Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 13, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MiTTERS._ The Lighting of the Streets. —Last night the street lamps throughout the length of Bull street were relighted foi’ the first time. Personal. —Mr. Hudson G. Wolfe, Agent of Udotpbo \V T olfe, the far-famed importer of the Schiedam Schnapps, Wines, and Liquors, arrived in this city yesterday and has taken rooms at the Pulaski House. Important Sale of Grain.— The sale of grain from the schooner Francisco, from Bal timore, this day, is worthy of the attention of grain dealers and stable keepers. It takes place at 10 o’clock, as per advertisement ih another column. . Personal. —Major B. Lockwood, Pay master, who has been, for a long time, sta tioned at Savannah, and has a host of friends here, has been relieved from duty in this city, and ordered North.' He left on Tuesday. He will probably be stationed at Washington. Citt Improvements.— We are pleased to notice that our enterprising fellow citizen, Mr. George S. Nichols, is erecting a store on on the south side of South Broad street, be tween Barnard and Whitaker streets. This is the first movement towards improvement we have yet noticed. We hope, in a few days, to chronicle the erection and the plac ing in actual working order of anew saw mill. Information Wanted. —About five weeks since Bryan N. Ccrcopley, aged ft years; disappeared from Savannah. It is supposed that he may have gone with the troops, which were then moving from Savannah. Bryan N. Ccrcopley had on when he left bis home, a blue blouse, dark grey pants, calico shirt, and new shoes. His complexion is dark, eyes dark, and short black hair. The two upper front teeth noticeably projecting while talking. Newspapers will please copy. Address J. D. Cercopley, Herald Office, Savannah, Georgia. Vice Consul of Portugal. —The President of the United States, by proclamation dated June 17th, announces “Satisfactory evi dence having been exhibited to me that Joa quin de Palma has been appointed Vice Consul of Portugal, at Savannah, Georgia, I do hereby recognize him as such, and declare him free to exercise and enjoy such functions, powers, and privileges as are allowed to Vice Consuls by the law of nations or by the laws of the United States, and existing treaty stipulations between the Government of Portugal and the United States.” A Nuisance and its Immediate Abate ment. —On the South side of Liberty steet, one door west of Whitaker street stand the remains of the residence of the late John Har per, merchant, of Savannah. This building was a one story frame upon a brick basement. About eighteen month's since this dwelling was partially destroyed by fire, its roof being entirely destroyed, and nothing left by the flames but the sides of the building, its brick basement and the flooring of the first floor. Upon the occupation of Savannah by the Federal Troops, there,was a large influx of negroes. They bad no homes and every cabin, building, shed, etc., that give them shelter was immediately occupied. Such was the case with the Harper House on Liberty street. A visit made yesterday to the premises above mentioned, discovered the fact that th« brick basement was occupied by a lot of vagrant negroes, one of whom had died on Sunday last. The others had ne glected to notify the Health Officer of the death. This morning the residents of the neigborhoud having informed Maj. Snow, Health Officer, of the condition of affairs, he promptly proceeded with assistance to the premises and had the body of the deceased woman placed in a coffin. The tearing down of the half destroyed building would prevent the repetition ot similar offenses against the sanitary regulations of the city. • THE COURTS. , Post Provost Court—Cai*t. Jas. E. Smith, Judge Presiding —Savannah, July 12, 1865. United States vs. Eilis and Peter-O’Byme and Sampson Pinkiu—charged with wearing the uniform ot a United States soldier con trary to General Orders No. 6, Headquarters Post ot Savannah, July 5 th, 1865. Plea, guilty; verdict guUty. Ordered