Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 04, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. 8. W. Moon & Cos., PEOHUBTOHk W. Mason, £DITOft. SAVANNAH, MONDAY, JULY 3. I<*s. No Herald this Evening or To morrow Morning.— ln observance of Independence Day, we shall suspeud the issue of the Her ald for this evening and to-morrow morning. To-morrow evening's paper will appear as usual. INDEPENDENCE DAN. Observance of the Fourth In Savannah, To-day is the Fourth of July, the anni versary of our Nation’s birth, the proudest holiday in our calendar, a day belonging to Georgia as much as to New York,, and to Sa vannah as much as to Boston. Savanuaii was noted for her patriotism in the times that tried mens souls, aud in tliisjast crisis, was the first town to take steps for the regenera tion of Georgia. We hope on this anniver sary to see native Georgians and Northern residents joining together in a patriotic ob servance of the day, in action as far as pos sible, and in feeling at any rate. Customs vary as to the observance of the Fourth and some features ot Northern iin portatiou will doubtless appear to-day, bunches of fire-crackers metamorphosed into “packs of poppers,” aud rockets, and other implements of pyrotechnic patriotism. The Callithuinpians will not parade, that we are aware of; there will be no oration to make us proud aud make us perspire, no school- concert, nor public dinner, nor balloon as cension. nor regatta. But there will be a mil itary parade, and turnout of firemen, the Declaration ot Independence will be read to the troops, crackers wffl be cracked, aud stores will be closed, punches will be drank (which lastexercise we opine is not import ed) and black patriots and white will have a holiday. Observance of the Day by the Military. The following order from Gen. Davis de tails the manner in which the troops will ob serve the day: Headquarters U. S. Forces, Savannah, Ga., July Ist. 1863. General Orders) No. f>. > 1. Tuesday, July 4th, wiil be observed at this Post as a National Ilolkfay. Tim re will be a Dress Parade of each of the Regiments at eight o'clock A. M., at which time in obedience to orders from De partment Head Quarters, the Declaration of Independence and President Lincoln's eman cipation proclamation will be read, by an officer to be detailed by’ each Regimental commander. After this parade, all labor by troops will be suspended, except such us is absolutely necessaiy for the preservation of public property, the care of the sick aud the execution of sanitary and police regula tions. 2. All the Church bells in the city will be ruug at sunrise, at noon, aud at sunset. The national airs will be chimed at three o’clock iu the afternoon upon the bells of St. John's Church. ■ By Command of Bt. Brig. Gen. C. P. Davis, Mullen, A. A. A. G. Tlxe {Emancipation Proclamation. The Declaration of Independence, which is to bo read to-day, has been read s io many i times, and should be so well understood by j all, that it is unnecessary for us to repeat it | here. The Emancipation Proclamation, also ! to be read to the troops, is not so familiar a document, and we print it by request: Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hnudred ami sixty-two, n procla mation was issued by tin President of the United States, containing, among other things, tlie following, to wit: . Tnat on the first day of Januarv, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforth and forever free, and IheExecutiveGovernmentoi UieUnited States including the military ancl naval authorities thereof, will reeognize and maintain the free dom of such persons, aud will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, iu any tflorts they may make for their ac tual treedom. That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, de signate the States and parts of States, if any, ifi which the people therein respectively shall then be-in rebellion against the United States, and the fact that auy State, or the people 1 hereof, .shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States by members choseu thereto, at elec tions wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such States shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State aud the people thereof are not then in rebellion against the United States. ' •, Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue ot the power in me vested as Commander-in- Ciiief ot the Army aud Navy of the United States, in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and government of the Uuited States, and as a fit and necessary war measure lor suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, iu the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my pur pose so to do, publicly proclaimed lor the full period of one hundred days, from the day of the first above-mentioned order, and designate, as the States and parts of States wh rein the people thereof respectively are this day iu rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, except the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, A'-sump t on. Terre Boone, Latouche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the cty of New Orleaus; Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Sounth Carolina,N*rth Carolina and Virgiuia, except the fcfty-eight counties de signate! as V\ est Virginta. and also the <-oun ues of Berkeley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann acd Nor folk, including the cities of Norfo k and I ortsinouth, and which excepted parts are, for the present, left precisely as if the pro clamation were not issued. Aud by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, Ido order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are, and henceforth shall be, tree; and that the Exe cutive Government of the United States, in cluding the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and muintain the free dom of said persons And I hereby’ enjoin upon the people so declared to be free, to abstain from all vio lence, unless in necessary self-defence, and I recommend to them, that in all eases, when allowed, they’ labor faithfully’ for reasonable wa^es. Aud I farther declare aud make known that such persons of suitable condition wifi be received into the- aimed sendee of the United States to garrison torts, positions, sta tions aud other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. Aud upon this, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Consti tution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. Iu witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed, * * Done at tne City of Washington, this first day oi January, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred [l. s.] and sixtv-three. and of the indepen dence of the United States of Amer ica the eighty seventh. Abraham Lincoln. By the President: W»r. 11. Seward, Sec. of State. Fourth of .July in the Hospitalj.--Order of the Medical Director. OFFICE OF THE MEtIX’AL DIRECTOR,) Dsi’artmknt or tuk South, > mi ton Head, S. C„ June SO, 1355.) Genehai. Oudke,) . No 10. f In obedience to General Orders No. 99, Headquar ters, Department ol' the South, current series. the Fourth otJulju 1805, will be kept In all the General Hospital* of this Department as a National Holiday, and will be celebrated in a suitable manuer. All labor, exc -pt surh as is indispensable for the c.ire of the sick, will be suspended. Convalescents will be paraded, at Ip o’clock a. m., in the mess balls, and the •‘Declara tion of Independence." and the ‘-Emancipation Proela ti n’’ of the late President Lincoln will be read, with such other appropriate ceremonies as the Surgeon in Charge shall deem advisable. An extra dinner will be provided, for the increased expenses of which an appropriation will be made from the ‘Contingent Fund.” It is r commended to the Medical Officers in Charge of Post Hospitals to celebrate the day iu their respec tive Hospitals in like manner. MEREDITH CLYMER. Lieut. Colonel aud Medical Director, % Department of the South. Parade of the Firemen. The Fire Department oi the city will pa rade this morning. The Firemen’are directed to be at the engine houses at 7 o’clock, and to be in line on South Broad street at 8 o'clock. After the parade