anu n is, wnerher they are reepactwely eniitled to receive, on being thus mustered out of the sei-vice before the expiration of their respective terms of enlistmeut, th ; whole amouuta of bouuty to which they would have be» u*eniuled if they had continued in the service throughout thtir re spective periods of enlistment, or only those propor tions or installments of the several oouiuie, whirh may have actually accrued to them at the dales of their respective discharges t I am . .f opinion that a volunteer accepted and mus tered into the service under the statute of July t, 1804, whether for a term of one year, or of two years, or of three years, if he ii mustered out of the service, for the reason mentioned, before the expiration of the fi rm of service for which he is enlisted, is entitled only to re ceive the proportion of the bounty allowed him oy ihe statute, whether one-third, or two-thirds thereof, which had actnally accrued before the date of his dis charge. If for Instance, he volunteered for two year*, aud is mustered out before the expiration ot the first year of his service, he cannot claim either the second or the third ius ailment oi the bouuty of two hundred dollars which would have been payaols to him hud he continued in the service till the expiration of tbe lwo year* for which he enlisted. Thu volunteer ouiy who. at the time of his discharge, has completed oue-ha.f of the term of service lor which he enlisted, ia euutieu to the second installment of une-thirn of the amount of bounty given to him by the Act; and he u emidedto no more of that bouuty. If he Is di*char t ed ou th® next day after the expiration of one half ci his term of enlistment, the second installment of tne bouuty 1* due a..fl payable to him. Tbe Government cannot reclaim it, if lt has been paid ; nor withhold It, it it i emain un laid. Butkhe discharge precludes him from receiving he third installment; that only Is due to a volunteer who may have served through the whole term lor which he enlisted. I confe» that theie is some ob scurity in the Act, and that there is a little difficulty in determining its meaning. But, on the a hoie, lam of opinion that the Paymaster General has arrived at the true construction of the statute. Tue third ques tion Is, whether commissioned officers of volunteers, below the rank of Brigadier General, w horn the Gov ernment may now muster out of service because their services are no longer required, are entitled respect ively to receive on their leaving the aeivice, "three months' pay proper, ” unde,- tue pi-ovudun of the 4th Section ot tno Act of Much, 18661 The right of these officers t, leceive that allowance, depends upsn the detenu nation o the p Mat, whether they have continued in tbe service "to the close of the war" within the meaning of the statu «o, 1866 f lam of opiuioa if aueh an officer conUuuo ra the army till he is honorably mastered out, because his military services are no longer needed, tiu the Government thus declares that lt no longer requires him topoifurm Any duty on it* henult under his commie,ion that be is within the provision of the ttatute, and in Its con templation, he has continued in the military service “to the .clore or the war." 'ihe war, so far as he le concerned in his capacity as an officer, has c.oscd. He has por.yriued his duty—his entire dot.,—to the Gov ernment and tbe enu e for which he diew his sword. When his country, by its appropriate otgun. com mands him to return his sword to the scabbard, and retires him honorably from its service, I know not how we can, with respect to that officer, say that the war has not closed. lam of opinion that au officer of tbe class named in the statute now, and ibu* mustered out of service, is entitled to receive “three mouths’ pay proper." I am, sir, mo4t respectfully, Your obsdmat servant, JAMES SPEED, Attorney General. By Order or the Secretary of War E. D. 'IOWN9END, Aes’t Adj’t General. By command W. L. M. cross, Assistant Adjutant General. JuXt It