that Samp son Pinkm, being in government employ, he is discharged. Peter O’Byrne, in consequonce of his residence being beyond the limits of the city, is discharged In the case of Ellis, he is sentenced to five days labor on the pub lic streets. United States vs. Thomas C. Ford—charg ed with drunkenness, and abusing his fami ly* loading a gun and threatening to shoot any one who came near him, and using abu sive language to a United States Policeman • also, for violation of Circular Orders, Provost Marshal's office, for having arms in his pos session. Postponed to 13th iust., at 12, m. Prosecutor for tttfc United States, John R. Hover; for defence, Levi S. Russell. United States vs. JBenj. Scrogentein (col ored), charged with vagrancy contrary to General Order, Headquarters, Post of Savan nah, July 10th, 1865, plea guilty. Ordered that the prisoner be sent to the contraband camp. United States vs. Elijah, charged with stealing a pocket-book containing about five dollars, and other property, plea guilty.— Ordered that the prisoner be confined in the county jail for two months. United States vs. James Feeley, drunken ness ancl disturbing the public peace, viola ting General Order No. 6, Headquarters, Post of Savanuah, July 10th, 1865; plea not guilty, judgment guilty. Ordered that the prisoner be fined in the sum of twenty dol lars, in default of payment of said fine, he be imprisoned in the county jail for twenty days ; and the clothing he wears the pro perty of the United States, be confiscated for the benefit of the United States. Prosecu tor for United States, John R, Hover, * L nitedi States vs. Rosanna Maguire, selling liquor wiihout license, guilty. Ordered that the defendant be fined in the sum ot fifty dollars. Counsel for defendant, Hon. Walter S. Chisholm. I nited .States vs. Joseph Humphreys, charged with stealing two shirts, two pocket knives, and one pair of shoea from a store oq Barnard street on the 10th day of July, at 10 o’clock a. m., plea not guilty, verdict guilty. Ordered that the defendant be con fined iu the county jail three months. L nited States vs. Henry Johnson, same offence, same sentence. District Provost Court—Hon. Eben Par sons Jr., Judge, Presiding. Savannah, July 12th, 18Gf>. The United States vs. George Williams and John Pickard—larceny of cattle 2r> miles from Savannah. It appearing to the Court that the defendants are guilty of the charge preferred against them; it is ordered that they be confined in the common jail of the county for the space of twenty days and be thereafter discharged, upon ’ the payment of thirty-nine dollars with costs of court, said amount to be paid into the registry of this court, in principal $39 00 or costs. Upon the application of Augustus P. Wet ter, executor of the estate of Mrs. M. Telfair, and trustee for Mrs. A. C. T. Wetter to oc cupy and control certain property. The court ordered as follows, permission granted to all that tract not included in Gen. Sher man’s orders relating to Freedmen, sub ject to the right of all persons who have planted crops thereon. Upon the application of W. G. Reddick to occupy and control his place on Liberty Isl and, containing about 80 acres, lying and being in the county of Chatham. The fol lowing order was given: permission cannot be granted. Lpon the application ot Rose Washington (colored), asking that her marriage with her husband be annulled. The following en dorsement was entered: this petition cannot be granted. Mrs. Jane E. Elkins vs. Sami. Bowman recovery ot debt; claim, sl2. Defendant having confessed his indebtedness in the sum of sl2, it was ordered to be paid by Monday, at 12 m. ' Milliam Swoll vs. Patrick Murphy—recov ery of rent; claim, $39. Settled by parties with consent of Court. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. Philip M. Rnssell. Wm. Swoll, agent, vs. Patrick Short—Re covery of rent; claim, $36. Judgment ac knowledged for plaintiff in the sum of thirty six dollars with costs of suit, said amount to be paid in fifteen days; at the expiration of that time to deliver up peaceably possession of said premises to Wm. Swoll, agent. Coun sel for plaintiff, Hon. P. M. Russel# M. Sheftall, Jun., vs. Matilda Taylor— Recovery of rent; claim s3g. Judgment by default for plaintiff, with costs of-Court. Levi S. Russell, Esq., for plaintiff. United States vs. Wm. Allen—Assault and battery. Settled by consert of Court. AnnaF. Hinder vs. Martin Wall—Recov= ery of debt. Judgment for plaintiff, with costs of Court. Wm. Swoll, agent vs. Mr. Mr. Talbirt— of rent; claim $36. Settled by consent of Court. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. P. M. Russell. pipping Intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH, JULY 12. . Arrived. Steamship Nevada, Carpenter, New York. Consignees. —Hess & Gutman; J D Laßoche & Cos; J Lippman; Meinhard & Bro: S Goodall; W H Stark; J villalouga; MS Meyer; J Lama; M Llllientlial: S M Lederet; A A Solomons & Cos: Guckeuhelmer & Selig; A Leffler; S M Gregg & Cos; J H Moses; J C Maker & Cos; Brady A Smith; David Mayer; S Gardner; SMas sart; L Kobedier A Cos; Kerlin, Bro A Burke; R J Lar* comb; WW Lincoln; A M Scarborough & Cos; John McMahon; S Vogel; JK Hernandez; £ Ehrlich; PSke han; G Wellbrook; R Habersham; G F Brown A Cos; H GRuwe&Co; Liliienthul <fc Kahn; Stuar A Cos; AB Lves; Weed A Cornwell; Laihr >pACo; Adams Express Cos, Halsey, Wa’eon A Cos; Lovell A Lattlmore: £ Purse; Msrcey, Day A Cos; Mrs S V Prentice; Mrs V B Hassett; Central Railroad Depot; N A Hardee &Cos; Blun A Meyer; J T Rowland; D B Mandell; J Ryan; H Brig ham; J Lansdorf; L C Norrell A Cos; Harndeus Express Cos; S Farrelly; My Lazaron; G M Heidt; P Scamell; R Anderson; J H Clinch; J D; WR Mclntire A Cos; ET; CM U; HR; steamer C T Sheppard; Presdee A Orff: Bartello A Riddells; C Gray r W F Law: JG A Cos; W Battersby G: TNorerg; Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. gY ISAAC D.. LaROCHE. AT PRIVATE SALE, 26 bb',B. extra PRIME PORK, 20 obis. MESS BEEF, 20 boxes SOAP, lObbls. SYRUP, 200 sacks OATS, 100 sacks CORN, 100 bbls. WHISKEY, various brands? S' 1 ,000 SEGARS, do do 25 bbls. GIN; 20 ibis. GRIST, *2O bbls. MEAL, jyl2-5 ~~ ~ 100 Sacks Liverpool SALT In store and for sale by JAS. DOYLEj jyl2-2w Cor. Bay and Whitaker sts. jg QADEN A UNCKLES; ~~ Corn eh of Bat and Barnard Streets, Have ju4t received a large Stock of GOODS, con sisting of— Extra Family FLOUR, 80 bales BAGGING, *3O colls ROPE, And a general assortment of TEAS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ALES. WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, PRESERVES, PICKLES, HARDWARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE OIL, CANDLES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CAPS, Ac., Ac., Which they offer at the lowest market rates. jyf 2 lmo NOTICE. j I would Inlbrm the public that I have resumed the practice of xm: DENTISTRY" In this city, at my old stand, corner of St. Julien and Bnrnard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photograph Gal lery.} where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. jyll-lmo W. JOHNSON, D. D. 9. REYNOLDS, PRATT A CO., (Established in ITTO.j Mantpaoturem, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, COLORED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS’ AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Noe. IOC and 106 Fi?ltow St., ju22 lm NEW YORK. J^OTICE. UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE,) Savannah, July 6,1665. J The keys of the money safeMhe Scales and Weights, and other valuables are missing from this building.— Any person having knowledge of the aforesaid arti cles will please give information to the undersigned, and.those having them in possession will please return them. WYLLY WOODBRIDGE, iP®_ ts Collector. JAMES' WALLACE’S CELEBRATED WHISKIES, GINS, ALCOHOL COLOGNE SPIRITS AND FLANAGAN WALLACE A CO’S. XX and XXX ALES, For Sale at N. Y. Prices, with freight added. Also—A large lot of CORN, OATS and FLOUR. v JAMES LEAVY, \ Commission Merchant, No. C Stoddard's Buildings, Jyll-lw Opposite Herald Office. QLARET, WHISKEY AND BRANDY. 