Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 06, 1865, Image 3
Slants. ANTED. Six good Ship Carpenters can hare immediate em ployment, at good wages, by applying to jaaies millikens, Jy6-3 Augusta, Qa. ■y^-ANTED. MULES OR DRAFT HORSES AND WAGONS WANTED ENGINEER'S OFFICE, A. A Q. It. R.,> Savannah* Jone 29, 1866. j Persons having Mules or Draft Horses and Wagons for sale or hire will please call at this office. , J. T. STONE, * . Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard's Building, up-stairs, opposite the Poet Office jo3o ts JQOST MULE. Strayed from Foundry Lot, Eastern Wharves, a me dium sue SORRELL MARE MULE, Mane and Tail close cut—chafed slightly on fore shoulder. Any information or return of the same will be suitably rewarded by application to the sub scriber. A. N. MILLER, - 3yi j 3 Savannah Iron Foundry. "UNDERWRITERS' SALE. OCTAVOS COHEN Will sell at Auction, on Thursday, at 10 o'clock, ib front of my Store, No. 64, Bay Street, 67 BALES DOMESTICS, Damaged on board Flat Boat from Augusta, and sold by order of Survey for account of the Underwriters and all concerned. Terms ca*h. jy4 JpOR RENT. To a good and careful Tenant, will be rented, with the Furniture, a THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, On basement, situated on South Brdad street, in one of the most desirable locations in the City, until Ist November next, with the privilege oi the Batne for one year from said Ist November. Possession given 15th of July or Ist of August. For further particulars apply to lyA 3t HUNTER A GAMMELL. J^OTICE. THE ADAMS’ EPSRESB COMPANY, Os this city, are now prepared to receive and ship Freight and Money t;> Augusta, Macon, Atlanta, and all Intermediate points. Also, to ail points North, East and West. Or pice Cc&Mut Bar ani> Duaston Streets. E. P. TUNISON, jy4 lw Agent. — ■ - JjMGHT BARRELS FINE OLD BOUEBON WHISKY, For sale at k 150 CONGBfeSS STREET, QO-PARTN ERSIIIP. The undersigned have this day formed a Copartner ship, under the firm name of bell A Christian, for the transaction of a General Auction aud Commission Business, at our old stand, on Bay street, foot of Whitaker, where every exertion will be made to give •atieiaction to our friends and patrons. share of patronage is respectfully so- SAMUEL P, BELL, „ , , HENRY R. CBRIBTIAN. Savannah, Julyl, 1806. Jyl-lw JgELL A CHRISTIAN- . ' AUCTION -*-a:cd . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Stueet. Savannah, Ga. Consignments Solicited, Personal attention given to Forwarding of Mer chandise and Cotton. Advances made on Consign ments to our friends in Boston, New York, aud Phila delphia. Refers to Merchants of this city and Augusta. Samuel P. Beil. Henry R. Christian. •Jyl • hr gODA WATER! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN:' Bottles not included, but to be returned when empty. On account of the high price of articles necessary to carry on the soda Water business, together with the great loss of Battles, the subscriber is necessarily com pelled to make the above change. -With a decline in the pride of material, and in the loss of Bottles, there will be a corresponding decline in my charges. Respectfully, JOHN RYAN, N. E. cor. Bay and West Broad streets, jyß 2 Savannah, Ga. • HEADQ’KS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH,! Hilton Heal, S. C., June 29,1866. f Gsnzbal Ojtrxaa,) No. 105. S In compliance with instructions received from the War Department, all District Commanders willcatise an immediate Investigation to be made within their commands as to the expiration’ of service of all men ou detached duty, in confinement, or otherwise separ ated from their regiments or companies. All such men who are found entitled to'discharge will be im mediately forwarded to the Provost Marshal General ot the Department, who will send them to the Chief Mustering officer of their respective States for muster ing out, or to be otherwise tusposedof as required by existing orders. By Command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. \Y. L. M. Buhoer, officiaJ , Assistant Adjutant toueral. K. F. WoEtssotf, Major a*d A. A, A Gen. jy4 . 7 ... ■ A —— —— BBAIXi’iIS UEPI Os THE SjUTH I liuiCN Utift a. c., July 1, 1805 f Gctstui Oroirs, ) . 