there will be a trial of skill. Fireworks at tlic Exchange. The impossibility of getting the fireworks here from New York so generously contri buted lor by the citizens of Savannah, creates general regret. Had it been possible to pro cure them, a display worthy of the occasion would have been made on oncot the Squares With a view to partially makiug up the de ficiency, a small display •will be made from the portico of the Exchange at half-past eight o'clock. As many rockets, Roman candles, triangles, blue-light3, flower-pots, pin-wheels, aud other pyrotechnical articles as could be procured, will be displayed. The show will, we tniuk, serve well iu lieu of something better, aud at any rate is the best to be had. Crackers Will be fired by tpe million all day long. Even now their cracking is like the noise of “skirmishing along the whole front,” and who knows what sort of explosions we shall have when the battle i3 at its height? This form of displaying patriotism is one to which Savannalians are not accustomed, and we enjoin the firemen, the police, the “citizens generally,” to watch for fires as if there were rewards for discovering them. The military’ authorities have taken extra precautions. The Chiming of the Bells On St. John’s Church, by Mr. Freberthyser, will b« an agreeable feature of the day’s ob servance to everybody. The announcement of the performance occurs in Gen. Davis’ order. Ball this Evening. * As already announced, the Germania Fire Company will give a ball this evening at the Volt’s Garten, which is intended to be a very pleasant parly. Hilton Head. Those who go to Hilton Head to-day will find a first-class celebration going dn there, under good management. Arrival of the Revenue Steamer Kan kakee with distinguished Officials. —The Uuited States Revenue steamer Kankakee, arrived at this port yesterday morning from New York, via. Wilmington and Port Royal, having on board R, S. S. Andros, Esq., of Boston, the well known authority up on all customs’ regulations, who comes forth as the special agent of the Treasury Departmeus to open the Custom Houses at the several So-utliem ports, along the coast. Mr. Andros is ac companied by J. O. Shaw, Esq., h well known and efficient officer of the Boston Custom House. Cel. John W. Ricks, the new Collector of Pensacola, John N. Pilsbury, Deputy Superintending Special Agt of the Treasury Department, and John Parker, his as sistant are also pasi&ngerers. The Kanka kee will proced to Darien, Jacksonville, Key Mr est and Mobile, aud thence return North. Capt Baker, the popular comman der of the Kankakee will be warmly received by his numerous friends at this port. The Review Yesterday. A Grand Military Spectacle. A General Review* of all the troops of the District took place yesterday afternoon in obedience to orders of Maj. Gen. Birge. The occasion was one of unusual interest, and presented a military display unequalled since the early days of Sherman’s occupation of the city with bis great army. The after noon was bright and pleasant, aDd notwith standing the July sun poured its ardent rays upon the jpen parade ground, large numbers of spectators assembled to witness the re view. Tbe edges o# the common were lined with throngs of people, on foot, on horse back, and in carriages—citizens, soldiers, of ficers and ladies. At about half-past four o'clock the troops commenced to assemble, almost covering the broad Common in their raanoeuverings, and by halt past five the line had been com pleted. The dense column of troops drawn up along the further side of the wide parade ground, relieved at intervals by a regimental color, or the bright instruments of a brass band, and stretching as far as the eye could reach, and farther, in either direction, while through the open field, groups of mounted staffs wheeled and took positions, and single aides dashed hither and thither, made up a most magnificent spectacle. Shortly before six o’clock Gen. Birge en tered the field, accompanied by his full Staff, and followed by a large mounted escoit. The following Staff officers were present: of the General’s personal