100 boxes excellent Table CLARET, 2 bbls. superior WHISKEY, for family use, 1 Octave superior BRANDY, do do Consignment per Steamship Chase. For sale by . Jyll 3t HUNTBR & GAMMELL. gTOVES! STOVES I ! STOVES !'. ! Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten sils, Planters’ HOES, wholesale and retail, by JAMES G. THOMPSON <fe CO., jll-lmo Beaufort, S. C. ■^-otice: OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, > Savannah, Ga*., July 10, 1865. ) Sealed Proposals to furnish this Post with eight thousand pounds of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing Aug. Ist, and ending Nov. Ist, 1865, will be received at this office until July 20. 1865. The Beef to be ftimlshed tri-weekly, ana of good quality, dressed, excluding necks and shanks. Persons making proposals will state the average net weight, quality, etc., of the Beef. Proposals to be opened in public July 20th, and subject to the ap proval of the Commissary General. N. H. OGLESBEE, jylO lot Capt. and Post Commissary. S2OO REWARD - Two Hundred Dollari I will pay for proof to convict the person or persons who set Are to my House at Thunderbolt, ou the night of the 9th July, 1865. LOUIS AMBOS. Thunderbolt, July 10, 1865. jyll-3t EWGO O D S PER STEAMER AMERICA. 100 pieces Light Dark and Mahogany Calico*, Fine Black French Cloth and Cosaimere Fancy Cassimere. Bird’s Eye and Scotch Diapers, Table Linen Damask, Huckaback Towels, White Brllliantes and Traveling Dress Goods, Gents’ and Boy’s New Style Solt Hats, Ladles' and Gents’ L. C. Handkerchiefs, Jaconets, Nainsooks and Swiss Muslins, Linen Collars and Setts, Black and Fancy Fans, And a great variety of Small, for sale'hy jylo-6t DsWITT & MORGAN. QHAMPION BRICK MACHINE. The proprietors of this recent Patent for the manu facture of Brick are prepared to dispose of Machines, and rights to use the 9ume. This Machine is simple of countrnction; does not readily get out of repair; has immense power; makes the buck square and sol id ; can be worked with a single horse. causes littie delay for removing stones; will make from twenty five to thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circulars, with full particulars, forwarded on application to BRADFORD js RENICK, jy-lm 71 Broadway, New York. 3500 TONS OF— ENGL ISH RAILS, Os best quality, 60x68 per lineal yard. I’or sale by jul9 6m FOWLE A CO. J R SOLOMONS, M. D. DENTIST,, From Charleston, S. C., offers his services to the citizens of Savannah. * Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office. Congress street. References.— Dr. Jas. B Read, Dr. Jchiah Harris, Hon. Solomon Cohen, i W. N. Habersham Esq,, : ull ts A. A. Solomons A Cos., GROCERIES, The undersigned has now in store, and for sale, 50,000 choice Segars, 300 boxes Family Soap, ’ And a general assortment of Family Groceries. All who desire to secure bargains will do well to call early. A.'LEFFLER, Northwest corner Broughton and Barnard sts. Jy7 lw rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. •‘BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC.’* A wonderful invention for ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing full particulars every Saturday morning. JyO fitaw3m ju!9 6m jyjACKY, HOGG * CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2 Stoddard’s Block, opposite Custom House, SAVANNAH, GA. . Having opened a House at the above stand, in con nection with our House ■ln Philadelphia, we offer to the Trade— -260 barrels Bourbon and Rye'Whiskey; Hams Breakfastßacon and Shoulders. Bagged Beef, Lard Broom-, Washboards, Lime in hogsheads, Ac, Consignments to our House in Philadelphia solici ted. MACKY, HOGG A Cos, No. 2 Stoddard's Block, Savannah, Ga. ju2o-lm t. 26 South Water street, Philadelphia, QONSIGNEE WANTED For 37 packages Merchandise, arrived by Steamship America, marked J. M. tin a diamond] care D. M. jyl2-2t BRIuHAM, BALDWIN A CO, OHARLES L. COLBY A CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ARKROORN STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Cham L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REVERENCES, Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. • Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J. Wiley fidmands, Boston Gardner Colby, J£*q., Boston JelS—tf pipping, piONBER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The Steamer CHASE Rogers, Conqmender, will sail on her regular day, THURSDAY. JULY 13th, For the above port, at 12v; o’clock p. m. For Freight, or Passage apply to jyS HUNTER & GAMMELL £TAR LINE, * FOR NEW YORK. The U, S. Mail Steamship NEVADA, Capt. Carpen ter, having new and superior accommodations, will leave for the above port on SATURDAY. 