7 ’ • no. ioc. ; |& The followinst Gene. al Orders from the War Depart meat, are hereby published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, Aljcta.nt Gum sat ax's Ora-jo*, i Washington, June 15, 18C6 Gessral O chess,) No. 11a. / ’ The payment of all United States bounties to men enlisting in the military service, will cease from and niter July 1, IB6ce . By order oi the Soeretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant Ueueral. WAR DEPARTMENT, Awctant Genebai.'s Ovrrcr, • Washington, June 17,1865. 6»'mt OanEua,) No 116. , / Enlisted men of the Veteran Reserve Corps, who, If they bad remained in the volunteer regiments from . wmch they were transferred to the Veteran Reserves, would, under existing orders, now be entitled to mus ter out of service, will be so discharged, provided that no man shall be mustered out who desir es to serve bis full term. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. By Command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buboes, , , Ass't Afij’t Gen. Official: R. F. Wheissoh, Major and A. A, A. Gen Jy* t ||ro(tries. H. G. ROWE A CO., Cosmxb St. Joukx Sraxsx and Moacvisx Suuab*, Near the Pulaski House. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES. FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS, WINES CIGARS, *O. Also Agents for two large and exoelient Breweries, at New York, from which we receive the best of ALE'S AND LAQER BI E R Also, constantly on hand the best EAST INDIA ALE. We came down here very inexperienced in business, as conducted nnder necessary military restrictions; and coming unprovided with the proper papers for our trade, we at first labored under many disadvan tages. But we now consider oorsely«s well posted, and having, by strict compliance with all military rules, been put on a good looting for disposing at oar Stock, with the proper liceuse, we propose to offer unusual inducements tb the trade. We shall give a superior article at a small advance 00 New York prices. MONEY OR GOODS ADVANCED FOB COTTON, RICE, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. julT H_ M. SCARBROUGH A CO., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 140 Congress and 67 St. Juliunn Streets, BAVASHAJB, OBOBOIA., f Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK or GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Conatsting of TEAS aad SUGARS, best brands, COFFEE 1 CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS, BACON, (Shoulder and Clear* Sides}; LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, Ac, Ac, Ac, AU o( which they axe selling at reduced prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. -fee lmo j^OTJCE. OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, I * Augusta. Ga., June 19,1865. > Sealed Proposals to furnish this Post with twsnty five hundred pounds of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing July Ist, and ending October Ist, 1866, will be received at this office until June 10.1865. The Beef to be furnished weekly, ?nd of good qual ity, either dressed or on the hoof 1 if on the hoof, .to net twenty-five hundred pounds exclusive of necks and shanks. Persons making proposals will state the average gross weight, quality, etc, of the Beef. Prdposals to e opened in public June 30th, and subject to Ute ap proval of the Commissary General. H. A. DARLING. Ju26 Capt. and Pott Commissary, pwnj- l. rom; — SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 17 Broadway, Hew York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER A GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, 84 Buy Strvet, Savannah. Reference in New York— Messrs. Sfoffoed, Tuxbton A Cos. may 26 , Smo •DEYNOLDS, PRATT A CO., (Established in 1770. J Manuyaotubebs, lufobtebs and Wholesale Dkalebs “ * WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, COLORED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS’ AND PAINTERS' MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 106 andlOS Fulton St., ju22 lm NEW YQRK. p ; R tSH ol f AIIOS OF— SEGARS AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, between wiota&eb and babnsju> stbexis. JACOB LANGSDOEF A CO. Have just received from their well known Bouse in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGA R 8 , Consisting of all the different brands, as wsll as large stocks ot SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES- Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam tne the stock, Ju9 lm JjHNSTEIN, ROSENFELD A CO., BANKERS, No. « BROAD STREET. New Yobs. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Foansxobt, and all other principal cities of Europe Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, and will be allowed Interest on all balances over On* Thousand, at the rate of rocs per cent, per annum, Orders for the purchase 'or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks. Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. jct-3taw3m 1 triiST'HkK, m. u. OFFICE, NO.- IBjg MERCHANTS’ BOW. HILTON READ, 9. C. JW* 39 ||c. gTATIONER Y~ ~ • TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We offer onr Urge end varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest cash prices. Oar stork in the above line is the largest in the De partment, and all onr goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to onr goods and prices. . SAVILLE 4 REACH. Comer Bryan street and Market square. Timber Cutter’s Bank, • Savannah, Ga., . —and— , MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, 9. C. Jyl ts gOOKS AND STATIONERY. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the Old Stand of JOHN M. COOPER A CO, Just Received the Largest and Best Selected Stock of “ SCHOOL BOOKS In the Southern States; consisting of Primers, Spellers, Readers, Geographies, Arithmetics, Grammars. Gr ek, Latin, French, German and Spanish Text Books, and all other Books used in Colleges, Academies and Common Schools. STATIONERY. SUtos, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Foolscap, Lptter and Note Paper, Envelopes, Blank Books, Ac. I also have on hand a large assortment of New and popular Novels by the best authors, Dickens. Reynolds, Mr3 Holmes, Mrs. Wood, Ac. I will keep constantly on hand a large stock of el egant Photographic Albums and Card Photographs, as well as a constant supply of the latest Northern Newepa per* and Periodicals, N. Y Daily and Weekly Newspapers, Harper’s Magazine, Lady’s Book, Atlantic Monthly, Demorest's Fashions, Ac., Ac Everything will be sold at the very lowest figures, and special terms are offered on School Books to Teachers and others. I can and will sell at least as cheap as any other house in the South. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Call and examine the Stock at the old stand of Jobk M Cooper A Cos.. Oftr. Whitaker and St. Julian streets. Savannah, Ga. STEPHEN PARRELLY, BooKSBUJtB art i) SxancNß. N. B.—All orders for Miscellaneous Books, Music, or any article connected with the trade, filled at the shortest notice. , The frlendz and patrons of the undersigned, and of the firm of John M. Coopib & Cos„ are respectfully so licited to continue their putronage at the old establish ment to Mr. The undersigned may be found at his desk as usual for the purpose of closing up old business affairs and rendering such assistance as he can to Mr. F. A general Wholesale business will bo established by J. MT C. A Cos., whenever practicable, upon the upper floors of the establishment. _JeB lmo JOHN M. COOPER gAVILLE A LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS* SOW HILTON HEAD, S. C., —AMD— COBWEB ST.TAN BTBEET AMD MAKES? BUCAKK, SAVANNAH. GA. mayso ts gaejfes— jy/J' IL I '4‘a R Y CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac , »«- H. A. TOP HAM’S, NO. 138 CONGRESS STREET. This Store la well stocked with a superior quality of goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap, as the P.oprietor wishes to moke room for anew assort ment jyl-tf RIVER AGRICULTRAL WORKS. GRIFFING, BROTHER A CO., Psopbutom, 65 amd 60 Cos van, amp Strebt NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn "Mills, Cotton Gins, Ac. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds. Also, Agents lor Bruce's Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac Send for circular. Ju2o 3m TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. ' The Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large ana airy rooms, suitable' for Sleeping Apartments or busluess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 26, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock« to 6 o’clock p. m. ju22 JOHN MoMAHON. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Strict attention given to all Consignments. Cornxb Beocohton and Jevfebson Stbikbs juSO lm QB. BUxNDfT ‘ : GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between ISvg and 14tu Sheets, (Near Pay Department, j WASHINGTON, D. C. Ja3o , ts 3500 To^ OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x58 per lineal yard. For sale by ju!9 ' 6m FOWLE A CO. J£AY, URAIN, FLOUR, T* WHITE PINE LUMBER, SPRUCE SHINGLES AND NAILS. Fob Sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay street, opposite Mariners’ Church, 5u23-tf Savannah, Ga. M. D. ’ ‘■dent ist,* From Churlcston, S. C., offers his services to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References.—Dr. Jar. B Read, Dr. JtretAU Baubis, • Hon. Solomon Couen, W. N. Habebshau E?q„ •nil ts A. A. SbxoNONs A Cos., TJAKERY A CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISH- J) MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call tbe attention of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A Cooley** Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any order# which may be for warded tons. Special attention is paid to the man ufacture of Ornamental pieces, Fancy Confectionery, ami Elegant Pastry, for holiday ors estival tables, Feb. 3-Ls McMANUS A MURRAY. YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of tbe New York Herald Correspondent last 111 BAY BTBSBT, CTKABS, 8K22 0 gTAR LINE, FOR NEW YORK. The new and elegant steamship AMERICA, Capt. Clift, will leave for the above port on SATURDAY, JULY For Freight or passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A 00., Agents piONEEB LINE. ’ " FOR JiEW YORK. TheU. S. Mail Steamship ZODIAC, Bnlkley Com mander, will sail for tbe above port on her regular day. THURSDAY, JULY 6tk, At 6 o’clock, p. m. For Freight or Passage, having superior Stateroom accommodations, apply to HUNTER 4 GAMMEL, 84 Bay street. Agent in New York—L. L. Since. Esq, 17 Broad *»y- ’ . Jrf JJJER CHANTS' LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON ERS FOR < NEW YORK. The undersigned Intend to keep op a regular weak ly line of first cla*s Sailing Vessels plying belwcen Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention xiven to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., Julß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. STEAMER FOR SALE! An Iron SIDE-WHEEL, HIGH PRESSURE RIVER » , STEAMER. Drawing 22 inches of water. Hall 166 feet long; 96 feet Beam; 6 feet 6 Inches depth of hold.- has two In clined Engines. 20 inches diameter of cylinder, 6 feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck Is clear for freight, Bud the passenger accommo dation is above. She U well adapted for trade on a shoal water river. Is entirely new, well .and substan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Apply to PUBEY, JONES A CO, Iron Steamboat Building, Wilmington, Delaware. gEA ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 20m MM. This new Hotel situated on the moat desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head laland, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and aurroundlag Islands. The scenery is quite as pleasing and Inter esting, in every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. 1., aud is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seven! een miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass,, and as fine aea bathing as at that place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all tbe stories; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every efl'ort will ire made to ren der the Hotel all that tho most Agtidioua can desire. Billiard Rooms and sea Bathing bouses will soon be in readiness tor guests. ju23 ts jJqTel' fqR »aiX~'‘ THE SAXTON , HOUSE, —Mtl— BEAUFORT, S. C , Formerly the property of Di la for sale.