Staff; Capt. Wells, A. D. C, Capt. Fisk, A. D. C„ Capt. Hunt, A. A. G., and Lieut. Davidsou, Q. M. Os the Dis trict and Post, Lt. Col. York, Provost Mar shal, Chief Suigcou Thayer, Capt. Dutcber, Q. M., Capt. Goddard, Q. M;, Capt. Starr, Q. M., Capt. Hussey, Lieut. BischolF, Lieut. Charlott, Q. M., Lieut. Murray, Q. M., Lieut. Knowlton, Q. M., Capt. Montgomery,|A 0.0. As the General and Staff appeared and rode along the lines, the strains of “Hail to the Chief,” and “Hail Columbia” mingled witlrthe salutes of the drum corps were ta ken up by the successive regiments in the column. The cavalcade of the General pass ed rapidly down the front of each brigade uutil lost to the sight in the dust and dis tance, and returning in the rear of the line again crossed the field and took up a position opposite the center. Then commenced the march ol'the column, and almost simultaneously the masses of troops on all sides were in motion. The right of the column was hold by the First Brigade 19th Army Corps, Brev. Brig. Gen. Fessen den, comprising the 90th Regt. N. Y. Y., 160th N. Y. Yol., ll»2d N. Y\ Yols, 47th Penn. Vdls. Then followed the Third Bri gade, Ist Div. 10th Army Corps, 'Col. Day commanding, including the 22d lowa Regt., 128th Regt. N. Y. V. Next came the ad Brigade, let Division, Corps, Col. Graham command ing, the 131st New York Regi menLroe 28th lowa Regiment, and the 24th lowa. The 3d Brig., Ist Div-19th Corps Brev. Brig. Gen. Davis, followed comprising the 153 New York S. V., 47th Regiment P. Y., 23th Massachusetts Regiment, and 30th Maine Regiment. The 103d U. S. C. TANARUS., brought up tbe rear, led Jay Maj. W. C. Man * ning. The troops almost invariably marched squarely and steadily, and made collective ly a military pageant of magnificent pro tions. THE COURTS. PROVOST COUIiT-r- DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, LIEUT. EBEN PARSONS, JR., PRESIDING. Savannah, Monday, July 3d. W 65. John Feely vs. R. McDonald, and J. Riley, destruction of property ; amicably" settled by cousent of Court. Robert Christopher vs. Charles Davis, re covery of rent; amicably' settled by consent of Court. Mrs. Revney and Mrs. Bandy vs. Leopold Speildock, recovery of furniture; amicably settled by consent of Court. John A. Keller vs. Henry Field (colored), recovery ol a mule ; ordered that the mule iu controversy be forthwith returned to the plaintiff. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. Philip M. Russell; for defendant, F. W. Johnson, Esq. J. A. Richardson, Trustee, vs. H. Hoey and M. H. Meyer, recovery of rent; ordered that the plaintiff recover against the defen dants, the sum of one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents, being amouar due from Jan. ist, to July Ist, 1865, less the amount of four dollars paid by defendants May 3rd, 1865. Counsel for plaintiff’, M. Benedict, Esq.; for defendants, Hon. Philip M. Russell and P. W. Johnson, Esq. James Stewart vs. T. R. Mills—recovery ot fixtures and ot aer property in Drug Store, corner Barnard and Broughton streets. Or dered that referees be appointed, one on the part of the plainti ff, and one on the part of tbe defendant, whose province it shall be to examine into tie matter at issue, and re port to this Court what amount the plaintiff is entitled for fixtures and other articles. Counsel lor plaintiff George A. Mercer, Esq.; for defendant Hon. Thomas E. Lloyd. Anna Moore (colored) vs. Nath. Thomp son (colored >—assault aud b&tteiy. It ap pearing to the Court that the plaintiff in this case was the wife of defendant, and that by mutual agreement they had lived apart for a long space of time, and that the children of both are claimed by either party; it was or dered that the defendant take the male chil dren and that plaintiff return tbe female chil dren. Upon the application of Hon. Solomon CoheD, Attorney for Mr. Edward Moran, to receive compensation for past use of build ings and stables, situate on West Broad street, city of Savannah, occupied by the military authorities since the occupation of the city by Gen. SJierman, and for permis sion to collect rent in future for the same, the