15th Inst, at half-pasti o’clock, p. m. For Freight or Passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO., Jyl2-* Agents, jyjERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS COTTON FOR NEW YDRK ■The fine Ship CARAVAN, Capt. Jas. Lawler, is now receiving Freight for New York, and will clear on THURSDAY, Mfcly 2«th. Steerage Passage sls Parties wishing to forward merchandise must apply soon, as a large part of her cargo is already engaged. CHAS. L. COLBY. jyl2 Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. JpREIGHT AND PASSAGE FOR NEW YORK. MERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS.* The fast sailing A1 Clipper Brig LEONARD MYERS, Capt. Wm. Smith, will commence loading for the above port, on THUR9DAY, July 13th, and will clear on MONDAY', ITth. Has superior accommodations for passengers. First Cabin .' S3O. Steerage 15. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., jIjERCHANTS’ LINK SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON. ER9 FOR NEW YORK. The undersigned Intend to keep np a regular week ly line ot first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight In good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention *iven to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L COLBY & CO., Jnlß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. STEAMER FOR SALK An Iron SIDE-WHEEL HIGH PRESSURE RIVER STEAMER, Drawing 22 inches of water. Hall 155 feet long; 26 feet Beam; 5 feet 6 inches depth of hold: has two in clined Engines. 20 Inches diameter of cylinder, 6 feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. Tbe lower deck is clear for freight, and the passenger accommo dation is above. She Is well adapted for trad eon a shoal water river. Is entirely new, well and substan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Apply to PUBKY, JONES A CO., Iron Steamboat Building, Wilmington, Delaware. Jul 7 lm rpo COTTON SHIPPERS. ALEXANDER HARDEE, 1 t COTTON SHIPPER, —has opened, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON & BAY STS. i- For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, RE-PACKING, SAMPLING, j t i* CLASSING, AND — ' SHIPPING COTTON FOR THE PUBLIC, AT the L OWEST R ATES, FURNISHING INK, Ac. jy7 lm a . ... . .■ i, , —» Q S. BdNDY, GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,} WASHINGTON,, D. C. ju3o ts TOBACCO AGENCY. GEORGE R. CRUMP A CO , 209 Broad Street, Aoodsta, Ga. Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m Jo2o BURKE, A BRO., FOWLE & CO- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corner Whitaker Street and Bay Lane, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. jagl S ! SUTLERS AND MERCHANTS. The subscribers offer for sale at No. 4 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, 8. C., THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, At prices which deiy competition, couriering of Cake* Crackers, Butter, Cheese, Hams, Meats, Tripoli Emery Paper, S*****-?