— Apply to C. W. DENNIS * CO., No. 4 Merchants' Row, Ju29 ts Hilton Head, S. C. PORT ROYAL HOUSE, t HILTON HEAD, 8. C RIDDELL A RUGQ, PaoraiEToss. X 8. EO>DELL, U. r. WM. ju3-tf JpULASKI HOUSE, , SAVANNAH, GA BARTELS A RIDDELL, Puofbietobs. J. O. lIABTEt.S. I. S. aIDDM.I. Jn3-’.f TO CONTRACTORS. ENGINEER’S OFFICE • 1 Atlantic and Quit Railroad. V Savannah, Ga., June 20,1866. j Prqposa.s will be received at this office until the sth of July next for tbe reconstrnction of tbe Atlantic and Gulf Railroad; Including all Bridging and Track laying and famishing of all Material except Iron,from tbe Little Ogeechee Br.dge, inclusive, to tbe Main Bridge es the Aitamaba, including Morgan Lake Tree tie. The work to be completed within sixty (60} days from the date of contract, J. T. STONE, Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard’s Building, up stairs, opposltethe Post Office. Augusta papers copy one week and send bIE to Sa vannah Republican omen ts ju3l jgTRLIN A KIENZLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS w ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR H O V S„ E , 166 BAY STREET, Ju2l ts TTIRLfN, BURKE, A BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Count® Whtyaxss Stexst and Bat Lan*> W ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. Just ts JQOESTICKS: DOKSXICK3 i l LECTURE. Mb. Mortulxl Tkoxsok, more generally known as “Q, K. PHILANDER DOESTICKS, P. B," Will deliver Ala Versified Humorous Lecture on fLU C £ , , —at t*« SOLDIERS' CHAPEL, HILTON HEAD. OK SATURDAY EVENING, JULY «, 1366. &T Tickets, Fifty Cento. jyfi-3 |[esitranmts, c, QLAMS! ’ CLAMS ~ * I have the best Clatoa at Hilton Head, and the beat Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the fol lowing testimony from Mr. Benj. Honey’s advertise ment in the SavamtAK Daily Hibald, of the last or two: “There is no man In Port Royal that can serve op Gams In every style better than Mr. FitseerelA at tbe Eagle Saloon, in rear of the Poet Office. Tuxss is Wbkbb tbi Laoob Comb fa," My dear Ben wewiahyoua long Ufa and a merry one. , In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at Hilton Head, or ear other place in this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment saUsfltd that whatever we advertise yon will find to be correct. Do not forget oar old established bouse, in the tear of Post Office. , „„ PETER FITZGERALD, Jn3o Proprietor. UNION SHADES. T. NUGENT, Jon., PROPRIETOR, No. 06 Bull SrnfeEC, Comer of Bryan street, opposite the Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA. ALES, LAGER. BEER, WINES, CIDER, SEGARB, AO . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURTON'S SUPERIOR AM&CR PALI QfXXAAIC * . ON DRAUGHT. hr STILL LIVE; ' 1 At« THE 1 • O V F I 0 1, 1 ' No. IH Mthen Ants' Sow, HILTON HEAD, A. a BENJAMIN HONEY, Paorauros. Just received front the North— BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, itfRKBYS, CHICKENS, pin, GAME, TURTLE —<4iy> ■■ Received from the Plantations every morning— CHICKENS, VEGETABLES; Ac. ICE CREAM, WITH FANCY CAKES. The inner man must and shall be preserved. ICE WATER, FREE FOR EVERY BOOT. N. B.—Why dose my friend In the rear of the Foot Office discontinue to say where the laugh comae In T JuneU-tf COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANT*; Bat STBzxr, Orrosm Maunxm' CMM, SAVANNAH, QA Refer to Messrs. G. M. Barnard 4tCo„ Mean. W». B. Reynolds & Cos., Meaera. Under & lieyer, all of Boston. jnao eodtf NOTICE. Martin J. Ford. Eaq„ has resumed the practice of his profession as an Attorney at Law. He will be found at the office of Capt. J. White, City Sheriff, in the Court House, each day. ja3T4 JmTORTBD AND DOMEiiTIC " ' “ WINES AND LIQUORS, AT WBOUIAH, rox fAHtbt til, At SOT BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SSALY 4k OCX. majftUf tobaooo * GEORGE R. CRUMP * CO., SO9 Bboao Stisit, Actciti, oa. Have on band a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoaing Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m JbSO JQBNNIS, PERKINS 4k 00. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. <6 Bxcaao. Scraznt, N,E W T O R * . - JUIO lm w: B’ (JtoTTN A CO. W. J. C. F. Auno. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignmeote and make liberal advanoe® when desired. juNMm post oP s^vanNaH,> Savannah, Ga., June *9,1K6. f j Gsraiui o*i*a,j. Captain John Mullen, 12th Connecticut Infantry, to hereby announced as A. A A. General of the Post of Savannah. , , By Command es Brevet Brig. Osm. DAVIS. Jxo. Mm-tw Capt and A A. A General. ,tu3o T QKO. R CRC/MP Jb CO., » . AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Stxsst, Atjocsta, Ga., ju2o 3m QLD NEWSPAPERS? FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at the SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE no. 11l Bar eras*