following decision was made: Permis sion cannot be granted at present, as the premises are required for military purposes Mr. Moran is entitled to compensation there for, but the subject does not come before this Court fi>r action. Permission was granted to R. P. Demere, to occupy aDd control his plantation called “Parnassus,” containing three hundred aud sixty acres of land situate in Bryan county, Georgia Rose Smith (colored) vs. Charles Baureen (colored) —recore ry of trunk. Upon solici tation of defendant to re-open judgement, entered against him by default on tha 30th of June, 1865, the same was granted. The Court heard evidence in the cause, and or dered that tbe trunk, claimed by plaintiff, re main in possession of defendant, upon the payment of four dollars by the latter to the former. One Say Later from Mew York. DATES OF 1 iuNE3BTII. _ j ' /[By Telegraph to Atlanta Intelligencer.] Nashville, June 23, 18C3.—The Times special says that among the applications for pardon filed to-day, was one from General Ewell. The President was unable to attend to callers to-day. The Herald special says the Freedmen’s Bureau has secured a large quantity’ of con fiscated aud abandoned lands in the South for the special benefit of the negroes. Not. less than 100,000 are now subsisting off the Gov ernment rations in the State of Virginia alone. Within a week tbe army of the Potomac . will cease to exist. The Irish brigade, now ouly 18,000 strong, will leave here Saturday or Sunday’ to be mustered out. New York, June 28.—The Richmond pa pers state that the rebel guerilla, Mosby, has been paroled and is now residing at his home in Oharlottesville. A letter has been received at the Custom House, addressed to the' State Department bj* our Consul at Port Maiione, announcing that the Russian Plague is extending West ward, and more rapidly than is generally supposed, aud advising that all cargoes be rigidly cleared before landing. The disease is said to be the same as that which visited London a century ago. '•Portland, Me., June 28.—The horse which left Boston at sun rise to-day, to accomplish 116 miles to this city before sunset, on a one thousand dollar bet, fell and died six miles from the city, having made flO miles con siderably inside of the time. Gold to night 38 7-8. New York Markets. —New York, June' 28.—Cotton more active at 43. Gold unset tled at 395-8. INTERIOR NEWS. LATE MACON, ATLANTA AND ATfiLSTA PAPERS. From the Atlanta Intelligencer, j Federal Appointments for Georgia. JOHN EKSKINE, JUDGE OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT OF OEORGIA. We were among the first and earliest ac quaintances of this gentleman upon his re moval from Florida to this city—the health of his family demanding that he should abandon a lucrative practice in the profes sion of law, and seek another and healthier climate. Without a short intermission, Judge Erskine continued to reside in our city, uutil the war drove him lrom it. Here he _won distinction as a lawyer, andl tbeconfidence and esteeem of all" who hid tlie_ good fortune to make his acquaintance. Conservative in his views, whether they re late to politics, to government, or to the well being ot society, he prudently avoids all extremes. In his profession, he soon in Georgia won—what he had attained iu Flor ida —eminence. Asa man, he stands beyond and above reproach. We congratulate Geor gia upon this appointment, and hope soon to welcome to his lavorite home this most ex cellent gentleman. James l. dunning, united states marshal. This gentleman is an old citizen of*At lanta, aud one among a highly respectable class of artizans from the North, who aided largely iu building up Atlanta by their indus try, enterprise, aud skill, from a forest as it were, erecting a flourishing and prosperous city. Mr. Dunning, though always enter taining views unpopular with our people, aud thougn boldly expressing them when it seem ed to him proper to express them, always en joyed the confidence of our citizens; and had many warm friends always within our city’s limits. He is a geutleman, of high order ol intelligence, ardent aud