^^ Wines, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, Handkerchl***, P*Pf£ Bags, Wrapping Psper, Stationary in variety, Army Ranges, Yankee Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Ac. These goods wU! be sold without regard to coet. Why send your order* to New York when you can C.W.BEOTWAOO. in it seta tuts. theatre. sweatnam has removed. W. P. Swzatnam Sole Lessee and Manager Ma.PHn.Mn.TOw Staoe Manager M. Fseusktovseu Musical Director THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1866. TWO GREGORIES TO-NIG H.T! AND THE LOTTERY TICKET TO-NIGHT l Songs To-Night 1 Dances To-Night l Olio To-Night! Essences To-Night * Music Ts-Nigfat! Ethiopian Delineations To-Night 1 ALL THE FAVORITES IN THE CHARACTERS! Milton, Brydon, Sweatnam, Blance, Stanwood, La Belle Louise, Lotty flow land, * Mrs. BerreU. Dress Circle and Parquette $1 00 Second Tier and Balcony 76 Amphitheatre 60 Private Boxes $6, $8 and $lO 00 Box m Colored Gallery 76 Colored Gallery 50 Doors open at TX. Overture begins at Bjg • Special Notioe. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall, day and night. jyll-1 LECTURE. •" POSTPONEMENT. * When the appointment was made for Doesticks to deliver bis Lecture on Saturday Evening, July Bth, the fact had not yet been made public that this evening had been selected for the Benefit at the Theatre of Miss Florence La Fond. Courtesy to that lady has in duced a postponement of DOESTICKS’ VERSIFIED LECTURE QN PLUCK, Until SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 16, 1866. AT THE SOLDIERS’ CHAPEL*, HILTON HEAD, Jyio 6 yOLKS’ GARTEN, ’ (Congress st., between Jefferson and Montgomery sts., j REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGMT, BY THE , SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, Prof. E. Richter, Leader, car Refreshments of the best quality and In every variety. lmo JylO QLAMSI CLAMS! I have the best Clams at Hilton Head, and the best Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the fol lowing testimony from Mr. BenJ. Honey’s advertise ment in the Savannah Daily Herald, of the last or two: “There Is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, in rear of the Post Office. “Thebe is Where the Lauoh Comes In." My dear Ben we wish you a long life and a merry one In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at Hilton Head, or any other place In this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that yon will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will find to be correct. Do not forget our old established house, In the rear of Poet Office. PETER FITZGERALD, ju3o Proprietor. JMPORTED and DOMESTIC . VINES AND LIQUORS, car : variety. AX WHOLESALE, FOR FAMILY C81,2i AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY A CO. may24-tf ■ NOTICE. ’ The undersigned having resumed the practice of his profession, may be found at his old office, next door to the Central Railroad Bank. jyß-lw THOS. E. LLOYD, ts GRLKFTN A CO. W. B?Griffin, J. C. Millner, F. Plumb. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments rand make liberal advance, when desired. ju26-lm rfyj SHIPPERS OF COT iON AND OTHER 1 SOUTHERN PRODUCE. . FENNER, BENNETT , A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Veßey Street, t.ew York. And Memphis, Term. Thomas Fenner, • Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowman. Jy6 6m H iY SIXTY BALES HAY, Landing from Steamship America. For sale by ,|yC-tf BRIGHHM, BALDWIN A CO, qakhart, WHITFOKD a CO., MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY' MADE CLOTHING, 331 and 333 Broadway cor. Worth Street. NEW YORK. T F Cash ART I HENRY ShaFER, Wm ILWmxroRD, LA. T. Hamilton, J, B. Van Wagrnen. Office of Payan £ Carhart in liquidation. JyC 3m rjTEELE A BURBANK, N ii Merchants'Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries, Boots, Caps Field Glasses. Gauntlets loves, Ac., Ac., Ac. ~ HEADQ’RS POST OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., July A 18fi*. General Orders, | L Hereafter any person found within the limits of this command with the uniform of U. S. soldiers, who are not legpl seidiers of the army or navy, will be im mediately arrested. . ... 1L All officers’ servants will be provided with pro per papers, approved by Regimental Commanders, to identity them m such* HI. Any person found guilt* of purchasing U. S dothine from soldiers will be immediately arrested and held tor trial before the Provost Court. The Provost Marshal and Chief of Police are given the execution of thia order. By command of BfJg fi F< DA V» Jso. Muller, A. A, A. G. _ is**