honest, firm aud fear less, and will, we have no doubt, ably and faithfully perform the duties required of him by virtue of his office. The President could not have made a better appointment. A. W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT ATTORNET FOR GEORGIA. This gentleman also hails from Atlanta, in which he resided until some two years agq. We notice that for some time past, he lias been in Savannah, where it is probaole the duties of his office may require him, in fu ture, to reside. By profession, as a matter of course, considering bis recent appointment, he is a lawyer, aud lor. some years practiced law in this city, and in the judicial courts adjacent to it. He is a gentlejnan of excel lent address and pleasing manners; and will doubtless discharge tbe duties of td» office to the satisfaction of the Comt and the country. Personal. Among the arrivals by the steamer Nan tasket from Savannah, yesterday, was Gen. Wilde aud Dr. French, of the Freedmen’s Bureau; Col. Harris, of the Post Office De partment; also several other officers. gusta Cltronicle Sentinel, July 1. Georgians in the Federal Army. Colonel Ashburu, who lias enjoyed the best opportunities of knowing, informs us that there were not less than twenty-five hundred Georgians in the Federal army previous to rednetion. These were chiefly Horn North Georgia and suffered terribly for their Union ism iu the earliei part of the war. They have done excellent fighting for the Government and many of them are now in the quiet and unmolested enjoyment of their homes.--- Chronicle SehtineC ASight. The Lower Market House was yesterday the scene of much amusement/mingled with some excitement. The cause of aIT this was the carrying out of the sentence passed mon the white man and negroes found guilty of robbing Messrs. Maude & Wright’s store, a lew evenings since. Four negroes and one white man were convicted of the crime—tbe negroes for stealing the goods, ancl the white man for receiving tbe same, knowing them to have been stolen. According to the sen tence the entire party were placarded and elevated upon the tups of barrels from Ga. in. until Cp. m. for two days, and afterwards serve a long apprenticeship at hard labor iu the Jail. One of the negroes had a placard upon lils front stating, “1 am a thief;” the next one to him had one upon which was written “So am I.” The other two negroes who w6re standing by the side ’of those/ above named, bad similar placards, one stating, “I will steal,*” the other, “So will I,” and all four had placards upon their backs, upon which were written, the word “thief.” The white man’s placard read, “I received stolen goods!” but he was not able to stand the punishment inflicted, beiog taken with a fit shortly after his arrival at the Market House, aud notwithstanding the effort made to restore him, by those present, he did not seem to give many sigjifc of recovery at the time we left the scene of punishment. There was a large crowd iu attendance during the day who seemed to be greatly pleased by the novelty of the scene.— [Chronicle C Sentinel. Atlanta Market—Jane 25. Apples—Are selling on the streets at $1 per bushel. Bacon —Is selling from stores at from 13 to 15c , hog round ; lard 12 12 to 15c. *; Butter—ls worth from 25 to 30c ; ac cording to quality; chickens 20c. apiece ; eggs 20c. per dozen. Beeswax—There is none of this ancle in the market; would bring 25 or probably 30d. per pound. Beef— There is not much offering, but would bring from 6 to Bc. on foot. Corn—ls selling from stores at from $1.25 to 1.40 per bushel—by the load it would bring $1 per bushel. C >rn Meal—ls selling at SL.4O to 15u per bushel. Candles—Tallow 25 to 30c ; star 60c. Cof fee—ls retailing at from 60 to 75 per pound. Cheese—This article is scarce and is selling at 50c. per pound. Copperas—ls selling at from 20 to 25c per pound; Cotton and Cotton Goods—Cotton is selling at 20c per pound—4-4 sheeting 22 1-2 to 25c pe*r yard ; 7-8 shirting 18 to 20c ; osnaburgs 20c; yarns $2 50 to 3 per bunch ; calico from 40 to 50c per yard ; Cotton Cards —This article is scarce from $L to 2 per pair; Flodr—ls worth from $5 1-2 to 6 1-2 per hundred pounds; Linen—Brown can be bought from $1 to 1 1-2 per yard; Felt Hats —Aiy selling from $3 to 6; Shoe Thread— Is wdlth $1 or 1 1-2 per Forks—These very useful articles can now be had at $1 25 to 5 per sett according to quali ty'; Shoes—There is a tolerably’ good stock on the market. Gentlemen's' shoes are sell iug at $3 50 to 3 per pair; ladies $2 25 to 5, and children’s at $1 40 to 175 ; Sugar is worth 20c to 25c'per crushed. 40; Molasses Cane J>y tbe barrel 6i>! per gallon; sorghum 25c to 35c; chew ing 75c to $1 25 inferior quality, 30c to 50c per pound; Stationery—The supply of good paper of good quality is very good, ancl We are assured that the prices at which it is of fering are low. We quote note paper per ream at $1; letter $2 50, and foolscap $3; English envelops, $3 per thousand; Steel pens. 75c per gross; pen holders ft 25. Intelligencer. Thanks. —We are indebted to Mr. O Brien, of the Southern Express at Augusta, and Mr. Tunnison, of Adams Express in this city, for late interior papers. Ice Cream Soda. —A glass of delicious ice cream soda, from Dow’s celebrated fountain, can be procured at the corner of Bay and Draylcn streets, next auw iu me Express' office. pipping Port of S AVANS ah, JULY 3,1365. Arrived. U S Steamer Eunkakfe. Biker, Hittoa Head; steum* ere U S Grant, do; Nantasket, Springer. Augusta; Ca« nouicus, Simons; sclir, Kelly B ik«r. Burgess. Hilton Head. Cleaved Steamers W WColt. Little. Hilton Head; Resolute. Oanuoa, do; 08 Hospital Steanu-r Cosmopolitan. Crow til, do; tug C T Shepard, Bi ns, do. PORC OF FORT ROYAL, Cleared. July I—Schoonera Alien B Terry, Jacksonville; Lcval Scranton, Charleston. |jUtcl ||rriibals. PULAStiI HOUSE, JULY i. F Constant, Savannah |0 A Roth, Jena W V Sargeant, ho jP Brown, S Carollca WV W Barnard, do 1.l LD.ayton, do A1 A FTisbee, do (Mrs Chudburn, Shim JHPilUbury, do F A Sawyer, Charleston • .1 D Parker, do II M Davenport, wife and t K 9 S Andros, do 2 children, Sav X S Crowell, . do |J J Murphy. Jr, H Head i 0 Shaw. Boston Capt G T Reznbert, St Helej J W Rich. Pensacola S Welman, Tms Dept (I A W.udlaw, Abbeville l\V S Sampson, Jr, do Kerr Payee, Ueorgiu J T Chapman £ wife, Augiis Deßosset Lamar, Georgia* L Cohen, no John D Butler, USA AM Chase, do Dr P 0 Adams, dit PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [HILTON JULY 2. '.J Berry und lady. N Yoi k [LtC W W ok\ tt, TiNY V S B Willis. Chaplain ~t E W Harat, do I*7 N Y Vols >F S Capeu, do Lt J.T Ridell, 127 N Y Vols J Stakes and lady, H Head Surg G b Cutter do 11H Ward and wife do Asst Surg C B Dayton, do iM a Kennedy, do Cape K C Aliesou, do Oapt J Gaudy, 60 NY V S Bruce, Sutler, do I l,t D Fisk ’ do Capt W J Kouells, 75 0 V jJ S Skinner; Savannah Mrs W J Jenks, Greenville |j Moore, do A A i ane, Beaufort ] A Rees do ? if, Murray, do j\ g Nickerson. Charleston J Shearer, St Helena |o C Fell, do J N Brown, do id R Crowell. do P W Hunlin, do J 3 Crowell, do J R Nickerson-do lw W Davit, . do Col C Wright, 24 lowa V ITS Spencer, Sherman's Ar Surg J C Shrader, 2* da IU B Thompson, Couu SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) JULY S. Capt H P Long, 127 N Y V |J Tnyler, Savannah LtUFAton, do SWnite, do Lt J F Hanlan, do IcolE II Little <t lady, Char Lt WSCauunt, do jLi C W Walcott, J.UV Lt J J Ridell, do |LtE VV Hanes, do Lt W b Easton, do F 3 Capen, do Capt A W Fisk, do tV Gurney, Hilton Head Capt J L Little, do I Lol J boyen , lIW U3 C T Capt C S Henry, do -IG B lower, ÜBN Maj T K Smith, do IV Fisher, do # LtSliodiue, do !d Murphy, do Lt G J Collins, do it B Ilive, do Capt Lohaoffler, do jLt W H Atichwood, 56 VVV Lt Wll Dodge, do |J W Welch, Med Dept ÜBA J B Campbell, Charleston ICapt A Chtds, New York T Uchuett. do j W M Salt,® do K A 8 iwyer, do j W R Ellis, do F E Salinas, do ii E Bedford, do DJ Massy, do , G P Dodge, do (IS Lnnti rman, do Capt II E Lord, CSV R Tovtlinson, do A B West, Baltimore J Rib lue, do |W M Bird. Hartford, C 'tin A Jewel. Sozopont Purifies, Sozodont Beautifies, Sozodont Gratifies all who use it. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers, jp3-eodlw